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Covering gray hair with folk remedies. Dyeing gray hair. Mix dye and paint

Gray strands often turn silver on the heads of very young ladies. And everyone wants to get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon, believing such a “gift” to be a sign of impending old age. Chemical dyes can do the job, but what if paint is excluded for a number of reasons?

Folk remedies are harmless to hair health and quite effective. Such dyes are almost impossible to cope with extensive gray hair, and the coloring result will last only until the first wash. But you can experiment with them as much as you like without fear of harming your hair.


You can remove silver strands using a black tea mask:

  1. For the composition, brew 50 g of tea in 0.5 liters of boiling water. The mixture is infused for an hour. The solution is filtered.
  2. Separately mix 50 g of kefir, 30 ml of olive oil, beat in 2-3 yolks. Strained tea is added to the mixture, and the composition is distributed over the moistened strands.
  3. The mask is left on the head for 3–3.5 hours, insulated.
  4. Wash off the product with shampoo.

Repeat the procedure with a break a day until the desired result is achieved.

A composition of tea and cocoa will remove gray hair:

  1. Four tablespoons of black tea are poured into 0.5 cups of boiling water and the mixture is simmered for about 15 minutes in a water bath.
  2. Strain the mixture, add 4 teaspoons of cocoa and mix.
  3. The mask is applied to the strands, wrapped, and left on for at least an hour.
  4. Wash off with slightly warmed water.


Ground coffee will help restore the natural chestnut shade:

  1. The grounds remaining after the aromatic drink are mixed with a couple of large spoons of freshly ground raw materials.
  2. Add half a glass of hair conditioner.
  3. The composition is applied to the strands, gently massaging, and left for at least an hour.
  4. Wash off with warm water.

You will have to repeat it more than once: a natural dye will not cope with gray hair right away.

A coffee and tea mask will help remove gray hair:

  1. 30 g of black tea is mixed with 0.5 liters of boiling water, left for half an hour, filtered.
  2. Add 50 g of coffee to the mixture.
  3. The finished product is distributed over the strands, wrapped in film and left for an hour.
  4. Wash off the mask with warm water, rinsing your hair with a weak vinegar solution (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water).

You can carry out coloring procedures with a break of one day until the desired shade is obtained.

Henna and basma

Natural dyes basma and henna are recognized as honored fighters against gray hair. To be sure to get rid of gray hair, you will have to dye your strands twice or three times.

Compositions with both colors are prepared in the same way. Brew the powder with boiling water, diluting it to the consistency of sour cream, leave for five minutes. Paint when the mixture has cooled to a skin-tolerable temperature. Prepare the composition immediately before the procedure. Since the mixture does not foam and is not distributed through the strands as easily as shampoo, it is advisable to prepare more product. They do it like this:

  1. Pour a bag of henna into a glass or ceramic container.
  2. Add water until a homogeneous thick paste is obtained. You can optionally add a few drops of essential oil or yolk to the composition for a more even distribution of the mixture on the strands.
  3. Cover the hair with film, wrap it in a towel and hold it for as long as indicated in the instructions, after which it is washed off.

Henna will give your curls a reddish or reddish tint. To obtain a darker tone without redness, use basma. However, one basma will color the strands green, so be sure to mix basma with henna to obtain a noble tone. The ratio of ingredients is calculated individually, depending on the desired effect and hair length.

There are two ways to use these paints. In the first, henna and basma are used sequentially, washing off each time, in the second, they are mixed. Proportions must be selected individually. If you add a few large spoons of cognac or coffee to the composition, the shade will change.

The intensity of the shade does not depend on the exposure time, so there is no point in keeping the composition on for as long as possible: this is a sure way to dry out the strands.

If your hair has previously been dyed with a chemical dye, it is wise to test the natural product on one strand. If the result is positive, you can cover the remaining curls with the composition.

In order not to end up with orange or dark stains on the skin as a result of the procedure, olive oil or a rich cream is applied to the dermis before coloring.

Video: how to get rid of gray hair with basma, henna and coffee

Spruce bark, oak bark

A product made from tree bark helps restore the natural chestnut shade:

  1. Grind 2-3 tablespoons of dried spruce bark into powder, add a glass of boiling water and leave for three hours.
  2. Treat the hair with the mixture and cover your head with a towel.
  3. Leave the product for an hour, rinsing off without shampoo.

