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What is the purpose of cognitive development? Methodological recommendations “cognitive development of preschool children in pre-schools as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards for Pre-school Education”. Photo gallery: examples of didactic games for cognitive development

Date of publication: 03/21/18

Municipal educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 220 Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd"

“Cognitive development of preschool children in preschool educational institutions within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education”

Compiled by: teacher

Fomenko Larisa Alexandrovna

Volgograd, 2015

Cognitive development of preschool children in preschool educational institutions as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

A small child is essentially a tireless explorer. He wants to know everything, everything is interesting to him and he definitely needs to stick his nose in everywhere. And the knowledge he will have depends on how many different and interesting things the baby has seen. After all, you must admit that if a small child sees and does not know anything except the apartment, his thinking is very narrow.

Cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution involves the involvement of the child in independent activities, the development of his imagination and curiosity.

What does cognitive activity provide?

In children's institutions, everything is created so that the little explorer can satisfy his curiosity. In order to effectively develop the child’s cognitive sphere, the best option is to organize and carry out activities aimed at cognition. Activity, whatever it may be, is an important component for the harmonious development of a child. After all, in the process the baby gets to know the space around him and gains experience interacting with various objects. The child acquires certain knowledge and masters specific skills.

As a result of this, mental and volitional processes are activated, mental abilities are developed and emotional personality traits are formed. In preschool educational institutions, the entire program for the upbringing, development and training of children is based on the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, educators must strictly adhere to the developed criteria.

What is Federal State Educational Standard

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) imposes a certain set of tasks and requirements for the quality of education and upbringing of preschool children, namely:

To the scope of the educational program and its structure;

To the appropriate conditions where the main points of the program are implemented;

To the results obtained that educators teaching preschoolers were able to achieve. Pre-school education is the initial stage of universal secondary education. That is why so many requirements are imposed on it and uniform standards are introduced that all preschool educational institutions adhere to. The Federal State Educational Standard is a support for developing plans and writing lesson notes aimed at the cognitive development of preschoolers.

The difference between the activities of children and schoolchildren is the lack of certification. Children are not examined or tested. But the standard allows us to assess the levels and abilities of each child and the effectiveness of the teacher.

Goals and objectives of cognitive activity

Cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions pursues the decisions of the following tasks :

Encouraging curiosity, developing and identifying the child’s interests.

Formation of actions aimed at understanding the surrounding world, development of conscious activity.

Development of creative abilities and imagination.

Formation of knowledge about oneself, other children and people, the environment and the properties of various objects.

Children become familiar with concepts such as color, shape, size, quantity.

Children begin to understand time and space, cause and effect.

Children receive knowledge about their Fatherland, they are instilled with common cultural values.

Ideas about national holidays, customs, and traditions are given.

Preschoolers get an idea of ​​the planet as a universal home for people, how diverse the inhabitants of the Earth are and what they have in common. The children learn about the diversity of flora and fauna and work with local specimens.

Forms of work on the development of cognitive activity

The main condition for working with preschoolers is to focus on their capabilities and develop activities aimed at studying the world and the surrounding space.

TO basic forms, aimed at cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions, include:

children’s personal involvement in research and various activities;

the use of various didactic tasks and games;

the use of teaching techniques that help in developing in children such traits as imagination, curiosity and speech development, replenishment of vocabulary,

formation of thinking and memory.

The cognitive development of preschool children is unthinkable without activity. To prevent kids from being passive, unique games are used to support their activity.

Cognition through play

Kids cannot imagine their lives without play. A normally developing child constantly manipulates objects. The work of educators in cognitive activities is based on this. In the morning the children come to the group. The first step is charging. Exercises such as “collect mushrooms”, “smell the flowers”, “rays-rays” are used.

After breakfast, the kids work with the nature calendar and in the living corner. During environmental games, activity and curiosity develop.

During a walk, the teacher can use many outdoor games, and observe nature and its changes.

Games based on natural objects help to better assimilate knowledge.

Reading fiction expands, systematizes knowledge, and enriches vocabulary.

In a kindergarten, be it a group or a section, everything is created so that the development of cognitive activity occurs naturally and effortlessly.

Doubt is the main argument

What kind of person do parents want their child to be? At different times this question had different answers. If in Soviet times, mothers and fathers sought to raise an obedient “performer” in all respects, capable of working hard in a factory in the future, now many want to raise a person with an active position, a creative personality.

In order for a child to be self-sufficient in the future and have his own opinion, he must learn to doubt. And doubts ultimately lead to their own conclusion.

The teacher's task- do not question the competence of the teacher and his teachings.

Main- teach the child to doubt knowledge itself, its methods of obtaining. After all, you can simply tell and teach something to a child, or you can show how it happens. The child will be able to ask about something and express his opinion. This way the knowledge gained will be much stronger.

After all, you can simply say that a tree does not sink, but a stone will immediately sink to the bottom - and the child, of course, will believe it. But if the child conducts an experiment, he will be able to personally verify this and, most likely, will try other materials for buoyancy and draw his own conclusions. This is how the first reasoning appears.

The development of cognitive activity is impossible, without a doubt. In the modern way, the Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions have now stopped simply giving knowledge “on a silver platter.” After all, if you tell a child something, all he has to do is remember it. But it is much more important to reason, reflect and come to your own conclusion. After all, doubt is the road to creativity, self-realization and, accordingly, independence and self-sufficiency. How often today's parents heard in childhood that they were not yet old enough to argue. It's time to forget about this trend. Teach children to express their opinions, doubt and look for answers.

Cognitive development in preschool educational institutions by age

As a child ages, his capabilities and needs change. Accordingly, both objects and the entire environment in the group for children of different ages should be different, corresponding to research opportunities.

So, for 2-3 year olds, all subjects should be simple and understandable, without unnecessary details.

For children from 3 to 4 years old, toys and objects become more multifaceted, and imaginative toys that help develop imagination begin to occupy more space. You can often see a child playing with blocks and imagining them as cars, then building a garage out of them, which then becomes a road.

At an older age, objects and the environment become more complex. A special role is given to iconic objects. Figurative and symbolic material comes to the fore after 5 years.

What about the kids?

Features of cognitive development in two- to three-year-old children are associated with the present moment and the environment. All objects surrounding children should be bright, simple and understandable.

