Good day, dear forum users!
I will try to present the situation as briefly but in detail as possible. I am 30 years old, my husband is 32, married for 6 years, we don’t have children yet. She married for love, and I’m sure her husband did too. They lived in perfect harmony, they never even quarreled much, just over the little things. We went through a lot together and always supported each other very much. But the last year was filled with various unpleasant events for our family - my husband had problems at work, moving to another city was looming over us, which I really didn’t want, and it was unclear when this would happen, which depressed me very much, because that I couldn’t plan my life in any way. We were planning a child, but it didn’t work out yet, which also depressed me. In the end, we finally moved, I moved in a terrible mood, I cried constantly because it was against my will and my plans, my husband and I quarreled on this basis, he did not understand why the uncertainty oppressed me so much. As a result of all this, without even noticing, I began to sink into depression. I was not happy at all, I often cried while my husband was at work, I felt very lonely, I had nowhere to go out and no one to see, and I was not used to it. As a result, quarrels with my husband became more and more frequent and their degree increased. At one point, under the influence of depression (I’m only now realizing this), I told my husband that if this goes on, then it’s impossible. I feel unhappy, and if he doesn’t love me and doesn’t want to change anything in our relationship, then perhaps we need to break up. At that moment I didn’t really understand what I was talking about. But I didn't speak for myself. I was ready to change, but I wanted to know that he wanted it. As a result, my husband withdrew into himself, cried a lot, we quarreled, and then cried together at night over how much we loved each other and how bad everything had become in our family. Quarrels and scandals continued for a month. And a month later, I accidentally discovered a flirting correspondence between my husband and one woman in an online game. There was no physical betrayal, I know for sure, they never even met - they live in different countries, she has a family and a child. But it was emotional. The husband justified himself by saying that he believes that he has not cheated, it doesn’t mean anything to him, it’s just that because of all our scandals he felt bad and he found an “outlet” for himself so as not to harm his family and make his life easier. But after that I just seemed to go crazy. This is unacceptable for me, and what especially hurt me was that I, too, felt terribly bad all this time from our quarrels, but I did not seek consolation in someone on the side, I tried to get my husband’s support, but he was distant. In the emotions of this, I said a lot of unnecessary things. Now I understand that I shouldn’t have done this, but you can’t get time back. Then I was in terrible pain and out of fear, anger, despair, I told him a lot of things that were actually wrong. For example, that he has become disgusting to me, that I don’t want children from him, and that in general he is not the person he pretended to be and whom I married. I cried every day, I couldn’t calm down. I didn’t understand how it was - we seemed to have decided to restore good relations, to save our family, but he did just that. Now time has passed. I still remember this to him. There are fewer quarrels, about once a week we can, but without such fatalism - so that before the divorce. The rest of the time we try to somehow maintain life, smile, communicate, joke, talk, go to the cinema. But my husband always says that he doesn’t want anything. That something broke in him during our quarrels and he doesn’t understand what. That he needs time to process everything that happened. That he can’t work on our relationship and doesn’t want to do anything. That he always thinks that suddenly then, out of emotion, I told him the truth, and not now, when the emotions have subsided and I tell him that I am ready to work, I am ready to change, I want to save our family, because I love him , I really love it. But he is silent, he doesn’t believe me. I already want to climb the wall from this silence, I can’t stay in limbo for so long, it exhausts me mentally. I see that he is also trying to please me, to upset me less, to support me, but he immediately says in words that he is not doing anything, it just happens that way. I don't know how we can get out of this crisis. How can I understand him and how can I explain to him that I really need him? How to restore old relationships? I understand that I made a lot of mistakes, and that I shouldn’t have raised such topics, being in a depressed state, that he heard not at all what I wanted to tell him. But what to do now that there is no turning back? Is it even possible to save the family or is this the end? He doesn’t want to go to a psychologist, citing the fact that he doesn’t yet understand why. We live together, he doesn’t want to leave. We sleep together, but without intimacy - he says he can’t do it yet. If you can, please advise what to do? How should I behave with him? How to talk correctly? What should I do? I don't want to lose him, I know I love him, but I'm confused... I would be grateful for answers.