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The belief that happiness can be found through deprivation. Limiting beliefs. Common female misconception

Limiting Beliefs

We all have beliefs. Many of them are not even questioned or critically rethought - we are just used to thinking that way.
However, some of our own beliefs have long been no longer relevant for us; they have become limiting for us. And sometimes they lead to the fact that in life we ​​get something completely different from what we really would like.

Recognizing Beliefs
The first step to living a wonderful life is examining our beliefs, the most important ingredients in our soup. Beliefs are a form of self-hypnosis. They control the fictional statements that we repeat to ourselves so often and with such confidence that we forget that they are just characters in a script that we have written, but act as if they were real. Perhaps we tell ourselves, “life is full of suffering,” and we see confirmation of our opinion in every conversation with friends who are in trouble, in every news report about disasters (which we listen to obsessively), and in every new trauma, and the failure that we attract into our lives. The task of the subconscious is to confirm that we are right. He doesn’t care: what we program him to create, laughter and joy or misfortune and failure. It's not his job. It simply ensures that our beliefs and hopes are fulfilled, that they correspond to our experience, that our outer world reflects our inner world. If we have conflicting beliefs, this will be reflected in the reality they create.

Discovering Beliefs
Make a list of opinions about the following: me, the world, life, work, relationships, love, sex, health, success, money, my career, my appearance, parents, children, knowledge, responsibility, beliefs, the meaning of life, men, women, years adult life, religion, good and evil, reality, luck, changes, death, pleasure, entertainment, limitations, creativity, my body, retirement, leisure. Choose one of the topics, then jot down everything that comes to mind on that topic. (Don't just think about it. In all the exercises in this book, it is important to write down your thoughts or speak into a recorder. The process of writing and vocalizing somehow opens us to change.) Don't censor certain thoughts: “That's not true. I’m not sure if it’s appropriate or if I don’t want to believe it.” Just put out as many thoughts as possible, including those that seem like obvious facts to you. It will take you half a page or a dozen until you are exhausted. Notice any feelings that came up while you were writing. (“I was upset when I wrote this down.”)

Now start sifting. What are your core beliefs and attitudes towards this topic? Where did these beliefs come from? What objections arise to what is written? Do you have other beliefs that could “explain” the objections? (For example, “anyone can create and I can’t create” may be connected by the belief that “I am different from other people”). Make a summary list of your beliefs on the topic, including your objections.

Don't discount any belief by saying, "Everyone believes it, but it's unlikely that everyone believes it," and either way, whether you believe it or not, it affects your life and therefore requires investigation. We all surround ourselves with people who share our beliefs to make us feel more comfortable with them, which is why the “obvious facts” most need to be questioned. How do beliefs reflect in your life? How might they affect you in the future? Would you like to change some of these beliefs?

Repeat the exercise with other topics. (Note: You can use separate pieces of paper so that you can later discard or burn negative thoughts and beliefs.)

Sally, like so many women, was full of negative beliefs about her body and about food. She constantly limited herself in food for fear of gaining weight. She seriously believed that she could gain three pounds by eating cake, and her body fought valiantly to prove her right. She looked at her body as if it were an enemy and looked in the mirror with groans. At first Sally was somewhat taken aback by my suggestion that her body was simply trying to confirm her beliefs and that if she truly believed that her body could maintain her weight no matter what she ate, then it would. Gradually, as she took responsibility for other areas of her life and began to feel empowered, Sally began to love and trust her body, and it responded.

Most of us are tormented by beliefs that are limiting, traumatizing, painful, or that rob us of the magic and joy of existence. See if you recognize yourself in any of the following limiting beliefs:
1. Life is full of conflicts and suffering.
2. To survive, you have to fight.
3. Happiness never lasts long.
4. People are generally selfish and greedy.
5. All men...
6. All women...
7. All children...
8. It's really difficult for women.
9. Men don't cry.
10. We grow only through pain and suffering.
11.I am a hopeless loser.
12. The world is heading into the abyss.
13.We live in a cruel society.
14.Love hurts.
15. I'm a mess of troubles because of my childhood.
16.As people get older, they become weak and sick.
17. There is not enough for everyone.
18.Nobody really loves me (understands).
19.My health is always not good.
20. School years are the best years of my life.
21.Life is meaningless and futile.
22.You shouldn’t be angry.
23.I have always been unlucky.
24.Self-denial is useful.
25. Doctors know best.
26. I'm too old to change.
27. I can’t help how I feel.
28.I need to justify my existence.
29.The devil will find work for idle hands.
30.It is dangerous to walk on the streets at night.
31. I can’t help it.
32. Life is miserable without a loved one.
33.I always lack money.
34.Life is running in circles.
35.I don't deserve happiness.
36.I always don’t have enough time.
37.If only my husband/wife/parents/children would allow me...
38.Everyone gets sick from time to time.
39.You are already getting old if you are 20/30/40/50/60/70
40.If only...

