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If you forgot to congratulate. Belated birthday greetings in prose. Belated Happy Birthday Greetings

Belated birthday greetings and cards

This can happen to anyone - I got carried away, got tired and forgot to congratulate the birthday boy on time. We need to correct ourselves - and even if it’s belated, we still want to congratulate a friend or relative on his birthday.
Do it best with humor, send to the birthday person by email or using social networks humorous poem- congratulations and a postcard from being late. This will amuse your boyfriend or girlfriend and he will definitely forgive me!

I I notice more and more often
The disadvantage is
I forget to congratulate everyone
How absent-minded!

Time heals, thank God,
I remembered everything little by little
It's in the process of healing
I send my congratulations!

I humbly apologize,
Forgive my forgetfulness
I appreciate and respect you
And belated congratulations!

TO It wouldn't be a shame, but I have to admit
that the memory of the event did not fit in my head,
which I could remember with pleasure later.
About the day when, at the hour appointed by fate,
family, friends, friends congratulated you
Happy birthday, as I want now!
I wish you the most wonderful things,
good luck, happiness and health for many years to come.
Don't be angry, my friend, next year,
be sure, I will congratulate you on time!

N Did I really miss your birthday? Although it's late, congratulations! And I give you this wonderful opportunity to extend the holiday. All the best and brightest to you on this day and on all others! May your every day be like a holiday!

N neither flowers nor gifts,
They won't help me now
Neither peonies nor violets,
Nor the floridness of phrases.
They won't help because
I suddenly forgot to congratulate...
Orally, in writing, by mail,
Happy birthday, friend!
I may be a little late
Congratulations and surprise,
But accept my confessions
In friendship, loyalty in life.

Z spun, spun,
But I forgot...your mother!
After all, I've wanted you for a long time
Happy birthday!!

Sorry, can't fix it
The day has already passed!
You can't congratulate a person
And he’s already a goat at heart!!!

I've been beating myself for two days now,
I won't find an excuse!
I didn't find one minute
To send wishes!

But I really wanted it loud,
I wanted it so badly,
Write in huge font:


And now I sit and cry
And I don't know what to say.
I can't eat or poop
I can't sleep at night.

And here I am with the keyboard,
On my knees in front of the computer,
I am sending you this verse,
Waiting for forgiveness!

N don’t be angry, even if it’s late,
I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
For kind words and words of recognition
May all your days be good!
Be happier every month
And every year you get younger.
The goodness of your beautiful soul
Blooms and makes people happy!

L Better late than never, right?
I think so too!
Therefore: happy birthday, friend!
Please accept my sincere wishes for happiness, kindness, love and good luck!
May life give you many pleasant moments,
And joy will settle in your home and heart!
And even though the congratulations were late, it extended your holiday!
Happy birthday!

T I congratulate you
Happy belated birthday,
I wish you love
And great mood
Success and good luck,
And devoted friends
And on top of everything
Ferrari and Harley.

P grow up, I didn’t have time -
I was running around, tired;
Now I want to correct myself:
Here, I'm stocked up on toast,
To sprinkle them without shame
And without prejudice:
Now I'll remember it forever!
Happy belated birthday!

L better late than never!
We have to congratulate you “in hindsight.”
Well, let another day in your life be festive, once again your face will light up with a smile and your heart will become warm.
I wish you that this happens every day!

I I forgot to set the alarm clock,
And I forgot to have lunch, unfortunately...
How could I? Please forgive...
I forgot to wish you a happy birthday!

And today finally
I give you... a casket!
Full of happiness and good luck wishes!
Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations, my love!
Incomparable, sweetest creature!

P Happy birthday!
Sorry for the delay,
I'm ready to atone for the guilt
Drink a fine glass.
Let them give gifts every day,
They cherish, pamper and promote!
Let happiness be overflowing,
And in your personal life - personal paradise!

WITH I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
Let it be with the past, but from the heart!
Sorry, please, for being late.
Congratulations are always good!
Let it happen again, but I wish
Happiness in life, health, love!
This is the most important value
Although these words are very simple!
And I also wish you
Laughter, cheerfulness and kindness,
And, of course, let them be fulfilled
All your wishes and dreams!

