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10th wedding anniversary congratulations to friends in prose. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose. Congratulations in verse from family and friends

We congratulate you today on the wonderful date of your wedding! Be happy and satisfied with life! We wish you joy and goodness! Young enthusiasm and hot eyes! Love each other as in the first years!

A wedding anniversary is a reason to feel like newlyweds again. Today, look at your wedding photos, remember how beautiful and happy you were on your wedding day! And you will understand that your feelings have not faded away since that day, but have become deeper and stronger! Let mutual understanding, respect and, of course, Her Majesty - Love always reign in your family!

Today, dear (names), we are very pleased to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary. You have been together for 10 years, and we see that your family is friendly and strong! You managed to preserve love and tenderness, learned to find compromises and resolve conflicts - and this is worth a lot. We wish you to continue to live in love and harmony, not to be separated for a long time, to share all your sorrows and joys in half! And, just like on your wedding day, today we are happy to tell you – BITTER!

On this wonderful holiday - your wedding anniversary - I congratulate you with all my heart! I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family, and that you have wonderful children growing up. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other, to be one whole, to understand each other perfectly and to support each other in everything!

A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to reminisce! I strongly recommend that you remember together your first meeting, your first date, your first kiss, your wedding day, your first child’s birthday – you never know how many memorable dates have happened over the years! These memories will put you in a romantic mood, stir up your feelings again, and give you the opportunity to relive the happiest events of your life together... I wish you that there will be as many such memorable events as possible, that your family will be strong and happy, and that your love will be fiery and strong !

Only 3 years have passed since your wedding, but how many events have happened during this time in your life! You have your own home, a car, a wonderful baby was born, your family’s wealth has increased... We wish you to continue in the same spirit, let everything that brings you pleasure grow rapidly: let your son grow, let your income grow, let him grow your love!

On your wedding anniversary, we wish you to share in half not only happy moments, but also all the difficulties of family life. We wish to always support each other in everything, to overcome obstacles together and achieve our goals, and to share all everyday chores. Take care, appreciate, love each other and be happy together!

Five years have flown by so quickly and almost imperceptibly since your wedding day! The good news is that during this “five-year period” you have realized many of your plans. You have equipped a cozy home, strengthened your income, strengthened your family and given birth to two wonderful children! Your home is cozy and hospitable, it’s always a pleasure to come to visit you - let it continue to be so! We wish that your love only grows stronger, your prosperity grows, and your children delight you with their successes!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and we want to say that we admire your wonderful family! You have been together for so many years, but love still shines in your eyes, and that’s wonderful! We wish you that love will continue to illuminate your path in life and warm your hearts! As on your wedding day, we tell you today - advice and love!

Today is your pink wedding, and so we decided to give you a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and a bottle of good rose wine as a gift! Let your love be beautiful and tender, like these roses, and strong and exciting the blood, like this wine! Always be happy together, advice and love!

Dear mom and dad, I am very happy to congratulate you on your porcelain wedding! You have a solid history of family life behind you – you’ve been together for twenty years! And today I see that you love each other, and that’s great! I wish you goodness and happiness, prosperity and mutual understanding, easily cope with the difficulties that arise and enjoy common successes together! I wish you to relax more together and preferably at southern resorts, I wish you to spend more time just together, I wish you to be very, very happy!

Let happiness, like a bird, fly to the porch of your house and live there forever. Let time only strengthen your marriage bonds with love. Don’t give in to quarrels, always find a compromise. I wish you absolute understanding. Happy Anniversary!

Today is an important day for you, an exam on living together! May your family be spared from adversity, and may love, loyalty and mutual understanding reign in your home!

Today is a big holiday not only for your family, but also for all of us, your family and friends. Today is your Wedding Anniversary! We remember your wedding well, when you united your hearts by exchanging rings. It seems that nothing has changed since then: You are also young and beautiful. We admire your family and believe that your entire future life will be just as romantic and happy! We wish you prosperity, kindness, love and again say “Bitter!”

Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of love in your soul and your happy home is full of this love. Live also amicably and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

You have been together for so many years that it is already difficult for me to perceive you separately. They will say something about one, I immediately remember about the other, the other will do something, I immediately think about the first. May this touching unity last for many, many more years, because it is truly wonderful!

