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How to support a girl who was abandoned by her boyfriend? How to calm down a girl whose boyfriend dumped her What to say to a girl if her boyfriend dumped her

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup coach, and today we will talk about how to calm a girl who has been abandoned by her boyfriend. How current is this information? First of all, it’s worth mentioning that only a confident pick-up artist can afford to take advantage of this situation. That is, if you only need sex from her, then, of course, you can achieve this. But you will then completely ruin your relationship with her by convincing her that all men are indeed assholes.

If the “victim” is your good friend, or a girl with whom you would like to have a serious relationship, but for some time someone else was stopping you, then you really have a chance. However, in any case you will need some time, patience and the right actions. After all, this time your words should already be different from your friend’s, otherwise you will continue to vegetate in the friend zone, and she will only run to you to cry into her vest. For example, calling at night, after regular get-togethers at the bar with friends.

How to support a girl who was abandoned by her boyfriend?

First of all, you must understand that the blow was dealt to the person’s pride, no matter how she said that she loved him to death or that he, the brute, cheated on her and then abandoned her. And therefore, a normal girl will try to somehow get out of this hole - if she has even a bit of damaged pride left. And a candidate who turns up in time to show her ex that she is actually still oh-ho-ho, and that guys are still running after her, will have some benefit. Of course, this attitude towards the matter looks nothing more than revenge, and the relationship will not last long. But if the main thing for you is to get what you want, I think this will suit you.

However, it often happens that a young lady really suffers, and a new relationship for her at the moment is something incredible. Then it will be incredibly difficult for you to get her to have sex.

So, how can you console a girl if her boyfriend dumped her? You shouldn’t immediately talk about what kind of a jerk her ex is - especially since she herself could be to blame for this. Moreover, it will not be said out of male solidarity, but if you belittle the male sex, then you yourself will seem not very significant to her. In general, you must show her that by initially choosing not you, she was very mistaken, that there are still real men who are ready, including, to support the poor girl in difficult times.

What words to choose? The best thing to do is let her speak. Naturally, she needs to be told that she definitely deserves to be happy, and there are a lot of guys who only dream of being with her. It is important to raise her self-esteem. She will cry into your vest and tell you everything she thinks about her ex. I don’t think she should object here. Just don’t let her negative attitude towards men spread to you.
Convey to her that everything passes, including feelings, no matter how strong they may seem to her now. Is she mad at him? Her resentment can become an impetus for a new life. Gently hint to her that they fight each other with each other. That is, in order to forget the old unsuccessful relationship, she definitely needs to start a new one. This is the only way to survive and move on. And those young ladies and guys who prefer only to feel sorry for themselves and suffer, or wait for everything to work out on its own or for the former lover to return, can vegetate in melancholy and sadness for several months. But this state of affairs is beneficial only to masochists. And also their exes, who often count on such an alternate airfield. All this must also be carefully conveyed to her consciousness, no matter how difficult it may seem.

If you already have a good relationship with her, for example, you are friends, and you have been pining for her for a long time, then why not spend the evening in a cafe or bar. There she will be able to fully pour out her soul to you, over a glass of champagne, for example. She will probably do this, but with her girlfriends, and then she will start calling her ex, and then you. To avoid this, you need to immediately keep her company. I’m not saying that sex is guaranteed for you this evening - everything depends on how mired you are in. You really need to get out of there as quickly as possible. If you show your masculine qualities, then she may really look at you with different eyes. But this is a topic for another article.