AND Life is such a strange thing that you don’t always manage to get what you want on time. So today I wanted to congratulate you first, but I’m probably doing it last. But I hope this doesn't make you any less pleased. Since this happened, I want to wish you that you will always be in the right place at the right time. This is exactly what is called - to be the darling of fate! Congratulations!

Spun, spun,
But I forgot... your mother!
After all, I've wanted you for a long time
Happy birthday!
Sorry, can't fix it
The day has already passed!
You can't congratulate a person
And he’s already a goat at heart!!!
I've been beating myself for two days now,
I won't find an excuse!
I didn’t find one minute
To send wishes!
But I really wanted it loud,
I wanted it so badly,
Write in huge font:
And now I sit and cry
And I don't know what to say.
I can't eat or poop
I can't sleep at night.
On my knees before you
I send my apologies
Waiting for forgiveness
Belated congratulations!!!

I notice more and more often
The disadvantage is
I forget to congratulate everyone
How absent-minded!
Time heals, thank God,
I remembered everything little by little
It's in the process of healing
I send my congratulations!
I humbly apologize,
Forgive my forgetfulness
I appreciate and respect you
And belated congratulations!

Well, what a fool I am!
A true sclerotic!
Now it's forever!
I'll write it down in my notebook!
Birthday I'm yours
I won't forget again
I'll make friends with my head
I will remember the date
Belated congratulations
And I want to wish:
Fulfillment of dreams,
Don't be sad and don't get sick.

I'm late, how can that be?
I'm now a special enemy
Missed my birthday
I forgot an important date.
I beg you, don't kill me
Give the poor guy a second chance,
I will atone for my wrongdoing
I'll get you a star
Or I'll pick off the moon.
Maybe it's your birthday
We will note the second one,
So to speak on the road,
We will celebrate your day.

What could be better than you?
Candy, gifts, flowers?
I won't find anyone more beautiful than you
At least I’ll go around thousands of countries.
Celebrate your birthday
Let him allow just a little,
I'll be late for your holiday,
I will destroy my watch
To be on time.
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Do you want it? - get it
Don't sulk: please, I beg you,
Just take it and forgive.

I forgot to set the alarm clock
And I forgot to have lunch, unfortunately
How could I?
Please forgive...
I forgot to congratulate you
Happy Birthday!
And today finally
I give you... a casket!
Full of happiness and good luck wishes!
Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations, my love!

Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations, my love!
Incomparable, sweetest creature!

Head on the right path,
There are a lot of achievements ahead,
Definitely find yourself there,
And let love come closer.
Celebrate your cozy birthday,
Kindles a lot of desires,
Lifts the spirits of many
For me it only carries forgiveness.
Of course you'll excuse me,
What a shame I missed my birthday.
I promise that I can improve
And whatever you want, I’ll give it right away.

Time slipped away like soap from your hand,
Having been late for my birthday, I’ll die of boredom here.
Or maybe there is forgiveness and there is joy for me,
That we will celebrate your second birthday together for you.
I will present love and wonderful deeds,
And today you’ll go crazy with joy,
With joyful, wonderful laughter I will break up your holiday,
Belatedly, I will bring a gift to your feet.

Again I ran around with my mouth open and forgot about you,
Well, forgive the idiot, I missed my birthday,
There is no forgiveness, I kneel before you,
Can I apologize to you without humiliation?
I communicate using “you” or “you”, I’m just really afraid,
I admire you, I strive to be like you,
Happy birthday and I wish you one thing,
So that you have a lot, a lot of everything, everything.

It seems to me that people who sacredly remember every holiday in the calendar are sent to this world with a special mission: to develop an inferiority complex in those who always forget all the dates.

“Yesterday was Energy Man’s Day,” my mother sadly tells me into the phone. And she sets the direction for my unimportant memory for important dates: “Dad was offended.” Damn! This week I have already congratulated three relatives on their name day, and a friend on their wedding anniversary , which almost rehabilitated me in my own eyes for not sending an SMS to my sister on her son’s fifth birthday.