It's good to notice which limiting beliefs you identify with (and gradually add to the list as you process the beliefs). Now consider the possible impact such beliefs—as powerful creative forces—have on your life. If someone subscribes to the common belief that we only grow through pain and suffering, for example, then they should probably create traumatic incidents at a fairly steady pace.

Someone crashes into their car; soon after, their house is robbed; then the neighbor dies; then dry rot is discovered in the living room and it continues. They tell themselves that they are simply unhappy, not realizing that they are the source of unhappiness. Thoughts are energy. Thoughts are a magnet.

The scarcity belief—also known as “poverty psychology”—is another widely held belief system in our culture. It includes beliefs such as “There’s not enough for everyone,” “I never have enough money,” “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” “You have to work hard to get what you want,” “If you have more, you have more.” others less”, “Save for a rainy day”, “It’s indecent to be rich when there are so many homeless and hungry.” If any of these statements cause you a pained sigh or anger, a hypocritical “Yes, it is so,” then you adhere to the psychology of poverty, and your life will reflect this. You will either struggle for money and never have enough of it, or you will be rich but afraid of losing it.

For centuries, abundance and material wealth were considered incompatible with spiritual growth. As Bartholomew says: “...your mind has programmed you against wealth and pleasure, against everything that makes your eyes sparkle and want to dance.” We believed that God wanted us to continue to struggle, barely able to pay our way, and certainly did not want us to live happily with money. Money is the root of evil, dictates the puritan thought of the Old Era. The new consciousness thinks differently. It suggests that God (Goddess), Origin, Universe, Power, Light - whatever term you want to use - simply surely prefers that we enjoy life to the fullest, that we open ourselves to the joy and abundance of the Universe; that the Creator is a loving force, and she does not want us to endure grief, poverty and difficulties. Liberation from the psychology of poverty will be one of the many pleasures of the New Age and a key aspect of our spiritual growth. Instead of seeing money—or time, love, success, joy—in great scarcity, we will begin to see it as our natural birthright, allowing it to flow through our lives with great ease. Until today, we divided the wealth of the world into “good” and “bad”; it was considered good to revel in the beauty of nature, but bad to find pleasure in abundance. We could be good and poor or bad and rich, that was the choice. But as Lazaris reminds us, money (like nature) is just a set of fluctuations, an illusion we create, and we can have as many illusions as we want! Enough for everyone.

Money has always been an issue in my own life. I managed to stay out of debt just because I was careful. For years I subsisted on beans and toast, hastily cooked on the stove with a cylinder of liquefied gas. If someone gave me good toilet soap, I would save it, not believing that I would ever buy the same one, and after a few years I would come across a dirty piece that had lost its pleasant smell. Even when I had money in the bank, I bought cheap and flashy clothes, books, groceries and everything I needed and saved the rest for a rainy day that never came. I have never been “in the white stripe”. I never felt rich and didn’t think it was possible to spend money and make myself happy. When I reworked my attitude towards money, the reasons became completely clear. My beliefs about money were hopelessly confused and contradictory.

On the other hand, I associated prosperity with freedom, leisure, joy, abundance, travel and opportunity, and lack of money with struggle, sacrifice, self-sabotage, fear of hunger and cold. But I also combined prosperity with selfishness, greed, materialism, hardness of heart, arrogance and boredom, like the childish Bible image of the camel and the eye of the needle. Poverty also fostered romantic pictures of the struggling artist, of lesser demands and expectations, and of some of the calculating practicality nurtured in me in the north of England. (“We’ll manage somehow, we just have to be patient.”) I also thought that poor people had a more developed sense of warmth and community - and this seemed very nice and right to me! In addition, I had a memory from other lives about the vow of poverty. No wonder I had to work hard for money.

Once I let go of my martyrdom and ambivalence about money, my old fears melted into thin air. Although the income remained the same, money ceased to be a problem, a worry, a source of guilt and anxiety, but became a reliable friend. Despite putting in less effort, I now believed that whenever I needed cash—whether to pay bills, go to the hairdresser, or travel abroad—it would be possible. I began to see the world as an abundant and joyful place. I no longer associated money with desperate work, passions, fears, greed; on the contrary, words such as “boost, enjoy, give, be welcoming, convey” began to come to mind. My free associations about wealth have changed radically: “Prosperity flows through my heart like a channel of pure light - the Light of the Universe - which offers me its boundless wealth. This is the key that opens the door to the wondrous possibilities of life. This is a step in my spiritual growth. Money now comes into my life easily and pleasantly. The more I have, the more I can enjoy and share. I open myself as the path to the light.”

Changing beliefs
Let's say that you have now become aware of another negative or limiting belief that you would like to change. (If not, just listen to a train of thought or conversation for half an hour. Look for any thoughts that include “unless,” “should,” “should,” “can’t,” “but,” “trying,” “difficult,” “ holding something”, reproach towards other people, self-pity, any fears and doubts, cynicism, guilt, condemnation of oneself or others, feelings of helplessness or beliefs of the psychology of poverty). Now how will you change these beliefs?

