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Stone of health and longevity. Stone of health. The most powerful stones for protection and health. Prayers for all diseases

Color: alternating blue-gray and white layers. If layers of yellow, red, brown, black or another color alternate with white layers, then this variety may have its own name.

Healing properties: Reduces the effect of poison. They give it to the patient to hold and put it in his mouth when he suffers from unquenchable thirst during illness. Helps with cardiovascular diseases. For medicinal purposes, agate beads are recommended to be worn for prolonged coughs, diseases of the throat and teeth.

Mascot: Agate is a stone of health, prosperity and longevity. Expels witches and vampires, promotes kindness, gentleness, calmness and self-confidence. Gives strength to the owner and attracts the sympathy of others. As a talisman, agate helps the owner discover deception, identify ill-wishers, and warns of impending troubles.

Horoscope: Agate is most suitable for people born under the sign of TAURUS. They should wear this stone in a copper setting. Agate set in gold or silver can also be worn by people born under the signs of CANCER, AQUARIUS, LIBRA. PISCES can also wear this stone if they wear jewelry with it no more than once a week. This stone is completely contraindicated for Sagittarius and Aries - it excites and irritates these people, brings vanity and panic into their lives, makes them pitiful and insignificant in the eyes of others.


Azurite is a stone of calm.

Color: light blue, dark blue, dark blue, violet blue, cornflower blue, indigo blue with glass sheen. From a chemical point of view, azurite is copper carbonate. The blue color of this stone is due precisely to copper compounds; It is no coincidence that azurite is also called “copper azure.”

Healing properties: Azurite is an excellent remedy for relieving negative physical sensations: pain, itching, burning; To do this, just apply the stone to the sore spot. Of course, this works for minor ailments - abrasions, bruises, insect bites, irritation. Azurite fights dysfunctions and disorders in the nervous system - melancholy, depression, hallucinations, epilepsy, hysteria, paranoia, fears, insomnia. It is useful for hormonal problems and hypertension. Like any “blue” stone, azurite relieves eye strain and plays a preventive role in cases of decreased vision. In addition, when wearing jewelry with azurite, the blood is “cleansed” of toxins, and the mind is cleansed of unnecessary and painful emotions and stress.

Mascot: Azurite should be used as a talisman by lawyers, judges, critics, journalists and all those whose work should be honest and objective. If the owner of azurite is disingenuous, the stone can punish him by revealing the deception and disgracing the fraudster for the rest of his life.

Horoscope: Azurite is suitable for TAURUS, AQUARIUS and SAGITTARIUS. But most of all, along with malachite, azurite is suitable for people born under the sign of LIBRA. They can count on his help, even if they never wear jewelry with this stone, but simply keep it in the house. The rest of the signs need to work with azurite regularly, like with agate, otherwise it will not help.


Aquamarine – a stone of courage and fidelity

Color: bluish green, dark green, light and dark blue. Aquamarine's color is mainly due to the presence of iron ions. Aquamarine is a variety of beryl with greenish-blue tones. It fades in the sun. Its main feature is two-color, which appears when the viewing angle changes.

Healing properties: The use of aquamarine for medicinal purposes is very effective for toothaches, as well as pain in the stomach and liver. Aquamarine is also recommended to be worn by those suffering from nervous disorders, skin and heart diseases. Aquamarine has a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes - it treats eye diseases, relieves inflammation, helps with astigmatism, reduces pressure in glaucoma, improves vision; It is useful to peer into an aquamarine crystal in the evenings to support tired eyes after a day of work and calm the nerves.

Mascot: It is believed that aquamarine is able to tame the raging sea. This is a talisman of true love, protecting friendship and preserving justice. A talisman for passionate and stormy people, as well as travelers and those who love a change of impressions. As a talisman, it is one of the best against damage, etc. Aquamarine brings the owner the opportunity to comprehend himself and identify his mistakes, comprehend secrets, expose false friends and other deceptions. The stone is very useful for lazy people: it imperceptibly makes them intently attentive and gives them a desire to act.

Horoscope: light blue aquamarine suits all Water signs, darker sea green aquamarine suits SAGITTARIUS, TAURUS, October LIBRA and January AQUARIUS. All other signs of the Zodiac should not wear the stone constantly, but take breaks for several days. It is not recommended for Scorpios and Geminis to wear such jewelry. It is contraindicated for Aries and Leos.


Amazonite is a stone that strengthens the family.

Color: The color of the stone ranges from green to bluish-green with inclusions of white albite

Healing properties: Products with this mineral are suggested to be worn for diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, and osteochondrosis. Massages with amazonite balls help to cure varicose veins, blockage of blood vessels, and help to quickly get rid of cardiovascular diseases. Amazonite improves the appearance of the skin. Cures nervous exhaustion .