The presence of an emphasized feature is required, for example: shape, color, material, size. Children are especially willing to play with toys that resemble adult objects. They learn to operate things by imitating mom or dad.

Middle group

Cognitive development in the middle group involves the continued expansion of ideas about the world and the development of vocabulary. It is necessary to have story toys and household items. The group is equipped taking into account the allocation of the necessary zones: a music room, a natural corner, a book area, a place for games on the floor. All necessary material is placed according to the mosaic principle. This means that objects used by children are located in several places distant from each other. This is necessary so that children do not interfere with each other.

Senior group

Cognitive development in the older group also involves independent research by children. For this purpose, several zones are equipped. For example, in winter, material about the cold season is laid out in places accessible to children. This could be a book, cards, themed games. The material changes throughout the year so that children get a new batch of ideas to think about each time. In the process of studying the material provided, kids explore the world around them.

Don't forget about the experiment

Cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution involves the use of experiments and experiments. They can be carried out at any regular moment: while washing, walking, playing, exercising. When washing, it is easy to explain to children what rain and slush are. So they sprayed it on the sand and it turned out to be mud. The children concluded why autumn is so often dirty. It's interesting to compare water. Here it is raining, and here the water is flowing from the tap. But you can’t drink water from a puddle, but you can drink water from a tap. It can rain when there are a lot of clouds, but it can rain when the sun is shining.

Children are very impressionable and malleable. Give them food for thought. Topics on cognitive development are selected taking into account age and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. If kids study the properties of objects, then older preschool children are already able to understand the structure of the world.

“Cognitive development of preschool children taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard”

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education identifies five educational areas:

Social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

Today we are considering the problem of cognitive development of preschool children, as it is presented in the State Standard.

The Federal State Educational Standard uses three terms: “cognitive development”, “cognitive interests” and “cognitive actions”.

What do these terms mean, is there a difference between them?

Cognitive interests- this is the child’s desire to learn new things, to find out what is unclear about the qualities, properties of objects, phenomena of reality, and the desire to delve into their essence, to find connections and relationships between them.

How do you know if your children in the group have educational interests? (Answers)

Of course, this is mainly evident in the quantity and quality of questions that children ask.

Do you remember what questions your children asked you recently? Why do questions change with age? (Answers)

Cognitive actions- this is the activity of children, with the help of which they strive to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities. At the same time, internal determination develops and a constant need is formed to use different methods of action to accumulate and expand knowledge and horizons.

Have you observed such actions in your children? (Answers)

Yes, except for questions, which are also a manifestation of cognitive actions, these are all research and experimental actions with the help of which the child himself obtains the information he needs about the world.

Cognitive development is a set of quantitative and qualitative changes that occur in cognitive mental processes due to age, under the influence of the environment and the child’s own experience. The core of cognitive development is the development of mental abilities. And abilities, in turn, are considered as conditions for successful mastery and performance of activities.

This understanding of the cognitive development of preschool children suggests viewing it as a process of gradual transition from one stage of development of cognitive activity to another. The stages of cognitive development include: curiosity, inquisitiveness, development of cognitive interest, development of cognitive activity.

Let's look at each of the stages in more detail.

The first stage includes curiosity. It is characterized by a selective attitude towards any subject, conditioned by purely external aspects and circumstances that are often suddenly revealed to the child. At this stage, the preschooler is content with only the initial orientation associated with the interestingness of the subject itself; entertainment as a factor in the discovery of cognitive interest usually serves as its initial impetus. As an example of the manifestation of curiosity in a preschooler, we can cite the fact that at 2–3 years old a child focuses on the brightness of an object, without paying much attention to its essence.

The second stage of cognitive development of preschool children was defined as curiosity, which represents a valuable state of personality, an active vision of the world, characterized by the child’s desire to penetrate beyond the limits of what was initially seen and perceived. At this stage of interest, as a rule, strong emotions of surprise, joy of learning, delight, and satisfaction with the activity are manifested. The essence of curiosity lies in the formation and deciphering of various kinds of riddles.

A new quality, or stage, of cognitive development of preschoolers is cognitive interest, characterized by increased stability, clear selective focus on a cognizable object, valuable motivation in which cognitive motives occupy the main place. Cognitive interest facilitates the preschooler’s penetration into essential relationships, connections, and patterns of mastering reality. A manifestation of cognitive interest should be considered the child’s desire to independently answer questions posed, for example, during experimentation, exploration of the world around him.

The high level of cognitive development of preschool children includes cognitive activity, the basis of which is a holistic act of cognitive activity - an educational-cognitive task.

It should be noted that the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education focuses on the specific content of educational areas for implementation in certain types of activities, paying special attention to cognitive-research (studying objects of the surrounding world and experimenting with them). We highlight the following types of activities that we recommend to ensure the cognitive development of preschool children:

– organization of solving cognitive problems;

– the use of experimentation in the work of preschool educational institutions;

– use of design.

A current method of cognitive development of preschool children is experimentation, which is considered as a practical activity of a search nature, aimed at understanding the properties, qualities of objects and materials, connections and dependencies of phenomena.

In experimentation, the preschooler acts as a researcher who independently and actively explores the world around him, using various forms of influence on it. In the process of experimentation, the child masters the position of the subject of cognition and activity.

When working with preschoolers, cognitive tasks are used, which are understood as educational tasks that presuppose the presence of search knowledge, methods (skills) and stimulation of the active use of connections, relationships, and evidence in learning. A system of cognitive tasks accompanies the entire learning process, which consists of sequential activities that gradually become more complex in content and methods.

After the children accept the cognitive task, under the guidance of the teacher, it is analyzed: identifying the known and the unknown. As a result of the analysis, children make assumptions about the possible course of a natural phenomenon and its causes. Their assumptions are right and wrong, often contradictory. The teacher must listen and take into account all assumptions and pay attention to their inconsistency. If the children do not put forward any ideas, the teacher himself should put them forward.

Effective methods of cognitive development of preschool children include project activities, ensuring the development of children’s cognitive interests, the ability to independently construct their knowledge and navigate the information space, and the development of critical thinking.

It should be remembered that the Federal State Standard considers the formation of a child’s cognitive interests and cognitive actions in various types of activities to be one of the principles of preschool education.

Let's turn to the second section of the Federal State Educational Standard. Do you remember what it's called? Yes, these are requirements for the structure of the educational program and its volume. Here, among other educational areas, the content of cognitive development is determined.

