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Cool wedding script for the host. Wedding script for the toastmaster: with competitions and songs. Table fun “Right hand raised”

The wedding day of the newlyweds is rightfully considered the most significant and unforgettable event. The bride and groom invite their relatives, close friends, workmates, and neighbors to their celebration. These people do not always know each other well.

To ensure that the invited guests of the wedding party have fun and interesting, they invite a specialist who is able to unite all the wedding guests with the help of fun competitions and create a great mood for all participants in the celebration.

The newlyweds, together with the organizer, prepare in advance an original and interesting wedding scenario for the toastmaster.

A cheerful and noisy wedding celebration with funny jokes and interesting competitions will give a wonderful mood and leave the wedding participants with the best and most positive memories.

According to generally accepted norms for holding wedding events, the toastmaster draws up a detailed plan for the wedding event.

The main components of a wedding script consist of several parts:

  1. The ceremonial meeting of the wedding procession of newlyweds.
  2. Meeting the invited guests.
  3. Presentation of wedding gifts to the newlyweds.
  4. Congratulations of the newlyweds by the guests of the celebration.
  5. Inviting guests to the wedding table.
  6. Introductory remarks by the toastmaster and filling of glasses.
  7. The first toasts and the beginning of the festive banquet.
  8. Congratulations from parents, close relatives, friends.
  9. The newlyweds' first waltz.
  10. Fun gaming competitions, dancing and singing competitions.
  11. Ritual with the bride's wedding bouquet.
  12. Cutting a sweet dessert - a wedding cake.
  13. The final part: lighting the family hearth, launching Chinese lanterns with a wedding candle.

The inclusion of several small theatrical humorous scenes in the wedding script, where the guests of the wedding event will be the participants, will be a unique highlight of the holiday, will significantly decorate the wedding and make it truly unforgettable.

The presenter’s arsenal should include a large number of funny poems and funny humorous texts said during breaks in the competition program.

A professional toastmaster must have good organizational skills and be able to lead a wedding according to a pre-planned scenario.

Words from the wedding host

Wedding fashion dictates its own rules for holding wedding events. Many themed, colorful wedding events have emerged, but the classic wedding always remains on trend.

According to the established tradition of classic weddings, after the solemn official wedding, the newlyweds go for a walk for a photo shoot. After its completion, the wedding cortege arrives at the venue of the wedding banquet. It is from this moment that a professional host, the toastmaster, takes control of the further conduct of the wedding event.

According to tradition, before starting the wedding banquet, the host says: “Dear bride and groom! We welcome you and congratulate you on entering into a legal marriage. Many guests gathered to share your holiday and congratulate you. Among them are your parents, who are rightfully considered the closest and dearest people.” After these words, the newlyweds go to their parents along a kind of living corridor, where they are sprinkled with colorful fragrant rose petals.

According to custom, it is obligatory for the newlyweds to be greeted by their parents at the door of the wedding hall with bread and salt on an embroidered towel.

Moms and dads are the first to congratulate their already grown-up children and young spouses on their marriage and offer to take a bite from each side of the wedding loaf.

There is a popular belief: whichever of the young people gets the largest piece will be the head of the marital union. The toastmaster continues: “Bow at the feet of your parents because all these years they have enveloped you with their parental love, warmed you with the warmth of their hearts, cared for you and protected you from everyday adversity.

Now they bless you and wish you a long, happy life together!” After these words, the bride and groom approach their parents and receive a blessing. In Orthodox families, during this ancient rite, the mothers of the newlyweds hold church icons of saints in their hands and rebaptize the young spouses with them.

At the end of this ceremony, the newlyweds go to the banquet hall.

According to the established tradition, the invited guests sprinkle wheat grains, sweets and small change on the bride and groom during their passage. Relatives and guests follow the newlyweds into the wedding banquet area and take their places at the wedding tables.

The toastmaster makes an opening speech:

How to host a feast with games and competitions

The wedding celebration is continued by the toastmaster with a beautiful wish to the newlyweds:

After these words, the bride and groom kiss each other. The wedding feast begins.

After some time, the toastmaster proposes a toast to the parents of the bride and groom: “On such a wonderful day of a special event in the lives of our dear newlyweds, let’s raise our glasses in honor of the parents of the newlyweds and say words of gratitude to them for raising such wonderful children who created a beautiful family couple" and gives the floor to the parents of the bride and groom.

After the first feast, it is the turn of the entertainment and gaming program.

  • The first competition “Happy Thoughts” begins with the words of the toastmaster: “Dear guests! We all wish the newlyweds much, much happiness. But now we’ll find out what this means for the bride and groom.” An original, cool headdress is put on the groom’s head, and after this action the wedding planner says: “Now the young husband has a telepathic device on his head, with which you can read your innermost thoughts.” And turning to the groom, he asks a question; “What does the word happiness mean to you?” In response, the musical composition “I’m getting married, what questions might there be?” sounds. Following the groom, other wedding guests are invited to try on the hat. There are many options for humorous musical responses.
  • Competition "Determination of the sex of the first child of a young family." To conduct it, the host hands the bride and groom half a head of cabbage. Inside the cabbage leaves there are notes “Boy” and “Girl”. The toastmaster suggests finding the note and whoever finds the note first and reads it out loud will have the gender of the first-born. While the newlyweds are enthusiastically rummaging through the cabbage leaves, the toastmaster says: “These are such grown-up people, but they are looking for children in the cabbage! There are no children there!” After this, the bride and groom are offered a pair of closed boxes with pink and blue pacifiers.

After the first competitions, the wedding party manager invites you to fill the glasses, and it’s time for the dance program.

The toastmaster announces the first dance. According to established tradition, the bride and groom dance first. It can be a classic waltz or a regular slow dance, in which the bride and groom slowly dance around to a beautiful musical composition.

The toastmaster says: “Look at our beautiful young wife! A wonderful snow-white dress, a symbol of purity and tenderness, adorns our beautiful bride. Look at how happy and radiantly she looks at her beloved, at her chosen one.

If there was an opportunity to look into her heart overflowing with love, then one would be convinced: immeasurable happiness settled in it. We wish you, young people, endless happiness and boundless love!”

Recently, the usual wedding slow dance has been replaced by alternating fast, rhythmic and slow, smooth musical compositions, to the accompaniment of which the newlyweds dance.

The bride and groom prepare the dance number in advance and rehearse it so that at the wedding the traditional dance of the newlyweds turns into a real spectacular performance.

After the newlyweds dance, the toastmaster invites all wedding guests to the dance floor. During the dance break, the toastmaster invites all guests to take part in a further fun competition program.

