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How to make a body scrub at home. How to prepare a facial scrub at home - the most effective recipes with photos Facial scrubs at home recipes

A facial scrub with various beneficial ingredients can be made according to recipes yourself at home. Important advantages of homemade scrubs are that a minimum of ingredients are required for preparation; there are no synthetic substances, preservatives, or dyes in the composition.

With regular use of scrubbing products, the skin is qualitatively and quickly cleansed of dead cells and impurities, and the appearance of the face and its condition improves. After using scrubs, the skin becomes soft, smooth, and the rate of skin aging slows down.

Facial scrub:

Peeling and scrub - what's the difference?

The main difference: peeling is a procedure, scrub is a substance that polishes the skin.

Difference between scrubs and peeling:

Indicators for comparison Scrub Peeling
Effect on the epidermis Exfoliation; smoothing the skin. Skin rejuvenation; polishing scars; The intensity of freckles becomes less.
Consistency Thick; produced in the form of gel, cream; particles can be medium and large. Liquid, gel-like, small particles.
Use by skin type Designed for oily, porous, thick, normal skin types. Designed for dry, sensitive, thin skin; there are inflamed acne.
Frequency of use Once a week, for oily skin – a couple of times. Regardless of skin type – once a month (no more).

Features of using facial scrubs

Scrubbing procedures are best done in the evening. Before using the scrub, you need to cleanse your skin. Any cosmetic product is suitable for cleansing. By steaming the skin in advance, you will be able to increase the effectiveness of the scrub.

The product is distributed over the face with light massage movements. The areas with a large number of dead cells - nose, chin, forehead - should be massaged with the greatest care. Scrubbing compounds should not be applied to areas near the eyes.

Rejuvenating scrub for aging skin

Facial scrubs at home (recipes for anti-aging scrubs include a variety of ingredients) for dull skin are not difficult to make at home.

With the right method of caring for aging skin, signs of aging will appear on the face much later.


Whitening composition

Whitening scrubs eliminate age spots and give the skin a healthy color and appearance.


  1. You will need baking soda and lemon. Squeeze out a little lemon juice and mix with baking soda. Then spread on the face, massage and rinse off. The scrub effect is achieved thanks to baking soda. It gently cleanses the skin, opens the pores of the face, has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect, and the whitening effect is achieved thanks to citrus.
  2. Stir (1 tbsp of all ingredients) olive oil, honey, citrus juice with 1 (no slide) tsp. ground coffee beans.
  3. Required: 50 g cucumber, honey - 1 tsp., 1 tsp. almond oil, 1 tsp. wheat germ oils. You need to grate the cucumber, put it in the mixture of the other ingredients of the scrub, spread it, rub it on the skin for 4 minutes, remove it with a damp cotton pad.

Moisturizing scrub

Facial scrubs at home (recipes can be chosen from those listed below) will help you make dry skin clean and moisturized:

Acne scrub for problem skin

It is necessary to cleanse problematic skin with facial scrubs prepared according to recipes at home carefully and carefully to avoid the growth of bacteria, microbes, and skin injury.


  1. Grind 1 (heaped) tbsp. rice in a coffee maker (blender), put 2 (without a slide) tbsp. cottage cheese, olive oil - 1 tsp. Stir well, then massage the face with the prepared mass. Leave for 10 minutes, remove with lukewarm water.
  2. Foam the soap and add sea salt. Leave on face for 2 minutes, after time rinse with water.
  3. Wash 3 strawberries, mash them, put 2 (without a slide) tsp in the puree. powdered milk. Pour 1 tsp into the resulting slurry. fresh squeezed lemon juice, stir, spread on the face, rub in for 5 minutes, remove with water (cool) without using soap.

Scrub for blackheads

Homemade facial scrubs for blackheads have a more effective composition. With constant, timely use, such scrubs remove blackheads, improve complexion, and restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


Scrub for dry skin

When facial skin is too dry and does not receive the necessary nutrition and protection, it loses moisture and elasticity. On this type of skin, small wrinkles appear faster, it becomes pale, and blood vessels stand out.


