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Confession to a jealous lover. Confessions of love to a guy in your own words. Cool short SMS in prose

If you have “that” man in your life, from time to time you can and should tell him how much he means to you. Confessing your love to your loved one will help you refresh your feelings or nourish them. After all, representatives of the stronger sex are also very pleased to hear when a girl or woman confesses her love to them. Especially if she shows imagination and does it in an original form.

How exactly can you confess your love to a man?

You can tell a man that you like him in your own words - this is the most common way. But it has one drawback - you can get excited and the confession will turn out to be “crumpled”. Your feelings will remain unexpressed and, first of all, you yourself will begin to suffer from this. You need it? We think not.

Therefore, if you do not have public speaking talent, we advise you to do the following:

  • Write a “classic” letter declaring your love.
  • Send a short SMS declaration of love to your loved one.
  • Write a funny confession (suitable only for men with a good sense of humor!).
  • Write a confession note and attach it to the refrigerator with a magnet.
  • Hide the piece of paper with the confession in your lunch bag.
  • Compose a tender declaration of love in verse.

Recognition in the form of a letter can be sent by mail - this will be even more interesting and effective. Buy a nice envelope for this (for example, vintage style). Or make the envelope yourself, seal it with wax or sealing wax (nowadays you can buy anything you want in craft stores, including unusual seals). But then you will have to drop the letter yourself - a declaration of love in the mailbox, put it in a man’s favorite book, or put it in a conspicuous place in the house - so that your significant other will notice it.

SMS is convenient because a declaration of love can be sent to a man at any time of the day and anywhere in the world. So to speak, a progressive option. Funny confessions are written in a humorous manner. They can also be presented in a unique way: for example, baked in cookies. But keep in mind - your man must have a good sense of humor, otherwise such a message can have the opposite effect.

Advice! If a sense of humor is not your thing, but you want to write a funny declaration of love to your loved one just because you are embarrassed to say “normally” about your feelings - don’t do it! Just such an explanation will look ridiculous, funny, and sometimes even vulgar.

Confessing to a man that you like him, found on the refrigerator door or in a lunch box, will be an unexpected, but very pleasant surprise.

Finally, poetry. Poetry is the best way to convey deep feelings. Even if you don’t have poetic talent, try declaring your love to a man in your own words. After all, “blank verse” (not in rhyme) also has many admirers. Maybe your loved one is one of them?

Below we will give examples of confessions that you can either use “as is” or take them as a basis and come up with something of your own.

How to tell your beloved husband about your feelings

Here are some examples of what a beautiful declaration of love a loving wife can write to her husband:

  1. We've been together for a very long time. During this time, an insane passion was experienced, a sea of ​​tenderness, care and attention was given to each other. We managed to cope with corrosive jealousy and quarrels. I admit that I love you differently now than I did at the beginning of our relationship. It was an ardent and blinding love - it was beautiful and sometimes frightened me with its strength.

    Now my feeling is not so violent, not so all-consuming. But it became deeper, stronger and... wiser. I love you completely and unconditionally. With all the advantages and disadvantages, habits and outlook on life. You have become a truly dear person to me. I am happy in the knowledge that I am YOUR wife.

  2. You know, we are so different. We have different tastes, different habits and different attitudes to life. We have always been different - from the first day we met. But this did not prevent love: do you remember how a spark seemed to jump between us? I remember. I still remember how we walked together through the evening city, admired the sunset on the sea, how you gave me flowers and tried to read poetry of your own composition. How he proposed to me. Now we are together, but we have not stopped being different - perhaps this is what united us. We find in each other something that we need like air. And you know, I finally realized what it was. Love. It was always love, which attracted us like a magnet and taught us to find compromises. And today I want to tell you again - I love you. I love you with all my heart, with all my soul. You are the man who painted my life with new colors, made it more multifaceted and interesting. You gave me love, you became my husband and turned me into the happiest woman. Thank you for this.
  3. My favorite! I believe in marriages made in heaven and do you know why? Our marriage is exactly like that. It was not by chance that we met - you yourself told me this more than once. I thank fate for every minute when you are near. You are the man I dreamed of. Your voice, your touch, the color of your eyes - it all drives me crazy. Any meeting we meet makes my heart beat faster and experience the strongest feelings. My dear, I love you very much!

How can you tell that you like him?

Don’t know how to come up with a declaration of love to your beloved man? Take a look at these and you're sure to find something suitable!

  • You are my happiness, my Love! It was you who taught me not to be afraid to open my soul to another person. And I am grateful to fate for sending you to me. I wouldn't settle for anyone else! I really like you. Love you…
  • Every morning I wake up with the thought that today I will see you. And therefore, every morning for me is the beginning of a wonderful day in which a sea of ​​your care, love and tenderness awaits me. I finally admitted to myself that I like you very much. And now I want you to know this too.
  • My only one! I really want to do something to surprise and please you. But you yourself said that as long as you have me, you don’t need anything else. That's why I tell you - I love you! I love as much as only a woman can love a man.
  • I feel how close we are, even if we are far from each other. And I know you feel the same. Darling, I am so happy that you appeared in my life. You are the Man I can always rely on. I don't just like you. I love you very much!

How to confess your love to a guy

Here you can read and choose a beautiful declaration of love to the guy you like. They are not very long, so they can be used as an SMS message.

