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How else can you write how are you?

Answer the question “How are you?” it can be done in different ways. You should not be like your interlocutor and use banal answers or ask primitive questions: “How is life young?”, “What are you doing?”, “How are you doing?” and other boring phrases that will repel your interlocutor. Humor will help turn the conversation in a friendly and interesting direction: “How are you on the personal front?” - “I haven’t killed everyone yet” or “Quiet as in a tank.” You can answer with sarcasm: “The cases are with the prosecutor, but with me it’s just small matters.”

Important! Today, taking care of yourself and having an attractive appearance at any age is very simple. How? Read the story carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

Phrases for men

If a girl asks “What do you do in life? "To continue the conversation, a man can choose original and funny answers:

  • “I’m blowing the dust off the gingerbread cookies.”
  • “I teach the cat to talk so that he can answer such questions instead of me.”
  • “I consider record holders for asking stupid questions.”
  • "I'm drying crackers."

Best responses to the phrase “How are you?”:

  • "The prosecutor's office is filing it."
  • “Things are fabulous and mysterious with me. The farther it goes, the darker and scarier it becomes.”
  • “Like a yard dog, I’m sitting on a chain and wagging my tail.”
  • “Like dill - everything in a bunch!”
  • “Things are going well, just passing by.”
  • “Everything would be wonderful, but I don’t sleep well at night, I fall off the mattress, the dollars no longer fit in it...”
  • “I have things to do with a checkered stripe.”
  • “You’ve become interested in my affairs too often, do you really work for the FSB or the FBI?”
  • “Like damp salt. I don’t get enough sleep either.”
  • "The flies would definitely love it."
  • "Mother is pleased with me."
  • “Life is getting shorter every minute, but everything is fine.”
  • “It’s like a taxi – the longer you drive, the more expensive it will cost.”

How to beautifully respond to a banal “Hello!”:

  • “I greet you too, oh my brightest and most original interlocutor.”
  • "I hear you from hello."
  • “Are you saying hello too? We found each other.”
  • "Please confirm that you are a human and not a robot and enter the captcha in the field below this message."
  • “What erudition, what a broad outlook and a huge vocabulary! I am delighted, there are simply no words, only emotions.”
  • “Oh, I feel the gift of prediction has opened in me. I can even guess your next phrase: “How are you?”

If a man wants to continue communicating with a girl, it is important to know the fine line and not cross it by responding with rudeness or writing obscene language, since the young lady may be offended and will not write to the guy again.

Another way to ask about business:

  • “How are you, business, business, tricks and life?”
  • “How are you doing, tests, blood pressure, stool, well-being, mood, pulse, appetite, health. In general, answer how you are, I’m interested in everything in the smallest detail.”
  • “Tell me, how do you live and breathe without me?”

You can write banal phrases in a foreign language and an ordinary greeting will turn into an original message that the girl will try to decipher.

The phrase "Hello! "different languages:

  • Chinese - nihau, ma;
  • Japanese - konnitiva;
  • Hawaiian - aloha;
  • Hindi - namaste;
  • Georgian - gamarjoba, etc.

How are you feeling, what should I say?

Answer options for girls

To the man’s question, “How did you sleep? ", the girl will be able to give original and funny answers:

  • “Stormy and crowded, I had a 200-pound man with me.”
  • “I’m scared, I’m afraid to sleep alone, will you keep me company so that I can finally get some sleep?”
  • “Today you had a dream, so you woke up in a cold sweat.”
  • "Excellent, but damn little..."
  • “I decided to become a lark. And now I’m a sleep-deprived and angry owl.”
  • “It’s bad, as always. But it’s good, because the main thing in life is stability!”
  • “It would be much more pleasant with a sexy handsome guy.”

