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How does length of service affect your pension? How does length of service affect the amount of pension? What is length of service and how is it taken into account when calculating pensions?

In connection with the adoption of a number of new amendments, the pension of citizens of the Russian Federation is calculated based on some generally accepted coefficients, as well as: the amount of official wages, your length of service and the age at which you retire. All three parameters play an important role in determining the amount of payments. If everything is relatively clear with the first two points: the higher they are, the better, then how to calculate the percentage of your work experience becomes somewhat more complicated. This article will discuss in detail how to calculate percentages from your work experience to form a pension.

The default coefficient for all citizens of the country is 0.55%. Therefore, if you have worked your required work period of twenty years for women, and twenty-five years for men, then you can safely consider the number 0.55 as your coefficient.

However, to increase the total amount of your future pension, you can retire later, thereby increasing your years of work experience.

For each subsequent year, add the coefficient 0.01 to the number 0.55. Thus, if you are a man and have worked for 34 years, then your coefficient is 0.55 + 0.09, a total of 0.64%. If you are a woman with the same experience, then we get the expression 0.55 + 0.14, your labor guard brings you 0.69%. This formula applies to all citizens.

However, remember that the maximum increase in length of service is 0.20. That is, you cannot overwork more than twenty years from the date of receipt of experience at the mark of twenty years and twenty-five, respectively. Or you simply will not receive additional interest for this.

If you spent some time in military service, or studied full-time, or were undergoing long-term treatment, then such years can also be counted towards your length of service. However, this amendment is not always in effect and since 1998 it has come into force several times and been repealed again. Call the hotline of the Russian Pension Fund and find out which of these points you can add to your length of service.

A period of child care is always added to your length of service if you are a mother or primary caregiver, or if you are a single father. Such a period cannot exceed six years.

The period of receiving unemployment benefits and participation in resettlement and relocation programs is also necessarily added.

If you were unjustifiably detained for any period of time, you do not lose years of your service.
Caring for a disabled person and the absence of permanent work associated with him obliges the state to pay you a pension with the full length of service.

If you or your spouse are military personnel, then your length of service is calculated individually.

If you have any work experience in the Far North, then contact the Pension Fund for an increase in interest to your work experience. This figure is calculated individually.

Do not forget to follow the news of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in order to be aware of all changes in the procedure for calculating pensions and adjust your situation in time.

Old age pension calculation


One of the factors influencing the right to receive and the amount of a pension is length of service. A distinction is made between insurance length of service and general work experience.


Insurance length of service is the duration of periods of work for which insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia were calculated and paid, as well as other periods counted in the insurance period when a person was not able to work - non-insurance periods.

military service;

receiving compulsory social insurance benefits during a period of temporary disability;

leave to care for one of the parents for each child until they reach the age of one and a half years, but no more than six years in total (valid from 2015, until 2015 - no more than four and a half years in total);

care provided by an able-bodied citizen for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person who has reached 80 years of age;

receipt of unemployment benefits, a period of participation in paid public works and a period of relocation or resettlement in the direction of the state employment service to another area for employment;

detention of persons unjustifiably brought to criminal liability, repressed and rehabilitated, and the period of serving their sentences in places of imprisonment and exile;

residence of spouses of military personnel serving under contract with their spouses in areas where they could not work due to lack of employment opportunities, but not more than five years in total;

residence abroad of spouses of employees of diplomatic missions, consular offices of the Russian Federation, trade missions of the Russian Federation, etc., but not more than five years in total.

The insurance period is calculated in calendar order. Exception: periods of work during the full navigation period on water transport and during the full season in organizations of seasonal industries, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

If several periods included in the insurance period coincide in time, only one of them is taken into account when assigning a pension, at the choice of the person applying for the pension.

These non-insurance periods are counted in the insurance period if they were preceded and (or) followed by periods of work, regardless of their duration, during which insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund.


Total length of service is the total duration of periods of work and other socially useful activities before January 1, 2002.