Development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation.

Formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness.

Development of imagination and creative activity.

Formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world.

Formation of ideas about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and effects).

Formation of ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays.

Formation of ideas about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

The educational area “Cognitive Development” includes:

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Development of cognitive and research activities.

Familiarization with the subject environment.

Introduction to the social world.

Introduction to the natural world.

It is clear that the specific content of these educational areas depends on the age and individual characteristics of children. The programs for each group indicate the types of activities in which this content can be implemented.

In Object activity, children learn such properties as color, shape, surface character, weight, location in space, temperature, etc. This activity helps children solve the problem through trial and error, i.e. with the help of visual and effective thinking. In Experimenting with sand, water, dough, etc. properties hidden at first glance are revealed: water flows, it is wet, objects sink or float in it….

From communicating with adults, children learn a huge amount of necessary information: the names of objects, actions, properties, the attitude of adults to everything around them. Playing together with peers under the guidance of adults allows children to apply the knowledge and skills acquired earlier. Self-care and actions with household objects-tools enrich children's sensory experience, create conditions for the development of visual and effective thinking, develop small muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the formation of the frontal lobes of the children's brain.

Poems, fairy tales, songs not only provide emotional pleasure, but also enrich children’s ideas about the world, taking it beyond the limits of the directly perceived.

Looking at pictures helps enrich sensory experience and develop visual-figurative thinking.

Motor activity, to a lesser extent, but also affects the cognitive development of children. Firstly, it relieves tension, and in addition, here children receive a lot of information about their own body, its capabilities, in outdoor games they learn to understand - bunnies jump, foxes run, a bear waddles from side to side, etc.

In preschool age, play comes first in importance among the types of activities in which cognitive development occurs.

The main types of games are role-playing, directing, theatrical, because in these games the child’s desire for independence and active participation in the life of adults is satisfied. A game for a preschooler performs the same function as a textbook for schoolchildren; it helps to understand what is happening around them. All games, including educational games with rules, satisfy the insatiable need for knowledge of the environment.

Communicative activities, compared to communication at an early age, become more meaningful. Children are able to express their opinions, ask “chains” of questions, discuss serious issues, and insist on something.

Cognitive and research activities, when properly organized, teach children to see a problem, look for ways to solve it, record the result, and analyze the data obtained.

Introducing children to reading fiction and folklore allows us not only to replenish children’s literary baggage, but also to raise a reader who is capable of feeling compassion and empathy for the characters of the book, and identifying himself with the characters of the book.

Self-service and basic household work become noticeably more complicated and allow children to identify more properties of objects and gain new knowledge.

Construction, visual activity, and musical activity, of course, mainly solve the problems of the artistic and aesthetic development of children, but at the same time they learn a lot about the means and materials with which they work, and get acquainted with works of art.

As part of Motor Activities, despite all the specificity of this educational area, we introduce children to various sports, famous athletes, the Olympic Games, and form ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, we can conclude that each of the specifically children's activities allows for the implementation of the content of cognitive development, integrating it with other educational areas.

The third section of the Federal State Educational Standard defines the Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program.

I would like to draw attention to Chapter 3, paragraph 3.3 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which lists the specific requirements for the developmental subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution. Quote: “A developing subject-spatial environment must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe. The richness of the environment must correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program.”

One of the important conditions when creating a developing subject-spatial environment is the correspondence of the material to the age of preschoolers. Compliance with age is one of the significant and at the same time difficult conditions to fulfill. This is due to the fact that the materials, complexity and accessibility of their content must correspond to today’s patterns and characteristics of the development of children of a given specific age and take into account those features of development zones that are characteristic again of each individual child today. At the same time, we must remember that the next age group is the guardian of the environment of the previous group for many reasons. It must preserve materials from the previous stage of development. In this regard, it can be recommended to focus on such indicators of the correspondence of the environment to the age of children.

Children of younger groups, whose development is at the point of transition from objective to play activity, should receive from the environment opportunities for the development of precisely these types of activities. In accordance with the patterns of development of thinking, memory, attention, speech, etc. here the environment of objective activity and the associated conditions of sensory education and development of children should be powerfully represented, and here the nascent play activity receives nourishment. Thus, the developmental environment of the younger group should contain all types of activities, but their focus is associated with objective and play activities. Their content should fulfill all the developmental goals of children of this age. The general appearance of the group is playful, bright, objective.

In the middle group The content of the developmental environment should prevail, which determines the transition stage from objective activity to a more developed play activity. This level must grow; it can be ensured by a smooth transition from secure creative play to a game that forces the child to look for combinations of the play situation, setting, play content, rules and actions. Therefore, gaming equipment gradually gives way to the academic content of activities throughout the year.

Senior group. Here there is further development of leading activity, this is the period of peak development of creative plot-role-playing game, and here special requirements are placed on the game. In the senior group, one of the main tasks of teachers is to organize a subject-development environment for cognitive development. Environmental materials are regularly replenished.

Preparatory group for school is close in content to the older group, but differs in content, which fits the program objectives, individual characteristics and needs of children. Here we have the same approaches to creating an environment, perhaps a little more content. Speaking about designing a developmental environment for children in the preparatory group, I would like to prevent adults from wanting to turn this group into a school classroom with visual aids, geographical and historical maps, diagrams, etc.

Of course, if a child feels like a significant person, understands that he is respected, he is taken into account, he is confident in himself and makes his own efforts to acquire the necessary knowledge. In this case, the child is not afraid to make mistakes and asks questions in order to solve the problem correctly.

A child strives for independence, but he cannot understand the world without the help of an adult. It is important what position the teacher chose. What do you think this position should be? (Answers)

Yes, of course, the best position is that of a partner, but a knowledgeable, skillful and authoritative partner whom you want to imitate. In this case, it is possible to build educational activities based on interaction. (3.2.1.)

A famous French teacher said that children learn not so much from the teacher as from other children. And this is, in fact, true; it is easier to imitate peers, especially if friendly relations have been established with them.

Cognitive development presupposes some “discoveries” of the child, solving some problems that are significant for him independently. This becomes possible with the support of children's initiative and the ability to choose materials and types of activities.

You, of course, remember that the fundamental difference between the State Standard and the FGT is the fourth section, “Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program.”

Remember the term in which these requirements are formulated?