Answers with humor to a man's question "How are you?" and what are you doing?":

  • “I haven’t given birth yet, as soon as I give birth, I’ll let you know.”
  • "Thank you, regularly."
  • “I wouldn’t mind giving up a suitcase with green rubles to improve things.”
  • “I get another orgasm from questions like this.”
  • “I decided to strike the figure - I’m indulging in buns.”
  • "I'm sitting lying down."
  • “I’m fixing a faucet. A woman’s job? I won’t refuse help.”
  • “I am looking for a candidate for the father of my future children.”
  • “Great, my cat is sleeping without his hind legs, and now I’m frying a chicken leg.”
  • “I celebrate Tractor Driver Day (any holiday that is celebrated in different countries of the world on this day).”
  • “I’m sad. I’m tired of those who ask such questions.”
  • “What to answer: great - you won’t believe me, bad - you still won’t help.”
  • "There are no cases because there are no bodies."
  • "Ambivalently."
  • "Two days by carriage, a week on foot."
  • “Everything is covered in chocolate, including the keyboard.”
  • "Out of quiet sadness."
  • “I’m not busy today. I’m gone for a while.”
  • "Guess. The H word. It's not necessarily good."
  • “They are going well, but in an unknown direction.”
  • “Are you eager to talk about this topic?”
  • "Growing, blooming and smelling."
  • “I’m dying, drying up, wasting away.”
  • "Life is hard without Persen."
  • "It's okay...just random."
  • “Like a native: I walk naked, eat shit and sleep with just anyone.”
  • "Continuous, equal and compact."
  • “You are businesslike, and I am lazy by nature.”
  • “Excellent, so much so that there’s nothing to tell.”
  • "Dum spiro spero (I hope while I breathe)."
  • "Things ended yesterday."
  • "I'm trying to enslave the world."
  • "I'm meditating on your message."

What to answer if they ask “How are you on the personal front?

There are phrases that seem completely ordinary to us. We don't attach much importance when we say them. However, they, acting on a subconscious level, destroy the dialogue with the interlocutor. If you want to communicate with benefit and pleasure, do not say these phrases. In the article we listed them and gave advice on how to replace them.

Let's look at 7 common stop phrases, which destroy the dialogue and create an unpleasant impression on the interlocutor.

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The word “normal” is a new type of answer to any question. This is the answer we give to questions that, as it seems to us, the interlocutor is asking out of politeness. "How are you doing?" - "Thank you, I'm fine". Indeed, such questions are often asked not with the goal of finding out what is going on with you. However, it is possible that the interlocutor shows sincere interest in you. Try the question “How are you?” next time. answer in detail. By the reaction of your interlocutor, you will understand what he was expecting - a short or long answer. If the topic is interesting to him, he will ask additional questions.

What to do if your interlocutor tells you “fine”? Politely offer to help: “You said everything was fine, but I sense that you are upset. Is there anything I can do to help? If you have a close relationship with your interlocutor, you can say the following phrase: “Maybe I said or did something wrong?” This way you will start a dialogue and help your interlocutor by listening to his problem and helping him find a way out of the situation.

Advice. Adjust your linguistic style so that the important information you would like to receive is not disguised under the word “normal.”


The word “but” invalidates everything that has been said before. It destroys the compliments and pleasant feelings that arose from the first words. To avoid negativity, the author suggests moving the second part of the sentence to the beginning. This way the interlocutor’s brain will perceive and remember the last thing you say, that is, a positive statement. Let's give examples.

I really enjoyed the performance, thank you for the tickets, but the orchestra was playing too loud

The orchestra played too loud, but I really liked the performance - thanks for the tickets

I am very pleased with the work done, but could you please stick to the schedule for each project

Try to work faster to meet deadlines, but overall I'm happy with the work completed

The last, fourth, quarter was extremely successful: our sales increased due to the publication of celebrity biographies, but we have to work hard to fulfill the annual plan

We will have to work hard to fulfill the annual plan, but the last, fourth, quarter was extremely successful: our sales increased thanks to the publication of celebrity biographies

We just rearranged parts of the sentence - and how the meaning changed. Another way to smooth out the “but” is to replace it with the conjunction “and.” This tiny word will remove the bad taste. For example, you decide to voice your opinion about a person’s work. To make it positive, say: “You did everything well, and if you add X, it will be even better.”