How to console a girl who was dumped by her boyfriend: a few simple tips

Next, I will give you some simple advice that you, in turn, can give her, including if you just want to help her. Although I wouldn’t forget about gratitude in any case.
  1. Organize her day several times so that she understands that life really does go on. Sometimes it's called a "knockout," meaning you take her out to some cool place and you have fun together. It is necessary to schedule the program so that she does not have time to think about her problems. The more she communicates with you and other people, the less she will think about her ex.
  2. She needs to completely burn all bridges - you shouldn’t feed yourself with empty hopes. Explain to her that this benefits only the one who abandoned her. Well, she didn’t find herself in a garbage dump to remain an alternate airfield for him! Besides, there are plenty of more worthy guys around. We must continue to look for our happiness, which may be very close. And here is a more frank allusion to oneself.
  3. Remind her that she has a hobby. And if there is none, then come up with something really exciting. But let it even be cycling. A pleasant time together is a reason not only for friendship, but also for future serious relationships. Moreover, sport, for example, strengthens not only the body, but also contributes to the production of happiness hormones.
  4. As, by the way, chocolate, bananas, and even a warm bath with aromatic oils. Encourage her to relax this way often. The best thing, of course, is in your company.
  5. Once again, I repeat that you should not convince her that her ex is a bastard, otherwise this may negatively affect her opinion of all men.
  6. Do not under any circumstances advise her to take revenge on him - unless in bed with you. But while you’re in the friend zone, this option has little prospects, but she can easily find someone else. And then where will all your efforts go? That's right, I thought... So don't dig a hole for yourself.

If a girl is abandoned by a guy, then most often for her it is a tragedy and a blow to her pride. And her new boyfriend will have a hard time. After all, we need to convince her that he really is better. Therefore, if you are counting on a serious relationship, you have some difficult work ahead of you. If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls

How to console a friend who was abandoned by her boyfriend??? and got the best answer

Answer from Boa constrictor[guru]
Time will heal. It is advisable to change the situation. Move somewhere to rest. So that the heart does not temporarily remind you of anything, does not cause associations. Persuading someone to forget will probably be useless. Let him love in good health. The main thing is to be with someone at the most difficult moment, so as not to let him do something bad. nonsense. A sane person will definitely awaken the instinct of self-preservation, which will say that he must live on. And the further, the more interesting!!! There are an immeasurable number of billions of people in the world and does anyone really think that out of this number it is impossible to meet a worthy half for yourself? Whoever understands this, keeps old love deeply and lives without denying himself anything further.

Answer from Declaration[guru]
knocks out the wedge with the wedge! left one, let him find another

Answer from Yona[guru]
introduce him to another guy, maybe he'll switch

Answer from Open up[guru]
What's the last guy on Earth?

Answer from Hlyanika[guru]
do not allow anyone to talk about HIM under any circumstances

Answer from Save[guru]
but you can say - of course it won’t help)) but in general, introducing someone is the easiest way... new acquaintances - new feelings!!

Answer from Wedge in[guru]
he will cry for a few days and stop, and then in a month he will understand that he was not worth it, the main thing is not to let her call him and meet

Answer from Elena Lushenkova[guru]
Find her a new prana, because they knock out a wedge with a wedge

Answer from Report[guru]
you just need to support her, help her unwind, but giving advice “forget this asshole” is not worth it, you will be the extreme

Answer from Olechka<> [guru]
need to unwind
drag her to the club, cinema, wherever there are people and parties,
to forget my tears

Answer from Vivian Love[guru]
distract in all possible ways, if possible change the situation - go somewhere

Answer from Lyubov Smirnova[guru]
why is he crying? Well, he gave up, and to hell with it - there are few others, and love is a capricious thing, that is, otherwise it disappeared completely. If the guy is an asshole, there is nothing to worry about, you need to wipe your snot and go through life with your head held high. Everything will be fine if you make your own destiny!

Answer from Nastena[guru]
tell her that he wasn’t worth her little finger, joke with her more. Go somewhere with her, give her a balloon, but the main thing is not to discuss this topic, because time heals wounds.