A strong, reliable family, as mentioned earlier, is a unit of society. In any case, it’s a piece of the world, its own little world. Not a little world, but the world. I would like to congratulate you on the anniversary of the emergence of this Universe, full of love, kindness and mutual understanding!

Dear Parents. Today is your birthday - the birthday of your union. And I also celebrate this day with joy, because... If it weren’t for him, then I wouldn’t have seen this light. I congratulate you. I wish you health, mutual understanding, respect each other, love each other, because this is what the words were said on this day; “I declare you husband and wife,” and then there was repeated: “Bitter!” Well, let's not break tradition - to parents: “Bitter!”

I would like to note that you have been together for many decades, but in your eyes we still read the same gentle light of love as many years ago. And may the years continue to have mercy on you, may love protect you from all adversity and quarrels, and may your family become stronger and stronger and freshness of feelings is always present in you.

So much has changed during this time: morals, customs, fashion, power... And only your family hearth is still unshakable! Congratulations on the anniversary of this hearth! I would like to wish that the fire in it never goes out and always warms your hearts!

With age, a person changes - some for the better, others for the worse. But people's attitudes change over time. Yours, in my opinion, if they change, it’s only for the better. I would like to wish you that this process continues in the future! Happy anniversary to you!

The first round anniversary of your happy family life proved how strong your love for each other is and how soft and flexible your family relationships can be. After all, over 10 years you have learned not only to appreciate and thank your soulmate for everything, to share all the troubles and joys, but you also had to give in to each other, showing flexibility in order to save your family. On this happy holiday, I would like to wish from the bottom of my heart that a stormy river of love rushes between the rich and flourishing banks of your family, strong as tin. And since the 10th wedding anniversary is also called pink, we wish the newlyweds a life as colorful and full of passion as a rose garden, and love as tender as rose petals. And let the husband give his wife a rose every day, as a sign of his passionate love, for the rest of his life. Be happy!

Sweet like candy, passionate like Venus herself, hot like the Sun, your love has been with you all these ten happy years. Today is the Tin Wedding, the tenth anniversary of married life and eternal, undying love. We give my wife a collection of tin soldiers: this army under your command will protect your family from any misfortune. We will give my husband a tin chess set so that the king can be near his queen more often. That is, under the supervision of a loving wife. The first ten years of marriage are the most difficult, you passed this test with flying colors. And may your family continue to be an example of fidelity, love, passion, a happy and prosperous life for us all. So that your wealth only increases, sorrows and troubles pass by, and the warmth of hearts warms you, even in the most severe frosts. Let's drink to your family ties, strong as tin.

Over the first decade, your marriage has proven that it is indestructible, reliable and strong as tin. It’s not for nothing that the first round wedding anniversary is called the Tin Wedding. This is a considerable period of time to test relationships. Now all that remains is to strengthen them and throw firewood into the huge fire of your love. Allow us, your closest and dearest, to share this happiness with you and bask in the flame of your passionate love. It’s always nice, when visiting you, to observe with what tenderness and trepidation you treat each other, how you can understand at a glance and without words what your other half wants. From our entire company and from the bottom of our hearts, we wish you a life full of hobbies, knowing no troubles, no tears, no sorrows. May your children grow up to your joy, may your love never melt. Keep your blissful family harmony like a rare treasure.

Today is a great day: exactly ten years ago, you promised each other before God and people to be together, to love and give happiness, to remain faithful to each other and to hold tightly to the family hearth. It all felt like yesterday, these ten years flew by in a flash. And you still love each other, protect and care for each other with trepidation. You shared a pound of salt between two, and perhaps even more than one. And your love is getting stronger and stronger every day. On the day of the Tin Wedding, we wish you to love as before, kiss your hands, be faithful and never offend. And if suddenly there is an offense, then forgive. May your marriage be as strong as tin and as flexible. Let your home be filled with warmth and success, and joyful laughter be heard every day. Dissolve in each other, become one, and enjoy your love. Let the family be flawless and strong, as if made of tin.