1. Start by thinking about where this belief came from. From your father? Mothers? Teachers? Grandparents? Friends? From books? Television? From your spouse? Maybe you won't even remember. But the key step is to take responsibility for that belief. Accept that no one is forcing you to believe him. You chose it. Don't blame yourself for this choice. You had your reasons for it at the time. Just own it as if it were your own.
2. Now choose a new belief based on love, trust, well-being, and the belief that we create our own reality. Here are some examples:

- Life is full of suffering.
- I never have enough money.
- Happiness does not last long.
- I have three colds a year.
- I am a loser.
- If I have more, others have less.
- My childhood spoiled me.
- I can't.

- Life is full of joy.
- I always have enough money.
- Happiness always lasts.
- I'm always healthy.
- I am successful.
- Enough for everyone.
- I learned so much as a child.
- I can do whatever I want.

The new belief must be absolutely positive. It is unsuccessful to replace the belief “I am a failure” with “I am not a failure.” If you are told not to think about a polar bear, what will happen? Right. It's like asking schoolchildren not to giggle. And your subconscious cannot try not to be a loser before it paints the image of a loser. So choose success. Paint a positive image.

The next step is to decide why you hold the old belief. You can simply ask yourself this question, sit quietly with a pen and paper in your hands and wait for the answers to come. This simple method can work great.
Jill Edwards

An example of such a case is the story of Marina, who mistook her own beliefs for facts. Marina thought: “If I had money, my life would be happy. If it weren't for the family and children I have to take care of, I would be able to take up writing and start a book, which I have long dreamed of. If I were younger, I could break off relations with my husband, who does not respect me and does not appreciate my work and efforts in this house, and find a new one who would love me and make my life happier.”

But one day Marina got tired of being completely dissatisfied with her life, and she decided to change it, and she started with her beliefs. The girl asked herself the following questions: “How do I know that this is really true? Why do I believe this? Are there specific examples that contradict my beliefs? This was the first step towards achieving her own goals, because in order to destroy the beliefs that limit your life, you need to understand that everything is completely not as it seems.

A belief is a generalization familiar to a person, fixed in his mind, on which he is accustomed to rely, without even thinking about how adequate it is for a particular context. Everything that a person thinks about the world, about himself and about other people is a figment of fantasy, perception, which is entrenched in his subconscious and controls his thinking and behavior. That is why, to change your life, you need to start by changing your beliefs.

Marina had to try very hard to come to her own happiness, because changing attitudes that have been fixed in her consciousness for most of her life is not an easy matter. When she realized that her whole life was in her hands, and only she could decide what to do with it, she began to act and climb the high ladder that led to success.

The girl signed up for online courses in writing and when her skills were honed to the proper level, she began long and painstaking work on her own book. It was difficult for her to combine her favorite business and family life, but she knew that her efforts were worth it. The book took 5 years to complete, during which time her children grew up and went to college, and she had more free time, which she spent on promoting the result of her work.

Her book was published in wide circulation and gained popularity, thanks to which her financial condition improved. She was no longer dependent on her husband and could afford to leave an unloved person and start life from scratch. She moved to a new apartment and devoted her time to writing new books, because this is exactly the thing that made her happy.

Marina’s example shows the consequences of accepting one’s limiting beliefs as facts, and how the quality of life will improve if these beliefs are destroyed. The main thing is hard work on yourself and the right thinking.

What is a belief and how does it differ from a fact? Examples of human beliefs and facts.

Beliefs are the principles and rules on which a person’s life is built. These are our views on the objective world and the generator of our psychological models. This is a mental representation of the structure of the surrounding world.

Beliefs and facts are different concepts that are often mistakenly confused. Each person has certain beliefs about himself, his abilities and capabilities, as well as other people and his relationships with them. They all have an individual character. “I told you so” is a reassuring expression, because it means that our beliefs turned out to be fair. This gives us false confidence in the indisputable truth of our ideas.

However, there are things that are not dependent on a person’s faith in them - for example, the physical law of conservation of energy. It will not stop acting just because a person does not believe in it. Some treat their own beliefs about relationships, abilities and possibilities as if they were irrefutable facts, like the law of conservation of energy. However, this is absolutely not true. Beliefs actively reflect the social sphere of our lives and are capable of change.

