Festive Portal - Festival

Congratulations on March 8 to girls. The holiday starts like this

We wish you love and happiness, girls.
We wish that the day is March 8th.
It was a great time for you,
I wish you success, love and luck.
Be beautiful, live richly,
May you have plenty of gentlemen.
And know that in every gloomy and grayish,
A prince who can cover you with a wave of happiness is hiding.

Congratulations to the girls on March 8th and wish you
Much love and good luck.
May your life seem like paradise to you,
Where are you the queen who is ready to please everyone?
Stay as cheerful as you are
Cheerful and perky.
Know that the world around you
Smiles at you every hour.

Girls, congratulations on March 8th,
We wish you love and joy.
We want your life to be bright,
And family life was not childless.
May the world smile at you more widely,
So that they offer you cars, apartments.
So that your fans melt away from you,
And they ran after you in packs.

We sincerely congratulate you,
Happy March 8th to all girls.
We wish you success in life,
Beautiful outfits, colorful skirts.
May each of you be lucky in love,
So that the lights burn inside.
To make your eyes shine,
And so that the guys don’t forget you.

We wish you happiness on March 8th,
Let love never leave you.
Let your health not let you down,
And the heart constantly suffers from sincere feelings.
We wish you success in life,
Joy, prosperity and loud laughter.
Live in harmony and purity,
And you will meet a hero on a horse.

Dear girls, sonorous birds,
What do you eat like titmouses?
And without diets you are good for us,
And we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
Be loved by all men
But stay with the men
Who loves you more than his own life,
Will love you more every year!
We congratulate you on Women's Day,
We wish you to be unsurpassed!

You girls are good!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
And we wish you, girls,
May the guys love you!
So that they flutter like butterflies,
Never get tired!
To give birth for their husbands
Very nice children!
May you be beautiful
So that the years float quietly,
But they didn’t touch the beauty,
So that they don't hang their noses.

Please accept cheerful congratulations,
Spring is upon us with gifts!
And today, after school,
We will dress up.
We will crush everyone to the ground,
We're good girls.
And no one will tell us
Suddenly the words are offensive.
I wish you a lot
Money, happiness and love.
So that the road is yours,
The one that won't lead you astray.

You are airy and beautiful on this day,
Happy eyes burn with fire.
All men are in love with you, secretly
(But they just don’t dare say it).
May luck be your friend,
We want to see you like this every day!
Happy, desirable - nothing less!
Beloved, kind, sweet, young!

Girls! We congratulate you many times,
We kiss you in the mouth with impunity!
Will husbands eat their elbows? Come on!
Once a year, no criminal cases!
We'll give you congratulations and drink wine,
Well, so be it, let’s put vodka aside,
We will scold the authorities, but alive,
We'll let you go home, in which direction.

Happy March 8th!
May he bring a lot
Bright, joyful emotions!
May life always be successful,
And any task succeeds!
Let him keep his friends warm from troubles,
And love will warm you with a tender look!
Happiness, optimism, long days,
And there are always good people nearby!

Goal: Through the disclosure of the value of truth, to create a festive atmosphere in the competitive game.
1. Introduce students to the origin of the holiday
2. Development of memory, attention, curiosity, organization, independence, the ability to see the good, to coordinate interests in the process of overcoming certain age-appropriate difficulties.
3. Formation of a team, eliminating disunity between boys and girls.
Preparing for the club hour:
1. Learning poems for participants in the game on a spring theme.
2. Decoration of the class (balls cut out of colored paper are glued to the chalkboard, preparing places for the competing teams of girls, for the jury (boys).
3. The boys prepare congratulations for the girls.
4. Preparation of decals, musical accompaniment and other props.

Today we congratulate all the girls in our class on International Women’s Day: March 8 is the most amazing, most tender holiday of spring. Today we dedicate our smiles, songs, poems to you, dear girls.

For all the charming ones,
Beautiful, difficult,
Cheerful, charming, -
This verse is a gift.

May you always smile
Greeted by everyone around
Flowers and cards
Every friend will congratulate you.

May every day be happier
It is now becoming
And joy is quicker
Knocking on your door!
Student: The first International Women's Day on March 8 was approved in Copenhagen (Denmark) in 1910 at the Second International Conference of Socialist Women at the proposal of the German delegation.
March 8 began to be considered the Day of International Solidarity of Working Women in the fight for their rights.
In Russia, International Women's Day was first celebrated in 1913 in St. Petersburg. Its organizers called for achieving economic and political equality for women. One of the most powerful performances by women took place in Petrograd on March 7, 1917.
In 1976, International Women's Day was officially recognized by the UN.
Today March 8 is a holiday of spring and light, a tribute to women.

