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How to make a wreath from leaves and branches. Decorative autumn wreath. Maple leaf wreath

When autumn comes and gives us a colossal variety of colors, we always want to join nature and decorate ourselves with its works. The background of yellow-orange leaves makes for very good photos. And to look even more successful, it is best to use wreaths. Autumn head wreaths can be completely different. Here are various options for creating wreaths, depending on the purpose of their use.

Precious berries

It is not without reason that women have been decorating themselves with flowers or leaves woven into their hair, especially on holidays. For each occasion, special wreaths were woven; each had its own meaning and at the same time served as decoration. Before girls began wearing stones as jewelry, they wove bright berries – viburnum, rowan – into their hair. Nowadays we rarely think about what the flowers and herbs woven into a wreath mean. Contemporaries wear wreaths mainly for events associated with folk holidays, or to emphasize the heritage of Slavic traditions.

Autumn wreaths are the brightest; they were usually made for holidays dedicated to the harvest, so not only flowers and leaves were woven into them, but also fruits and ears of wheat.

Therefore, the preparation for creating an autumn wreath will be different.

For a few photos during a casual walk through the park, it will be enough to intertwine stems of colorful leaves that you find along the way.

For performances by choral or dance groups, in schools or kindergartens, when everyone should have the same wreaths, it is important to decide what you will make them from - natural or artificial. The most common and affordable material for an autumn wreath is maple leaves. They are bright, voluminous and have a fairly long stem.

For contrast, it is very good to use rowan berries. They are dense and retain their shape and color well.

It is necessary to prepare these materials, as well as prepare the base - the rim on which the leaves and berries will be attached. This could be a piece of wire decorated with threads, or old newspapers twisted with tape and wrapped in nylon tights.

Wrap the leaves to the base with a strong thread and decorate with bunches of rowan berries. If there is a sufficient quantity of other natural decorative material, then you can use it.

If you are preparing for an autumn holiday, participating in a harvest festival, for example, or in a folk-style wedding, and you need a voluminous bright wreath, the step-by-step master class below will help you.

Nice gift

If you put in the effort and show creativity, you can create a masterpiece with your own hands.

To create a wreath you will need:

  1. A base made of any material (wicker, paper, wire) or a regular plastic hoop;
  2. Coarse thread;
  3. Pre-prepared leaves, bunches of berries, cones, physalis, fruits, etc.;
  4. Flowers (sunflowers, chrysanthemums, asters, dahlias) natural or artificial;
  5. Glue;
  6. Paraffin, container for it.

Wrap the base with thread or nylon tights to make it easier to attach decorative components to it.

Melt the paraffin, dip each leaf and berries into it, as in the photo. Dry it. Materials prepared in this way will not break and will take on a more decorative appearance. Flowers and fruits do not need to be processed this way.

This procedure is lengthy and may take a couple of hours. If you don't have time, you can use artificial leaves and berries.

Apply the prepared materials to create a composition that most advantageously harmonizes with all the prepared materials.

Attach leaves, flowers and berries with thread or glue (small parts) to the base. The wreath is ready.

For a wedding you need to choose more delicate and lighter colors of decorative material.

Girls wearing wreaths at weddings look very touching and sweet. Therefore, bridesmaids use this decoration element very willingly. You can keep the wedding wreath as a keepsake and decorate the wall of the room with it. For the bride herself, elements of a wreath are usually used, decorating her hair with them.

Flowers suit women's faces very well. And the bright and delicate shades of the autumn bouquet make their image elegant and unusual. And even professional photographers can have in their arsenal a hand-made autumn wreath that will decorate any model during an autumn photo shoot.

Video on the topic of the article

Below you can watch a video collection that describes in more detail the process of creating autumn wreaths on your head.

Natalya Guk

Here is a maple leaf on a branch.

Now it's just like new!

All ruddy and golden.

Where are you going, leaf? Wait!

V. Berestov

Dear colleagues, now is the time autumn matinees and we all know how many attributes are needed to make the holiday go off with a bang.

I present to your attention Master Class"Autumn wreath"for the beauty Autumn.

To make a wreath we will be needed:

two sheets of A4 paper

double sided tape

twine thread

artificial leaves, apples, acorns, hazelnuts, flowers, etc.

Let's start by making the base. We take paper and twist the bundles.