  1. You need to grate a medium apple, make a puree from a banana - mix everything. Add 1 tsp to this mixture. honey, cream, oatmeal. Spread on the skin and leave until dry.
  2. Grind oatmeal, mash 7 grapes, leave until completely swollen, and spread on the face.
  3. Grind oatmeal, stir with olive oil (warm). Apply with massaging movements for 4 minutes.

For oily skin

Homemade face scrubs (the recipes for which are very varied), made by yourself, will correct the defects of oily skin (enlarged pores, greasy shine).


For combination skin

Combination skin requires the most careful care, because... This type of skin is prone to breakouts and can be dehydrated and dry at the same time. Homemade scrubs for such skin should be made soft, without hard and sharp abrasives, alkali and alcohol.


  1. Knead 1 (heaped) tbsp. black currants, pour 1 (heaped) tbsp into the pulp. wheat flour, 1 (heaped) tsp. ground walnuts, 1 tsp. kefir Rubbing, spread on face, remove with water. As a result, the epidermis will be saturated with minerals and vitamins.
  2. Stir yeast 15 g, 1 l. tsp lemon juice. Place the bowl with the mixture in hot water for 2 minutes. Pour 1 (without a slide) tsp into it. fine salt - stir everything.
  3. Mix 1 tsp together. 2.5 percent milk, 1 (heaped) tbsp. finely ground almonds, honey - 10 ml, cream - 10 ml. You should massage your face with your fingertips for 4 minutes; after the time has elapsed, the composition should be removed with water.

Soothing sugar scrub

Sugar scrubs even out complexion, eliminate gray tint, improve the elasticity of the epidermis and oxygen saturation of the skin.



  • sugar – 2 tbsp.;
  • coconut oil – 1 tbsp.;
  • rosemary extract – 10 drops;
  • any soothing tea – 2 packs.

Preparation: pour the tea leaves into a bowl, add sugar and rosemary, stir all the ingredients.

Gradually add coconut oil until it covers the entire mixture. Apply to the face with light massaging movements, hold for 3 minutes, then remove with water.

The resulting scrub can be stored in a cool, dark place with the lid closed.

Coffee scrub


Ground coffee (use only natural coffee, instant coffee is not suitable) has a toning and tightening effect on the skin, improving skin color.

With honey


Scrubs with honey regenerate, make the skin moisturized and tightened, and rejuvenate it. There is only one contraindication - an allergy to honey.

With starch


Starch has a noticeable lifting effect; with constant use, the elasticity and firmness of the skin increases.

A simple scrub with oatmeal effectively copes with dryness, oily shine, pimples, enlarged pores, sagging, and wrinkles.


With salt

Before preparing scrubs with salt, it must be ground to a powder state. Scrubs with salt must be used immediately, otherwise the grains of salt will dissolve and there will be no proper scrubbing effect.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. rose base oil, ½ tbsp. salt. Mix the ingredients and wait until the oil is completely absorbed into the salt. Apply to the skin, rub in, massage for 3 minutes, remove with water.
  2. 1 tsp olive oil, 2 (without a slide) tsp. table salt, 2 tsp. cream (cold) is stirred, applied to the face, removed with cold water.
  3. Connect 2 tbsp. salt with 8 tbsp. liquid glycerin and ½ tbsp. mineral water, stir until the ingredients dissolve. Put 1 more tbsp there. table salt, mix again. Melt 1 tsp. solid coconut oil over low heat, pour it into the total mass, stir. Add ½ tsp. orange base oil.


Scrubbing products with apples will refresh the complexion and disinfect the surface of the epidermis.


Scrub with aspirin


  1. Dissolve 2 aspirin tablets in 5 drops of boiled water, pour in 1 tsp. honey, Apply to the skin, wait 10 minutes.
  2. Grind 4 aspirin tablets and dissolve in 1 tbsp. water. Gradually add olive oil and honey.
  3. Pour into 1 tbsp. honey, crushed aspirin tablets - 4 pcs., add 0.5 tsp. fine sea salt. The facial skin should be moist. Lubricate it with the mixture, then rinse with water.