To tell the truth, in our time it is not so difficult to join the ranks of people who do not forget anything: in the morning only the kettle pleases with a simple artistic whistle, all other devices vying with each other with reminders: “Today A., V. and K. celebrate the day X!” And at the same moment, congratulatory SMS are automatically triggered in hundreds of phones, and doves with flowers in their beaks, hares with gifts in their paws, and angels with arrows in vital organs appear on Internet pages. I also remember that “A., V. and K. celebrate,” but due to the law of meanness and a thousand other reasons, at the right moment I never join the chorus of congratulators, for which I later repent.

In my defense, I can say that if a person remembered the occasion on time, this does not mean at all that he focused on the hero of the occasion. For most, someone’s long-awaited holiday is just an additional tick on the list of obligatory tasks: “report to the boss,” “food to the fish,” “postcard to Ivanova.” The consequences of this are vague wishes for health and success in your personal life, faceless toasts and poems read aloud from the Internet. The main thing is on time! Or is that not the main thing?

After all, if someone runs along the rails of your life after the departing holiday train and tries to throw a bouquet into the last carriage, it means that he did not “forget”, but... “did not forget”! And I really feel an urgent need to congratulate you. Not because it is customary, but because you are truly dear to him, beyond time and dates. As a result, the fiery speeches of latecomers turn out to be more heartfelt and targeted, not to mention how long-awaited.


Over the years of my life, burdened by calendar cretinism, I have congratulated my loved ones more than once after the fireworks died down. My dad is not only an energy engineer, he is also a chess player, football player and fisherman. Celebrate the dates, daughter! And mom is a teacher (remember: September 1, October 5, May 25) and, in fact, a woman (plus March 8). It seems that I was destined to achieve heights in the art of congratulations after the fact. Therefore, as an experienced catcher of the “holiday trains,” I will share the secrets of how to be late with congratulations beautifully.

1 Forget about yourself
You shouldn’t start with “sorry” or “I couldn’t congratulate you because...”. In this case, you will immediately begin to talk about yourself and your hypothetical problems, and the frontman of the past celebration will involuntarily have to listen to you, like the prosecutor of a repeat offender. Or he will even feel like the “culprit”: you have so many worries, and he, you know, is waiting for congratulations. This is not to our advantage, so move on to the next point.

2 Remember the hero of the occasion
Literally: remember everything you know about him! Interesting stories from his childhood and student days, what is his dog’s name, what season does he like, how melodiously he snores in the fresh air. The more colorful the biography, the better. Drop all these facts on your friend right from the threshold, adding that you appreciate and love him in all his manifestations. You should get something like this: “Dear Masha, lover of Turbo chewing gum!” I remember how we secretly tried on our mothers’ bras and that you have a mole on your right ankle, your mother-in-law’s middle name is “Evgenievna”, you love pistachio ice cream and hate the squeak of styrofoam!” - and further in the same spirit. At the end, add that you simply could not help but congratulate the person with whom you have so many pleasant memories.

3 Take advantage of the surprise effect
This technique helps to defuse the situation if you know for sure that they are offended at you and are just waiting for you to “remember.” Your salvation is this: the uncongratulated must meet you not where usually, and earlier than always. Due to surprise, he will not have time to enter the role of “offended”, and you will set the right tone for congratulations. But for this you will have to work harder. Meeting mom for breakfast? Get up early and wait at the door to her bedroom. Meet your best friend or dear colleague at their entrance in the morning. The boyfriend is at his car. With balloon flowers and a joyful cry: “Attention! The last guest came with congratulations! Well, who said that there are 24 hours in a day when it comes to love or friendship? Birthday/March 8/Reclamation Day continues!” Next, proceed to points 1 and 2.

4 Be more generous
This technique is mathematical. To compensate for the long wait, give not just one gift, but the number of days (hours) you were late for the celebration. As an economical alternative, you can buy several postcards and fill them with congratulations: in the first, write what you want in your career, in the second - in your personal life, etc. Explain that you stayed late on purpose to “save up” gifts and wishes! By the next date, the birthday person will only be happy if he realizes that someone is again delaying their congratulations.

