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What to wear to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster. What to celebrate the New Year in? year: what to wear to celebrate the New Year of the Fire Rooster

On the eve of each new year, the same scenario is repeated, which not only does not get boring, but also becomes a source of pleasant troubles for everyone who is looking forward to the arrival of the long-awaited and beloved holiday.

Among many important matters, such as approving the holiday menu, interior design, drawing up a guest list and preparing an entertainment program, the issue of holiday attire stands out. How to celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster is the most important question in the upcoming season, which will probably be more difficult to solve than figuring out what salads to prepare and how to successfully seat the guests.

The New Year 2017 will pass under the sign of the Fiery Red Rooster - a bright and ambiguous figure. The owner of the year is impressed by bright splendor, luxury, gloss and brilliance. But with all this, you need to try to ensure that the New Year's image becomes the embodiment of elegance, and does not turn into competition with the New Year tree. We will solve the problem of how best to celebrate the new year 2017 step by step, so as not to lose sight of any more or less significant detail, because in matters of style there are no trifles.

We remember that the New Year under the sign of the Rooster promises to be difficult, but interesting. Patronizing all people who stubbornly move towards their goal, accumulating experience bit by bit, accustomed to meeting difficulties head-on, this royal bird generously bestows only those who really strive for their intended goal, no matter how difficult and thorny this path may be. Therefore, we arm ourselves with the suggested recommendations and prepare to make a real splash with our New Year’s outfit.

Color palette for the New Year's image of the Fire Rooster

As you can rightly note, the color red and all its many shades will rule the ball on the coming New Year's Eve. Passion, strength, love, romance, struggle and the irrepressible energy of life - this is what red embodies - the king of New Year's Eve. You also can’t go wrong by choosing a dress in the following tones:

  • scarlet,
  • purple,
  • orange,
  • yellow,
  • gold,
  • sand,
  • brown,
  • black,
  • white.

It is also quite acceptable to combine several of the listed shades at once. But it’s better to try to ensure that the colors are in harmony and not “argue” with each other. A dress imitating the plumage of a burning phoenix on New Year's Eve will look more than organic.

But the attitude towards blue-green colors in 2017 is ambiguous. Some completely deny the possibility of using these colors in a New Year's look, others do not see anything wrong with this. In any case, every fashionista decides for herself whether to celebrate the New Year in shades of flame or risk appearing in purple and blue attire.

Remember - red requires skillful handling. It is bright and rich in itself, it is a win-win option for attracting attention. Therefore, you should not clutter up the image with an outfit in this color with unnecessary details - this is not far from a fashion failure.

And further. You should not lose sight of the fact that on the night of the Year of the Rooster, more than one woman will want to be in a red dress. Therefore, think carefully about whether it would be better to greet the owner of the year in an outfit the color of terracotta or ripe cherry, or give preference to orange or gold? Each of these colors has the right to become the main accent of the image and literally amaze everyone present at the celebration.

Style and fabrics - romance and luxury

The rooster, despite all his arrogance, is a simple bird, but at the same time loving chic. Therefore, in order to please the ruler of the coming year, it would be ideal to choose expensive natural fabrics such as velvet, organza, silk, brocade, satin, crepe-satin for a festive outfit. However, if the chosen dress is made from a different material, do not be upset, the king of the poultry yard is a democratic nature, and will not consider such a detail a mistake.

The owner of the coming year is a tireless romantic, so when choosing the style in which you will celebrate the arrival of the new year, pay attention to airy, flying styles that favorably emphasize the figure exactly where it is needed and skillfully hide all the flaws. If you really wanted to try on the image of a princess, but there was still no suitable opportunity, rejoice, your time has come.

A long floor-length dress, an A-line silhouette or with a full skirt on a frame, a cocktail mini dress, a trouser suit with a luxurious fur cape - go for it, Cockerel will like any of these looks. The most important thing is to make the most of the power and charm of your femininity, without hesitation to use “heavy artillery” in the form of your undeniable advantages.

When choosing which dress to celebrate the New Year 2017 in, it is important not to go to extremes and remember that the outfit, for all its extravagance, should be comfortable and not restrict movement. In such clothes it should be easy to dance, move actively, participate in competitions and prize draws.

The Rooster does not tolerate dullness, routine and modesty. The dress should amaze, attract, surprise, but... within reason. Let's give up shocking behavior and act boldly, but not contrary to fashionable rules and common sense.

