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How to remove hardened polyurethane foam from your hands. How to clean polyurethane foam from hands? Foam cleaner and home remedies. Nail polish remover, kerosene, gasoline, acetone

Construction work is accompanied by certain consequences, in addition to improving housing. Today we are considering another question: how to wash polyurethane foam from your hands. Since all manipulations will be carried out at home, certain components will be required. If you have questions, please use the comment form below.

Ways to wash foam from hands

When deciding what you can use to clean the foam, you need to study the nature of the contamination. The methods below help wash it off your hands, whether fresh or dried.

No. 1. Vegetable oil

To make cleaning easier and more effective, choose any vegetable oil and heat it until comfortable. Pour the warm mixture over your hands, then place a cloth soaked in the mixture on top. Wait half an hour and you can rub the sealant periodically to make it slide off faster.

No. 2. Special solvent

Since your hands get dirty most quickly, you can clean them from polyurethane foam with a commercial solvent. You must purchase it in advance. Available in aerosol form. The composition is distributed over contaminated areas, rubbed in, then washed off with water. In the case of hardened foam, the product does not always give the desired result.

No. 3. Acetone

If you don’t know how to wash foam from your hands, we recommend using acetone. As an alternative at home, nail polish remover or kerosene is suitable. To do this, soak a clean rag in the liquid. Begin rubbing your skin vigorously to remove impurities.

No. 4. White Spirit

Keep in mind that this method will be most effective if the foam has not yet completely dried. Soak a rag in the solution and wipe the dirty areas.

No. 5. Salt

If the contamination is minor, rub your hands with coarse salt. After this, rinse your skin thoroughly with running water.

No. 6. Dimexide

The drug copes with its task perfectly. The drug is recommended for use to remove dirt on various surfaces. The problem is that the composition is quickly absorbed into the skin, which can cause side effects.

How to remove dried foam

If for some reason you were unable to immediately get rid of the dirt, it’s worth knowing how to wash the foam from your hands. The problem is that dried mixture is more difficult to remove. At home, solvents will be powerless.

2. Before rubbing your skin, it is highly recommended to steam your hands. Keep them in heated water with oil for 8-15 minutes. Treat your skin with a rich cream. Lather one of the abrasives (sandpaper, pumice, etc.). Begin to gently rub the skin so that the sealant gradually comes off.

How to wash foam from hands? — This question concerns not only amateurs who took up repairs for the first time, but also experienced craftsmen. Some people advise generously lubricating your hands with greasy cream or Vaseline before working with polyurethane foam. In such cases, the foam does not adhere well to the skin of the hands and can be easily removed in case of contact. But these people probably haven’t tried their own advice in practice, because with slippery, greasy hands it’s very inconvenient to hold a foam container and other tools. And it’s not easy to remove greasy stains from building materials later. Therefore, such recommendations are very questionable, and if the sealant gets on your skin, you just need to know how to wash the foam off your hands.

What is polyurethane foam?

Polyurethane foam is a sealant that is made on the basis of polyurethane. The solution is produced in aerosol packages and is widely used in construction and repair work. Its purpose is to fill gaps and cracks for effective sound, water and heat insulation, and to fasten individual parts of building materials into a single whole.

Polyurethane foam appeared in the construction industry relatively recently. Instead of foam, cement and tow were previously widely used, but the use of these materials took a lot of time and a lot of labor. The advent of polyurethane foam has greatly simplified such work, because there is no stage of preparing the necessary substance, and additional tools are not needed at all when working with sealant.

But when cured, the foam is solid polyurethane foam. When it comes into contact with the skin, the sealant has an adverse effect on its cells, as it completely blocks the air flow. This building substance can cause irritation on the skin not only of the hands, but also of the whole body, as well as other manifestations of an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is very important to know how to wash foam from your hands quickly, without causing a destructive problem to the epidermis.

Important! To significantly reduce the likelihood of polyurethane foam getting on the skin of your hands, you must wear personal protective equipment when working with it. Thick rubber gloves and work clothes are ideal.

How to wash foam from hands if it has not yet hardened?

The simplest rule when working with foam, which must always be remembered, is that the sealant must be removed immediately as soon as it gets on the skin of your hands or clothing.