Lists of the most common beliefs about Slavic lands

  • "No money left". Many people say this phrase almost every day. Out loud or silently, it doesn’t matter. It is difficult to fight this belief, because in order to do this, a person must actually have money. To overcome a negative attitude, you can save 10% of your income and not spend it. You should repeat to yourself “I always have money,” get used to this phrase and make it your motto.
  • “You can’t make money by honest work.” By saying this phrase, a person protects himself from financial prosperity. He agrees that no matter how honestly he works, he still will not live in abundance. This phrase should be replaced with: “The more and harder I work, the greater the likelihood of my financial prosperity.”
  • "Money spoils a person." This phrase shows that a person is afraid of money. She programs that financial well-being spoils a person as an individual, spoils him. This attitude should be replaced with a positive one: “Money brings benefits to my life and improves its quality.”
  • “Money flows away like water.” Indeed, if money is water, then how can you keep it? You should repeat to yourself: “I am swimming in an ocean of money, it is floating towards me.”
  • "There's nothing special about me." The truth is that a person is not tender with a special gift. The main thing on the path to success is to be yourself and be ready for hard and focused work. A successful person doesn't think about what he doesn't have, he focuses on what he has and what he can get in the future.
  • “I would do it if I knew my efforts would pay off.” In all professions, successful people earn much more because they worked extremely hard at a time when the expected benefits were not even on the horizon. To achieve rewards for hard work, you need to think of it as a well-deserved reward.
  • "I am busy". This phrase is a common thinking trap. In reality, you have exactly the same amount of time as other people. The only question is how you use it.
  • "Food is my enemy." People trying to get in shape often impose strict dietary restrictions on themselves, which makes them forget that food is, in fact, a friend. It is she who saturates us, gives us strength and energy. Yes, you need to be able to choose the right food, but the right attitude of a person towards it is also important.
  • “The fat in my food will become fat in my body.” Actually this is not true. Fats are an important and necessary part in our diet. All hormonal processes in the body occur due to fat metabolism. The main thing is to consume the right fats that trigger these processes.
  • “When I lose weight, I will become a happy person.” In fact, you can find happiness now, even before you reach your goal. You should direct your attention and energy to yourself, your goals, relationships, your happiness right here and now. This is important, because life is an adventure, and for it to be interesting, you need to participate in it.


  • “He/she doesn’t say what he/she means.” Many people have doubts about the sincerity of their friends and partners, endowing their actions with motives that in fact did not exist. Perhaps the problem is low self-esteem, the person does not consider himself attractive as a person and believes that his friends or partner deserve a more perfect friend.
  • “I can’t say no to my friend or partner.” Many people believe that true friendship or love requires complete dedication of oneself. However, satisfying your personal needs should always come first. A good friend or partner should understand this.
  • “A friend/partner should do for me what I do for him.” The principle of reciprocity is wonderful, but it is often misunderstood. In reality, a good deed does not require “payment” when you do it sincerely.
  • “Happiness will come when I change external circumstances.” It is a common belief that happiness can be achieved by losing weight, earning money, buying a certain thing, and so on. However, the essence of happiness is actually enjoying the simple things despite difficult circumstances.
  • “Happiness lies in a certain thing.” You can often hear from people that happiness lies in family, children, money, etc., however, as already mentioned, happiness does not always depend directly on external circumstances. You can have everything that a person seems to need for happiness, and not have it. This emotion should, first of all, come from a person’s inner harmony, from his ability to find joy in simple things.
  • "Happy people cannot be sad." It is right to be unhappy in certain situations. There are good and bad moments in a person's life. You need to allow yourself to be sad. The paradox is that this will lead to happiness.

Praise the reader for his desire for self-improvement and encourage him to identify his negative attitudes

If you are reading this article, you are on the right track. The desire for self-improvement is always commendable, and if you really put all your strength into working on yourself, show real diligence, you will undoubtedly achieve your goal.

Identifying negative beliefs and correcting them is the first step towards your success, so you must make every effort to identify them and replace them with positive ones.

To start


Beliefs- This generalization any relationship between various manifestations of life experience.

  • what and how it works
  • what is the consequence of what and how everything is connected

We see in the world what we are accustomed to seeing “through” our beliefs ( For example, two old men instead of a young man and woman having fun and singing with a guitar)

Examples of beliefs:

  • Everything was created by God
  • The earth is round
  • Good education is the key to success
  • The majority can't be wrong

Beliefs are conventionally divided into “limiting” and “supporting”

Limiting Beliefs , as you understand, create strict rules, the observance of which limits a person in his thinking and his actions.

  • Men do not cry
  • The most important thing in a woman’s life is family
  • I'll never be able to do this
  • I am a loser
  • I can’t because I don’t have money (education, connections, etc.)
  • Now there is a crisis and no one is buying anything

Supportive Beliefs , on the contrary, they create conditions for freedom of thought and action

  • If others can do it, then so can I.
  • I can change myself
  • It is during a crisis that you should try new things.
  • There will always be other ways and opportunities.
  • People can be different
  • I have the right to love (success, my life, etc.)

Functions of beliefs:

  1. Beliefs make the world “understandable” and simple for us
  2. They create a “map of reality”, based on which we make decisions and act in this reality

What are our beliefs, so is our life.