Mascot: It is believed that Amazonite lifts the mood, banishes feelings of uncertainty and unreasonable anxiety. There is a belief that this stone brings prosperity to its owner and joy to the home. Amazonite strengthens family relationships, enhancing devotion and fidelity. As a talisman, Amazonite is ideal for housewives. It not only helps strengthen family ties, but also helps women in everyday life, making them wiser and more responsible.

Horoscope: People born under the signs of ARIES, CANCER, TAURUS and SCORPIO have the greatest chance of winning the love of a stone. He will be indifferent to the other signs of the zodiac, with the exception of Sagittarius - Amazonite will only harm him.


Amethyst is a stone that protects against intoxication.

Color: Color varies from almost colorless pale violet, bluish violet to purple, dark violet, almost black. Under the influence of sunlight, amethyst gradually loses its purple color and becomes discolored. When heated to a temperature of 300 degrees Celsius, it completely loses its beautiful purple color.

Healing properties: Amethyst is used to improve cerebral circulation, treat insomnia, anxiety, and nervous breakdowns. It is believed that amethyst worn on the ring finger of the right hand strengthens the immune system, and wearing it in earrings helps improve vision. It protects against intoxication, it is used to smooth wrinkles so that they do not deepen, reduces freckles, and treats burns.

Mascot: Amethyst has always been considered one of the most powerful talismans. Stone of spirituality. In all centuries, amethyst was considered a powerful amulet against evil fate, and from a woman’s heart the stone expelled unrequited or old, persistent love, opening up new possibilities. As a talisman, amethyst serves as protection against the anger and discontent of high-ranking officials. It is also an amulet against drunkenness.

Horoscope: Amethyst is contraindicated for Leos and Taurus. The rest of the zodiac signs can wear it, but it is especially useful for LIBRA, GEMINI and AQUARIUS.


Turquoise is a stone of happiness.

Color: Turquoise is a sky blue stone. It has many shades: it can be bright blue, light blue, bluish-green, grayish-green, apple-green, brown, chalky.

Healing properties: Turquoise strengthens vision, relieves insomnia and nightmares, and relieves headaches. Darkening of the mineral is a sign that the owner of the stone needs to urgently consult a doctor.

Mascot: This stone is a great reconciliator and eradicator of evil. As an amulet, blue turquoise is incomparable for children of any age, it drives away evil entities from them.

Horoscope: Turquoise jewelry is most suitable for people born under the signs of TAURUS and SAGITTARIUS. It is not recommended to wear turquoise for people born under the sign of Virgo.


Hematite is a stone of magicians.

Color: black or dark red shiny mineral, iron oxide.

Healing properties: Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that hematite cleanses the blood and strengthens the blood-purifying organs - the kidneys, liver and spleen. It is recommended to place it over organs where there is poor blood circulation.

Mascot: Its main advantage is to relieve the owner from attacks of anger and rash actions, to feel confident and protected because hematite makes it possible to influence other people, events and many processes. However, we must remember that the stone itself can cause a lot of trouble for a person who wants to harm others: hematite does not like to work for evil. A stone for magicians and spellcasters, it protects against evil forces. Since hematite is capable of giving its owner courage and bravery, it is a talisman for men and, above all, warriors. Women can also use hematite as a talisman. He helps them in vocational training and in starting any enterprise.

Horoscope: Astrologers recommend wearing hematite for CANCER and SCORPIO. It is strictly contraindicated for Gemini, Virgo and Pisces. Other signs can wear this stone only from time to time when engaging in occult or energy practices to increase their spiritual power.


Rock crystal is a stone of clarity and purity.

Color: colorless and transparent, like water. Various impurities give the mineral a wide variety of shades (lilac, pink, golden, smoky, etc.).

Healing properties: Crystal treats the lymphatic system and diseases associated with it. Fluid disorders, dropsy of various origins, diseases of the teeth, respiratory system, kidneys, bladder, crushes and removes stones from the body. Crystal improves memory and speech, the activity of the heart and brain, pituitary gland, blood, and spine. Giving a person abundant energy, the stone has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Helps with diseases of the liver and biliary tract - acute and chronic, jaundice. Protects children from pulmonary diseases.

Mascot: As a talisman, rock crystals attract love, joy of life, sympathy of other people, good luck, spiritual comfort and well-being to the owner.

Horoscope: With its purity and calmness, it can be useful for LIBRA to achieve harmony and balance, AQUARIUS for maintaining high ideals and foreseeing the future. The almighty LION claims rock crystal to cool the temperament.


Garnet is a stone that brings good luck in love and friendship.

Color: According to their composition, there are six types of garnet: fiery red pyrope, yellowish or greenish grossular, orange, transparent chalky, purple or violet-red almandine, emerald green, green, brown-red or black andradite. In nature, garnets are found in crystals of the entire range of colors, except blue.