Today you have crossed the threshold of a tin wedding. We wish you to preserve all the romance of your feelings, as if the wedding was just yesterday. Let bright, illuminating, warming love accompany you everywhere and always. Don't forget the vows and promises you made to each other ten years ago. Your marriage has reached the flexible strength of tin, which means that in any adversity and sorrow you will not break your marriage ties, that your family will be strong in any life situations. Husband, shower your wife with rose petals, love her like the first time, because she has been with you for ten years. Wife, be gentle with your beloved husband, like a doe, submissive and faithful. Keep your warm feelings, pass them on to your children and grandchildren, carry your love through many decades. And so that in the same composition we gather in forty years for your Golden Wedding.

Congratulations to the spouses on their tin wedding and their first ten-year anniversary. Looking at your wonderful couple, you can’t say that ten whole years have passed. You sparkle with happiness, radiate passion and love each other as if you just got married today. And may your feelings sparkle so brightly and passionately in another decade. You are ideal spouses, you value each other so much. You kiss and hug, you respect each other very much. We always raise toasts, and we wish you eternal passion and love. The marriage became hardened, as if tin had become durable. The house was filled with children's laughter and warmth. We wish you to celebrate the second decade of marriage with your grandchildren. Well, today we drink to your endless love, warmth and tenderness for each other. We are happy that we have become part of your large and friendly family, and together with you today we celebrate this holiday of love and passion.

Discover the secret of your eternal love. For ten years, you are not at all tired of each other, your eyes still sparkle and your hearts still burn. The kisses are as tender and the caresses are as boundless as in the first exciting days of married life. Let's tell the truth: today the young couple is more beautiful and more in love than at the wedding. A tin wedding is ten years of a happy family idyll, when a marriage is strengthened not by joy, but by sadness and adversity. After all, only after experiencing troubles and grief do you understand how much you need each other and how much you value love. And respect and honor to your family. Look how many guests you have gathered today, and your home is filled with warm wishes and love from loved ones. May the family hearth never go out, and may your eyes still sparkle at the sight of each other. On the day of the tin wedding, let the stars sparkle, and let the husband give his wife roses with love.

Ten years of family happiness have flown by unnoticed, and today you are celebrating a tin, or as they also call it, pink wedding. Tin is a very strong and flexible metal. It is precisely because it is flexible that it is reliable. After all, when bending, it does not break, but simply takes on a different shape. So, over ten years, your marriage has acquired a certain form, habits, you have acquired care, understanding, and the ability to find compromises and common solutions. We have watched with trepidation all ten years as your family grows and multiplies. And today we proudly want to congratulate you on your first serious anniversary. All the most difficult things are behind you, and a happy, quiet and cozy family life awaits you ahead. We wish you a lot of tenderness, revive your former passion. Take another honeymoon together to enjoy each other to the fullest. And never forget that on this day ten years ago you promised us to love and take care of each other.

Our dear, beloved and beloved ones! Congratulations on your Tin Wedding and your first decade of marriage. We wish you the same success to live many more decades and love each other as on the first day of family life. Let your hearts also beat in unison, and let the bright fire of love invariably be fueled by the care and tenderness of each other. Wishing you bright emotions, wonderful impressions, endless joy, harmony in your home. Admire each other, always find something new, get to know each other, surprise each other. And then you definitely won’t be able to tear yourself away from your soul mate. Let your marriage be as strong as tin, live with love, and only like that!

You have been together, side by side, for ten years now. There is no more beautiful couple in the whole world. We are happy to share the holiday with you and raise toasts to you today. Shovel happiness, carry bags of health, your home will be filled with peace, let your passion and love for each other be immeasurable. On the day of the Tin Wedding, on this ten-year anniversary, you felt more than ever that you were one. That you need each other like air, and you can no longer live apart. Like tin, your marriage has become strong, and like a rose, your love has blossomed. You have experienced a lot over ten years, and have proven, first of all, to yourself that you are worthy of each other and worth the work that you have put into your family. And let your life blossom and become beautiful, like a fairy tale, appreciate every moment together. We sincerely wish you to go through all the years allotted to you, hand in hand, and, feeling the beating of hearts, without losing tenderness, respect, sensitivity, kindness, and all the warm feelings that you now feel for your soul mate.