  1. I miss you madly. I feel lonely as soon as you leave: I can’t wait to see you again. I want to feel your hugs, your love and tell you that our feelings are mutual!
  2. Do you know what my “very, very” dream is? Falling asleep and waking up next to you, feeling your strength, your courage and your tenderness. Endless tenderness towards me...
  3. You are the guy who changed my life. You changed not only her, but also me - I never knew that I could be so tender, affectionate, loving. And so beautiful...
  4. I never thought that the phrase “I love you” could contain so much. That it sounds different every time. I didn’t even think about it until the day I met you. I love!

Believe me, your boyfriend will be happy to read such words. Especially if he really likes you. And he will long remember how his girlfriend confessed her love to him.

How to express a beautiful declaration of love out loud to a man

Of course, you can confess your feelings verbally. But this must be done competently. First, write a confession to the man in your own words on paper (not in electronic form, but on paper!). Think through every word. Then be sure to read it out loud: what we write can be very beautiful, but spoken out loud will no longer have the desired effect. Correct the confession and learn it by heart.

You can say words of love during:

  • romantic dinner;
  • romantic breakfast for the weekend;
  • evening walk;
  • a vacation you went on together;
  • Valentine's Day celebrations.

You can confess over the phone if you are embarrassed to say it to his face. Such a conversation will make a lasting impression on him.

But only you yourself can know the best moment. After all, if a girl or woman truly loves, but does not “dissolve” in a man, she will always be able to very successfully find the appropriate moment when she can say “I love you!” And they will believe her.

There is a strong opinion among people that a man should be the first to admit his feelings. At the same time, no one wants to think about the fact that among the strong half of humanity there are often shy, timid people who find it difficult to take the first step. And if a woman waits a long time for a confession from him, then an eternity may pass. It is not better to take the solution to the “problem” into your own hands and become the initiator of the relationship. How to confess your love to a man if you are also not courageous in your actions? How to overcome fear and say the very words on which your future fate depends? We hasten to reassure and reassure you - nothing is impossible if you carefully listen to the advice of experienced psychologists and study in detail the topic of relationships between a man and a woman.

How to get away from patterned behavior

It is unlikely that anyone would argue with the fact that the most beautiful feeling on this mortal earth is love. Thanks to her, humanity continues to live on the planet. And he doesn’t just live - he feels true pleasure from life, he can rejoice, be upset, sad, rejoice. If it is not there, then you have to drag out a gray existence, the days pass monotonously, without bright colors or emotions.

As soon as this feeling “flies” into our life like a spring swallow, everything changes in an instant. What previously seemed uninteresting and did not attract our attention immediately turns into an amazing vision, a unique thing. We immediately have meaning in everything - living, studying, working, communicating. Can anyone argue with the fact that the eyes of a woman in love and her indifferent friend are radically different? In the first, they glow, radiate beauty and joy, in the second, there are no “signs” of life. Therefore, all representatives of the fairer sex strive to be loved and desired. Without these categories there is no point in starting anything. But what to do if the object of desire is silent? The logical step is to take the initiative.

How to act correctly

So, you have decided to “push” someone who is dear to your heart to take decisive action. But you should never rush; you need to think about your actions in detail. Assess your strengths and think about whether you can clearly and beautifully express your feelings? If you are not completely sure, postpone the important “event” and prepare even more carefully. But do not stop flirting, continue to lure your chosen one with feminine tricks and do not allow an outsider to interfere in the relationship, otherwise you risk being left with nothing.

Be proactive, but not intrusive

Most representatives of the male population love initiative girls, but you must admit that an annoying “fly” never delights you. If you want to “tame” an object and make tireless attempts, act with regular importunity, you are doomed to failure. Do not forget about the leadership qualities of men, this is precisely their purpose from Mother Nature. And if someone tries to intercept his dominance, then bewilderment arises, aggression towards the girl, whom he, in theory, should protect and protect. As soon as she plays the role of “first violin” in their love duet, mastering “masculine” traits, the man immediately pushes away from her. After all, he needs a weak and fragile lady, and not the second guy in a couple.

It is completely natural for a man to make any decisions on his own for the reason that this has been the case since ancient times. It was the male who thought about how to find and bring the slaughtered mammoth to the hut, then the worries of farming, etc. fell on his shoulders. And the women had to wait for them at the family hearth with the spoils. So which one of them was supposed to make the decisions? Of course, he is a breadwinner, exposing his life to danger in search of food. The skills given by nature have not changed, and modern women absolutely should not change them. Let him continue to be a leader and rely on his own strength.

As soon as a man turns into a pliable kitten, the woman will immediately lose interest in him. And here natural reflexes also come into play - why does she need a second “skirt” next to her? A wise lady will make sure that any of her initiatives will seem to come only from him, and she will only help them manifest themselves.

The second important point in relationships is the difference in the level of emotionality. And as everyone already understands, for women it is many times higher. Any splash in the eyes of men becomes a huge wave that is difficult to “swim over,” while for them everything happens very calmly and evenly. And it is not surprising that the lady’s actions unsettle the most reserved comrade. And representatives of the fairer sex mistakenly ruin relationships in the bud by incorrectly distributing the energy of feelings. It is necessary to subtly, gently, if you want to diplomatically set your goals, and with the temperament of a hunter and conqueror, you should not strive to make a prey out of a man. So she not only runs the risk of losing the relationship, but also turns into a man “in a skirt” with all his qualities. In order not to become a victim of such consequences, it is important to remain tender, feminine, and fragile to the end. It is these character traits given by nature that allow a woman to find that very protector who will have true, masculine character traits.