  1. God has no other hands than yours. To achieve what you want you need act in reality
  2. Actions are determined by our "map of reality"
  3. Our reality map has been created out of conviction(about how it works, what follows from what and what is connected with what)

It turns out I believe that if you cannot achieve the Success you desire (set goals according to given criteria), although this is accessible to others, then your “reality map” is to blame for this, i.e. your beliefs.



There is an irrefutable truth. Something is undeniable and the only truth. There are no alternatives (I don’t see, I don’t accept, I think they’re false, etc.). I and everyone must rely on these truths and adhere to them.


There are certain “correct and common for all” evaluation criteria. If you don’t meet them, then you are not correct (defective), and therefore you are not worthy of receiving your success.


Everything is interconnected. The past influences the future. The past cannot be changed. This means that nothing can be changed in the present and future. Which means there is no need to try.


If there was A, then there would be B, or If there were A, then there would be B.

Two or more events are linked into a single whole by establishing a cause-and-effect relationship


You can’t change something because that’s how the world works.

The belief is not explained or justified in any way.


…. to understand that

Everything is not as it seems!

Beliefs- this is something familiar, once recorded in our consciousness and subconscious a generalization that we rely on without thinking or checking its adequacy for a given context.

Our brain is just automatically produces these generalizations when some stimulus appears in order to simplify our decision-making process.

Belief is an ILLUSION OF THE MIND, created once and by someone, perceived by you as truth, embedded in the subconscious as information that can be trusted, and used as a basis for decision-making

Everything you think about the world, yourself and circumstances is figment of your imagination or your upbringing, s entrenched in rigid linguistic forms and now controlling your thinking and behavior

Beliefs are fixed in the head based on:

  • statements received from elders in childhood and received the status of truth
  • own experience, when repeated 2-3 times
  • generalizations of the experiences of some significant people nearby

Beliefs are a conditioned reflex of the mind, a habit, a stereotypical reaction of understanding, explanations of the situation when a certain stimulus appears.

Good news:

You can work with conditioned reflexes. They can be installed and removed at will

But more on that in one of the following articles.

In the meantime, if you have discovered any of the beliefs described above, then First, ask yourself these questions:

And one more very important note.

Limiting beliefs often have a protective function for a person. They cover themselves secondary benefit that a person receives when he acts or fails to act based on this belief.

For example, very comfortably do not strain and avoid negative assessments of others or defeats, hiding behind the conviction “What to do. This is how the world works. Everything for some, nothing for others.”

So another question that might be helpful in this situation

All upcoming events on the page

Negative, limiting beliefs.

Create your own positive reality.

Our individual belief system is among the most important factors influencing our ability to create the reality we want.

The kind of life we ​​live is influenced by many factors, on which a person’s ability to improve the quality of his life depends to one degree or another. And our individual belief system is among the most important factors influencing our ability to create the reality we want.
Beliefs often determine a person’s behavior and how he sees and perceives the world around him.

Imagine a situation where you are absolutely convinced that the person you are in love with likes your friend. In this case, even a simple invitation to dinner with the object of your sympathy will become an extremely difficult step for you. Of course, this is an exaggerated situation, but it clearly illustrates the influence of beliefs on our decision-making.
Another clear evidence is the well-known “placebo effect.” In patients who were convinced that they were being given a drug, the symptoms of the disease disappeared (about 30%), although the substance had nothing to do with medicine.

If you want to create your new life, your ideal reality, then first of all you should deal with the so-called limiting beliefs, which constantly come into conflict with the current reality and encourage us to act ineffectively. Negative emotions, which a person experiences in huge quantities, have the same property, and it is the dominant negative emotions that indicate the predominance of a limiting belief system. Likewise, any negative mindset creates big obstacles on the path to a new happy reality.
To completely change a belief system, which means ending limiting beliefs forever, it is necessary to correct the negative emotional background and the beliefs that give rise to this state.
It is our self-beliefs that have the greatest ability to influence us.
Change them, and the profound changes that will occur in your life will make it better and more beautiful.

The influence of beliefs on human behavior

Considering the prevailing role that beliefs play in the formation of a particular style of human behavior in everyday life, we can safely say that by starting changes with them, you will move the “snowball” and soon changes will no longer require such changes from you. without immeasurable effort, everything will happen almost by itself.
Here's a simple example.
Mentally simulate a situation where you set a goal to lose weight before your summer vacation. Introduced? Now think about this: if you are influenced by the belief that nothing will work out, then motivating yourself to do the necessary exercises and diet will become more than problematic.
And if this is true, then you shouldn’t expect results, because if you encounter the first obstacle and fail to overcome it, you will consider this evidence of failure and simply give up.
And no matter how much you fight negative emotions about this, no matter how many motivational techniques you apply, it is unlikely to bear fruit until you get rid of the most negative limiting belief “I won’t succeed anyway.”

To achieve significant, measurable improvements and change your reality, you need to purposefully change your limiting belief system to solve any problems in the area of ​​​​your life that interests you.