5 Congratulate in advance
If you know for sure that at the right moment you will forget about everything, mail (not email!) will help. Two weeks before the event, send postcards to all VIPs on your congratulatory list! If you congratulate yourself on the day of the holiday, the message will become an addition. If you forget, the insurance will kick in. For some, the mail will arrive on time, for others earlier or later: but the postmark with the date of sending will not allow you to doubt that you remember, love and care.


None of my grandmothers have a clear date of birth. At the beginning of the 20th century, when children were born in Russian villages, their mothers did not particularly remember exactly when the next child was born between Pokrov and Yablochny Spas. So the grannies’ birthdays fell “around Trinity Sunday” and “it seems on the second of November, but according to the passport - on the seventh.” And my grandfather, although he knew the exact date, always celebrated twice: according to the old and new calendar. And I believe that this is the case when gray hair is right. There is no special magic in numbers. But it is in sincere and only sincere wishes coming from person to person. Always remember this when, sprinkling ashes on your head, you call the next “yesterday’s” hero of the occasion. And then you will probably be forgiven for forgetting about the days of the calendar.
To a woman Short To a man Guy To a friend

Belated congratulations

"Better late than never..."
Needless to say, receiving gifts on your birthday is incredibly pleasant? In general, the DR is without a doubt an important holiday, comparable only to the New Year, but it doesn’t count, because it’s a universal holiday - it’s one and two - people often congratulate each other “automatically”, well, that is, you go along street and to the right and to the left "Happy New Year!" - “And you!” Or I composed one SMS for everyone and sent it out according to the contact list. Fast, efficient. And if you didn’t congratulate anyone, you forgot, then in a couple of days you can safely congratulate them on the upcoming day. But on a birthday, accuracy and timeliness matter. Especially as we grow up, we understand the value of attention, gifts are nothing, but the fact that they remember you is worth a lot. Relatives, loved ones, colleagues congratulated me - and my soul immediately became warmer. But it’s doubly nice if you receive congratulations from those you rarely see, once a year, or even less often. And now you understand - they remember, they haven’t forgotten!
Unfortunately, we all forget something at some point, we are late for something, and birthdays are no exception. You can get yourself a notebook, write down all the holidays, birthdays of relatives up to the fifth generation, friends, their children, wedding anniversaries and there are still a bunch of dates, but this does not give a 100% guarantee that you will not forget to look in your notebook.
Therefore, since it so happened that I was late with congratulations, then it is worth taking care of an excuse, and as an apology, present congratulations on the delay in verse. Otherwise, whether in prose or poetry, it certainly won’t play a big role, the main thing is from the heart, with feeling, putting a piece of yourself into the congratulations! Soulless words can often have the opposite effect. Below is a selection of late congratulations with apologies.

Sorry, I didn’t have time -
I was running around, tired;
Now I want to correct myself:
Here, I'm stocked up on toast,
To sprinkle them without shame
And without prejudice:
Now I'll remember it forever!
Happy belated birthday! ©

Belated congratulations

Happy Birthday!
Sorry for the delay,
I'm ready to atone for the guilt
Drink a fine glass.
Let them give gifts every day,
They cherish, pamper and promote!
Let happiness be overflowing,
And in your personal life - personal paradise! ©

Happy belated birthday

Don't be angry, even if it's late,
I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
For kind words and words of recognition
May all your days be good!
Be happier every month
And every year you get younger.
The goodness of your beautiful soul
Blooms and makes people happy! ©

I can't catch up with your birthday...
Let the fanfare already sound,
They will sound from me late.
The main thing is that there is no sadness.
Be healthy and lucky, stay strong along the way,
Receive only good news.
Let the fanfare sound without ending for the rest of your life.
Well, life goes on like a song! ©

Happy belated holiday to you!
Forgive me for being late.
I wish you, lovingly,
May your wishes come true!
Let your health not be foolish,
And life will be like a show program.
I wish you to feel happiness
And relax in the Bahamas! ©

