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Correct use of white magic spells in the treatment of cough. How to read a cough spell for a child When reading a prayer, a strong cough appears

Cough is an eternal companion of colds and various respiratory diseases. But a cough can also be a sign of other, more serious illnesses that require prompt treatment.

It can have dire consequences - this includes bronchial asthma, pneumonia, and tuberculosis - the list of diseases against which cough will be the main symptom is truly enormous.

A cough can exhaust a person half to death; it prevents him from sleeping, eating, or breathing. In addition, the consequences of a prolonged, untreated cough are severe complications that develop into chronic stages that cannot be treated. That is why, along with conventional cough remedies, folk remedies are widely used, including cough spells.

That is why, along with traditional methods of cough treatment, folk remedies for cough treatment and cough spells are especially popular.

How to talk about a cough?

The main advantage of the cough spell is the ease of its use; with this remedy a person can easily heal himself.

You need to read the words of the conspiracy with faith and humility, act as suggested by the treatment with folk remedies used with a specific conspiracy - and after a short time the fight against cough will give its results. There are also conspiracies against coughs, which are read by another person at the request of the patient.

It is better to find out the cause of cough before treatment with conspiracies: after all, cough is a symptom of the development of the disease, and folk remedies used for cough do not always help against the disease - the cause. The cough will be cured, but the cause will remain, deepen, and return with even more severe consequences, which cannot always be cured with folk remedies.

If the cough appears from a cold that has already been healed, it is enough to read the “frog plot”, without supplementing it with any actions. A cough with a sore throat is treated by sprinkling with enchanted water, and you can make the water yourself at home, or ask your grandmother or magician.

Frog "Cough" spell
pure, I see the whole truth. Fierce animals run past. Black birds fly by, rotten worms crawl by. Let what is said come true. Amen."

A cough, like any other illness, can be caused intentionally - some sorcerers do this.

This type of cough is the most difficult for a person to tolerate; it has no objective external causes (viral or bacterial infections, inflammatory processes, etc.). A person “barks” like a dog, bursts into coughing, but cannot do anything about it. Simple treatment with folk remedies will not help either. Such an illness must be cured with a conspiracy.

Spell “For cough and sore throat”

“Kasyan, Demyana, aim the bow so that the arrow goes into pain, the painful illness leaves the throat of God’s servant (...) so that it goes away from where it came. She returned there and never returned. So that words are strong, sculpted, and arguments are strong. And so be it!”
bottom, bottomless it is.
The bright stars will descend into my cup, the water in my cup is pure, purer than the mountain, colder than the spring. May the sun turn away the servant of God (name) from wine, may the month of the servant of God (name) subside from wine, may the pure stars pacify the heart of the servant of God (name) from wine.
I will close my words with a golden key, I will go out with it into a wide field, and beyond the field I will find a deep sea. I’ll throw my key into that sea, it will fall to the bottom, where no one will find it, no one will pick it up. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

At dawn, with the first ray of sun, you need to go out to the threshold, cross yourself and ask God to take away your cough, comparing yourself to the busy dawn, which “doesn’t cough or bark.” You may need a stronger cough spell - it all depends on the strength of the effect. For a strong conspiracy, it is better to turn to a professional.

Sometimes a person's cough can be relieved with a glass of water. Six thin needles are thrown at him, and the words of the conspiracy are read.

Cough spell on needles

“Breast devils - three sisters,
Khvorobitsy and wheezing,
They will leave with the help of six fiery arrows!
The first one will pierce the eyes of the devils,
The next one will pin their nails,
The third will shut their mouth,
The fourth arrow will tie their hands,
The fifth will pierce their hearts,
The sixth one will knock the wind out of them.”
my, my archangel, save my soul, strengthen my heart; enemy Satan, give up on me. I am baptized with the cross, I protect myself with the cross, I call on the angel with the cross, I drive away the evil one with the cross. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The charmed water should be drunk in small sips (take six sips), the rest of the water should be poured under a tree, and six needles from a glass should be stuck into the tree bark.

When folk and not so folk remedies have helped you in your fight against cough, you should consolidate the result. There is a special conspiracy for this - it is called a cough conspiracy for recovery. It should be read in the morning of the day when the illness began to recede; they need to be repeated seven times, looking out the window at the rising sun (the spell is done before noon).

How to help a child with a cough?

Folk remedies for cough can be used to treat both adults and children. Usually, simple conspiracies that are not related to relieving a cough are performed for oneself, but if a child is sick, the ritual should be performed by the mother or grandmother (the ritual can be performed by a third party if he wishes the child well).

It is clear that the only thing a woman can endure worse than her own suffering is the suffering of a child, but they can also be alleviated with the help of folk remedies. Rituals and spells applied to a child must be delicate - God forbid they frighten or simply confuse the child.

Do not contact unclean spirits, do not speak medicine in front of your child.

The preparations that you prepare from the enchanted components should be convenient to take and not disgusting in taste. The easiest way is to take a teaspoon of honey, dissolve it in water and give it to your child to drink.

Cough spell with honey

“I, servant of God (name), will arise, blessing myself, and crossing myself, I will go out from the first door to the second, from the first gate to the second. I will go out into a wide open field and stand facing the morning and evening dawn. I will pray to them, I will bow to them, two sisters: the morning dawn Ulyana and the evening dawn Maremyana. Morning dawn Ulyana and
evening - Maremyana, take away my choking and cough, and carry them far beyond the ocean-sea. Across the sea and ocean you will be warmly received and there is something cooked and baked for you. Amen."

Perform the ritual until the illness subsides. You can also use pertussin and lazolvan to enhance the therapeutic effect, plus the child will not suspect anything. It is better not to perform magical rituals in front of a child also because skeptical relatives or friends will start laughing at him and will discourage the child from believing in a miracle - then no conspiracy will help.

Also, when performing a ritual with needles (yes, it can also be performed for a child), you need to be very careful - let’s drink not with sips, but with a spoon. In this case, it is better to take an opaque glass - so that no one asks unnecessary questions.

The main thing is Faith. Faith in the power of the Word, in the power of the Spirit, in the power of God, which helps a person overcome any illnesses and troubles in life.

Miracle words: powerful prayer for coughs in full description from all the sources we found.

Cough is a very common illness among children. It occurs after an ENT disease and interferes with the normal functioning of your child. Parents often wonder how to cure their baby without using expensive drugs and without causing additional harm to the fragile body. There is only one answer - the best solution in this situation would be a conspiracy.

What is the cause of cough:

  1. Previous colds;
  2. Allergic reactions (swelling, spasms);
  3. Chemical effects of drugs on the child’s body;
  4. Exposure to cold;

A cough spell can help your child get rid of the disease. This is an effective method that allows treatment without medications. Perhaps, in treating a child, a conspiracy is the most painless way to get rid of a misfortune.

In order to correctly decide on the choice of ritual, you need to clearly know the reason why your child developed the disease. Could this be a consequence of tuberculosis infection? Or was it a simple cold?

Conspiracy at sunrise

This ritual is very powerful in treating severe coughs in babies. It is pronounced at dawn.

“Two sisters live in God’s heaven: the eldest Zarya Ulyana, the younger Maremyana. I will go out into the open field and bow to the two dawn sisters. Morning dawn Ulyana, evening dawn Maremyana, You, sister dawns, take my torment, Take out of me the suffocation and cough. Take them over a high mountain, a deep river. There they are waiting for your gift, tablecloths are laid out on oak tables, pies with porridge are baked. There will be coughing and suffocation, There they will live from now on. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer on bath water

A cough spell is often performed using bath water. For the ritual you will need water brought from the bathhouse. Water is spoken with these words:

“Three sisters live in an open field. One sister coughs, another sneezes, the third grabs her chest. And go, sisters: Coughing, coughing, suffocation, - To the uncompressed strip, to the ninth shock, There they are waiting for you, There you will be well received, And from this hour all three sisters will leave the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer for persistent cough

When your baby cannot get rid of a dry cough for a very long time, this ritual is performed. They recite church water three evenings in a row, and then use the resulting water to wash the sick child.

“I will stand facing the evening dawn, the holy icon is on the wall, the cross is on me. Zoryushka Maremyana, you are red and ruddy, take from me the coughing, suffocation, suffocation, carry it across the ocean-sea, into a wide expanse. Everything will be taken there, everyone will be accepted. There, the guests are baked and boiled, and my water is spoken. Just as the dawn of Maremyana does not cough, does not sneeze, does not inhale or suffer from various ailments, so I would not be sick, would not cough, would not grieve. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

If your baby coughs at night, use the following prayer. At the moment when the coughing attack begins, say this curse to yourself three times:

“Blessed Elder Matrona, let the cough and choking go away. God help me with this. Amen." Elder Matrona, cleanse me from the choking cough and trembling choke. Amen. Blessed Matrona, let the cough go away and not vomit in your throat. Amen. Blessed Elder Matrona. Reject my suffocating cough and threatening illness. Amen. Matrona of Moscow. Deliver me from an evil cough and a dashing attack. Amen".