Advice. If you want to insert a “but”, then rearrange the sentence so that the positive element is not lost. It will take time to change your habit, but the results will exceed your expectations!


Each of you has noticed that when he has to do something, tension arises. For example: “You should find a personal trainer”; “You should find another job.” Such thoughts cause anxiety. The reason is that the word “should” deprives you of independence, hence the resistance. Perhaps it all started from childhood, when your parents answered your question “Why should I do this?”, “Since I said that I should, that means I should.” Your interlocutors feel the same way when they hear the word “should”: “Sophie, you must learn to answer calls from clients who come directly to us.” Nobody likes to be told what they should or must do.

To reduce negativity, replace “should” with other words. For example, “can” or “could”: “I could check for vacancies at the new clinic that opens in June” or “I could exercise for 30 minutes...”. Such formulations relieve stress and anxiety, and also allow you to mentally control the situation.

Advice. In addition to “should,” there are several other conflicting words: obliged, necessary, necessary. Use “could” instead more often and you will see how the reaction of your interlocutors changes.


“Never” is one of those words that is designed to get you into trouble. Therefore, when the interlocutor hears this word, he immediately takes a defensive position. Moreover, he is trying to convince you that you are wrong.

For example:

Supervisor:"You're never on time."

Subordinate:"Not true. Twice this week I was definitely on time.”

To steer the conversation in a positive direction, try to choose your words in such a way as to avoid an accusatory tone. Let’s say: “You’ve been late with your reports lately. Maybe you have some problems?”

Advice. Be careful with strong words. In addition to “should,” these include the words “everyone,” “everyone,” “nobody,” and “always.” They force people to fight the world instead of focusing on noticing. They are also ways to put you in an awkward situation. So, once journalist David Frost interviewed a politician. He said: “Sometimes it seems to me that everyone in this world hates me.” The journalist reacted instantly: “No, no. You are too hard on yourself. Not everyone in this world knows you yet.”


There are phrases that cause discomfort on a subconscious level. These are: “to be honest”, “to be honest”, “to tell the truth”, “frankly” or simply “honestly”. From a psycholinguistic point of view, these are “emotionally charged” words. They are superfluous. Scientific research has shown that when people demonstrate their honesty, like a product in a window, from the very beginning of communication, in many cases they are going to lie. Sometimes these words become an excuse.

Advice. Even if you want to use these words with good intentions, it is still better to exclude them from speech. Otherwise, the interlocutor will begin to carefully look at you to see if you are lying.

  • 8 tips from doctors on how to relieve psychological stress

"No problem"

If you are communicating with a friend or friend, then the phrase “no problem” is appropriate. But at work it can lead to misunderstandings. Let's say you came to a restaurant, ordered soup and were not given a spoon. You ask the waiter to bring the device. When he does this, you say a polite, “Thank you,” and in response you hear, “No problem.” This does not sound very polite, since a spoon in a restaurant should not be a problem at all.

Or let's say you are a manager. You need to make a remark to your subordinate - point out the mistake. “So, Dimitri, in the future, could you check every invoice twice before sending it?” - "No problem". This is unlikely to be the answer you are waiting for. If there were no problems, then there would be no conversation. In formal situations, it is only appropriate to use this phrase if you are being asked to do much more than is expected.

Advice. When you say “no problem,” the emphasis falls on a word with negative connotations. Instead of “no problem,” use words with a positive meaning: “with pleasure” or “glad to help.” Even “you’re welcome” is considered a fairly polite response to gratitude.

"Need to talk!"