  1. Competition for future fathers “Come on, dad, change my diaper.” The groom and several other male guests are invited to participate in the competition. They are offered to change their baby dolls' diapers quickly and efficiently. An established young mother from among the invited guests is invited to evaluate the result of putting on diapers. Well, the groom’s doll is put on display for all the wedding guests to see on the impromptu “lawn in front of the future house.”
  2. Competition for the expectant mother “Tie me, Mom, a beautiful bow.” Participants in the competition, including the bride, are invited to tie a beautiful bow of bright silk ribbons to dolls with long hair. Whose bow is the cutest is declared the winner of the competition. The bride's doll takes pride of place on the "front lawn" next to the groom's doll. A good idea would be to join the dolls' hands together, like a brother and sister.
  3. Competition for car enthusiasts “Building the car of your dreams.” From various parts of a Lego-type automobile constructor, the groom, father-in-law, and father-in-law are invited to assemble their own exclusive model of a supercar. The assembled machine must be given its name and presented for public viewing to guests to evaluate the result of the assembly. The winner is chosen with loud applause. The assembled models of cars are installed in an improvised car park “on the lawn in front of the house.”

He concludes the series of wedding competitions with a photograph of the young spouses against the backdrop of the “lawn” of their future home.”

After the first part of the gaming and moving competitions, the host invites the newlyweds to return to the wedding table and fill their glasses in honor of the newlyweds.

Then - the continuation of competitions with the participation of all wedding guests.

  • Fun competition "Find your clothes." It is best to invite men to participate in this competition, since women, when changing clothes, can damage their hair and makeup, and are also reluctant to change into someone else's clothes. Toastmaster offers participants several sets of large size women's clothing: skirts, dresses, blouses, hats, scarves, handbags, scarves. There is no need to offer shoes; men will look much more fun in shoes and in women's clothing. All items of clothing are mixed together in one box, and the contestants are asked to choose and dress up in women’s clothing in a couple of minutes. After changing clothes, the “Fashion Show” begins, where dressed-up men act as models. To make the competition more fun, men are offered a flirty fan.
  • Competition "Married Couple". To participate in the competition, the toastmaster invites several married couples, where he invites one of the participants to blindfold and offer to guess his husband by his hand or his wife by her leg.
  • Dance competition “The most seductive man.” Such a competition is best held in the second half of the wedding, when the atmosphere of the wedding celebration has already become quite cheerful and relaxed. Male competitors must perform a rhythmic dance in front of a selected "jury" of women. To make the competition fun and funny, it is recommended to choose a funny musical accompaniment, for example, “Dance of the Little Ducklings” or the children's song “Chick, Chick, My Chicks.”
  • Competition "Charming Men". The competition is accompanied by a slow, beautiful melody, to which the participants in the competition are invited to dance the slow, beautiful “Dance of Charm for Men,” and a competent “jury” consisting of men must decide which of the dancers is “the most charming and attractive.”
  • The competitive entertainment program “Fortune telling” ends with the Organizer inviting guests to make their deepest wish and pull out pre-prepared humorous or romantic positive answers from a beautiful box.

The end of the wedding

The final part of the wedding celebration involves a beautiful wedding ceremony called “Lighting the Hearth.”

The toastmaster invites the mothers of the bride and groom with the following words: “The solemn minute of the end of the festive wedding celebration in honor of the young spouses is coming.

Dear mothers, in order to fulfill the most important mission, you will have to pass on a piece of your home to your children. Just as sunlight is the source of life on Earth, the family home is considered the center of a happy family.

I suggest the mothers of the bride and groom give their beloved children a family hearth and light a wedding candle.”

After lighting the candle fire, the toastmaster says:

“Look, dear friends! The wedding hearth fire has been lit! Now it will serve as a protective symbol of the young family and remind you, dear newlyweds, that this is where home is located.

Previously, along the road of life, each of you walked alone towards tomorrow, overcame life’s difficulties yourself and rejoiced in your victories. Now you have one life path for two, you will walk along it together, helping each other in difficult moments of life and enjoying your successes together.

At first, this road will look like a narrow path, but after the birth of your children, the road will become wider and smoother. And no matter where you are, the road will definitely lead to the cozy warmth of your home. Candles placed near the family hearth are a light in the windows of your friends and loved ones, who will always share your joy and help you endure life’s hardships with honor.

All your guests wish you a good journey to family well-being!”

After these words, an invitation to the last traditional dance of the newlyweds sounds.

In this video there are several funny competitions for your script:

When holding a wedding event, a professional toastmaster must have a great sense of humor and tact so that the wedding is fun and dignified, without any unpleasant moments. Guests of different ages gather at a wedding, and therefore it depends on the host and his organizational skills that the wedding celebration does not go beyond the bounds of decency and is remembered by the guests as the most interesting. What do you think: is it possible to hold a wedding according to a pre-planned scenario or not?

This wedding scenario is designed for a small company. Its peculiarity is that everyone knows each other, which means that the atmosphere of the wedding itself will be fun and informal. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that all guests are maximally involved in competitions and games.

Presenter 1:

They say in the hall today
All the people will be noisy,
After all, they were going to a wedding
We've been here for almost a year now!

Presenter 2:

After all, today they suddenly decided
Our best friends -
They want to live in the same apartment
And call yourself “FAMILY”!

Presenter 1: Dear friends, today we have gathered in this hall for a very interesting reason. Our beloved and dear to our hearts ________________ and ______________ decided to tie the knot. As people say, “it’s not scary to get married, it’s scary to get down to business”!

Presenter 2: And so, in order not to get down to business too long, right now I propose to raise a glass to our newlyweds, who have probably already overcome all doubts and are ready to have fun at their own wedding!

Presenter 1: First toast: For the young! May life be fun, bright and the happiest!

Presenter 1: Since our company is small today, we will deviate a little from the generally accepted standards of weddings.

Presenter 2: But we will, of course, observe one tradition, namely the first congratulation from parents!

Presenter 1: So, let's start with congratulations to the bride's parents. It is their child who will now be forced to cook, wash, wash and clean in another family, and of course, in the new family your child will be loved no less than under the roof of his own home!

Presenter 2: Parents of the bride, over to you!

Congratulations from the bride's parents.

Presenter 1: We will, without a doubt, raise our glasses with zeal for excellent words!

Everyone raises their glasses, drinks, and eats.

Presenter 2: The receiving party also prepared a response, or rather, a congratulation! Parents of the groom, are you ready to congratulate your children on such a wonderful event? Then the floor is yours!

Congratulations from the groom's parents.

Presenter 1:
The weather outside is excellent, which means that the mood at our holiday should be excellent! (If the weather is bad, then our holiday should be very fun to outshine the troubles of nature).