After the words have been spoken, cross yourself three times and drink a few sips of holy water. If a coughing attack hits you outside the house, just whisper a prayer and the attack will pass.

Conspiracy on the water

Fill up with church water in advance. Speak to it in the following words and wash yourself with it.

“Dawn, lightning, evening and morning sister, Take cough: korhun, perkhun, cough. The raiders - take it away, the ogling ones - fall off, For that day, for that hour, for that minute. Go, kolyun, they ask you, wish you and beg you. You, whooping, are called, greeted, tables are set. The tables for you are oak, And the tablecloths for the tables are brocade. It’s not me who drives you away, it’s not me who forces you. Drive away the holy words and earthly meadows And the fast mother river, high dark forests. There is no pillow for you here, no blanket for you. So that you, disease, disappear from the soul (so-and-so). Be my word strong, and my business tenacious. For now, for centuries, for all times. Amen.”

A cough spell is an effective folk remedy without drug treatment for the disease. A correctly performed ritual will help very quickly get rid of your child’s illness.

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Strong prayer for cough

No one is immune from seasonal and other diseases, which can cause a painful cough.

A spell for a strong and painful cough will help to cope with the disease only if the performer of the magical ritual and the sick person himself strongly believe in the fulfillment of what he wants.

Otherwise, magic is powerless and cannot help.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses, c.

Colds are a common seasonal thing.

Cough spells

Spells for treating coughs and sore throats

Morning charm charm

“Lord save me, servant of God (your name), God protect me. On an oak throne, in a golden crown, sits the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, nods her head and protects me, the servant of God (her name), from coughs and colds. Amen".

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I don't believe this works!

It definitely works if you believe in it.

Really working conspiracies. I just read it over tea with honey, the cough went away very quickly!

Prayers and spells for colds (sore throat, cough, runny nose)

Who knows the cold? If you are sick, it is best to rest at home, do not go out, stay in bed, eat right (do not overload the body, remember that it is already difficult for it, take care of light food rich in vitamins), drink more and read prayers. You will feel better. But you need to read prayers for a cold with feeling and faith for a cure, then they will help in healing.

First of all, we read the basic prayers of an Orthodox Christian.

If you have a cold, turning to Maron the Syrian hermit, who chose for himself the feat of a bloodless life, will help. He climbed the mountain and settled there in a temple abandoned by the pagans. Then he built a small hut in which the sick who came to him for healing stayed. He healed people with the power of his prayer to God.

Prayers to St. Maron, Syrian Hermit

« O beloved and sacred head, reverend and God-bearing Father Marone! Look down mercifully on us sinners, and pray to the All-Bounteous Master and the Giver of all good things, God, to preserve our power and preserve it from all enemies intact and undamaged. Be a prayer book for us unworthy as well. Stretch out your hands to the All-merciful Lord of honor, and ask for mercy and generosity from Him, with them save us from all troubles and severe diseases, and free us from all passions, and also from the unbearable and inexhaustible fire and shaking, through your prayers, deliver us and from the attacks of demons; protect us from visible and invisible enemies, and ask for forgiveness of our sins, and present us saved to Christ, on the day of the Last Judgment, with joy we will appear before the face of His ineffable glory, and we will graciously hear the call to the Kingdom of Heaven from Him, and in indescribable joy behold the glorious kindness of His face, by the grace and love of mankind of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ: for His Power is blessed and glorified with His beginningless Father and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Another prayer to Maron

“Not only in this holy temple, created in your name, but also in every place, hear us, holy Venerable Maron, running to you with faith, hope and zeal. You lived homeless in the desert and you yourself were depressed by many illnesses, but by the power of God you healed and acquired the grace of the Lord, and healed fever and fever and other illnesses through your prayer alone. Therefore, reverend, those seriously ill with fever and fever pray to you: heal them, come to help them and quench their sorrow, weakening the disease, because you know, Saint Maron, that a sick person is sometimes distracted from repentance by his illness, if he has lost consciousness, and from doing good deeds, if he lies motionless and on his sick bed. Pray, venerable one, for the Lord to grant them health, so that, having recovered in soul and body, they will appear and be worthy to enter His Kingdom, where together with you they will see the Life-giving and Consubstantial Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracies for colds, sore throat, sore throat and asthma

A conspiracy is made for the waning month in strict accordance with the instructions set out in the rules for performing conspiracies.

“In the city of Jerusalem, on the Jordan River, there is a cypress tree, on that tree an eagle bird sits, nibbling and pulling with its claws, both under the cheeks and under the gills of God’s servant (name) the toad. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Key, Lock, Tongue."

Another conspiracy for a severe cold

Take a glass with any drink in your left hand, you can pour it into a glass or cup and, lowering your face low, say so that the surface of the drink sways with your breath:

“Frola and Laurus, Blasius and Kharlampy, Nicholas the Wonderworker and George the Victorious, King David, Mother Helen, Most Holy Catherine, seize and carry away, extinguishing the illness of the servant of God (name) with my conspiracy, your order. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Cold and flu spell

Frol and Laurus, Blasius and Kharlampy,

Nikola the Miracle Maker, St. George the Victorious,

King David, Mother Helen,

Take off and carry and extinguish

Illness of God's servant (name)

By my word, by your order.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Do this several times a day until you see an improvement in the patient’s well-being.

Conspiracy for a runny nose

It doesn’t burn, doesn’t leak, doesn’t itch, doesn’t hurt. Amen

We read several times a day until the runny nose goes away and try to breathe deeply through the nose.

Another conspiracy for a runny nose using a nasal composition

We prepare the mass according to the following recipe: heat equal parts of aloe juice and honey in a small cup, you can take a tea pot in a water bath and put it in the cupboard for three days. Say a prayer for three days:

“There are no thoughts other than to improve my breathing. Earth to the roots, earth to the crown. To me, the servant of God (name), health at all times. Amen (3 times)!”

You need to use the mixture instead of drops several times a day.

Conspiracy for a sore throat

“Mother Pine, you are standing on a dry mountain, your branches and roots have dried up.

Likewise, the servant of God (name) has dried up a disease in his throat. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Cough spell for children

The spell is made on a small piece of dough, which is then applied to the chest.

On a swamp hummock, a toad says to his daughter: “You, my daughter, are croaking here, and the servant of God (...) is coughing like that. I will mix the ferment, the cough and the tree frog, and I will free the servant of God (...) from coughing.”

You need to do this three times.

Plot for cough or inflammation of the upper respiratory tract

They talk about the solution for inhalation, after which it is given to the patient for inhalation.

I, the servant of God (name), will begin to dissuade the toad from the allergic disease: “The toad has come in kindness, I will dress the toad in linen one day, I will dress the toad in linden bast shoes, in belt frills. I will throw that toad on the damp ground, under a birch bark bush, so that it does not hurt, so that it does not pinch, so that it does not burn with fire, and does not interfere with the servant of God (servant of God) (name of the patient) from eating and drinking.” My word is strong and actionable. Amen.

Cough spell at home - step-by-step instructions

The cough spell is an ancient and very effective remedy for combating the first signs of the disease, which has been serving people faithfully for thousands of years. Thousands of years ago, people came up with effective remedies for treating ailments, but these remedies, unlike modern drugs, have no side effects and do not harm the body, since they act not on the body, but on the energy component of us and the world as a whole. Those forces that guide us through life, protect and protect us are ready to help us and our loved ones at the first request, you just need to know how to contact them, because you can’t write a letter to them or send them an SMS. This language is the language of ancient rituals containing the power of our ancestors.

Attention! Extreme caution must be taken with all spells when it comes to human health.

In this article we will tell you about a conspiracy for coughs and human illnesses in general. This conspiracy is not complicated and any of us can easily carry it out, the main thing is to strictly follow the sequence of actions and not to improvise - with force, improvisation can play a cruel joke and you may not cure the cough but get a more serious illness, you must agree - a bad thing. By following all the rules, you will get the long-awaited result, and in the matter of texts and sequence, we will help you, because this article contains the most working and proven spells


“The lips of the servant of God (name of the sick person) open, try to help me. Let the Holy Spirit in, cast out cough and illness. Yes, that's the way it will be. Amen".

These spell words need to be pronounced during the daytime. A sick person, when hearing the words “The mouth of God’s servant (name)…” should open his mouth and not close it until the end of the conspiracy. At the end of the conspiracy, the performer must cross the mouth of the sick person 3 times.