Another phrase that evokes negative emotions and makes the interlocutor shrink is “We need to talk!” Everyone knows that such a phrase does not bring anything good. Use other words, for example: “A few words. Do you have time now or will we talk later?”, “We need to clarify something. Can we talk now? This way you influence the flow of communication from the very beginning, weakening the defensive reaction of your interlocutor.

Advice. Sometimes the phrase “We need to talk!” can be used in positive situations to create an emotional uplift in a person. Let's say you want to inform an employee about a salary increase. Write to him - “We need to talk!” Most likely, he will expect something bad. However, when you tell the good news, the person will experience a double uplift: firstly, that the conversation was positive, and secondly, that his salary is being raised.

For other phrases that need to be eliminated from your vocabulary, as well as how to become a pleasant conversationalist, read the review of James Borg’s book “Secrets of Communication. The Magic of Words”, presented in the “Main Thought” Library.

There used to be a saying that a bore is a person who, in response to the question: “How are you doing,” actually tells how he is doing, and in very detail. Therefore, many tried to answer this question monosyllabically and uninterestingly, without fear of being branded as a person without a creative streak. Saying “Excellent” or “Good” every time is too commonplace. You definitely won’t get into the cohort of witty people with this approach. After all, even such a simple question “how are you?” can be answered with creativity. And here's how.

How to answer the question: “how are you?”

Besides the fact that there is a folk saying “as white as soot,” you can invent something yourself. It all depends on who your interlocutor is, whether you want to continue the dialogue with him or her, or whether you need to cut off the thread of conversation at the moment and run away about your business. By the way, the question can be asked not at all in person, but over the phone, in a chat or on a social network. For such cases, there is another duty “weapon” - emoticons, or symbols of emotions.

1) Answer with humor

A great way to answer this question is to make a joke. Especially when everything is bad - this will show that you do not lose spirit even in the hour of problems.

Here are the options:

  • Not “good”, but with the same letter. By the way, horseradish is a vegetable, if anything... And it’s very spicy!
  • Great, can't wait!
  • What's the matter with such things!
  • Affairs??? No, I’m not a business person...
  • Business happens to the one who does something, and I rest!
  • Let's leave things to the businessmen, and let's go have fun!
  • Well, what can happen when it’s raining outside (snow, sun, moon, night, 21st century, etc. - depending on the situation).

2) Send emoticons or a funny video

Various versions of emoticons or stickers are perfect for answering this seemingly banal question. Video clips are also suitable, most often no more than a few seconds, with various phrases appropriate to the situation. If you are at the computer, then you can find a thematic demotivator that reflects the whole essence of the problems that are currently pressing for you. For example, a photo of a man on a paraglider landing on a beach infested with crocodiles. You can also find a video quote from the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle” (for those who haven’t watched it, it’s a film about the Great Patriotic War, about pilots), where one of the heroes, flying on a downed plane, answers on the radio: “Everything is fine, I'm falling!

3) Answer witty and funny

You can remember the same phrase in a telephone conversation if something in your life has really gone wrong.

You can use something close to this:

  • I'm flying, I just jumped with a parachute. And what? Not noticeable?
  • Oh, poor, unfortunate me, I’m so tired, because every time I have to come up with an answer to the question “How are you?”
  • In Africa, children are starving, but everything is fine.
  • Everything is covered in chocolate, even your cell phone!
  • Yes, okay, yesterday she received the Nobel Prize for her contribution to the development of the study of grooming and rearing of the laboratory rat, as well as for the discovery of nanotechnology that will help penguins overcome global warming and survive it in Hitler’s secret bunker.
  • I'm doing great! I look forward to hearing more about my personal life!
  • Relatively. If you compare it with Marx, then it’s great, if you compare it with a multimillionaire, then not so much.

How to give a guy an original answer to the question “how are you?”

The one person you really want to show off your wit to is the opposite sex. Humor brings people together and disarms them.

These would be great answers:

  • Good mood, it would be nice to go for a walk, but there are no offers yet.
  • Amazing. After all, you are communicating with me.
  • Great, I’m improving in all directions!
  • Will you join? Guess! Hint: I smile when I talk to you.