And how do you manage to love each other and bloom like at your wedding 10 years ago? Look at them - they shine like newlyweds. But today is your Tin Wedding, which means we are celebrating our first ten-year anniversary. Forgive past grievances, let go of all the bad things that happened between you. And may God grant you to live another forty, fifty, and a hundred years, and in a hundred years, so that you smile just as you do now, hold hands and look at each other with the same tenderness. You are raising wonderful children, and before you can blink an eye, you will have grandchildren. And you will pass on your love to them. And your family will only grow, and your happiness will invariably increase. We sincerely wish you happiness in your family life, may all your relatives love you as before. And, despite the time, remain young and in love, ardent and passionate, gentle and affectionate, as you are now. Bitterly!

An anniversary of great happiness, a wedding anniversary, another round in the tape of your love - we are celebrating the Tin Wedding today. We wish you love, love, love a hundred times. Let your head spin from affection and love, from tenderness and passion. Having lived hand in hand, for better or worse, your family has proven its integrity, devotion and patience. A tin wedding means that the marriage has become strong, like tin, and you have learned to be flexible and compliant, like tin. So carry all your devotion and love through the decades, pass on to your children and grandchildren these strongest family ties that will save and preserve your family in any of life’s troubles. We are very happy to share with you today this bread of happiness, joy and love, this family holiday. Take care of each other and your family, enjoy every minute you spend together. Love. Love and a hundred times love!

Congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary:

After ten years of marriage, the spouses celebrate a beautiful date - a tin or pink wedding. It is customary not only to give gifts, but also to prepare touching congratulations in prose or poetry. Someone can come up with a beautiful wish on the go, while others need to prepare in advance, because excitement can make the speech awkward and chaotic. If you are one of the latter, then the Svadebka.ws portal has selected for you a couple of examples of beautiful congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary, on the basis of which you can compose a touching congratulatory speech for the anniversaries.

Congratulations in prose

Congratulations, said in your own words, are always sincere and touching. In addition, if you forgot something, you can always improvise, which is difficult to do in the case of poetic wishes. Don’t know how to beautifully congratulate your parents or friends on their wedding anniversary? Here are some examples that you can use to create your own special congratulatory speech!

My dears, congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary! You have been together for a dozen years, during which time you have had both joyful moments and troubles, minor quarrels and troubles. But all this has only made your feelings stronger, and that’s wonderful! I wish you to continue to have more pleasant moments in your life. And let the bad ones happen occasionally, too, because otherwise we stop appreciating the good things that happen to us! Good luck and lots of love for many, many years to come!

Congratulations on your pink wedding! You have been together for ten whole years, and your love is the reason for this, because... It is impossible to live without her for a year, or two, or three. Let your hearts continue to be filled with love, and your eyes to shine with happiness that there is a loved one nearby. Let all your dreams come true, and let your family become even bigger and friendlier!

Today is your anniversary - ten years together! It’s not for nothing that this date is called tin and pink, because your union, like tin, is distinguished by its special brilliance and beauty, and your relationship is tender and refined, like roses! So may your happiness and love only increase over the years! Love and good luck to your family in everything!

Today is an amazing day - you have been together for 10 years! Therefore, I hasten to present you with my congratulations on your wedding anniversary, because there is nothing more beautiful than living with your loved one for ten years, and how many more will lie ahead. I am sure that your union is simply doomed to be happy, because... Your agreement and mutual understanding can only be envied. So let only joyful and pleasant moments await you ahead, which will not be overshadowed by troubles and failures!

Congratulations on your tenth anniversary of marriage! As you know, this date has two names - pink and tin. Here is your union, like these two symbols: the husband is a strong and handsome man, like shiny tin, and the wife is a charming woman, like a rose with her refined beauty and stunning aroma. So let this unique union continue to live in happiness and love for many, many years to come!

I congratulate you on your anniversary! Ten years ago you made vows of love and fidelity to each other, and you still remain faithful to them! So let your marriage continue to become stronger and happier, it will not be disturbed by troubles and problems! May peace and mutual understanding reign in your family until your centenary!

Congratulations on this significant date - you have been walking the path of life together for ten years now! And there were not only joyful, but also sad moments, but you steadfastly passed all the tests, which only made your union stronger and more beautiful. And now it shines like real tin! We wish you mutual understanding and happiness. We are sure that your love will last for many, many years!