Oak bark is also effective:

  1. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of oak bark into a glass of boiling water.
  2. The mixture is simmered for about 20 minutes in a water bath.
  3. Add onion peels, tea or chamomile to the mixture.
  4. Rinse the strands with the mixture, rubbing the mixture into the root area.
  5. For better results, dip the ends of your hair into the mixture.
  6. Wrap your head in film or a warm scarf for 1–2 hours.

Dry your hair without a hairdryer.

Blackberry juice

Blackberry juice is used to give hair a reddish, vibrant tone. Only the juice of fresh berries is effective. It is applied to the strands and left for several hours. Wash off with water only.

Walnut partitions

Dye made from green walnut peels can remove traces of gray hair from dark brown hair:

  1. The peels of 15–20 unripe nuts are ground in a meat grinder. Add 0.5 liters of boiling water to the gruel.
  2. The mixture is infused for a little longer than 30 minutes and filtered.
  3. The composition is distributed over the strands and covered with film. Leave the mask on for 2–3 hours.
  4. The hair is washed with warm water and rinsed with conditioner.

The product can be applied twice a week until gray hair is completely eliminated. It is recommended to wear gloves when preparing the mask to avoid staining the skin of your hands.

Video: how to cover gray hair using walnut partitions

Getting rid of gray hair on blonde hair

Silver strands are not as noticeable on light hair as on dark hair. But owners of fair heads desire no less than burning brunettes. There are natural remedies to solve this problem.


Chamomile will give a gray head a pleasant golden hue. But the composition is effective only if the gray hair on the head is no more than thirty percent. Otherwise, the shine of your hair will increase, but its tone will not change, and gray hair will not decrease. Prepare the decoction as follows:

  1. 100 g of dry chamomile inflorescences are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for an hour.
  2. The infusion is filtered and 30 ml of glycerin is added to it. The solution is mixed and applied to the strands. The hair is covered with film and a thick scarf for 50 minutes.
  3. Wash off the product with warm water.

Dry naturally, without a hair dryer.


A composition with linden will help get rid of light brown or light brown curls from signs of approaching old age:

  1. 100 g of dry linden blossom is poured into 0.5 liters of water.
  2. The mixture is boiled until half the liquid has evaporated.
  3. The strained decoction is applied to dry hair and left insulated for about an hour.

A honey-golden tone will be provided by a composition of dried linden and chamomile taken in equal parts:

  1. Take 2-3 tablespoons of each herb and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. Leave in a thermos for 2–3 hours.
  3. Apply the product along the entire length, using the gruel.
  4. Leave for three hours and wash off without shampoo.


Rhubarb gives a straw-yellow tint to silvered locks:

  1. Grind 30 g of dry rhizomes of the plant and pour a glass of water.
  2. The composition is brought to a boil over low heat. Remove after boiling for about 20 minutes.
  3. The solution is cooled and applied to dry strands.
  4. The hair is insulated and the mask is left on for 40 minutes.
  5. It is advisable to dry it naturally.


Sage will restore a rich shade of gold to silvery strands:

  1. 30 g of dry leaves of the plant are poured with 300 ml of boiling water and left for half an hour.
  2. The infusion is filtered and applied to the hair.
  3. The head is insulated from above and the mask is left on for an hour or an hour and a half.

Onion peel

A product based on onion peels does a good job of eliminating gray hair:

  1. Three large spoons of raw materials are placed in an enamel pan and filled with boiled water.
  2. The mixture is boiled for about 30 minutes over low heat.
  3. Cool and filter.
  4. Add 2-3 teaspoons of glycerin to the mixture and mix.
  5. Apply the composition to washed, slightly dried strands, carefully painting each of them.
  6. Cover with film and a thick towel for at least 2-3 hours.

The composition can only be applied to hair that has not been dyed with chemical dyes. The husk can be used several times. For richness and durability of the tone, procedures are carried out three times a week for three weeks.

There are ways to get rid of gray hair without dyeing. The method is quite unusual, but nevertheless it has proven its effectiveness.