At home, facial scrubs are created according to recipes in a minimum amount of time, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the recipe. For sensitive skin, use gentle scrubs (they are gentle on the epidermis); scrubs with synthetic abrasives (do not irritate, do not scratch the epidermis) are used when the skin is susceptible to irritation.

Older skin becomes drier and more vulnerable, so after 40 years you can eliminate the use of a scrub. After using scrubs, the skin is wiped with ice or lotion, after which a nourishing cream is applied.

Video about facial scrubs

Facial scrub at home:

Super facial scrub:

A scrub mask at home will be the best way to remove all impurities from your skin.

Scrub mask. What is this?

A homemade scrub mask differs from an ordinary scrub in that it is more delicate in texture and less damaging to the skin. The consistency is more liquid. You can use it more often.

Homemade scrub masks are also suitable for use by those who have dry, delicate, thin skin. An ordinary scrub is not suitable for her.

If your skin is oily, shiny, and your pores are constantly clogged, use cleansing scrub masks every day. After removing makeup, apply the prepared mixture to your face with gentle massage movements.

Continue a light massage with the cleansing mixture for a minute or two. To ensure that the components penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, wait until the mask dries well. Afterwards, apply a cream suitable specifically for your skin.

A scrub mask can be done in a beauty salon or cosmetology clinic. Leading manufacturers always offer girls and women a line of cleansing and exfoliating products.

It is also possible to prepare a product for effective skin cleansing at home. No complex or expensive components. Only natural products that you have in your home.

Benefits of masks for skin

Using a scrub mask has a lot of positive aspects:

  • cleanses the face of dead skin particles;
  • vitamins nourish the skin and give it a healthy appearance;
  • peeling of the skin decreases;
  • the skin acquires a delicate shade;

Advice: Consult a cosmetologist to find out your skin type. An incorrectly selected cleanser can dry out the skin and injure it.

Scrub and mask recipes

Most of the recipes are simple and accessible. Remember that some cleansing masks are prepared for one use, others can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. Pay attention to this.

Scrub for blackheads

The problem of comedones worries many girls. Prepare a good pore cleanser:

Almond grains need to be soaked overnight. In the morning, grind them, add a little yogurt and liquid honey.

You should get a homogeneous, fairly liquid mass. Apply to face. You need to rinse off with cool water.

Coffee grounds scrub

Do you like coffee? Great! You always have a natural scrub on hand that perfectly cleanses your skin. Mix the wet grounds with ground nuts into a fine powder. Take everything in equal proportions.

To avoid injuring the skin, apply the mixture with patting movements, lightly and without pressure. After 20 minutes, carefully rinse off the mixture. Suitable for everyone. See more recipes for coffee masks.

Scrub mask with corn flour

Take rose water, corn flour and honey. Quantity – 1 tsp each. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Keep the mask on for about 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, lightly massage your face with the semi-dry mixture. Suitable for everyone.

Mayonnaise and almond scrub mask

Grind the kernels in a blender (a quarter cup), add high-quality mayonnaise (so that the mass is quite liquid), and mix. Remove the mass using warm water. Ideal for dry skin.

Scrub mask with cottage cheese and coffee

Take fat cottage cheese and coffee grounds in equal parts and mix. Apply to face carefully, using massage movements.

The procedure time is up to 15 minutes. Finally, rinse with water (necessarily warm). For normal skin.

Oatmeal mask

Everyone knows about the benefits of oatmeal. They are great for exfoliating and cleansing.

Take 1 tsp. "Hercules", add the same amount of sugar and corn flakes. Grind, grind. Add good quality olive oil. It should be a thin paste.

Apply the mixture to the face and massage with light, gentle movements for no more than a minute. Leave the paste on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse and immediately apply your nourishing cream. Works great on dry skin.