Congratulations on your pink wedding in verse

Poetic congratulations always sound more solemn and impressive than wishes in prose. Therefore, if you memorize poetry well and know how to read them beautifully out loud, feel free to prepare a congratulation in poetic form for the spouses at the tin wedding.

10 years together, dear friends,
I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary.
I wish you to live together for a hundred and fifty years,
Or even two hundred, let the years fly by.

And let them be better than those that have already passed,
And let there be no grief and melancholy in them.
And every nook and corner will be filled with happiness,
Your entire earthly life will be filled with joy!

The years run and rush like dreams,
But you shouldn’t be sad about your past!
Ten years is just a small moment,
After all, you, spouses, still have a golden life to live before your wedding!

You've been a family for ten years now,
Today is your wedding anniversary,
I hasten to congratulate you, of course, friends,
Love is the main reason here!

Live together for many more centuries,
Let from the ground to the white clouds,
It will eclipse everything with a dazzling radiance,
Time-tested love!

The tin union is strong,
Just like this noble family.
Let him live forever
This couple is sweet in love!

May you have more joy
Let life not put obstacles in your way.
We wish you love and security,
Let your marriage flourish like a garden!

Non-standard options for congratulations

If you don't like talking in public, then you can easily use the following ideas for congratulating your spouses:

  1. A video postcard that you can find on the Internet or make yourself based on beautiful pictures, poems and music.
  2. A slideshow of touching photos is a great option for family and friends who have many pictures of their spouses.
  3. A well-known love song recorded on video or a composition written specifically for an anniversary.
  4. A creative video in the form of short congratulations from all family and friends.

The portal www.site told you what congratulations for a pink wedding can be prepared for spouses. Whatever option you choose, your efforts and attention will be appreciated by the heroes of the day! Spouses, in turn, should prepare competitions and games for their wedding anniversary so that the holiday will be remembered by all guests for its relaxed and cheerful atmosphere!

    The gift has been purchased, the problem with finding outfits has been solved - everything is ready to go to your wedding anniversary, but you, as always, have forgotten about the wishes, which would be best to say in your own words, and not read a poem copied from the Internet from a piece of paper.

    How to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary: ​​speech in prose

    Regardless of the date that the married couple celebrates, congratulations on their wedding anniversary in prose, spoken from the bottom of their hearts, with wishes for long and happy family years, will sound best.

    Congratulations for a young family (under 10 years old)

    How to congratulate a young couple on their wedding anniversary in prose? The Svadbaholik.ru portal has prepared the warmest words for you. And also here you will find congratulations on your wedding anniversary to your husband, wife, parents or friends.

    The first year of life is the most difficult and most important, and you survived it as a young but very strong family. Therefore, I would like to wish you not to lose this connection with each other throughout the long and happy family years. And let's celebrate this year properly!

    Our dear (names)! Behind you is a journey of 5 years. You lived them together, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, overcoming all obstacles. Life presented various surprises, but you proudly survived them all. And you still have a long road ahead, which will bring many joyful moments. And if it gets hard, support each other and boldly move on.

    We will not count the years, because it is not their quantity that is important, but their quality. You respect, appreciate and love each other. Because of this, every year of your marriage is like the first. Let it always be like this, let your feelings only grow stronger every day and fill your life with happiness.

    Please accept congratulations on your wedding anniversary. May your union prosper for many, many years. Support each other in all endeavors, because love is not about admiring each other, but about looking in the same direction. And let all sorrows, troubles and adversity pass you by.

    Congratulations for adult couples (10-25 years old)

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in your own words for an adult couple with more than a dozen years behind them should contain words about patience, respect and how important it is to preserve tender feelings.

    A wedding anniversary is a family birthday. Your family is a wonderful role model. It’s worth looking up to you, because not everyone manages to find such a balance in a relationship or achieve harmony in a couple. We wish you to always have enough strength to maintain this idyll.

    Family life is daily chores, worries, problems. And behind the wall of all this, feelings may begin to fade. I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and wish that your flame of love does not go out, that each of you maintains this flame and appreciates the word “We”, because it is the most important thing in marriage. Create your own happiness, every day throughout your life, hand in hand, strive only forward.