Connect, we get a circle (adjustable according to head volume).Wrap in a circle with double-sided tape (you can use regular tape with the sticky side facing up)

Then we wrap the entire base with twine.

Now it's time to use artificial leaves, apples, etc.

Let's get to the interesting part master class. Where you can show all your creativity and imagination.

Publications on the topic:

This is how I made the Easter wreath for Easter. I made a wreath from a branch and dry grass; I also need openwork napkins (paper).

To decorate the group, I suggest making such a wreath. Looks great in the interior. It can also be used to decorate musical.

To realize your plans you will need: sheets of A-4 paper, a simple pencil, colored pencils, scissors, PVA glue and a little imagination.

The holiday of all women is approaching - March 8th. How many poems and songs need to be learned, how many necessary costumes need to be prepared. That's with them, probably, everyone.

Material: - aluminum wire; -ceiling tiles; -scotch; -green garland; - cellophane bag. -facade acrylic paint;

Master class “Wreath on the head “Rose hips”. This is the hair wreath I got. For this I needed: artificial flowers, berries.

Master class “Golden Autumn Wreath” (craft made from colored felt) Nowadays it has become very fashionable to make different wreaths from different materials.

Fall leaves create quite a nice look and can be used in a variety of ways to decorate your home for the fall season. However, in the fall you shouldn’t limit yourself to bright leaves alone: ​​wreaths made of oak branches with acorns, pine cones, various dried herbs, even with small apples, twigs woven into the base of the wreath, will add pleasant variety and sophistication to the surrounding decor.

With this activity - thanks to its simplicity at a number of stages - children can help you, for example, choosing leaves and cones for the wreath and even weaving them into the base.

Difficulty: moderate.

You will need:
- base for a wreath - see options in point 1;
- wire for crafts;
- glue;
- autumn leaves and other decorative components chosen by you for the wreath;
- suitable tapes.

1. It is most convenient and cheapest to use as a base a circle of several strong, thick, but pliable wires intertwined (to create holes for inserting and securing decorative elements). You can buy a similar thing in a specialized store with small items for needlework, but you can also twist a single circle yourself, for example, from an iron hanger: just straighten the wire from the hanger, leaving only the top hook untouched (you can then hang a wreath from it), and make it out of the bottom of the circle. If you can't secure the wire with your hands, use tools like pliers. Try to make the circle as even and precise as possible.

Bases made from natural dried twigs (grapevine or wood, and other materials) will cost a little more in stores, but this option will look much more aesthetically pleasing and will make it easier for you to create a wreath - if in this case the base is visible, it will simply become element of the composition. Likewise, you can make a similar base yourself by cutting several fresh branches, intertwining them with each other (or simply fastening them with wire in several places in a circle), and connecting them securely into a circle - then you need to let them dry in this form.

The third option is to create a wreath, as in summer, weaving in decorative elements as you weave the base from a suitable material - fairly rigid, capable of holding its shape, but pliable. This will make it much easier to attach the decorations, but you need to make sure that they are tightly next to each other (when you roll the wreath, the distances on the outer circle between the decorations will increase).
The fourth is to use oak branches (or any other branches, for example, with berries and leaves) immediately with leaves and acorns as a base.

2. Decide what shape your wreath will have - double-sided (more stylish and looks better), when decorative elements are attached to the front, back, and on all sides; or one-sided, when the decor is created only on the front, front side, and the one that leans against the door/wall remains empty. For a door it is better to use the first option; for walls and in the case of small wreaths for tables/shelves, the second option is optimal.

3. Gather everything you need to decorate the wreath - here comes the principle “it’s better to have extra left than not enough later.” Depending on how long your wreath will need to hang, you can choose real leaves and other components, or artificial ones - they can all be found in the same craft stores.
Before using, real leaves should be dried a little - so that in the wreath they retain their shape, dry completely, and at the same time do not crumble during the creation of the wreath.

4. It is advisable to pre-plant some elements of wreaths, such as apples or pine cones, on craft wire or glue them to sticks so that they do not get lost in the wreath and can be secured at the required distance from the base.

Leaves, dried flowers, spikelets, feathers, dried sponge mushrooms, dried lotus pods, etc. You can weave/attach either one at a time or in bunches - to maintain the round shape of the wreath.