Answer from Natalia Petrakova[guru]
it will pass later. That’s what happened too. I met with friends. sometimes they drank. then after a few days it subsides. if he left, then don’t come back to her now, it will be even worse for her later

Answer from Anyutka[guru]
no way. it will go away on its own. just be there, try to drag her out to the disco, listen to her. and that's all

Answer from Mar[guru]
don't cry it's gone
smile, what happened!))
if a friend is lyrical - if she agrees with the phrase We are the champions! ,That -

Answer from Yovetusik[guru]
stop crying for her. take her hand, dress her and take her for a walk and to the club. Dance is good medicine. And besides, why don’t you tell me, you’re a friend, you should protect her (especially considering that they broke up)

Answer from Angelina SHIPUNOVSKAYA[newbie]
I'll try to help! I have the same situation, that is, I myself am to blame for this! you see, my friend Diana liked her, and she liked him too! I don’t have the strength, I was very, very jealous, and wrote to him, we’re breaking up, and he’s the kind of guy who won’t persuade him to settle down, that is, we’re breaking up and breaking up, oh well)) but I love him, he studies at the same school with me when I see him It's too painful for me! and I can’t cry either, you know, at first I cried, as if there were no more tears, there are tears, but they are not for him! Of course, it may be nonsense that I’m 11 years old, and some people think it’s too early to start an affair at such a time, but I won’t watch how others are happy with their loved ones, so I started an affair! and most importantly, don’t try to help or ask if she needs help, call her now she’s feeling bad and no one can help her, when she gains strength then she gets back on her feet, she thinks that this is where her life is over, maybe it will be so)) the future will show!

Answer from Yoonia Bolotovskaya[expert]
Show her how much you love her

We will console the girl as follows: The first thing you need to understand is that the word “abandoned” is not applicable to a person. You can throw a cigarette butt on the sidewalk. Let's say that the girl and the young man broke up. The second thing a girl needs to realize is that life doesn’t end with this breakup, and there are a lot of equally interesting guys in this world. After talking with someone for some time or another, we only gain experience. It is also necessary to understand the most important thing: EVERYTHING PASSES. There is nothing permanent in the world. One relationship ends, another begins, if the previous one does not work out. The girl, as I understand it, is young, and such relationships will never be seen in her lifetime.

Support and support: how to help a friend if her boyfriend abandoned her


True friends help each other, support, console, and rejoice together. How to help a friend if her boyfriend left her? You can drag her out to the bar, of course, so that she can dilute her sadness with a glass of wine. Besides, there are a lot of men there. However, you should not drag your friend to the bar, because in a crowd she will feel lonely more than ever, and a glass of wine can turn into ten glasses with all the ensuing consequences.

Adapt to her mood You need to feel the mood of your friend and adapt to it. If, for example, she is angry and you are angry with her ex, tell her what a scoundrel he was and that she deserves a better man. However, if your friend is sad, it is highly undesirable to grieve with her.
It’s better to have several handkerchiefs ready, if you don’t want your friend to blow her nose right on your shoulder, hug her, stroke her head.

My boyfriend dumped my girlfriend: how to support and console her

Of course, it will be difficult, every little thing will constantly remind you of those unforgettable moments spent with your ex, I repeat, with your ex-boyfriend. The girl was abandoned by the guy Love gives us the feeling of flying, pleases us with the bright colors of life and makes us feel happy. Maybe that’s why when she goes, it becomes simply unbearable, all meaning is lost in life.


According to sociological studies and surveys: more than half of suicides occur precisely as a result of a break in relationships with a loved one. The guy left the girl. If a man leaves you, how to cope? When relationships are just beginning to develop, partners seem ideal to each other, and love for each other seems endless. But more often what happens is that someone decides to end the relationship.

Mostly these are men.

How to console a girl whose boyfriend left her?

She now needs to improve her self-esteem.

  • And a little self-care for her beloved self wouldn’t hurt her now. Book a manicure, go to the spa, or do yoga together. At the same time, you compensate for the damage from eating chocolate.
  • But talk her out of any serious and disfiguring changes like shaving her head, getting a stupid tattoo in a visible place, or putting a ring in her nose.
    When she comes to her senses, she will breathe a sigh of relief.
  • Try to tear her away from social networks and advise her to block her ex’s page. Research has shown what was already obvious: People who check updates on the profiles of someone they've broken up with take longer to recover emotionally and move on.
  • Remind her that you love her. And tell her that she can handle it: this is just a moment that needs to be experienced and endured.