Presenter 2: It's time to raise the profile of our event! I need three men who believe in themselves. Are there such among us?

You can also have girls, but the competition is very difficult.

Presenter 1: There are 20 glasses of healing drink in front of you. Each of them has different drinks. You may come across vodka, or maybe lemonade. Who's lucky, as they say!

Presenter 2: Your task is to free up the maximum number of glasses! You are ready? Go!

Presenter 1: Our participants are real great guys. Let's give them thunderous applause! The competitors have warmed themselves up, and it’s time for us to follow their example.

Presenter 2: One parable says that a wife asked her husband: “Darling, which women do you love more - smart or beautiful?” Her husband answered her: “Neither beautiful nor smart, because I married you, dear!” For our groom, the situation is the opposite - our bride is both smart and beautiful. Let's drink to her and to the groom, who was able to make such a wonderful choice! Here's to you, friends!

Everyone drinks and has a snack.

Presenter 1: At the very beginning of the holiday, we promised you to deviate from the accepted canons. It's time to make our promise come true! Now we will start a game called “Series of Congratulations.” Each of you will have to stand up and introduce yourself, and then say your wishes to the newlyweds. Throughout the wedding we will be interrupted by competitions and dances, but the series of congratulations will continue!

Presenter 2: So, let's start the series of congratulations!

Congratulate 2 people, one after another.

Presenter 1: You just need to raise your glasses to such wonderful words! Friends, let's drink to love!

Everyone drinks and eats.

Presenter 2: The series of congratulations takes a short pause, because the time has come for the bride and groom to merge in a dance of love and tenderness! And all guests can also support our couple/

Tance of the young.

Presenter 1: But, dear friends, have we stayed too long? Let's dance a little to our favorite songs.

4-5 dance songs, everyone dances.

Presenter 2: A wedding is not just a celebration of the newlyweds. This is also an acquaintance between two clans, two families, clans - call it whatever you like! Therefore, men, your task is to invite someone from the family of new relatives to dance right now. We hope your wives understand that this is just a competition. For those who don't have enough pairs, don't be upset - just dance together to a slow composition or relax.

Slow dance of family unity.

Presenter 1: Please everyone have a seat! Our series of congratulations continues. We stopped at ______________________________, and will continue with congratulations to the newlyweds _________________________ (3 people congratulate in a row).

Presenter 1: No wonder they wished you so much good. We need to consolidate our success and raise our glasses! Here's to you, newlyweds, to your new family!

Presenter 2: Friends, the series of congratulations is not over yet, so the word is ______________________________ (congratulations from 2-3 people).

Presenter 2: Today we drink to the dregs for excellent words!

Presenter 1: And now it’s time to have some fun! We ask three men to come to us.

The men come out.

Presenter 1: Your task is to find a mate of the opposite sex, and also bring her to us.

Presenter 2: The essence of the competition is that you are musicians, and your companions are musical instruments that you need to play. You are all an orchestra, so as soon as the music starts, feel free to take your instruments and start playing! Go!

Toastmaster for a wedding 8903-763-5510 Anatoly

Free wedding script for toastmaster

This script was written by me around 1998

When writing the material, various methodological literature on the theory and practice of holding holidays was used. Unfortunately I don’t remember the authors. As well as personal achievements Of course, now I'm working on other scenarios, but I still sometimes use some interesting points from this. I hope something from it can be useful to you too.

Sincerely, the host of the holidays, Anatoly

Wedding scenario

Meeting with a loaf

Toastmastermeets the newlyweds at the entrance along with their parents with a loaf of bread on a towel.

The guests are located in a semicircle.

Dear newlyweds!
By tradition, acceptparents' order

Parting words to the newlyweds from their parents when meeting with a loaf of bread.


Now break off a piece of this loaf and annoy each other one last time.
(The newlyweds break off a piece of loaf, dip it in salt and feed each other, the toastmaster asks the guests to support the newlyweds with applause)

I'll tell you a story:

Sociologists from one of the Russian cities conducted the following experiment:

They invited 100 men and said:

"Men! Which of you has a wife who is the head of the family in the house, go to the other side of the room.”

99 men crossed, but one remained standing in place.

He is asked the question: “How did you manage to become the head of the family?” To which he replied: “My wife brought me here and said: “Until I come, don’t leave your place!”

And now we have a great opportunity to find out which of the young spouses claims to be the head of the family.

To start a family journey

Forever, and not somehow,

You must resolve the issue here,

Who will do all the work

And to solve this question for you

Please try this loaf.

He is magnificent, he is beautiful, he is delicious,

It has the aroma of our native land...

And more who will bite off a piece,

That's why you should be the head of the family

(If the groom has the larger piece, the toastmaster says:

“The husband says the head, and the wife says the neck, where she turns, that’s where her head will look!”)

Dear guests!

It was no coincidence that the newlyweds broke the loaf, so that, according to custom, before sitting down to the festive table, you tempted the loaf as a symbol of goodness and prosperity in family life.
Young! Treat your guests to a wedding loaf as a sign of your hospitality.

Well, now, dear guests, on behalf of the hosts,

We invite you all to the festive table!

( Soundsmusic)

Well friends, we are all ready:

Bride in wedding dress,

The groom has already been in place for a long time

And faithful, as always to the bride

Friends sit next to each other at a feast,

Supervise the wedding ceremony

And so, with special excitement,

If you happen to become a toastmaster,

I want a short introduction

Let's begin our feast!

Dear guests, please fill your glasses

for the first toast.

First toast to the young

Dear newlyweds!

You decided to link two destinies into one

Congratulations on your legal marriage!

As people used to say in the old days,

We say to you: “Good hour!”

Show each other respect

Divide everything difficult in half

May that moment last forever

Let people only rejoice at you.

Today many words will be said to you

Heartfelt words and gentle and simple

Let's raise our glasses

For the happiness and health of the young!

(Song “We wish you happiness”)

Dear ones (Names of newlyweds)

Today, however, as always, your closest people are your parents.

They are very worried.

Time has flown by unnoticed since the moment you were born.

Your moms and dads didn't get enough sleep at night.

Then they took you by the hand to kindergarten,

they took you to first grade and helped you study

and always worried about you. Bow to your parents for their affection, care and patience.

Young people bow to their parents to the applause of the guests

Second toast to parents

Everyone here shouted "hurray"

In honor of the bride, groom,

But look left, right

For fathers and mothers,

What we grew tirelessly

Sons and daughters

It's as if my hair has turned gray,

Brighter than the veins on the arm,

And confusion in their souls

It's very difficult to leave

With older people

We wish them to remain in spirit

Forever young people.

