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Develop physically - be confident in yourself. Fostering a love of sports in preschool children Culture as a means of educating athletes

Sports education, education, training (in the narrow sense)

The subject of pedagogical activity aimed at nurturing a sports culture of an individual and education through sports can be various personal qualities, abilities and aspects of an individual’s life:

Motives, interests, needs, attitudes, value orientations, emotions and other similar formations;

Abilities and skills demonstrated in real activities, behavior, and lifestyle.

In order to clearly record and not confuse these areas of pedagogical activity, it is advisable to introduce appropriate terms to denote them. One of the options that takes into account the possibility of using the terms “education”, “upbringing” and training” in narrow meaning (see 6.2) is as follows:

Pedagogical activity aimed at introducing the student brought up in specially organized conditions of the pedagogical environment to the world of knowledge about sports, the formation of a system of this kind of knowledge, information readiness to participate in sports) is designated by the term “ sports education (in the university sense)";

Pedagogical activity focused on the formation (improvement) of an individual’s skills, operational readiness to participate in sports, and at the same time the corresponding real behavior, real sports activity to achieve certain personal goals (behavioral culture of this activity), is designated by the term “sports training (in the university sense)”;

Pedagogical activity aimed at introducing the student in specially organized conditions of the pedagogical environment to the world of values ​​(ideals, symbols, patterns of behavior, etc.) of sports activities, forming in him the corresponding motives, interests, attitudes, value orientations, etc. , i.e. The motivational culture of the individual associated with this activity is denoted by the term “ sports education (in the narrow sense)."

Sports education, upbringing and training (in this understanding) are interconnected, but at the same time relatively independent, elements of a single, integral system of pedagogical activity, focused on the formation of a sports culture of the individual and education through sports. To designate this pedagogical activity generally the term " sports education", understood in wide sense (meaning).

In the following text, if the terms “sports education”, “sports education” and “sports training” are used in such narrow meaning, this will be specifically indicated.

Methods of sports education

To solve the diverse and complex problems of sports education, a set of appropriate methods is needed [see: Stolyarov, 1998g, 2009a, 2013; Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009a, b, 2011; Stolyarov, Kozyreva, 2002, etc.].

These methods can be divided into two groups.

First group - education methods general positive attitude of the individual towards sport. It is advisable to use these methods, therefore, in everyone types of sports education.

Second group - education methods value-selective the individual's relationship to sport. This means, therefore, specific methods of sports education that are necessary to solve special tasks of one or another type of this pedagogical activity (for example, sports and humanistic education, Olympic education, etc.).

For education general positive attitude of an individual to sports can be used: active and regular sports, information about the history and current state of sports, sports training methods, teaching the basics of sports training and other traditional, well-known methods. The methods of introducing physical culture and motor activity described in the previous chapter are also important for solving this problem, introducing a certain correction into them taking into account the specifics of the sport (primarily its competitive nature). Such an innovative form of introducing students to sports activities as a “parade of sports” deserves attention [see. Panova, Klyuchnikova, 2012].

It is widely believed that these traditional methods of sports education (active and regular sports activities, information about the history and current state of sports, sports training methods, teaching the basics of sports training) allow children and youth to develop not only general positive attitude to sports, but also those qualities, abilities, behavior, lifestyle that characterize humanistic attitude towards sports activities, - holistic development of personality, moral behavior in sports competition in the spirit of the principles of “fair play”, etc.

This position on the problem under discussion is presented, for example, in the works of V.D. Panachev, dedicated to the sports culture of student youth [Panachev, 2006, 2007]. In his opinion, sport “preserves and strengthens the essential mechanisms of a person’s socio-cultural life and the transition to an individual’s subculture, forms him as a socially competent person”: “the very nature of sport has the power schn Because of its impact on the individual, sport for young people is “a school of character, courage, and will.” Sport builds character, teaches you to overcome difficulties, and withstand the “blows of fate.” Sport shapes a person, makes him fight his weaknesses, overcoming himself. Thanks to sports, a person learns to control his emotions and understand beauty. In sports, a person for the first time begins to comprehend the basics of legal culture and learns the rules of “fair play.” Sports stands mo schn om factor of socialization, manifestation of social activity. Through sport, a person gains experience in interpersonal relationships” [Panachev, 2007, p. 55, 58].

In accordance with this, V.D. Panachev characterizes sports education as “a new type of education through sports, competition, training loads, sports training, during which the personality of an athlete is formed, capable of achieving high sports results and being a person in the highest sense of the word” [Panachev, 2007, p. . 57]. He believes that the development of a person’s sports culture is at the same time its harmonious development: “the development of a sports culture is a unique phenomenon of the harmonious development of a student’s personality in the process of physical culture and sports activities, which includes the spiritual, physical and sports improvement of students. mastering the values ​​of sports culture will allow students to explore the world of sports, get involved in physical education and sports activities, and develop an interest in their health” [Panachev, 2007, p. 32]. In addition to pointing out that the harmonious development of the individual is carried out through its inclusion in physical education and sports activities, V.D. Panachev does not indicate any other forms and methods that help achieve this goal.

V.D. To substantiate his position, Panachev repeatedly refers to the works of L.I. Lubysheva, dedicated to the problems of sports culture. These works propose to introduce the subject “Sports Culture” into the educational process of general education and higher schools. The purpose of this academic subject is sports education, the key point of which is the formation of a personal sports culture, and the content includes three sections: theoretical, practical and control. "Theoretical The section should contain knowledge about the history of the formation and development of sports, the theory of sports, the basics of sports training, methods of medical control and self-control. Practical the section should include the main sections of sports training: general physical, special, tactical and technical. Competitive activity is an integral part of this process. Control and normative The section provides for the assessment of knowledge, motor skills and abilities at the level of requirements of youth sports categories" [Lubysheva, 2005, p. 61; 2008, p. 3; 2009b, p. 209].

Concerning funds formation of a personal sports culture in the process of sports education, then, as noted by L.I. Lubyshev, “the systematic organization of the content of sports education is carried out through:

Development of new educational programs (training, health-improving training, conditioning training, multi-level, original, variable);

Creating a sports climate (spirit), a rich, versatile sports environment (sports club, sections for sports and a mandatory educational and training process outside the schedule);

The use of new forms of the educational process (educational and training sessions, match meetings, sports festivals, competitions, olympiads)” [Lubysheva, 2009b, p. 210].