Scrub mask with honey and almonds

Prepare almond flour in a blender. You will need a teaspoon. Add the same amount of honey (preferably candied).

Massage into skin, leave on face for 5 minutes, rinse. For a subtle glow.

Honey and lemon scrub mask

If your skin is very oily, try this recipe.

Candied honey – 1 tbsp. l, almonds - 2 tbsp. l, lemon juice - 1 tsp. Make a mixture of medium consistency. Carry out the procedure as usual. Rinse off.

Rice flour scrub mask

Inflamed skin is often very oily. Clogged pores lead to disruption of the sebaceous glands. Scrubs should be used very carefully so as not to cause harm.

A scrub mask will help out; it will cleanse the skin, but very gently and gently.

You will need: cosmetic clay (white, pink) - a tablespoon, rice flour - the same amount. It's easy to make your own flour. You need rice and a blender.

Mix two types of powder, add enough olive oil to make a cream-like mass. Apply the scrub very carefully onto your face with light movements. 15 minutes have passed - wash it off! A cream is required to moisturize the skin.

Fennel and Lemon Cleansing Blend

This exotic fruit is now easy to buy in many supermarkets. Its seeds have a pronounced antibacterial effect. For oily, inflamed skin, make the following composition:

  • fennel seeds (shredded)
    • take a couple of teaspoons;
  • add a little dried thyme - a dessert spoon;
  • add a little boiling water and steam the mixture;
  • pour in lemon juice. Cool;
  • In the morning, wipe your face with a swab soaked in this mixture and keep the cleansing mask on for no more than 10 minutes.
  • Moisturizing face cream after the procedure is required.

This cleansing mask can be stored in the refrigerator for a week or two. Store the mixture in an airtight container.

If you use only toner or cleansing milk, it is impossible to cleanse the deep layers of the epidermis with their help. For serious problem solving. For your skin, pay close attention to the facial scrub mask.

It is easy to prepare it at home.

For the procedures to have the desired effect, carry them out regularly, and do not be lazy in caring for your skin. And then your blooming appearance will delight both you and those around you.

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Hello! In this article you can find many recipes for homemade scrubs for the face, lips and neck. Each product contains all-natural ingredients, most of which you have on hand.

Useful properties of scrubs

Scrubbing is a procedure that helps remove dead cells from the surface of the epidermis that interfere with its normal breathing and absorption of nutrients, as well as impurities that clog pores.

Scrub mask for reactive skin

Lemon-honey scrub for aging skin

Egg scrub for aging skin

Smoothing walnut scrub

Mint revitalizing scrub

Coffee peeling with vitamin C

Cinnamon acne scrub

Cleansing scrub

Homemade lip scrub

To keep your lips always soft, smooth and well-groomed, use homemade scrubs. The best ingredients for exfoliating this delicate area include sugar, baking soda, coffee and oatmeal. Aloe has a healing and moisturizing effect, honey perfectly nourishes, lemon saturates with vitamins, so when making a scrub they can be added to mixtures to make the composition even more beneficial.

Honey lip scrub

Soda lip scrub

Lemon lip scrub

Aloe Vera Lip Scrub

Components and dosages Application

How to make a facial scrub at home? This question worries every woman, because beauty consists of many factors, the most important of which is.

Let's figure out how to make a facial scrub for blackheads and pimples at home for different skin types.

How to make a facial scrub at home

Making a scrub at home is very simple. To do this, you need to combine a softening base and abrasive components. Depending on your skin type, you can vary the composition of the product. This is the first advantage of homemade scrubs.

The second important advantage is cost savings. Agree, it’s easy to mix a little coconut flakes and vegetable oil, and the price of such a composition is much lower than a ready-made natural scrub.

The third argument in favor of homemade scrubs is the ability to independently control the composition of the product and the quality of all its components.

This is especially important for allergy sufferers, whose skin can react unpredictably to unknown ingredients in store-bought cosmetics.

Before using the scrub, the skin should be cleaned, at least washed, and possibly steamed. Apply the composition to damp skin, massage lightly for two to three minutes and rinse with water at a comfortable temperature.