Yes it targets. It is now important for us to highlight those targets that allow us to assess the effectiveness of the cognitive development of young children and preschoolers.

So, for early ages It is important that the child is interested in surrounding objects, actively interacts with them and with toys, showing persistence in achieving results.

Preschoolers can achieve more.

Firstly, they master the basic cultural methods of activity, show initiative and independence in play, cognitive and research activities, and construction.

They have a more developed imagination, and this is one of the cognitive mental processes.

An important indicator of cognitive development is the manifestation of curiosity. This means that the child asks questions, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, and tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions.

Another indicator of successful cognitive development is the tendency to experiment.

The presence of knowledge about oneself, the natural and social world in which a preschooler grows up is also one of the target guidelines that characterizes the child’s quality of preschool childhood and his readiness for school.

By the end of kindergarten we must help the child master basic concepts in the field of natural science, mathematics, and history. To teach, based on one’s own knowledge, to make independent decisions in different types of activities.

The formation of prerequisites for educational activities in preschoolers is considered as an indicator of continuity with the school.

Concluding the discussion of the topic, I want to emphasize that the educational and developmental result of cognitive activity, in the most general form, is the intellectual and moral development of the individual, the child’s acquisition of experience in creative activity and a value-based attitude to the world, the formation of the need for knowledge and cognition.

Thus, provided that the pedagogical process is properly organized using methods, usually playful, that take into account the characteristics of children’s perception, as well as with a properly organized subject-development environment, children can already assimilate the proposed material at preschool age without stress overloads. And the more prepared a child comes to school - this does not mean the amount of accumulated knowledge, but specifically the readiness for mental activity, the more successful the start of school childhood will be for him.

Anastasia Maksimenko
Educational field “Cognitive development” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Hello, my name is Maksimenko Anastasia Vladimirovna.

I work as a senior teacher at "Zvezdno Secondary School" preschool groups

I present to your attention a presentation educational field« Cognitive development» .

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky wrote:

“Before giving knowledge, one must teach to think, perceive, observe”

Development of cognitive activity is one of the most important sections of preschool pedagogy and is aimed at mental child development. The better organized cognitive activity of children, the higher the guarantee of school success.

The purpose of this area is:

Formation of the personality of a preschooler who possesses skills educational

activity, able to understand the holistic picture of the world and use

information to solve vital problems.


Build sensory abilities

Develop cognitively-research and productive (constructive) activities

Form elementary mathematical concepts

Form a holistic picture of the world, broaden the horizons of children

All work is based on the following principles:

Principle of integration

The principle of activity and interactivity

Scientific principle

Principle conformity with nature

Partnership principle

In our curriculum, taking into account GEF cognitive development implemented in the mandatory and variable parts.

The mandatory part includes the following types of activities: How:

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts;

Introduction to sociocultural values;

Introduction to the natural world;

In the variable part the species activities:

Circle « Get to know» - (experimental - experimental activity);

Circle "In the world of shapes and colors" (sensory, design)

We implement these tasks through various types of activities.

For successful implementation Federal State Educational Standards development- the spatial environment must be saturated, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe, which is what we are trying to observe. The space of groups is organized in the form of delimited centers equipped educational material. All items are available to children. The equipment of the centers changes according to compliance with thematic planning educational process.

In our classes we have our children develop your horizons, curiosity, interest, ability to interact with each other. Teachers conduct both comprehensive and integrated classes. In complex classes, educators set the main goal - united by one topic and consider it in different types of activities, and in integrated classes - it is aimed at revealing the holistic essence of a certain topic through the means of different types of activities, which are combined in the broad information field of the lesson through mutual penetration and enrichment.

We provide you with a connection diagram « Cognitive development» with others educational fields.

Thanks to diverse play exercises for children develops perception and formation of ideas about external properties items: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. In our work we use such game exercises How: "Laces", "Choose by color", "Where are the vegetables, where are the fruits" and so on.

In our kindergarten, in each age group, there are various educational games for cognitive development not only factory-made, but also by the hands of our teachers. With the help of didactic games, children are brought up intelligence, resourcefulness, initiative, logical thinking. In their work, teachers use the following games: "Count it", "Lotto", "Magic bag", "The world around us", "Mathematical Lotto" and others.

In preschool age the process knowledge in a child it occurs in an emotional-practical way. Throughout the year, our children observe natural phenomena, changes in wildlife, the world around them; in our work we use short-term and long-term observations, such as For example: with thematic planning "Transport" with children, short-term observation of the transport of our village is carried out, and long-term observation is "Budding on a tree branch"

In our kindergarten we pay great attention to experimental and research activities. We have developed a project that includes experiences and experiments with living and non-living nature, we are implementing it in group work « Get to know» . Teachers create all the necessary conditions for practical activities in which the child can confirm his assumptions, contribute to solving problems, see new opportunities in what is already familiar and find a new option for applying existing knowledge.

Excursion – a special form educational activities of children and adults in the system of environmental, social education and upbringing. Teachers set tasks when organizing an excursion, determine places and routes, prepare children for the excursion, select equipment for collecting natural material, use various methods and techniques for excursions, organize a variety of children's activities.

17,18,19 slide

All planned activities displayed in calendar and thematic terms. We present to your attention a plan for an early childhood group, in which the assigned tasks are completed during the week and consolidated at the final integrated event and exhibition of children's works.

20,21,22,23 slide

During the year we carried out diagnostics, we were selected didactic games, exercises, questions taking into account the age characteristics of children. We took the evaluation table and criteria according to the method of Natalia Valentinovna Vereshchagina. Based on these assessment sheets, we make a general summary table for the garden and the result of which we can see in the diagram. Based on this diagnosis, it can be concluded that the work on cognitive development in kindergarten is carried out at the proper level. But this does not mean that we will stop there, we will continue to look for new interesting forms of work and technologies for cognitive development.

Slide 24 Thank you for your attention!

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Image library:

Cognitive development of preschool children in various types of activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

The relevance of the problem of improving the quality of preschool education at the present stage is confirmed by the state’s interest in the issues of education and development of preschool children. An example is the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO). This document considers as the main principle of preschool educationformation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities. In addition, the Standard is aimed at developing the intellectual qualities of preschoolers. According to it, the program should ensure the development of the personality of preschool children in various types of activities and interprets cognitive development as an educational area, the essence of which is revealed as follows:

- development of curiosity and cognitive motivation;

- formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness;

- development of imagination and creative activity;

Formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships(shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and effects, etc.),about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

The cognitive development of a preschool child as an evolutionary process goes through several stages: curiosity, inquisitiveness, the stage of development of cognitive interest, the stage of development of cognitive activity, which move from lower to higher in the joint specially organized activity of a significant adult and a child.