Video: how to destroy gray hair with potatoes

Table: folk remedies for covering gray hair

Henna, basma1. Lasting results.
2. Shine and nutrition of hair.
3. The effect is noticeable after the first procedure.
1. An unexpected shade when the proportions are violated.
2. Difficulties in choosing proportions.
3. Applicable only on undyed hair.
Phytocomponents1. Caring effect.
2. No harm to hair.
3. Economical.
1. Several procedures will be required to obtain the desired result.
2. Different products for dark and light hair.
3. Can't cope with a lot of gray hair.
Coffee Tea1. Gives hair a well-groomed look.
2. Variability in different combinations.
3. Unsuccessful results can be easily removed.
1. They can’t cope with extensive gray hair.
2. Not suitable for blonde hair.

Peroxide will help lighten your locks, removing the appearance of gray hair. It is applied directly to the hair. Attention: a side effect of this method may be drying of the hair.

Every woman wants to be unique, and every day strive to become better than herself today, and at the same time, perhaps. Change begins with a woman's appearance. Everyone knows that regular hair coloring will never lead to healthy hair. On the contrary, it will play a bad joke on a woman’s hair.

In their youth, girls often change their hair color, experiment, and at the same time often surprising others with their new look. Women are thinking about how to cover their gray hair at home, and therefore disguise their age. Often young women who have not yet reached 30 years of age notice gray hair on their heads. This scares them very much. But at the same time, this phenomenon is hereditary in nature.

Why does gray hair appear?

The main reasons may be:

  • heredity,
  • a huge amount of stress,
  • nervous fatigue,
  • lack of necessary vitamins in the body,
  • bad habits,
  • disruption of internal organs,
  • prolonged exposure to the sun.

Doctors advise changing your lifestyle: get used to sports, sleep well, learn to get rid of stress.
So, what should you use to color your gray hair? It's a good idea to use home remedies. They are recommended to be used on natural hair, where there are no residues from perm or any other coloring using chemical dye.

Hair dyes are divided into two main groups: natural and natural. An example would be:

  • Walnut,
  • basma,
  • onion peel,
  • coffee.

Hairdressers call such dyes dyes of the fourth group. Of course, the products given to us by nature are not as bright and durable as modern super professional cream paints. And the hairdresser will not advertise them to you, since they are also inexpensive. Any paint has its pros and cons. The choice always remains with the consumer.

Everyone knows that the easiest and most effective way to get a new hair color is to use chemical dye. This dye can renew not only your hair, but also your mood. How safe is it? They think about this question very rarely. But the hair itself speaks for itself. They may become dull and break. Therefore, the best option would be to color your hair using home remedies. These products not only cover gray hair, but also strengthen the hair structure itself and improve the condition. It is important to remember that when using natural dyes, the resulting color will depend on the structure of the hair itself.

So, if you don’t want to spend a lot of money and a lot of time on visiting hairdressers, regularly masking your gray hair with the help of burning dyes, and risking your health, then there is only one way out - these are folk options for combating gray hair.

How to cover gray hair over chestnut color

If you want to get a natural chestnut color, use this recipe:

  1. Take one tablespoon of strong tea leaves, add one teaspoon of cognac and don’t forget to mix with egg yolk.
  2. Grind all components evenly.
  3. After carefully applying it to your hair, carefully distribute the dye.
  4. Put a cap on your head and wrap it with a bath towel.
  5. When 30 minutes have passed, rinse your hair.

There is also this recipe:

  1. It is necessary to mix henna and basma in appropriate equal parts.
  2. Dilute with water to the full consistency of sour cream and apply to hair, maintaining the same time.
  3. Then rinse your hair well.
  4. If henna and basma are difficult to wash out, rinse your hair with conditioner or hair balm.

Chestnut shade with nuts:

  1. Chop the green shell of walnuts, add water to it, bringing it to the consistency of porridge.
  2. Apply for 40 minutes, then rinse.

How to get black hair color without chemical dyeing

If you want to get black, use the recipe:

  1. It is necessary to use a mixture of one part henna, two parts basma with the addition of water as a solvent.
  2. Apply the mixture to your hair; you don’t have to wash your hair first if you haven’t used styling products.
  3. Leave for up to 3 hours, less if you don’t want it to be a burning color.
  4. Rinse off the mixture with hair conditioner.
  5. It is advisable not to wash your hair for another 3 days.

How to get golden hair color at home

For a golden color on dark hair without gray hair, apply a mixture of henna diluted with hot water to your hair. The holding time should be up to 20 minutes.

For red-haired girls, the same mixture is suitable, but you need to keep it on your head for about 40 minutes.