Why is he timid

No matter how strong feelings he may have for his passion, if there is natural shyness, timidity, it will be very difficult to take the first step. Rather, he will continue to live with dreams, hope, while away the evenings alone, hand her a coat, bring medicine, etc. In short, he is ready to do anything for her, but he just can’t decide on the main action. Why? Most women are sure that he does not love or is not sure of his feelings. Believe me, most often the problem lies in his indecision, and not the strength of his feelings. Let's consider the reasons for the strange behavior of a man and try to understand what is happening exactly with your object of claim.

  1. The most common reason is fear of rejection. It is for this reason that a man is afraid to admit his feelings and utter the main words. Many ladies do not know that not only the weaker sex, but also the stronger sex is afraid to hear a refusal in response and delays the important moment for a long time. Men are very self-critical, and having met love, they may believe that they are unworthy of their passion, she is too good for him, and may laugh in his face when confessing. Or maybe he also had a relationship before in which he suffered a collapse and heard the word “No!”
  2. Everyone knows the fear of taking responsibility, a decision on which the entire future fate will depend. Moreover, this reason is the most common among the stronger sex. The problem creeps into the nature of modern men from childhood. Their parents spoiled them and did not give them a chance to take on obligations, responsibility, or bring things to the end. By the way, the “defect” also often appears among girls. And, as a rule, when you are already an adult, your behavior flows by inertia. What should I do? Be patient and wait, behave in such a way that he still shows his concern and says the main words. But be warned, this may take years. What if someone appears on the horizon who can take the initiative into her own hands? So don't be shy, take action!
  3. State of uncertainty. If he is silent and does not admit his feelings, think, maybe he has someone else? Perhaps he still can't forget about his past love? In such cases, men quite often rush from one woman to another and do not know which one to choose. Here you really need to start on your own, at least in order to decide for yourself whether he is with you or not.
  4. His past relationship became a living hell for him, and he suffered many disappointments with his ex-girlfriend. Only a frank and trusting relationship will help him open up to you and find out the true nature of your romance. You must also openly show what kind of person you are, how you feel about the institution of marriage. In short, he must stop being afraid and boldly enter into romance without looking back.
  5. It’s his nature to wait. He is used to the fact that everything flows as usual and the moment will come when everything will be clear. After all, it’s no secret that women love with their ears, and men with their eyes. So, he is ready to admire your figure and stunning appearance for years, everything suits him and he doesn’t want to change anything. But this does not mean that at one moment he will easily switch to another “skirt”. Such men are absolutely sure that it is not necessary to say those very words, because everything is already clear.
  6. He evaluates your moral, personal, and maybe even physiological qualities. You may not like it, but it is in nature that he looks out not only for a woman with whom he is not ashamed to go to restaurants, but also for the potential mother of his future children.
  7. He is a natural narcissist and is waiting for recognition to come from you. The gentle nature of such a person will not interfere with further relationships, and there is nothing wrong with the fact that you, and not he, take the initiative. Believe me, as a sign of gratitude for the high appreciation of his merits, and this is what recognition implies, he will do anything for you. Immediately after your words are spoken, he will begin to act very actively. Before you have time to blink your eyes, a stunning ring will flaunt in front of you, accompanied by a reverent marriage proposal.

Be that as it may, a woman shouldn’t wait long, you understand - the woman’s age is short. It is important to understand for yourself whether he needs you or not; maybe it makes sense to find another, more stable person who will not play cat and mouse with you.

Moral preparation for recognition

So, we looked at the main reasons why he is “silent”. If there is no fear that you are a “spare toy,” be decisive and admit it. Just be prepared beforehand and carefully plan the day and location of the event. You don’t need to do this spontaneously, you need to know what words to say at what time of day. After all, how stupid and strange a confession will look in front of a tired person, exhausted from work. As soon as you start, he will simply doze off. Well, of course, these are extremes, just an important moment in life should take place in a beautiful environment and with complete relaxation and harmony. And yet, of course, I wouldn’t want to upset you, but it still makes sense to prepare for any development of events, including refusal and misunderstanding.

Where to confess

The choice of location is also of great importance, and this includes the setting. This helps a woman relax. Judging by the reviews, many girls achieved excellent results by saying tender words on the river bank or while walking along the lake or in the park. A confession sounds good in a movie theater between the words of loving screen characters or during dinner at a beautifully set table. A large gathering and a noisy evening will not be a hindrance; invite him to a white dance and whisper in his ear what he may have long dreamed of hearing.

It doesn’t hurt to present an important moment beautifully. If your chosen one is a fan of delicious food, prepare his favorite dish, pour a glass of good wine and start delighting him with warm words.

In cases where a couple lives under the same roof and has been sharing the same bed for a long time, you can say words of love in the morning, during the earliest and best sex of the day. Get up a little earlier, make coffee or prepare fresh orange juice, tidy yourself up and brush his nose with your curls, whisper the three most popular words in the world.

Experienced ladies share their skills and do not advise “pioneers” to confess to men at moments of particular busyness. It is unlikely that he will appreciate your words while watching an important football match or being in a bad mood.

