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What to do if he can't decide. What to do if a guy doesn't want a relationship: practical tricks What to do when a guy doesn't want a relationship

Personal life, relationships, love, marriage - all this is not stable, static and permanent. We can fall out of love, break up, file for divorce. At these moments, we are controlled not only by common sense, but also by emotions, our feelings and intuition.

The same factors influence us when renewing relationships, marriage or searching for new feelings, new love. We cannot fall in love at will, we do it subconsciously, because of this, love is so magical and unpredictable - it is a fairy tale that happens in our lives in reality.

Men are emotional

Most likely, you have heard about men as purely logical and rational creatures who can never understand us, emotional and sensitive girls. Perhaps these words are close to the truth, but can a man fall in love or fall out of love with the snap of his fingers?

They are controlled by the same feelings and emotions that we are, there is no doubt about it. Men are no less subtle in nature, it’s just that their subtlety is desperately hidden under a layer of masculinity and severity.

Quiet start

So, imagine that you started dating such a subtle nature. He is a typical man, he seems even good, you like him and you feel a growing feeling of love, butterflies are already beginning to disturb your stomach with their flapping wings.

Naturally, you expect the same from a man, and now, finally, he also shows signs of falling in love! All that remains is to continue to enjoy this fairy tale. It is so?

Loud end

No, not really. One day, quite by chance, you notice an incoming message from his ex on his phone. Later, you are told that they were seen together. Even later, you yourself saw them in the store when you were sick and went into the city to buy medicine.

"Why? For what? For what? Everything was so good with us, he didn’t complain about anything, but didn’t really remember about his ex, he said that they broke up, didn’t get along... How complicated everything is!”

Your head is bursting with thoughts, you begin to blame yourself, because if you were a good girl, he would be with you, it’s obvious! Or not?

He's the only one to blame

Thoughts about one’s guilt exhaust themselves over time and, when strength and nerves are already running out, the realization comes that everything is completely different. Only the man decides who the man will be with. You can only decide whether you will be with him or not. You decide whether to stay or go.

Let’s not consider the option of leaving, because you don’t want to just lose a man, and besides, leaving will still be painful and unpleasant. How can you stay sane and show a man that his actions are contrary to common sense?


It's very simple - leave him alone. If he has doubts between you and his ex, it is only because he is not at all afraid of losing you. You are in love and don’t want to lose him, this gives him many advantages, frees his hands and allows him to do whatever he wants.

Focus not on him, but on yourself. Be self-sufficient, take care of your appearance, find a hobby or do something that brings you pleasure. Don't be a tenacious weed, become a blooming rose that you want to pick, but only by avoiding the thorns. Become less available to him.

If he is truly torn between you and his ex, he will realize that he risks losing you forever. He won’t want this, because you bloom and shine in your femininity. The ex, unlike you, will not go anywhere, so the man will turn all his attention to you.

What to do next? It's simple, you need to prevent a recurrence of the incident. While he's admiring you, have a serious conversation with him. Explain your feelings, let him understand once and for all that he can easily lose his happiness, lose you.

Don’t be afraid to be less available to a man from time to time, reminding him that love and affection also need to be earned. This fact will not allow a man to relax and entertain thoughts of a relationship with his ex or any other girl.

Very often you can find articles that list signs that a guy is showing sympathy for you. However, in this article I would like to touch on the opposite: signs that indicate that a guy does not love you and perhaps you should break up. If you encounter any of the following signs in your relationship, you may need to think about ending the relationship. After all, if there is no sympathy and people are indifferent to each other, then there is no point in continuing a relationship that has no future.

If you increasingly find yourself thinking, “My boyfriend doesn't love me...”, take a look at these signs. They will help you figure out whether he really likes you.

Signs that a guy doesn't like you

1. He is not “attracted” to you.. Perhaps one of the important signs. It is he who determines whether this is your young man. If you have not kindled the fire of love in his heart and the guy is indifferent, if he does not feel attraction, then you will not build a happy relationship. You can make as much effort as you like to please him, you can do the most incredible things, but if you are not in his heart, then you shouldn’t torture yourself. As you know, you can’t be nice by force. And here feelings play the main role. Listen to your heart, it will never deceive. Just thinking about him should make your heart respond with a storm of positive emotions. You must literally become one with him.