The following recipes are suitable for blondes:

  1. It is necessary to pour 25 g of onion peel with a glass of water, boil the whole mixture for 20 minutes. This decoction must be used to treat your hair every time you decide to wash it.
  2. A folk remedy for combating gray hair is homemade chamomile dye. It is necessary to pour 100 g of dry chamomile (it can be purchased at a pharmacy) with a small amount of boiling water. Infuse this mixture for at least 40 minutes. Afterwards, strain the broth well and rinse your hair.

How to get rid of your gray hair, let's be more precise - how to cover gray hair at home, we have successfully found out. Now it’s just a matter of choosing the right method for yourself. At home, some young ladies lighten their hair using hydrogen peroxide. At the same time, forgetting that gray hair cannot be lightened.

The above recipes will help you painlessly, cheaply and, most importantly, usefully color your beautiful hair. The choice of color depends on you, your mood and the goal you are pursuing when performing this procedure.

When coloring your hair at home, remember that it all depends on the pigment of your hair. Over time, less and less of it is released. Therefore, the initial hair color often depends on it.

Previously, gray hair was a sign of wisdom, and its appearance was associated with the onset of human old age. If the sight of one gray hair makes you panic, don't worry. All people face this problem. Now fashion has come very far, gray hair is becoming fashionable. And most girls specifically dye their hair ash shades.

How to dye gray hair at home - cover gray hair with dye, natural remedies, herbal decoction? Henna, basma and other natural remedies for getting rid of gray hair at home

Unfortunately, none of us can control the appearance of gray hair. Many women face this problem - some earlier, some later. How to get rid of gray hair at home? For every woman, the inconspicuousness of gray hair in appearance is important, and coloring it in your own home is a struggle for your own beauty. If you don't have the time, money or desire to go to a salon, you can deal with the problem at home.

How to dye gray hair yourself at home?

The seemingly common procedure for coloring gray hair has many subtleties and features:

  • Forget about the shade of hair given to you by nature, since returning to it will be a losing option for you. It’s better to “move away” from it a couple of tones.
  • Experts usually suggest painting in light shades, because... they smooth out the tone, and dark ones shade, highlight and emphasize all skin defects and wrinkles.
  • Opt for a neutral tone, such as medium brown or light beige, to be sure to choose the perfect shade for yourself.

When painting gray hair in any shade, keep in mind that:

  • If the hair is not very thick, when dyeing it in a dark tone, bald patches on the head will immediately become visible, so it is better to use hair lightening. For most graying people, a light shade will be optimal.
  • Natural hair is uneven in color when the roots are darker than the ends, so when dyeing the roots are usually darker.
  • Each person is endowed with individual hair “absorbability”, therefore the speed of coloring is different for everyone.
  • If you still want a dark color, keep in mind that growing gray roots will be much more noticeable due to the contrast with the chosen dark color.

We use natural products to tone gray hair

These folk remedies are indispensable in covering gray scalp hair, which many women use quite successfully:

  • Basma, henna.
  • Ground or bean coffee.
  • Medicinal chamomile (aka pharmaceutical chamomile).
  • Decoction of onion peels.
  • Walnut fruit.

But when using natural remedies, remember that:

  1. Natural dyes it's difficult to get the desired uniform color. When the gray strands are sparse, this will allow you to achieve a uniform color; when there is a lot of gray hair, the dye particles will penetrate unevenly into the hair, noticeably distinguishing its roots from the ends.
  2. It is extremely difficult for the dye to penetrate inside coarse hair, so it is possible that it will not be dyed during the first attempt at dyeing.
  3. To know the consequences when using a new dye for the first time, before completely coloring all the hair on your head, try it on one of your strands.


Getting the right shades of gray hair by dyeing it with natural products

  1. The combination of basma with henna gives all kinds of shades, as an option to get new ones - add coffee, black tea, cocoa to it.
  2. Consider the length of the hair, the amount of gray hair and the desired shade saturation - use these data as a starting point when choosing proportions for preparing natural dye.
  3. For red-haired people, natural henna dye or a decoction of onion peels will help to “disguise” gray hair.
  4. Dark-haired people should choose basma, after adding henna to it so that the hair does not have a blue-green tint.
  5. For a blonde effect, use chamomile.
  6. For brown-haired women, to obtain natural-based paint, add more henna to the basma-henna mixture, also mixing coffee/cocoa/tea.