Accessories - feathers and fur

When thinking about the details of the image, you should give preference to decorations made of feathers and fur - this is a real hit of the season. There can be a lot of feathers, for example, in the form of a lush boa, or just a few pieces as part of an elegant brooch or decorative element that adorns the hairstyle. Fur is also very popular as a material for accessories. A fur cape, a small muff, a pompom, a cropped jacket, trim on the sleeves or hem will look just right. This approach allows you to create a truly chic image with a touch of high-society elegance and gloss.

Also in trend for the New Year of the Rooster are various rhinestones, sequins, beads, bows, lace inserts, beads, ribbons - everything that glitters and shimmers and causes feminine delight. Moreover, it is difficult to “overdo” with such details - the more there are, the better.

If we talk about jewelry itself, then preference should be given to gold, pearls, and diamonds. By including such accessories in your image, you can safely count on financial wealth and well-being in the coming year. Don't have any diamonds? No problem, jewelry will come to the rescue. The main thing is that the chosen decoration is in harmony with the overall image, then the naturalness of the stones will interest absolutely no one.

What should you not wear to celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster?

Listing the numerous attributes of a fashionable outfit on New Year's Eve, one cannot fail to mention the prohibitions on using certain elements in one's attire. Let's figure out what you shouldn't do to celebrate the New Year 2017.

So, the Rooster will not understand an outfit made with the presence of leopard or tiger prints. After all, as you know, the rooster does not like all cats. Therefore, let’s not anger him once again and start the new year with a conflict; it’s better to save the “predatory” motives for future times.

Trying to make a lasting impression on the Rooster and the guests, we do not forget about the characteristics of our figure, and choose an outfit in accordance with what we want to emphasize and what to hide. The same can be said about the choice of color - we focus on our color type, remembering that orange does not suit those who are too dark, and those with too light skin do not need to opt for a radically dark shade.


When choosing a pair of shoes for a New Year's outfit, do not hesitate to let your imagination fly. The more elaborate the shoes, the more interesting the image. Various decorations in the form of rhinestones, embroidery, rivets, feathers are in trend. But at the same time, do not forget that if the outfit is replete with decorative elements, the shoes should have them in moderation. But it’s better to take a different path and completely abandon lavishly decorated shoes. So a pair of flesh-colored or gold colors would be quite suitable for a red dress - such a set will look more than harmonious.

Conversely, you can make shoes the highlight of the whole look, making them the main accent of the outfit. Richly decorated shoes will go perfectly with an elegant dress of a simple cut, decorated with a single elegant accessory.

After reading our tips on what outfit to wear to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017, you can safely start choosing a dress, without forgetting about your own preferences and without ignoring the most important fashion rules. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not be afraid to be bold and daring - the ruler of the next 12 months will like this, that’s for sure!

According to everyone’s well-known superstition, New Year’s Eve determines the entire next year. We all want the most long-awaited night of the year to be bright and unforgettable, and for the holiday to last as long as possible. New Year's signs will help you celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster correctly.

The main New Year's sign is relevant for every festive night and sounds like this: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” Everyone remembers these words when planning a holiday, choosing gifts for their loved ones or trying on a festive outfit.

Current advice from feng shui specialist Natalya Pravdina will help you understand what to wear to celebrate the Year of the Rooster.

Signs about New Year's Eve

Folk signs about the festive night, gifts and guests will help you successfully celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster.

Accidentally pour champagne on the festive table- bring wealth and abundance to your home in the new year. But a cork that does not “shoot” out of the bottle is considered a bad sign, causing monetary losses.

You can't celebrate the New Year before midnight. If you start the holiday before the clock strikes midnight, then the whole year will be full of troubles, delays and thwarted plans. You need to wait until the New Year comes, and only then start the holiday.

The guest who arrives first will play an important role in your life all year. Pay close attention to those who come to visit you and remember the first person to come. It will be possible to rely on his opinion and judgment in controversial issues throughout the next year of the Rooster.

Before the New Year, you need to get rid of old things and chipped dishes. Negative energy will leave your life along with old things. This will renew your money channel and attract financial well-being.

The New Year of the Fire Rooster must be celebrated in everything new. A new outfit on a festive night will bring you good luck and joy for the whole year. If you wear something old, you will bring old problems with you.

The more dishes and drinks are on the festive table, the richer the owners of the house will be in the New Year. The energy of wealth and abundance is attracted to such things, so abundant food and beautiful surroundings will contribute to the further development of the financial channel. In addition, all dishes from the table must be eaten and drinks must be drunk during New Year's Eve and two days after, otherwise the energy of abundance will dry up.