2. He is “dry” when communicating with you.. If he has no interest in you, then you are unlikely to have any interest in communicating with you. However, do not confuse lack of interest with temporary difficulties: perhaps your boyfriend is simply afraid to take the first step or thinks for a long time before answering you. Let's say after a quarrel there is no call or message from him. So, did he stop liking you? Or maybe he's just afraid? Lack of interest manifests itself over a long period of time. You need to see in general whether he has the time and opportunity to write, call, and how exactly he manages this opportunity or simply ignores it. Another indicator here is the fact that he is constantly trying to end your conversation, finding constant reasons to end it. And no matter how much you strive to maintain communication, you do not see his own initiative.

3. He talks to you the same way he talks to his friends.. It's actually quite easy to determine. If he always speaks to you in a casual tone, similar to how he interacts with his friends, then he is probably not your match. When a guy is interested, there is always at least a slight change in the way he talks to you; a change that proves that communicating with you is pleasant for him. This could be a special voice, the use of words with diminutive suffixes, a special intonation - or anything, except monotony and indifference. The best thing you can do in this situation is to observe his behavior and his speech with other people. This will allow you to judge whether the way he acts with you is different from what you saw, and if so, how different.

4. He freely tells you about the girls he likes.. Another alarm bell may be the fact that a guy without hesitation tells you about past relationships, about girls whom he considers ideal, and so on. However, this should not be confused with when it was just slipped in to keep the conversation going (all guys do this from time to time, and it's really not a big deal) or you asked him to talk about the ending relationship. However, if you are talking to a guy and he has no problem talking about all the girls he loves or has loved, and all this happens with enviable regularity, then you can take this as a clear sign that your chosen one is not the one. who do you need.

5. Body language never lies.. If a guy avoids eye contact, sits far away from you, does not try to establish physical contact (hold your hand, support you on the steps), his conversation occurs without any gestures, or he keeps his distance from you, then you can regard all these as signs that he is not interested and does not want to have any relationship with you.

6. He doesn't want to find free time for meetings.. You rarely meet, he constantly has excuses to reschedule the meeting. And this happens more than once or twice. This began to happen systematically. You need to remember that someone who really wants to meet with you will do everything possible and impossible to make this meeting happen. And neither the time of day, nor distances, nor employment will matter to him. As you know, those who want are looking for an opportunity, those who don’t want are looking for a reason...

7. He doesn't just flirt with you.. As noted above, by a guy’s behavior with other people you can judge the importance of you in his life. Take a closer look at how he behaves in female society: whether he goes beyond what is permitted, what his speech and gestures are, whether he flirts, or tries to show himself in a more favorable light. Having discovered this, it’s worth thinking about. Of course, we can assume that he is just a friendly, social, outgoing guy. However, if he behaves the same way with other girls as he does with you, then he is not particularly interested in your company.

8. He hides his emotions and feelings.. If a guy feels something for you, he will certainly communicate his feelings sooner or later. And it's not even a matter of words. This will be visible from himself (actions, look, speech). If the guy isn't showing any emotion, the best thing you can do is give him some space and freedom. Just to make sure you don't waste your time on it. Let the initiative in the relationship pass completely into his hands. If you don’t see any significant changes, then you’re unlikely to see a continuation of this same relationship...

Have you noticed that your boyfriend ignores you, pays less attention, doesn’t give you compliments, doesn’t give you flowers or invite you for a walk? No matter how painful it may be, there is a high probability that he has simply lost interest in you. We will tell you how to be sure of this and why this could happen in this article. You will be able to analyze your behavior and, with the help of our advice, improve the situation for the better. The main thing is not to lose hope!

The attitude of a young man (hereinafter referred to as MCH) can change even after he understands that you have a lot of shortcomings. Any little things can irritate him: the fact that you speak quickly, smoke, laugh strangely, bother you with your calls, raise your voice, etc. There may also be complaints about your appearance: according to his ideas, it turns out that you are not at all the slender person you used to be were considered, and your breasts are no longer large, and your hips are too wide, and it’s time to get rid of cellulite...

The girl herself is also capable of provoking distance; to do this, very often she only needs to make a few mistakes:

  • be rude to him;
  • not listening or hearing your partner;
  • act like a man in a skirt;
  • do not consult him;
  • do not show how significant it is or go too far with it;
  • restrict his freedom;
  • be constantly jealous;
  • stop paying attention to your appearance.

You should also not forget about the importance of intimate relationships, if you have them. Maybe the guy is bored with the monotony, or he's tired of waiting, or he's no longer attracted to you sexually.

It is also likely that the guy could cool off if the girl just got too attached to him. Men feel this, and such an attitude can only frighten and bore them. In this case, try to relax and pay more attention to yourself.