The total work experience includes:

periods of employment as a worker, employee (including for hire outside the Russian Federation), a member of a collective farm or other cooperative organization;

periods of other work in which the employee, not being a worker or employee, was subject to compulsory pension insurance;

periods of work (service) in paramilitary security, special communications agencies or in a mine rescue unit, regardless of its nature;

periods of individual labor activity, including in agriculture;

periods of creative activity of members of creative unions - writers, artists, composers, cinematographers, theater workers, as well as writers and artists who are not members of the relevant creative unions;

periods of temporary incapacity for work that began during the period of work, and being on disability of groups I and II due to an injury at work or an occupational disease;

periods of stay in places of detention beyond the period assigned during the review of the case;

periods of receiving unemployment benefits, participation in paid public works, moving to another location under the direction of the employment service and further employment;

service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other military formations created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the United Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Armed Forces of the former USSR, internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation, foreign intelligence agencies, and agencies of the Federal Security Service , federal executive bodies that provide for military service, former state security bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as in state security bodies and internal affairs bodies of the former USSR (including during periods when these bodies were called differently), stay in partisan detachments during the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War.

Calculation of the duration of periods of work before January 1, 2002, included in the total length of service, is carried out in calendar order according to their actual duration. Exception: work during a full navigation period in water transport and work during a full season in organizations of seasonal industries are included in the length of service as a full year of work, regardless of the actual duration of these periods.

The assessment of the pension rights of insured persons as of January 1, 2002 is carried out by converting them into estimated pension capital. In this case, the option for assessing pension rights is used that allows the citizen to establish a pension in the largest amount: in accordance with paragraph 3 or paragraph 4 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.

According to paragraph 4, the total length of service, in addition to the above numerical ones, includes the following periods:

preparation for professional activity - training in colleges, schools and courses for personnel training, advanced training and retraining, in educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, clinical residency;

care for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child, an elderly person, if he needs constant care due to the conclusion of a medical institution;

care of a non-working mother for each child up to 3 years of age, as well as 70 days before their birth, but not more than 9 years in total;

residence of spouses of military personnel performing military service under a contract, together with their spouses, in localities where they could not work in their specialty due to lack of employment opportunities;

residence abroad of spouses of employees of Soviet institutions and international organizations - no more than 10 years in total;

detention, stay in places of imprisonment and exile of citizens who were unjustifiably brought to criminal liability, repressed and rehabilitated;

time spent in the occupied territory of the USSR

or other states, as well as on the territories of states that were at war with the USSR, citizens living in areas temporarily occupied by the enemy during the Second World War, and who had reached 16 years of age by the day of occupation or during its period, except for cases where they period committed a crime;

the time citizens lived in besieged Leningrad and spent in concentration camps during the Second World War, with the exception of cases when they committed a crime during the specified period.

In this case, the total length of service is included when calculating the estimated amount of the insurance pension under paragraph 4:


periods of work or service (with the exception of military service) in the exclusion zone, which is determined in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”;

periods of work in the Far North

and similar areas;


periods of work in leper colonies and anti-plague institutions;

periods of work during the Great Patriotic War, with the exception of work in areas temporarily occupied by the enemy;

periods of military service upon conscription;

periods of residence in besieged Leningrad

and being in concentration camps during the Second World War;


periods of service in military units, headquarters and institutions that are part of the active army, in partisan detachments and formations

during the period of hostilities, as well as the time spent in treatment in medical institutions due to military trauma, periods of military service in the exclusion zone, determined in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”;

periods of work in besieged Leningrad;

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How does the size of your pension depend on your length of service?

Each employee who officially works at the enterprise not only receives a salary for his work, but also receives length of service, which affects both his pension and the amount of sick pay. The duration is determined on the basis of a number of regulations and documents that establish the rules for calculating length of service depending on its type.

What length of service is taken into account when calculating pensions?