Yes, onstages of curiosity The preschooler is content with only the initial orientation associated with the interestingness, brightness, and unusualness of the object itself.Curiosity represents a valuable state of personality, an active vision of the world, characterized by the desire of a preschool child to penetrate beyond the boundaries of what was initially seen and perceived; at this stage, strong emotions of surprise, joy of learning, delight, and satisfaction with the activity are manifested. A new quality of cognitive development of preschool children iscognitive interest , characterized by increased stability, clear selective focus on a cognizable object, valuable motivation in which cognitive motives occupy the main place; cognitive interest contributes to the preschooler’s penetration into essential relationships, connections, and patterns of mastering reality. We consider the high level of cognitive development of preschool childrencognitive activity , the basis for the development of which is the holistic act of cognitive activity. The source of cognitive activity iscognitive need , and the process of satisfying this need is carried out as a search aimed at identifying, discovering the unknown and assimilating it.

The method of cognitive development of preschool children includes the following components:

    cognitive , aimed at obtaining information about the world around the child (through sensory cognition, cognitive problem solving, intellectual skills) and forming a holistic picture of the world;

    active , reflecting the organization of different types of children's activities (role-playing game, project and research activities of preschool children, experimentation), aimed at developing the child’s cognitive activity;

    emotional-sensual , determining the child’s attitude to knowledge of the world around him.

Components of cognitive development are implemented:

COGNITIVE COMPONENT methods are being implemented:

for the younger group A system of exercises for the sensory development of children is proposed.

for the middle group A system of cognitive tasks is being developed for each topic of calendar and thematic planning.

for older groups A system of tasks and exercises is proposed for analysis, synthesis, elimination of unnecessary things, and grouping of objects according to generic characteristics. Such work contributes to the formation of curiosity, cognitive interest and cognitive activity.

ACTIVITY COMPONENT implemented throughgaming, project, research and experimentation activities .

EMOTIONAL AND SENSUAL COMPONENT methods of cognitive development are implemented through the development of children’s emotional responsiveness through the means of music, fiction, visual arts, and nature; creating a situation of success for each child in cognitive activity, which sets him up for a positive attitude towards learning the surrounding activities.

organization of solving cognitive problems;

the use of experimentation in the work of preschool educational institutions;

use of design.

When working with preschoolers they usecognitive tasks, which are understood as educational tasks that presuppose the presence of search knowledge, methods (skills) and stimulation of the active use of connections, relationships, and evidence in learning. A system of cognitive tasks accompanies the entire learning process, which consists of sequential activities that gradually become more complex in content and methods.

Examples of cognitive tasks may include the following:

Inanimate nature : Why do tree branches sway? Why are there puddles on the ground? Why is the water frozen outside? Why does snow melt indoors? Why is snow sticky? Why does it rain in summer and spring, and snow in winter? Why does the soil thaw by noon in the spring and freeze by evening? etc.

Live nature : Can plants grow without light (moisture, heat)? Why do plants grow quickly in spring? Why do plants wither, turn yellow, and lose leaves in the fall? Why is cactus rarely watered, but balsam often? Why do fish swim? etc. After the children accept the cognitive task, under the guidance of the teacher, it is analyzed: identifying the known and the unknown. As a result of the analysis, children make assumptions about the possible course of a natural phenomenon and its causes. Their assumptions are right and wrong, often contradictory. The teacher must listen and take into accountall assumptions , pay attention to their inconsistency. If the children do not put forward any ideas, the teacher himself should put them forward.

A current method of cognitive development of preschool children isexperimentation, which is considered as a practical activity of a search nature, aimed at understanding the properties, qualities of objects and materials, connections and dependencies of phenomena.

In experimentation, the preschooler acts as a researcher who independently and actively explores the world around him, using various forms of influence on it. In the process of experimentation, the child masters the position of the subject of cognition and activity.

We offer the following experiments as examples.

1. “Does water have taste?” Give the children a taste of drinking water, then salty and sweet. (Water takes on the taste of the substance that is added to it.)

2. “Does water evaporate?” Pour water into a plate and heat it on the flame. There was no water on the plate. (The water will evaporate from the plate and turn into steam. When heated, the liquid turns into steam.)

3. “Where did the ink go?” We drop ink into a glass of water and put an activated carbon tablet in it. The water brightens before our eyes. (The charcoal absorbs the dye molecules.)

Effective methods of cognitive development of preschool children includedesign activity , ensuring the development of children’s cognitive interests, the ability to independently construct their knowledge and navigate the information space, and the development of critical thinking.

The following types of projects are used in the practice of modern preschool organizations:

    Research projects (they require a well-thought-out structure, are completely subordinated to the logic of the research, involve putting forward a hypothesis for solving the identified problem, developing ways to solve it, including experimental, experimental ones. Children experiment, conduct experiments, discuss the results obtained, draw conclusions, draw up the results of the research);

    Creative projects (as a rule, these types of projects do not have a detailed structure of the joint activities of the participants; it is only outlined and further developed, subordinate to the genre of the final result, which can be formatted as a script for a video film, dramatization, holiday program, album. The presentation of the results can take place in the form holiday, video film, dramatization, sports game, entertainment);

    Game (role-playing) projects (the structure of these projects is also just outlined and remains open until the completion of the work. Children take on certain roles determined by the nature and content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional heroes imitating social or business relationships, complicated by situations invented by the participants. For example, children

    Information-practice-oriented projects (they are initially aimed at collecting information about some object or phenomenon; it is expected that project participants will become familiar with this information, analyze it and summarize the facts. Moreover, the result of the project is necessarily focused on the social interests of the participants themselves. Children collect information, discuss it and implement it, focusing for social interests; the results are presented in the form of stands, newspapers, stained glass windows).

Recently, it has been widely used in preschool educationresearch activities, which in its most complete, expanded form suggests the following:

the child identifies and poses a problem that needs to be resolved;

offers possible solutions;

tests these possible solutions against the data;

draws conclusions in accordance with the results of the inspection;

applies conclusions to new data;

makes generalizations.