Possible limiting beliefs for most people
. It is impossible for me to have a successful career and a satisfying personal life at the same time
. if I become open and honest, people will start to take advantage of it
. if I become open and honest, women will start taking advantage of me
. It’s impossible for me to come to terms with the fact that men are who they are
. It is impossible for me to come to terms with the fact that women are who they are
. It's impossible for me to forgive myself for missing out on true love
. I will never be able to overcome my shortcomings
. I'm a person who is insecure
. I will never be a successful person
. I can never earn enough
. I won't be able to get a job that suits me
. I can't stay calm when I need to
. I cannot express my feelings and emotions openly
. I can't concentrate when I have to
. I'm an impatient person
. I don't have enough patience in raising children
. I can't stand talking to my relatives
. I lack restraint when communicating with my husband
. I can't attract a worthy life partner
. I can't be a good leader
. I won't be able to ask for help
. I choose the wrong men/women
. I've never had any luck in relationships
. my time is up
. I won't show my true self, men are afraid of that
. I can't be happy without a partner

How to learn to identify limiting beliefs?

The main reason for many failures in life is not pathological bad luck, but our own identification with limiting beliefs, which we ourselves begin to consider true for no reason. A person’s thoughts and emotions can turn the world upside down, creating a certain vision of the situation, not at all being real. We just decided and understand that everything cannot be one way or another.

For example, we take the statement that “money is difficult to earn.” This belief is now perceived as the only correct option for the development of events, as a reason to act this way or not do anything. Is it possible to cope with this state of affairs? Yes, by identifying that you have this limiting belief and replacing it. How?
The first thing you need to do before you start changing your life is to replace existing beliefs that do not allow you to move in the right direction. You just need to ask yourself: “What do I need to succeed in this field?”
You are offered a list of self-analysis questions that will help you find your beliefs.
1. What might a person need to achieve his goal?
2. What beliefs can lead a person to such an unenviable position?
3. What can be said about you as a person involved in the proposed business? (for example, earning money)
4. How can you describe the proposed activity in which you want to succeed?
5. What can you tell us about people who were able to succeed in the field in question? (in the one that interests you from the point of view of overcoming)
6. How can you compare the world with the area of ​​life that interests you?

To identify limiting beliefs in your own mind and replace them, you need to use an exercise that allows you to do this effectively.

Carefully consider the beliefs that are presented in the list and identify the ones that most suit you.
Then use the suggested questions and get answers to them, so your own beliefs will appear.
Use some method to realize the limitations you have identified and replace the negative belief system with an essentially true system, a new desired reality for you.
And so with every new question and belief.

The most important result should be positive emotions and complete faith that the beliefs that hinder the path to success are no longer there, and in their place there is a new system of positive, effective beliefs that has been formed.
Ask yourself:
1. Does the previous limiting belief have any significance?
2. Do I really believe in the new belief system at this moment?

There is no need to leave obstacles on your way to your goal, then luck will certainly be on your side.

The muscle test is an applied exercise in kinesiology, the science of movement. It is based on the fact that the muscular reaction of the body to the truth and to a lie is different. Truth strengthens us, lies weakens us. On a subconscious level, our body knows what is good and what is bad for us, where is the truth and where is the lie. This can be used to determine the choice of what you need to do, which product is useful, check the validity of the statement, etc.

We will use it to test the presence of certain negative beliefs in our unconscious. How to conduct a muscle (kinesiology) test yourself:

Stand up straight. hands down. Relax your legs, your whole body.
Take 3 deep breaths. Close your eyes.
Calibrate your body. Tell him “This is my yes.” And listen to your body. It should lean forward.
Now say “This is my no.” Listen to the body. It should lean back.

Now you can ask questions and receive answers from your body. And know that it definitely doesn’t lie! It just doesn't know that this is possible. It exists and, fulfilling its physiological functions, always strives for a harmonious state.

How to identify negative attitudes? 4 levels of beliefs.

I can immediately write that some of the negative attitudes that are given below may seem strange and even incomprehensible. The fact is that each of us has our own personal experience, the experience of our ancestors, collective experience, experience of past lives, and so on. There are 4 levels of beliefs in ThetaHealing.

Basic level of beliefs. Beliefs at this level are what we have been taught in our lives. What we have accepted since childhood and it has become part of us.

Genetic level of beliefs. We receive beliefs of this level from our ancestors or they are added to our genes during our lives.

Historical level of beliefs. Beliefs at this level refer to past life memories or deep genetic memory, or collective consciousness experiences that we carry into the present.

Soul level. Beliefs at this level are everything that a person is. To work at this level, the practitioner turns to the very soul of a person, to the very essence of this person.

Where do negative beliefs (negative attitudes) come from?

Most often from childhood. A child is born and begins, like a sponge, to absorb everything that is conveyed to him by the people around him and the surrounding space. Based on this information, a person at an early age develops a basic system of values ​​- a character, in accordance with which he builds his future life.