What if he refuses

In every business there is a risk that something will go wrong. So, while you are confident that after confession you will receive a lot of positive impressions, you should still prepare for the option of your lover’s refusal. You always need to remain a true lady and react to everything as a proud, self-respecting person. You just need to accept the situation and understand that this is not the one you need. If he has the audacity to refuse you, it means he doesn’t love you. And it’s great that he opened up and didn’t hide his attitude. After all, life with someone who doesn’t like you is the worst test. After a refusal, you need not to become distracted and cry into your pillow, but to gather your thoughts and think about what to do next.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to call the offender, pursue him and demand an explanation. The best option is to erase his number and forget about his existence forever. Quite often, a man does not immediately realize what he is doing and can only understand after separation from you what mistake he made. And yet, men are also proud and they are always worried about why the one who recently confessed her love is running after them. And your additional attempts to improve relationships will be perceived as dragging – do you need it?
  2. Don’t even think about being hysterical, screaming, or threatening your offender. Venting your emotions is the same as admitting your inferiority and showing a man how pathetic and insignificant you are. Moreover, the fact that he refused does not necessarily speak poorly of him. He just doesn’t like you and his openness and honesty should be perceived only positively. Remember the saying “You can’t be nice by force!” You need to come out of any situation, no matter how difficult it is, gracefully and with dignity. So there will be no love between you, but respect will remain.
  3. If you meet him on the street, in a restaurant or other place, don’t get confused, don’t be nervous and don’t panic. You must always maintain composure. Of course, it’s not always possible to keep your psychological outbursts under control, but it’s still worth trying. Refusal is not humiliation or insult. Unlike our compatriots, Western women have long taken everything into their own hands, and if one doesn’t work out, she’s looking for another. At the same time, we are absolutely sure that nothing terrible happened - and that’s right. Remember - you are the most beautiful and charismatic, very soon someone will appear on the horizon who will truly bring happiness to your home.
  4. Should I continue contact with this man? It's up to you, but harsh refusals will indicate that you still feel humiliated. Friendship does not oblige you to anything. And if he still does not leave your soul, rejoice at his invitations to communicate. Most likely, he has long regretted his refusal and is ready to go over the situation again, but only with a positive outcome.

How to confess your love

Modern technologies make it possible to pronounce words not only by looking into the eyes of an object, but also by phone, via Skype, Viber, etc. So what's the best way to confess? Let's look at a few options.

Personal presence

If you speak words of love while looking into the eyes of your chosen one, then most likely everything will end well. He will appreciate your straightforwardness, honesty and determination. Your actions indicate that you are very serious about this person and that your feelings are strong. And men, in turn, are big children who love flattery and compliments more than we do. The main thing is not to say too much, so you need to be well prepared for the confession and say everything clearly and without hesitation.

Written confession

The epistolary genre is a thing of the past, and in vain. How beautiful the words of Tatyana Larina’s confessions to Eugene Onegin sound. The paper will withstand anything, moreover, before writing the final version, drafts are written, unnecessary things are eliminated and only the main thing remains.

It is not necessary to write down a whole “sheet”; let the confession be short, concise, the main thing is that the main words appear in it. But they will protect a modest girl from excessive complexities, embarrassment and awkwardness. The method is also great for men who have time to seriously think about the situation and formulate a response.

Confession over the phone

Embarrassment, the fear that when confessing you will have to look your loved one straight in the eyes, the fear that something will go wrong can ruin the whole picture. If you are a very modest person, confess your feelings over the phone. There are pros and cons here. The disadvantage of telephone communication is that you will not see the true reaction of your lover. The good point is his intonation, the timbre of his voice, by which you can understand what sensations a person is experiencing.

Who are you confessing to?

The development of the situation after a declaration of love largely depends on who is the “pain” of your heart. If he is older than you, it means he has a lot of life experience, successes and disappointments behind him. And most likely, he will respond to your words wisely and carefully. If he is older, and also an avid bachelor, he may not want to give up his freedom. Here you need to act carefully, as if slowly groping for his weak points and accustoming him to your society. In the end, it should turn out that he simply cannot live without you.

Often, unfortunately, women fall in love with married men, as they say - “Love is evil!” Psychologists are unanimous in their opinion - there is no point in wasting time with them. Even if he agrees to leave the family after your confessions, there will still be no happiness. Well, if you want to confess your love to him, do it as quickly as possible.

After all, most of the “revelers” have relationships on the side due to the lack of obligations. And your words will sober up his condition a little and make him think - continue the relationship or put an end to it, which is what you need!

And most importantly, before declaring your love, check your feelings, think about it - is this really love? Or maybe you confuse passion with this unique and most important feeling on Earth? In any case, there is no need to rush. How to check? Just know that love is unconditionality, selflessness, the desire to be with a person despite any problems. Even if he lost everything he had before, you should want to be there and give pleasure, support, make self-sacrifice without receiving anything in return. Well, is this it? Then start preparing for an important event, get yourself in order and dare - admit it!

Modern women, both on the business and love fronts, have long been able to take the reins into their own hands. If earlier such an act caused at least bewilderment and condemnation, now it is considered an everyday occurrence. Nevertheless, for a girl this is a serious and responsible step. After all, explaining your feelings can become a new stage in a relationship, but in the absence of mutual emotions it will lead to a break in the love affair. Often, ladies have a question about how to competently, beautifully and correctly express sympathy. The most original and “live” confessions collected here for you will not leave any man indifferent.