When you don’t have the best relationship with a guy, and you want to push him away from you in different ways, you can give one of the following answers:

  • Constant mood swings, a tugging stomach, tense nerves like a string, and all sorts of other nasty things, in general, PMS. And how are you?
  • How do you think I'm doing? I was reading my favorite book, and now I had to be distracted because of some people walking around here.
  • Do you have any good reason to ask me this?

In addition to negative and positive, the answer can be neutral, but at the same time closed. You need to not push the person away from you, and at the same time show that the conversation is inappropriate now:

  • Everything is fine, beautiful marquise...
  • I'm doing some soul-searching.
  • I meditate.

How to answer the question “what are you doing?” to interest the interlocutor

Here it is important not only to be known as a witty person, but also to hook and intrigue your interlocutor.

For example, like this:

  • Right now? I'm answering your question!
  • And you guess three times! You guessed it - I'm done with the cookie.
  • I’m talking (online, chatting, etc.) with an intelligent person.

The last answer implies some kind of continuation, like:

  • Who are you communicating with? (Who is this smart guy?)
  • With you (You).

"How are you?" - What to say to a guy you like

From this simple question you can inflate an invitation to some action or conversation

  • Today I have a payday at work, and my mood matches the size of my salary.
  • I have a bottle of good, Armenian, five-star mood, if only you were around - and everything would be gorgeous.
  • I want to lift my nose up, but he looks down with a hook...

The first example is intriguing because I want to ask further: “What is your salary?” After this, you can start a long, unobtrusive conversation.

The second example is an open invitation to spend the evening together.

The third answer will indicate that you cannot cheer yourself up, but still try to joke. This is a veiled invitation to action. The guy will have to either entertain you over the phone or offer to go somewhere together.

How to answer your ex-boyfriend’s question “how are you?” in order to hurt him

Such questions from “ex” are not always sincere. Often a guy may want to tease you. And what’s most interesting is that this is done because the “ex” himself feels awkward when meeting you, but wants to show that he is on horseback.

Therefore, you need to answer in such a way as to upset him:

  • I was in a wonderful mood until I met you, my dear.
  • Great. What did you think that without you the Earth would stop rotating?
  • I’m creaking slowly, and very annoyingly!
  • I won’t tell you, otherwise you’ll be jealous!
  • Great, unlike some.
  • Sorry, I had an attack of autism when I saw you.

How to answer a stranger’s question: “how are you?”

They say that this method of communication or dating is common in the USA, but our people are not so liberated, and some still consider ordinary street dating bad manners. And if you don’t think so yourself, then you may simply not like the person you’re talking to who just dropped on your head out of nowhere.

Then you can “shave it off”:

  • What are you talking about?
  • Which ones exactly?
  • So, can you help?
  • What do you think?
  • Why do you need my business?
  • Absolutely nothing;
  • I'm doing my homework, I can't be distracted.
  • Sorry, but I'm busy;
  • Working;
  • I'm watching a movie;
  • How are you?
  • Why do you want it?
  • Is this really important for you to know?
  • I’m thinking about how to get rid of an annoying interlocutor.

It’s good to answer something in rhyme:

  • Not a bump on the head!
  • I bought some pants!
  • Like a church mouse!
  • We drank all the money.

In addition to the question “How are you?”, there are several more banal questions that you have to face almost every day. And if questions of this kind bother you with their triviality, then you can diversify everything with the help of answers.

1) How are you doing?

  • I am like Mars - there is no life, but everything is on fire.
  • But things have already passed by.
  • Some have it worse.
  • What's going on? Everything has already been handed over to the investigative committee.
  • I feel like a zebra.
  • Nothing has changed since yesterday's meeting.
  • Everything seems to be great, but, unfortunately, no one is jealous.
  • Life hits you over the head with a monkey wrench.
  • I'm like a button - every time - in a loop.
  • “That’s bad” (and let them guess where the mistake is).