    Remember the day of your wedding, the beginning of your family life. How did you see yourself as a spouse, what goals did you set, what did you want to achieve, what did you dream about? Think about what has come true and what remains in your thoughts. You have lived together for 15 years, but there is still a lot of time ahead, so there is an opportunity to work on your mistakes. You already have experience behind you, analyze what needs to be corrected and what to leave and continue in the same spirit. Let your love help you find the right solutions.

    Happy holiday, dear (names)! Let today be filled with the same number of smiles, kisses and congratulations as 20 years ago. Then you sealed your already strong relationship by marriage. And they were not mistaken, because they lived happily all these years. May your home continue to be filled with an endless river of love, respect, mutual understanding, tenderness and fidelity. Every morning when you wake up, smile at each other, filling the day ahead with light.

    Congratulations for elderly couples (from 25 years of marriage)

    How to congratulate a married couple who have been together for about half a century on their wedding anniversary in your own words? They have come a long way, despite worries and disagreements, they have walked it together. Congratulate them on their anniversary of marriage from the bottom of your heart.

    We would like to congratulate you on your wedding day and wish you to continue to preserve the love and tenderness that has been with you all these years. So that you continue to find compromises in all controversial situations, as you did before. And so that your children are happy and create families as strong as yours.

    As the proverb says: “Living life is not a field to cross.” You learned about this firsthand. Over the years, you have experienced both joyful events and difficulties. The cheerful wedding celebration has already been forgotten, the children have grown up, and everyday life, it seems, will not be eclipsed by anything. Your anniversary is the best opportunity to breathe out and remember the joyful moments, the happy moments you have lived. You can remember quite a lot: the feeling of falling in love when you just started dating, the wedding day and the cries of “Bitter!”, the anticipation of the baby and his birthday - unique and elusive moments. Let all this help you understand that family life is full of happy days. Appreciate the present and love each other.

    On your wedding anniversary, 35 years have passed since then, I would like to wish you to remain as cheerful. The years you have lived have not been easy, you have raised wonderful children, and grandchildren are on the way who will not go unnoticed by you. And no matter what difficulties you encountered in life, your family, like a small army, fought with them and defeated them with common strength. There are probably enough challenges in your life, so we wish you long, healthy, calm and peaceful family years.

    A selection of small universal congratulations

    Short congratulations on your wedding anniversary, a couple of lines in prose, spoken from the heart - your “magic wand” for the holiday..

    We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and wish you all the best. Health to you and your children. Love to surround your whole family, happiness so that your faces always shine with smiles, and prosperity. Always remain loved and loving.

    Today you are newlyweds again. Your family is still young, and they have a long road ahead to their golden wedding. Let the falling stars illuminate your path and fulfill all your desires. Peace, warmth and light to your union, be happy!

    On your wedding anniversary, I wish you more unforgettable happy days, dreams come true, promises fulfilled and radiant smiles on the faces of all members of your family.

    Happy holiday to your young family. May your home become an abode of goodness, may your children be always protected by angels, and may your feelings be filled with a bottomless source. Love and appreciate each other.

    Now, having prepared beautiful congratulatory words, you can go on a visit. And don't forget to stock up

    A wedding anniversary is the day on which spouses feel like newlyweds again. By remembering their wedding day and reviewing the photographs, the couple can plunge into the magical atmosphere of their wedding day. Guests invited to the holiday should take care in advance about what to give the couple and how to congratulate them. Any gift is best complemented with a postcard with sincere wishes, which will remain as a keepsake.

    Happy anniversary greetings in prose

    These short anniversary greetings life together will come in handy for any wedding anniversary. They are universal and everyone can use them as the basis for the text of their own composition.

    One day you swore loyalty and love to each other. Until today, you are faithful to her and live together, on the same bank. Let your large family be indestructible and strong, like an impregnable fortress. Live in a state of endless happiness and love. We wish you prosperity, prosperity and success! Happy Anniversary! BITTERLY!

    On this bright and wonderful holiday - the anniversary your wedding(41 years old) - I want to congratulate you with all my heart! It is very nice to see you happy and loving. I am very glad that you have created such a strong, beautiful and friendly family! You have wonderful children, a cozy, beautiful home and harmony in your relationships. I wish it would always be like this! Try to understand each other and support!