Declaration of love to a man in verse

The rhymed form of poetry will most accurately express what cannot be said in ordinary words. It is difficult to find a more poetic and sincere embodiment of your feelings and thoughts than poetry. With the help of tremulous rhymes, a lady in love will surely win the heart of her chosen one, and maybe resurrect the fading flame of her former passion.
Here are the most popular poems that will help you express the whole range of feelings. Perhaps, based on them, you yourself will create a new, original creation of a love rhyme.

Declaration of love to a man in prose

Not a single woman is immune from disappointment in the love field, and the question of how to minimize such risk is always acute. It is impossible to say that the poetic form will be a guarantee of success, but you may have one more trump card - an explanation of feelings in prose. And how to give this pleasant surprise is up to you. You can read it out loud, melting a tremulous excitement in your soul. But the most memorable way will be a letter written in the girl’s hand and sent, or thrown, to the addressee in an envelope.

“I so want to fall asleep hugging your strong arms, and wake up from your gentle breath on my skin. Look at your favorite profile, watch how you move, laugh, talk. Watch movies just the two of you, with your head resting on your chest and feeling the incomparable scent of your man. I would like to do this all our lives because I love you!”

“I will probably never forget that last August day of the passing hot summer. I saw you on the seashore in the pre-sunset rays, and looking into your eyes I immediately realized “it’s him.” Since then, every morning I wake up thinking about you. You filled all my days and nights with meaning, never before have I felt so happy and loved. We don’t need extra words; with just one look we understand each other. After many years, I dream of one day returning to the place where we met. But not alone, but as a big friendly family. Then we will tell our children how we found our love, and we will always be an example of an ideal family life for them. Until that time comes, I make you coffee and watch you sleep sweetly. Let it be like this forever, until my last breath... I love you.”

“I often think who brought us together - higher powers or chance? I don't know. Yes, it doesn’t matter as long as our hearts beat in unison. We have experienced so much together, life has tested our feelings so many times. And we did not break under the blows of fate, we survived to carry love through years and distances. Having paid in full for happiness, we have suffered and deserved it in full. So let the years given to us always make you happy, because I love you so much!”

Declaration of love to a man in your own words

Everyone loves confessions of warm feelings - both men and women. It is always pleasant to hear “I love” addressed to you, because to this day this phrase has not lost its charm. But what if you want to explain yourself in a more original way, but you don’t have any time to search for those necessary romantic poems or prose? It is not necessary to have outstanding literary talent to speak about love in your own words. Here are a few examples that you can use as a basis:

"You are the best man in my life! I wanted to write down all your virtues on one sheet of paper, but this is simply impossible. After all, you are attentive and gentle, caring and sincere. So understanding and reliable. I am so happy with you, I want this to last my whole life! Love you!"

“Someone once said that in a couple, one always loves, and the other only allows love. I am sure that with our feelings and relationships we can completely refute this opinion. It is difficult to find two people as similar and complementary as we are. Sometimes it seems to me that I know exactly what you are thinking about at this moment. And you look into my eyes and read like an open book. I hope it will always be like this, because I want to connect my life only with you, my love.”

A short declaration of love to a man

In fact, there are thousands of ways to confess passionate and sincere feelings to your loved one. If a girl is afraid to rely on her intuition and imagination, you can always use the Internet and beautifully say words of love to your chosen one. It is not necessary to copy the entire text; if desired, you can change and supplement it in a way that only you feel. Add a couple of compliments and kind words, and you have a new, unique declaration of love, suitable for a specific situation.

SMS declaration of love to a man

One of the most popular options for submitting a love confession is an SMS message. We offer the most romantic and memorable texts for your choice.

Song - confession in love with a man

Contrary to the well-known expression, not only girls, but also men love their ears. And if you want to make a truly memorable surprise, you can send a song to your dearest person as a confession of tender feelings. Well, if you have vocal abilities, it will be even easier to win a man’s heart. Here are some examples for any occasion:

  • Celine Dion – “My Heart Will Go On”
  • George Michael – “Careless whisper”
  • Alex Gaudino – “I`m In Love”
  • Irina Allegrova – “How I Miss You”
  • Reflex – “I love”
  • Anna Sedokova and Dzhigan - “Frozen”
  • Angelica Agurbash − “I will live for you”
  • Ani Lorak - “Tenderness of Dawn”
  • Alla Pugacheva - “Call me with you”

Declaration of love to a man in pictures

Girls do not always dare to say about love, looking straight into the eyes of the man of their dreams. But signs of such attention are simply necessary to express what you want most, and original ones will help with this pictures-confessions.

Letter of declaration of love to a man

You are mistaken if you think that this option of recognition has long sunk into oblivion. Yes, confident modern women are somewhat different from embarrassed society ladies in ruffles and crinolines, who, terrified of possible refusal, conveyed love messages to the object of their desire. Nevertheless, to this day, a written confession is the most reliable and romantic way to tell about your secret feelings for a man. It is important to follow several rules here.

  1. Be frank, but at the same time avoid drama and open confession. Your task is to intrigue the guy with the help of ornate phrases.
  2. Please enter the correct addressee. A man should make sure that the message is intended specifically for him - you can indicate a name and a couple of details that only you two know about.
  3. The letter should not be drawn out; it should be short and succinct. Don't make mistakes.

