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Is it possible to re-gift premium in tanks? How to give a tank as a gift in World of Tanks - subtleties and main points. How to give a premium tank

Have you decided to give a gift to someone in the World of Tanks game, but don’t know how?! No problem! Read the article to the end and everything will work out for you! I will use all examples and screenshots as examples. “how to give a tank”. You can give other gifts from the premium store just like the tank.

How to give a tank in World of Tanks

I immediately want to warn those people who want to know how to give a tank from your hangar, A no way! This function is not included in the game by the developers and all purchases from the premium store are made for real money from your account.

The first thing you need to do is go to the WoT premium store page and log in with your username and password. Click on the link in the upper right corner "To come in":

and here attention! No need to press immediately button "Buy". Click on the picture of the tank itself. Marked with a red oval on the screenshot. And then we see the treasured inscription "Buy as a gift":

Click on it and you will see this window:

…it’s not difficult to figure it out. To whom to give: “Friend/clan member” or “Another player”. Well, “your message” in any form, which will be seen by the person to whom you are giving a gift.

Payment options, just a car. I think everyone will find the best option for themselves. Just click on the little down arrow to the right of the Buy button.

Attention! When entering the nickname of “another player”, be extremely careful with the characters you enter. If you make a mistake by one letter/number in your nickname, you will cause serious hemorrhoids for yourself and the innocent “other player.” You will have to recall the payment through technical support. And while the request is being processed, the account of the “other player” and yours will be blocked and no one can tell you how long it will last. Usually from 12 hours to 5 days. And most importantly, no one will return your money. And they will return the equivalent of “gold” to your account equal to the hard-earned money spent.

If you see this message:

...then everything is in order, the gift you sent went safely. You will receive an email with approximately the following content:

Now all that remains is accept a gift to the player to whom it was assigned. How to accept a gift, if suddenly you find yourself “on the other side of the barricades”, read on...

By the way, if the gift has not been accepted within 30 days, the sender will receive the equivalent of the value of the gift in game currency (gold) back to his account.

How to receive a gift in World of Tanks

So, if you find yourself “on the other side of the barricades” (you were given a gift) and you receive a letter with approximately the following content:

...and you don’t know how to get it, then we perform the following manipulations:

We go to the premium store page, gifts section (the link was in the letter). We go through authorization if we are not yet authorized (that is, we log into our account). And we see this message:

Click on it and you will be taken to the gift acceptance page:

...here you can accept the gift or refuse it 😉 it’s up to you. On the right is the countdown until the gift is automatically cancelled. We accept and... voila:

If it suddenly happens that the tank that was given to you is in the hangar, then you will be credited with the equivalent of the cost of this tank in the form of gold.
And one more nuance. Don't expect a gift to be instantly credited to your account, be it gold, a premium account or a premium tank. Enrollment occurs automatically and takes from 5 minutes to 24 hours after accepting the gift. In some cases, you need to re-enter the game to see a newly donated tank.

Well, that's probably all! Now you know how to give a tank And how to accept a gift in World of Tanks.

Surely each of us at least once in our lives has been subjected to painful thoughts - what to give a friend for his birthday? What gift should you give your loved one? How to thank your boss, after all? Of course, you can get by with a banal lighter, a knitted sweater or a set of dishes, but if the person you want to please plays World of Tanks, then it is better to visit a premium store and choose a gift from there.

It could be a tank, gold, or a collection of both. Let's talk about how to do this, I assure you, it's very simple and fast, in a couple of minutes the tank will be in the hangar :)

So, at the very beginning you need to go to worldoftanks.ru and register.

When I was preparing material for this article, I was surprised why you couldn’t make gifts without registering. Strange, maybe this will be fixed someday. Registration is not too complicated - we indicate your desired nickname, email and other data. After completing registration, when you have already logged into the site, you need to pay attention to the upper right corner, where it says “personal account”. By clicking on the link, a menu will open in which you need to click on the “Premium Store” link. This is where we will delve.

The store currently offers six gifts; they can be roughly divided into tanks, premium accounts, and gold.