So let's pour it, replenish it,

Let's move the glasses closer,

We'll drink while standing to the main ones

For fathers and mothers!

(Song “Parental House”)

Dear guests. I want to express the hope of the heroes of the occasion,

that you all arrived at the wedding with a pure heart, good wishes and good mood.

And so that from the very beginning of our wedding feast

you felt simple and at ease, I suggest everyone

quickly get to know each other.

Now I ask all the guests invited by the bride to stand up... And let the groom’s guests greet them with applause. And now I ask the groom’s guests to rise, and the bride’s guests greet them. Well done, good. But the acquaintance did not end there. Now I propose to play a table game that will help everyone get to know each other a little better. So, let's divide the guests into two teams: the groom's team and the bride's team...

A game. Summing up the results of the competition

Dear guests. Please fill the glasses.

Let's raise a glass to the love of the young.

(Song “Let's drink to love”)


Well, now let’s put the glasses down and get ready

wedding gifts.

Wedding gifts and congratulations to the newlyweds

And of course, the parents are the first to congratulate the newlyweds.

(The money is collected in a 3-liter jar with the inscription “BANK.” Upon completion, the jar is given to the groom)

This is your family bank, the most reliable bank in the world and it needs to be closed for safety.

We grant this right to the president of the bank (Name of the groom) (The groom is given a lid and a key for seaming) Closed? Now tell it to the Minister of Finance.

And we present the minister (bride) with the key to the bank (opener)

Fanfare sounds.

Dear guests! Please fill the glasses.

We dedicate this toast to you. Many thanks to everyone for the gifts and good wishes.

May your life be full of joy, happiness and all the best!


And now we want to invite the newlyweds to their first family dance, and the guests to support them.

( Song "I love you to tears")

(During the dance, guests form a circle and shower the young ones with rose petals. You can light sparklers, etc.)

Dance program with competitions and games

Presentation of prizes. Invitation to the table.


Dear friends! Fill the glasses.

Words for parents of newlyweds

Dear Parents!

You're a little sad today

Your children are leaving you.

But that's probably how it's needed

So that the hour of parting has come.

How long have they not been brave?

Did you walk barefoot under the table?

Clumsy, inept,

They plowed their feet on the floor!

And today it’s already with adults,

You had to separate from your children.

Bitter, bitter, parents, bitter!

So that children can live happily!!!

Parents are sad!

(Song “Don’t cry mom, don’t cry dad”)

Dear Parents! From today you have twice as many children. The parents (Bride's Name) found a son (Groom's Name), and the parents (Groom's Name) found a daughter (Bride's Name)

But at the same time you received new titles:

Father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and mother-in-law.

Ceremonial presentation of certificates for conferring honorary titles

(A touch or fanfare sounds.)

Presentation of certificates of conferment of honorary titles “Son-in-law” and “Daughter-in-law” (Given by parents)

Third toast to moms

Wedding dance and entertainment program.

Competition for the best dance performance “Gypsy” “Eastern”…


Invitation to the table.


Wedding telegrams.

Presenting a gift to the groom as a keepsake of his bachelor life. (Humorous poster)

A toast to ending your bachelor life and entering a married life.

Game for newlyweds: “Distribution of family responsibilities”

Husband's oath. Oath of the wife Oath of the young.

Toast for family responsibilities to be not a burden, but a joy.

Table games for guests “Question and answer” “seasons”


Dance program.

The bride throws a bouquet.

Festive take-out of the wedding cake.

The newlyweds cut off the first two pieces and give them to their parents.


Toast of the bride and groom to the guests


Wedding script download

Musical accompaniment for weddings, musical accompaniment for holidays, corporate banquets, anniversaries in Moscow and the Moscow region

Option 4

We meet the young people at the porch. Guests stand on both sides of the path from the car to the porch. Everyone should have rice and coins in their hands. While the young people are walking from the porch, in the direction of travel, shouting “Congratulations!” they are sprinkled with cereals and coins.

They are met on the porch by the presenter and parents.
Dear newlyweds! By tradition, the people dearest to you - your parents - meet you here. Mom is holding a wedding loaf in her hands as a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and salt it properly! You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, add more salt... Now exchange pieces of bread. Look at each other with tenderness and feed each other!
The newlyweds feed each other.

And now we will see who will be the head of the family! Come on, bring the glasses here! And now on the count of three! drain the glasses to the bottom. Whoever is first is in charge. Once. Two. Three!
The newlyweds are drinking. All the guests are sick.

-What kind of barrier is this?
- The border, but not a simple one:
family life ahead,
behind - single.
You have a pass, friends,
To a house called Family?

The newlyweds show their marriage certificate.
Let me tell you briefly - the document is in order!

Come on in, hurry up
The wedding feast is calling you!
We invite everyone to the feast,
For wedding hospitality.

Everyone goes into the hall.

Today there is joy in this house
For family, friends, acquaintances.
Today there is a big holiday here,
Because two are cute
Two loving, beautiful
They became husband and wife.

Make yourself comfortable, dear guests, because a wedding is a long affair! Choose a more cheerful neighbor, someone you can talk to, and a nicer neighbor, whom you can look after. Men are closer to the snack, and women are closer to the drink. Everyone’s responsibilities include: pouring, topping up, not depriving everyone of your neighbors and not forgetting yourself. Now, get the champagne ready!

I ask everyone to raise their glasses,
Congratulate the young standing,
To herald the beginning of the wedding
And a new life for two!
May this day be like a bright holiday
Will flow joy into your home
And your life will be decorated forever
Hope, Happiness and Love!
And let love dawn
Doesn't go out for many years
Just let it be “bitter” at the wedding,
Never in your life!

And now, dear guests, do not be shy, gain strength before the festive program. Help yourself while we read to you

1. You can't be bored, you can joke.
2. You can’t be sad, you can sing and dance.
3. Look at other people's wives and husbands,
Don't forget about your own.
4. We forbid you to swear,
Fight, argue under the table.
If you've had a little too much to drink,
It's better to go to sleep in silence.
5. To everyone without further explanation
Keep your place
Pouring into your neighbor's pocket
Juice or wine is prohibited.
6. Don’t grumble or swear,
Don't go kissing everyone,
Don't get angry under any circumstances,
Everyone has fun from the heart.
7.If someone makes a mistake
I took my sadness with me,
Put it in the refrigerator immediately
For cutlets to the cook.
8. If you are about to leave
Found slightly
Wear other people's things
This is really not a problem.
But we strictly prohibit
Go home then
When next to you will be
Someone else's husband or wife!
10 minutes for a feast

Guests, have you taken your glasses?
- Yes!
Friendly, did you have fun?
- Yes!
Then "Bitter!" - let's shout to them -
"Bitter! Bitter!" - young.
Kiss, newlyweds,
Let those kisses be countless,
Otherwise, the poor invitees
It’s bitter to drink and bitter to eat!
Let's go for this couple
Let's drink a full glass!