Hot glue is a great tool for creating wreaths and works great to secure the components. Alternatively, use dried stems/long leaves of flowers as rope (but they must be strong) or craft wire. Glue is a less neat device, while wire is easier to hide, and dry plant “ropes” will, in principle, always look like part of the composition.

The wreath can be made relatively flat, weaving in decorations so that they diverge to the sides, or voluminous, attaching both the leaves and everything else “upright”.

5. Decide whether you will traditionally tie a bow at the bottom of the wreath or not.
If so, the place for the bow needs to be taken into account in advance during weaving, so that it does not look like an inappropriate appendage on top of other decorative elements, but, on the contrary, is slightly recessed closer to the base of the wreath.
For a bow, either thin ribbons or large ones are suitable; medium width usually does not look good. Choose warm tones of the ribbons. Pay attention to suede, plush, rough fabric (burlap and similar) as well as the possibility of making a bow from dry stems/plant “ribbons”.

6. You can hang the wreath from the base, from an iron hook, but a ribbon loop on top will look neater and more aesthetically pleasing. It will also give the wreath a more finished look.

Additions and warnings:

Wire wreath bases are easier to use and will withstand the elements better if the wreath will be hanging outside. Here you need to take into account that bases, for example, made of foam or dry stems, are not suitable for the street in principle;

Before using natural decorative elements, make sure that there are no bugs in them - you definitely shouldn’t bring the latter into the house;

When working with wire, branches and hot glue, be careful - keep them away from your face, do not put them in the hands of children, use protection;

Polystyrene bases for a wreath and bases in the form of a sponge do not look right here, because an autumn wreath is a combination of lightness, richness and naturalness;

If you use glue, be sure to let it dry for 24 hours before hanging the wreath.

A beautiful fall wreath can be made in just a couple of hours. What's not a good way to entertain yourself on a gloomy autumn evening? Moreover, as a result of this activity you will get a stylish decoration for the front door, mantel, console in the hallway or dining table. Read on to learn how to make an autumn wreath with your own hands from natural materials, paper, felt, knitting threads and other improvised means!

How to make an autumn wreath with your own hands

After looking at some of the photos of beautiful fall wreaths in this article, you may decide that they require a lot of time to create or, at a minimum, good weaving skills. However, it is not. Decorative wreaths from leaves and other natural materials are quite easy to make today:

  1. Weave into a base of grapevine or willow branches;
  2. Glue it onto a circle made of polystyrene foam, cardboard or other available material.

Below we invite you to take a look at 30+ DIY fall door wreath ideas with step-by-step instructions on how to make them.

DIY wreath of autumn leaves

First of all, you should decide on the design of the future wreath. Do you want it to be lush and colorful in keeping with rustic decor, or do you want it to look more sophisticated and elegant to suit the style of your modern apartment? Depending on the leaves you choose, an autumn wreath can look completely different, as evidenced by the following photos:

As you can see, in most cases, to make a wreath of autumn leaves with your own hands, craftsmen use a circle of vines, tied in several places with strong thread.

The photo below shows you simplified instructions on how to make a wreath of autumn leaves with your own hands step by step:

Beautiful autumn wreaths made from natural material

Branches, cones, feathers, spikelets, even vegetables and fruits - almost any natural materials can be used to make an autumn wreath to decorate your home. How about a stunning feather wreath?

Like the autumn leaf wreath, it is created using a special base and glue.

Some more interesting options:

An autumn wreath made of branches can look especially impressive, particularly in a composition with large flowers or fruits, even if they are artificial or made with your own hands from fabric or paper.

How to make an autumn wreath from paper

If you don't feel like going out to collect leaves and other natural bounty, then why not try making an autumn wreath out of paper? We offer some interesting ideas for this in the photo!

An interesting craft - an autumn wreath made of felt

Soft felt is one of the best materials for fall crafts. It is available in all sorts of colors, is easy to work with and has a pleasant pile, thanks to which it seems to radiate coziness and warmth into the interior. The best photos with examples of how to make an autumn wreath from felt:

If felt is not your thing, then pay attention to the last photos in this article with autumn wreaths made of simple fabric and thread. Share with us in the comments: which option did you like best? Also read:

30 ideas on how to make an autumn wreath with your own hands - from leaves, pine cones and other materials updated: October 17, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko

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