It is assumed that the formation of a sports culture based on these forms and methods “will eliminate the “pain points” of the traditionally established system of physical education,” including “providing opportunities for the priority development of ethical, moral, spiritual and health-forming values ​​of sports culture” [Lubysheva, 2005 , With. 61; 2009b, pp. 210, 211].

Formulating these provisions, L.I. Lubysheva proceeds from the fact that “sport, which creates the values ​​of sports culture, has always been a powerful social phenomenon and a means of successful socialization” [Lubysheva, 2003, p. 26; 2005, p. 56; 2009b, p. 203].

In this kind of views on sports and sports culture of the individual, two main theoretical and methodological errors are made.

First one of them is that humanistic potential sports, active sports activities are mistakenly identified with their real significance and based on this it is assumed that sports activity in everyone cases certainly provides positive influence on those involved in sports is always “a powerful social phenomenon and a means of successful socialization.” Real practice refutes this opinion.

Sports activities truly contain enormous opportunities for a positive impact on personality and social relationships. Some aspects of this sport's potential are being realized in practice. Sports training, as a rule, allows for the physical improvement of children and youth. Many sports (figure skating, sports dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming, freestyle, etc.) have a positive impact on the aesthetic culture of those involved in these sports. But still, the huge humanistic potential of sports activities is often realized not complete and effective enough. Its role in the formation and development of moral culture, creative abilities, communicative, environmental culture, and the culture of the world of children and youth is usually very insignificant.

Moreover, evidence suggests that active sports in many cases have Negative influence on those involved in it. Winning in modern sports is becoming increasingly important. It brings prestige to the athlete himself, the coach, the club and the sports organization that raised the champion. More often than not, success is accompanied not only by diplomas, but also by significant material incentives.

It is therefore not surprising that among athletes there is increasingly a desire to do so at any cost - even at the expense of health, one-sided development and violation of moral standards - achieve victory. An increasing number of children and youth are attracted to sport not as a sphere of manifestation of morality, aesthetics, culture, human (informal) communication, humane attitude of people to each other and to nature, not as a means of harmonious personal development. They are involved in sports and sports competitions primarily because here they can earn money, acquire other material benefits, fame, and increase their prestige [see: Children's sports. 1998; Stolyarov, 1998b, f, g, 2011; Reader on sociology. 2005].

This means that numerous facts indicate that “sport, which creates the values ​​of sports culture,” does not always lead to positive (from a humanistic point of view) results and therefore shi It is easy to believe that he is and “has always been schn om social phenomenon and a means of successful socialization.” The humanistic potential of sports activities is not realized automatically. Whole line factors determine the degree and nature of the influence of sport on personality and social relationships [Stolyarov, 1998b, f, g, 2004c, 2009a, 2011]. The methodological error of the above-mentioned views on sports and sports culture is that these factors are not taken into account, highlighted and not analyzed.

When the opinion is expressed that the inclusion of students in active and regular sports allows them to form not only a general, but also a humanistic attitude towards these activities, a humanistically oriented sports culture of the individual, it is also allowed second mistake. It is not taken into account that the attractiveness, significance, value of sport for children and youth, as noted above, may not lie in the fact that it allows them to strengthen and maintain their health, promote their versatile and harmonious development, but, for example, in the fact that makes it possible to show a tendency to aggression, violence, and is considered as a means of achieving material wealth, fame, demonstrating one’s superiority over others, solving other problems - economic, political, nationalistic, etc.

This means that the fact that playing sports can lead to the formation of such a sports culture of an individual that has not humanistic , A other direction.

The above allows us to conclude that for education humanistically A value-oriented and selective attitude towards sports and humanistic education through sports is not enough to include students in active and regular sports. Solving this complex problem requires a complex of other methods.

These include (again with some clarification) the methods described in the previous chapter for solving a similar problem in relation to physical culture and motor activity, of course, making corrections to them taking into account the specifics of sports activity (primarily its competitive nature).

It should also be noted the importance physical education and sports clubs to solve the problems of physical education, motor and sports education. Many scientific publications and dissertations are devoted to the analysis of various aspects of the activities of these clubs [Antikova, 1990; Arvisto, Truu, 1990; Ah - Temzyanova, 2010; Akhtemzyanova, Peshkova, Kan, Grigorieva, 2009; Balandin V.P.,

Nikiforova E.V., 2009; Gostev R.G., 2001; Zdanovich O.S., 2012; Karamysheva, 2009; Krayushkin, 1987; Kudryavtseva N.V., 1996; Leonov, Rutskoy, 1990; Loginov

V.F., 1994; Matskevich, 1987; Mickiewicz, 1985; Nizyaeva, Podlivaeva, 1998; Nikulin A.V., 2008; Semagin, 1992; Skripnik G.M., Skripnik Y.Yu., 2012; Stolyarov, Kudryavtseva N.V., 1998; Model Regulations, 1995; Tolkachev, 1998; Khalturina, 2004; Khrustalev, 2000; Chedova, 2012; Shukaeva, 2006]. The sports club is an excellent school for children and youth to learn how to communicate with each other, live in society, observing nci principles of democracy, collective and personal responsibility. The club form of the association allows for differentiated consideration of the interests and needs of those involved in sports, conducting consulting work among them, and carrying out not only organizational, pedagogical, but also financial activities.

The model of such a children's and youth sports club has proven to be the most effective, in which the following organizational principles are implemented: every person can become a member of the club, regardless of ability, gender, age, etc.; the club is governed by a democratically elected Council; club members develop and implement activity programs, create the club’s infrastructure, prepare sports equipment, paraphernalia, etc.; in addition to sports, various forms of socio-cultural activities are organized; there is a staff of qualified personnel; parents and the school are informed on all issues of their activities. The practice of sports clubs has shown the inexpediency of such an approach, in which teachers, methodologists, and instructors take on the functions of club management, and children's club self-government bodies carry out only executive functions. But it is wrong to give children complete independence. The most rational approach is in which the general directions of the club’s activities are determined by the instructors, and more specific issues are brought up for discussion by the Club Council and its members.

The important social and pedagogical significance of physical education and sports clubs is recognized in many countries. Information on this topic is contained in a number of scientific publications [see: Bashkirova, Guskov 1994; Vinogradov P.A., Divina, Zholdak, 1997; Zemilsky, 1981; Club life, 1996; The clubs are different. 1996; Knop, 1993; Sports clubs., 1996; Heinila, 1986; Raikkala, 1993; Schlagenhauf, Timm, 1976, etc.].