Thus, using experimentation, cognitive tasks and project activities when solving the problem of cognitive development of preschool children, the teacher ensures a staged transition, qualitative changes in the development of cognitive activity: from curiosity to cognitive activity. An important point that influences the development of cognitive abilities is the presence of children’s interest in cognitive activity and cognitive motivation. The noted stages of cognitive development do not exist in isolation from each other; in practice, they represent extremely complex combinations and relationships and characterize the child’s cognitive development as an evolutionary process.

In conclusion I would like to note that thanks to the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard, the organization of cognitive activity is clearly reflected and intersects (integrates) with other forms of work during the day (walking, routine moments, group - subgroup, joint activities). Thus, the cognitive activity of children in a preschool educational institution is work that is performed both without the direct participation of the teacher and with him, while the child consciously strives to achieve the goal, using his efforts and expressing in one form or another the result of mental or physical actions .

The cognitive development of preschool children is based on cognitive activity, as a result of which the child’s personal experience is formed, his value attitude to the world, and the needs for knowledge and cognition are formed. Through cognitive processes, the child receives and comprehends information. Sensation, perception, thinking, imagination, speech are inseparable parts of a single process of reflecting reality. Sensual visual knowledge of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world creates the initial basis for the formation of the personality of a preschool child. Feeling, perceiving, visually imagining any object, any phenomenon, the child learns to analyze, generalize, specify, i.e. think and develop independently.

Children's preschool age is the most favorable time for forming an image of the world. Adults understand the world with their minds, and small children through an emotional relationship to an object.

The patterns of age-related characteristics of preschoolers are the main ones for planning work with children on the development of cognitive abilities, which in turn are a condition for successfully mastering and performing activities, gradually passing through all stages of cognitive development.

The first stage, conditioned by purely external circumstances, is curiosity. The interestingness of an object, the brightness of an object, its detection can be a factor for the manifestation of curiosity, without paying special attention to its essence. These features are typical for children 2-3 years old. A three-year-old child cannot independently comprehend hidden characteristics; he needs the help of adults.

The teacher in the first junior group organizes work in such a way that, taking into account the involuntary attention, develops the cognitive abilities of children. The game situation is the basis for acquiring knowledge. In the game, children get acquainted with natural phenomena, gain initial communication skills with peers, and learn the rules of communication in a team.

The teacher comes to the aid of various animal toys, dolls, cartoon and fairy tale characters, with which children learn about the world through simulated situations.

Role-playing games allow you to expand opportunities for the development of cognitive abilities. Thus, the role-playing game “Barbershop”

allows children to gain knowledge about hair growth, the need to cut hair, and develops a model of behavior in the hairdressing salon.

Role-playing games “It’s time to eat”, “Bayushki-Bayu” evoke positive emotions in children, because for them these are well-known situations that the teacher can use to expand children’s knowledge about everyday objects.

In the game “Bathing the Katya Doll,” children learn personal hygiene items and learn the sequence of actions when caring for their body.

The game "Doctor Aibolit" teaches children's behavior in the hospital. Through play, children master the model of behavior between a doctor and a patient and cease to be afraid of doctors.

Through role-playing games, children test behavior patterns in a given situation, which further contributes to their equal emotional state.

Curiosity is the first stage of cognition; children show curiosity about objects, their functionality, the brightness of colors, and actions with various objects. Cognitive development receives favorable soil in subject-related activities organized in the first junior group on the basis of the partial program of E.O. Smirnova "First steps".

In object-based activities, children become familiar with the actions of objects in organized games: “Games with buttons”, “Games with fasteners”, “Locks”.

The attention of children 2-3 years old is attracted by the games “Secrets with a surprise”, “Magic box”, “Magic bag”. Games for the development of perception and thinking develop cognitive abilities: “Hide the cube”, “Tower of bowls”, “Find the window for the figure”.

Purposefulness and independence in objective activities are developed by the games “Garage for a Car”, “Collect a Flower”

Already in the first junior group, through play activities, the child develops elementary mathematical ideas about the shape of objects (ball - cube - brick); size (large - small); number of items (one - many); homogeneity of objects. In the process of cognitive activity, children learn to group objects according to certain characteristics and materials.

The formation of cognitive activity, at the first stage - curiosity, allows the child to move to the next stage of cognitive development, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, in which games and other activities will be built taking into account the development of cognitive abilities.

The second stage of cognitive development of preschool children is determined by curiosity, which is characterized by the child’s desire to penetrate beyond the boundaries of what was initially seen and perceived. This is a valuable state of personality, an active vision of the world. At this stage, strong emotions of surprise, joy of learning, and satisfaction with the activity appear. Physiological changes in the cerebral cortex, improvement of mental processes, a high degree of mastery of speech, accumulation of a certain vocabulary, ideas about the immediate environment allow one to move to a higher level. The child gains the opportunity to correctly perceive and understand information conveyed to him through words.

The development of curiosity in children 3-4 years old can be realized through the organization of games “Identify by touch”, “Name an object by description”, “Combine”, “Where to put what?”, “What’s in the box?”, where the child develops the need to think , use your insignificant but own experience. Speech games are actively included in play activities: “Name your loved ones”, “Say a word”, “What a toy”, situation games “Box with fairy tales”, “Valya at the hairdresser”, etc., which allow you to realize the desire for knowledge.

Children perceive information at the verbal level, comprehending and assimilating a variety of knowledge about our world. At the same time, new information should be based on children’s past experience, on their existing ideas about the world around them. In order to convey new information to children, it is important for the teacher to have deep, diverse knowledge. First of all, provide children with information about problems directly close to children, talk about nature and its representatives living in close proximity to us, and evoke positive emotions in children.

The next stage of cognitive development of preschoolers is cognitive interest, which is characterized by increased stability, clear selective focus on a cognizable subject, and cognitive motives. A preschooler is able to penetrate into the essence of relationships, establish connections and patterns of mastering reality. A manifestation of cognitive interest is the child’s desire to independently answer questions posed in the course of exploring the world around him, for example, experimenting. As a result of experimentation, the child actively and independently learns about the world, playing the role of a researcher of properties, qualities, objects and materials, and the relationships between phenomena.

The Federal State Standard for Preschool Education defines the formation of a child’s cognitive interests and cognitive actions in various types of activities as one of the principles of preschool education.