Declaration of love to a married man

It’s hard to explain and demonstrate your emotions. If at the moment you are tormented by doubts about whether to take such a decisive action, weigh everything carefully again. If love is stronger than remorse, and you are ready for a supporting role, these confessions are especially for you. It would be a good idea to follow all safety precautions and choose the right serving method. You can send a love note in person, send an SMS, a Valentine's card, or have a one-on-one conversation. Here is one example:

“When we first met, I guessed that you were not free, that you would never belong to me alone, but I continued to believe in miracles. I cried for days when you came back to HER. My unfortunate soul was tormented and tormented, but over time I got used to it. Lonely weekends and holidays, endless waiting... First she rushed about like a hunted animal in a cage, then she bombarded you with messages. Then I was distracted by other acquaintances. Weeks and months pass, and you still cannot solve this dilemma. Please, beloved, give me the answer - “do you love it or not.”

Cool declarations of love to a man

Romantic dinner or extreme adventure? Which opportunity to choose for words of recognition is up to you to decide. The main condition is not to be banal. If your beloved is a positive person, not averse to joking and loves surprises, then funny love texts are your option.

Postcards with a declaration of love to a man

Postcards with confessions are a wonderful way to remind your feelings and please your significant other.

Playcasts with declarations of love

Recently, the use of playcasts has become increasingly popular. Pleykast is a unique composition that consists of a postcard or picture, music and animation. In this case, they are connected by a single romantic composition. A harmoniously produced playcast will be a wonderful gift and an original way to express the most hidden bright emotions to a guy.

It's not difficult to make such a surprise. First of all, find the relevant site, service or application on social networks. After registration, you will have access to hundreds of musical cards. You can choose from those that already exist, or create a new unique playcast for your beloved man. Choose the background you like and place the text. Then the program will process the playcast for a few minutes, only after that add music. And now an unusual and beautiful declaration of love is ready. Present it to your lover using the right moment when you are together, such a surprise will surely impress him.

Erotic declaration of love to a man

And you want the object of desire to know about it? Talking about intimate topics and conveying your emotions competently is always difficult. It is difficult to find sufficiently frank words, because erotic topics need to be spoken with feeling, with a bit of humor; between close people, a certain touch of obscenity is acceptable.

To ignite a guy's passion, send him an erotic good night text message. You only need imagination and some knowledge of psychology. Trust your intuition! You can start with neutral topics, then move on to more frank confessions. But do not forget about the rules of decency, because your goal is to intrigue, to be unpredictable, but not vulgar. Maintain a balance - be sincere and open, but do not cross the line of what is permitted.

Video declaration of love to a man

It doesn’t matter so much whether months or years of dating connect you with the man you love. In order for feelings not to cool down, it is necessary to feed them and at least occasionally voice them.

Even though representatives of the stronger sex are not as emotional as cute young ladies, sincere girlish emotions will not leave even the coolest macho man indifferent.

So what is the best declaration of love to your loved one? How to tell your lover about your sympathy and strong feelings? We have prepared the most pleasant, warm and gentle words that every man will definitely like.

The poem will provide the girl with the opportunity to express all her tender feelings in the most emotional and reverent way, even those that are extremely difficult to convey in everyday words. Poems will help a romantic nature to conquer her chosen one if he is not yet with her, or to rekindle the flame of past passions that is beginning to fade.

Of course, it is better to confess warm feelings in poems of your own composition. Even if they don’t look like the works of professional poets, the man will like your sincerity. But not every girl is lucky enough to be born with the gift of versification, so on the Internet you can find surprisingly gentle poems for every taste.

Time their reading or sending via SMS to coincide with some important event in your life together: first date, wedding anniversary, etc. Well, or just dare to talk about love for no reason!

Just be! Live under this sky
Even if far away, at the other end of the Earth...
Just be good, kind, bright,
Let it not be with me, but with those who love me.
Just know that I'm under this sky
It may be far away, but I remember you.
Just know: with your soul, your mind, your heart -
I live, I love, I dream - for you

You have become so important to me...
So strange, but more necessary than many...
And the sparks of your fire
Part of the road was illuminated for me...
The warmth of short strange phrases
Warmed my soul with revelation...
And there’s a wild contrast with the past,
Suddenly it turned into healing...
You have become so... necessary for me...
Although I wasn’t looking for a miracle...
And the pain of the past is bitter smoke
Left in crumpled patterns...
I didn't pray for you...
Will you close yourself? Will you hide? Will you judge?
But I live like in a wonderful dream,
While you exist... As long as you will...

My soul, my light, my air,
I'm only yours, and it's too late to think.
Take me all without a trace -
It's incredibly sweet in your hands.
My sweet, affectionate kitten,
You are my angel. I am your little devil.
No one will caress you like you,
No one warms you like you.
My wind of happiness and hope,
My devoted and most gentle.
You burn with your desire,
You know about me, you know everything...
My insatiable, my desired,
Crazy, the most long-awaited.
And let these lines be banal.
I'm happy with you, period!

Agree, such poems touch the soul to tears, and your man will never be able to resist such incredibly beautiful words.

Agree, not every man will like a poem, and not every girl will be able to read it easily and without anxiety at the right moment. It’s good that in addition to rhyming lines, there is another declaration of love - ordinary prose.

How to confess and present this magnificent surprise is entirely your choice. You can, of course, say it at a meeting, but the most memorable way is to send it, like in the old days, by mail (an electronic version is also allowed).