In many countries, physical education and sports clubs have become very popular. Thus, in Finland, 450 thousand people (34% of the population), including children and youth, are members of various recreational sports clubs. The model of mass sports in Belgium is also implemented through sports clubs [Movement. 1989]. In the sports activities of adolescents in Sweden over the past two decades, there has been an increase in the percentage of active members in sports clubs and a decrease in the activity of adolescents who are not members of sports clubs [Engström, 1993].

Recently, along with traditional ones, innovative forms of organizing their activities have been proposed. Worthy of attention, for example, is the organization “ club of intellectual athletes" as a new form of organizing sports work in educational institutions [Panova, Razumova, Kostyunina, 2012]. The activities of children's and youth sports clubs are usually associated with the implementation of extracurricular programs. So, " Thousand Mile Club" created in the UK at the University of Lowborough during the implementation of the “Project on Health Education and Physical Education”, it became a form of implementation of an out-of-school sports program and united schoolchildren who love running [Formation of a healthy lifestyle. 1993]. Clubs that emerged in 1986 in some US states became an extraordinary form of work with “difficult” teenagers. Midnight Basketball Leagues" . These clubs' basketball games, held for teenagers at night, reduced crime by attracting them to basketball, at least as spectators.

The activities of many sports clubs for children and youth are associated with new sports. Thus, a new sport arose in the USA - jumping over two ropes with complex movements. In this sport, not only intra-school, but also city and even international competitions are held. Fans of this sport unite in clubs "Double-dach" each of which has its own charter, emblem, uniform. Club members actively participate in demonstration performances in stadiums, squares, and parks. Clubs organize training sessions and preparation for competitions. Clubs are popular in Finland "Hi-hop" - one of the directions for the development of the “sport for all” movement in the form of two-day aerobics competitions, which are held once a year by the Finnish Association of Women’s Physical Education [see: Sports for all. 1993].

Some children's and youth sports clubs do not limit their activities to sports. Characteristic in this regard are the clubs created in Finland, united by the movement "New trends". The purpose of creating these clubs is not only to involve children and adolescents in sports, but also to provide them with greater opportunities to realize their abilities. Clubs organize: various sports competitions; health and entertainment activities; exhibitions reflecting the activities of clubs; sports camps; health groups in schools. An important area of ​​their activity is a course called “The Future”, which provides an explanation of the content of new campaigns and programs for children's and youth sports being carried out in Finland. The course is designed to train trainers for field campaigns and consists of 4 parts: campaign organization, event marketing, presentation, program objectives. The activities of the clubs are coordinated by the Finnish Youth Academy, whose goal is to create a system that allows young people to develop their abilities not only in sports, but also in other activities [see: Saarikko, 1993].

Those created in the USA are also focused on social activities. school initiative clubs, which serve as a source of funding for school sports programs. These clubs organize competitions and the sale of tickets for them, various sports auctions, and also engage in other activities aimed at raising funds necessary to finance school sports programs.

There are approximately 25 thousand such clubs in the United States. A club at one of the schools in Iowa managed to raise $70,000. This club organizes up to 150 different competitions and tournaments a year on school grounds, inviting teams from all states to participate. Some schools in the United States hold the Former Student Games as a paid event for participants. Such activities of clubs allow solving several problems at once: attracting children and adolescents to participate in both sports and social activities, facilitating the acquisition of experience in teamwork, mutual assistance, discipline and other important qualities [see: Swift, 1991].

Foreign experts consider the main directions for improving the work of sports clubs for schoolchildren to be an increase in the variety of forms of sports activity, a focus on free self-expression of those involved, cultural and educational work, and increased attention to the processes of socialization of children and adolescents.

In our country, in new socio-economic conditions, previously established forms of club sports work with children and youth (for example, the clubs of the Central Committee of the Komsomol “Leather Ball”, “Golden Puck”, “Wicker Ball”, “Neptune”, etc., united children's teams various age groups and organized in schools, in the community, etc.) have partly lost their significance. The current competitions for prizes of these clubs require teams to pay for participation, which prevents them from becoming widespread. There is a search for new forms of sports clubs for children and youth [see: Balandin V.P., Nikiforova E.V., 2009; Gostev R.G., 2001; Semagin, 1992; Khalturina, 2004].

One of these forms is Dobrynya Nikitich club . Organizational nci The rules of this club are simple, democratic, and offer options for work depending on local conditions. Participation in the club is completely voluntary. The club is created by an initiative group - at school, vocational school, college, technical school, etc. The group can include not only children, but also teachers and representatives of the administration of the educational institution. The participation of a physical education teacher in this group is very important. The initiative group develops the Club Charter. Boys and young men who want to become members of the club must be honest, fair, devoted to the Fatherland, and also pass tests confirming that they are well physically prepared. The qualifying requirements of the Dobrynya Nikitich club have been developed, which include certain standards for hand-to-hand combat, strength exercises, speed running, endurance running and jumping exercises. Other options for standards are also proposed. The classification has two options - according to mandatory standards and according to the points system. Those who have fulfilled the established standards become members of the club and receive the title of holder of the sign of Dobrynya Nikitich. Three levels of requirements are established for this sign - III degree,

II degree and I degree [Dolzhikov, Sergeev V., Shustikov, 1993; Evgeniev, 1994; Mezenev, 1994].

An innovative project occupies an important place in the program of sportsization of physical education, which has been implemented recently. "School Sports Club" - the idea of ​​​​creating its own sports club in each school [see: Alekseev S.V., Gostev R.G., Kuramshin, Lotonenko Lubysheva, Filimonova, 2013, p. 479-482; Balsevich, 2006; Lubysheva, 2006]. Gained great popularity among young people sports and entertainment clubs, mainly bowling clubs [see: Belenov, Rodionov, Uvarov, 2006]. In a number of regions of the country, Spartan clubs [see: Stolyarov, 1997c, d, 1998e, i, 2005c, 2006b, 2008].

The most important for the education of a humanistically oriented, value-selective attitude towards sport and humanistic education through sport are olympic And Spartan methods. Two other monographs by the author will be devoted to their analysis. But the reader can obtain essential information about these methods in the author’s previously published works [see, for example: Stolyarov, 1990, 1993, 1997c, d, 1998a, c, f,

2003, 2005c, 2006b, 2007c, 2008; Stolyarov, Barinov, Oreshkin, 2013; Stolyarov, Sukhinin, Logunov, 2011].