How to understand that feelings have cooled down - analyze his behavior

First of all, listen to your inner voice; women's intuition almost never deceives. If she screams at you about the guy moving away, pay attention to his behavior, which will be characterized by the following:
  • absence or decrease in the number of calls and messages;
  • various excuses when he is offered to meet;
  • spend very little time together, see each other at most once a month;
  • stopped talking about something important for both;
  • on his part there is no jealousy at all towards other guys;
  • a man often rests without you;
  • he does not compliment you and is not proud of you;
  • irritate him over trifles;
  • the guy asks for more freedom in the relationship;
  • When communicating, the topic of weddings and children is not touched upon, and you do not talk about plans for the future.

Naturally, if in your case there are only 1-3 signs, then you should not draw premature conclusions; perhaps your significant other is experiencing some kind of life difficulties. Therefore, it is best to ask her about it and make sure that this is the case.

If the guy says that everything is fine, try to talk to him frankly. Say that you don’t like the way things are now, ask what could have contributed to this turn of events and what can be done to change the situation for the better. If a young man has lost interest in you, but he still has some feelings somewhere inside, he will not mind a conversation. But if you see that this stresses and irritates him, and he begins to get nervous from the questions being asked, leave immediately.

If you want to interest him again, you need to. What needs to be done for this? Read about this in our other article, which will help give beauty to your hair, hands, and face.

You still don’t understand? We have collected as much useful information as possible on this topic in another article. It will help determine what the root of the problem is.

How to return the predisposition of a loved one

For his eyes to shine again, you need to change both externally and internally. If you used to hate reading, get interested in literature, if you didn’t pay enough attention to yourself, sign up for a fitness club, if you were a bore, start visiting nightclubs with your girlfriends.

The main goal of the transformation is for him to begin to pray for you, and not for you to pray for him.

Our tips will help you cope with the task. There are 5 steps in this article that you need to follow carefully. This is the key to success!

First of all, be patient; it is very difficult, but possible, to arouse repeated interest in the MP. For this you cannot:

  • show aggression;
  • reproach him for growing cold;
  • put pressure on pity, saying “you don’t love me anymore, I’m poor and unhappy”;
  • shout at him;
  • be jealous;
  • call on the phone;
  • agree to intimacy, use all sorts of excuses to postpone this moment.

If you want to return your old feelings, do not openly demonstrate that you need a guy. This can only scare him and push him away even more. Instead, try to see each other as little as possible, but if you have the opportunity to do this on purpose, take advantage of it. At the same time, you need to look impeccable, be cheerful, friendly, polite, as if you don’t care what he thinks of you. Believe me, it will work, because men hate indifference!

What to do if everything happened at a distance

If you live in different cities and only keep in touch by letter or phone, drop everything and go to him. Do not warn him before this, make it as if the purpose of the trip was not him, but, for example, an excursion, work, study, etc. When you are already there, offer to meet and look at his behavior when communicating. If he is as cold as he was at a distance, ask directly if anything happened during your absence. An honest young man who respects you will certainly tell the truth.

If you can't see each other, try not to talk to him on the phone, not to call him first, to answer every other time. He must understand that without him your life will be as rich as with him. If this doesn’t work and the young man stops communicating altogether, the relationship can be considered over. In this case, write him a message that, for example, you understand that you are no longer a couple, you are very sorry if you did something wrong, you would like to correct the situation, but obviously this is not necessary. At the end, wish him happiness so that he finds a more suitable girl. Believe me, even the most indifferent person will respond something to such a message.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a step-by-step 12-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

How to let go and forget a guy

If he still hasn’t warmed up to you, don’t torture yourself: let him go. To do this, just switch to your own affairs - meet with your girlfriends more often, go shopping, play sports, study, read books. Here you will find a selection. Try not to blame yourself, repeat to yourself that this is not your person and you are not on the right path. Definitely necessary. In this article we will tell you how to do this through meditation, sports and other activities.

Here is a video with some pretty good advice from a psychotherapist:

If necessary, meet another guy, spend time with him, go out and enjoy your freedom! And finally, remember, you will definitely meet the one who will always love you.

Video lecture "Civil marriage: how not to get into trouble, and how to get out of it?"

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Competition: what to do if the guy hasn’t made his choice?

“there are many of us, but he is alone...” Well, everything is fine in the cartoon: there are slices for hedgehogs, for haircuts, for ducklings, for kittens, etc...." data-yasharelink="https://www ..php?.jpg">

There are many of you, but he is one. And you all like him so much that there’s nowhere to go.