Anything can happen in life: how to support a friend who was abandoned by her boyfriend

The guy gave up how to calm down

But this does not mean that everything is lost, sort yourself out, remember what happened and analyze the breakup, and then you can begin to act. Once you have taken into account all the mistakes, you can begin to act and the easiest way is to understand how to get back the guy who abandoned you but loves you. What to do if your boyfriend dumps you? If you are reading this article, then most likely the worst thing has already happened - your loved one left you.

And now you are desperately trying to understand: “What to do if your boyfriend dumped you?” “How to forget him and move on?” and finally, “Do guys who quit come back?” To begin with, put off searching for answers to these questions for the future and just give in to your emotions. I want to cry? Cry! Do you want to scream? Shout! Invite your best friend over and tell her your story over a glass of wine or a cup of tea.

A friend broke up with her boyfriend: ways to help support her

Don’t force your friend’s mood, don’t tell her how to feel – angry, happy or sad. Listen. Surely your friend will want to be a little frank. Listen to her, don’t interrupt, because the conversation now is about her, but not about you. Listen not just silently, but in every possible way make it clear that you are interested, that you are not soaring somewhere in the clouds, instead of listening to what your friend is telling you. Look at her, nod, say “Yes,” “Really?”, “I understand,” etc., where necessary. Try not to talk about yourself, even in passing. For example, instead of the phrase “He treated you cruelly, just like my ex,” say “It’s a pity that this happened to you,” and instead of “It happened to me too, I cried for three days in a row” - “Yes, it was hard for you, but I hope that you will feel better soon.”

13 ways to console a girlfriend who broke up with her man

If there is such an opportunity, you can go on a mini-trip with your friend for at least a couple of days, where you will get a lot of new impressions and where your friend simply won’t have time to mope. While a friend is trying to accept the breakup, her mood can “jump” from “plus” to “minus” literally every day. Your task is to adapt to this mood: when she wants to be angry with her ex, be angry with her, and when she is ready to look into the future with renewed vigor, support her optimism.
The entire protest phase can be completed in a matter of days or weeks, or it can drag on for many months. And when a friend survives this period, the next stage awaits her - the phase of submission. Now your friend is ready to accept the fact that she needs to learn to live without her ex-boyfriend, and you will help her with “lessons.”

How to calm down a girl who was dumped by her boyfriend

Answer from Nasten [guru] tell her that he wasn’t worth her little finger, joke with her more. Go somewhere with her, give her a balloon, but the main thing is not to discuss this topic, because time heals wounds. The answer from Natalya Petrakova[guru] will come later. That’s what happened too. I met with friends. sometimes they drank. then after a few days it subsides. if he left, then don’t come back to her now, it will be even worse for her later. Answer from Anyutka [guru] no way. it will go away on its own. just be there, try to drag her out to the disco, listen to her. and that’s all Answer from Lilia[master] just don’t feel sorry for her, otherwise she will cry even more, take her out on a picnic, a walk, an excursion, a cafe-bar, go to a movie, a museum….prove to her that life doesn’t end there Answer from Mar [guru] don’t cry, what happened, smile, what happened!)) if a friend is lyrical - if she agrees with the phrase We are the champions! ,That -? Reply from Yovetusik [guru] Stop crying for her.

When your friend is having a hard time breaking up with a loved one, you, of course, want to help him, but understand: you are not able to change or correct the situation. Instead, be prepared to listen, distract him if possible, and help him avoid mistakes like alcohol abuse or comfort relationships.


Help a friend immediately after a breakup

    Listen. After a breakup, whether it lasted six months or six years, your friend is likely not only upset, but also confused. He can talk a lot, pouring out his feelings and emotions. Be prepared to listen to your friend and show concern: this is the first and most important thing you can do to support him.

    • No matter what the reason for the breakup, your friend may be asking himself, “What did I do wrong?” or “Can I fix the situation?” It is quite natural to ask such questions, especially if the breakup was unexpected for him.
  1. Be patient. Of course, it’s more pleasant to spend time with a friend when everything is fine with him. However, true friendship is tested precisely in such difficult situations. Constantly remind yourself that as a true friend, you must be empathetic, even if it means hearing the same stories over and over again. Be patient while listening to your friend's emotional distress.