Healing properties: Useful for paralysis after a stroke. Has a tonic effect. Helps with cardiovascular diseases, feverish conditions, infectious diseases, sepsis. Provides pregnant women with a safe and easy birth, vitality and strength. It is believed that in case of diseases of the pulmonary system (especially bronchitis), a pomegranate should be worn around the neck, set in silver. A pomegranate set in gold and worn on the middle finger of the right hand helps with high fever, throat diseases, and systematic headaches.

Mascot: For centuries it was believed that the pomegranate brings good luck in love, friendship and protects its owner from enemies. This stone is considered a symbol of heartfelt feelings, love and friendship, it is also called the stone of honesty. He is a talisman for lovers, he is given as a sign of friendship, memory and love. Pomegranate is the talisman of sculptors, artists, poets, musicians, fashion designers, directors, actors, that is, all those people whose success depends on complete dedication and passion.

Horoscope: Pomegranate for ARIES, LIONS and SAGITTARIUS is a talisman and protector from troubles and accidents. How an amulet suits CAPRICORNES. Best to wear on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Air people (Libra, Aquarius) need to wear green stones. Water signs (Cancer, Pisces) should not wear garnets.


Smoky quartz is a stone of tranquility, a stone of “Buddha”.

Color: Smoky quartz - also known as rauchtopaz (has nothing to do with topaz) - is a smoky variety of crystalline quartz from gray to dark gray and brown (but not yet black), necessarily a transparent mineral. Smoky quartz is the closest relative of rock crystal, amethyst, citrine, and rose quartz.

Healing properties: Smoky quartz is believed to cure severe types of mental disorders: depression, obsessions, suicidal tendencies. In order to recover from these ailments, the crystal should be carried with you and, at the moment of exacerbation of the disease, squeeze it in your fist, mentally turning to it for help. Rauchtopaz helps to cope with diseases such as alcoholism and drug addiction. Helps make it easier to quit smoking.

Mascot: As a talisman, smoky quartz helps its owner master the wisdom accumulated by humanity, develop natural abilities, and attracts good luck, success, and the sympathy of people around him. Rauchtopaz is a stone of calm and meditative contemplation; it calms overly emotional people, relieves jealousy, resentment and pride. As a talisman it protects against magic.

Horoscope: It is the main talisman for AQUARIUS, CAPRICORN and those born on the 23rd lunar day. It also has a very strong effect on ARIES, SCORPIO and LIBRA. All other zodiac signs should not wear this stone - you can only use it for medicinal purposes and to develop creative imagination. It is contraindicated for Cancers to wear it.


Cacholong – “milk of the sacred cow” – is a mother’s stone.

Color: Cacholong is an opaque variety of opal. The color of minerals can be greenish, greenish-blue, greenish-brown. Most often these are milky-white crystals with multi-colored inclusions and patterns. Gloss - pearlescent, glassy.

Healing properties: This stone best helps with women's ailments, as well as during pregnancy. Milky white cacholong has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. It is believed that wearing products made from this mineral helps the body cleanse itself of toxins. Stones of other shades alleviate the suffering of a person suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

Mascot: Cacholong should be used as a talisman by pregnant women (to ensure a successful pregnancy and childbirth), and nursing mothers (to increase lactation). In their professional activities, the stone helps doctors, veterinarians, astronomers, lawyers, politicians and teachers. He helps them make the right decisions and attracts the sympathy of others.

Horoscope: Astrologers recommend cacholong to all zodiac signs, except Aries and Scorpio. It is especially useful for people born under the sign of LIBRA and TAURUS - it strengthens their material well-being, increases savings, and attracts success and good luck. For women born under the sign of Pisces, cacholong can give a healing gift.


Cat's eye is a clairvoyant stone.

Color: A stone with golden-green, gray-green tints, reminiscent of the iris of a cat's eye. Cat's Eye is quartz that has been sprouted with olive green rutile needles.

Healing properties: Cat's eye is a good digestive aid and acts as a laxative. Helps with bronchial asthma, anemia and attacks of rheumatism, and can relieve joint pain. As a healer, the cat's eye is indispensable in the treatment of mental disorders, depression, excessive aggressiveness, phobias, fears, and skin diseases. It perfectly helps the healing of wounds, bruises, fractures, all colds and helps the body acquire persistent protective reactions. It relieves fatigue well, so you can keep vases, boxes, and other items on display at home.

Mascot: The cat's eye should be used as a talisman by diplomats, lecturers, artists, writers, painters and musicians. It awakens creative impulses in them, enhances their talents and endows them with charm and eloquence. An excellent amulet against all types of damage, the evil eye and enemies. In particular, it was believed that the “cat’s eye” helps preserve love and protects against betrayal. Jewelry with “cat eyes” helps to improve relationships between people, improving their mutual understanding.


Labradorite is a “stone of protection.”

Color: The color of minerals is dark blue and dark gray. Polished stones appear blue, blue-green, reddish and golden tints. The gloss can be either glassy or matte.