From the times of the USSR until 2002, when retiring, the total length of service was taken into account. Then a new law was adopted, which provided for the calculation of payments based on insurance contributions. The latest was the new Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions”, adopted in 2015, which significantly changed the calculation mechanisms. Let’s look further at how general experience differs from insurance experience:

  • The total length of service of a citizen means the total time spent working, which was accompanied by contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by the employer.
  • Insurance experience means the total time a person has worked in the territory of the Russian Federation. In this case, not only the time a person works at the enterprise is taken into account, but also the so-called non-working periods during which deductions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation occurred. In the future, the time received is taken into account when calculating the citizen’s insurance pension. The longer and more regularly a person pays contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the longer his experience.
  • So, now, when calculating the amount of pension, the insurance period is taken into account. The general one is taken into account only for persons who worked before the 2002 reform.

    The calculation of length of service, which will then be used to calculate the amount of the pension, is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • At the first stage, data on a person’s employment until 2015 is taken, and based on previously existing rules, the length of service for a given period is calculated, taking into account the preferential procedure.
  • At the second stage, the duration of work activity after 2015 is calculated based on Federal Law No. 400.
  • There are also special types of internships that provide advantages to workers in a particular field. For example, teaching experience allows you to retire before retirement age.

    Requirements for length of service when calculating pensions

    Until 2015, persons wishing to receive a pension were required to work for at least five years. With the adoption of a new law, new rules come into force in the country, and the minimum length of work experience increases every year.

    So, in 2015, a new minimum of 6 years of experience was established. Then every year this figure increases by 1 year. So, in 2016 it was necessary to have already 7 years of experience, and in 2018 - 8. The growth of the required minimum will stop only in 2025 at around 15 years.

    Today, if you have 35 years of experience and provided that your salary corresponds to the average level of earnings in the country, you have the right to apply for a labor pension. Moreover, its size will be at least 40% of your average earnings. This coefficient directly depends on your experience.

    Periods of incapacity taken into account when calculating pensions

    As mentioned earlier, the insurance period includes a number of periods that are not considered labor. Therefore, they affect retirement. But it is important to note that such periods are taken into account only if two conditions are met:

  • The person additionally carried out labor activities before or after the specified period.
  • The corresponding contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were paid to the state.
  • The periods included in the length of service include:

    1. The period of military service.

  • adults with the first group of disabilities;
  • a minor child who has disabled status;
  • an elderly person over 80 years of age.
  • 3. The period during which the wives of military personnel, together with their husbands, were in areas where they did not have the opportunity to get a job.

    4. The length of stay of spouses of consulate employees and other foreign institutions outside the territory of Russia. Of course, provided that the second spouse was abroad on a work trip at that time. For example, he was part of a diplomatic mission.

    5. The period during which the person was registered with the employment service, provided that the appropriate benefit was issued.

    6. Time of imprisonment, stay in correctional colonies and other places of detention of convicted persons, if the citizen was convicted by mistake or without valid grounds.

    Selected cases of employment

    There are certain types of employment that are included in the length of service and affect retirement:

  • Probation is taken into account on the basis of Article 79 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that it does not matter what type of contract was used when hiring.
  • Partial work week is also counted towards the length of service, but on the condition that the employer pays contributions to the Pension Fund. It makes no difference whether a person works at 0.3, 0.5 or 0.9 rate.
  • When working part-time length of service is considered only at the main place of work, but if contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation come from both enterprises, then the contributions are summed up, which subsequently affects the size of the pension. In this case, the person may be credited with special types of length of service. For example, pedagogical.
  • Continuity of experience

    Continuous service is considered to be the time a citizen works at one or more enterprises, provided that the break between dismissal and employment did not exceed a period of 30 to 90 calendar days. For each specific case, this period differs depending on the circumstances.

    Pension if no experience

    A complete lack of length of service or the minimum established by law leads to the fact that a person is deprived of the right to receive an insurance pension. But this does not mean that the citizen in this case will be left without state support. Such persons are assigned a social pension. It is much lower than the insurance amount and can only be obtained upon reaching a certain age.

    Video: There will be no pension without work experience?