Concluding the characteristics of sports education, it should be noted that for the effectiveness of this pedagogical activity (as well as other components of complex physical education - bodily and physical culture-motor education) in relation to certain groups of students it is necessary person-centered approach , taking them into account individual characteristics . This applies not only to athletes, but also to spectators and fans. In this regard, in particular, their typology should be taken into account [see: Viktorov V.A., Ponomarchuk, Platonov, 1991; Zuev, 2007; Kozlova, 2000, 2003a, b, 2005a, b; Stolyarov, Saraf, 1982].

The results of the preliminary diagnostics They have a sports culture of personality and a general humanistic culture of personality. This is a complex pedagogical procedure both in terms of the nature of the problems that must be solved, and in terms of the means and methods that must be used to solve these problems. But it is necessary, since it allows us to determine the level of formation of the desired form of sports culture of the individual in those brought up, as well as the general humanistic culture of the individual, their various components and forms, those shortcomings (“gaps”) in this regard that require pedagogical correction, and on the basis of this select appropriate forms and methods.

This pedagogical procedure should be carried out taking into account the main components and indicators of the structure of the individual’s sports culture, its models (forms, varieties), as well as the humanistic culture of the individual. A comprehensive analysis of the algorithm for this pedagogical procedure is contained in the works of S.Yu. Barinov [Barinov, 2009b, 2010].

How do you know if your child can become a champion? What to talk about with a sporty child? What qualities should you focus on developing? “Break” character or work with what you have? How to help your child achieve heights and remain a good parent? We will discuss all these issues in our article.

“Will my child become a champion?” Personal qualities

When sending their child to sports, many parents hope to raise a real champion. Often it is for this reason that a child is brought to the hospital, and not because they are trying to preserve his health, teach him how to spend his time profitably, or for anything else.

But it is obvious that not every child will grow up to be a champion, reach heights in sports and bring home a weighty medal from prestigious competitions to mom and dad. To do this, you need to have not only physical qualities suitable for this sport and financial and time resources. This requires character. Strong personality.

In essence, development in sports is a constant overcoming of difficulties. This is exactly what you should pay attention to when you ask the question: “Will my child be a champion?” What matters is how your child copes with difficulties.

But in any case, do not rush to make a final verdict. Remember, this is still a child. And it is at the stage of active development and formation. It’s just very important at this stage to honestly answer the question of what your child is strong at and what he’s not. And build on this.

Sport as part of life or entertainment

It is a rare child who does not show any interest in physical activity, and parents often do not know where to put this endless energy. But if your child is not at all happy about active games and is happy to replace them with reading or embroidery, then everything is obvious. He's just not interested. This, of course, does not mean that sports are superfluous in his life. No. But he is probably not destined to reach heights in this field. And sport here will act as an obligatory part of maintaining health (such as brushing your teeth).

If your child carries a soccer ball everywhere, or if he cannot be pulled out of the playground due to an irresistible involvement in an active game, or he often does not have the endurance to sit in one place or walk calmly next to you, then sports is most likely for him. , it will be a joy. For such a child, sport will become, if not a part of life, then certainly a favorite pastime.

Any interest in a child’s head appears and is shaped by what surrounds him.

Sports parents who don't spend a single weekend lying on the couch cannot have an unsportsmanlike child. And why all? Because it has been part of his life since birth. Life without sports does not exist for him. This is not only a rare entertainment (once a year to the skating rink, badminton on vacation), but it is an integral “routine” for all members of his family.

But even non-sports parents have children who are future champion athletes. It is important to notice your child’s passion and support him in this in every possible way. Or better yet, get carried away yourself. Ideally, do the same thing, but you can simply dig into the theory and history of the development of your child’s favorite sport (or better yet, all sports in general). Make your child fall in love with the sports world and make him dream of being a part of it. Constant trips to interesting sporting events, hundreds of sections in the first year of sports trials, discussions of world sporting events, morning family exercises - all this should become an integral part of your life.

And, of course, interest must be supported by character development. And there are many tricks here to ensure that the young athlete does not give up everything halfway.


The concept of “determination” implies that a person has certain beliefs, which he does not abandon under the influence of any failures and obstacles. In other words, this is a quality that helps you achieve something that no one has ever achieved before. This means defeating everyone and becoming a champion.

The goal is the driving force in the education of an athlete. It must be competently formed by the child’s tutor. And this goal consists of factors such as the motivation with which the child came to play sports. In the early stages of classes, you should encourage the child, celebrate his successes and be sincerely proud of his still modest achievements. This will help develop a child’s positive self-esteem and desire for new achievements.

Determination of purpose is formed in a young athlete through the reinforcement of interest in sports activities, through the assessment of achievements, as well as through control of sports activities. Those. You won’t be able to just bring a child to a section and pick up a champion a few years later. Successes and failures, analysis of mistakes and support, your participation in the child’s life shape him as a person.

Concentration is another important quality for success in sports. Any athlete knows: being involved in a situation gives results. Why, not only the athlete knows this, but any of us knows this. If you concentrate on your work, then it turns out better than if, while doing it, you think about the upcoming trip to the theater or a conflict with a colleague.

Sports require constant concentration. During sports activities, it helps to overcome fatigue, not to relax even for a second, and to bring your movements to the ideal. And outside the training process, it disciplines the individual from temptations and excesses that are not part of the young athlete’s daily routine.

Much time is devoted to developing concentration in sports training and school classes. And your task, as a parent, is to reduce distractions in your child’s life, solve problems at school or conflicts within the family in a timely manner. And, of course, an excellent assistant here is a well-formed one, which removes chaos from the child’s head and creates fertile ground for concentration on achieving the goal.

Willpower is formed under the influence of failures and temptations. From the very beginning of his journey, the little athlete learns what it means to deprive himself of much. You just need to eat the right food, go to bed on time, take care of your health, and overcome pain and injury. Being an athlete is difficult. And being a champion is a hundred times more difficult.

Even if your child doesn’t succeed in something the first time in everyday life, don’t rush to do it for him. In no case. He is a person just like you, with arms and other body parts. He just has less experience. And it is very important for him to receive it. Therefore, in any difficult situation, encourage your child, give a hint, or simply motivate him to try again and again. And don’t skimp on praise when your little athlete makes a successful attempt.