Meeting the guests
Today everyone will sing more than ____.
____ will dance the most.
Everyone will shout “Bitterly!” the loudest. ____.
Everyone will drink more ____.
Today ____ will give ____one hundred rubles.
____ will happily give ____ his TV.
And ____ will give ____ herself.
Now ____ will lend money to everyone. No recoil.
The most beautiful today is ____.
The most shy person today is ____.
The hungriest person at the wedding is ____.
After the wedding, ____ will leave on foot.
____ will leave by car.
And ____ and ____ will have difficulty leading ____ away.
In an hour, ____ will say that he is cool.
After an hour and a half, ____ will say that he sneezed on everyone.
In two hours ____ won't say anything.
____ will fall asleep at 10 p.m.
____ will fall asleep at 11 p.m.
At 23:30 ____ will already wake up.
Tomorrow, improve your health, ____ invites everyone.
____ will arrive tomorrow with a box of beer.
____ undertakes to bring dried fish.
And ____ and ____ will be cooking fish soup from 5 am.
Everyone drinks ____ to their health.
For the health of the young and everyone I have already drunk ____ seven times.
A word to the parents.

Toast to parents
Let's raise a cheerful spell
For those who raised this glorious couple.
Who in life knew neither sleep nor peace,
Forged such happiness for them.
The parents are sad, a little sad.
We will not judge them harshly for this.
After all, this has long been their eternal destiny.
Each of us would like to support them.
For your work and worries, for everything you could,
Let the children bow to you to the ground.
And we, in turn, are good guests,
For your parental work, we will simply tell you:
Let time fly, but don't grow old
Let your grandchildren grow up, make you younger at heart,
Good luck to you, a huge increase in health,
We raise a festive toast for you.
Presentation of comic documents
- young,
response to young parents,
Let's raise our glasses!

Presentation of comic documents
- parents, others.
The floor is given to grandparents.
First dance of the young

Oh, how the bride looks in love,
Oh, how excited the proud groom is.
The first waltz is for you young people,
First dance for you two.
Those who do not want to sit still to the sounds of a waltz,
Feel free to join the bride and groom.

Competition for witnesses
The witness lies down on chairs, candy is scattered over her, and the last one is placed on her lips. The witness must collect them all with his hands tied.

Toast for witnesses
For those who took honorable care,
From now on I must for many years in a row
To follow with desire, with joy, with eagerness,
So that there is peace and harmony in the family of friends.
So that the wards walk together
Dear bright, sunny, big
Before the wedding, before the silver one in the beginning,
Well, then - golden until the wedding!
We drink, as you noticed,
For young witnesses.

Table game for guests.

Envelopes for the bride's guests:
1. Honey, should we buy a mink coat?
2. Zolotko, will you give me your entire salary?
3. My sun, will you serve me coffee and a bun in the morning?
4. Dear, will you buy me outfits every day?
5. Darling, do you want us to have three girls and no boys?
6. Good, will you help me with the housework?
Envelopes for the groom's guests:
1. Dream, dream, my beloved.
2. If wages allow.
3. As you say, my only one.
4. Everything depends on you, dear.
5. I only dream about this, my dear.
6. Well, you say the same. Wait and see.

Lighting up the family hearth.
Happiness decided to leave one house. It's hard to say why, but it decided. “But first,” said happiness, “I will fulfill one wish of each member of the family in which I lived for many years. What do you want?” - happiness asked the hostess of the house. And she replied that she did not have a mink coat, and the hostess received a fur coat. Happiness asked the adult daughter of the hostess: “What do you want?” - and she replied that she wanted to marry an overseas prince - and she married an overseas prince. Happiness asked the owner’s son: “What do you want?” “I want,” he says, “a bicycle, I will be happy if there is a bicycle,” and the boy got a bicycle. And already on the threshold of the house, happiness saw the owner and asked: “What do you want?” The owner thought and said: “I want the warmth of the family hearth to never leave my house.” And happiness fulfilled the owner’s request and did not leave this house, because happiness lives only where the family hearth burns!”

At a noisy wedding table
Like a beacon of friendship and kindness
Let's light it up together now
Star of hope and dreams.

Let's raise our glasses to this small and still very young hearth! But he will grow up, get stronger and be able to warm both the young and their children, and their relatives and friends.

Competition for guests

Distribution of responsibilities (balloons)

Competition for mothers
Mothers can tell by their voice:
1. The bride’s mother identifies her son-in-law among other guys who take turns saying: “Mother-in-law, I love you.”
2. The groom’s mother identifies the daughter-in-law by her voice among other girls, who take turns saying: “I can’t bear to get married.”
3. Mothers together determine the voices of the young among other couples, who take turns saying: “Mom, it’s us!”

Dance competition for couples (with a balloon).
Each couple is given a balloon, which the partners must hold between their foreheads (the backs of their heads, backs, bellies, shoulder blades, butts, knees, at chest level - at the discretion of the organizer; during the competition, the method of holding the ball can be changed at the command of the leader), the couples dance, preferably to fast music and preferably in the nature of the music. The pairs that drop the ball are eliminated.
Table competition for guests
And now the color competition. Dear guests, take a look at what color clothes you wore to the wedding celebration. Pay attention to your neighbor's clothes.
Who came dressed in red? These people are joyful, beautiful, independent, and value the fullness of life. Always ready for love, in the sense of a great feeling. They prefer to spend their holidays in the south. Let's drink to the red one.
Who is wearing white clothes? Often naive, honest people, with an untarnished reputation, kind and decent. They prefer to relax among snowy plains and polar bears. Please note, even if you drank for red, if you also have white in your clothes, you will have to drink again.
The black color of clothing indicates that we are dealing with talented people who are capable of bewitching absolutely everyone. They love black caviar and black coffee. Sexually attractive, fertile in everything! They like to relax at their lovers' dachas.
Blue clothing guarantees their owners a noble origin and romance. These are loyal, nice people, they worry about literally everything and everyone.
They like to vacation everywhere, just to fly on a plane.
The green color of the outfit indicates that these are people overwhelmed by hope and dreams. Always fresh and attractive. For recreation they prefer the nearby forest.
Who came dressed in yellow? These people are pleasant, warm, romantic, but... treacherous. Gold is preferred for jewelry. They strive to take a place in the upper class. They like to relax on “Golden Sands”, they like to listen to “Golden Ring”, they like to be called “Zolotse”.

Determining the sex of the child.