Congratulations for girls

Today is a girls' holiday,
The words of spring sound.
All the boys congratulate you,
We forgot about games and books.

We congratulate you today,
We read poems for girls.
You are as beautiful as mimosas
But there are thorns, like a rose.

You girls are all good
We tell you from the heart.
How did you get selected?
They gathered into one flower.

7 beautiful petals,
7 satin ribbons,
7 pairs of arms and legs,
Maybe it's an octopus?

Such cool girls
And someone has freckles.
Braids, bows and bangs
And the views are clear and sharp.

Conquer with just one glance,
But just don’t look strictly.
You'll think we're in the way
And sometimes we call you names.

You are our girls, dear ones,
You are not strangers to us at all.
As handsome as ours,
Can't be found with fire now.

All you need is a prince
And everyone doesn't notice
What are princes - we are for you now,
Such royal class.

Congratulations on your holiday,
We wish you happiness and joy.
You are beautiful flowers
And all beloved daughters.

A woman, a girl... In all centuries, she was worshiped by artists, poets, musicians... How many flowers, poems, and what have you, lives were thrown at her feet. Which of us men has not tried to comprehend the secret of her charm? But she remained a mystery. Today we have the opportunity to try to lift the veil over this mystery. So, we are starting our competition!

Girls from our class are taking part in the competition today. Let's welcome them.

First of all, I would like to introduce our male jury. ( Jury presentation)

speaking with a business card)

1 competition: Let's start the competition " flower rainbow" Whoever names the most colors in turn wins.

2 competition: "One is a pea, two is a pea"
The stepmother mixed the peas and beans and forced Cinderella to divide them into two piles. (Peas and beans are mixed).
Teacher: while the jury is summing up the results of the first two competitions, our boys will sing to our girls:

3 competition
It is no coincidence that they say that all women are born actresses. If they want to achieve something from a man, the entire acting arsenal is used. They don't even need to be taught this!
And now, in continuation of this competition, the phrase: “Oh, how beautiful I am!”
Every girl needs to praise herself in 1 minute, looking in the mirror.

"HYPERLINK" ditties http://chudesenka.ru/load/15-1-0-264"BoysHYPERLINK"http://chudesenka.ru/load/15-1-0-264" suffering"

Women's Day is the reason
Why are we singing here?
Allow us, men.
Congratulations on Women's Day!

By childish desire
We have come to congratulate you.
And boyish suffering
Oh, they brought it to you today.

We sit in class
And we look at the girls:
Both beautiful and smart -
It's simply not better to find.

The river runs fast,
Clean to the bottom.
Our girls' smiles
Bright as the sun.

I tried so hard all day.
I didn't look at the girls.
I could barely resist -
I wanted to pull my braid.

We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad!

And now we ask you,

Let us clap!

4 competition

Teacher: Thank you boys for your suffering, and now there’s a new competition:

"Necklace". Girls need to make a beautiful necklace from pasta. The girl who makes the necklace first wins this competition.

5 competition
"With a flying gait..."

Participants in the competition take turns approaching the presenter and receiving a card with a task. The task indicates exactly what gait each participant will have to walk along the catwalk.

The gait of a woman carrying very heavy bags from the market.
- The gait of a business woman.
- The gait of an athletic woman.
- The gait of a child taking his first steps.
- The gait of a woman whose shoes are too tight.
- The gait of a woman, a fashion model.
- The gait of a woman walking along the edge of a skyscraper.
The winner is the participant whose task the audience guessed by her gait.

7 competition

Dance competition

For some reason, it is believed that you must dance on your feet. Is it not possible to dance lying down or sitting? We invite our participants to perform the dance without rising from their chair. Who will win this competition is very interesting!

Teacher: Well done! And now the Jury will sum up the results of the game:

Leading. Our holiday has come to an end. We congratulate you once again:

With the first drop

With the last snowstorm,

Happy early spring holiday!

We congratulate you, we sincerely wish you

Joy! Happiness! Hello! Love!