Before the New Year of the Rooster, you need to say goodbye to all debts. If this is not done, then financial problems will not only quite predictably carry over into the next year, but will also multiply. There are several effective ways to get rid of debts before the New Year: use one of them, and the energy of the financial channel will begin to renew.

You cannot borrow money, items or products before New Year's Eve. This sign does not bode well: by lending any of the above, you can bring upon yourself poverty and illness.

Feeding and warming a stray cat or dog on New Year's Eve is a sign of wealth and good health. By unselfishly giving away part of the supplies and letting our smaller brothers into our home, we attract the favor of Fate in the New Year.

You can’t argue and get excited at the festive table. Quarrels and disagreements during the celebration will attract misfortunes and squabbles into your home. If problems arise, it is better to solve them peacefully and under no circumstances become involved in a conflict.

Knowing the ideal New Year's Eve according to your Zodiac Sign will be a good help in planning your holiday. We wish you a happy New Year and only pleasant experiences. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.11.2016 04:04

New Year is a magical holiday. It is at this time that incredible things happen that make us...

Celebrating the New Year is always a holiday. Next year, 2017, is the year of the Fire (red) Rooster according to the eastern calendar.

The Rooster is a creature that loves order in everything, but despite its scrupulousness, the Rooster cannot be called boring. He is a fighter, a bully, but at the same time fair and sociable. The Fire Rooster hates intricacy and complexity, but absolute simplicity is not his taste either - don’t go to extremes, find a balance.

The coming 2017 Year of the Rooster promises literally everyone changes in life, mostly positive ones. Luck will turn its face to those who work hard and improve themselves.

The Rooster will show particular favor to people who are proactive, purposeful and not afraid of change, so try to cultivate these qualities in yourself, because in any case they will not interfere in life.

However, emotions should be kept under control, because they can blind you and force you to make a hasty decision. So the ability to act according to circumstances, find a way out of conflict situations and the ability to understand the feelings of other people in the new year will be worth its weight in gold.

According to Eastern tradition, the year of the Fire (red) Rooster will begin on January 28, 2017. And therefore, the celebration of the New Year from December 31, 2016 to January 1, 2017 falls on the dominance of And the holiday itself - the New Year - is a good reason to gradually begin to rebuild, adapting to the character of the Fire Rooster. However, 2016 and 2017 are under the sign of Fire, so there are many similarities in the celebration.

Where and with whom to meet?

You should definitely celebrate the Year of the Rooster with your family and preferably at home. Create a cozy, warm and family atmosphere. If you decide to celebrate the New Year away from home, still try to be with your family and friends.

The character of the Rooster contains brightness, simplicity and sophistication. Therefore, when choosing a place to celebrate the New Year 2017, give preference to a small cozy restaurant or a country house with picturesque nature.

The main thing this evening is to be with your family. Launch festive fireworks or Chinese lanterns together - the Fire Rooster will approve!

How to prepare the house?

If you follow the Moon's instructions, everything will work out quickly and easily.

This year, you shouldn’t put off spring cleaning and laundry until the last days of the year. It's better to do everything in advance. December 24 and 25 are the most suitable days for this. And don't forget to throw away everything you don't need. There should be no faulty things in the house. There are only two options - throw it away or repair it.

How to decorate a house?

Regardless of where you will celebrate the New Year, your home (apartment or room) must be decorated according to the wishes of the Fire Rooster. After all, the New Year's celebration is not one night, but almost a whole month of special mood.

When choosing home decorations, keep in mind that this year the preferred colors will be red, yellow, gold and orange.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, fire should become an invariable attribute of the New Year's Eve. Real fire! If the house does not have a fireplace, be sure to stock up on high-quality “long-lasting” candles (can be scented) and arrange them throughout the rooms in elegant candlesticks. Glowing garlands will also be in place.

Add color to the interior: throw red or gold pillows on your favorite sofa, replace the towels in the bathroom.

And don’t skimp on various cookies – they will delight the symbol of the year.

What to gift?

Gifts for the Year of the Rooster should be such that they immediately attract attention. Here you certainly don’t need to choose something too expensive and valuable; it is important that your gift is memorable, attracts the attention of your friend and becomes a cherished talisman for the whole next year.

So a figurine of a cockerel that matches the style of the room where it will be located is a simple, understandable and pleasant gift.

More original would be a rooster crow in the form of a melody downloaded to your phone, or, for example, from a new alarm clock that you give as a gift. It is he who will wake up his owner in time in the morning - all this is cheerful and cheerful.