Any athlete must have the skill of self-organization. At that moment, when there are no parents, a coach or friends in the section nearby, he must have an understanding of what he must do. Therefore, it is extremely important that you make all decisions together with your future champion, explain to him why, how, how much and why he should train, sleep, eat, etc., so that at the moment when he is left to his own devices, he feels responsible and understood the consequences of his actions.


Success and victories often elevate an athlete in his own eyes above others, and this spoils his relationships with others, which can bring many problems in the future. Modesty will help avoid this.

The child should be taught to be reserved, moderate and calm. He must be able to keep himself within limits. This helps you concentrate and achieve your goals. Tell your athlete that the modesty of a winner adorns and elevates him in the eyes of others above any achievements and forms respect for his personality, which is valuable and not fleeting.

Work on yourself

The ability to work on oneself is a mechanism for the development of any specialist, including an athlete. Sports achievements require painstaking work on the personality, body and abilities.

The child must have the awareness that he can achieve anything, he just needs to try and take actions to achieve his goal, develop and work on himself without anyone’s instructions.


All the qualities that we have discussed in this article are integral to the personality of a true champion. Not every child and not every parent is able to withstand all the tests on the path to victory. And not everyone will become a champion athlete.

But sports education will strengthen character and will be useful in achieving goals in any field, no matter what your child chooses as an adult.

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Sports... what is sports, what kind of sport is best to do, who to choose as your teacher and idol, at what age is it better to start playing sports, probably most people have asked themselves such questions. This is especially true for people with small children growing up.

Many people now want their children to start playing sports of various types from a very young age. And, probably, this is right on their part. After all, good physical education of children and youth helps to raise hardened, dexterous, brave, and most importantly healthy people. Physical activities and exercises develop endurance, initiative, perseverance, and determination. Parents and families take responsibility for healthy and physical education.

They must organize healthy leisure time, take care of physical fitness, have a healthy regime and desire for physical education and sports work. What parents don’t do now to get their child interested in sports: these are sports schools and television, for example the “Jumping Team” program (a sports, fun warm-up for kids and even parents). In families where parents support their children in playing sports, be it sports games, physical education, sports, a strict daily routine, a rest routine and robots, active viewing "Jump jump command"" or other programs, in such families children are healthier, stronger, more disciplined. Proper physical education in general, and the physical education of children is, first of all, compliance with the daily routine.

Schools now offer work-life sharing. This strict implementation is only a plus, because the child learns discipline, learns to carry out school assignments accurately and accurately. Such a strict regime contributes to the proper development of physical strength and health promotion. Studying requires a lot of effort on the physical and mental strength of those who study. Lack of rest leads to poor health, and subsequently to poor physical development. In this mode, it is necessary to take into account the child’s presence in the fresh air, as well as food and free time for the child. All this depends on parents, family, upbringing. It will be useful for children to skate, ski, ride a bike, play football, basketball, volleyball, and swim. There is no need to forget that you need to follow your doctor’s advice.

Let your child play sports and he will be healthy and active.

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Sports education.

Physical education, an organic part of general education; a socio-pedagogical process aimed at strengthening health, harmonious development of the forms and functions of the human body, its physical abilities and qualities, at the formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities necessary in everyday life and productive activities, and ultimately at achieving physical perfection. Basic means and ways Physical education - physical exercise (natural and specially selected movements and their complexes - gymnastics, athletics), various types of sports and tourism, hardening of the body (use of the healing forces of nature - sun, air, water), compliance with a hygienic labor regime and everyday life, mastering special knowledge and skills in the field of using physical exercises, means of hardening, personal and public hygiene for the purpose of physical development and improvement (the so-called physical education). The goals, content, organization, methods of physical education are determined by the socio-economic system of society and reflect class ideology.

In the early 90s, the idea was put forward to widely involve sports in the process of compulsory physical education. The essence of the idea is to adapt high sports technologies, which have proven themselves in big-time sports, to increase the efficiency of school physical education. This actualizes the possibility of using sports for the purpose of educating and socializing students in secondary schools.

Sport, which creates the values ​​of sports culture, has always been a powerful social phenomenon and a means of successful socialization. This is evidenced by the life path of many outstanding athletes. Particularly striking examples are the Olympic champions I. Rodnina, A. Karelin, B. Lagutin, L. Latynina and many, many other great athletes who, having gone through the school of sports, became real citizens of our society.

Sociological surveys of young people involved in sports show that sports form the initial idea of ​​life, society, and the world as a whole. It is in sports that such important values ​​for modern society as equal chances for success, achieving success, the desire to be first, to defeat not only an opponent, but also oneself are most clearly manifested.

People who have gone through the “school of sports” are convinced that sports helped them develop faith in their strengths and capabilities, as well as skillfully use them. Sport teaches you to make sacrifices to achieve your goals. The lessons learned by young athletes on the sports field then, as a rule, help in life. Many athletes claim that it was sport that allowed them to become individuals. Through sport, the principle of modern life is realized - “rely on yourself.” This means that achieving success depends primarily on personal, individual qualities: ambition, initiative, hard work, patience, and strong-willed skills.

The effectiveness of socialization through sports activities depends on how much the values ​​of sport coincide with the values ​​of society and the individual.

Sport as a social factor, as it were, models an alternative to modern culture, preserves and strengthens the essential mechanisms of a person’s socio-cultural life and the individual’s transition to a subculture, and forms him as a socially competent person. In addition, modern sport gives a person the opportunity to evaluate his relationship to his environment and, through these relationships, to evaluate his place in society. In most cases, sport is viewed as a micromodel of society, which forms a certain attitude and typical behavior. Moreover, American sociologists have concluded that modern sport accumulates the values ​​of society. Thanks to sports, social values ​​are appropriated by the individual and internalized as personal. Sports and modern Russian society have much in common: the spirit of initiative, confrontation and competition. In this regard, it is absolutely fair to call sport a miniature of life itself, where the socialization of the individual takes place.

The main and direct mechanism of influence, as noted by the Georgian sociologist L.Sh. Aptsiauri - sports activity. These relationships receive extremely concentrated expression in the process of forming personal characteristics. It is very important to understand that being included in social relations through sports activities and engaging in socially organized physical education activities are far from the same thing.