Word to the witnesses

Presentation of gifts (to eat by witnesses)
Order for a new family.

Determination of the groom (by ear, by hand),
Definition of bride (by the elbow, by the knee).


For couples with tennis balls. (drive through partner's trousers).

Hospital (on the sheets write “maternity home”, “hospital”, “bynya”, “registry office”, “bedroom”, “work”.
-how often do you visit this place?
-how long have you been there?
- what are you doing there?
- Who do you go there with?
- what do you take with you?
- Do you enjoy going there?
- Who would you dream of going there with?)

Competition for young people "explanatory and justificatory" competition. You can call it “I believe - I don’t believe.” The situation for the competition can be set as follows: “Three months of married life pass, and the young wife comes home at three in the morning. What will she say in her defense, and will her husband believe it? So, the husband opens the door, first looks sternly at his watch, then he looks at his wife and asks the question: “Darling, why is it so late?” In response, the bride offers her own options for excuses, and the groom accepts them or not, saying “I believe it” or, conversely, “I don’t believe it!”

To attract the parents of the young couple to the sweet kissing moment, the presenter can ask the bride and groom questions: “Tanya, in high school was there at least one subject, a lesson in which you were taught to kiss?
They didn't teach Tanya how to kiss. Let's ask the groom. Alexander, did the institute’s program include classes where you could master the art of kissing? No, there was no such thing in the institute program. What to do? Who will teach you a kissing lesson? Probably, as always, parents. We ask the parents of the bride and groom to rise and kiss each other firmly but tenderly. And at the wedding feast we will shout to them a friendly “Bitter!”
Newlyweds' vows.
In the midst of the wedding fun, the host offers the guests a game of Spin the Bottle. Brings out a large inflatable bottle of champagne that will spin during the game. On the tray there is a place with words. The guests stand in a circle, the presenter is in the center.
Whoever the bottle points to takes a card with a word, and I explain the meaning of this word in our kissing game. The bottle is spun and the cards are sorted out during the game.
Here are the words and their meanings:
Fur - kiss everyone's neighbors.
Pipes - kiss your neighbor on the lips.
Period - kiss whoever you want on the cheek.
Arrow - let the girls kiss you.
Fingers - let the boys kiss you.
Verse - the groom will send an air kiss.
Bride - kiss the one whose place is next to you.

Competition for young people - to dress a doll with tied hands.

-Did you drink to the young people?
All: -Drank!
-Did you drink to your parents?
All: -Drank!
- To become closer and dearer to all of us,
Let's drink to the guests!

Bouquet and garter toss.

Well, you can escort the newlyweds from the wedding along a corridor of burning candles held by the guests. The presenter will say that let so many happy stars illuminate their life path together, that let so many lights light up in the homes of relatives and friends who are always ready to help and give the newlyweds the warmth and joy of meeting.

Wedding script for beginners

The first day

According to established tradition, the wedding begins with the bride price. At the appointed time, the groom and his friends arrive at the bride’s house, where the bridesmaids are already waiting for them. The bride is hidden in the house. Before leading the bride down the aisle, the groom must enter the house and take his beloved, but this is not easy to do, since he has to pass a test and prove his love.


The bridesmaids are met by the groom and his friends on the street:

Hello, wonderful fellow,
Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?
Where were you and what did you find?
Groom: I came for the bride.
Witness: Look - we have brides,
It will be just right for you:

That's beautiful, that's white,
That's blush, that's slim.
Choose which one?
Groom: I need another one.

Witness And our other dear one. To pick it up, you need to pass tests and pay a ransom.

Test 1.

Put so many coins on a plate
How many years will you live with your wife?

Test 2.

And here is a piece of paper with a tricky riddle,
Will you find the lips of your betrothed?

Test 3.

Can't get around, show your mercy
Fill the glasses so I won't be ashamed:
In one, so that it rustles,
In another, so that it rings,
And in the third, so that the stormy foam hisses.

Test 4.

Here is the path in front of you,
You walk along it and sing,
Sing a song about love,
Then you will reach the gate.

Test 5.

And now, dear friend,
Don't disdain our apple,
Think about it in your spare time,
How can you help your wife?
Take a match from an apple,
How can you help your wife? Tell me?

Test 6.

There are three glasses of water: salty, bitter, sweet.
Guess what kind of life awaits you with your wife?
(Pour sweet water into all three glasses.)

Test 7.

And now another question,
You, our dear groom,
Break your wild head
And guess all the numbers.
What does each number on the step mean?

Test 8.

Write out the bride's name with a silver coin.


Guess your bride's foot (based on her paper foot).

Test 10.

What do you see in front of you?
There is a big castle hanging here.
If you pick up the key,
Then you will unlock the lock!
(There is a paper lock on the door, the hole is the silhouette of a Champagne bottle.)
Pick up the key to enter the bride.

Test 11.

This is the end of your trials. Here is your bride.
Take it! Not like that again! You're too picky and picky.


You have gone through great adversity
Aspiring to the maiden room,
Now say before all the people:
"(bride's name)! I love you!"

Test 12.

Look how beautiful the bride is!
Girlfriends take turns:
An elegant dress for the bride
Give us some grape wine, groom.
For the bride pumps
Give us a bottle of vodka.
For the bride's eyes
A kilogram of "Mask".
For the bride, string eyebrows
Give us green credit cards.
To make life sweet
Treat me, groom, to chocolate.
For the bride's lips with a bow
Wrap 50 rubles in a candy wrapper.
For the bride's heel
Give us a heel.

Test 13.

The wolf said to the sheep: “Sheep!
You have a beautiful complexion!"
Oh, if a wolf praises a lamb -
Don't believe a single word.

What will you call your wife? Say a word every step towards the bride; what will you call her from now on? (The groom approaches the bride and gives her flowers.)

Well, dear friend. We looked at your fiance. Get married. Not stingy. And he truly loves, but the most important word belongs to the sister.

Sister: I’m letting my sister get married,
Well, I’m warning you,
To love and respect,
And so that he doesn’t offend me.
(The groom gives a gift to his sister.)

Test 14.

Guess the last riddle:
What is the most powerful thing in the world? (Love).
What is the most valuable thing in the world? (Bride).
What's the sweetest thing in the world? (Family life).

A rope is valued by its length,
And the shorter the speech, the better.
It's time to have a drink! Good morning!
For all friends! For all of you!

Flowers are sewn onto the witnesses. The bride and groom, accompanied by witnesses, walk through a corridor of balloons that burst above their heads. Wishes are read to them. They get into cars. The groom puts the bride in her car, and he and the witness get into another. Parents, girlfriends, friends and relatives get into cars and go to the registry office.