“I, the servant of God (my name), will go out, crossing myself, sprinkling myself with holy water, into an open field, onto the steppe. In that clean field, the stone lies and is silent - it does not choke, does not cough, does not get unwell, does not get sick. So the servant of God (the name of the sick person) would not cough, cough or get sick, would always be full of strength and unharmed. Amen".

This conspiracy must be carried out in the evening. A faceted glass should be placed on the table in front of the sick person, filled with holy water and a smooth white stone should be placed.

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When the performer of the conspiracy says the words:

“I, servant of God (name), will go out, crossing myself, sprinkling myself with holy water...” the person speaking must be baptized and sprinkle himself with holy water. With the words: “So the servant of God (the name of the sick person) would not cough, cough or be sick, he would always be full of strength...” the performer needs to take a white stone in his left hand and beat it on the sick person’s chest (where the sick person’s cough comes from) ) “Dawn come, and take the cough from the servant of God (the name of the sick person) and take it with you, wherever you want, bury it. My word is strong, you will never cut it down. Amen".


The spell for a severe cough should be carried out in the morning. To do this, you need to heat the tip of the needle red-hot and throw it into a previously prepared glass of holy water. Repeat the same action with 6 more needles. Then you should speak water with needles:

My second arrow will pin their legs.

My third arrow will close the wheezing mouth.

My fourth arrow will tie the hands of the evil twigs.

My fifth arrow will pierce their hearts.

And my sixth and last arrow will drive the spirit out of them.”

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  • After these words, you need to give 6 sips of the charmed water to a sick person to drink - this must be done very carefully so as not to get hurt or swallow a needle (if the performer wants to cure his child, then it is better to give him water from a wooden spoon).
  • Then the performer needs to go to a separate tree, stick 6 needles into its trunk, and water its roots with the remaining water, while saying the following words:

“What was not spilled, not given, not drunk, was buried from the 3 sisters, through a log and a stump, through holy water.”

If your cough is accompanied by a sore throat, the following plot will help:

These magical words must be pronounced over holy water, which should then be given to a sick person to drink or gargle with.

To quickly get rid of a severe cough, you need to read the following words:

This conspiracy will help not only overcome a cough, but also restore your voice if it is lost, as well as get rid of a sore throat.

To regain your voice after a long cough, you need to go outside on Maundy Thursday before sunrise, go away from people and so that no one can see or hear, shout 3 times in a drawn-out voice: “Morning dawn, give me a voice, and take away the voicelessness.”



When performing a conspiracy ritual, certain rules must be followed. Only in this case will the event be a success.

  • It is important to choose the right time.
  • For health spells, this is sunrise.
  • Moreover, words have the greatest effectiveness and magical effect at the moment the sun immediately appears over the horizon.
  • In other words, a prayer or text of a conspiracy must accompany the rising of the sun.

It is advisable to go outside to perform the ritual. If this is not possible, you should open a window, preferably one facing east, and read by the window.


Repeating it will help strengthen the power of the conspiracy. However, this needs to be done an odd number of times - 3, 5, 7. For those who are especially patient, repeating the text 40 times is possible.


To read many health conspiracies, it is better to resort to the help of a third party. At the same time, the performer himself must be healthy and have clean, smooth skin. If the text is read by a believer, then before the ceremony he must put a cross on himself three times, and at the end of the procedure, read “Our Father.”

  • According to sources, you cannot talk about the conspiracy that took place, otherwise it will not come true.
  • The performer or the patient himself should never talk about him, even in confession.
  • You cannot ask for money for reading a health plot.
  • But the patient must definitely thank the performer.


The plot is made during the growth period of the month. It is enough to say the following words for 3 days:

“It’s a young month, father, golden friend. Just as God gives you golden horns, so he will give me health.”

You need to repeat the ritual looking at the month. It's better to go outside. Otherwise, open the window wide.


  • It should be carried out during the waxing moon, preferably immediately after sunset.
  • You will need to prepare 5 white candles, definitely from the church.
  • They are placed on the floor in the shape of a star with five corners.
  • They light it, the performer of the ritual goes to the center of the star.

Turning alternately to each side of the world, he says:

“May the autumn winds that blow me, the summer rains that water me, the spring sun that warms me, the winter snow that cools me bring me health and longevity. Let it be so. Amen".

You should move slowly, turning your gaze to one of the cardinal directions. You can’t turn around or squint your eyes to the side.


A painful cough exhausts the patient. If there is no escape from it, a special conspiracy will probably help. The patient himself does not have to perform this ritual; a performer is required. The ritual is performed during the day.

“Servant of God (name), open your mouth. And the Holy Spirit will enter into those lips, the Holy Spirit will enter and cough and drive out illness. He will expel you for a long time, forever. May the Higher powers help me. Now and in the century of centuries. Amen".


This conspiracy must also be carried out by the performer, and not the patient himself. It is done in the evening, closer to night. Preferably on a waxing moon. In addition to the text, it implies sacred actions performed by the patient. A glass glass filled to the brim with holy water is placed in front of the latter. Nearby is a white stone, always flat and smooth.

“Servant of God (name of the patient), I will go out into the open field, sprinkling myself, crossing myself (at this time the patient makes the sign of the cross three times and sprinkles himself with water). And in that field the stone is white, smooth. He doesn't cough, nothing more, doesn't choke. Let the servant of God (name of the patient) not cough, get sick, or wheeze (with these words, the performer takes a stone in his left hand and taps on the patient’s chest). The night will pass, the dawn will come and the cough will take away. The servant of God (name of the patient) will be full of strength, healthy and beautiful. Amen".


Water spells have a special magical effect.

  • Here it is better to trust a person with pronounced abilities for magic, with a clean and bright aura. The ceremony is carried out in the morning.
  • You should prepare a glass of holy water in advance.
  • Then the tip of the needle is red-hot and thrown into the water. There should be 6 such needles.
  • Then it’s time to pronounce the text:

“3 devils, you are blood sisters, chest wheezes and sickworts, I will run away from you. And 6 arrows with fire will help me. One arrow will pierce your eyes. The second one will tie your hands, and the third one will nail your feet. The fourth arrow will seal your lips forever. The fifth will pierce the hearts. And the sixth will forever pacify and calm the devils.”

Then the patient is asked to drink 6 sips from a glass. This must be done with caution so as not to swallow the needle and inject yourself. If the patient is a child, it is permissible for the performer to give him something to drink using a wooden spoon.

After this, the performer of the conspiracy must immediately stick the needles into the trunk of a perennial oak tree and water the roots with the remaining water. The following text is pronounced:

“What they didn’t finish, didn’t spill, didn’t add, from the pine-weed sisters, three devils, was buried under a tree stump.”


Often a cough is accompanied by a sore throat. In such a situation, holy enchanted water will again help. Above it, previously poured into a transparent glass, they say the following:

“Kosyan and Demyan will aim their bow, that arrow will find severe pain. A painful illness will leave the throat of God's servant (name of the patient), and rush back to where it came from, never to return again. The painful cough will remain forever. Amen".

There are a number of conspiracies that cannot be performed on yourself, but you can try to help another person. For example, the spell given below is pronounced over a patient who must sit with his mouth open. Actions take place during the daytime. When the person reading the plot pronounces the first phrase, the coughing person must open his mouth and sit there until the words are completely spoken.

“The lips of God’s servant (name) open, try to help me. Let the Holy Spirit in, cast out cough and illness. Yes, that's the way it will be. Amen".

You can close your mouth when the person reading the plot crosses the patient’s mouth three times. A child suffering from cough can also be treated in this way.

  • The next plot is read in the evening hours.
  • A person sits at a table on which there is a glass of holy water; a flat white stone should lie next to it.
  • The conspiracy begins with the words:

“I, servant of God (name), will go out, crossing myself, sprinkled with holy water...”

When this text is read, the person reading it should sprinkle holy water on himself. Then they say:

“So God’s servant (name) would not cough, cough or get sick, he would always be full of strength...” While reading a cough spell in this place, the patient should be beaten in the chest area with a prepared stone, in the place that bothers him, from where there is a cough reflex. Then the words are: “Dawn, come and take the cough from the servant of God (name) and take it with you wherever you want, bury it. My word is strong, you will never cut it down. Amen".

Conspiracy on needles

To combat cough and tickle, you can use a ritual that is carried out using ordinary needles. These magical actions are performed in the morning.

  • First, take one needle.
  • Bring it to the fire and hold it there until its tip turns red from the heat.
  • When it gets hot, the needle is thrown into a glass of water, which is prepared in advance.
  • When the needle is in the water, heat up the next one.
  • This is repeated 6 times.
  • When all 6 needles are in the water, a cough spell is pronounced.