A premium account will speed up your leveling and the number of rewards you receive after a battle.

Gold is a premium currency with which you can perform many useful actions. In addition, it is for gold that you can buy exclusive shells that will save your apartment from “DON’T PUNCH! HOW SO?! Or maybe they won’t...

I think that the best option would be to buy a tank, because after all, although it is not tangible, it is such a pleasant purchase! And if as a gift... Believe me, your boyfriend will be pleased :).

Now let's move on to the second step. After choosing a gift, you need to enter the login of the person to whom you will give the tank. You need to be careful about this, remember, write down your login while your husband is smoking after a hot fight. By the way, you can leave a comment on the gift, so you can remind them about that same trash bag. Or about a mink coat. What imagination is enough for!

Many gamers who are interested in online games are interested in how to give a tank to a fellow player in World of tanks. However, it will not be possible to give your own equipment to anyone, because the developers of this game do not provide such a function. There is still a way out of the situation - buy a tank for a friend in a special premium store, which provides the buyer with equipment for the game for every taste and budget. Expensive tank models come with a certain amount of in-game gold. Even a newly registered player will be able to use advanced powerful tanks for battle, if they were presented to him in the presented way.

Before you start choosing a gift, you need to make sure that you have an electronic wallet, with which you can actually pay for the selected purchase. If you don’t have a wallet, you will need to create one first; it is better to opt for the most popular services, such as WebMoney or Yandex-money. You can decide on the payment method at the very end, after choosing the gaming equipment you like. You also need to top up your e-wallet in advance so that it has the required amount at the time of payment. The prices for gaming tanks are quite impressive, so the gift should certainly be appreciated by the recipient.

So, after making sure of your own solvency, you can go to the official website of the game. If you have an account on this service, you just need to enter your username and password, as always. If an account has not yet been created, then it’s time to register. To do this, just come up with an original nickname and password, as well as indicate your email address. Next on the site you will need to find the so-called personal account, inside of which there should be a menu. Now you should select the “premium store” item and follow the provided link. After this, all that remains is to choose the equipment that suits the desired parameters and, of course, pay for the purchase online. The whole procedure is very simple, so in order to understand how to give tanks in World of tanks, you won’t need video instructions.

The World of tanks premium store provides a good selection of gaming tanks of various price categories and levels. Here you can find Soviet, British, German tanks: PzKpfw IV-V, M6A2E1, A-32, T-34 and others. In addition to tanks, you can purchase in-game gold and a premium account in the store. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of equipment, it is advisable to look into a friend’s hangar, checking, just in case, whether he has exactly the same copy. To do this, just view your friend's profile in the game. After the final choice has been made, you should select the recipient of the gift in the window that appears: a friend, clan member or any other player. It is imperative to know the nickname of the person for whom the gift is planned, as it will need to be entered into a special window. You can attach a small message to the gift.

Now all that remains is to choose a payment method and click on the bright “pay” button, which is located at the very bottom of the page. Please note that if the recipient does not confirm receipt of the gift within 30 days, it will be automatically returned to the sender. If a friend has exactly the same tank in his hangar, he will be credited with in-game gold - the cost of the equipment. Having learned how to give a tank in World of tanks, you no longer have to rack your brains over what to give to a gamer friend. It is not at all necessary to become a World of tanks player yourself in order to give such a gift to a fan of the popular game. But surprise and a lot of pleasant emotions are guaranteed for a friend when he discovers a brand new tank in his hangar, ready to rush into battle.

In most MMO games, the player can now buy things necessary for a good game, including weapons. Items purchased can usually be sold, exchanged, or given away. With the increasing popularity of the already popular game about tanks, many players have asked about the possibility of gifting their own tank to another player.

This interest is not surprising, since each battle involves 15 players on each side, every player knows this, however, due to the extensive maps, it is more convenient to fight in platoons. A platoon can include up to 3 tanks. It’s much more pleasant to go to a square in a platoon that includes a friend, and if he also has a good tank, then the two of you will be completely comfortable. Therefore, a platoon of 3 high-quality tanks with communications and good coordination of movements can do a good job of reducing the number of allies.