A high level of cognitive development of preschool children is cognitive activity, the basis of which is a holistic act of cognitive activity - an educational-cognitive task. At the age of six, children have accumulated a lot of information about the world around them. A child in older preschool age needs to differentiate knowledge, organize information, and establish cause-and-effect relationships. As the child grows and develops, cognitive activity develops into cognitive activity characteristic of adults. Thanks to the child’s cognitive activity, the emergence of the primary image of the world and his image of “I” in this world occurs.

Organization and solution of cognitive problems;

The use of experimentation in the work of preschool educational institutions;

Use of design;

during which the child acquires research skills, learns the properties and qualities of objects and materials, and establishes connections and dependencies between phenomena. When performing cognitive tasks under the guidance of a teacher, he gains experience in analysis, assumptions, and choosing the right from the wrong and contradictory. During project activities, the child learns to independently construct his knowledge and navigate the information space.

Development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;

Formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness;

Development of imagination and creative activity;

Formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world.

Formation of ideas about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and effects).

Formation of ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays.

Formation of ideas about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

The educational area “Cognitive Development” includes:

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Development of cognitive and research activities.

Familiarization with the subject environment.

Introduction to the social world.

Introduction to the natural world.

A significant role in the development of cognitive interests of preschool children is played by the subject-spatial environment. The richness of the environment must correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program. A developing subject-spatial environment must be transformable, content-rich, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

Cognitive development involves the child himself solving problems that are significant to him, which is possible with the support of children’s initiative and the ability to choose materials and types of activities.

A child makes his own efforts to acquire the necessary knowledge if he feels like a significant person, understands that he is respected, he is taken into account, and he is confident in himself. In the process of cognitive activity, the child is not afraid to make mistakes and asks questions.

The GEF targets allow us to assess the effectiveness of the cognitive development of preschool children.

By the end of his stay in kindergarten, the child must master basic concepts in the field of natural science, mathematics, history, and learn to make independent decisions in various types of activities, relying on his own knowledge.

Provided that the pedagogical process is properly organized using methods that take into account the characteristics of child development, with a properly organized subject-developmental environment, the child, upon completing his education in a preschool institution, successfully masters the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a successful start to the school period of childhood.

Used Books:

1. Federal State Educational Standard.

2. Program N.E. Veraksa "From birth to school."

3. “Fundamentals of Psychology” by L.D. Stolyarenko 4th ed., Rostov n/d: “Phoenix, 2001.-672 p.

4. Vygotsky L.S. "Psychology of Human Development". – M.: Smysl, 2010.-360s.

5. Elkonin D.B. “Children’s psychology.” - M.: Pedagogika, 2010. – 304 p.

Psychologists say that preschool age is sensitive for cognitive development. After seven years, we will develop the child’s thinking as much as we like, but this will only be his training, the accumulation of knowledge, since the basic mental operations have already been laid down and developed. Therefore, cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions takes priority.

How an adult will think directly depends on how the resources of cognitive development of preschool children were used.

Traditionally, our people paid great attention to the health, upbringing and education of children. The power and prosperity of any state depends on the kind of education children receive. Continuity and interconnection of the entire chain of education from preschool to higher education is the key to a successful future. It is important that children entering first grade have good basic knowledge. They can receive them in kindergarten. It is desirable that all future first-graders undergo kindergarten training and receive an equal start in school life.

On January 1, 2014, the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education – Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education – was adopted and put into effect in Russia. It solves multiple problems of training and education. One of them is the cognitive development of preschool children. Cognitive development begins at birth and continues throughout life. From the questions “What is it” and “Who is it?” - knowledge of the world begins.

An important role in the cognitive development of preschool children is played by their mastery of systematized knowledge, since it has a great effect in the development of the child’s mental activity and influences the development of the methods of his cognitive activity.

A child is a little researcher and experimenter. The main features of children's behavior are the acquisition of new knowledge that is interesting to him, curiosity, observation, and independence.

Goals and objectives of cognitive development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution includes the following tasks:

  • getting to know the outside world. This is space, the Universe, living and inanimate nature;
  • nurturing love for one's homeland. Children should know the anthem, coat of arms, flag and their meaning. Have an idea of ​​the history of the Fatherland, be proud of your small homeland;
  • expanding knowledge about yourself, about the structure of the body;
  • fostering a culture of relationships and tolerance.

Methodological techniques in teaching

When working with preschoolers, it is important to know that children learn information better if classes are conducted in a playful way - easy and fun. When preparing for a lesson, it is necessary to select interesting topics, make brief notes on classes, events and games, try to use various available ideas and materials from the environment, including the world of animals and flowers, construction objects and things. Natural elements and artistic materials allow children to develop their imagination and explore the nature of various objects that they see around them every day.

Cognition in kindergarten should be expanded through the following basic methods and forms:

  • board and educational games;
  • reading fairy tales and stories;
  • observations;
  • work assignments;
  • role-playing games;
  • construction games;
  • individual work;

From group to group, the tasks become more complex and the techniques used expand. At any age, it is necessary to support the child’s research interest and activity.

In the younger groups, children get used to life in kindergarten. Children are taught to take an active part in activities and games. Their cognitive development in preschool educational institutions occurs through observations and organized games.

Cognitive development in the middle group

By the beginning of the middle group, children become more independent. Children go through a three-year crisis. From 3 to 5 years old, a child develops in many aspects: physically, emotionally, socially. However, the most noticeable thing is cognitive development, since new logical connections are constantly being formed in the child’s brain, and old ones are also being strengthened. They begin to play not side by side, but together. The period of stubbornness gives way to the desire to be good. Children are very curious. At this age, it’s not for nothing that they are called “why kids.”

Basic cognitive skills - the ability to group objects according to a certain criterion, observe, predict the course of events, understand cause and effect - are laid precisely at this age and are necessary for further development. Cognitive development in the middle group is more intense than in the younger group. They begin to conduct various experiments and experiments with four-year-olds.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, children continue to be introduced to the world around them:

  • Knowledge about vegetables and fruits is consolidated. Children are taught to identify the characteristics, shape, color, taste, surface of vegetables and fruits.
  • They introduce rural residents to labor in fields and farms.
  • Reinforce knowledge about wild and domestic animals and birds, their homes and winter quarters.
  • In the process of experimentation, they are introduced to the properties of water, clay, sand, air, wind, and plants.
  • They begin to introduce some professions.
  • They learn to identify the signs of the seasons.
  • Introduces plant life.
  • Children learn traffic rules.
  • Get acquainted with modes of transport.