“3 devil sisters, you sucklings, sickworts and wheezings - I will leave you in 6 fiery arrows. My first arrow will definitely pierce the devils' eyes. My second arrow will pin their legs. My third arrow will close the wheezing mouth. My fourth arrow will tie the hands of the evil twigs. My fifth arrow will pierce their hearts. And my sixth and last arrow will drive the spirit out of them.”

  • When the words are spoken, you need to drink some water from this glass.
  • You should only take 6 sips.
  • You have to be extremely careful not to swallow the needle.
  • If you are treating a baby, you should use a wooden spoon.
  • They fill it with water and give it to the baby to sip.
  • Then you should stick the needles into the tree trunk, and pour the water under its roots, accompanying everything with the words:

“What was not spilled, not given, not drunk, was buried from the three sisters, through a log and a stump, through holy water.”

Ritual for healing children

If your baby is sick, you need to take all measures to heal him. After all, children are very difficult to tolerate diseases. All cough conspiracies for children should be read by close blood relatives, for example, mother or grandmother.

  • Sometimes this is done by an aunt or another relative. It all depends on the circumstances.
  • Take a spoonful of honey, add it to some water, stir it and give it to the child in small portions. Honey is first spoken.
  • Use the following cough spell:

“Little baby, dear child, Mother of God, help me cure. So that the cough would not choke him, he would let him sleep and live peacefully. I conjure, I persuade, I ask. Give baby (name) health and strength, let everything bad go sideways. And good, healthy things will always be with him. Amen!"

This cough spell is repeated until the cough stops bothering you. In most cases, treatment takes several days.

Conspiracy for prolonged cough

To heal from a cough that has become protracted, wash with enchanted water. You need to take water and read the cough spell over it:

“I will stand facing the evening dawn, the holy icon is on the wall, the cross is on me. Zoryushka Maremyana, you are red and ruddy, take from me the coughing, suffocation, suffocation, carry it across the ocean-sea, into a wide expanse. Everything will be taken there, everyone will be accepted. There, the guests are baked and boiled, and my water is spoken. Just as the dawn of Maremyana does not cough, does not sneeze, does not inhale or suffer from various ailments, so I would not be sick, would not cough, would not grieve. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

The sick person must be washed with enchanted water for three evenings. You can't pause.

The following cough spell can also be used to cure a prolonged cough. The words are read on the water:

“Jesus Christ, love Your servant’s spirit. You Yourself, the Savior, save everyone, lift everyone from any illness. Lord, come, take your lungs in your right hand, Let them breathe freely and without pain. Lord, it is not I myself who help the sick woman, but I call on Your name to help the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

When the words are spoken, the sick person must be given this water to drink, then wash his face, neck, and wipe his chest. After this procedure, the temperature decreases, wheezing and hoarseness disappear, and recovery accelerates.

How to achieve complete recovery?

If the disease has passed almost completely, you need to consolidate the result so that the disease cannot take revenge. For this purpose, there are special cough spells for recovery. In the morning, when relief begins to be felt, a conspiracy is pronounced. All words are repeated seven times.

After this magical formula, recovery occurs faster, relapses occur less frequently.


Ritual for health

This magical ritual is read in the daytime by a person who wants to recover. If a small child is sick, then his blood relative: mother or grandmother should make a cough spell.

“With my lips the truth is spoken, the magic word will come to my aid, I will be able to heal the servant of God (name), the disease will go away from him and will not return. The Holy Spirit will come into him, diseases will come out. It will be like this and no other way. Amen!"

  1. The words of the prayer are repeated three times.
  2. You need to read them every day until the disease subsides and the person feels better.
  3. As a rule, a week is enough.
  4. During this time, the cough may go away completely.
  5. In extreme cases, it may take up to two months.

Holy water

The magical power of water has been known for centuries. Our ancestors successfully used the liquid to treat various diseases.

  • To perform this ritual you will need holy water.
  • As a last resort, you can use spring water.
  • It is not recommended to perform the ritual with water taken from the tap.
  • Late in the evening, a cough spell is read on water:

“In the distant sea, in the blue sea, there is Buyan Island, a distant island. I, servant of God (name), will go out into the street, I will overcome the high mountains, I will cross the deep sea, I will find that unknown island, On that island a mighty oak tree grows, Under that oak tree I will bury my strong cough, my illness, my problem, I will bury it deep , I will bury him well, so that he remains there forever and ever, I will return from the island, from the sea, healthy and powerful, I will leave all my ailments under the big oak tree. Now I don’t know such a disease, such a misfortune. Amen!"

Magic words must be repeated three times.

Ritual for children

The only thing worse than your own illness is your child’s illness. However, it can also be dealt with using magic. This ritual should be performed by a person who wishes good things to the baby. Most often, cough spells for children are read by mothers or grandmothers, but both a godmother and an aunt can do this. It is important that a person’s intentions are pure and his wishes for good are sincere.

  • To perform the magical action, you will need a teaspoon of honey, which must be placed in a glass of water.
  • Preliminarily the words are read:

“Little baby, dear child, Mother of God, help me heal, so that the cough does not choke him, let him sleep and live in peace. I conjure, persuade, ask, Give baby (name) health and strength, Let all the bad things go sideways, And the good, healthy things will always be with him. Amen!"

The enchanted honey dissolves in water and the child must drink this mixture. It is recommended to perform the ritual every day until the illness subsides. On average, relief comes within a few days. Belief in the magical power of words will help you achieve your goal.

When the illness goes away

If a person has almost recovered, but fears for his well-being and does not want to catch the virus again, cough spells for recovery will help him.

Magic words are read in the morning, on the day when the disease begins to recede.

“Lord save me, save the servant of God (name). Mother of God, protect me, strengthen my health, protect me from illness. Amen!"

  • The words should be repeated seven times.
  • After such a ritual, the entire healing process should go faster.

Cough spells are a magical remedy that will help cope with this problem. This ritual can be used to treat an adult or a child. It is recommended to perform such a conspiracy for yourself, and if you need to cure a child, then the ritual is performed by his mother or grandmother.

The power of a cough spell

The power of a cough spell lies in the fact that a sick person can heal himself. It is enough just to pronounce the conspiracy with faith and do the actions that accompany it, so that after a short period of time you will feel better and get better. There are other cough conspiracies that another person can slander towards the patient. Often such conspiracies also involve certain actions towards a patient with a cough.

Before starting cough conspiracies, it is advisable to find out the cause of the cough and, accordingly, the conspiracies that will help get rid of this or that disease, because a cough is often a symptom of some kind of disease, and not the disease itself, and a cough can be cured, but the illness will remain, and over time the cough may return again.

Cough spells

If the cough is a consequence of a cold that has been cured, then simply read the following words:

“The toad says to his daughter on a hummock in the swamp: You are croaking here, my daughter, and the servant (servant) of God (...) is coughing there. I mix the cough, tree frog and kvass, and free the Servant of God (Servant of God) (….) from a strong and tormented cough!”

Spell for cough and sore throat

If, in addition to a cough, a person is also bothered by a sore throat, then he needs to read the spell with water, which he will need to drink after the spell. You can take a conspiracy from a whispering grandmother or from a magician, or you can ask in your own words

“Kasyan, Demyana, aim the bow so that the arrow goes into pain, the painful illness leaves the throat of God’s servant (...) so that it goes away from where it came. She returned there and never returned. So that words are strong, sculpted, and arguments are strong. And so be it!”

Sometimes the cough can be forced or forced. Such a cough is similar to the barking of a dog, when a person simply “bursts” with cough continuously and cannot do anything about it. To get rid of a persistent cough, you should definitely read the plot, since no medicine will help get rid of it. The plot is read at the first rays of the sun at dawn; before reading the prayer, you must cross yourself. In the conspiracy, you need to ask God to take away the cough and compare yourself to the dawn, which does not cough, does not bark, does not croak. Most often, to get rid of a cough, they turn to magicians who read special spells over the patient, since such a cough can be very strong.

To relieve a third person from coughing, you need to take 6 thin needles and prick their tips one by one and throw them into a glass of water. Then say the following words into the water:

“Breast devils - three sisters,

Khvorobitsy and wheezing,

They will leave with the help of six fiery arrows!

The first one will pierce the eyes of the devils,

The next one will pin their nails,

The third will shut their mouth,

The fourth arrow will tie their hands,

The fifth will pierce their hearts,

The sixth one will knock the wind out of them.”

  • After this, the patient needs to drink water from a glass in six small sips, but very carefully so as not to swallow the needles.
  • This cough spell can also cure a child, but he must be given water to drink only with a small wooden spoon.
  • There should be some water left in the glass.
  • The needles must be stuck into a separate tree, and the rest of the water must be poured under its roots, saying the words:

“What is not spilled, not given, not drunk, is buried from the three sisters, through a log and a stump, and through holy water”


“The lips of the servant of God (name of the sick person) open, try to help me. Let the Holy Spirit in, cast out cough and illness. Yes, that's the way it will be. Amen".