So, the beliefs that are presented below are beliefs that I have identified while working with other people. Some of them may indeed seem very strange, but each person has their own experience. Identifying and unearthing negative beliefs and attitudes, especially on your own, is quite painstaking work that requires great awareness. Therefore, by testing installations from other sources, you can significantly speed up the process of “cleaning up” your subconscious from these weeds.

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Negative attitudes blocking love, personal life, and creating a family.

Negative attitudes about men/women:

The first block of negative attitudes (beliefs) are negative attitudes about men/women. Unfortunately, it happens that relationships with the opposite sex often bring not only joy, but also a lot of negative experiences. As a result, some of the following beliefs may be present in the unconscious.

  • All men are womanizers.
  • Men are womanizers.

I would like to immediately clarify that the belief: “There are womanizers among men” is a normal belief. Since it is true that there are womanizers among men and there is no point in canceling it. God is their judge. Let them "walk". But the belief: “All men (men) are womanizers” is already a negative belief that should be worked with.

  • All men are assholes.
  • All men cheat.
  • Men are dirty, lustful animals.
  • Men only want sex.
  • Men are not interested in anything other than sex.
  • Men are only interested in eating, sleeping, and having sex. (This is what her mother told one of my clients. And if literally, it sounded like this: “Your father only needs to eat, sleep, have sex.” If you decide to work on your beliefs, then remember what and in what words your parents or persons told you their replacements.)
  • Men only eat and sleep.
  • Runs after everyone.
  • Not a single skirt will be missed.
  • Fuck everything that moves.
  • Men are animals (animals, creatures...).
  • Only those who have no choice remain faithful.
  • There are no faithful men in nature.
  • Men pursue women only to assert themselves.
  • Men pursue women not to build a family or create relationships, but to please their EGO. Self-assertion.
  • Men are only interested in their EGO and their ambitions, but they don’t care about a woman’s feelings.
  • The most important thing for a man is that his friends envy him.
  • Men don't care about women's feelings.
  • Men take their anger out on women (wives, children, weaker people, etc.) for their failures.
  • Men are rude, rude and disrespectful towards their women (wives, children, weaker people). This kind of attitude can arise in a woman who was raised in a family where the father suppressed the mother. Perhaps he also demanded strict, even unquestioning submission to himself. And he punished severely for every offense.
  • This is a sign of masculinity (a real man) to assert himself on the weaker. (WELL women who are attracted to "bad boys")
  • Real men, real males, always assert themselves on the weaker.
  • Establishing yourself on the weaker is a sign of masculinity.
  • The strong always oppress the weak.
  • I assert myself on the weaker, spreading rot on the weakest - he shows his dominance and superiority.
  • For a man, showing feelings is a sign of weakness.
  • I condemn men who cry.
  • A real man should be rude, tough, cruel.
  • A real man is like flint. Shouldn't show your feelings.
  • At the first difficulties in relationships, men leave.
  • Men are alcoholics.
  • All men drink alcohol.
  • All men are alcoholics.
  • All real men drink alcohol.
  • Men don't know how to love.
  • Men are disgusting.
  • Men are selfish.
  • Men are nothing but problems.
  • A normal man is hard to find.
  • There are no normal men left.
  • There are no more real men left.
  • Men are completely extinct these days.
  • Men are nothing but worry.
  • Men are nothing but problems.
  • Men are nothing but trouble.
  • I'm unhappy because of men (men).
  • It's better not to mess with men.
  • It’s better not to mess with men at all.
  • It's easier without men.
  • It's easier without men.
  • It's freer without men.
  • No men - no problems.
  • Men are dangerous.
  • Men are aggressive.
  • I have an aversion to men.
  • I'm afraid of men.
  • A beloved man is a judge who needs to pass the exam with flying colors.
  • In the presence of the man I like (the man I love), I have to be perfect in everything. (This kind of attitude or similar ones can arise in women with demanding fathers. One of my clients’ father demanded that she be perfect in everything. Any pimple on her face was a reason for a scandal. Already growing up, she unconsciously perceived any man she liked, as a strict examiner and tried to be perfect in everything in his presence, which caused severe internal tension and big problems with my personal life.)
  • I have to adapt to a man.
  • I have to please a man.
  • I have to please a man.
  • A man and his interests come first for me.
  • I have to be what a man wants me to be.
  • I have to convince the man that he will feel good with me.
  • If I cannot convince a man that he will feel good with me, then he will not want to be with me.
  • I have to force myself on a man.
  • If I cannot show and convince a man that he will feel good with me, then he will leave for another woman.
  • I put pressure on men.
  • Video lessons on mathematics.
  • I suppress men.
  • I'm smarter than any of the men.
  • Men are stupid.
  • If I like this man, then all the women around me like him.
  • I'm afraid of relationships with men.
  • I'm afraid to let men near me.
  • Men love those who don't love them.
  • For a man to love you and be with you, he cannot be loved.
  • Men like helpless women.
  • Men love helpless women.
  • In order to be loved, I must become helpless
  • I despise men.
  • I despise alcoholics.
  • I despise men who drink alcohol.
  • I despise weak men.
  • If a man earns less than me, then he is not a man.
  • I despise weak men.
  • I despise men who earn less than me.
  • I don't accept a man's love.
  • I reject the love of a man.
  • A man's love is dangerous for me.
    • All women are whores.
    • I have an aversion to women.
    • I'm afraid of women.
    • Women are fools.
    • All misfortunes are due to women.
    • Women are nothing but misfortune.
    • Women are either smart or beautiful.
    • For women, the main thing is money.
    • Women are only interested in money.
    • Women only like rich men.
    • There are no smart women.
    • Women hang themselves on rich men (men).