Class in flowers, smiles...
You will remember this day
More than once a year:
How the boys congratulated -
Only the gods are praised this way,
And everyone was licking their fingers
From delicious pies!
Be clean, smart, sweet,
Circle in sections,
With a textbook, notebook
And be friends with us!!!
You and I have been studying for so many years,
And you are dearer to us than anyone else in the world.
We wish you ups and downs on this holiday,
Shine the rays of the sun on the planet!
And let every day be like a fairy tale
And every day there will be holidays in life!
Color everything with your favorite paint.
We will help you. Your classmates
I've been dreaming about the holiday all year long -
There is so much joy in it!..
Happy Women's Day, student!
Happy sunniest day! —
Who in the world invented
Spring Day, Flowers for us?
Children rush to congratulate
Sisters, grandmothers, mothers!
Be smarter, braver, stricter,
Your talent is not your soul;
And teachers too
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!!!
The month of March is a joyful, clear month.
Gentlemen! Our ladies are beautiful!
Sasha, Nastya, Nadya, Lyuba and Zhenya,
Ira, Alena, Lisa, Nastya and Yana -
Forget-me-nots, violets, tulips.
Who is beautiful in outfit, who is beautiful -
Most are beautiful at heart.
Every girl has a piece of sun in her.
We love you all very much in the spring!
Dear classmates,
Happy Spring Day!
Our dear pranksters,
May all your dreams come true!
Let them give you high fives,
For beautiful eyes
Let the guys all like you,
We can't do it without you!
You are young, slim, beautiful,
Smart, confident!
You are simply a miracle, simply a miracle!
May you always be lucky.
The eighth of March is a wonderful day
May it only bring joy
Let it become crowded with happiness,
And my heart sings with love!
Dear girls, kind, faithful!
Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!
Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,
Cherished, purest happiness!
A lot of affection, warmth, kindness for you, -
Let your dreams come true!
From year to year, always in spring,
It happens in March and the eighth day.
Health, happiness, long years -
There are no other wishes for you!
Let lilacs bloom every day,
Let the sun shine brightly
May you have every day
Like March 8th!
In the classroom in honor of March 8
We will design the desks for you.
And you will have to in class
Read the lines for you, girls.
Compliments, wishes
They will drive out your thirst for knowledge,
And for a while let him be smarter
Those who are stronger than you will become
Happy spring holiday to you,
You are our beloved classmates!
Let the sun warm you with its rays,
Let the snow in your soul melt from congratulations!
Let guys invite you on dates
Love, smiles and charm!
Today beauty rules the roost here.
She, having entered in all her greatness
This stage will illuminate the whole hall
Wonderful girlish smiles.
All the best flowers are at your feet.
They are a declaration of love
Today we have a holiday of beauty.
You are all Miss Charming today!
We would like to congratulate you warmly
Happy spring holiday.
And the light of the sun, and your clear gaze
We need it equally.
May good luck accompany you,
In work, in life and in love.
Live, dear ones, without hiding
Your proud smiles!
Women's Day is the reason
Why are we singing here?
Allow us, men,

By childish desire
We have come to congratulate you.
And boyish sufferings,
Oh, they brought it to you today.
I tried so hard all day.
I didn't look at the girls.
I could barely resist -
I wanted to pull my braid.
They say we're badasses.
Never believe it.
In our class the commanders
Oh, there were always girls.
Women's Day is the reason
Why are we singing here?
Allow us, men,
Congratulations on Women's Day!

On the eve of the first spring holiday, March 8, boys of all ages, like the entire male population of our country, are busy looking for an option because they want it to be original and individual. In congratulating dear ladies: adults and not so much, the main thing is not the high cost (as is commonly thought), but attention. Every hero of the occasion wants to feel that the gift was chosen specifically for her and according to her tastes and interests.

We offer an option congratulations to classmates on March 8th with nominations and comic medals..

Options for comic medalsbut to schoolgirls

For congratulations on March 8, the guys can come up with, for example, a theatrical one. At the same time, medals can be chosen according to the character and hobbies of each girl and solemnly presented. Or they can, for example, be played out - by playing the game “What are our girls made of?”, with eyeliner, in order to get to know them better, and then the girls themselves “blindly” draw out a congratulation for themselves, then the boys solemnly read it out and present the corresponding medal.

General congratulations

It's a holiday for the girls today,
We need to congratulate you somehow.
Again a boy classmate
It will rack your brain.

How many great girls are there?
In our class, no doubt:
Kind, smart, energetic...
Like a festive bouquet.