Healing properties: As a healer, the Labrador is excellent at treating prostate diseases, infertility, diseases of the spine and joints, and drug addiction. It promotes the removal of stones and improves the overall functioning of all organs. Its impact most affects the emotional and mental state, through the improvement of which the Labrador begins its specific therapeutic work.

Mascot: Labrador is a wonderful amulet for the house and all households; it should be kept on the surface so that it sees people, the house itself is noticeable. Talisman of practicing magicians and all high-level “wizards”. Labrador hates those who strive for evil, but will not interfere with them, however, sooner or later, it will lead such people to a very sad end. The stone becomes very attached to the owner, loves him and strives to help in all, especially very unpleasant, situations, so Labrador is an excellent amulet for people who have to take a lot of risks.


Lapis lazuli – “heavenly stone” – is a stone of love, fidelity and prosperity.

Color: The color range of a stone such as lapis lazuli includes all possible shades of blue, ranging from light blue to deep purple. The special beauty of lapis lazuli is given by small golden inclusions of pyrite, creating the impression of stars in the blue sky.

Healing properties: Prevents attacks of radiculitis and asthma, relieves insomnia. Useful if you are prone to allergic reactions. Helps with exhaustion of the nervous system, diseases of the spine, lower back pain, hair loss. Cleanses the blood and sharpens vision. It has a strong, anti-inflammatory, anti-burn effect, and analgesic properties for bruises. It is believed that lapis lazuli improves pregnancy and prevents miscarriages.

Mascot: As a talisman, lapis lazuli attracts prosperity, success, luck and happy love to its owner. It is believed that those who receive lapis lazuli as a gift will not be able to betray or deceive. Thanks to these properties, lapis lazuli also gives one more thing - peace and quiet, creation and accomplishment in the family, home or country - depending on who owns this stone.

Horoscope: Astrologers advised people born under the sign of LIBRA to wear lapis lazuli jewelry, since the influence of this stone was supposed to soften the weaknesses often inherent in those born under this sign - lack of self-control, changeability in friendship and love. Lapis lazuli jewelry is recommended for people born under the sign of SAGITTARIUS. Lapis lazuli can be worn by all zodiac signs, with the exception of those born under the signs of Cancer and Capricorn.


Moonstone is a talisman for those born on a full moon.

Color: The color of moonstone varies from white to blue and purple.

Healing properties: Treats kidney diseases. Helps with exhaustion of the nervous system. Recommended for paralysis, edema, blood diseases, insomnia, arthritis, febrile conditions, infectious diseases, sepsis, asthma, spinal diseases, chronic inflammation of the tonsils, fractures and inflammation of bone tissue, diseases of the liver and biliary tract - acute and chronic, jaundice. Protects against epilepsy and other fleeting nervous attacks.

Mascot: The stone absorbs the energy of the moon. This mineral helps in love, establishes peace after a quarrel. Gives eloquence and power of persuasion. It imparts softness, dreaminess and tenderness, but is dangerous for capricious and withdrawn people. Gives prudence and caution in actions.

Horoscope: Astrologers call it the GEMINI stone. Moonstone for Gemini is a kind of sedative that helps balance the mood swings of this changeable sign. It is useful for CANCER. Astrologers do not recommend using the power of this amulet for fire signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.


Moss agate is a stone for gardeners and farmers.

Color: Moss agate is a translucent agate with an unclearly banded texture, containing green, white, yellow, brown, red, and black flake-like inclusions. (Moss agate gets its name from the mossy black or brown manganese inclusions or green chloride inclusions in the translucent milky agate.)

Healing properties: Saves from poisons, quenches thirst, sharpens vision, strengthens the body and mind of the wearer. Moss agate helps with diseases of the nervous system.

Mascot: Moss agate is a talisman against sorcerers and entities from the subtle world. It was considered a talisman for gardeners and farmers; it brings a rich harvest, promotes successful farming, and helps those involved in raising livestock. This stone exposes the intrigues and machinations of enemies, drives away bad dreams and helps improve your mental state. Protects from storms, hurricanes, and the evil eye. Gives the ability to distinguish truth from lies, make the right decisions according to the circumstances.

Horoscope: most suitable for TAURUS.


Jade is a stone of life (strength and longevity).

Color: creamy beige, yellowish-green to green of varying intensities, brown; also white, gray, yellowish, brown-gray, black, rarely reddish. The mineral may be uniform in color or banded; There are also spotted varieties, with veining or speckling, as well as marbled and patterned patterns. A pale, highly translucent variety of jade with a greasy sheen is highly valued.

Healing properties: Jade is believed to be best for treating kidney disease. Protects hair from drying out, strengthens liver, stomach, heart, bones, hearing. This stone is an excellent remedy for headaches, dizziness, atherosclerosis, strokes and eye diseases.