The bride and groom are greeted by their parents, they throw a towel over them, tie them up and lead them to the table with the words: “Hold on tight, and go through family life together, happily, to the delight of your parents and friends!” The rest pay an entrance fee. The young spouses are invited to the wedding table first, followed by the witnesses. Parents are invited to take the place of honor. All guests are invited to the wedding table.


Oh, you, gentlemen, guests!
We called you here
So that you don't dare to get bored,
Let us begin.

I hope from my heart
Let's have fun!
We'll start our feast with honesty
We ask everyone to sit down!

Our dear newlyweds, (names of the bride and groom)!
Dear parents! Dear guests!
Today we have gathered here to celebrate the most important and joyful, most significant event in the lives of our young people - the day of their marriage, the day of entering into a lasting union. From this day a new page in their life begins, and what it will be like depends only on them.

A Toast to the Young People

Wedding is a beautiful Russian word!
The bride is all in white, and he is next to her,
Whom she with tender love
For now he calls him his fiancé.

Their parents look at them expectantly.
How they want their children to always
Keep gratitude in your soul
And they never forgot about them.

Today there is fun, and toasts, and jokes,
And tomorrow will be ordinary days,
When you have to face the same fate
Walk through the heat and blizzard through life.

But no matter what happens, let peace and harmony
They will live in your little house forever.
Let the children grow up and call you
Happy mother, smart father.

And let your love shine joyfully,
Like a rainbow in a sky washed by rain.
Let in every dewdrop and every tear
You will see yourself only together!

Accept a solemn verse as a gift,
We raise a toast to you, to the two of you.
Now you have to, as usual,
Divide both grief and joy in half.


1. You can't be bored, you can joke.
2. You can’t be sad, you can sing and dance.
3. Look at other people's wives and husbands,
Don't forget about your own.
4. We forbid you to swear,
Fight, argue under the table.
If you've had a little too much to drink,
It's better to go to sleep in silence.
5. To everyone without further explanation
Keep your place
Pouring into your neighbor's pocket
Juice or wine is prohibited.
6. Don’t grumble or swear,
Don't go kissing everyone,
Don't get angry under any circumstances,
Everyone has fun from the heart.
7.If someone makes a mistake
I took my sadness with me,
Put it in the refrigerator immediately
For cutlets to the cook.
8. If you are about to leave
Found slightly
Wear other people's things
This is really not a problem.
But we strictly prohibit
Go home then
When next to you will be
Someone else's husband or wife!

A Toast to the Young People

Walking through life hand in hand
You must forget, friends, you are bored,
Know how to give in to each other
And don’t you dare offend yourself.
We wish you happiness and nothing more
Let it be heard again and again
Crafty unrestrained: “Bitter!”
And so that there is not bitter love.


1. (name of the bride and groom) have the right to connect their paths and create a healthy, beautiful family, they are obliged to preserve and take care of it until the end of their days.
2. The wife is the supreme legislative body. Her husband is her deputy.
3. The wife is the Minister of Finance, Culture, Trade, Food Industry, and Health. The husband is the Minister of Electrification, the Gas Industry, Meat and Dairy, Agriculture, and the Minister of Internal Affairs.
4. The wife has the right to rest, the husband to work.
5. The wife must prepare a light dinner every evening. The husband is obliged to serve his wife hot coffee in bed every morning.
6. Spouses have the right to kiss at least once a week.
7. Spouses have the right to have from 1 to 15 children. Children are required to know who is their father and who is their mother.
8. Subject to compliance with all articles of the constitution, husband and wife have the right to celebrate a silver wedding after 25 years, and a golden wedding after 50 years.

My friends! We received two documents:


The insidious “enemy” (name of the groom) snatched the fighter for women’s freedom (name of the bride) from our ranks.

We decide:

1. (name of the bride) make a report on the topic: “How to entangle a bachelor” and award her the Order of Family Happiness (his photo).
2. In financial work, observe the old division of labor. Give your husband the honorable right to earn money; take on the thankless but important task of spending it.
3. Avoid your husband’s presence when buying clothes; your husband should not know the true price of things. This will save his nervous system from unnecessary shocks.
4. Cross the street where he wants, but take him where you want.
5. Do not let your husband go one step away from you, so that he does not stray from the righteous path. Don’t forget: the husband is the head, the wife is the neck, I’ll turn it wherever I want! But turn it so as not to lose your head.
6. Promise to give your husband a son or daughter if he raises them himself.


It is with deep regret that we inform you that the bachelors have suffered a bereavement: he married (name of the groom), an honorary member of the Bachelors Society. With pain and indignation, we learned that recently, he often visited the address __ (the bride’s address), where he lured __ (the bride’s name, surname) into the net of love and persuaded her to legally marry.

And therefore the society of bachelors decides:

1. Exclude (last name, first name of the groom) from the society of bachelors.
2. Sasha went through many tests, showed courage and courage. We award (name of the groom) the Order of “Saint (name of the bride)” (photo of the bride).
3. We wish happiness to the “traitor” and his bride.
4. (name of the groom), remember: you took your wife - forget the silence!
5. Carry your wife in your arms, she will sit on your neck.
6. Don’t argue with your wife, she will always think you’re right.


=Your single life=

Dear newlyweds!

=Beekeeping Department=

The place is reserved.
Looking forward to meeting you.
=Maternity hospital=




Eats and drinks wisely in moderation!

There was room under the table!

To the groom.

=Shoe workshop=

For the bride.

=Department store=



The mother-in-law had a son-in-law
Don't sit idle now,
Spin on one leg
Be smart in front of your son-in-law.

According to the law of antiquity
The son-in-law goes to his mother-in-law for pancakes,
So that everything in the kitchen sparkles
And there was a mountain of pancakes.

Only your son-in-law is on the threshold,
There should be a pie on the table,
And half a liter and a snack,
And it should be delicious.

If you meet your son-in-law badly,
You will answer to us,
That's how things will go
He will find another mother-in-law.

Look, our order
Always do it
Son-in-law of such a mother-in-law
He will never stop loving.


You blessed love.
His family is your family
And don’t grumble in vain now.

My daughter-in-law fell in love with my son,
So love her like a daughter.
And to please my mother-in-law
She will give birth to your grandchildren.

And what’s wrong, then goodbye
Don't notice all the mistakes,
And everything will be fine with you,
What anyone would envy.


You have a son-in-law
And my son-in-law likes to take it.
He took your daughter from you
By consent, loving.

Father-in-law, you are a hero, father!
Be strong for your son-in-law!
Invite me to visit more often,
Treat yourself to delicious beer!

Maybe my son-in-law will like it
Should I take something else from you?
You promise to give
And say thank you.