Speaking about the relationship between physical culture and sports, I would not like to reduce my reasoning to the question of which of these phenomena is broader, whether sport is an integral part of physical culture or vice versa. You can give enough arguments to support one version or another. However, it is known that goal setting determines the result of activity. The goals of sports and physical education activities do not coincide; therefore, social processes that differ in content unfold and determine the result of the activity.

The goal of physical culture is the comprehensive and comprehensive development of a person’s physical and spiritual abilities in the aspect of the formation of a person’s physical culture - a person’s self-realization in the development of his spiritual and physical abilities through physical education activities, the development of other values ​​of physical culture. At the same time, the main means of physical culture is physical culture activity, in which physical exercise constitutes its main element. The goal of sports activity is more closely associated with the achievement of sportsmanship and high sports results based on the organization of the training process. The training process itself is organized in accordance with target prerequisites, which are specifically expressed in the specified amount of growth in sports results. This indicator determines the content, forms, and organization of sports activities.

Physical education is characteristic of all social formations. In primitive society, it existed in the form of physical exercise, games, competitions and tests that imitated labor processes, hunting, military operations, reflecting various rituals, and was organically associated with the development of physical strength, endurance, and volitional qualities in younger generations. In a slave-owning society (countries of the Ancient East, Ancient Greece, Rome, the states of Transcaucasia and Central Asia), physical education acquired the character of a state system for preparing the youth of the ruling classes for civil and military service and was carried out both in the family and in state educational institutions, in the army ( see, for example, Spartan education). In feudal society, physical education became the basis of knightly (princely) education systems - horse riding, fencing, archery, swimming, hunting, martial arts and games of a military and sports nature. With the development of cities, physical education spread among various strata of the urban and surrounding peasant population, which was facilitated by the emergence of shooting, fencing and other brotherhoods; Competitions among townspeople in running, wrestling, rowing, fencing, archery, and ball games were held during the holidays. Interest in physical education increased significantly during the Renaissance. Humanists made attempts to introduce physical education in school. In Italy at the beginning of the 15th century. Vittorino da Feltre opened a school in which much attention was paid to physical education, the organization of mental and physical amateur performances of students. In France, F. Rabelais and M. Montaigne preached physical education in unity with moral education and mental education. Ya. A. Komensky considered physical education as the most important part of family education and the pedagogical process at school (in the “Great Didactics” and “Mother’s School”, issues of hygiene, nutrition, a healthy regime for children, physical exercise, and games occupy a significant place). Thoughts consonant with Comenius's ideas about the physical education of children were expressed by the learned monk Epiphanius Slavinetsky (17th century), who was the first in Rus' to attempt to classify outdoor games and identify those acceptable for the physical education of children. T. More and T. Campanella considered physical education to be an integral part of the comprehensive education of the younger generations. J. Locke saw the main task of physical education in strengthening the health of children, in the properly organized satisfaction of their natural needs for movement. J. J. Rousseau, in his pedagogical treatise “Emile, or On Education,” emphasized the importance of physical education for the mental development and labor education of children. The improvement of the forms and methods of physical education was facilitated by the arose in the 18th century. in Germany (mainly under the influence of Rousseau’s ideas) “schools of philanthropy and good morals” - the so-called. philanthropists (see Philanthropism), where the German national gymnastics system was born, the foundations of which were laid by the philanthropist teachers Fit and I. K. F. Guts-Muts, and further development is associated with the name of F. Jan. I. G. Pestalozzi developed a set of elementary physical (“joint”) exercises and included gymnastics in the primary education program. German teacher A. Shpis introduced ordinal (according to the degree of difficulty) exercises, the so-called, into school gymnastics. freestyle movements and exercises on gymnastic apparatus. P. Ling laid the foundation for the creation of the Swede. gymnastics systems (based on sets of exercises for the development and strengthening of individual parts of the body); in the Czech Republic, M. Tyrsh created a national system of gymnastics, called “Sokolskaya” (exercises on gymnastic apparatus, freestyle, group; gymnastic pyramids, round dances, etc.). In the 19th and early 20th centuries. National systems of physical education took shape in France (F. Amoros, J. Demeny), Denmark (N. Buk), Great Britain (sports-game method), and other countries. In a number of capitalist countries, physical education has become closely associated with scouting and is used to militarize the education of youth.

Nevertheless, not everything is determined only by socio-pedagogical influences. The growth of sportsmanship and performance are ensured and at the same time limited by the physical capabilities of the athlete’s body. Based on this, it becomes clear that sports activity is a complex socio-biological phenomenon that cannot be reduced to physical education.

The specificity of any type of education lies in the means and methods by which a person is educated. The science of physical education arose and developed as a system of knowledge about physical exercises, which has gone from promoting health and forming applied motor skills through the development of a person’s motor capabilities and functions to the formation of his personality and behavior.

Today we are talking about the development of a new type of education through sports, competition, training loads, sports training, during which the personality of an athlete is formed, capable of achieving high sports results and being a person in the highest sense of the word.

Methods of sports education are understood as the methods of work of a coach and an athlete, with the help of which knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired, the necessary qualities and abilities are developed, and a worldview is formed. The very nature of sport has a powerful impact on the individual. The educational value of sport is very great. Suffice it to recall the already “standard” expression that sport for young people is “a school of character, courage, and will.” Sport builds character, teaches you to overcome difficulties, and withstand the blows of fate. Sport shapes a person, makes him fight his weaknesses, overcoming himself. Thanks to sports, a person learns to control his emotions and understand beauty. In sports, a person for the first time begins to comprehend the basics of legal culture and learns the rules of “fair play.” Sport is a powerful factor of socialization and manifestation of social activity. Through sport, a person gains experience in interpersonal relationships, building relationships and interactions between himself and the coach, other athletes, himself and sports referees. It is in sport that a true leader and organizer can be born, since sport in many ways models life situations.

Sports education also provides the process of cognition and solves educational problems. Sport is a special type of creative search activity. It is known: in order for an athlete to achieve a high result, he must know a lot, from understanding the essence of a person as a sociobiological individual to the rules for constructing the educational and training process. The idea of ​​an athlete as a person who only needs strength, agility, and endurance is long gone. Only a highly educated person with a sports culture is capable of winning medals and achieving real victories today.

Sports education also solves general cultural problems: educational, educational, health-improving. However, in this case, general developmental exercises, elements of sports, and recreational means are used. The effect of physical education is ensured through properly organized physical activity, where the competitive method is only one of the methods of education, but far from the main one.