Try to remove the stain with a clean napkin or cloth, carefully moving the foam towards the center of the stain. Residues should be washed off immediately before the composition hardens completely.

Important! When you try to wash off the foam from your hands, be careful not to smear it on your skin.

If it was not possible to completely remove the foam in this way, then use one of the following aids.

Special aerosol

Before you start working with polyurethane foam, it is advisable to purchase a special aerosol solvent. The ideal option is products from the same manufacturer as the foam container.

Important! You will also need a similar solvent to clean the guns with which the sealant was applied. The product is available in the form of an aerosol, which greatly simplifies the process of its application.

In order to wash foam from your hands, you need to do the following simple steps:

  1. Spray the solvent aerosol onto the contaminated area of ​​skin.
  2. Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water.

This product does an excellent job with liquid, unhardened polyurethane foam. But in front of the frozen substance it is powerless.

Important! Before using a special aerosol solvent, be sure to read its instructions.


Pure acetone or nail polish remover containing acetone will help get rid of uncured mass. The principle of application is extremely simple:

  1. Soak a cloth or cotton pad in acetone and carefully remove the foam from your hands.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water.

Important! You should act quickly and carefully. Acetone has a specific odor, so it is better to clean it outdoors or in a well-ventilated area..


This liquid is also quite effective for removing sealant from hands. It should be used in a similar way to acetone.

How to clean your hands from foam at home?

If you don’t have the above liquids at home, you can use improvised means.

Vegetable oil

This option for cleaning polyurethane foam from your hands is absolutely harmless and safe for the skin.

  1. Heat the vegetable oil slightly.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in the oil and apply to the skin.

Important! Surprisingly, this product can remove even hardened polyurethane foam. To do this, you need to arm yourself with patience and hold the cotton wool soaked in oil for 20-30 minutes at the site of contamination.


Salt is an abrasive substance, so it can remove foam and its residue from hands:

  1. Rub a small amount of salt onto areas contaminated with sealant.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and water.

Important! You should treat your hands with salt very carefully so as not to scratch the skin.

How to remove polyurethane foam from your hands if it has already hardened?

If you did not have time to remove the mounting foam from your hands before it had time to harden, then the cleaning process will take longer because practically none of the above-mentioned solvents will be able to remove the frozen mass.

In this case, the foam can only be cleaned mechanically. For this you will need:

  • Stiff brush, pumice stone or soft sandpaper.
  • Fat cream or vegetable oil.
  • Soap.

The procedure should be carried out extremely carefully so as not to harm the upper layer of the epidermis:

  1. Apply rich cream or vegetable oil to the contaminated areas of the skin of your hands. This will soften the harsh impact of the brush on the skin.
  2. Use a stiff brush or pumice stone generously with soap.
  3. Gently, slowly, rub the hardened foam with a brush.

Important! To make the process of removing foam a little easier, you can first steam your hands in hot water for 8-10 minutes..

Some people, out of ignorance of the correct solution to the problem, try various means. Subsequently, they either do not get any result or get the desired effect, but cause irreparable harm to the integrity of the epidermis. So, what products are not recommended for removing sealant from leather?

Vinegar and other acids

Never experiment with acids, such as vinegar. You won't get the desired effect, but getting a serious chemical burn is quite possible.

Important! This especially applies to the situation when you decide to use not ordinary table 7-9% vinegar, but 70% essence.


Many people recommend this medication as an effective means for cleaning hands from polyurethane foam. Indeed, it dissolves construction foam well, but it is strictly prohibited to treat the skin with it without prescription and further medical supervision.

Important! “Dimexide” is quickly absorbed into the skin and enters the human body. But like any medicine, it has a number of side effects. Therefore, it is better to use it to clean soiled furniture, floors and walls, but not leather.

Alkaline products

Do not use products with a high concentration of alkali to clean such contaminated hands. They are not able to remove traces of sealant, but they will quickly disrupt the normal skin acid balance.

  • If you still fail to remove the sealant using one of the described methods, then do not despair. Due to the fact that skin cells are constantly renewed, impurities will cleanse themselves after some time.
  • After successfully removing the dirt, you should generously smear your hands with hand cream or aloe juice to soothe and moisturize the skin after an unpleasant procedure.