Mascot: In China, jade was considered the national stone. He has strong energy. Jade is a talisman of people who are pure, merciful, highly moral, brave, fair and wise. The stone actively and gently educates its owner and is a barometer of his behavior: it darkens, fades, and becomes ugly if the owner commits unseemly acts. Many peoples considered jade a stone of victory - both over themselves and over circumstances. Jade strengthens strength, gives longevity, worn as a talisman, wards off failures and misfortunes, and helps single people. The stone is one of the strongest amulets against lightning.

Horoscope: Jade is recommended for AQUARIUS, who are capable of transformation. Green and black jade are more suitable for CAPRICORN. Red-brown jade is associated with the sign of VIRGO (brings family happiness). White jade is a talisman for LIBRA (can prolong life). Jade is least indicated for Taurus and Sagittarius.


Obsidian is a stone of spiritual strength.

Color: Available in transparent and opaque. Its color ranges from light gray, brown, reddish to pitch black. There are banded and spotted gray-white obsidians (“snow obsidian”). Iridescent ones with a silky silver-pearl sheen are especially valued.

Healing properties: In folk medicine, it is believed that obsidian can cure colds caused by hypothermia. Some suggest that this mineral has beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Beads and rosaries made from obsidian can normalize blood pressure. However, this mineral cannot be carried on oneself often, as it can also cause harm, for example, reduce the energy of the kidneys.

Mascot: Obsidian is a talisman for practicing magicians, scientists and naturalists. A rosary made from this mineral promotes the development of clairvoyance, protects from the negative influences of the surrounding world, and protects against evil spirits. It was believed that obsidian - the “savior stone” - makes a person more careful, prudent, protects against wasting vitality, does not allow the owner to commit a bad act, for which he will later have to pay, and wards off unclean love. At the same time, obsidian forces the owner to be ready for any changes, both external and internal, and directs him on the path to the truth.

Horoscope: The beneficial properties of obsidian can be used by all zodiac signs. Obsidian is more likely to be found in signs such as CAPRICORN, LEO and SAGITTARIUS. It is also recommended to wear obsidian jewelry for Gemini, Aquarius, Scorpio and Libra. Such jewelry is not suitable for Cancers and Virgos.


Rhodonite is the stone of the “morning dawn”.

Color: The color of eagle (rhodonite) is pink, pinkish-gray, cherry-pink or crimson, sometimes turning brownish. Despite its general opacity, this stone has a pleasant translucency, giving it depth and a special richness of tones.

Healing properties: It is believed that this mineral can be used to prevent eye diseases. For this purpose, it is recommended to apply smooth stones to the eye area. There is an opinion that rhodonite has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves insomnia and nightmares, and also improves liver function.

Mascot: It is believed that rhodonite awakens hidden talents and abilities; the talisman promotes the development of various skills and dexterity. Rhodonite is a talisman of young people thirsting for victories, as well as writers, poets, and musicians. A rhodonite bracelet should be worn on the left hand, then it will enhance the ability to learn and add energy. For lazy people, a talisman in the form of a keychain is suitable, which will help get rid of laziness.

Horoscope: Rhodonite jewelry is recommended to be worn by people born under the signs of LIBRA and GEMINI. It gives Libras strength and self-confidence. It helps Geminis develop intuition, memory, as well as the desire to master new knowledge and skills. People born under the signs of Aries and Sagittarius react poorly to rhodonite.


Rose quartz is a stone of the heart.

Color: a variety of opaque quartz with a soft pink color.

Healing properties: Rose quartz radiation helps with diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, disorders of the cardiovascular system and inflammatory processes. Rose quartz helps relieve stress, muffles outbursts of irritability, and increases a person's creativity and sense of self-confidence. Rose quartz eradicates diseases of the lymph and lymphatic system, improves the functioning of the excretory system, normalizes blood, heart, blood vessels and bone marrow. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas and pacifies diabetes even in very late stages.

Mascot: Rose quartz is a talisman for people involved in art. Pendants and pendants made of rose quartz are a wonderful amulet that helps attract love and family happiness. Rose quartz worn by an unmarried woman helps her get married successfully.

Horoscope: rose quartz actually suits most zodiac signs. At the same time, astrologers disagree on which sign it influences best - some call Aquarius, some Cancer, some Taurus and Libra. However, it is not recommended to wear it all the time - it can immerse its owner in a world of illusions.


Carnelian is a stone that protects against quarrels and disputes.

Color: Carnelian – orange, red-orange , brown-red chalcedony.

Healing properties: Carnelian has been known as a medicinal product since ancient times. Carnelian has a pronounced calming and pacifying effect, relieves attacks of melancholy. Strengthens memory. Carnelian helps with diseases such as arrhythmia, hearing impairment, hypertension, and headache.

Mascot: First of all, carnelian is a traditional love talisman, attracting the opposite sex. It protects the wearer from infidelity in love and frees the wearer from debauchery and unbridled passions. Stone of truth, love and faith. This stone contributes to the administration of justice and the establishment of justice. A carnelian amulet protects against accidents and natural disasters, premature death, provides protection from lightning strikes, and wards off evil spirits and illnesses. Protects from witchcraft, envious people, dispels gloomy forebodings.