Congratulations on your belated birthday

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
Let it be with the past, but from the heart!
Sorry, please, for being late.
Congratulations are always good!
Let it happen again, but I wish
Happiness in life, health, love!
This is the most important value
Although these words are very simple!
And I also wish you
Laughter, cheerfulness and kindness,
And, of course, let them be fulfilled
All your wishes and dreams! ©

How could we allow
How was your birthday?
You can safely beat us,
Just calmly, without frenzy.
They're spinning, you understand.
It's a pity that it doesn't happen to anyone.
We fill glasses
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
Don't get sick and be happy
Do something important
And may you be lucky in business! ©

Happy belated birthday!
Just a little out of time,
But in late congratulations
Special essence!
The gifts have already been folded, all the words have been said,
Just a little bit more, my head isn’t back to normal because of the holidays!
And it seems that your holiday will come only in a year,
How suddenly my message will bring him back again! ©

Thank you for adding holidays.ru to:

Happy birthday to you
I'm sending it late...
No, I guess I'm sorry
What was my head doing?!

I promise to improve soon
Give your gift in person.
Let everything you only dream about
Manages to fully realize it!!!

Your holiday passed without me...
I don't ask for forgiveness for this.
Although it's late, I
I send greetings with congratulations!

I'm late with congratulations,
The train left my station...
But I'll try to fix everything
And at least now to congratulate you:

I wish you a lot of impressions
From exceptional moments!
May there be endless happiness
And your life is easy and carefree!

Of course, it’s time to congratulate -
The question is very fundamental...
Unfortunately, I'm late...
Now ask for whatever you want!

* * *

Your holiday has already died down,
But I was left out of work...
It's my own fault I'm late
And I didn’t hug you personally.

Please forgive me for that
And don’t blame someone for a mistake.
When we meet, I'll fix everything,
After all, I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart!

My congratulations are late,
You were waiting for him on your birthday.
I still wish you a lot today!
And also, so as not to hold grudges...

Belated happy birthday to the woman

You were expecting congratulations from me
On your long-awaited birthday.
Sorry, I'm completely confused
So you didn't wait for him...

I promise to correct the mistake,
If this is possible, of course.
And one of these days I will come with a gift,
I'll spin you in a warm embrace!

No congratulations from me
You stayed, it’s very annoying...
But still I congratulate you
I wish you everything you want!

Belated birthday greetings to a friend

Girlfriend, sorry for being late,
I really didn't want to forget
About your holiday... a reminder,
It would probably be worth turning it on.

Things have sucked me into the abyss,
I have no forgiveness for this.
I wish you everything you wished for
And so much more good stuff!

Friend, my memory has failed me...
I didn’t come to your party.
Sorry, although belated,
I wish you happiness and recognition!

Belated birthday greetings to a man

My congratulations are at the wrong time,
But what can I do, I just remembered...
I am guilty of having such a leaky memory.
I wish you only the best!!!

Unfortunately, congratulations
I'm late for my birthday...
You celebrated without me
And this makes me sad...

But wishes are always appropriate.
Therefore, be sure to be happy!
May your cherished plans come true
And faithful friends will be nearby.

Happy belated birthday to girl

Congratulations are a little late,
Which was prepared for you...
Happy belated birthday to you, in general.
And sparkling happiness in fate!

Let everyday life not be dull,
And bright, like festive fireworks.
And you can handle it on your own
With everything that is taught to us from above!

Of course, a timely gift,
Much better, but it didn’t work out...
I still wish you today
Everything you seriously dreamed of!

Belated birthday greetings to a colleague

Colleague, a little late
(Sorry, this happens in everyday life...)
I wish you prosperity and love,
Make your cherished dream come true!

I congratulate you with joy,
Albeit a little late...
I wish only sweets in life
Without the sadness of disappointment.

Prosperity in money and attention,
Career steps are only upward.
All efforts will pay off in full
In a chic, colorful destiny!

Happy birthday greetings with late SMS

Accept, even if not quite on time,
But congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
May your life be filled
Warmth of recognition and love!

Unfortunately, with a delay,
But I offer my congratulations.
May all your wishes come true
And aspirations will lead to your dreams!

Belated birthday picture

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