One of the important arguments for the use of adapted sports technologies in sports education of schoolchildren is that representatives of elite sports demonstrate the greatest progress in a wide variety of sports, while in sports education there is obvious stagnation.

The value potential of sports training is unique because it has undergone multiple testing and selection at various levels of this process. We can list the most striking and already proven effective technological solutions for sports training.

Firstly, this is the priority of training as the main way of physically transforming a person’s potential. In physical education, as a rule, there are loads of a health nature, which, unfortunately, cannot take a person to a new level of physical fitness, but are especially important for the development of children, adolescents and young people. You need to have time to use the fertile period of age to develop certain physical qualities, which has already been learned in sports. In physical education, teachers still have to master new technological aspects and organizational forms to solve these problems.

Secondly, the formation of a value-based attitude among athletes towards the process of sports training and participation in it. The issue of motivation is one of the difficult ones in attracting people to exercise. In sports activities, it has been brilliantly solved in many ways. In itself, a person’s attitude towards sports training is the most important personal value and at the same time a social, common achievement, if we consider it as a role model.

A high-class athlete does not need to be invited to training; he enthusiastically works on the technique himself, finds his own technological solutions, and thinks through the entire training process down to the smallest detail. It often happens that an athlete is his own coach. It is necessary to carefully analyze the motivational mechanisms of the formation of an athlete’s value attitude towards sports activities. The practical recommendations obtained as a result of this analysis will largely solve the current problem of attracting people to regular physical exercise.

Thirdly, the attitude of big sport: “there are no trifles in sports training” - needs to be extended to physical education. For example, an athlete must keep a training diary, take his health seriously, be organized, focused on sensations and objective indicators of his condition and its dynamics. Reputable scientific works have already been written on many aspects of sports training, and much can be adapted to the process of physical education. Of course, we are not talking about blind copying, but about serious analysis and selection of the most successful conceptual ideas and technologies that can make the process of physical education interesting and effective in a short time.

Today we can offer several options for new technologies for transforming the traditional process of physical education into a sports-oriented educational process. The most striking of them is the project “Our sport is my health”, which was successfully tested at Surgut school No. 32. The key points of the transformation were:

Use of training means and methods acceptable for its purposes in the process of physical education;

Organization of physical education based on a voluntarily chosen sport;

Providing the student with the opportunity to freely choose a sport;

Organization of classes in educational and training groups;

Providing the student with the opportunity to move from one group to another;

Taking classes outside the compulsory school schedule;

Organize classes at least and no more than three times a week;

Mandatory compliance with the standards of the basic component of the school curriculum.

The results of the experiment showed the high efficiency of the transformations. Four dissertation studies carried out by teachers and the director of this school have convincingly proven in practice that the organization of a truly knowledge-intensive process of sports-oriented physical education significantly improves the physical condition of students, reduces the level of morbidity, and forms in them elements of a sports culture that seriously enhance the educational and educational components of mass physical education. education. In terms of physical fitness, children and adolescents who participated in the Surgut experiment surpassed their peers from other regions.

The sociological research we have conducted also proves the legitimacy of the sportization of physical education. Thus, during a survey of schoolchildren in the city of Surgut, it was revealed that experimental school No. 32 took the leading position (1st place in terms of total ranks) in the number of children who had never smoked cigarettes, never used drugs, never participated in fights, never drunk. The comparison was carried out among nine far from the worst schools in Surgut. Psychologists also highly evaluate the results of socialization of children from the experimental school. Their balanced behavior during lessons and breaks is noted. The educational and training group is another small group in which young athletes find new friends and learn to build new social relationships.

The success of this experiment was largely determined by the presence of a unique sports infrastructure of this school. However, we have made an attempt to test a new technology for the implementation of sports-oriented physical education within the framework of the municipal educational system in the city of Tchaikovsky. This pedagogical experiment began in September 2001. Its idea was to combine the material, sports base and human resources of secondary schools in the city. Six secondary schools were included in the experiment. After conducting a pilot study, three schools are involved in the experiment. Already the first results of this experiment confirm the unique possibilities of sports-oriented physical education for the formation and strengthening of their physical and moral health based on the increase in the level of their physical education, nurturing a culture of life, and successful socialization.


1. Aptsiauri L.Sh. Sport as a social phenomenon and a factor in the socialization of the individual // Theory and practice of physics. culture. 2003, No. 1, p. 12-14.

2. Balsevich V.K. Human ontokinesiology. - M.: ed. "Theory and practice of physical culture". 2000. - 275 p.

3. Lubysheva L.I. The social role of sport in the development of society and the socialization of the individual // Theory and practice of physics. culture. 2001, No. 4, p. 11-13.

4. Lubysheva L.I. Physical and sports culture: content, relationships and dissociations//Theory and practice of physical science. culture. 2002, No. 3, p. 11-14.

5. Nikolaev Yu.M. On the problem of the development of physical culture//Theory and practice of physical education. culture. 2001, No. 8, p. 2-10.


Federal State Educational Institution

Higher professional education

Russian State University of Tourism and Service

Institute of Service (Moscow) (branch)

Abstract on the discipline

"Organization of work with youth"

on the topic “Sports education”

Checked by: Kovaleva N.I.

Completed by: 4th year student

Specialty “Socio-cultural service and tourism”

full-time education

groups SKD-307

Ismyatullina Alsou

The most important task of school physical education is to raise strong, healthy young people who have fully mastered the skills and abilities defined by the physical education curriculum.

Currently, studying at school and preparing homework at home increase the load on the child’s body; children spend very little time outdoors, and spend their weekends watching TV, VCR, or playing sedentary “sedentary” games and computer games. Children move less and sit more, resulting in a lack of muscle activity. Children who additionally study music and painting, whose free time is reduced and whose static component is increased, have a lower level of motor activity. In addition, there is a need to assimilate and process information, and, consequently, tension in the visual apparatus (reading, writing, drawing). Insufficient physical activity of schoolchildren in everyday life adversely affects their health.

Large mental and statistical loads at school, the absence of additional physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, lead to the fact that the majority of schoolchildren have deteriorating vision, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, metabolic disorders, and a decrease in the body’s resistance to various diseases, which leads to a deterioration in their health.