    You can learn in detail about the influence of length of service and other nuances on applying for a pension from the following video, which also lists the basic requirements for individuals to apply for a pension:


    Details on what length of service the right to an old-age pension depends on

    Every person of working age must understand that his work is not only a source of income, but also an accumulated period, which will subsequently be taken into account when calculating payments. A pension is a payment that is assigned to a person upon retirement.

    During work, deductions are made from the employee’s salary without interruption to the Pension Fund, which are distributed, among other things, to the payment of pensions to those to whom it has already been assigned.

    Changes often occur in the Pension Reform; the country's leadership may consider it necessary to either reduce or increase the retirement age. The length of service largely depends on the general situation in the country in all its aspects, which has a strong impact on the size of the pension.

    After completing the training, the young specialist is registered for work and the first entry appears in his work book, which may be the only one (if he works in one place all his life); when he changes jobs or changes in the employee’s position, all these facts are recorded in this document.

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    What is experience?

    It represents the duration of labor activity in accordance with the law; it may also include some socially useful types of employment of the population. The main criterion for including an activity in the length of service is deductions that are deducted from the employee’s salary.

    If a person is officially employed at his place of work, then he has more rights and opportunities, although wages are reduced by the amount of various types of deductions, the relationship between the employee and the employer is regulated by the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ.

    The period of work begins to be counted from the moment the entry is made in the work book., or the day the contract begins. Working under a contract means officially receiving income, deductions will be calculated from it, but as for rights, they can be specified in the contract.

    For example, the contract specifies whether a person has the right to leave, receive payments due to temporary disability, and so on.

    The length of service for calculating a pension can be general or special. General, in addition to normal work activities, may include:

  • studying time;
  • serving;
  • maternity leave to care for a child;
  • annual leave and others that are required by law;
  • the duration of a person's stay on the exchange of temporarily unemployed persons.
  • Previously, continuous service was taken into account for calculating pensions, but this practice has been discontinued.

    Does it have an impact or is it just salary?

    The level of pension payments upon retirement is influenced not only by the length of service, but also by the insurance period, since the pension will be calculated for each citizen individually depending on these indicators.

    In order to answer the question of what determines the size of the payment: salary or time worked, you need to understand and understand how it will be calculated. Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” provides a list of persons whose family members are disabled and can still count on receiving pension payments.

    So let's try to answer these questions. When calculating pension payments, the determining indicators will be the length of service and the time of work during which the budget received insurance contributions from the person in question.

    As for the first indicator, there is a certain minimum for it and if it has not been achieved, then a person who has reached retirement age will not be able to count on receiving a pension.

    In accordance with Article 7 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, it provides for the age at which a citizen can retire.

    Article 7 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”. Conditions for assigning an old-age labor pension

    1. Men who have reached the age of 60 and women who have reached the age of 55 have the right to an old-age labor pension.
    2. An old-age labor pension is assigned if you have at least five years of insurance experience.

    The amount of pension is definitely influenced by the period of officially demonstrable work citizen, but here it is necessary to clarify, because it can be labor or insurance.

    In connection with innovations in the field of calculating pension payments, it is necessary to distinguish between these two concepts, if only because they have different effects on the size of future payments. Work experience, in turn, also varies. It can be general, special or preferential.

    Depending on how much experience a citizen has accumulated, his pension may change, but it is also important to understand that The time an employee takes a well-deserved retirement depends on the type of length of service.. In case of special retirement, the retirement age may be earlier than the statutory retirement age.

    Dependence on duration of work

    If the work experience is not enough at the time when a person is exactly the age required to go on vacation, then he needs to either work further to achieve the required minimum level, or wait another five years, after which he will be assigned a social pension.

    So, we figured out that the pension depends on the period of work. Now let's take a closer look at how this happens.

    Why does the benefit amount change?

    Payments upon retirement are considered in a certain way, the rules are determined at the legislative level. It consists of two main components - a fixed amount and insurance payments.

    It is worth understanding that the amount of insurance payments depends on the insurance period, the minimum level of which is also set at 5 years, this level is planned to be increased in the near future. The rules and grounds for calculating length of service are described in Chapter 3 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” No. 173.