We thought and wondered for a long time,
How to surprise girls
Here, we wrote the verses,
And buy gifts

Have you forgotten? Guess!
There is also cake for tea.
Well, girls, choose
There is a cool verse for everyone!

1. Kindest

You radiate like the sun
You are warm and kind.
Help me wash the board,
Keeping it clean...
If the apple is in the briefcase,
You will definitely treat me.
For those who didn’t have time themselves,
You will solve the entire test.

And homework
You let the boys write it off.
I would invite you on a date,
We're afraid you won't come.
(I would invite you on a date,
Yes, I'm afraid you won't come.)

2. Future excellent student

You haven't rated it yet
Hidden potential.
Got a D again
Instead of certificates and praises.

You're very talented
You're hiding your talent in vain.
In "Bear Cub", by the way,
I was second that year.

You read a lot of different books,
Strong in geography...
You shouldn't raise your hand in vain,
What, you don't need an A?

Just don't be lazy,
Complete all tasks...
I wish I could study better
Only get straight A's.

3. The most energetic

You are like a boy in life,
The energy is in full swing,
Jeans, cap, shoes, haircut...
Do you like to play with the ball?

You don't skip physical training,
Even with an injury to class,
And you ski like that,
That the physical education teacher couldn’t catch up.

In volleyball, in basketball
You are one for four...
It's a pity there are so few in our school
Such cool girls.

4. The most modest

You are a beauty, we know
But shy at times.
Every boy, to be honest,
Wants to meet you.

Only you don't notice
You don't look at boys
You don't answer calls
You cram biology.

Modesty of women adorns
Everyone has known this for a long time.
Only this for us (to me) interferes
Invite you to the cinema.

5. Successful everywhere and in everything

You can do everything in the world:
Theatre, swimming pool, gym...
You visit the music room:
Piano plus vocals.

In the morning you do exercises,
Afterwards, take a shower, of course.
And opening your notebook,
Anyone admires...

Neat lines
So beautiful to write?!
Well, crumpled leaves
You don't even have to look.

6. To the future pop star

You are a soloist in a school choir,
After all, you barely open your mouth,
You can hear it even in the corridor,
Everyone knows who sings.

You love to sing from birth,
In karaoke you are a star.
You dream about Eurovision
Come out when you grow up.

You know a lot of different songs
From ditties to hits.
Girls so beautiful
Ready to carry in your arms!

7. The most virtual

You love communication very much,
It's not a question of when or with whom.
Very strong mood
Then rises.

You discuss in text messages,
Who went where and with whom?
And then you don’t understand
What the teacher said.

The whole evening on the Internet
For example, in contact ru.
You go to bed at dawn...
Confirm, I'm not lying.

8. The most fun

Never lose heart
You live a very fun life.
If you get a pair,
There's no way you'll cry.

You are a great girlfriend
I won't get bored with you
Mischievous laugh -
Anyone in the class can confirm.

How many jokes do you know?
More than any of us.
You infect with positivity
And our whole class smiles!

9. Most creative

Every day with a new hairstyle
You are going to the gymnasium:
That one with a two-meter pigtail,
Then suddenly you’ll have curls.

The one with straight hair
Repaint them again...
In front of the mirror for hours
You're ready to stand.

You paint your lips and eyelashes,
Manicure in five minutes.
There are even graduates at school
They are coming to you to take a lesson.

Teachers scold in vain,
The hair is not the same again...
They don't understand anything
In true beauty.

10. Most Reader

You don't have time to eat
You don't go on the Internet
Day and night you sit and read,
There is no time for dancing.

Everyone is running the disco,
Offending the team,
You're going to the library
Take the newest detective story.

You've read a lot
Interesting, thick books,
She became the wisest in the class.
Every student sees -

For dictation, for essay
You only get five.
Yes, useful, no doubt
Books for girls to read.

11. Animal lover

More ICQ, chocolate
Do you love cats and dogs?
I'm happy with the parrot too
Without mice and rats - no way.

You love animals
Feed the birds from the window
And don't forget the dogs,
They always need food.

And a cutlet from the canteen
You put it in your coat pocket...
The yard dog barks loudly,
If you're going home!

12. Fan of the group "Ranetki"

In my head - only "Ranetki",
There are no extraneous thoughts.
These "creative kids"
The film was made for many years.

The whole evening in front of the screen
Disc after disc comes out.
Yes, TV babushka
It will outdo it, that's what it does!