Scrubs based on honey, orange and essential oils have a good effect on skin condition.

After this, apply a tonic (tonic, rose water) and cream according to your skin type.

A video on how to make a face scrub at home can tell you not only the original recipes and ingredients, but also the specifics of combining certain products for the best result.

In addition, in the video you can see in detail how to properly massage your facial skin, moving along the massage lines.

Table of the best ingredients for making a scrub

Exfoliating Ingredients

Henna colorless
Brown sugar
Rice (shredded)
Oatmeal (chopped)
Therapeutic mud
Moisturizing and nourishing ingredients

Kefir/sour cream/yogurt
Vegetable oil
Warming ingredients for the scrub

Ginger powder
Ground pepper
Additional Ingredients

Essential oils. They can be selected for different purposes - from cellulite, moisturizing, nourishing, warming or cooling, invigorating or soothing.

The best facial scrub recipes

Most often, food-based scrubs are prepared at home.

  1. First of all, it's simple, After all, there is almost always cream or honey at home.
  2. Secondly, it's safe: If we calmly eat these products, then it is clear that applying them to the skin will also not cause harm.

The bases for a home remedy can be: cream or soft cottage cheese, fruit puree, sour cream or natural mayonnaise, cosmetic clay, vegetable oils, pressed yeast.

Suitable scrubbing particles include: coffee, salt, sugar, coconut flakes, berries with small seeds, soda, crushed egg shells.

You will always have scrub ingredients in your kitchen.

Scrubs for dry and sensitive skin

The first thing anyone with dry skin needs to remember is not to scrub too hard or too often. Once every 2-3 weeks will be enough.

The second rule is to use the fattest and most nutritious compositions for the base.

Oatmeal scrub with sugar and oil

Mix 1 tsp. oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder with 1 tsp. sugar and pour 1 tablespoon of warm butter (any kind) into the mixture. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Milk oat scrub

The easiest option for dry skin. For it you just need to mix ground oatmeal with warm milk to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to skin and massage for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with water.

Nourishing scrub with almond oil

Leave the resulting mixture for 3-5 minutes to swell, and then use as usual.

Toning raspberry scrub

Mix 2 tablespoons of raspberries and one drop each of oils and mint.

Raspberry scrub

Soothing herbal scrub

2 tbsp. Mix oatmeal (can be crushed) with ground dry chamomile and lavender and a couple of drops. The mixture should be diluted with warm water to the consistency of a soft paste.

Scrub for blackheads

That's what scrubs are for. In addition to the main action - cleansing - scrubs increase blood circulation, because during their application we do the skin.

As a result, metabolic processes in the skin are restored. Oxygen is better absorbed, which means the skin becomes smoother and softer.

  1. For dry and sensitive skin the mildest formulations should be used.
  2. For oily, not prone to redness, scrubs with larger particles are suitable.

The benefits of homemade scrubs are undeniable. They are easy and quick to make; you can choose inexpensive ingredients; in addition, you always know what is included in the composition and can change the recipe at your discretion.

The main secret to beautiful skin is regular cleansing of dirt and dead cells. This procedure can be carried out professionally, in a cosmetology salon. But this is not always necessary. Becoming the owner of flawless skin is not difficult at all and without third-party intervention. To do this, you need to know proven recipes on how to prepare a healthy facial scrub at home, and follow certain rules.

The skin has a unique ability to constantly renew itself. Dying cells gradually accumulate. Combined with sebaceous secretions and environmental pollutants, they interfere with normal skin breathing and impair its functioning.

This leads to inflammation, acne, and premature aging. This is why the skin must be regularly cleansed with scrubs. But in order for the procedure to benefit and not harm your face, it is important to study some of the nuances. It turns out that it is not enough to just take and spread the product on the skin...

How does the scrub work?

Skin needs regular care. To make her look young and healthy, women use creams, tonics, masks, lotions. Cosmetics saturate the dermis with vitamins, minerals, moisturize it, and replenish the deficiency of microelements.