Horoscope: Carnelian is the stone of people born under the signs of Virgo and Gemini. It helps Virgos cope with uncontrollable anger, and gives Geminis the opportunity to discover hidden talents in themselves and develop them. It can also be worn by Capricorns, Leos and Aries. Carnelian is not recommended as decoration for Cancers.


Tiger's Eye is a stone that sharpens intuition.

Color: Iridescent golden-brown, brown, brown, with a silky sheen and an arched glow reminiscent of a tiger's eye. The shine is glass.

Healing properties: This stone is useful for asthma, weakness of the heart, rheumatic heart disease, inflammation of the pericardial sac, inflammation of the middle ear, paralysis after a stroke, chronic depression, and rheumatism.

Mascot: The talisman with the tiger's eye serves people engaged in creative activities, as well as those whose work or hobby involves risk to life or increased injury. For example, a keychain with a tiger's eye can strengthen an athlete's will to win. Modern practicing magicians also believe that the tiger's eye is able to protect its owner from many dangers, since it instills sanity in a person and prevents him from committing rash acts. In addition, it is believed that the tiger's eye pacifies the pangs of jealousy.

Horoscope: Tiger's Eye is a stone for people born under the signs of GEMINI and VIRGO. For Geminis, this stone will open their eyes to many incomprehensible situations and develop their hidden talents. Tiger's eye will help Virgos increase their vitality and gain sunny optimism. Jewelry with a “tiger eye” is also recommended for people born under the signs of Capricorn and Taurus.


Topaz is a stone that brings wealth.

Color: Colorless, watery-transparent, less often blue, blue, bluish-green, wine-yellow, brown, pink. Usually light shades. There are also polychrome ones - when different sections of the stone are cast in different colors. A transparent, translucent mineral with a glassy luster.

Healing properties: Relieves asthma attacks when worn in silver around the neck. Helps with epilepsy, diseases of the liver and biliary tract - acute and chronic, jaundice, eczema, diseases of the uterus. Recommended for paralysis, blood diseases, anemia, insomnia, arthritis, spinal diseases, chronic inflammation of the tonsils, fractures and inflammation of bone tissue, spinal diseases, lower back pain, joint pain. Enhances taste sensations. For chronic diseases, it significantly increases the effectiveness of other treatment methods.

Mascot: In many countries, topaz is used to make amulets that can protect against evil spirits, black witchcraft, the evil eye and damage. Topaz is a stone of friendship, prudence, joy and spiritual purity. A talisman with topaz is used as a means to attract good luck, material wealth, and success in professional activities. This is a talisman for scientists, merchants and travelers.

Horoscope: Topaz patronizes people born under the sign of SCORPIO. Topaz serves as a talisman for GEMINI, for Cancer +/-, and for Libra - you need to look at it individually. Topaz is negative for Sagittarius (for December - it reduces their lightness), Pisces (confuses their connections), Taurus (destroys their usual “stable” happiness).


Fluorite is the stone of the third eye.

Color: Fluorite is a transparent or translucent stone with a glassy luster. The stone comes in a variety of colors: colorless, white, yellow, orange, red, brown, green, greenish-blue, violet-blue, gray, purple, bluish-black, pink and crimson.

Agate belongs to the chalcedony family of stones. By its nature it is so unusual that you can’t tell about this stone in a few words. Determining the color of this mineral is also not easy, because it usually has a layered multi-colored color, which includes various shades and colors of the impurities that make up the stone.

Each agate has a personal, unique pattern. True, a certain trend can still be traced in the drawings, which at one time made it possible to identify varieties of this mineral.

The most popular are star, bastion, moss, Brazilian, woody and eye agate patterns. In general, there are more than 150 of these types. Such a large assortment has made agate one of the most popular materials in jewelry. Even girls are sometimes called Agates, which is further proof of the popularity of this mineral.

Agate and health

One old parable tells that the name agate comes from the Greek word “agates”, which translates as “useful”. Even the ancients made various containers and vessels from this stone, expensive dishes, and jewelry, which were found by archaeologists in the burial places of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Agate was first described in a document of 372-287. This mineral is mined in many places on Earth. Well-known Russian deposits are Ural, Magnitogorsk and Timman.

Since ancient times, agate has symbolized health in many countries; it was believed that it brings longevity and heals many ailments, which was what the healers of those times used. People believed that it would save snakes, scorpions, and spiders from the poison, and that medicinal potions in agate dishes acquired double healing power. But representatives of the Slavic peoples believed that water infused with agate would definitely help during childbirth, and in general it was especially useful for pregnant women. At the same time, agate was also credited with medicinal qualities for heart ailments and nervous system disorders. This mineral will serve as a talisman for Taurus and Gemini, as it makes them more balanced.