Preparation for working with polyurethane foam:

In order to avoid getting the sealant on clothes, furniture, walls, floors and the skin of your hands, you should prepare in advance for working with it:

  • Be sure to wear gloves and safety glasses.
  • Use work clothes that you won’t mind throwing away later.
  • Protect your hair from getting foam on it. To do this, wear a hat.
  • Cover all furniture, floors and walls that may become dirty during work with disposable protective material. It can be film or paper.
  • Purchase special cleaning products that will help quickly remove fresh, random foam stains.
  • It is advisable to work with a partner who will help close through holes, cover objects located near the workplace, and place paper under the hanging drop of sealant.
  • By following simple rules for working with sealant, you can avoid finding a solution to the problem of how to wash your hands from polyurethane foam. But if trouble happens, then don’t be upset. Use one of the methods described above, act quickly and carefully, and the skin will be saved, and not a trace will remain of dirt.

Although you should only work with polyurethane foam while wearing gloves, sometimes there are situations when it gets on your hands and there is a need to quickly and effectively wash them of such contamination. Depending on what is needed: to remove fresh or frozen substance, different methods are used.

Removing fresh foam from hands

If polyurethane foam accidentally gets on your hands, it must be removed immediately. The substance must be pulled into the center of the contamination as quickly as possible. Do this with a napkin or clean sponge. Then the composition is removed from the skin, and then the stained area is washed with soapy water.

You should not spread the foam, as this will only further increase the area of ​​the contaminated area.

The last step in cleaning your hands from fresh foam is to wash them generously with soap.

There are several other methods for removing fresh composition:

  • During the work, there should be a can of a special solvent from the same company as the building mixture nearby. The contaminated area is treated with such a liquid, and then everything is washed off with water.
  • Any solvent that contains acetone helps. A napkin is moistened in it and the substance is rubbed off with it.
  • From available means, you can use warm vegetable oil.
  • Kerosene removes fresh composition well.
  • Rubbing the contaminated area with table salt also helps, but you must act carefully so as not to injure the skin.
  • The medical product “Dimexide” effectively removes the construction mixture. We must remember that part of the medicine enters the body through the skin and can cause side effects.

Methods for getting rid of frozen composition

There are times when it is not possible to remove foam from the skin immediately.

After cleaning the skin, rinse it well and then lubricate it with any available fatty cream.

If it has frozen, it will be more difficult to clean your hands, but it is also possible. A mechanical method is used for this:

  1. The contaminated area is lubricated with vegetable oil or any cream to soften the skin. You can additionally steam your hands.
  2. The pumice stone or brush used to clean the soles of the feet is well lathered.
  3. Using circular movements, carefully and gradually erase the frozen foam.

If you cannot remove the frozen foam, then there is no need to panic. Since our skin is renewed, after a couple of days the substance will peel off on its own.

Do not use various acids and alkalis, as their use may result in burns.

You can clean your hands from this building mixture using various chemicals, or remove it mechanically. To prevent such a problem from occurring, you need to wear gloves and be extremely careful.

Repairs take a lot of effort and nerves. In addition to the debate about where the refrigerator should be and what tiles to put in the hallway, we have to decide the question: how to get rid of traces of polyurethane foam?

This material has replaced cement in the construction industry; it is convenient to use when installing windows and doors, during repairs and construction.

Since all work with it is done manually, it is the hands that are more likely to get dirty than other parts of the body.

The first thing you need to know about construction foam: it must be removed immediately, without waiting for it to harden on your hands, hair and clothes. Once dried, it will be much more difficult to remove.

Top 5 quick ways to get rid of construction foam on your hands:

Way. Description. Time.
1 Wipe off with a special foam solvent. Take a solvent of the same brand as the foam, apply it to a cotton pad and wipe off the dirt. Wash your hands with soap and apply cream. From 3 to 10 minutes, depending on the degree and time of exposure to contamination.
2 Use a clean napkin. The method will work on fresh contamination. Fresh polyurethane foam can be wiped off without any problems. Instantly.
3 Remove dirt with acetone. Apply acetone to a cotton pad and massage away traces of contamination. Afterwards, rinse with water. Up to 15 minutes.
4 Wipe off with vegetable oil. Pour two tablespoons of oil into a ceramic bowl and heat in a water bath. Use warm oil to remove traces of dirt from the skin of your hands. The whole process will take up to 30 minutes.
5 Use kerosene. Apply to a cotton pad, remove traces of foam. Taking into account the time that will then be spent on removing the smell of kerosene from your hands, this will take up to 30 minutes.