    To calculate the insurance pension, special points are used, which are awarded to each individual individually. They depend both on the level of wages received and on the period of its receipt, that is, length of service.

    These points are awarded in such a way that a relationship can be traced - the higher the salary, the more deductions and, accordingly, points the employee receives. In the future, this has a positive effect on the amount of the accrued pension.

    In such situations, there is some encouragement for workers to extend their retirement age.

    What is taken into account when calculating old age benefits?

    The old-age pension depends on the length of work and insurance coverage. These indicators are interrelated. The insurance period is the period during which the employer made contributions to the Pension Fund. for a specific employee. It is worth noting that for some types of employment, for which length of service is considered, insurance is also calculated. All these cases are described in Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”.


    Every citizen has thought more than once about how his official work activity affects future old-age pension payments. I would like to have some confidence that if I become unable to work due to age, I will have a means of livelihood. A person who works under the labor code may not worry much about the fact that he will be deprived of pension payments.

    But those citizens who do not work in accordance with the law must understand that singing can be accrued for this type of activity, but its level will be minimal and it will be possible to receive it five years later in comparison with the level of retirement age that is determined in the pension reform.

    One of the main tasks of the state is to encourage citizens to find official employment. To achieve the set goals, amendments and pension reforms are being introduced, which should give citizens confidence in the future, especially those who have considerable work and insurance experience.

    How does length of service affect the size of your pension in 2018?

    Determining the amount of an insurance pension taking into account length of service is a rather complex process. Therefore, in order to assess how length of service affects the size of the pension, including in 2018, let’s try to understand some points.

    How does a pension depend on length of service?

    Russian pension legislation has changed significantly three times. These changes occurred in 1992, 2002 and 2015. Therefore, the main changes in the rules for calculating pensions and in the rules for accounting for length of service were associated precisely with changes in legislation.

    The following periods are distinguished and taken into account when calculating pensions and taking into account length of service:

    • the period up to 1991, inclusive;
    • the period from 1992 to 2001, inclusive;
    • period from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2014;
    • period starting from January 1, 2015.
    • Accounting for length of service for these periods is determined using the procedure, rules and formulas provided for by those regulations that were in force during those periods of time. And the amounts of pensions currently assigned are determined using special methods that take into account the citizen’s labor activity during the periods indicated above.

      From January 1, 2015, the size of the insurance pension depends on the individual pension coefficient (IPC) and the value of the pension coefficient (pension point). The IPC is the sum of pension coefficients (points) accrued to a citizen during his work. These pension coefficients (points) are awarded annually. If a citizen has not worked (that is, he has no work experience), then pension points will not be awarded to him for this period.

      Here the influence of length of service on pension is clearly visible: the longer a citizen’s insurance experience after January 1, 2015, the more pension points he will be accrued, and the more IPC he will have, and therefore the larger his pension will be.

      But all the length of service earned by a citizen before January 1, 2002, and in the period from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2014 is also taken into account. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, using special methods approved by the state, converted the pension rights of each citizen earned before 2015 into his pension points, which are summed up with pension points earned after January 1, 2015. The pension rights of a citizen are understood as both the citizen’s earnings and his work experience in the periods before 2015. Therefore, the longer a citizen’s work experience during these periods, the greater his pension will be.

      Impact of length of service on retirement in 2018

      It should be noted that, starting from January 1, 2015, the influence of the insurance period on the pension amount has increased. Therefore, the impact of length of service on retirement in 2017 and subsequent years is also noticeable. If before 2015 the size of the pension depended more on the amount of insurance contributions that employers paid to the Pension Fund for the employee, now this amount depends on the pension points earned during his working life. And the number of pension points is directly related to both the official earnings of a citizen and his work experience.

      Let us remind you that the sum of pension points is individual pension coefficient (IPC) , which is included in the formula for calculating the amount of the insurance pension. Therefore, the longer the work experience, the more pension points there will be and, accordingly, the larger the IPC value will be, which has a direct impact on the size of the pension.