For some reason, I immediately remember a Soviet cartoon in which an orange was divided: “There are many of us, but he is alone...”

Well, in the cartoon everything is fine: there are slices for hedgehogs, for haircuts, for ducklings, for kittens, etc. Only the wolf was deprived. In general, everyone is happy)

Well, in life it’s not like that, because cutting a man into pieces won’t work, and women, as a rule, are not eager to share him with other young ladies on an ongoing basis - they want to get him in a whole piece and, as they say, for lifelong use :)

Problem? Problem.

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the hype around a man does not at all contribute to the sensible and meaningful actions of a woman who wants to remain the only winner in this mess.

That is why I offer you a small checklist (at the time of writing, it is fashionable to say “checklist”) so that you are more likely to reach your goal (or at least avoid making serious mistakes).

So, here we go:

Stop being available

The first thing you need to do is stop being available, and that's not what you think.

He writes you an SMS, and after 1 minute 25 seconds he receives a 4 paragraph answer;

He writes to you by mail, and after 9 seconds he sees your smiley faces and hearts in response;

He calls you, and you always grab your mobile phone without even waiting for 3 rings;

He invites you somewhere and you can always there go at the time and on the day he suggested (even if you have to change your plans);

He comes to pick you up from work and can always count on the fact that he came for a reason...

And a thousand more similar situations. This means being available.

What do you think a man thinks about such an accessible woman?

He thinks that her life is boring, she obviously has nothing to do, she has no interests or plans of her own, and her only joy and joy in life is communicating with him.

So what does it mean to “cease to be available”? This means that you need to re-read what is written above and stop doing this.

Use your imagination, add at least 5 more items to this list from the top and adhere to the main principles:

It is not always possible to reach you and not everywhere;

It is not always possible for him to plan your time without prior agreement with you.

Stop sleeping with him

If, of course, you are still doing this...

If you think that you can just “sleep” other applicants, then you are going down the wrong path.

Of course, it may happen that sex with you will be better than with others, but what will you get out of it?

1. You will remain in the dubious status of “the best satisfyer”, despite the fact that the man will ultimately prefer to deal with more chaste persons.

2. Prompt him to make a rash choice and you will find yourself married not to the one who loves you, but to the one who wants you. And nothing else.

The marriage will crack at all the seams from the very beginning or last a little longer if you get used to the image of a porn star and can live without deep feelings towards you.

But is this what your dreams are about?

Don't find out the status of your relationship

Never. Never. Let other girls do it. And you behave wisely and correctly.

As soon as the girl starts to find out, “is there something between us?” or “how serious is this?” and so on. things, for a guy this is an indicator that she is “stuck.”

In simple words, she placed too much importance on their relationship. He hasn’t really remembered her name yet, but she’s already expecting conclusions from him in the style of: "I want to live with you for the rest of my life".

Of course, you can hear such confessions a week after meeting, but this will mean one of two things:

The man wants to quickly pull you under a warm blanket next to him;

He's blown away and really thinks he's ready to be with you for the rest of his life.

The second option certainly flatters the woman, but upon closer examination it turns out that the man is in an inadequate state and after a month is ready to take back his words, which will upset you beyond words.

Therefore, if you hear something like this in the early stages of a relationship, know that It’s better to ignore such confessions so that later it won’t be offensive.

So, returning to the topic: the man understands that the woman is “in trouble” and has given their relationship too much importance.

She wants their development so much, she craves happiness and pleasure from them so much that she unconsciously “hangs” the responsibility on the man to make her happy.

She sincerely believes that he and only he can brighten up her joyless existence and satisfy all her emotional, intellectual, physical and other needs.

And the man thinks: “Umm... Girl, I don’t seem to know you that well yet, but you’ve already pinned so much on me...”

He understands that a woman’s expectations are unrealistic, and he simply cannot meet them.

The result is distance. Why? Because a man hates to be a disappointment to a woman. And disappointment would definitely come - a matter of time.

Therefore, we return once again to the central idea and move on: the best way to ruin a relationship is to start finding out what status and condition they are in.

Act casual

It means: not constrained, but freely - as if you were communicating with a sibling whom you have known for 20/30/40 years.

I don't mean that you should treat a man like your brother. You just need to feel free and comfortable.

The worst thing that can come from a woman when communicating with a man is hidden fear and expectations.

Fear kills naturalness, and expectations do not allow you to see the essence of a person, do not allow you to discern his “authenticity”.