  • These spell words need to be pronounced during the daytime.
  • A sick person, when hearing the words “The mouth of God’s servant (name)…” should open his mouth and not close it until the end of the conspiracy.
  • At the end of the conspiracy, the performer must cross the mouth of the sick person 3 times.

“I, the servant of God (my name), will go out, crossing myself, sprinkling myself with holy water, into an open field, onto the steppe. In that clean field, the stone lies and is silent - it does not choke, does not cough, does not get unwell, does not get sick. So the servant of God (the name of the sick person) would not cough, cough or get sick, would always be full of strength and unharmed. Amen".

This conspiracy must be carried out in the evening. A faceted glass should be placed on the table in front of the sick person, filled with holy water and a smooth white stone should be placed.

When the performer of the conspiracy says the words:

“I, servant of God (name), will go out, crossing myself, sprinkling myself with holy water...” the person speaking must be baptized and sprinkle himself with holy water. With the words: “So the servant of God (the name of the sick person) would not cough, cough or be sick, he would always be full of strength...” the performer needs to take a white stone in his left hand and beat it on the sick person’s chest (where the sick person’s cough comes from) ) “Dawn come, and take the cough from the servant of God (the name of the sick person) and take it with you, wherever you want, bury it. My word is strong, you will never cut it down. Amen".


The spell for a severe cough should be carried out in the morning. To do this, you need to heat the tip of the needle red-hot and throw it into a previously prepared glass of holy water. Repeat the same action with 6 more needles. Then you should speak water with needles:

  • “3 sisters - you are nursing devils, twigs and wheezes - I will leave you in 6 fiery arrows.
  • My first arrow will definitely pierce the devils' eyes.
  • My second arrow will pin their legs.
  • My third arrow will close the wheezing mouth.
  • My fourth arrow will tie the hands of the evil twigs.
  • My fifth arrow will pierce their hearts.
  • And my sixth and last arrow will drive the spirit out of them.”
  • After these words, you need to give 6 sips of the charmed water to a sick person to drink - this must be done very carefully so as not to get hurt or swallow a needle (if the performer wants to cure his child, then it is better to give him water from a wooden spoon).
  • Then the performer needs to go to a separate tree, stick 6 needles into its trunk, and water its roots with the remaining water, while saying the following words:

“What was not spilled, not given, not drunk, was buried from the 3 sisters, through a log and a stump, through holy water.”

If your cough is accompanied by a sore throat, the following plot will help:

“Demyan, Kasyan, aim your bow, and shoot the arrow into deep pain. Leave the painful illness from the throat of the servant of God (the full name of the sick person). Where did the pain come from, go back and forth. Let my words be strong and molding. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

These magical words must be pronounced over holy water, which should then be given to a sick person to drink or gargle with.

To quickly get rid of a severe cough, you need to read the following words:

“The toad says to my daughter on a swamp hummock: “You are croaking here, my daughter, and there the servant of God (the name of the patient) is coughing heavily. I will mix the cough, tree frog and kvass, and free the servant of God (the full name of the sick person) from a strong, painful cough.” Amen".

This conspiracy will help not only overcome a cough, but also restore your voice if it is lost, as well as get rid of a sore throat.

“I, servant of God (name), will arise, blessing myself, and crossing myself, I will go out from the first door to the second, from the first gate to the second. I will go out into a wide open field and stand facing the morning and evening dawn. I will pray to them, I will bow to them, two sisters: the morning dawn Ulyana and the evening dawn Maremyana. Morning dawn Ulyana and evening dawn Maremyana, take away my choking and coughing and carry them far beyond the ocean-sea. Across the sea and ocean you will be warmly received and there is something cooked and baked for you. Amen".

A cough indicates respiratory diseases. Occurs when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract (larynx, windpipe, bronchi) and lung tissue (pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma) becomes inflamed, as well as when dust, caustic gases, tobacco smoke, liquids, etc. enter the respiratory tract.
Cough can also be of allergic origin. Sometimes it is a consequence of excitement, emotional stress.

*** Cut a hole in the washed radish (winter round black variety) and pour 2 tbsp into it. l. liquid honey. Place the radish vertically in a bowl and cover the top with thick paper for 3-4 days. For a severe cough, take 1 tsp. liquid formed inside the radish 3-4 times a day before meals and before bed.

*** Cut 6-8 radishes into very thin slices, sprinkle each slice generously with sugar and leave for 6 hours. Take 1 tbsp. l. radish juice every hour.
*** Pour water over a small lemon and boil it over low heat for 10 minutes. Then cool, cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a glass. Add 2 tbsp to lemon juice. l. glycerin, add honey to the glass to the brim and mix it all thoroughly. Take 2 tbsp. l. mixture 3 times a day before meals and at night. For infants: to 1 tsp. honey add 2 tbsp. l. anise seeds and a pinch of table salt, pour a glass of water, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. and strain. Give 1 tsp. every 2 hours. As the cough weakens, reduce the dose of the mixture.
*** Mix sugar and resin (pine sap) in equal proportions, roll the mixture into pea-sized balls and dry them. Take (suck) 1 ball 3 times a day after meals.
*** Wipe the ripe bananas and put them in a pan with hot water in the proportion: 2 bananas to 1 glass of water with sugar, heat and drink this mixture.
*** Rub the chest with a dry cloth, then rub lard or ghee until dry. To lard you should add a small amount (1 part to 4 parts lard) of pine oil, which is considered better than cow oil.
*** Coltsfoot infusion is used as a mild diaphoretic and expectorant. Brew 10-15 g of herb with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 0.5-1 hour and strain. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day.
*** Mix thoroughly 1 glass of turnip juice and 1 tbsp. l. honey, keep on fire until boiling and remove from heat. Drink 3 sips 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.
*** Chop 10 onions and 1 garlic into small pieces and boil in unpasteurized milk until the onions and garlic are soft. Add some honey. Take 1 tbsp. l. every hour during the day.
*** Mix carrot juice and unpasteurized milk in equal quantities. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 6 times a day.
*** Mix 2 tbsp. l. fresh unpasteurized butter. 2 yolks of fresh chicken eggs, 1 tsp. wheat flour and 2 tsp. pure honey. Take 1 tsp. as often as possible.
*** It is useful to drink fresh birch sap or maple sap with milk (in equal quantities).
*** Rub a mixture of two parts olive oil and one part ammonia into your chest.
*** To facilitate the separation of phlegm, it is useful to take lingonberry juice syrup with sugar or honey. The syrup should be taken as often as possible, 1 tbsp. l. appointment. During treatment with this remedy, it is useful to drink a decoction of wild strawberries instead of water or tea.
*** Glue to the back between the shoulder blades a cloth the size of your palm, generously greased with tar. The cloth should be changed every 2-3 days.
***Give children 3 times a day, 1 hour, l. mixture: 100 g of honey, the same amount of fresh butter and 0.2 g of vanillin.
*** For persistent cough in children: boil 1 potato, 1 onion and 1 apple in 1 liter of water until the water has evaporated by half. Drink the decoction 3 times a day, 1 tsp.
*** A decoction of angelica roots, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, cures an old cough: brew 1 tbsp with a glass of boiling water. l. roots, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. on low heat.
*** Boil 1 liter of water. Separately burn, stirring, 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar (not in enamel containers). When the sugar turns brown, mix it with the prepared boiled water. Drink 150 g hot, 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-10 days.
*** Wash a medium-sized beetroot, peel and cut in half. Remove the center of the beets and pour sugar into the cavity. Place the pan with the beets in the oven. When the beets are baked, beet syrup will remain in the pan. This syrup is tasty and will relieve your cough very quickly. It is especially suitable for treating children who do not like to take medications.
*** The most severe coughs are treated with crushed mallow seeds: 1 tsp. powder from the seeds in 1/2 cup of water, infuse and drink throughout the day.
*** To get rid of cough, smokers should drink 50 ml of decoction several times a day, to prepare which, pour several mallow rhizomes into 0.5 liters of milk and cook for 10-15 minutes.
*** Steam inhalation of an infusion of pine cones, as well as drinking this infusion, soothe coughs.
*** Brew gray poppy seeds in whole milk. Add linden honey. The drink should be consumed warm 2-3 times a day. It will help get rid of phlegm in the bronchi and severe cough.
*** During illness, it is advisable to eat lightly salted herring and puree with milk. Herring gives strength, and salt allows a person to cough up everything unnecessary. Potatoes with milk soften and help remove mucus.
*** For a cough, you need to sniff the last smoke from the extinguished wax candle that is used to light the lamp.