2) What do you do?

  • I draw American presidents.
  • I am hiding from Scotland Yard workers in the underground organization of Freemasons.
  • I spit at the ceiling and try to dodge.
  • I envy you with black envy.
  • I am growing above myself.
  • I print money on a printer.
  • I count the bribes, sitting behind the thick curtains.
  • I'm investigating the brutal murder of a huge fly in the student cafeteria.
  • I cleanse the aura of my phone book from evil spirits.
  • I am answering your text message.

3) How is life young?

  • Yes, just like the old one.
  • Oh, it’s not a young life anymore.
  • Sings, blooms and smells.
  • How about your old one?
  • When I return to my youth, I will tell you.
  • My life sent greetings to yours.
  • Getting younger every day.
  • I'll ask her now.
  • Yesterday I asked her, she says it’s not bad.
  • Yes, she somehow passed by, leaving me the old one.

4) What's personal?

  • Everything is fine (in rhyme).
  • I'm going on the offensive.
  • Many of you were killed.
  • Not calm.
  • Like in a fairy tale: the further you go, the scarier it gets!
  • Intense battles are taking place.
  • Indecent (again in rhyme).
  • The enemy is running.
  • The horizon is clear.
  • Came out the winner.

5) What's new?

  • What do you remember from the old days?..
  • Here, I bought bread...
  • I grow, bloom, get old, everything is as usual.
  • I met you here
  • It seems the rain is starting…
  • So you can’t tell right away...
  • It seems that a dictator came to power, but I don’t remember in which country.
  • I don’t know, probably another season of Santa Barbara.
  • 275 puppies were born in the world.
  • The moon seems to have lost its course...

What to ask instead of “how are you?”

  • How are you doing?
  • What's up?
  • Like at home?
  • How are things going, really?
  • What are you doing?
  • How was your day?
  • What happened at work (school)?
  • What did you do today?
  • What are your plans for the future?
  • How are you (yourself)?

All these questions also fall into the category of banal ones. They can be asked to any person, even a stranger. But if you want to show concern for someone, then you need to ask the person exactly what he is living with now. If you are studying, then ask a question regarding school, college, or institute. If you communicate with a young parent, then you need to ask how the child is. Conversations about babies can be truly endless. The only thing that can compete with this topic is a conversation about pets, because they are like children to us.

Passionate people have their own inexhaustible topics: theater, photography, literature, fine arts, dancing, electronics, cars, fishing, football... The main thing is to know what a person is passionate about, and to be at least a little in the subject. And then everything will work out!

After a long day of work filled with worries and problems, you finally saw your dear spouse. You will probably ask him how his day was, and to this standard question you will receive a one-word answer: good. And you’ll immediately move on to discussing other topics: what you cooked for dinner, what the kids are doing, or what you saw in your favorite TV series...

What if you asked about the events of the day in a more non-standard form? You want to know in more detail how your loved one’s day went... And for this you need to ask something, to which you need to answer with a common sentence.

Below we offer you 13 possible questions that you can ask your spouse, along with your favorite “how was your day?”:

What made you happy today?
I like this question because it makes you think. If you've had a good day, choosing the best part of it may not be so easy. And if it’s terrible, then it’s even more difficult. However, if you still try to find something good in the events you experienced, it will help you, first of all. Plus, it's also a great excuse for conversation.

Did you take any pictures today?
Perhaps he took a few photos because he absolutely loved his hairstyle that day, or you took photos of the children while they were playing in the park. Either way, exchanging photos is a great way to get to know each other's work routines.

Who made you happy today?
This could be your neighbor, your child, or your pet. No matter who it is, it's always nice to discuss such a sweet topic with your spouse.

What was the most interesting conversation you had today?
Perhaps he will answer that the most pleasant conversation is happening now with you, or he will mention his conversation with an employee about his favorite vacation spots. Either way, it's a good opportunity to laugh together.