If you wish the person to whom you are giving a gift bright impressions and events next year, then the musical and poetic disc “Seasons” will be a wonderful gift. Until the end of 2016 there is a promotion: 50 UAH + delivery and the huge world will always be with you!

And if you know about the cherished dream of the person you are congratulating, then making a gift is quite simple. Feel like a wizard and in an allegorical form give what you want: a luxurious cottage, a snow-white yacht, a modern car and even a personal plane - a toy one, of course.

A bottle of wine or bright candles is also a symbolic gift in the Year of the Rooster. Accompany it with positive and sincere wishes. .

What to wear when celebrating the Year of the Fire Rooster?

The flamboyant, handsome and fashionable Rooster will like bright, expensive things and shiny accessories. Taking this into account, we put minimalism and modesty in the closet. And to celebrate the New Year, we choose a dress, preferably in red colors: burgundy, coral, cherry, purple, which say that this year you are not alien to love, passion and power.

If you want to wear an outfit with a pattern, then it is better to give preference to a floral one (cat prints will be inappropriate this year).

The sweet table can be traditional. It is advisable to decorate all the goodies with at least some cereal grains, for example, sesame or flax. Light desserts would be appropriate: berry and fruit mousses or jellies.

The Fire Rooster has problems with alcohol, as he is a violent, quarrelsome nature, easily prone to conflict, so put strong drinks aside or drink very moderately. Try not to have too much.

And quarreling on a holiday is an extremely bad omen. Therefore, we celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017, smiling peacefully, without conflicts, avoiding serious sensitive topics.

Dancing and moderate fun are not only useful, but will also please our fiery symbol of the year.


To ensure a successful year financially, astrologers advise wrapping a silver coin in silk cloth and putting it in your left pocket. This is how we celebrate the New Year.

If your outfit does not have pockets, then when celebrating the New Year 2017, prepare a coin in advance, preferably a “yellow” color, and while the chimes are striking, squeeze it tightly in your fist. Then the year will be profitable, and the smaller the money in your hands, the larger the profit will be next year.

For those who dream of wealth, it is advisable to bake one pie with a complex puff filling (something like chicken).

For those planning to get married, it is better to bake a sweet cupcake with candied fruits in the shape of a ring.

If the past year was not very successful in love relationships, you need to burn the calendar for the current year on the eve of the new year.
Do you want to add to your family? Prepare fish pies.

And a wooden salt shaker with salt should be a must on the table. According to many beliefs, she will help.

Fill your New Year's celebration with positivity, laughter, joy, fun and magic.

Be sure to thank the passing year for the life lessons it taught you and calmly let it go.

Happy upcoming you!

The New Year of the Red Rooster 2017 is already on the threshold, so for those who are still thinking about how and what to celebrate it with and what gift to choose for a loved one, it’s time to hurry, there is very little time left before the chimes.

Symbol of the New Year - Red fiery rooster

According to the Eastern calendar, 2017 is the year of the Red Fire Rooster. In Russia, since Soviet times, it has been customary to honor the symbol of the year on New Year's Eve, without focusing on the features of the Eastern calendar.

Astrologers believe that the Red Fire Rooster, which will rule the earth in 2017, is an extremely positive symbol, promising people luck, prosperity and love.

According to the horoscope, the rooster is a symbol of renewal, which means that the New Year will bring changes in life, and astrologers believe that these changes will be pleasant. In 2017, the finest hour will come for purposeful, self-confident people who do not give in to difficulties and boldly move towards their goals.

Those who are favored by the Red Rooster will be able to earn a lot of money next year (they say about such people, “They don’t eat money”), always be in the center of attention and enjoy the favor of the opposite sex.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Red Rooster

Astrologers advise celebrating the New Year 2017 in a large, friendly company: you can invite guests or go to visit yourself. Well, if for some reason things didn’t work out with the company, it makes sense to go for a walk on New Year’s Eve and take part in folk festivities.

New Year's Eve, and the entire coming year, quarrels, squabbles and discord are categorically contraindicated - although the Red Rooster has a reputation for being a bully, he does not favor brawlers.

What dress to wear for the New Year of the Red Rooster 2017

Since the Rooster is red, naturally, the main color of outfits and table decorations - all shades of this color - from soft pink to dark burgundy. And since our cockerel is also fiery, all shades of yellow, orange, ocher, etc. will be in trend.

But do not forget that the Red Rooster is a big fashionista, so you need to dress not so much brightly as elegantly. Therefore, if you have a little black dress prepared for the New Year's party, this is an excellent choice, and you can amuse the Rooster birthday boy with some red detail, fashion accessory or decoration.