    Negative attitudes that speak of the idealization of personal life.

    Idealization is some super-valuable idea, a very important expectation for us. And if something in life does not happen in accordance with this “expectation,” then negative experiences arise that block the coming of what you want into life. In this case, family, relationships and everything related to personal life.

    • I give a man too much importance in my life. (If the answer is “yes”, then this means that there is an “idealization” of men, relationships, family and everything connected with it)
    • I attach too much importance to my personal life.
    • Life without a man is incomplete.
    • A woman cannot live without love (love for a man, relationships, family, children).
    • A woman cannot be happy without love (love for a man, relationships, family, children).
    • A woman cannot live without a relationship.
    • There must be a man.
    • A woman cannot feel complete without a man (family, relationship).
    • If I don't think about a man, he will never appear.
    • If I think about something other than men and relationships, then I will never have them (men and relationships).
    • A real, fulfilling life will begin only after a man appears in my life.
    • I condemn single (divorced, unmarried) women.
    • Unmarried (divorced) women are second-class women.
    • A woman without a man is not a woman.
    • If I stop thinking about him, the connection between us will be severed. (For women who are fixated on some man)

    Negative attitudes about family and family life.

    • When family and children appear, life will begin to come to an end.
    • When a family and children appear, it will mean that youth is over.
    • Family, children, home, successful work - it's all so boring and dull.
    • Family, children, home is too much responsibility for me.
    • The family limits freedom too much.
    • The appearance of a family and children means the end of a fun, free life.
    • Men and women find it difficult to understand each other.
    • It is difficult for men and women to get along together.
    • It is difficult for men and women to be happy together.
    • While the woman is working, the man is having fun.
    • The woman pulls everything on herself.
    • In a family, a woman takes care of everything.
    • It is better for a woman when a man is not at home. (The mother of one of my clients constantly repeated how good and free she felt when her father was not at home.)
    • I won't be able to create a happy family.
    • I won't be able to create a happy family.
    • I'm not made for marriage.
    • It’s better not to get married at all.
    • I must obey the man.
    • A wife must obey her husband.
    • A wife must obey her husband in everything.
    • For men, children are a burden.
    • For men, family is a burden.
    • Money and family compete with each other in my life.
    • Money and family are rivals.
    • Money replaces my husband and children.
    • I can bring more benefit to the world if I don’t have a family and children.
    • It is difficult for a strong, self-sufficient woman to get married.
    • If a woman can do everything herself, then she doesn’t need a man.
    • Self-sufficient, confident women are lonely, they are too strong and they don’t need anyone.
    • I can do everything myself, so I don’t need anyone.
    • If I can do everything myself, then why do I need a man.
    • I can do everything myself, so I don’t need a man.
    • There is nothing worse than divorce.
    • Divorce is a shame.
    • Video lessons on mathematics.
    • Marriages are made in heaven, and therefore divorce is sinful.
    • Divorce is a sin.
    • If I become myself, I will never get married.
    • My strength, my abilities and my potential scare men away.
    • Now the logical question arises, what to do with these negative attitudes. I dig in and cancel them through theta healing. After this, I teach a person how to live without these attitudes and fears associated with them (I will write all this in subsequent publications), and then load the corresponding feelings. I highly recommend learning theta-healing to anyone who works independently. Take at least a basic course to learn how to do all this without outside help.

      Those who do not want to study theta healing for any reason or do not have the financial opportunity - you can write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. We will communicate with the topic of replacement of NU in person. Consultations are conducted via Skype or Viber. The consultation also uses elements of art therapy, sand therapy, body therapy, transactional analysis and much more. Let life become brighter and more interesting! Personal consultations are possible for residents of Dnieper. The first consultation is free.

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      What's stopping you from getting married?

      What obstacles, barriers and restrictions exist on the path to a happy personal life. Why can’t you start a family, keep a man, build harmonious relationships? How to overcome any difficulties and obstacles on the path to a happy personal life. Conversations with Alexander Sviyash. Conversation No. 8.

      Useful materials:

      How to identify your negative beliefs.

      How the Subconscious influences our lives.

      Mikhail Efimovich Litvak. Writer. Psychologist.

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