Magical properties of agate

Agate has magical qualities, therefore it wards away evil spirits from its owner, thwarts the plans of enemies, and protects against damage and the evil eye. Artists believe that agate jewelry helps one become a great master in their field. All professional secrets will be revealed to the owner of such jewelry.

Every man should have at least some agate item with him, then he will enjoy success with the weaker sex, become more confident, and achieve money and fame. Stones of different colors have, accordingly, only their inherent qualities. For example, black agate gave its owner enormous power over the afterlife, but the downside was bad luck in litigation.

Agate is a talisman stone for Capricorns, Cancers, Virgos and Taurus.

Agate is a stone of health and longevity. Medicinal properties: Agate has been considered a healing stone since ancient times and was widely used in medicine. Ancient Russian medical books say that if you burn agate, its ashes will cure epilepsy, drive away “unclean spirits, help stomach diseases and lead to natural sweetness.” It was believed that if agate was “put in water and allowed to soak for three days, and then given to mothers in labor to drink from that water,” the child would have an “easy birth.” Reduces the effect of poison. It is given to the patient by mouth when he or she suffers from unquenchable thirst during illness. Helps with cardiovascular diseases. Lithotherapists claim that agate can help its owner cope with many ailments. You just need to wear it correctly. For example, for a prolonged cough or sore throat, it is worn in the form of beads, and for various dental diseases - in the form of earrings. For gout and joint diseases, agate bracelets are worn. An agate ring is worn on the ring finger of the left hand by those who suffer from heart disease; on the middle finger of the right hand - people prone to hysterics, suffering from insomnia and unreasonable fears. An agate brooch helps get rid of ailments such as asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis. Magical properties: In ancient Rome, agates were the stones of the fertility goddess Pomona, who was the patroness of the harvest and gardening. Therefore, these days you can give agate jewelry to your friends or gardeners. In ancient times, it was believed that agate evokes God's mercy. It gives the owner courage and longevity. In Europe, agate was a symbol of health, prosperity and longevity, in India - prosperity. People believe that agate jewelry makes its owner pleasant to talk to and eloquent, and also protects him from the machinations of enemies. Agate can protect against energy attacks, energy vampirism, taking on negative energy. Arriving home, such a stone must be “cleaned” by holding it in cold water, and thanked for your care and salvation. A ring with agate gives men charm in the eyes of women. Indian legends say that agate jewelry can calm a baby and help him get to his feet earlier. It is no coincidence that agate was also considered a talisman against sorcerers. In Georgia, during baptism, newborns were given a white agate bead on their wrist, which protected the baby from the negative influences of the outside world. They say that white and yellow agates enhance the good nature of a person, soften his character, and promote inner peace and confidence. Black agate is considered a male talisman that protects the owner from evil forces. It is believed that agates sharpen hearing and improve well-being. According to Indian beliefs, agate is capable of stimulating a person’s spiritual awakening, tuning him to the subtle wave of perception of the world, opening “channels of clairvoyance and clairaudience.” Talismans and amulets: In the old days, eye agates were often used for inserts into the eyes of statues and for making talismans and amulets “against the evil eye.” It was believed that an agate amulet could protect its owner from a lightning strike and save him during an earthquake. Pliny the Elder wrote that agates as talismans help athletes achieve athletic success and pacify anger. As a talisman, agate helps the owner discover deception, identify ill-wishers, and warns of impending troubles. The mineral tunes its owner to the wave of perception of the subtle world, makes him clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairvoyant.

Emerald is a transparent green stone with different shades and is a first class gemstone. Emerald stone is a variety of beryl. Used for insertion into jewelry, large emeralds weighing more than 5 carats are valued more than diamonds.

The main emerald deposits are located inColombia,South Africa, Brazil. Emeralds are also mined in Madagascar, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Mozambique, USA, Australia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. In the 1830s, emerald deposits were discovered in the Urals, north of Yekaterinburg.

The largest emerald crystal was mined in1974in Brazil, its weight is 28 kg.

Famous emeralds:

"Emerald Buddha" is an emerald found in 1994 in Madagascar, its weight was 3,600 carats. Later a figurine was carved on it Buddha.

Emerald "Mogul"- Found in 1695, weight 217.8 carats, size 5 x 3.8 x 3.5 cm. It has the shape of a plate on which a prayer is engraved, and on the reverse side there is an ornament of flowers. In 2001, it was sold at Christie's for $2.2 million.

"Kokovinsky" emerald"- Found in the spring of 1833 in the Urals, and named after the famous Ural stone cutter Kokovina. Weighs about 400 grams and is stored in Mineralogical Museum named after. Fersman. In Moscow.

Emerald "President"- found in 1993 at the Malyshevsky mineSverdlovskarea, weight about 1200 grams. It got its name in honorfirst President of Russia Boris Yeltsin. Located in the Diamond Fund, which purchased the emerald for 150 thousand dollars. The President emerald is considered “explosive”, that is, after some time, due to internal stresses in the crystal, it can disintegrate into several parts.