What to cook for New Year - 2017

The main advice of astrologers is to avoid poultry dishes. And everything else is up to your taste: salads, meat, fish, seafood, pastries and cakes, vegetables and fruits, caviar - whatever your heart desires and your wallet allows.

Well, if you put a dish with red fruits on the New Year's table, a nourishing and prosperous year awaits you.

How to decorate a New Year's table

Here the principle is the same - bright colors combined with a sense of proportion and taste. More lights, bright garlands, fireworks. The main thing is to take precautions, especially when using pyrotechnics; it is worth remembering that in the old days a fire was called a “red rooster”.

Gifts for the New Year - 2017, what not to give

Of course, there is little time left to choose a gift, but it doesn’t matter. The main thing here is not to grab the first thing that comes to hand at the nearest supermarket. Do not buy countless figurines of cockerels - such a gift will very soon go in the trash.

Do not give women kitchen utensils. The New Year should be associated with relaxation and fun, and not with “kitchen slavery.”

As you know, animals and birds cannot be given as gifts, unless such a gift is agreed upon in advance.

You should not give gift cards from various stores, such a gift will most often not be used and will be lost, it is better to give a certain amount of money by putting the bills in an original New Year's card.

Many people, especially ladies, are interested in what is best to wear for the New Year's holiday and what should not be worn to celebrate the New Year 2017. So, the symbol of the coming year is the Fire Rooster, and many people associate fire with the color red. In addition, this bird combines qualities such as selfishness, self-confidence and extreme pedantry. To appease a bird, you need to try a lot. Contrary to popular stereotypes, the color red should be treated very carefully. If only because many women will rush to buy outfits of this particular color. You don’t want to become “one of many”, do you? Writes

Experts advise paying attention to more “earthly” tones. Outfits in golden, brown, beige and terracotta shades are quite appropriate. Dresses in lilac and purple colors will look beautiful. There is no contradiction with the fire element and, at the same time, quite elegant and bright. The Rooster is a big fashionista and a dandy, loves everything bright.

The rooster is a narcissistic and self-satisfied bird, accustomed to everyone admiring its bright plumage. This must be taken into account when thinking about what you can and cannot wear to celebrate the New Year 2017. It is unlikely that the capricious symbol of the year will tolerate rivals on New Year’s Eve who decided to outdo it in brightness. It is for this reason that it is better to refuse outfits of an extraordinary and unusual style. The trend is good taste and grace. Office-cut suits are also not prohibited, only in this case you need to “dilute” the outfit with a shiny belt or elegant jewelry.

If you're working hard on your outfit and wondering what you shouldn't wear for New Year 2017, pay attention to the fabric. Experts recommend giving preference to natural fabrics. Or, if it is still synthetic, then the dress should emphasize all the advantageous aspects of your appearance, and not vice versa.

The rooster is a peaceful domestic bird. Like all birds, to put it mildly, he does not like predators and everything connected with them. This means that a fur stole or feather boa should be saved for another occasion. Under no circumstances should you wear outfits with “predatory” prints: leopard or tiger. Jewelry can be gold or “gold-like.” Modern costume jewelry is in no way inferior in aesthetics to jewelry made from precious metal.

What not to do before the holidays

So, we figured out what you shouldn’t celebrate the New Year 2017. Let's look at what else you can't do on New Year's Eve.

The rooster does not tolerate dirt and disorder. Of all the symbols of the year, this is perhaps the greatest esthete. Therefore, on the eve of the holiday, it is necessary to restore impeccable order and cleanliness in the house. This does not mean at all that you need to “wash your dirty laundry in public” in a figurative sense.

Disagreements and disagreements can not only ruin the holiday mood, but can also drag failures into the coming year. In order not to anger the symbol of the year, do not place chicken dishes on the table. Much more appropriate are fish, beef, pork, and seafood.

How to decorate a Christmas tree

When thinking about what you shouldn’t wear to celebrate the New Year 2017, you should never forget about the outfit for the New Year’s tree and the decoration of the house. So here are some suggestions for festive attire for your Christmas tree.

  • Under no circumstances place the Christmas tree in the corner of the room. Refrain from single-color jewelry. Let the New Year's tree be beautiful and bright, like the plumage of a rooster.
  • Brightness should in no case develop into motleyness and bad taste. Decorate the Christmas tree so that the toys located nearby are in harmony in color (for example, golden with chocolate or red with white).
  • Under no circumstances should you decorate your forest guest with small denomination coins. If you want to attract wealth into your home, decorate the tree with decorative banknotes of the highest possible denomination!

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