She still needs to learn
Pick on the guitar.
Will be able to ask to join the group
And become the sixth soloist!

13. Jack of all trades

If your trousers are suddenly torn,
It definitely won't pass by,
Instantly he will take the needle in his hands,
He will sew up the hole expertly.

Doesn't lose in the evenings
As a gift of time she:
Sculpts, knits, embroiders...
Life is full of fantasy!

McDonald's can't compare to her
And "Blinoff", alas, doesn't count.
Expert in hot dogs,
Bakes buns with cream...

I dream of visiting her
For a hot dog and pancakes.
I don’t know how to ask,
Help, guys!

14. In creative search

You don't know yet
Who would you like to become?
Constantly thinking
It's very difficult to choose:

“Maybe I should become a Goth?
Paint your lips black
Hanging out at the graves,
Drink beer.... Probably not.

Doesn't suit emu either
Grandma was a punk...
Life goes by meaninglessly
But I didn’t find myself.

Maybe fall head over heels in love?
Father won't like it..."
Well, start studying
The quarter is coming to an end!

15. The most stylish

You know a lot about the latest fashion:
Rings, beads, wigs...
Even if in nature,
You love heels.

You don't wear a school uniform
It makes you sick.
Platform sandals,
Jeans, top - what a look!

Do you like a fashionable magazine?
Flip through in class,
And my finger gets completely tired -
You can raise your hand.

"I haven't left yet
In a new blouse to the board.
I just bought it yesterday
In a super fashionable boutique!"

(Poems by N. Boltachev, medals by T. Pisarevskaya)

All medals can be viewed in this folder

(click on file to download)


holiday for girls of grade 7a “The most-most”

Teacher : Spring is a bright holiday of the awakening of nature. In spring, everything on earth blooms. And March - the first month of spring - brings warmth, the sun begins to shine brighter, and the first spring flowers appear. It is no coincidence that this month we celebrate the most wonderful holiday - International Women's Day.

A video lesson from the Infourok project will help us remember the history of this holiday.

And now, dear girls, tune in to the festive wave! Tender, warm words and heartfelt congratulations will be heard only for you today.

(boys come out)

    Good afternoon

    Today we want to congratulate our dear ones,











    you girls!

(song sounds to the tune of “Our Neighbor”)


1. How can we not worry?

Don't be embarrassed, don't blush?

Because today, because today

We decided to sing for you!

On a spring day, on a cheerful day

We are happy to congratulate you

With the brightest, kindest -

The best spring holiday!

Chorus: dad-dad…..

2. Congratulations to you today

And gifts from the heart.

And we admit that it is very

You are good today!

We promise to become more mature

Don't lose your friendship.

Well, if someone offends you,

We will protect you!

Chorus: dad-dad…..

3.You are beautiful like stars

And the eyes sparkle with fire.

And your smiles are sweet

Outshine the sun during the day!

You are so nice to us,

You girls are simply awesome!

We wish you only happiness,

Let the flowers bloom for you!

Chorus: dad-dad…..

Student 1 :

Happy spring holiday!
Let it pour everywhere
Loud fun!

Student 2:
Let the sun shine!
Let the frost go away!
Let the winter go away
Mimosa sprig!

Student 3:

Happy holiday,

Happy holiday,

Happy Women's Day,

Wonderful, wonderful,

Student 4:

Happy holiday of affection,

Love and attention

Happy holiday of feminine charm!

With the beginning of spring!

Student 5:

We also want to congratulate Liliya Mikhailovna on the holiday.


On this spring Women's Day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like lilac.

Student 6:

May your life be wonderful

And always be happy!

Let your home be a full cup

Good luck, happiness and goodness!


On this pre-holiday day, I also want to congratulate our girls on the holiday, wish them health, a cheerful spring mood, and success in all your endeavors. I have prepared a festive presentation for you, where the main roles are you, beautiful girls.

(Presentation show)


But today we will not only congratulate the girls, but also relax, play, and have fun. And I again give the floor to the boys.

Student 1 :

We invite you to become participants in the competition, the name of which you will learn by carefully listening to the song performed by us.

(the song “The Most-Most” sounds)

So, a competition is announced for the title “The Best”, in which all the girls in our class will participate. The conditions of the competition are as follows: after each competition, one participant leaves, having completed the task last. Before we start, we offer you a warm-up:

    Questions related to number 8:

    Name the eighth month of the year. (August.)