    Today, my dear ones (names of the married couple), I am happy to congratulate you on this (leather) wedding anniversary! You have been around for so many years and your family, everyone’s joy, is very friendly, strong and large! Do you know how to find compromises, sacrifice your interests for the sake of your other half and painlessly resolve conflict situations. I wish it would always be like this! Let peace, harmony and understanding reign in your home! And just like on your wedding day, we all shout to you in unison - bitterly!

    Only four years have passed since your wedding, many different events have happened during this time in your married life! You have your own corner, a car, a wonderful baby who has made the family even stronger and more complete! We wish you to continue in the same spirit! Let everything that already exists multiply and give you only joy!

    Wedding anniversary - special family holiday, so congratulations from guests should also be special. Here are some options in prose.

    Wooden wedding - 5 years

    Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary - a wooden wedding! With all my heart I wish you to bathe in love and tenderness! May your young family be strong and reliable, like a century-old oak tree! I wish you immeasurable happiness, prosperity, health and great sincere love! Don’t lose your feelings, take care and appreciate your love! You are a wonderful couple! Be happy!

    A wooden wedding anniversary, the fifth anniversary of your family, is a wonderful occasion to remember what happened:

    • acquaintance;
    • first kiss;
    • first date;
    • wedding day;
    • birth of a child.

    Having plunged into these pleasant moments, you will again feel the joy of living together; a romantic mood will not take long to arrive! You will relive those happiest moments of your life and rejoice together once again. May there be many more such joyful and happy days ahead that you will remember with a smile at your golden wedding! May your love always be as fiery as it was five years ago! Always keep the fire in your heart! Bitterly!

    Congratulations to your strong family Happy anniversary! It’s not for nothing that the decade of marriage is called the tin wedding. Your relationship has now become flexible and at the same time strong, like tin. I wish you to love each other until old age and respect and take care of your other half. May your family’s beautiful and cozy home always be filled with children’s laughter, joy, prosperity and prosperity!

    We sincerely congratulate you on your 10th wedding anniversary. Live many more years together, hand in hand! Let your family be friendly and united. Live together, love and surround your other half with tenderness and care. Let the rays of success illuminate your life path!

    Happy 15th wedding anniversary to the most amazing, beautiful couple! May your relationship be as transparent and shining like crystal. Let the house be spared from bad weather, but love, tenderness and prosperity reign in the family. Peace, goodness and fulfillment of all desires!

    You have been together for 15 years and you have lived these years in a wonderful marriage! Your family can be described as:

    • friendly;
    • strong;
    • beautiful;
    • united.

    All these words clearly describe your union! You are great and are an example for many. We wish your family to be as clean and clear as crystal for many more years to come! Health, goodness and good luck in everything! Be truly happy!

    My dear, family (names), I congratulate you on your 20th anniversary - your porcelain wedding! Don't lose the warmth of your hearts, live in peace and consent. You have already done a lot for your relationship, try to live like this in the next years together. Let the relationship always be sincere, warm and trusting! Spend time together more often and remember that family is the main thing!

    20 years of marriage is a milestone of sorts! Not every couple can live together for so many years in perfect harmony. We would like to wish you prosperity, health and prosperity! Let your daughter only please and be a reason for pride! You, as spouses and as parents, give all your strength to ensure that the next years spent together are as magical as the previous twenty. Joy, love and success! Bitter for the spouses!

    Silver wedding - 25 years

    Congratulations on such a wonderful date - 25 years beautiful and happy family life! There was everything in life: both bad and good! But nothing could break your family ship. I want to wish it to continue like this! Let the family's income grow exponentially, love grow stronger, and the family continue! Walk through life side by side, without unclenching your hands! You are the dearest people in the world, and may it always be so!

    Happy silver wedding, my dears! Congratulations and wish you the same cheerful and happy life until your golden anniversary! Marriage is not only a happy time, but also a lot of work on your own bright future. Take care of your feelings, avoid storms and bad weather, strengthen the foundation of your family every day! Staying on the path is your main goal! Take care of each other, do not offend and love with all your heart!

    30 years - pearl wedding

    Congratulations to the most beautiful couple pearl Happy wedding anniversary, happy 30th birthday! Always be the most precious pearl, the most desired gift for your soulmate! I wish you prosperity in everything, fulfillment of desires and a bright path in life!