    • Remember how a friend helped you when you also found yourself in difficult situations, for example, you also broke up with your loved one or lost your job. Chances are, your friend was also patient with you during these difficult moments.
  2. Show your friend that you understand him. Your friend shouldn't feel like he's talking to a wall. Show that you are listening by asking questions and expressing your feelings about what happened. However, try to avoid empty clichés and banal phrases. It’s unlikely that a person will want to hear from you something like: “The light didn’t fall like a wedge on your ex. You will meet your love again." Your friend is in emotional pain, and with such words you can hurt him even more.

    Don't remember your previous breakups. While you might be tempted to compare your friend's situation to your own, don't do it, especially if your friend just recently broke up with his girlfriend. You may have something to say, but remember: this is about your friend now, not about your past problems, so you should not pull the blanket over yourself. Give your friend time to talk about themselves.

    Dissuade your friend from trying to get your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend back. After a breakup, a person is often inclined to deny the irreversibility of what happened. At first, your friend may be looking for ways to get his ex-love back, but you understand their futility. If a friend shares similar plans with you or asks for advice, try to dissuade him, but do not try too actively to influence the outcome of the situation.

    Divert your friend's attention, but within reason. Your friend is in deep emotional pain, and that's normal. Being deeply upset is not only natural in such circumstances, but also necessary if a person wants to get over the breakup and move on calmly. You may immediately try to pull the person out of the house to distract him from sad thoughts, but don't do this: give your friend time to grieve. You shouldn't do everything possible to make your friend ignore the breakup or forget about it. Therefore, if you want to invite a friend to unwind, do not do it too often and do not insist on having fun until you drop.

    Help your friend recover from a breakup

    1. Remember that every person has their own path, and your friend is no exception. Everyone experiences a breakup differently. Some people pull themselves together very quickly, while others need more time. Moreover, it does not even depend on the duration of the relationship. Understand that your friend is going through the breakup differently and you have no control over how long it will last.

      • You will probably have to exercise a lot of patience, but in this situation there is simply nothing else you can do. Don’t rush things; let the person decide for himself when he is ready to get out of his state.
    2. Help a friend with daily chores. When a person is so depressed, it can be difficult for him to even go grocery shopping or do other household chores, especially if he is not enthusiastic about them even at normal times. You don’t need to overprotect your friend, but you can take on some household chores, say, buy food or clean up a little.

      Keep having fun together. You should be prepared for your friend to feel sad for the first time after a breakup, but don't feel like you shouldn't give up fun times together for weeks or months. Being alone again, especially after a long-term relationship and cohabitation, is stressful. A person may feel as if they have lost a part of themselves. So try to rekindle old habits when your friend is ready. For example, if you always had dinner together on a certain day of the week, continue that tradition.

    3. Make sure that your friend does not seek solace in alcohol. Although there is nothing good about it, we all understand that drinking more than usual in the first couple of evenings after a breakup is normal. However, when the first shock of the breakup passes, make sure that your friend does not continue to seek solace in alcohol, and especially in drugs.

      • Not to mention that your friend is at risk of becoming addicted to alcohol, a healthy body restores a healthy mind much faster. Therefore, your friend should eat well, get enough sleep and exercise, and not wander from bar to bar.
    4. Think about what will make your friend feel better. Although your friend should not avoid or suppress negative emotions at first, after a while they will need to find another outlet for them. The process of channeling negative energy into positive, productive actions is called sublimation. Help your friend find activities to sublimate his feelings and keep him interested in them.

      • Your friend may take up sports, drawing or music, or he may throw himself into work, climbing the career ladder. There may be different ways to deal with the situation productively, but in any case, your friend needs your maximum support.
    5. Allow your friend to express his anger. The normal grieving process goes through several stages, and after confusion, denial and sadness comes anger. If your friend is angry, it usually means that he has accepted the end of the relationship. If anger does not go beyond reason and does not turn into aggression towards others, it in itself does not mean that the situation is out of control.