    Which month of the year gets its name from the Latin numeral eight? (October.)

    How many months are there in eight years? (96 months)

    When do elephants have eight legs? (When there are two of them.)

    What has eight legs but is not called an octopus? (Spider.)

    Seven brothers have one sister. How many children are there in total? (Eight.)

    What will a quadrilateral become if all four corners are cut off? (Octagon.)

    What number on the dial of a mechanical watch is located opposite the number eight? (Number two.)

    Smart girls, and now we want to know how you understand cooking. Let's keep asking questions! Moreover, for each correct answer a token will be issued. Whoever collects the most tokens will have the right to return to the game if he suddenly has to drop out of it.

    What is the name of the document that describes the method of preparing a dish? (Recipe.)

    Which soups are consumed more in Russia: cold or hot? And why? (Hot, since in Russia there are more cold days than warm ones.)

    What soup contains cucumber and pearl barley? (In pickle.)

    What is the name of a salad drenched in kvass? (Okroshka.)

    “Chicken Solarium” is…. What? (Grill.)

    Do chefs make cheesecakes from cheese or cottage cheese? (From cottage cheese.)

    As the name suggests, preparing this dairy product is as easy as shelling pears. What is it called? (Sour milk.)

    Which fish wears a “fur coat” on holidays? (Herring)

    Which country gave the world its own open pie - pizza? (Italy.)

    Table seasoning has the Slavic root “burns”.(Mustard)

    Without what product is lunch in Rus' impossible? ( Bread)

    Name the most important treat at Maslenitsa.(Pancakes)

Now it’s clear that you’ve “warmed up” andyou can start competitions .

    Competition "Hot" (9 people)

We begin the competition program with the “hottest” competition. Please stand in a circle and take the pan. As soon as the music starts playing, imagine that the pan is hot and try to get rid of it quickly, i.e. pass it to the player standing next to you. Whoever remains with the pan in his hands when the music has stopped will leave the game after the first competition.

    Competition "Podium" (8 people)

Dear girls, this time we invite you to move from the kitchen to the podium. This competition will allow you to imagine yourself on the catwalk as a fashion model. You just have to walk along a straight drawn line with the book on your head. If only one participant’s book falls, then the competition will be considered over; if several participants lose the book, they will play with each other. So, get ready for the transformation.

    Competition "Cooks" (7 people)

Actions with the pan continue. We want to know if you know how to cook yourself, if you help mothers and grandmothers prepare dishes. In general, the task is not easy, and you are given only a minute and a half to complete it. Take sheets of paper, pens and get ready to write a set of products. You have to continue the sentence: “If I were cooking borscht, I would put it in it...” Music!!!

    Competition "Bouquet" (6 people)

This competition is that you are invited to create a festive bouquet of flowers, the names of which you will have to guess. So, you get a piece of paper, a pen and watch the presentation, there will be a description of the colors on the slides. You need to write their names on a piece of paper. Whoever has fewer correct answers than others will leave the competition.

    Competition "Cinderella" (5 people)

We think that just after hearing the name of the competition, you guessed what you had to do now. There is a glass in front of each of you. Pour its contents onto the table and familiarize yourself: there is rice, buckwheat, peas and noodles. You thought correctly, you need to take this apart. As soon as the music starts, get to work. The last one leaves.

    Competition "Strange People" (4 people)

On one planet in the constellation Orion, all people do work with one hand. Show how people from a distant planet would perform some actions common to earthlings. And to do this, you need to peel the boiled egg with one hand. You start on command; whoever completed the task last is eliminated.

    Competition "Sweet Tooth" (3 persons)

Now you have a competition for speed and it’s very tasty. Please serve the cakes. The one who eats the slowest among you will leave the competition. Get ready, let's start!

    Competition "Monument" (2 people)

Teacher: Dear girls, you have already reached the final. The boys tried so hard organizing competitions that it was time to erect a monument to them. Choose your assistant now. Choose the position in which your monument will stand or sit. Now take a roll of toilet paper, and as soon as the music starts, start wrapping them from head to toe. Let's see who can do it faster and more beautifully too.

At the end of each competition, the girl who drops out of the game is given a commemorative medal and congratulations on the holiday (A 4 sheet with a photo and description of the meaning of her name).

Teacher: Our festive competition for the title of “The Best” has come to an end. Based on the results of all competitions, the winner was... She is awarded the largest medal with the inscription “The best!!!” and greet the winner with applause.

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