So remember:

Fear breeds unnaturalness, and unnaturalness kills your feminine attractiveness;

Expectations distort your ability to fully perceive another person, which leads to an incorrect assessment of his personal qualities.

Let other applicants act constrained out of fear and expect something. If you decide to come to your senses, this is not your path.

Gather your willpower

Who said that a woman should be a soft-bodied slob? This is mistake.

When it comes to doing the right thing, she must be persistent and unyielding, and this requires willpower.

Without willpower, no person is able to resist temptations and inappropriate behavior.

Motivation - yes, definitely. But you won’t be able to drive out on it - you need to use a cool head and self-control. Only in this combination can you get the desired results.

The final

Yes, it's a nightmare. Yes, it's incredibly difficult. When you know that others communicate with him, date him and sleep with him, and at this time you:

You gather your will into a fist;
- distance yourself;
- you stop sleeping with him;
- you don’t know what he thinks about your relationship;
- and you try to behave with him easily and naturally;

it may seem that everything is headed for disaster. This is normal, because uncertainty in a relationship will always be perceived by a woman this way.

However, what a woman perceives as a disaster very well sobers up a man, and allows you to receive reliable information about the real state of affairs.

While other contenders make one mistake after another, gradually reducing their chances to a minimum, you take a wise, patient approach and “work from ambush” - like a professional sniper who gains the upper hand due to his endurance and accuracy.

Video lecture "Civil marriage: how not to get into trouble, and how to get out of it?"

What is inside?

In this lecture we will examine from all sides such an interesting social phenomenon as “civil marriage” (i.e. cohabitation).

You will learn all his true ins and outs and be able to make a meaningful choice.

Dmitry Olegovich Naumenko,
Love Without Compromise.

Although I have already written about the silence of men, for example, an article "Why is a man silent", but this is such a topic that you can write 10 articles and it won’t be enough, since this topic is important and often occurs in relationships between men and women. Therefore, I recently decided to record a video as well. See below.

I will describe as an example a common situation that occurs in every male-female couple almost several times a week.

For example, a man comes home from work all gloomy and silent. The woman tells him something, to which the man responds with monosyllabic phrases: “Yes,” “No,” and the rest in the same spirit.

The woman understands that something has happened to the man, most likely some kind of trouble or problem at work. And this woman’s guess, as a rule, is correct, and maybe even the woman herself knows what happened.

And then the woman begins to tell the man: “Tell me what happened,” “Tell me, it will make you feel better,” “Share with me,” etc. And then the silent man, whom the woman sincerely wanted to help, suddenly begins to say all sorts of rude things, like: “Leave me alone,” “Leave me alone,” or even “Mind your own business.”

A woman, naturally, is rightly offended by such unfair treatment. I wanted what was best, I wanted to help, but now you can’t wait for me, and even you’re being rude. And now, instead of one problem, the man now has two, and the woman has a boorish husband.

But all this can be avoided quite easily. It is enough to understand male psychology and the fact that a man is built completely differently than a woman. As one of my friends says: “A man is an experiment of nature”. Usually he doesn’t follow through with the idea whether it’s a successful experiment or not :).

Here too, instead of using an effective strategy when he has difficulties and talking through these difficulties with other people, the man begins to grind them out himself (in the sense of thinking about them). This is an absolutely necessary process for him.

During this process, it is better not to touch the man at all, otherwise he may experience some kind of short, or not so short, internal circuit or “freeze.” This is most likely caused by insufficient brain power, or perhaps ineffective information processing strategies. But this, in general, does not matter.

The main rule is that if a man has problems, no matter at work or in the family, and he is silent, then it is better not to touch him at all, not even to burden him with basic household responsibilities. (Just don’t really confuse problems with basic laziness. I’m not talking about his direct responsibilities, namely problems that can be put off for two or three days).

No need to bother with advice. And even more so, there is no need to feel sorry for him. This is described in detail in the book on the Sunny Hands website. “How to make a man fall in love with you for life? or Don’t run after a Man, let Him run after you”. Mind your own business. Get yourself a manicure, go visit a friend, go to a cafe or store, treat yourself to something pleasant a gift. You can buy and read my books at discounts, see the link https://www.sun-hands.ru/sale

This is where it’s time to talk about the second rule, which is often forgotten. A man who has been silent for a sufficient amount of time, as a rule, comes to some kind of decision or accumulates some thoughts about solving problems.

Naturally, if a person sat for several hours or even days in
alone, he lost touch with reality. If he did not discuss his ideas, did not receive feedback from other people and thought about them under the influence of negative emotions (resentment, pressure of deadlines, financial obligations), then the quality of these decisions and ideas, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired, and some women simply They say this is complete nonsense.