How to dye gray hair with herbal decoction

These tips can also be used for treatment against hair loss and its prevention:

  • Brew 1 cup of field chamomile in 0.5 liters of water. After infusing it for 2 hours, pour in 2 tablespoons of glycerin. Then apply to problematic gray areas, not forgetting to cover your head with a special plastic cap. After keeping the mixture on your hair for 1 hour, you will get a caramel tone of hair instead of gray hair.
  • Rhubarb root will help in coloring gray hair light brown. For this, 2 tbsp. Add spoons of rhubarb to water, then boil everything. After cooling the solution, you can “treat” gray hair.

It is worth noting that these methods are effective for dyeing gray hair at home, when the stage of its appearance is the initial one..

What are the features of using henna and basma when coloring gray hair at home?

Unable to use natural dyes to change the color of their hair in order to hide gray hair, many women find nothing but trouble in this process. For example, those who want to become a bright red “beast” try to keep the henna applied on their head longer, but in the end they never get a beautiful hair tone. Others are in every possible way wary of such “grandmother’s” dyes, for fear of breaking or drying out their curls.

So, dyeing gray hair with henna/basma has its own rules:

  1. You can combine two products, but do the coloring step by step: first henna (paint, wash off), then basma.
  2. Do not exceed the temporary guidelines for keeping the dye on your hair.
  3. If you applied chemicals to your hair before dyeing, then first make do with tinting one strand. Only after your chemically treated hair reacts calmly to such a test, cover the remaining curls with henna/basma.
  4. A common thing for those who have dyed their hair at home is the stains present on the scalp and face after dyeing with basma/henna. From blue-black to light red, they are very difficult to erase. To easily remove them, you only need to first apply any cream or oil to potentially stained skin areas.
  5. Henna, like basma, is a visual “weighting agent” for hair. Therefore, after using them to get rid of signs of gray hair, you will need to completely rinse your hair with water to wash off all the color particles from it.
  6. If you are unsuccessful in trying to deal with gray hair coloring yourself at home, you should contact a specialist.

For short and medium length hair, you may need from 100 to 300 grams of basma or henna coloring powder. For long hair, you should buy about 300–500 grams of dry powder.

Iranian henna, in combination with various additives, allows you to get very beautiful shades:

  • ripe plum: you need to add ground dried elderberries to the henna
  • dark red: add cinnamon to henna
  • light red: henna and ginger (or parsley)
  • golden wheat: add a decoction of chamomile or dandelion to the henna, you can also add a little turmeric
  • yellow-red tint: you need to add a decoction of onion peels
  • brown with a hint of chocolate: add natural ground coffee or oak bark to the henna.

How to dye your hair with henna at home?

  1. Before using henna, you need to brew the porridge - take the required amount of milk and henna, mix until it becomes a liquid porridge and leave for 2 hours under the lid. If you have oily hair, replace milk with water.
  2. It will take about 5-6 hours to cover gray hair with henna or basma, so plan and clear a day in advance.
  3. After applying henna to your hair, put on a plastic cap, wrap your head in a warm towel and go about your business for at least 4-5 hours.
  4. Over the next three days, try not to wash your hair, blow dry it, or straighten/twist it with a curling iron - the hair scales should close, thereby securing the coloring effect.

The stereotype that gray hair is the first harbinger of old age is completely wrong, because the first gray hairs often appear in youth. But any woman always wants to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon.

If you don’t want to spoil your curls with chemical dyes, you can also use home remedies. With the right approach, they will not only be effective, but will also help strengthen and heal your hair.

In today's article, Beauty Pantry tells you how to cover gray hair with natural remedies.

How to cover gray hair? Basic principles

The decrease in hair pigmentation, which, in fact, causes graying, is completely impossible to stop. You can only slow down this process.

And it is much easier for older women or those with a genetic predisposition to paint over it. Using natural herbal remedies, you can disguise gray hair, and at the same time strengthen and heal your hair. If you are not allergic to coloring substances, then this minus will not negatively affect the health of your hair.

The choice of product for coloring gray hair depends on its natural color. So, for brunettes, basma is considered the best option, and for blond hair, chamomile flowers are more suitable. Both can use henna.