      A year and a half

      Pension legislation in our country is changing. Moreover, several times, from January 1, 1992, from January 1, 2002, and also from January 1, 2015, cardinal changes were carried out - in fact, the procedure for calculating length of service and the amount of pension, or, as they often say, the pension formula, seriously changed.

      But a person earns a pension throughout his working life, so when the time comes to assign it, different periods of his biography are taken into account differently.

      What and how changed

      Until 1998, the de facto Soviet order was maintained: the size of the pension was calculated based on the total length of service and average salary. The salary was taken according to one of two options: for the last two years of work or any five years in a row when earnings were the highest. This was stated in pension law N 340-1, which was in force at that time. It should be taken into account that there was an upper limit on the size of the pension. This limit was limited very simply: the maximum pension could not be higher than 3.5 times the minimum pension.

      In February 1998, Law No. 113 came into force, which introduced into Law No. 340-1 an alternative procedure for calculating pensions using the so-called individual pensioner coefficient (IPC), which was calculated as the ratio of a pensioner’s earnings and the average salary in the country, but could not be above 1.2.

      Since January 2002, the insurance principle of assigning pensions was introduced. According to Law 173, a person’s right to a labor pension arose depending on the insurance period - the time when insurance contributions to the Pension Fund were paid from earnings.

      Two options - optional

      Until 2002, total length of service was used to calculate pensions. But since 2002, according to Law 173, insurance premiums (calculated pension capital) began to be taken into account - accordingly, the time of studying at a technical school and university, and other periods when a person did not work and did not pay contributions fell.

      At the same time, Law 173 (Article 30, paragraphs 3 and 4) provides for the possibility, when calculating the amount of a pension, to assess pension rights for periods before 2002 (and their conversion into pension capital) based on the estimated amount of the pension calculated according to the old rules, that is, according to Law 340, both with the use of the ICP according to Law No. 113 (clause 3), and without the use of the ICP (clause 4). As a result, the pensioner was automatically assigned a larger pension from two options for assessing pension rights acquired before 2002.

      “Now for newly retiring citizens, the assessment of pension rights earned before January 1, 2002 is carried out by converting them into estimated pension capital,” explained the Pension Fund. — In this case, the option for assessing pension rights is used that allows the citizen to establish a pension in the largest amount: in accordance with paragraph 3 or paragraph 4 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation.”

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    The legal significance of total length of service for pension purposes is reduced. Previously, work experience was necessary both for the assignment of a pension and for its calculation. According to the law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 “On State Pensions in the Russian Federation,” taking into account the total length of service, an old-age pension was established, and in appropriate cases, a disability pension and a survivor’s pension. For example, old age pension on a general basis, it was established for men upon reaching 60 years of age and with a total work experience of at least 25 years; women upon reaching 55 years of age and with a total work experience of at least 20 years. The size of the old-age pension depended on the length of total work experience. The pension was set at 55% of the average monthly earnings with the required length of service and increased by 1% for each full year of total work experience exceeding the required one, but not more than 20%.

    An example of calculating a pension: a man’s total work experience was 40 years. The pension amount as a percentage of earnings will be 55% + 15% for 15 full years of service over 25 years. Only 70% of average monthly earnings.

    Currently, total length of service is not required to assign labor pensions. In accordance with the new pension legislation, one of the main conditions for acquiring the right to a labor pension is the presence of insurance experience, that is, the total duration and other useful activities during which insurance contributions were paid to the pension fund of the Russian Federation, as well as other periods counted in the insurance period . The total length of service is necessary solely to determine the size of the pension for citizens who acquired it before January 1, 2002. To understand this, you need to refer to the relevant provisions of Federal Law N 173-FZ. In particular, Article 30 of this legal act describes the procedure for converting (transforming) pension rights (the value of which is related to the length of total length of service) into estimated pension capital.