Of course, what your partner came up with is most likely complete nonsense. However, telling him about it right away is a big mistake. After all, he cherished his thoughts, pondered them, and they are the favorite child of his thinking. If you tell him about this right away, then, most likely, he will withdraw again and it may then be even more difficult to establish the atmosphere in the house than the first time.

Therefore, experienced women usually do not tell a man that the quality of his thoughts is not very good. After all, his first thoughts and ideas can be gradually replaced by others, and the man will not even understand that these are no longer his thoughts. Therefore, be wiser and do not offend your loved one.

How to do it? Just ask him questions. But in this situation, will your solution work? What if this happens? Do you know that there are other factors that you didn’t know about when you were thinking through the decision? And given this new information, what will be the new solution?

Of course, you need to practice asking questions.

For example, my husband was thinking about renovating his house for a couple of days. Then he gives his decision: “I decided that all the tiles on the bathroom floor will be black.” A woman’s first reaction, of course, can be quite natural: “Are you really... black tiles, haven’t you come up with anything else?”

The man, of course, “came up with a lot of things,” but, probably, he won’t talk about it anymore, but will either remain silent, or a quarrel will begin. Wouldn’t it be better to ask something like: “How will this go with the green tiles we bought for the walls”? You can simply say directly: “Your option is interesting. And I want green tiles for the floor, I even chose which one. Let's look at this option too."

These options do not offend the man’s “thinking”, and he will most likely agree and will happily carry this tile, glue it or hire builders. Everyone is happy, which is what was required. You can read about this in the article “Being silent does not mean being angry”

These were the basic rules of behavior when a man is silent. Of course, there are various exceptions to the rules that prove the rules. For example, there are men who do not remain silent when they have problems and never remain silent at all. There are also those who use silence to express resentment.

However, the general rule is: “A man, when he has a problem or just needs to solve something, usually becomes silent for a while.”. This silence of his has nothing to do with the fact that he wants to “harass” his woman with silence or the fact that he is deliberately silent because he is offended (unlike women). And the best thing to do with this silence is to mind your own business.

What to do when a man is silent?
A man, when he has a problem or just needs to solve something, usually becomes silent for a while

What to do if the guy doesn’t call or write?

It’s always nice to chat with your loved one, but what if the guy doesn’t call or write?

There are several options for behavior in such a situation. Read and choose the one you like!

If in his eyes you are proud and independent, then this method is for you. Even if you don’t leave your phone for a second so as not to miss a long-awaited call, you definitely won’t be the first to dial his number. And even when the guy finally calls, you will never let him know how important this call is to you. Instead, shower him with icy contempt and force the offender to make confused excuses and ask for forgiveness.

The method is ideal for girls who always say what they think. Just dial his number and ask why, in fact, he disappeared, doesn’t call or write? The reason may turn out to be the most banal: there was no money in the account, the Internet was turned off, I was visiting my grandmother in a remote village, where mobile communications are still only a dream... It’s up to you to believe or not these explanations. If the guy is dear to you, then you can forgive him for the first time, but if such “disappearances” are practiced regularly, think about it - do you need such a Copperfield?

This option is for those who are worried if a guy doesn’t call or write, but don’t dare take the first step on their own. Surely you have mutual friends or acquaintances. Ask one of your friends to call him on any trivial matter, and during the conversation casually mention that you are nearby. Did he ask to give you the phone, or to tell you that he would contact you soon? Everything is fine! Apparently, circumstances simply developed in such a way that he could not call earlier.

But if he didn’t react at all to the message about you or blurted out something like: “Well, say hello from me...”, then something in your relationship didn’t work out. Perhaps he simply does not dare to tell you about it and decided to leave in English without saying goodbye.

Surely you know the places he likes to visit. For example, a nightclub where he always has fun on Saturday. Or maybe you know by heart his daily route from work to home.

All you need to do is be in the right place at the right time. Well, what else can you do if the guy doesn’t call or write?!

The main thing is not to attack him with reproaches and questions, let the meeting be a pleasant surprise. Chat about trifles, let him be the first to say why he was silent for so long. Well, then see for yourself and act according to the circumstances.

Whichever of these options you choose for yourself, remember - if a guy is really dear to you, don’t throw hysterics because he didn’t call or write. He asks to forgive him and assures that this will not happen again? Do you want to give him a second chance? Listen to your heart, after all, everyone has the right to make mistakes.

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