    My dear ones, I sincerely want to congratulate you on such a beautiful family holiday - a pearl wedding! Agree, it is not easy to live so many years in exceptional harmony and mutual understanding, love and harmony. But you do it successfully! Keep up the good work, inspire your other half with love and tenderness! I wish you stability in financial matters, success in all your endeavors and good health! Let your family, like pearls, be strong and beautiful! Bitterly!

    35 years - linen (coral)

    Happy holiday to you, my dear sister and godfather! You are already together as much as 35 years and this unique milestone gave you a lot! The family has become strong as flint and is growing in number, to the joy of all of us! On a linen wedding, I would like to wish that the fabric of your family life is bright and durable, may all bad weather bypass your home! Good health and smiles! I wish you happiness for many years to come!

    Your beautiful children are almost thirty years old, and you still love each other just as dearly! We would like to congratulate you on your coral wedding anniversary and wish your union to be as strong and unshakable! We all want to party at your golden wedding or even your 70th wedding anniversary! Let there be a lot of joy and few tears! Health to you and your entire family! Show your children and grandchildren what true love is!

    40th anniversary - ruby ​​wedding

    40 years ago you took an oath of fidelity and love! All these years you have walked side by side along the same path and have always been a support for your spouse! You have more than one reason to be proud:

    • wonderful children;
    • beautiful grandchildren;
    • cozy home.

    Without a bit of flattery, I can say that you are an ideal couple who were able to carry their love through many years and not lose their old feelings. Let the red precious ruby ​​give you a spark in your relationship, sparkle with new facets and preserve sincere feelings for the rest of your life! Congratulations on this wonderful, beautiful anniversary!

    Congratulations to the heroes of the day on such a noble date! You have been making each other happy, supporting and loving for forty years! The ruby ​​wedding only proves that your family is a standard and example for many people present here! Be as loved and happy for the rest of your life!

    45 years - sapphire wedding

    Forty-five years have passed since the moment you heard: “I pronounce you husband and wife.” There have been so many joyful and sad events, how many times we have lived together... Such a marriage is a real treasure, and it is not for nothing that the symbol of the 45th anniversary is a sapphire! This “divine” stone personifies confidence in the future, stability and tranquility. Having lived side by side for so many years, you are already completely confident in your soul mate, and this is worth a lot! Looking at you, you begin to believe that true love does exist!

    My dear friend! Congratulations to you and your husband on such a wonderful date, your sapphire anniversary! Take care of your relationships, be a support and support for your family! Let your beautiful children be happy, and let you be proud of them! I wish you health, happiness and immeasurable love! Happy holiday! Happy anniversary!

    Half a century lived together, with one destiny! You did not betray the oath you took 50 years ago, you were not broken by the burden of problems and worries! You have only become more united and closer! You are an example for many, we are proud of you and with all our hearts we wish goodness, peace and happiness to your home! Let the warmth of your hearts warm the entire large and very friendly family! Let the hearts of lovers beat to the beat and let only loved ones be nearby!

    My golden (names)! Thank you for having me! Thank you for our strong family! You are my reason for pride! I wish you to delight us with your wonderful relationships and envelop us with your love for another half century! We love you very much, parents! Always remain young, energetic and cheerful, as you are now, to our delight! You are the most precious thing in our life!

    60th anniversary - diamond wedding

    Congratulations on your diamond wedding! We've lived a whole life together! You have become the closest and dearest people! Let this happy marriage become an example for everyone, and let you continue to live in love and harmony. Thank you for everything and for being you!

    Your 60-year union sparkles like a polished diamond! Hearty congratulations to the loving couple on this wonderful anniversary! We wish you warmth, youthful feelings and sparkle in your eyes! Health, joy and longevity!

    70 years - blessed wedding

    Congratulations on such a great date! 70 years in love, harmony and peace! Let it always be like this! I wish you health, strength and prosperity! Let the house be full of children and grandchildren! Peace to your family!

    To go through so many years together is a divine gift! Let your family always be there and surround you with warmth and love! I wish you health, love and optimism! Be happy! And the wedding ceremony that you accepted strengthened your family even more! You are an example for many and may it always be so!

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