Exhausting cough.
For my youngest daughter, when she was 7 years old, I cured a severe cough with onions. Her cough was continuous and debilitating; because of the cough, the girl hardly ate and lost a lot of weight. And so I was advised to give her onion juice with honey or sugar. I chopped the onion on a fine grater, added sugar to the pulp, stirred, squeezed out the juice, and then 1 tsp. I gave it to my daughter to drink. And so 5 times a day. The girl began to eat, a blush appeared on her cheeks, the cough gradually began to subside, and after a week it was completely gone. Thanks to the woman who shared this recipe with me.
When I told my neighbor about this treatment, she applied it to herself, since the cough also tormented her. But the neighbor did not take the medicine one teaspoon at a time, but immediately drank half a glass of onion juice with sugar. True, she immediately threw up everything, but after that she never coughed again.
Bronchitis and cough.
For bronchitis with dry cough, this recipe will help. You need to chop and mix 2 tbsp. herbs coltsfoot and plantain and 1 tbsp. licorice roots. 1 tbsp. pour the mixture into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Strain and take half a glass 2 times a day. You can add honey to taste.
When there is a cough with sputum production, it is better to mix 1 tbsp. marshmallow roots and 1 tbsp. coltsfoot leaves, 1 tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water into the mixture in a thermos, leave for 15 minutes and strain. Drink half a glass warm 2 times a day on an empty stomach.
And one more recipe for a severe cough. 1 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 raw chicken yolk and 1 tbsp. Mix vodka and drink once a day 20 minutes before meals. After 2-3 times the cough goes away.
All the best to you!
Sincerely - Anna Vitovtova.
If you have a cough.
If you have a cough, immediately squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass, add 2 tbsp. “Glycerin” and fill the glass to the top with honey. Take 1 tbsp. during the day. Shake before use.
Sincerely, Anatoly Iosifovich Khirilov.
Continuous cough.
If you have a continuous cough, burn 2 tbsp over the fire. sugar and then place it in a 0.5 liter bottle of vodka. Adults take the resulting brown solution 1 tsp. 3 times a day, and for children - 3-5 drops in 1 tbsp. water. You can pour 2 cups of boiling water over 2 tbsp. immortelle flowers, strain after 2 hours and drink 2-3 glasses a day on the waning moon. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.
Sincerely, Larisa Ivanovna.
Night cough.
A night cough will definitely stop if you chew sugar with saliva and swallow it without washing it down with anything.
Sincerely, Fedor Andreevich Gorban.
We treat cough quickly and tasty.
Cough in children is successfully treated with bananas. Rub several very ripe bananas through a sieve and dissolve the resulting mass in hot sweet water (2 bananas per 250 g of water). Take the mixture hot.
Sincerely, Maria Pavlovna.
Cough in children.
Sprinkle chopped radish with sugar and bake in a pan. Strain and drink 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day before meals and at night before bed.
Nadezhda Mikhailovna Yurchenko.

*** If a pregnant woman chokes and coughs, you need to say:
“The baby makes me cough, not my baby. Amen."
If he doesn’t say so, the child may suffer from coughing in the future.
*** If during the wedding one of the singers coughs, it means that one of the newlyweds will not live very long.
Speak cough (on the test).
On a swamp hummock, a toad says to his daughter: “You, my daughter, are croaking here, and the slave (name) is coughing there.” I mix the ferment, the cough and the tree frog, and free the slave (name) from coughing!
Say this when you knead the dough. The sick person should eat the dough dish.
How to get rid of a cough.
Buy a new needle, use it to hem the hem of a dress or shirt, so that the stitch does not go forward, but back, that is, sew in the other direction. When tying the ends of the threads, say:
The thread broke and the illness subsided. The stitch went backwards, and the slave’s cough went away. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
* * *
When giving alms to a beggar, say to yourself (think):
Just as your mouth eats and drinks my alms, so will my cough go away. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
For a lingering cough.
If a person’s cough does not go away for a long time, then he needs to wash him with charmed water three evenings in a row. They spell water like this:
I will stand facing the evening dawn, the holy icon is on the wall, the cross is on me. Zoryushka Maremyana, you are red and ruddy, take from me the coughing cough, the suffocation, take it across the ocean-sea, into a wide expanse. Everything will be taken there, everyone will be accepted. There, the guests are baked and boiled, and my water is spoken. Just as the dawn of Maremyana does not cough, does not sneeze, does not inhale or suffer from various ailments, so I would not be sick, would not cough, would not grieve. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Help with persistent cough.
They use new scissors to cut the water on the river, saying:
The lungs opened, the spirit ascended, the cough of the servant of God (name) went away. And one, and two, and three (so up to 40 times). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
A very good cough spell.
(read at dawn)
Two sisters live in God's heaven: the eldest Zarya Ulyana, the younger Maremyana. I will go out into the open field and bow to the two dawn sisters. Morning dawn Ulyana, evening dawn Maremyana, you, sister dawns, take my torment, take the suffocation and cough out of me. Take them over a high mountain, a deep river. There they are waiting for your gift, tablecloths are laid out on oak tables, pies with porridge are baked. There will be coughing and suffocation, there they will live from now on. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
From a congested cough.
From the letter: “I quarreled with one woman, and she crossed herself in front of everyone and said: “Just as the dogs bark in the yard, so you will end up coughing!”
Almost immediately after this I started coughing. Moreover, when I cough, it sounds like dogs barking. No means, no medications help. Please teach me a spell that will save me from this trouble.”
Get up before dawn and at the first rays of the sun cross yourself and say:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Just as the red dawn does not howl, does not suffer, just as it does not hoot, does not sneeze, it does not shed blood, it does not wipe away tears. So that I, God’s servant (name), should not groan, moan, growl, or sneeze. Day after day, night after night, she did not shed a tear. Be strong, my words. Be, my works, modeling. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Child's cough spell

Cough is a very common illness among children. It occurs after an ENT disease and interferes with the normal functioning of your child. Parents often wonder how to cure their baby without using expensive drugs and without causing additional harm to the fragile body. There is only one answer - the best solution in this situation would be a conspiracy.

What is the cause of cough:

  1. Previous colds;
  2. Allergic reactions (swelling, spasms);
  3. Chemical effects of drugs on the child’s body;
  4. Exposure to cold;

A cough spell can help your child get rid of the disease. This is an effective method that allows treatment without medications. Perhaps, in treating a child, a conspiracy is the most painless way to get rid of a misfortune.

In order to correctly decide on the choice of ritual, you need to clearly know the reason why your child developed the disease. Could this be a consequence of tuberculosis infection? Or was it a simple cold?

Conspiracy at sunrise

This ritual is very powerful in treating severe coughs in babies. It is pronounced at dawn.

“Two sisters live in God’s heaven: the eldest Zarya Ulyana, the younger Maremyana. I will go out into the open field and bow to the two dawn sisters. Morning dawn Ulyana, evening dawn Maremyana, You, sister dawns, take my torment, Take out of me the suffocation and cough. Take them over a high mountain, a deep river. There they are waiting for your gift, tablecloths are laid out on oak tables, pies with porridge are baked. There will be coughing and suffocation, There they will live from now on. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer on bath water

A cough spell is often performed using bath water. For the ritual you will need water brought from the bathhouse. Water is spoken with these words:

“Three sisters live in an open field. One sister coughs, another sneezes, the third grabs her chest. And go, sisters: Coughing, coughing, suffocation, - To the uncompressed strip, to the ninth shock, There they are waiting for you, There you will be well received, And from this hour all three sisters will leave the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer for persistent cough

When your baby cannot get rid of a dry cough for a very long time, this ritual is performed. They recite church water three evenings in a row, and then use the resulting water to wash the sick child.

“I will stand facing the evening dawn, the holy icon is on the wall, the cross is on me. Zoryushka Maremyana, you are red and ruddy, take from me the coughing, suffocation, suffocation, carry it across the ocean-sea, into a wide expanse. Everything will be taken there, everyone will be accepted. There, the guests are baked and boiled, and my water is spoken. Just as the dawn of Maremyana does not cough, does not sneeze, does not inhale or suffer from various ailments, so I would not be sick, would not cough, would not grieve. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

If your baby coughs at night, use the following prayer. At the moment when the coughing attack begins, say this curse to yourself three times:

“Blessed Elder Matrona, let the cough and choking go away. God help me with this. Amen." Elder Matrona, cleanse me from the choking cough and trembling choke. Amen. Blessed Matrona, let the cough go away and not vomit in your throat. Amen. Blessed Elder Matrona. Reject my suffocating cough and threatening illness. Amen. Matrona of Moscow. Deliver me from an evil cough and a dashing attack. Amen".

After the words have been spoken, cross yourself three times and drink a few sips of holy water. If a coughing attack hits you outside the house, just whisper a prayer and the attack will pass.

Conspiracy on the water

Fill up with church water in advance. Speak to it in the following words and wash yourself with it.