The listed dyes, like many natural products, do not act instantly, which is one of the significant disadvantages of natural dyes - the procedure must be repeated often, since their effect is short-lived.

Sometimes, to achieve results, you need to perform the coloring procedure several times. But let us note that it is worth it, because what is at stake is the health and attractive appearance of your hair.

How to cover gray hair with natural means?

The technology for dyeing with natural products is the same as with conventional dye: the prepared product is applied first to the roots, then to the remaining strands. After application, cover with film.

A mixture of henna and basma for gray hair on the head

To prepare a coloring mask, pour 100 g of dried medicinal chamomile into 300 ml of boiling water (if you take more dry herb, the color will be darker and more intense). Infuse chamomile for about 40 minutes, then filter and wash your hair with the resulting infusion.

Each of us should have harmony of soul and body. It is impossible to be beautiful if there is melancholy and depression inside, just as you cannot look bad when everything is good in your life, because you simply radiate happiness. But sooner or later, each of us comes to that moment when it seems that the former beauty is in the past, which is why the mood deteriorates, and we are talking about gray hair. This problem scares everyone, especially women who have always been proud of the natural color and quality of their hair. But it’s not all bad, because natural hair dye that covers gray hair exists. You can forget about complexes, and at the same time all the consequences of coloring will not threaten you.

Gray hair is no problem

The first thing to note is that you have many options for how to color your hair. At the same time, you can either change your hair color or not, but just add a slight tint. You must understand that no matter how hard you try, your color will still be slightly different, because that’s what dyeing is for, otherwise gray hair will not go anywhere. Natural dyes are products that by their nature have a lot of coloring matter in their composition, but at the same time they are environmentally friendly, without chemicals that negatively affect the condition of the hair.

You can bring your curls into proper shape:

  1. Using paints from the store. Yes, we were not mistaken in offering you this option in the article about natural dyes for gray hair, since the products are on sale without ammonia, and this is what damages hair the most. Therefore, if you have brittle, thin hair, you do not want chemicals and unnecessary hassle, then such dyes may be suitable for you.
  2. Using traditional methods. There are many of them, and home dye can be made for both brunettes and blondes, and even for red-haired beauties.

Store-bought natural dyes

If we talk about ready-made products, they can be divided into two categories - henna and basma and traditional hair dyes from well-known companies, but without ammonia in the composition. Both will help remove gray hair without ruining your curls. Paints from cosmetic companies are sold freely, and the price is not much different from ordinary products containing ammonia. They have many shades and do their job well. In terms of durability, such products are, of course, inferior to their chemical counterparts, but the hair does not lose its health. But we will look at henna and basma in more detail.

Advice! Some of the leading companies producing cosmetics are Revlon and Loreal. And it is these companies that make very good natural hair dyes that cover gray hair, which have proven themselves and are in demand.


This product is made from lavsonia, or more precisely, its leaves, which are harvested, dried and then ground. To dye your hair, use only powder, the color of which is yellow with a slightly greenish tint. Red product is not used. The dye turns out to be natural and healthy, since it contains plant components and essential oils. This has a beneficial effect on the curls; after coloring, they become healthier and shiny. Moreover, the hair will be immune to UV rays.

Interesting fact! Henna is not only useful, but it also accumulates in the hair structure. Each time after dyeing, the color will be even more fixed, become richer, but the hair will not lose, but will improve its quality.

Answering the question whether henna covers gray hair, we can definitely say that yes, but you just need to keep the dye on longer. The only caveat is that, firstly, not all women will have the same shade, and gray hair may be a little lighter, and, secondly, henna will not wash off like regular dye from the store. Therefore, think in advance whether you are ready to wear this color for a long time, because it cannot be painted over with a different tone.


Natural product from indigofera leaves. They are also dried and crushed, after which a gray powder with a green tint is obtained. The product has a very good effect on the scalp and the hair structure itself, and copes with dandruff. But the powder cannot be used as an independent remedy; it is added to henna.

There are many advantages from using the products:

  • they are harmless;
  • treat hair, skin, accelerate growth;
  • budget and affordable;
  • do not cause allergies;
  • can be used during illnesses;
  • durability.

For information! Often henna and basma are sold in stores with oriental spices and attributes. Some of the best companies producing these products are Aasha, Hair Care, Khadi.