But can beneficial substances penetrate the epidermis through the impenetrable barrier of the stratum corneum? Dead cells, dust particles, and sebaceous secretions gradually accumulate and clog the pores. The skin becomes rough, dull and unkempt.

In order for the dermis to absorb all the beneficial components, it is necessary to exfoliate the stratum corneum. It is recommended to use a scrub for these purposes. It provides:

  • deep cleansing. The scrub contains special abrasive components that mechanically exfoliate the dead layer;
  • active regeneration. Cleansing the skin promotes accelerated cell renewal;
  • improved nutrition. After removing the stratum corneum, the dermis receives a sufficient amount of oxygen. Due to mechanical action, blood flow in tissues increases. The epidermis receives more nutrients.

What happens when a woman regularly takes care of her face with a scrub? Enhanced microcirculation, active regeneration, saturation of the dermis with oxygen. This, in turn, leads to stimulation of metabolism. Toxins and harmful substances are removed from the skin much faster. The dermis looks well-groomed and healthy. The most useful is a homemade facial scrub. After all, it contains individually selected, natural ingredients.

Facial scrub at home: 2 main components

Many useful scrub recipes have been developed. But this does not mean that only them are allowed to be used. You can experiment. Sometimes it's even necessary. For example, if you are allergic to one of the scrub components specified in the original recipe. Creating new tools is easy. The main thing to understand is that the scrub consists of two main components.

Abrasive ingredient

These solids are the basis of the scrub. They are the ones who perform the cleansing function, eliminating dead cells and impurities. To make a face scrub at home, these components are used in carefully ground form.

The role of such solid particles can be:

  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, semolina);
  • grape, apricot seeds;
  • ground coffee beans;
  • walnuts, almonds;
  • dry herbs;
  • sugar, salt.

Softening base

To facilitate the sliding of exfoliating substances over the skin, use vegetable oils, essential oils, healthy products, clay, and creams. When making a facial scrub at home, be sure to consider your skin type. Incorrectly selected components can cause inflammation or clog pores.

For whom scrubbing is contraindicated?

Scrubbing is an effective and deep cleansing of the skin. But sometimes such a procedure can cause serious harm to the dermis instead of the desired result. To protect yourself from the development of severe consequences, be sure to take into account contraindications.

The use of the scrub is prohibited when:

  • scratches, microcracks, wounds on the face;
  • dilated capillaries;
  • allergic reaction;
  • skin diseases (possible only after permission from a dermatologist);
  • extensive inflammation on the face.

4 rules for the procedure

The scrub effectively tones, cleanses the skin, and nourishes it with useful substances. If the event is carried out regularly and correctly, then you can completely abandon professional intervention and hardware cleaning. Follow four basic recommendations when using a scrub.

  1. Regularity. Each type of epidermis has its own regularity. For those with dry skin, it is enough to scrub their skin twice a month. For normal or combined type, the cleansing procedure is performed once a week. Oily skin needs to be exfoliated every two to three days.
  2. Preparing the face. It is advisable to steam the dermis with herbal warm compresses. To avoid scratching or injuring delicate tissues, the scrub is applied to damp surfaces.
  3. Applying the scrub. The cleansing mixture is applied to the face along classic massage lines. From the bridge of the nose they move to the temples above the eyebrows. From the midline, the face moves to the sides, towards the ears. Carefully massage the wings of the nose, forehead and chin. The areas around the eyes are not scrubbed. Here the skin is thin and delicate, so it is easily injured.
  4. Moisturizing the face. After the cleansing procedure, the skin must be moistened with cream. Oily and problematic dermis can be wiped with natural citrus juice.

Be sure to do an allergy test. Prepare a test portion of the product. Apply it to sensitive areas: on the wrist or on the inner part of the elbow. It is advisable to wait a day. If no negative reaction occurs during this time, then the scrub is suitable for your skin.