“Dawn, lightning, evening and morning sister, Take cough: korhun, perkhun, cough. The raiders - take it away, the ogling ones - fall off, For that day, for that hour, for that minute. Go, kolyun, they ask you, wish you and beg you. You, whooping, are called, greeted, tables are set. The tables for you are oak, And the tablecloths for the tables are brocade. It’s not me who drives you away, it’s not me who forces you. Drive away the holy words and earthly meadows And the fast mother river, high dark forests. There is no pillow for you here, no blanket for you. So that you, disease, disappear from the soul (so-and-so). Be my word strong, and my business tenacious. For now, for centuries, for all times. Amen.”

A cough spell is an effective folk remedy without drug treatment for the disease. A correctly performed ritual will help very quickly get rid of your child’s illness.

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Spell for cough and sore throat

Cough is an eternal companion of colds and various respiratory diseases. But a cough can also be a sign of other, more serious illnesses that require prompt treatment.

It can have dire consequences - this includes bronchial asthma, pneumonia, and tuberculosis - the list of diseases against which cough will be the main symptom is truly enormous.

A cough can exhaust a person half to death; it prevents him from sleeping, eating, or breathing. In addition, the consequences of a prolonged, untreated cough are severe complications that develop into chronic stages that cannot be treated. That is why, along with conventional cough remedies, folk remedies are widely used, including cough spells.

That is why, along with traditional methods of cough treatment, folk remedies for cough treatment and cough spells are especially popular.

How to talk about a cough?

The main advantage of the cough spell is the ease of its use; with this remedy a person can easily heal himself.

You need to read the words of the conspiracy with faith and humility, act as suggested by the treatment with folk remedies used with a specific conspiracy - and after a short time the fight against cough will give its results. There are also conspiracies against coughs, which are read by another person at the request of the patient.

It is better to find out the cause of cough before treatment with conspiracies: after all, cough is a symptom of the development of the disease, and folk remedies used for cough do not always help against the disease - the cause. The cough will be cured, but the cause will remain, deepen, and return with even more severe consequences, which cannot always be cured with folk remedies.

A cough, like any other illness, can be caused intentionally - some sorcerers do this.

This type of cough is the most difficult for a person to tolerate; it has no objective external causes (viral or bacterial infections, inflammatory processes, etc.). A person “barks” like a dog, bursts into coughing, but cannot do anything about it. Simple treatment with folk remedies will not help either. Such an illness must be cured with a conspiracy.

At dawn, with the first ray of sun, you need to go out to the threshold, cross yourself and ask God to take away your cough, comparing yourself to the busy dawn, which “doesn’t cough or bark.” You may need a stronger cough spell - it all depends on the strength of the effect. For a strong conspiracy, it is better to turn to a professional.

Sometimes a person's cough can be relieved with a glass of water. Six thin needles are thrown at him, and the words of the conspiracy are read.

The charmed water should be drunk in small sips (take six sips), the rest of the water should be poured under a tree, and six needles from a glass should be stuck into the tree bark.

When folk and not so folk remedies have helped you in your fight against cough, you should consolidate the result. There is a special conspiracy for this - it is called a cough conspiracy for recovery. It should be read in the morning of the day when the illness began to recede; they need to be repeated seven times, looking out the window at the rising sun (the spell is done before noon).

How to help a child with a cough?

Folk remedies for cough can be used to treat both adults and children. Usually, simple conspiracies that are not related to relieving a cough are performed for oneself, but if a child is sick, the ritual should be performed by the mother or grandmother (the ritual can be performed by a third party if he wishes the child well).

It is clear that the only thing a woman can endure worse than her own suffering is the suffering of a child, but they can also be alleviated with the help of folk remedies. Rituals and spells applied to a child must be delicate - God forbid they frighten or simply confuse the child.

Do not contact unclean spirits, do not speak medicine in front of your child.

The preparations that you prepare from the enchanted components should be convenient to take and not disgusting in taste. The easiest way is to take a teaspoon of honey, dissolve it in water and give it to your child to drink.

Perform the ritual until the illness subsides. You can also use pertussin and lazolvan to enhance the therapeutic effect, plus the child will not suspect anything. It is better not to perform magical rituals in front of a child also because skeptical relatives or friends will start laughing at him and will discourage the child from believing in a miracle - then no conspiracy will help.

Also, when performing a ritual with needles (yes, it can also be performed for a child), you need to be very careful - let’s drink not with sips, but with a spoon. In this case, it is better to take an opaque glass - so that no one asks unnecessary questions.

The main thing is Faith. Faith in the power of the Word, in the power of the Spirit, in the power of God, which helps a person overcome any illnesses and troubles in life.

Useful healing spells:

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Cough conspiracies: comments

One comment

I have never believed in any kind of fortune-telling, omens, and especially in the magic of conspiracies. When the child got sick, like any modern mother, I took him to the doctor. I received a bunch of medications for obstructive bronchitis and got down to business... but not everything turned out to be so simple. We cured the bronchitis, but the suffocating cough continued to torment the child. I made a conspiracy and everything went away. How can you not believe in magic after this?

The effectiveness of a cough spell

There would never be a person who has never had a cold. Cough is an integral part of this disease. In addition to a cold, a cough may indicate problems with the lungs, allergies or other severe illness. Therefore, in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to use a cough spell.

Cough spell

True or not

If you believe in magic, then the results from such magical influences will not be long in coming. But if you are an ardent skeptic, then it is better to seek help from a doctor. Cough conspiracies are a good alternative to visiting doctors. Especially if you do not have the opportunity to use the services of professionals. Causes of cough may include:

Spoilage has one peculiarity: one of its symptoms is coughing. Therefore, in order to heal a symptom, it is necessary to get rid of the main cause of its occurrence.

A ritual that boosts immunity

To cast a cough spell, you need to find a suitable prayer and believe in a positive result. It is necessary to read the plot during the day. The ritual must be performed by a patient who experiences these symptoms. If it concerns a child, then it is better to conduct it to a blood relative. This could be a mother or grandmother standing over the child:

“By pronouncing these words, I ask for help from higher powers to save me (the child) from serious illnesses. Let them disappear from our lives and never return. They only spoil our lives and do not allow us to live to our full potential. I can't sleep, I can't eat. Suffering must disappear and a healthy spirit be restored. So that no infection can take hold anymore. Amen".

The prayer against cough is read three times. Reading should be done daily until the disease subsides. Often, more than seven days are no longer required. But, there are situations when the disease is complex and does not want to go away. In this case, it may take several months for complete recovery.

Ritual using holy water

Cough spells can be performed over holy water. Its healing properties have been known since ancient times. Our ancestors also treated diseases, the evil eye and other problems with its help. Even in modern times, it remains no less relevant. A cough spell with water can heal even the most protracted cough. If you do not have the opportunity to take holy water, then use spring water. Just remember that tap water is not suitable for the ceremony. Read the conspiracy against cough over water every evening:

“In the deep blue seas there is one healing island called Buyan. So I want to overcome all possible obstacles and get there. I am not afraid of mountains, oceans, deserts and animals. I can overcome anything. I will find an oak tree on the island that has healing and magical properties. It is under him that I will give the earth the cough that torments my loved ones. He will definitely never return from there and will not disturb us. My return in good health will give peace to everyone around me and bring peace. Amen".

The plot must be read three times. The water that has been charmed must be drunk quickly and go to bed. In the morning, read the Lord's Prayer. As the reviews of those who have tried have shown, the result makes itself felt after a few days. If there is no improvement, repeat the ritual. But, to be sure, it’s better to wait a couple of weeks.

Ritual for children's cough

Children get sick much easier. Due to the fact that they love to learn a lot of new things and never sit still, the disease clings to them faster. There is nothing worse than a child's illness. An adult can still be patient and not show that he feels bad. But if a child is sick, then he himself suffers, and his parents suffer. Children need to be given a lot of attention, but this is not always possible. This is why mothers love to use a spell for a child’s cough.

A prerequisite is that it must be carried out with a pure soul and love for the child. It is not necessary for a blood relative to do this. This is quite within the power of a godmother or aunt. Take a spoon with honey and read the plot:

“My little, dear little man (name) is sick. I ask the Mother of God for help. Help me heal a baby who is very sick. He doesn't deserve this. Let all negative influences bypass him and never bother him again. Let there be only health and positive moments in his life.”

Place a spoon in a vessel with water and dissolve the honey. The child should drink this consistency. It is better to carry out the ritual every day until improvement occurs. It is quite difficult for children to recover. This is due to the fact that they have weak immunity. Therefore, in addition to this plot, read also the plot to increase immunity. This way you can not only cure your child, but also protect him from further diseases.