Here are some examples:

  1. “I miss you terribly. When you leave, I feel very lonely and sad. Gentle caresses and touches, your warm hands are all I need in this world. Hug me, and in return I will give you all my endless tenderness and love.”
  2. “Do you know what I dream about? To fall asleep next to you, holding tightly to your tender hands, to watch you laugh, frown, and writhe your nose funny when you speak. And I also want to smell your perfume on my clothes. Do you think these are too simple dreams? Perhaps, but for me they are the most important, because I love you!”
  3. “Do you remember that September day when we met our eyes? I immediately realized that you are the guy I’ve been waiting for all my life. I don’t have time to express words of gratitude to those higher forces that brought us together. And in this letter I want to admit that my feelings for you are only becoming stronger every day. Love you!"

Such a declaration of love to a husband from a wife touches him to tears, forcing him to look for equally pleasant words to say about his feelings. Be sure that upon receiving such a letter, a man will want to arrange a romantic evening for you and also confess his sincere feelings.

Who said that beautiful declarations of love must be in poetry or downloaded from the Internet? It is quite possible to move your loved one to tears with your own words. Moreover, many representatives of the stronger sex are skeptical about pompous phrases and pretentious speeches.

So, a girl does not need to have literary talents at all in order to confess her sympathy and express gratitude to a man for his feelings. Describe the love you feel in your own words and send a message via SMS, email, or in person. To make it easier for you, use the following “blanks”:

  • “To the best man on the whole planet...”;
  • “I’m happy to be next to you...”;
  • “It’s hard to find words to say how much I love you...”;
  • “It’s impossible to count the pleasant moments that I spent next to you...”;
  • “Your love and tenderness makes me stronger...”;
  • “I want to always be next to you - my beloved man...”

Declaration of love via SMS

It is not at all necessary for a girl to say words of gratitude to her man through an email or in a personal meeting. Short declarations of love can and should be sent via SMS messages. These can be small romantic poems, funny and biting phrases. The most important thing is to fit the whole range of emotions into a few symbols.

Below are SMS messages about love in verse, but you can turn them into prose or even talk about feelings in your own words. Try adding a couple of gentle phrases, compliments and feel free to send an SMS to your chosen one with a short note: “From a lover and beloved wife.”

Great happiness for me
I can only see you nearby!
I will only wait for you,
Always dream about you!

There are many different men in the world,
But I don't look at others
You were shown to me from heaven by God,
And I love you already!

I'm sad without you,
I often see us in my dreams.
I dream of hugging you again soon,
And talk about your love.

If a girl is lucky enough to meet a cheerful and positive guy, then she can confess her sincere feelings to him in a humorous way.

Send him an SMS or email containing cool poems or unusual pictures.

Another unusual declaration of love is “funny” prose, which your chosen one will definitely like. Use the following templates to come up with your own cool and completely original love surprises:

  • “My dear man! I adore you so much that I am ready to sit on your mighty neck forever, with my most beautiful legs hanging on the sides”;
  • “My love is so strong that you will always have to carry me in your arms, because I am not able to carry the burden of my feelings on my own fragile shoulders”;
  • “My beloved! There is something very tender, beautiful and the best in the world in your life. It's me!";
  • “You are the most beautiful, sexiest, most talented and kindest... monster. And you are lucky that I live in the world - the beauty from a fairy tale who is in love with you.”

How else to confess your love?

Are love declarations to your husband in prose and poetry not enough for you? The time has come to act decisively! To add variety to your established relationship, talk about your moods and feelings in a very gentle and romantic way. Use one of the following options:

  1. Romantic dinner. Pleasant emotions will come from eating by candlelight, which can be organized at home, in a restaurant, on the roof, on the balcony, or even on the shore of the lake. Create a relaxing environment, cook or order unusual dishes and expect great things to come.
  2. A note. Write warm words on bright paper, draw loving emoticons and attach the “letter” with a magnet to the refrigerator. Another option is a few gentle words on the mirror, written in your lipstick.
  3. Unusual breakfast. Buy a variety of heart-shaped shapes for making scrambled eggs, cookies and pamper your loved one with a romantic breakfast. Such a charge of positive emotions will remain with him throughout the day.

It doesn’t matter at all what way a girl will like to declare her love to her man. Romantic poems, love prose, funny SMS or family dinner - the main thing is that all this is sincere and disturbing to the soul.

However, in order to please your lover, it is important not to cross the fine line between surprise and annoying. Let your pleasant words and actions become something between the rule and the exception!

Every young girl or already very mature woman is once faced with the need to confess to her beloved person a strong, strong and sincere feeling called Love.

At the same time, in order to confess your feelings in a beautiful and harmonious manner, you need to have real talent. Because even the prose often ends up looking very clumsy and confuses its chosen one.

It is worth remembering that it is necessary to confess your feelings not only on Valentine’s Day and on wedding anniversaries or first meetings. But also just to emphasize unbridled tenderness.

If a woman can create such a declaration of love for a man in her own words that it touches the soul, then her chosen one will be incredibly grateful to her, although he may not show secret feelings.

A girl should not worry and copy the congratulations from the Internet, because the most subtle notes of falsehood will definitely be seen through by a spouse or loved one and will not forgive them.

Confess your love to your beloved guy in your own words

To make a declaration of love to your beloved man in your own words incredibly luxurious and emotional, you should choose the right expressions to show the full range of your emotions.

The chosen one will be able to write just a few words that can forever sink into the heart, and also actually prepare a long confession filled with feelings that overflow.