Negative sides

Dyeing gray hair with henna and basma also has disadvantages, but they are minor. So, you should not use powders on hair after perm or after dyeing with traditional dyes. Also, after the first dyeing, you may not be very happy with the color, but this is fixable, since you can dye your hair again, because there will be no harm. But at the same time, traditional paints from the store will not take you, only henna and basma again. Well, the last minus is the staining time, it can be short, but it can take three hours.

We hope you are no longer so upset by the appearance of noble white hairs that are so unloved by everyone, because it’s time to move on to the main question of how to get rid of gray hair at home. Next, you will learn about various folk recipes using available products.

Homemade natural gray hair coloring. Recipes

Henna and basma

Since we have already talked about these products, it is logical to start with them.

  • If your hair is white, the color will be a light red shade. Leave the paint on for about 20 minutes. The proportions of henna to basma are 2:1.
  • If you are fair-haired, the color will turn out to be a rich and bright red. Ratio – 1.5:1. Exposure time – 30 minutes.
  • The brown-haired woman will become dark red, burgundy or chestnut, with a dark original color. Proportions – 1.5:1 or 1:1. Exposure from 45 minutes for lighter colors, two hours for dark-haired ladies.
  • Completely gray hair can turn brown or black. Ratio 1:1. In order for all curls to have a uniform and rich color, henna dyeing of gray hair should take 2.5 hours.

Advice! If the color of your hair after dyeing turns out to be too bright and dark, then you can soften the shade using a mask of warm vegetable oil, left in place for 30 minutes.

Chamomile and lemon for blondes

The first recipe is based on the use of chamomile color and glycerin. A glass of dry inflorescences is steamed with boiling water and allowed to brew under the lid. After which three tablespoons of glycerin are added. The mask is applied to all hair for 1-1.5 hours, after which it is washed off with shampoo and rinsed with infusion, which must be used regularly in the future to ensure long-lasting color.

How else can fair-haired ladies cover gray hair without harming their hair? For example, the same chamomile and lemon. But it is better to do the procedure in spring or summer, since you need to keep your hair in the sun while dyeing. To make paint, you need to mix chamomile tea and citrus juice 3:1.


For fair-haired and fair-haired women, you can use the following recipe - ½ spoon of herb is poured into boiling water - 500 grams. Simmer for 20 minutes, then cool, filter and apply to hair, wait for it to dry. This method can be used constantly to give a golden tone.

Calendula, lemon and chamomile

Again, an infusion for fair-haired women, which can be constantly used for rinsing after washing. Three tablespoons of calendula leaf, the same amount of citrus peel and chamomile color. The raw materials are poured with boiling water and wait for it to boil. Next, when the broth has cooled, add 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

Perhaps you are already asking the question of how to cover gray hair with folk remedies for brunettes. The following recipes are for you.


Double benefit - eat the nuts for health, and boil the shells for 15-20 minutes in water. Then wash your hair regularly with this decoction. According to reviews, this product can tint the color well.

Cocoa. Prunes

If you add cocoa powder to your shampoo in a 1:1 ratio, your hair will not only smell nice, but also darken every time where it has already turned grey.

Advice! Coloring gray hair with folk remedies in a dark color can give unexpected results for different women, since the structure of the hair is different for everyone. In order not to get an unexpected shade and to know exactly how much time you need, color one curl or its tip, which will not be so noticeable in case of failure. And do not conduct experiments before any important events.

Just like walnuts, prunes are useful, which are boiled and used for rinsing, and the composition is not washed off.


Is it possible to cover gray hair with coffee, as is done with cocoa? Yes, you can. Only the recipe is different. Mix 100 grams of strong black coffee and 200 grams of the same strong natural tea leaves in one container. After which this composition is applied to the hair or dipped into a basin to evenly moisten the entire head. Next, put on a bag and a towel. Done every other day.

Henna, coffee and eucalyptus oil

Three tablespoons of henna are diluted with four tablespoons of strong coffee, after which 2-3 tablespoons of oil are added. A mask of coloring components is applied to the hair until the desired shade is obtained, after which it is washed off.

This recipe can be recommended not only to those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to cover gray hair with henna, but also to those who are simply looking for natural, permanent dyes that will last a long time and not spoil their hair. These paints are a great alternative for busy women.

Agree that gray hair is really not a problem, because you can color it so easily, especially since with the help of the above recipes your curls will also be healthy.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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