Spell for severe cough

A dry cough always brings inconvenience, because after it, your throat also starts to hurt. If the cough is quite severe and does not go away, then you need to use a spell for a severe cough. It is carried out using water. You can speak it yourself, or you can purchase it from a magical specialist or from a healer.

If you decide to act on your own, then you need to read the following words every day for a month:

“Toads tend to croak in the swamp. But while they are croaking, the servant of God is suffering from a strong dry cough. Let the disease spread to the swamp animal, and leave the person alone once and for all. Amen".

Spell for cough and sore throat

Say the following prayer every evening:

“The bow goes into the arrow, so let it take the disease into it. The arrow will shoot and send the disease back to where it came from. It doesn't need to come back again. Amen".

Every morning, going out into the yard, read “Our Father” and ask the Almighty to take away your cough. Give the example of the morning dawn, which does not have such problems. If you need a strong cough spell, then seek help from a professional magician. He will give you instructions to improve your well-being.

Treatment of cough with needles

The principle of the needle spell for coughing is known to many and is one of the most effective. In order to perform the ritual, you need to throw needles into a vessel with water. Their number should be six. Say the following words into the water:

“The devils decided to send illness to the servant of God. But they won't succeed. We will fight them for a long time, and sooner or later we will win. The needles will help drive out evil spirits from this house. Moreover, they will never return here again. The first needle will disrupt their vision, the second will disrupt their ability to move, the third will prevent them from uttering curses, the fourth is needed to tie their hands, the fifth will help wound their heart, and the sixth is needed to completely destroy them. Amen".

Very effective spells for treating children's cough can be found from the Siberian healer Stepanova. They allow you to quickly and efficiently avoid coughing. Natalya is a fairly popular healer, whose collection includes thousands of different spells. We can confidently say that you will find the one that is needed exactly in your situation.

Prayer for cough in a child

No one is immune from seasonal and other diseases, which can cause a painful cough.

A spell for a strong and painful cough will help to cope with the disease only if the performer of the magical ritual and the sick person himself strongly believe in the fulfillment of what he wants.

Otherwise, magic is powerless and cannot help.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses, c.

Colds are a common seasonal thing.

Cough spells

“The lips of the servant of God (name of the sick person) open, try to help me. Let the Holy Spirit in, cast out cough and illness. Yes, that's the way it will be. Amen".

These spell words need to be pronounced during the daytime. A sick person, when hearing the words “The mouth of God’s servant (name)…” should open his mouth and not close it until the end of the conspiracy. At the end of the conspiracy, the performer must cross the mouth of the sick person 3 times.

“I, the servant of God (my name), will go out, crossing myself, sprinkling myself with holy water, into an open field, onto the steppe. In that clean field, the stone lies and is silent - it does not choke, does not cough, does not get unwell, does not get sick. So the servant of God (the name of the sick person) would not cough, cough or get sick, would always be full of strength and unharmed. Amen".

This conspiracy must be carried out in the evening. A faceted glass should be placed on the table in front of the sick person, filled with holy water and a smooth white stone should be placed.

When the performer of the conspiracy says the words:

“I, servant of God (name), will go out, crossing myself, sprinkling myself with holy water...” the person speaking must be baptized and sprinkle himself with holy water. With the words: “So the servant of God (the name of the sick person) would not cough, cough or be sick, he would always be full of strength...” the performer needs to take a white stone in his left hand and beat it on the sick person’s chest (where the sick person’s cough comes from) ) “Dawn come, and take the cough from the servant of God (the name of the sick person) and take it with you, wherever you want, bury it. My word is strong, you will never cut it down. Amen".

Spells for treating coughs and sore throats

The spell for a severe cough should be carried out in the morning. To do this, you need to heat the tip of the needle red-hot and throw it into a previously prepared glass of holy water. Repeat the same action with 6 more needles. Then you should speak water with needles:

“3 sisters - you are nursing devils, twigs and wheezes - I will leave you in 6 fiery arrows.

My first arrow will definitely pierce the devils' eyes.

My second arrow will pin their legs.

My third arrow will close the wheezing mouth.

My fourth arrow will tie the hands of the evil twigs.

My fifth arrow will pierce their hearts.

And my sixth and last arrow will drive the spirit out of them.”

After these words, you need to give 6 sips of the charmed water to a sick person to drink - this must be done very carefully so as not to get hurt or swallow a needle (if the performer wants to cure his child, then it is better to give him water from a wooden spoon).

Then the performer needs to go to a separate tree, stick 6 needles into its trunk, and water its roots with the remaining water, while saying the following words:

“What was not spilled, not given, not drunk, was buried from the 3 sisters, through a log and a stump, through holy water.”

If your cough is accompanied by a sore throat, the following plot will help:

“Demyan, Kasyan, aim your bow, and shoot the arrow into deep pain. Leave the painful illness from the throat of the servant of God (the full name of the sick person). Where did the pain come from, go back and forth. Let my words be strong and molding. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

These magical words must be pronounced over holy water, which should then be given to a sick person to drink or gargle with.

To quickly get rid of a severe cough, you need to read the following words:

“The toad says to my daughter on a swamp hummock: “You are croaking here, my daughter, and there the servant of God (the name of the patient) is coughing heavily. I will mix the cough, tree frog and kvass, and free the servant of God (the full name of the sick person) from a strong, painful cough.” Amen".

This conspiracy will help not only overcome a cough, but also restore your voice if it is lost, as well as get rid of a sore throat.

“I, servant of God (name), will arise, blessing myself, and crossing myself, I will go out from the first door to the second, from the first gate to the second. I will go out into a wide open field and stand facing the morning and evening dawn. I will pray to them, I will bow to them, two sisters: the morning dawn Ulyana and the evening dawn Maremyana. Morning dawn Ulyana and evening dawn Maremyana, take away my choking and coughing and carry them far beyond the ocean-sea. Across the sea and ocean you will be warmly received and there is something cooked and baked for you. Amen".

To regain your voice after a long cough, you need to go outside on Maundy Thursday before sunrise, go away from people and so that no one can see or hear, shout 3 times in a drawn-out voice: “Morning dawn, give me a voice, and take away the voicelessness.”

Morning charm charm

“Lord save me, servant of God (your name), God protect me. On an oak throne, in a golden crown, sits the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, nods her head and protects me, the servant of God (her name), from coughs and colds. Amen".

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I don't believe this works!

It definitely works if you believe in it.

Really working conspiracies. I just read it over tea with honey, the cough went away very quickly!

They are usually held on the waxing moon or at sunrise.

Conspiracy for sore throat for adults and children

The spell is used for the growing month. After dark, you need to look at the sky and say: Young is the month, father, golden friend. Just as God gives you golden horns, so he will give me health.

Free online interpretation of dreams - to get results, enter the dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass

Spell for coughs and coughs

An ancient spell involves the use of cold water poured into a glass and a white smooth stone, which is stroked while making a speech:

Servant of God (name of the patient), I will go out into the open field, sprinkling myself, crossing myself (at this time the patient makes the sign of the cross three times and sprinkles himself with water). And in that field the stone is white, smooth. He doesn't cough, nothing more, doesn't choke. Let the servant of God (name of the patient) not cough, get sick, or wheeze (with these words, the performer takes a stone in his left hand and taps on the patient’s chest). The night will pass, the dawn will come and the cough will take away. The servant of God (name of the patient) will be full of strength, healthy and beautiful. Amen.

It is possible to get rid of a love spell, as well as protect yourself from new magical attacks, thanks to the improvised items available in every home.

For example, wearing a pin in a place hidden from prying eyes will provide reliable protection against love spells.

When disconnecting it from clothing, you should say the text three times:

“I remove the pin from the clothes and the love of the servant of God, the servant of God (name)

I delete the servant of Bogarab of God (name).

Then put it in a place where no one can find it.

It is best to bury it in the ground.

— Getting rid of a love spell

Conspiracy for coughing in children

During the daytime, you need to ask the child to open his mouth and say the following words over him: Open the mouth of the servant of God (child’s name), try to help me. Let the Holy Spirit in, cast out cough and illness. Yes, that's the way it will be. Amen.
Then cross the patient three times, and repeat in the next two days.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move into another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, incantations, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

Conspiracies for sore throat from Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova recommends the following conspiracy to get rid of a sore throat: The toad says to the child on a swamp hummock: “You are croaking here, my daughter, and there the servant of God (the patient’s name) is suffering from a sore throat. I will mix the cough, tree frog and sauerkraut, and free the servant of God (name of the patient) from severe, excruciating pain.” Amen

Plot for a sore throat

This conspiracy should be pronounced early in the morning before washing: Lord save me, the servant of God (your name), God protect me. On an oak throne, in a golden crown, sits the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, nods her head and protects me, the servant of God (her name), from coughs and colds. Amen.

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