Recipes for dry skin

Cleansing cosmetics should contain fat-containing components. Olive and castor oils are especially useful for such skin. You can use sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, milk, honey. So, recipes for facial scrubs at home.


Sweet scrub cleanses and tones. It activates blood flow, improves nutrition and soothes the dermis.


  • Sugar (if you have it, brown is better) - two teaspoons.
  • Olive oil (ideally if cold pressed) - two teaspoons.

3 step procedure

  1. Sugar is ground in a coffee grinder. (For dry skin, only a fine-grained abrasive component is acceptable). And combined with oil.
  2. Massage the skin with the mixture for two minutes. Then leave it on your face for another seven minutes.
  3. After washing, the skin is treated with a nourishing cream.


The product removes dead epithelium. Eliminates emerging wrinkles. Whitens, reduces the appearance of age spots, freckles and scars. Even women who have naturally overly sensitive skin are allowed to use such a soft facial scrub at home.


  • Oatmeal or oat flour - two teaspoons.
  • Cream (20% fat) - two teaspoons.
  • Olive oil - a teaspoon.

3 step procedure

  1. The flakes are pre-crushed. The resulting flour is “seasoned” with cream and butter.
  2. The product is left on the skin for five minutes.
  3. After washing, the dermis is soothed with a nourishing cream.


To prepare homemade cosmetics, it is better to use sea salt. Dead Sea salt is considered the most beneficial. But, if it was not possible to find such a component, then it can be replaced with a regular kitchen one. Salt scrub provides deep peeling. Therefore, it is recommended to use it once a month. Otherwise, it will excessively deplete the lipid layer and significantly reduce the protective properties of the dermis.

This is an effective scrub that has not only exfoliating properties, but also a whitening effect. Those with freckles who do not want to part with the “kisses of the sun” should refrain from using this product.


  • Salt - two tablespoons.
  • Peach oil - two tablespoons.
  • Fresh lemon juice - a teaspoon.

3 step procedure

  1. Coarse salt is crushed. Salt powder is combined with peach oil. Citrus juice is squeezed into the product.
  2. The massage with the mixture lasts two minutes. Then the mixture is kept for another 20 minutes.
  3. After washing, the skin is soothed with a nourishing cream.

Recipes for shiny skin

This dermis is characterized by increased secretion of sebaceous glands, enlarged pores, and a tendency to form acne. Scrubs designed for oily skin should address these issues. There are many components suitable for such purposes. Including yeast, clay, egg white, cucumber pulp.


Ground coffee beans act as a good abrasive component. This “powder” removes dead skin cells, “closes” pores and normalizes sebum production. In combination with yoghurt and esters, it activates regeneration processes. But you should pamper yourself by using such an exfoliating facial scrub at home no more than once a week.


  • Ground coffee (or grounds from the drink) - two tablespoons.
  • Natural yogurt (pure) - two tablespoons.
  • Tea tree oil - two or three drops.

3 step procedure

  1. Coffee is mixed with yogurt and ether.
  2. The massage with the mixture lasts two minutes. Then leave the product for another quarter of an hour.
  3. They wash themselves. The skin is wiped with fresh lemon juice diluted with water (1:1). The procedure is completed with a moisturizing cream.

Soda with milk

This scrub allows you to solve several important problems at once. It deeply cleanses from the dead layer and greasy film, neutralizes harmful bacteria. As a result, the formation of acne on the dermis is reduced, and the pores “close.”

In traditional recipes, starch is added to soda. If you replace the starch with salt, then this remedy will get rid of blackheads. But it is recommended to use the resulting mixture only on problem areas.


  • Baking soda - a tablespoon.
  • Starch - two tablespoons.
  • Milk (low-fat) - a third of a glass.

3 step procedure

  1. Starch and soda are mixed. Add slightly warmed milk to the powdered composition (can be done in the microwave).
  2. The product is applied to the face and works well on areas prone to acne: nose, forehead, chin area. Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. After washing, the dermis is moisturized with cosmetic milk or cream.