Cognitive development in the older group

The cognitive development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard at this stage involves consolidating and expanding knowledge:

  • about different subjects;
  • about the seasons, their beauty and uniqueness;
  • about natural phenomena, cataclysms, natural disasters;
  • on the prevention of diseases, injuries, first aid;
  • about safe handling of household appliances;
  • about behavior on the street, with strangers, in transport.

Teachers interest children in different types of activities. These include sketches, games, and conversations. In a mini-study, a child can become a seed that has been planted, watered, and taken care of. And then the grain turned into a spikelet. There are no limits to imagination! The goal is to create a desire to invent in a child. But for this he must have a certain amount of knowledge. Therefore, cognitive development in the older group is intertwined with the development of speech, fiction and familiarization with nature.

Cognitive development in the preparatory group

Children of the preparatory group and graduates are the pride of any kindergarten. How much work, love, patience and knowledge the teachers put into each child! Throughout the school year, cognitive development in the preparatory group becomes more complex and deepens.

By the end of kindergarten, children should have a desire to study at school and respect for their native language:

  • a culture of behavior has been instilled between boys and girls, between children and adults;
  • children should get acquainted with the pedigree and history of their family;
  • know folk traditions, games, rituals, cuisine;
  • be proud of your homeland.

Cognitive development of a preschooler within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Interesting educational areas according to Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions

Phenomena of inanimate nature

For cognitive development in kindergarten, much attention must be paid to the conscious development of ideas about phenomena in inanimate nature, which makes it possible to clarify the patterns and relationships of various phenomena. There is no need to use complex, scientific phrases; it should be told in a language that is understandable and accessible to children.

  • Do heavy or light objects sink in water?
  • Why does a magnet magnetize?
  • What is snow and ice and where do they come from?
  • What happens if you bring snow into the house, and if you take it back outside?
  • If the earth is round and spins, why don't we fall and fall off it?

This knowledge makes it possible to form the most basic knowledge of children about the composition of substances, about the states in which they are: hard, soft, free-flowing, viscous, floating, soluble, fragile. In older preschool age, children should receive initial knowledge about phenomena occurring in space, about the solar system and the moon.

Grouping Items

The ability to separate and group objects according to certain criteria is one of the most important basic cognitive skills. To teach children this, you can use a variety of objects - toys, kitchen utensils, food - and ask the kids to explain how they are different and how they are similar.

For example, they might say that both an apple and an orange are fruits, but an apple is red and an orange is not. Then offer other features for grouping - color, size, purpose.

If it is not possible to use real objects, take images, for example, special cards or cut out pictures from magazines.

Cause-and-effect relationships

Children love playing with water, but few of them notice that some objects sink in water and others do not. Younger children will definitely enjoy guessing which toys and objects will float and which will sink.

Use objects of different sizes and weights - a toothpick, a pebble, a plastic cup, a piece of paper. Be sure to explain to your children why some objects floated on the water and others did not, but first let them guess the reasons on their own.

Older children will appreciate a slightly different game: show how to make a boat out of clay or foil (which usually sink) that will float on the water. This way they will learn to connect cause and effect, and this skill will be very useful to them in the future.

Phenomena of living nature

Familiarity with natural phenomena is of great importance for the cognitive development of preschool children. The process of introducing preschoolers to the phenomena of living nature involves the child’s actions with real objects and phenomena. While studying material objects, their properties and relationships, the child constantly interacts with them. Thus, he will receive knowledge about this or that natural phenomenon not as a ready-made fact, but as a result acquired in the process of search and reflection. The phenomena being studied must not only be observed from the outside, but also be influenced by the child. The child must see, hear and modify these phenomena, identifying new properties and relationships in them.

A child learns new knowledge well, firmly and for a long time when he hears, sees everything himself and interacts with the subject being studied.

Children should be introduced to magnifying glasses, tweezers and other tools that will help them observe wildlife. During thematic lessons, you can draw their attention to the structure of flowers, the heterogeneous structure of stones, veins on the foliage of trees. Let them try to guess what these or those are for. parts of a plant or body parts of insects, how they are formed. It's amazing what original guesses they will sometimes make.

Design and research activities

One of the main areas of cognitive development of preschool children is project activity in kindergarten.

The research method is the path to knowledge through independent creative, exploratory search.

Where to begin? Together with the children, you need to choose a topic and draw up a work plan for the project. The topics of the projects should be appropriate to the age of the children, be interesting for them, and meaningful, so that every preschooler can find some aspect of interest to him in a given topic. Children, together with adults, determine interests within the topic and outline suggested sources of information.

Have you chosen a topic? A problem is posed. It reflects a lack of knowledge on the chosen topic. As a result, children will jointly and independently find options and ways to solve the problem. At the same time, using the knowledge they already have, through trial and error, achieving real results.

Goals and objectives give preschoolers an idea of ​​the results of the project. A goal is an intended result. A task is a result defined by a deadline. The clearer you set tasks for your child, the easier it will be for him to plan his work on the project, complete it quickly and efficiently, and evaluate the success of the project. It is necessary to implement children's projects through different types of children's activities. It is also necessary to teach children to bring a started project to its logical conclusion.

At the end of the project Children develop joy and pride in their work and the results obtained. It is imperative to give children the opportunity to present the result to the people around them - to present the project. The presentation of the project can be completed by making crafts, newspapers, books, or children can show and talk about their product of activity in the form of writing stories, entertainment and performances. In order for joint project activities between adults and children to be research-based, it is necessary to constantly support preschoolers’ initiative, curiosity and sustainable interest in the problem.

Constantly, as if playing, you need to introduce students to various situations that are accessible to their understanding. In order for the project method to be successful, it is necessary to discuss the step-by-step work with all project participants, select the necessary material and summarize the results of joint project activities. Design and research activities best contribute to the cognitive development of preschool children.

If a little person receives a comprehensive preschool education, in which cognitive development plays an important role in preschool age, then in the first grade he will easily cope with the new environment, requirements, and workload. He will be self-confident, independent and proactive. And this means a lot for a successful school life.

Webinar "On the implementation of the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education" - video

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