In modern conditions, an important task of families and schools in promoting the health of children is to instill in students a strong interest in physical exercise at school and at home. In this regard, it is necessary to use all forms of physical education at school, as well as independent physical exercises at home in order to increase physical activity, improve health, and improve the physical fitness of adolescents.

The purpose of physical education is specified in its applied orientation and consists in comprehensive physical preparation of the younger generation for active creative work and defense of the Motherland. The applied focus of physical education within the school limits the possibility of maximum development of the physical potential of children and adolescents. It only defines the boundaries of the directed transformation of their physical nature. It is possible to go beyond these boundaries by involving schoolchildren in other forms of organizing motor activity and, first of all, in sports, which allows them to reveal their maximum functional capabilities.

Predicted result physical education is laid down in the requirements of state tests and physical education curricula, and in sports - in the norms of the Unified All-Union Sports Classification and programs of children's and youth sports schools.

Transformative process motor activity in physical education is the essence of educational work, including training in motor actions, education of physical qualities, and mastering knowledge of the fundamentals of the theory of physical culture.

Organization of physical education work at school.

The organization and content of physical education are regulated by the instructive, methodological and regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and documents of the Ministry of Education, adopted by it jointly with the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Health.

Such documents include the curriculum for physical education and sports, programs for extracurricular and out-of-school sports work with schoolchildren, a program of classes for students classified for health reasons in a special medical group, regulations on the school physical education team and on out-of-school institutions, as well as instructions -methodological letters on the organization of the process of physical education and the development of mass physical education and sports.

The system of mandatory interrelated forms of organizing physical education for schoolchildren consists of:

physical education lessons;

physical education and health activities during school hours;

forms of extracurricular sports and mass activities mandatory for the school;

at students' choice: extracurricular sports activities.

The effectiveness of the physical education system is ensured by the high efficiency of physical education lessons, their instructional focus, rational content, the number and volume of mass physical education and health activities in the daily routine, the wide involvement of students in various forms of extracurricular and extracurricular work in physical education, sports and tourism, regular medical - pedagogical control over the health of students and the educational process. The main organizational and pedagogical principle of the implementation of physical education for students of secondary schools is the differentiated use of physical education means in classes with schoolchildren of different genders and ages, taking into account their health status, degree of physical development and level of preparedness.

The organization of physical education for schoolchildren is provided by public education authorities with the assistance of committees on physical culture and sports, as well as sports and public organizations, and health authorities.

School directors are directly responsible for the organization of physical education in schools.

The organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular educational work with children is responsible for conducting extracurricular physical education and recreational work. He must participate in the organization of the physical education team and in its work, involving all the school teachers for this. Along with this, he is called upon to provide all possible assistance in organizing sports and recreational activities during the school day, in preparing and passing state test standards, and also to involve training organizations, parents and high school students in carrying out sports, mass and recreational work as in school, and at the place of residence of students. It also organizes the promotion and agitation of physical culture and sports among students, parents and teachers. patriotic education legal awareness

The physical education teacher is called upon to provide constant assistance in carrying out physical education and health activities in the microdistrict, organizational and methodological assistance to educators of extended day groups, widely involving the physical education community at school for this purpose, and ensure, together with the leaders of the NVP, that students pass the standards of state tests. He must direct the work of the school physical education team, as well as prepare public instructors and judges from among schoolchildren and involve them in accessible forms in conducting various classes and events at school and in the community. His responsibilities also include organizing intra-school competitions for physical education festivals according to the program of children’s sports games “Starts of Hope”, etc.

The head of the NVP must also participate in the organization and conduct of various physical education and health activities, monthly health and sports days. He organizes the work of sports sections and clubs and intra-school competitions in military-technical sports, conducts physical fitness reviews during field training with students in grades X (XI), and at the same time he trains young instructors and judges in military sports from among the students’ physical education community. applied sports.

Class teachers and teachers should increasingly ensure that students comply with the daily routine and rules of personal hygiene, and that they perform morning exercises.

In practice, internal control should be carried out by the management over the state of physical education of junior high school students. It must meet the following requirements:

be comprehensive - cover all the most important aspects of the educational process;

objective - based on a large number of carefully collected facts;

effective - capable of achieving positive changes in work.

Control should be carried out according to the following parameters:

Does the teacher correctly understand the modern tasks of physical education? Does it take into account the age and gender characteristics of schoolchildren and differences in their physical fitness in the process of work?

Is the system for teachers’ selection of physical education means and methods used in lessons and extracurricular activities effective enough?

Availability and quality of sports equipment, equipment, visual aids.

The school is designed to prepare an ideologically seasoned generation, to provide its pupils with the necessary minimum of classes in school subjects. In schools, the creativity of the students themselves should be encouraged in every possible way, and for this purpose, various kinds of circles, sections, and clubs are created there. Regular physical education is a guarantee of health, and therefore the result of further useful activities for society.

The main tasks of physical culture and health activities of schoolchildren.

1. Promoting health, correcting physique deficiencies, increasing the functionality of the body.

  • 2. Development of motor qualities: speed, flexibility, strength, endurance, speed-strength and coordination.
  • 3. Nurturing initiative, independence, forming an adequate assessment of one’s own physical capabilities.
  • 4. Developing healthy lifestyle habits, the habit of independent exercise and selected sports in free time, organizing active recreation and leisure.
  • 5. Education of mental moral-volitional qualities and personality traits, self-improvement and self-regulation of physical and mental states.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to use theoretical knowledge from the educational subjects “Physical Education”, “Biology”, “Fundamentals of Life Safety” and others.

The theory and practice of physical culture and sports defines a number of fundamental principles, the observance of which guarantees success in physical exercise and limits from overwork and undesirable consequences.

The main ones are: consciousness, gradualism and consistency, repetition, individualization, systematicity and regularity. The principle of consciousness is aimed at developing in students a deep understanding of the role and significance of the classes in promoting health and self-improvement of their organism (body and spirit).

The training process offers: compliance of physical activity according to age, gender and individual capabilities (health status, physical development, physical fitness) of those involved; gradual increase in intensity, volume of physical activity and time of the training session; correct alternation of loads with rest intervals; repetition of physical activity of varying nature and systematically regularly over a longer period of time (weeks, months, years).

When engaging in physical education, you must follow the following rules:

1. Classes should be health-improving, developmental and educational.

2. During classes, it is necessary to exercise control and medical supervision over the state of the body, physical fitness and strictly observe safety rules during physical education and sports.

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