    In other words, the length of the total work experience depends on the length of service coefficient. The latter is necessary for calculating the estimated size of labor pension, which would be due to the insured person under the legislation in force on December 31, 2001. Pensions are calculated using the pensioner’s individual coefficient. The estimated pension amount is used to determine the pension capital as of January 1, 2002, which, together with the pension capital after January 1, 2002, forms the total pension capital. Thus, pension rights acquired before 01/01/2002 are converted into monetary terms. The amount of the total pension capital divided by the “survival period” forms the insurance part of the pension, which, together with the base part, makes up the size of the citizen’s pension.

    Work experience is not so important for the assignment of the pension itself, but for the amount of pension provision. Therefore, we will find out what the most valuable categories of experience are so that the pension is as high as possible.

    Types of experience

    The length of service for calculating pension benefits due to old age includes various ones, and they are determined by the following facts:

      1. Job title:
        • state - the period of being in the service of the state;
        • labor (or insurance) – the period of activity when contributions to the Pension Fund were made;
        • special - a position that allows you to retire before the established deadlines (for example, a person worked in hazardous industries, areas characterized by increased radioactivity, etc.).
      2. Continuity:
        • general - this period implies the entire working time, regardless of the presence and duration of breaks (payments to the Pension Fund are made);
        • continuous - a period when an employee worked at one or more enterprises without breaks (or their duration did not exceed the periods established by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

    Total length of service is understood as the total duration of periods of labor activity and other socially useful work up to January 1, 2002.

    During what periods does the pension increase?

    It is known that Russian pensioners cannot “boast” of a large pension. Which is really depressing. Our task is to consider the most valuable categories of work experience, which contributes to increasing the amount of pension benefits.

    Non-insurance periods

    In a number of situations, when a person cannot confirm a high salary with documents, it is possible to replace the period of maternity leave, military service and other periods with pension points. For example, 1.5 years of child care equals 1.8 points. But this alternative is not always profitable, so you need to calculate everything in advance.

    "Experience of the North"

    This concept implies labor activity in the Far North and areas that are equivalent to it. Territorial distribution is carried out on the basis of orders of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    This type of experience has several advantages. First of all, the individual pension indicator increases. Secondly, the person receives the right to increase the fixed part of the payment by 50%. Provided that the pensioner worked in the specified area for 15 years. A 30% increase is carried out in cases where a person has worked for at least 20 years in a territory equated to the Far North.

    Thanks to valorization, you can get an additional increase in your pension. Thus, each retired person receives 10% of the estimated pension capital (as of 2002), and 1% for each year of work up to January 1, 1990 inclusive.

    The length of service to carry out valorization is taken from the one that was used when calculating the coefficient - general or preferential.

    Total work experience until 2002

    The amount of pension provision is currently quite difficult to calculate. Three formulas are taken into account for certain periods. In particular, for work before January 1, 2002, from January 1 of the specified year to January 1, 2015, and from January 1 of the last specified year to the present.

    The first formula contains an indicator of experience. It is determined based on the total number of years that the citizen worked until December thirty-first, 2001. Since 2002, pensions have been calculated on the basis of insurance contributions, which are transferred to a personalized account. Therefore, the dominant importance of length of service at this stage was leveled out.

    The most valuable is the length of service that a person has developed before 2002. Because it is based on this that the length of service is calculated. It is defined like this:

    1. If the stronger sex has 25 years of experience before 2002, and a woman has 20 years of experience, then the indicator is taken as 0.55.
    2. When the work experience is less, for example, 15 and 10 years, respectively, the indicator decreases in proportion to the ratio of the required and available experience.
    3. When the length of service is longer, for example, 35 and 30 years, then for every 12 months in excess of the required duration, the indicator increases by 0.01. However, there is a maximum increase limit, which is 0.75.

    All periods of working activity are counted exclusively in calendar days; they do not include periods of higher education.

    Preferential experience

    This is a special experience that allows you to retire early. In addition to this benefit, a person can count on increased pension benefits. And we are again talking about periods of working activity that occurred before 2002. To calculate the length of service, you can use not only the general one, but also on preferential terms. The calculation rules are simple; they use a coefficient of 0.55.

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