The ancient Greeks valued emeralds very much, and the Egyptians decorated the tombs of the pharaohs andmummies. The treasuries of the Shahs of Iran and the Russian Tsars were famous for their priceless emeralds. Emerald was Cleopatra's favorite stone.

There is a biblical legend according to which, when Lucifer was expelled from paradise, one emerald fell from his head. This stone was used to make the cup that the Queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon. This cup was used by Christ at the Last Supper. After the crucifixion of Christ Joseph of Arimathea collected his blood in a cup.This cup is known to everyone as the “Holy Grail”; whoever drinks from it receives forgiveness of sins, eternal life, etc.

In ancient Rus', emeralds were called emeralds. They were considered stones of wisdom and composure. It symbolizes love and success, loyalty and purity, faith, courage and foresight. According to legends, it leads its owner to glory.

Emerald is a stone of health and longevity, gives peace of mind, protects the family hearth from discord. The green color of emerald is a symbol of life and harmony. It is believed that emerald heals the liver, stomach, respiratory tract diseases, help with insomnia and drive away bad dreams, save from evil spirits.

Nowadays, there are many new ways to preserve and restore feminine charm and excellent well-being. But we should not forget about the experience and means of previous generations. Many thousands of years ago, our ancestors successfully used the healing properties of various minerals.

A little history

Lithotherapy began to take shape as a teaching in the Mediterranean and Indochina more than 12 thousand years ago, and actively developed in the 1st-2nd millennium BC. e. in the East and Middle Asia, and then in Europe. The healing and magical properties of the “twelve stones” are even mentioned in the Bible. Modern science confirms that benefits come not only from taking medications containing various minerals, but also from wearing gem jewelry and simply admiring them.

Electromagnetic waves emitted by certain stones can have a beneficial effect on a woman’s biofield, helping her get rid of various ailments, recharge with positive energy and maintain youth and attractiveness.

"Magic" minerals

So, what kind of jewelry should every woman wear in order to always be healthy, beautiful and desirable?

  • , or “stone of happiness,” has very strong energy. If it is set in gold, it increases immunity, protects against unfavorable ecology and accelerates metabolic processes in the body, helping to maintain health. Framed in silver, turquoise prevents the aging process in the body. It is useful to wear it constantly, as a natural indicator. Darkening of the gem signals the need to visit a doctor. Of all the zodiac signs, only Leos are not recommended to wear turquoise; it suits everyone else perfectly.
  • - the precious stone from which the Holy Grail was made. According to legend, after tasting a drink from this cup, any mortal will gain health and longevity. Modern experts attribute to the gem an extraordinary healing effect on headaches and any sleep disorders, such as insomnia or nightmares. The stone is best suited for Leo, Aquarius and Libra.
  • increases stress resistance and restores the harmony of the body, increasing its vitality. A frame made of copper enhances the healing effect of the stone. The greatest healing effect of the mineral will be felt by Taurus and Gemini.
  • - a beautiful, but too energetically active stone, so women under 30 years old are not recommended to wear it. Framed in silver, it remarkably helps with colds of the lungs and throat, and framed in gold, it increases vascular tone and helps renew the body at the cellular level. For pregnant women, pomegranate makes childbirth easier and gives strength to mother and baby. It will best serve to improve the health of Leo and Gemini.
  • is an accumulator of solar energy, which it generously gives to its owner, rejuvenating her body and soul. Amber beads, bracelets and rings help remove toxins from the body, replenish the body's nervous costs and heal the skin. The stone has particular favor for ladies born under the sign of Leo.
  • harmonizes the interaction of heavenly and earthly forces, so gem jewelry will create a protective aura around the owner both from pathogenic microbes and from the negative emotions of others. Jade will help a woman get pregnant and protect her from health problems while carrying a baby. He will become the best protector and assistant for Virgo and Libra.
  • It was also used by Egyptian healers to treat depression and melancholy. The gem can also make a woman's skin glowing and healthy. Based on modern scientific research, even a special technique for improving health and restoring female attractiveness has been developed - carnelian therapy. The stone is a powerful love amulet and nourishes Aries, Taurus, Scorpio and Virgo with cosmic energy.

  • - this is a stone, the very name of which already contains the ability to give its owner extraordinary charm and attractiveness. The mysterious pearl-lilac glow will calm the excited psyche. Its contemplation will fill a woman’s soul with serenity and confidence in her own attractiveness, and its constant presence on the body will relieve tension and pain of various natures. The gem primarily favors Libra, but is also not contraindicated for other signs.

How to make the right choice

An unmistakably chosen talisman stone will certainly help any young lady remain beautiful and desirable for many years. You just need to understand what is most important to you at the moment: to restore the weakened strength of the body, to find harmony in relationships with your loved one, to preserve and increase beauty, to experience the happiness of motherhood. And having understood, choose one or more jewelry with the right gems, and wear it with pleasure and faith in their healing properties.

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