According to reviews, it perfectly removes impurities. It gives a natural matte finish to oily skin and reduces greasiness. Honey cosmetics cleanses the epidermis of acne and protects the tissues from the re-formation of rashes. To prepare a face scrub at home, it is recommended to choose liquid honey.


  • Honey - two tablespoons.
  • Wheat bran - a tablespoon.
  • Fresh lemon juice - two tablespoons.

3 step procedure

  1. The bran is crushed. Combine flour with honey and add citrus juice.
  2. Apply to the skin, massaging.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, wash off and apply moisturizer.

Recipes for combined type

Of all the dermis types, this is the most capricious. Combination skin is characterized by a combination of increased greasiness in the area of ​​the chin, nose, forehead (T-zone) and dry skin on the cheeks. Cosmetics used for this type of epidermis must be suitable for both areas. Only delicate scrubs are used for mixed dermis. They should not contain alkalis, coarse abrasive particles or alcohol.

From orange peels

This natural scrub will take care of combination skin, cleanse it, saturate it with beneficial vitamin C and provide a natural tone. A pleasant orange aroma will give you a good mood.


  • Ground dry orange zest - a tablespoon.
  • Natural yogurt - two tablespoons.

3 step procedure

  1. The zest is mixed with yogurt.
  2. The product is applied, working more intensively on the T-zone. On dry areas, massage should be very gentle.
  3. Wash off after ten minutes. The dermis is moisturized with cream.


You can add berries, fruits, and nuts to your facial cleansing scrub at home. For mixed epidermis, black currants, raspberries, strawberries, bananas, and peaches are especially valuable. They saturate with minerals, vitamins, and provide a healthy glow. A scrub with the addition of raspberries or strawberries works against blackheads. This is due to the content of natural abrasive particles in the berries.


  • Wheat flour - a tablespoon.
  • Blackcurrant berries (ground) - a tablespoon.
  • Cream (10% fat) - teaspoon.
  • Walnut kernel (chopped) - teaspoon.

3 step procedure

  1. Initially, combine flour with berries. Cream and powdered nuts are added to the dark burgundy paste.
  2. Apply, paying attention to sebaceous areas. Leave for ten minutes.

Curd and rice

A cottage cheese mask-scrub for the face at home is useful. It contains components that will cleanse pores in sebaceous areas and nourish dry areas with nutrients.


  • Rice (ground) - a tablespoon.
  • Cottage cheese (preferably homemade) - a tablespoon.
  • Olive oil - a teaspoon.
  • Sugar - a teaspoon.

3 step procedure

  1. Rice flour is mixed with oil. Pre-crushed sugar is added to the mixture. The last thing to add is cottage cheese.
  2. Apply to the skin, massaging.
  3. After washing, the skin is supported with moisturizing cream.

Who loves what scrubs: reviews

Coffee scrub. Great recipe. I myself use coffee as a scrub. The skin after it is soft and soft.

Pella, //sovet.kidstaff.com.ua/advice-11

I now actively use a scrub: a teaspoon of lemon juice + 2 tsp. honey + 3 tsp. Sahara. It scrubs very well, especially on oily skin.

Vanillo4ka, //podrugi.net.ua/index.php?showtopic=1720

Excellent scrub using baking soda, I use it all the time. Not a single purchased scrub has given me such smooth skin as after baking soda. Skin glows. There were no side effects, mixed skin type.

Guest, //www.woman.ru/beauty/face/thread/4571405/

I honestly tried a lot of things that are recommended in the article and reviews, and this is what I can say. The ash is terrible, at first it got all smeared when I sifted it, then it stained the whole bathhouse when I washed it off. In a word, not comme il faut. Coffee leaves stains on me (blonde, fair skin), albeit for a short time, but still. It would be better to eat an avocado, it’s pleasant to rub with it, but the effectiveness is low. What I liked was apple and salt, I mixed them, the scrub turned out great, and the body smells great, and I felt the result immediately, my skin creaked afterwards.

Lena, //www.arabio.ru/maski/domachniy_scrab.htm

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