The contents of the hangar are inviolable

But many players are poorly versed in the intricacies of the game, even those who have been playing for a long time and have good tanks. Often a tanker comes to a friend with an offer to join him in the game, but upon returning home he notices that everything is not so simple. First, a friend should register, now this is not a problem. After a cursory examination of this friend of the game, he will go into battle. But here you run into a problem.

You will notice that theoretically you can give your friend a tank, there are many of them in the game, but it is impossible to give a tank from the hangar. The reason is balance. Transferring pumped-up tanks from the hangars of some players to the hangars of others will throw off the balance of the game. At first it will become boring, since many mediocre players will receive good tanks, then the project will be completely closed due to a strong decline in attendance and, accordingly, a drop in profits.

However, it is still possible to give a tank as a gift.

Purely theoretically, such a possibility exists. This is done through the store website. In it you can choose the tank you like and give it as a gift. However, there are some nuances:

You can only give a tank to a user added to your friends list.
- This user must be registered on the site. This is necessary to synchronize with your friends list.
- He must accept the gift within 30 days, otherwise the tank will return to you. The same thing will happen if a friend refuses a gift;
- You must use only the official website. Otherwise, you will lose money, and your friend will never get the gift.


To donate a tank, you need to go to the official website, where you need to be registered.

A new list will open in which you need to select a tank, click the “buy” button and select a payment method. Then log in to your account and select a friend to whom the gift is intended, write congratulations.

Every connoisseur of modern games will be delighted to receive a gift from World of Tanks.


Prices on the website may change, as well as the assortment, it depends on the exchange rate and time of year. During the holidays you can find special offers on the website, some of which are unique. The appearance of the site may change slightly to improve the visualization of the page and reduce its “heaviness”, introducing new aspects, but the general algorithm for purchasing a tank for yourself or for friends will not change much. World of Tanks is predominantly played by serious and self-confident people who have a significant reserve of calm and balance, so we can assume that such a gift will come in handy for most players. The variety of tanks can cause confusion when choosing, so before buying a gift tank you need to go through a series of battles with your friend and determine which tank he likes best. After that, they will be waiting for you on the website, where you can give the selected tank to a friend.

Let's start with the fact that in the World of Tanks game, gold, a premium account, and equipment need to be purchased only on the official website in the premium store. There are other ways to replenish gold, but do not be fooled by sites that offer you bonus codes for equipment supposedly for half the price or the like, you will simply lose your money.

How to give wargaming premium store products as a gift?

To begin, select the desired section of the premium store, i.e. World of Tanks. Select the type of virtual product. After this, you will see a complete list of all products of this type. We select the desired product and see a window with the indicated cost and full description. Below there are various payment methods (credit card, virtual wallet, etc.). To make a gift, just put a tick next to the line "Give to a friend", then enter the player’s nickname (or select from the list of friends or clan members) and select the payment method.

After this, we follow all the instructions and enter the data necessary for one or another payment method. That's all, the gift has been successfully sent, if you have no problems with payment systems. All notifications about completed transactions will be sent to your email. If you have any problems, please contact.

How to buy a premium account and (or) equipment?

The purchasing process consists of two ways:
- Buy in the premium store.
- Buy directly in the game for in-game gold.

The entire purchasing process in the premium store is similar to the process of sending a gift, except that you need to uncheck the box "Give to a friend", in this case, all paid goods are credited to your account.
Purchasing equipment in a premium store has some advantages over regular purchases for gold in the game, since developers often introduce various discounts on goods in general or for a specific payment system.
Also in the premium store you can find such a section as "special offer", in it you can find some pretty good deals while saving your money.

It is best to buy a premium account for a long period of time as you save a large amount of gold. For example: for half a year we need to pay 13,500 gold - that’s 6 months, for a month separately we pay 2,500, i.e. if you pay every month, you will end up with as much as 15,000. Draw your own conclusions, not everyone is comfortable paying for such a long period of time, because life is unpredictable and you won’t always be able to play.

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