You can try to find the necessary words from several ready-made examples from the World Wide Web:

  • The best guy on Earth! I adore you so much that it’s impossible to even say. I don't breathe when I'm not lying with you, I just grab water like a fish thrown ashore. Without your presence, everything loses its color, and the rainbow becomes an ordinary rocker. I really want to hug you as soon as possible, come back soon.

  • I hasten to tell you, sweet and desirable person, how madly I adore you. That I adore our passionate nights and sweet days, that I fall asleep, basking in my arms and listening to how the beating of hearts merges into one whole. You are my ideal, never leave me.

Sometimes declaring your love to your beloved man in your own words can bring you to tears in just a few minutes. The main secret of this phenomenon is that all words in the confession must be carefully selected and thought out. Even the most verbose confession can be useless and stupid, however, even one line that comes from the heart will bring a whole explosion of emotions.

For example, the following congratulation would be suitable for a beloved guy:

  • My dear, I am not afraid of losing everything I have, but I will never get over the fact that I will lose your love.

  • On the day I met you, spring began to sing in our souls, and the winter ice of misunderstanding melted forever. I love you honey!

  • I will love you forever, my dear, so I will never betray you, lose you or exchange you for anyone in the whole world.

  • There are exactly two suns in my life, one of which is shining for me from the sky, and the second is smiling at me now and hugging me tightly.

Declarations of love for a guy in your own words

Even the most ridiculous and strange declaration of love to a guy in your own words, which contains information related to something intimate and understandable only to a couple in love. That is why you should not mindlessly copy words from the Internet, since they lack soulfulness.

It’s worth figuring out what kind words would be ideal for a particular couple. Because one guy will be happy with the affectionate address “kitten or bunny,” while the other will be offended by “zoo” and explode in explosions of righteous anger.

It’s worth choosing in advance or writing yourself a beautiful declaration of love to a man in your own words until you cry. To give your soulmate true pleasure.

To beautifully confess true love, you can use these not too complicated words:

  • I try to think about you every day, for example, when I make a cup of your favorite coffee. When I slowly walk along the frosty pavement to work, when I lie down alone in a cold bed. You know, I already realized that I simply cannot live without you, forgive me, because I still appreciate you to the point of tears.

  • You know, in our fierce world it will be much brighter and more cheerful if there are more kind and smiling people like you in it. I love you, kitten!

  • Every time one bright star falls from the sky, I begin to think about my love for you, kitten. On the night when all the stars disappear from the sky, you will be to blame. Because I think about you constantly and I can’t stop doing it.

A declaration of love to a guy in your own words can only bring you to tears if it is written from a pure heart. And it contains only the most sincere and happiest words that will make strangers constantly envy your couple with white envy.

You can write such a declaration of love to your beloved man in your own words until you cry in prose. Which he will remember for a long time, smiling from the memories that come flooding back, and enjoying the fact that he is loved and is not afraid to talk about it publicly.

The following congratulations and confessions are suitable for this occasion, which can be brief, or quite voluminous, but incredibly emotional:

  • On this wonderful day, I hasten to confess my sincere love to you, my dear guy. I wish you, my precious one, that the doves of our love will bring in their beaks an evergreen sprig of happiness and joy, dreams and pleasure. I am so happy that you chose me and not another woman, making me incredibly loved.

  • I hasten to tell you, my joy, that I will never get tired of your smiles and affection. Remember forever that my love will never be delineated, and from your words my life will be painted with the brightest colors and sincere feelings. Happiness to you, my beloved!

Declarations of love to your beloved man, in your own words

A separate article in love prose is a declaration of love to your husband in your own words to the point of tears in a letter. Because your significant other may be on a business trip or simply absent for family reasons. And expressing your feelings is sometimes simply vital.

A husband is a person who has already become yours, but the fire of love can simply go out as a result of the lack of mutual feelings and desires. However, it is worth remembering that beautiful words to your beloved man in your own words can bring even someone who has lived with you in the same house for dozens of happy years to tears.

It’s not at all difficult to come up with such a congratulation-declaration of love, you just have to remember all the good things that unite a husband and wife. What gives them pleasure and overall satisfaction.

For example, your beloved spouse will certainly have butterflies fluttering in his stomach if he receives a letter or SMS like this:

  • My beloved husband, you never promised to give me anything, but your love and tenderness will be enough for me. I know that with your sincere feelings you give me the whole Universe, and open such horizons that no one can comprehend. I love you!

  • May you and I live together for many happy years, and I know perfectly well what exactly you will say in a given situation, how you will smile or joke. However, it gives me great pleasure to comprehend and read you like an open book. Gradually revealing all the cherished secrets.

Declaration of love in your own words

The true truth is that people living in many countries of the world never tire of confessing their feelings. Because tender declarations of love to the point of tears help a beloved man to love his wife again, as in his youth, or to prove his feelings to his loved one.

To understand what words will be pleasant for a particular person, it is worth making allowances for his age, hobbies, place of work and the closeness of the relationship. You can pay attention to the following options:

  • I want to give you, my sunshine, the sky and the sun, the moon and the endless horizon. You know, my beloved little man, I can give you everything in the world and even myself, so that you carry my love in your heart.

  • I want to tell you, my dear, how much I love you, but I don’t have enough words to express the whole kaleidoscope of my feelings. My dear, let our life flow like a calm river with gentle banks, and let love never fade away.

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