      • However, you shouldn’t agree with the generalizations “all women lie” or “all guys are assholes.” Your friend was treated poorly not by abstract “everyone,” but by one specific person.
    6. Ask your friend not to rush into a new relationship. To distract themselves from the heartache, your friend may begin to seek solace in a new relationship for which he is completely unprepared. This is as bad an idea as too much entertainment: a friend should not run away from a problem, but accept it and get through it.

      • Try to dissuade your friend from rushing headlong into a new relationship, but do it very delicately. Behave exactly the same as you did in the situation when you tried to stop him from trying to win back his ex-love. In other words, don’t be too upset if your friend doesn’t listen to you, and don’t forbid your friend so persistently that he wants to spite you.
    • Try to cheer your friend up at every opportunity. Let him have a reason to smile.
    • Let him know that you are ready to support him. You may think it's a small thing, but in tough times it means a lot.
    • Don't force the person to tell you what happened. If he wants, he will tell you when he is ready.
    • Give your friend time to think about everything and be alone with himself.
    • Hug your friend when he cries. Tell him that you love him and will always be there for him.
    • Don't gather too much of a "support group" to help a friend. Big companies are not what a person going through a breakup needs. Have one or two close friends with him.
  1. First of all, prepare a vest for streams of tears. It’s tempting to sigh with relief if a friend takes her time to pour out her heart and pretends that she’s fine, but you know that she’s not. And the sooner she speaks out, the sooner she will feel better.
  2. Unoriginal, but very important point: chocolate. You know everything about it: endorphins and all that. Give the poor guy a huge chocolate bar or a box of chocolates.
  3. Common Mistake- start telling your abandoned friend how pathetic [insert any derogatory comparison] was her darling. This will have the opposite effect: she will begin to defend him, because she still has feelings for him, and you will find yourself on the extreme side.
  4. It’s better to remind her of the reasons for breaking up. So, by not directly criticizing her man, you are showing her that this was not a relationship worth regretting.
    • Bad example: “Yes, he’s a boor, a slob, and didn’t miss a single skirt, and besides, he’s dumb as a plug!”
    • Good example: “Think - what have you lost? Unflattering reviews about yourself, dirty dishes under the bed, cheating? You deserve a man who will appreciate you and with whom you will have something to talk about.”
  5. Play music from your teenage years for her.- for example, the one you rocked out to at the school disco. Or put on an old favorite movie. Let her listen to or watch something that she associates with the time when she had not yet met the one she was crying about. This will help her return to her half-forgotten self and seem to erase the years of an unsuccessful romance or marriage.
  6. Make her go out for a walk because your mom was right: fresh air is good for you. After just five minutes of walking, people's mood improves and their self-esteem increases.
  7. Go to a completely new place- it doesn’t matter where: in a cafe, a picturesque square or a recently opened shopping center, where nothing will accidentally remind her of him. Let him feel that he can be happy and have fun without him.
  8. It’s even better if you manage to take a short vacation and go to the sea. They say it is the best doctor for healing broken hearts.
  9. Convince her to buy some clothes that make her look stunning. She now needs to improve her self-esteem.
  10. And a little self-care for her beloved self wouldn’t hurt her now. Book a manicure, go to the spa, or do yoga together. At the same time, you compensate for the damage from eating chocolate.
  11. But talk her out of any serious and disfiguring changes like shaving your head, getting a stupid tattoo in a visible place, or putting a ring in your nose. When she comes to her senses, she will breathe a sigh of relief.
  12. Try to tear her away from social networks and advise her to block her ex’s page. Research has shown what was already obvious: People who check updates on the profiles of someone they've broken up with take longer to recover emotionally and move on.
  13. Remind her that you love her. And tell her that she can handle it: this is just a moment that needs to be experienced and endured. If it’s hard for you to say such things in person, write her a short message. But make sure you let her know you're there for her.

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