What was the most unpleasant thing today?
Your spouse may not want to relive the unpleasant moments that he experienced over the past day. In this case, there is no need to insist. If he begins to talk willingly, then you can discuss what happened and support him.

If today were a song, what would it be?
This question will be especially interesting if you share each other's musical preferences. If this is the case, then ask your spouse to choose a song from the repertoire of a specific artist.

What made you laugh today?
Remembering the funny moments you experienced during the day will cheer up your spouse. Perhaps he witnessed a cat getting into sour cream, or saw a funny video on Facebook. Whatever it is, funny stories will add excitement to your conversation.

Did anything upset you today?
This is also a good way to start a good, meaningful conversation. If it is not a problem for you to share with each other the difficulties you have experienced, then in this way you can prevent unnecessary stress from the swarming thoughts in your head and protect each other from the already urgent need to speak out.

Did you do something today that you are proud of?
Sometimes my biggest accomplishment of the day is getting out of bed. Whether it's something silly or something truly meaningful, you'll enjoy bragging to each other about your small and big victories over yourself.

Who did you miss the most today?
My best friend somehow caught me off guard with this question. I thought a little and answered that I missed my mother. Perhaps your husband also missed his mother or you. If this is a person who can be called, then invite your husband to do this and communicate with the person dear to him.

What will you remember about today in five years?
Help your husband capture the pleasant moments of each day in his memory, so that life passes with meaning that you can share with each other.

How can I brighten your day?
At the end of a long day at work, it should be nice to be in each other's company where you can give each other love and support. If you help your husband, then he will take care of you. Life always becomes a little better when you know that there is someone in it who truly cares about you.

If you ask your husband such questions, they will become the beginning of an interesting conversation that will not consist of only “yes” and “no”.

In the modern Russian language there is an emerging trend according to which the phrase “how are you?” refers to a speech etiquette formula. It's easy to explain. When addressing a person with the words “how are you?”, we do not want to receive a detailed answer about how his life is currently going in different areas; most likely, we are simply expressing our sympathetic attitude. Therefore, the answers are usually short - good, not bad, everything is fine. In some countries, people who ask the question “how are you?” don’t even bother to wait for an answer. However, if you are really concerned about a person’s state of affairs, but are tired, like a parrot, of repeating the same thing day after day, we offer you alternative options for how to ask “how are you?” in an original way.

the great and mighty Russian language

In the Russian language there are a lot of options with which you can diversify the same question. Here are some of them:

  • How are you doing?
  • What's up?
  • How are you?
  • well, how are you?
  • Everything is fine?
  • what's new?
  • how is it going?
  • how is it?

The phrase "how are you?" in different languages ​​of the world

If you want, you can show off your knowledge and ask a question that interests you in a foreign language. It will be very original. You can even use a new language every day.

In English

  • How are you? [how a yu] - literally: how are you?


  • Comment vas tu? [komon wa chu] - literally: how are you doing?
  • comment allez vous? [komon talevu] - literally: how is it going with you?

Remember that the stress in French is on the last syllable. Well, and the most informal phrase: ça va? [sa wa]

In German

  • Wie geht"s? [wie gates]

In Spanish

  • What do you think? [como estas]

In Italian

  • Come stay? [kome stay]

In Polish

  • Jak sie masz? [yak shi mash]

In Vietnamese

  • bạn thế nào? [ban tae nao]

other methods

In the end, you can always ask a person how he feels, whether he needs your help, how the previous day went, how his mood is. This will serve as a replacement for the boring phrase. In addition, you can always ask what happened if you see that a person’s face has changed.

If, on the contrary, you have not seen a person for a long time and want to be original when meeting, you can say this: “You have changed. Perhaps your life has too?” Or vice versa: “You haven’t changed. What about your life?”

Remember, even if you don’t find the inspiration to come up with original phrases, even a banal “how are you?” better than silence.

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