These methods will help you quickly clean your hands. They do not require additional skills, which is why they are in the top five.

These tools are almost always at hand, and they work flawlessly. The most convenient of them can be called vegetable oil.

It is found in every home, there is no unpleasant odor left from it, you can wash it off with ordinary soap.

Using Dimexide to remove construction foam from hands

This product is classified as a medicinal product for external use. They successfully treat inflammation and injuries by applying a bandage soaked in it to the sore spot.

The product is toxic; depending on the percentage of the solution, it is mixed with a certain amount of water.

To remove contaminants from polyurethane foam using Dimexide, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  1. Dilute it with a small amount of water: two parts of the product to one part of water. This is necessary so as not to damage the sensitive skin of your hands.
  2. Apply the product to a small piece of gauze. Gauze will do the job better than a soft cotton pad.
  3. Carefully remove any dirt that may damage the skin.
  4. After complete cleansing, you need to wash your hands with soap.

Important! If you have wounds on your hands, it is better not to use this remedy. Dimexide is toxic and its entry into the bloodstream is extremely undesirable.

Scrubs against construction foam

You can use a more gentle method to solve this problem. A body scrub is perfect for removing traces of foam from the skin of your hands. It is applied according to the instructions.

A scrub will be the best option if the face, neck or other areas of skin with increased sensitivity have been affected by the foam.

It is better to use appropriate scrubs for the neck and face. They will gently and deeply cleanse the skin without damaging it.

You can use sea salt. It acts carefully, saturating the body with iodine. Take a small amount of coarse sea salt in your hand and dilute it with water.

Rub quickly into the contaminated area, being careful not to scratch the skin. If the procedure does not help, it should be repeated.

Salt has many wonderful properties, one of which is elongation. Salt scrubs are best for removing various types of impurities. Even particles of construction foam will not survive.

Important! It is prohibited to use this method on sensitive areas of the body such as the face and neck!

There is a high risk of damage. Only thick, rough skin can withstand the effects of a salt scrub.

Regular baking soda is suitable for these purposes. It is diluted with water, turning it into a paste, and applied to the body in places that need to be cleansed.

Leave it like this for 5 - 7 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. You can rub it gently with gauze.

Important! Baking soda is very drying, so after using it you should use a nourishing cream.

Before you begin removing polyurethane foam from your body, you should know a few facts about this substance.

  • When it comes into contact with water of any temperature, it instantly hardens. Water will not help wash such contaminants off your hands, but will only worsen the situation.
  • When hardened, this product adheres tightly to all types of surfaces. Human skin is no exception.
  • Cured foam should be removed very carefully, as there is a high probability of causing damage. There will be an abrasion or scratches.
  • Using kerosene, acetone and Dimexide will cause a burning sensation.
  • It is recommended to use vegetable oil to cleanse your hair.

The most gentle way for delicate skin

If the foam has already dried, and the skin is thin, sensitive or prone to allergies, you should use laundry soap.

This product is made from natural ingredients that carefully clean any surface from even the most difficult contaminants.

Rub the stained area of ​​skin with laundry soap and immerse it in warm water for 10 minutes. Warm water will help the soap work more effectively.

After this, the contamination is washed out. If a trace of foam remains, the procedure is repeated. Sometimes more than two manipulations are required. But this method protects the skin.

If you happen to get dirty with polyurethane foam during construction and repair work, don’t worry. Any dirt can be washed away.

The foam is non-toxic, it will not cause harm, and the above methods will help you quickly deal with the problem.

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Not only craftsmen with extensive experience in the construction industry, but also novice amateurs, are interested in the question of how to wash foam from hands.

There are different recommendations from many people, among which you can, for example, lubricate your hands well with Vaseline or soak them in a rich cream before starting to work with polyurethane foam sealant. This option will prevent the sealant from sticking to the skin, and even if it gets on the skin, in this case you can easily wipe the mounting foam off your hands.

But such advice cannot always be applied and most likely such advisers are unlikely to use this method in practice, since it will be very inconvenient to work with a foam balloon with hands slippery from greasy cream, and it is quite difficult to use construction tools. In addition, greasy stains formed on building materials will not be easy to remove in the future.

Polyurethane foam refers to specialized building materials in the form of a sealant made on the basis of polyurethane. This composition is placed in aerosol cans, which is very widespread during construction and during any finishing work. Its main use is to fill various cracks, for example, in, which contributes to good sound, heat and waterproofing, and also effectively and reliably fastens individual parts of building materials together.

Foam for installation in the construction industry began to be used relatively recently. Before its appearance, cement and tow were mainly used for such purposes, the disadvantage of which was a large investment of time and labor. With the advent of this aerosol material, such work has been significantly simplified, since there is no longer any need to prepare the appropriate composition and there is no need for additional tools, which are not needed at all when using sealant.

It is also important to know that this sealant is, after complete hardening, a completely solid polyurethane foam. Therefore, it is worth considering that you need to work with this composition carefully so as not to get it on your hands; it has an unfavorable effect on skin cells due to the fact that it completely blocks the supply of oxygen and thereby provokes severe irritation on the skin and even causes allergic reactions. This side effect can appear both on the hands and naturally on the whole body. Therefore, there is a need to understand how to clean your hands from polyurethane foam, preferably as quickly as possible, in order to avoid harmful problems for the epidermis.

REMEMBER! It is necessary to follow certain rules in order to avoid getting it on your hands and other parts of the body. Therefore, it is recommended to work in special personal protective equipment. It is optimal to use thick rubber gloves, as well as the necessary protective clothing.

How to wash off uncured foam from hands?

You should always remember a simple rule, which provides for the immediate removal of uncured polyurethane foam, that is, what you should do if it just got on your hands. You will also find many similar recommendations in our material.

You need to try to carefully move the composition towards the center of the contaminated stain; for this you can use a soft cloth, for example, a handkerchief. After that, wash off the remaining sticky substance that has not yet hardened. At the same time, you should wash the mounting foam from your hands carefully so as not to smear the residue on clean skin.

But if, despite all attempts, it was not possible to completely clear the foam, then you will have to resort to one of the auxiliary compounds listed below.

Aerosol solvent

The same brand of solvent can also be cleaned well. This product is made in the form of an aerosol, which greatly simplifies the procedure for applying it.

Before you wipe off the foam from your hands, you will need to perform some fairly simple steps:

  1. Gently spray this product onto contaminated clothing or hand skin.
  2. Leave for 10-15 seconds and then rinse thoroughly with water.

Of course, it is worth recalling that the aerosol effectively removes liquid sealant that has not yet dried. But if the foam has completely hardened, then it simply cannot be removed.

Acetone vs foam

Also, the substance that has not yet hardened can be wiped off using pure acetone or the like, for example, white spirit, nail polish remover, etc. We talked about this method in detail in our article at home.

Sequence of use:

  1. Soak a piece of cloth or just a cotton swab in the solution and wash the foam stain from your hands.
  2. Then wash your hands well with soapy water.

Remember! All actions must be carried out quickly and with utmost care. It is known that acetone has a specific odor, and therefore the best option for this procedure would be to carry it out outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.


Using kerosene you can also effectively remove foam from your hands. You will need to use it in the same way as described above with acetone.

If for some reason it is not possible to use the liquids described above at home, then you will have to use other means at hand that are no less effective. Let's look below at ways to remove foam from your hands using kitchen products.

Vegetable oil

Compared to the above methods, this method is considered completely harmless and safe for health:

  1. You will need to warm the oil slightly.
  2. Next, soak a cloth in heated oil and thoroughly treat contaminated areas of the skin.

Remember! This cleaning method can remove even hardened polyurethane foam. But in this case, patience is needed because you will need to wait half an hour, or even more, after applying a swab to the contaminated area soaked in oil.

Common salt

Salt, by its structure, is an abrasive substance and due to this it can get rid of difficult to remove oh foam. It is recommended to use table salt.

The process is:

  1. You need to thoroughly rub the salt on the affected areas.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soapy water.

Remember! This hand treatment must be carried out with great care so as not to damage the dermis.

How to remove dried foam from hands?

If for some reason you were not able to quickly and promptly wash off the foam that has not yet hardened from your hands, then such a procedure will take a lot of time due to the fact that the liquid we mentioned above can simply remove such a dried substance they won't be able to.

In such situations, foam can only be removed mechanically.

For such actions it is necessary:

  • Pumice (stone), a brush with stiff bristles or soft sandpaper.
  • Cosmetic cream, preferably fatty or simple vegetable oil.
  • Ordinary soap.

The cleaning process must be carried out with great care so that the upper layer of the epidermis is not damaged:

  1. Treat the dirty areas of the skin of your hands with cream or you can use oil, which will help avoid harsh effects on the skin from pumice or brush bristles.
  2. Next, generously scrub the pumice stone or stiff brush with soap.
  3. Slowly scrub off the hardened foam with a brush.

On a note! The process of cleaning foam from your hands can be greatly facilitated by lightly steaming your hands for about 10-15 minutes in hot water.

Most people have never encountered such a problem and therefore, due to ignorance, cannot make the right decision and try to solve such problems by various means. This approach usually does not give a positive result, and if something does happen, the integrity of the epidermis will certainly be harmed. What products are not recommended for removing sealant from the skin?

Regular vinegar and acids

Beware of carrying out various experiments using acids and vinegar, since you are unlikely to achieve the desired result, but it is quite possible to get a serious chemical burn.

This is especially true when, instead of regular table vinegar 7-9%, you decide to use 70% essence.

Dimexide drug

This medication is recommended by most as an effective means of thoroughly cleaning hands from foam. And in fact, this drug dissolves construction foam quite well. However, removing impurities from the skin without the supervision of a doctor is strictly prohibited.

"Dimexide" is absorbed very quickly into the skin. It also quickly enters the human body, while also having a number of side effects. For this reason, it is best used as a cleaning agent for stained furniture, walls and floors, but never on the skin.

Alkaline detergents

Before washing the foam from your hands, avoid using products that have a high concentration of alkali. They still won’t be able to remove traces of such foam, but they can quickly disrupt the normal skin balance.

Is it possible to wash foam from clothes?

There is an opinion that if foam gets on clothes, then you can immediately throw it away or simply relegate it to the category of overalls for construction work, because it cannot be washed one hundred percent without severe damage to the fabric.

Bad news. But you can still try treating clothes with the same solvents for polyurethane foam. But remember, any cleaner must be applied locally; it is recommended with a cotton pad.

It is also possible to get rid of foam on clothes mechanically: for example, using a stationery knife or a sharp needle. There is another method that is often used to scrub off chewing gum or plasticine: simply place the clothing in the freezer for 3-4 hours, and then scrub it off.

Read more information on this topic in our article - where you will find a lot of useful information.

On a note!

If it was not possible to remove the sealant using one of the methods described above, then, of course, there is no need to despair. The human body is designed in such a way that its skin cells have the properties of constant renewal and therefore existing impurities will cleanse themselves over time.

As soon as the contamination is removed, be sure to generously smear your hands with a special hand cream or use aloe juice for this. Such products are good after an unpleasant procedure to soothe the skin and moisturize it.

To avoid possible contact with sealant on clothing or furniture, walls and floors, as well as the skin of your hands, you must prepare in advance for working with it.

Preparatory procedures for working with foam for installation:

  1. Be sure to wear safety glasses and gloves.
  2. Work clothes should be such that you won’t mind throwing them away in the future.
  3. Hair should be well protected from possible contact with sealant. A headdress will work well in this case.
  4. It is also necessary to protect furniture, floors and walls while sealant is being applied by covering them with protective disposable material such as film or paper.
  5. There should be special cleaning products available that can quickly remove occasional still fresh foam stains.
  6. Such work should best be carried out with a partner who will help close existing through holes and promptly cover various objects located near the workplace, as well as place paper under the hanging drop of sealant.

If you strictly follow all the above rules when working with polyurethane foam, you will not need to search for solutions to problems that arise, such as how to wipe the foam off your hands when completing work. But even if such a nuisance still happens, there is no need to be upset, since you can simply use the methods already familiar to you from the above. All you have to do is act carefully and quickly, and this is the only way to save your skin from possible contaminants, of which not a trace will remain.

In the next article we will try to sort out the issue.


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