Well, what should I tell you, father?
You are, of course, great!
He raised his son, got him married,
I'm still in my prime.

Look - the bride is young,
Beautiful and daring
Take her into the family
Love like your daughter.

And you, father-in-law, will have to
Fork out double the cash!
Both daughter-in-law and wife -
Equal gifts for everyone!


It's hard, it's hard to leave
With older children
We wish them all happiness,

Wisdom and kindness.
So let's pour everything in full,
Let's move the glasses closer together,
Let's drink to the most important:

For grandparents
For fathers and mothers!


We are starting the ceremony of giving!

Everyone, sit down comfortably and comfortably.

Contentful and important.

From the heart for their happiness.


So she's lucky!


First dance for you two.



So, family and friends,
A family is born.
Let's all stop dancing
And again we congratulate the young people.

A Toast to the Young People

How beautiful the bride is now,
The groom glows with happiness,

Let's raise a toast to the young.





A toast to the bride

Today you are a bouquet of camellias,

All the guys went numb at once -

Today you are a beauty and a miracle,

The guys stand silently in a heap,
Single life has become prose.

You are just a glorious creature
You're just very, very sweet
And be like that - one task:

So that life doesn't change you.

Love for many years
There is no stronger one in the world.

And so that everything around is clear,

Second day

Dear friends!
Let our fun last
All day and until the morning.
For the happiness of the newlyweds
Let's have a drink together, all my friends!

Yesterday we drank to the bride,
And at the same time for the groom.

Today (name of the groom) is the husband,

Don't be embarrassed, young people,
Once upon a time everyone was like this
And everyone went through this,
Now go ahead alone.

Now imagine this:

Many years have passed,
We remember everything that happened
And this wedding dinner.

You already have big children:

Who is an engineer, who is an astronaut,
Who lives on another planet,
He probably became a sleepwalker.

We raise a sacred toast,

For the happiness of the created family,
Here's to you, romantics of the earth!


Married yourself - help a friend.
Mother-in-law is the dove of peace.


My favorite! Yesterday I found out that you are getting married. It's a pity! Well, all the best to you! For many years we lived with you in peace and friendship, enjoying each other. Are you really tired of me and have you cheated on me? It's a pity that you met someone else. She is better, kinder, more beautiful than me! Well, goodbye forever! Happiness to you, love. I will console myself with the fact that I have a lot of your brother left. Goodbye.
=Your single life=

Dear newlyweds!
Congratulations on your honeymoon.
=Beekeeping Department=

The place is reserved.
Looking forward to meeting you.
=Maternity hospital=

Kindergarten is like a swarm of bees,
He sends his cordial greetings,
We all want to wish you, young people,
So that you don’t forget to get in line.

Let everyone be drunk and cheerful,
Eats and drinks wisely in moderation!
So that you feel crowded at the table,
There was room under the table!

To the groom.
Congratulations! We wish not to find ourselves under the heel of our wife.
=Shoe workshop=

For the bride.
Dear Olya! Congratulations! Your order has been completed - you can receive your ironclad gloves at any time.
=Department store=


Let's raise a cheerful spell
For those who raised this glorious couple.
Who in life knew neither sleep nor peace,
Forged such happiness for them.

The parents are sad, a little sad.
We will not judge them harshly for this.
After all, this has long been their eternal destiny.
Each of us would like to support them.

We know children from end to beginning
Love married for many years.
And you, without hiding your worries at all,
They must accompany them on their marital journey.

For your work and worries, for everything you could,
Let the children bow to you to the ground.
And we, in turn, are good guests,
For your parental work, we will simply tell you:

Let time fly, but don't grow old
Let your grandchildren grow up, make you younger at heart,
Good luck to you, a huge increase in health,
We raise a festive toast for you.

Parents are given a word of encouragement.

Dear parents! From this day on, you are awarded the honorary titles: MOTHER-IN-LAW, FATHER-IN-LAW, FATHER-IN-IN-LAW, MOTHER-IN-LAW. Allow me to present you with a certificate of conferment of titles.

Now listen to our orders:


The mother-in-law had a son-in-law
Don't sit idle now,
Spin on one leg
Be smart in front of your son-in-law.

According to the law of antiquity
The son-in-law goes to his mother-in-law for pancakes,
So that everything in the kitchen sparkles
And there was a mountain of pancakes.

Only your son-in-law is on the threshold,
There should be a pie on the table,
And half a liter and a snack,
And it should be delicious.

If you meet your son-in-law badly,
You will answer to us,
That's how things will go
He will find another mother-in-law.

Look, our order
Always do it
Son-in-law of such a mother-in-law
He will never stop loving.


Now words to you, mother-in-law,
You blessed love.
His family is your family
And don’t grumble in vain now.

My daughter-in-law fell in love with my son,
So love her like a daughter.
And to please my mother-in-law
She will give birth to your grandchildren.

And what’s wrong, then goodbye
Don't notice all the mistakes,
And everything will be fine with you,
What anyone would envy.


You have a son-in-law
And my son-in-law likes to take it.
He took your daughter from you
By consent, loving.

Father-in-law, you are a hero, father!
Be strong for your son-in-law!
Invite me to visit more often,
Treat yourself to delicious beer!

Maybe my son-in-law will like it
Should I take something else from you?
You promise to give
And say thank you.


Well, what should I tell you, father?
You are, of course, great!
He raised his son, got him married,
I'm still in my prime.

Look - the bride is young,
Beautiful and daring
Take her into the family
Love like your daughter.

And you, father-in-law, will have to
Fork out double the cash!
Both daughter-in-law and wife -
Equal gifts for everyone!

We offer to wash the new ranks.

Dear newlyweds! From today you are two halves of one whole, one family. The elders of your family - your grandparents - congratulate you.


It's hard, it's hard to leave
With older children
We wish them all happiness,

Wisdom and kindness.
So let's pour everything in full,
Let's move the glasses closer together,
Let's drink to the most important:

For grandparents
For fathers and mothers!


Well, now with your permission
We are starting the ceremony of giving!
We'll hold a toast competition at the same time.
Everyone, sit down comfortably and comfortably.

Prepare a healthy, kind toast,
Contentful and important.
And prepare gifts, give them to the young
From the heart for their happiness.

The witness and witness help the newlyweds carry a glass around the guests and accept gifts.


In a life where there are many tears and doubts
Only the one who knows how to love is happy.
You can live without wine and without money,
But it is impossible to live without love.

Nowadays you can't be sad and gloomy
Today it should be light and easy,
If (groom's name) married (bride's name)
So she's lucky!

Today let's throw away melancholy and despondency,
To hell with betrayal, separation and evil,
If (bride's name) goes after (groom's name),
So he was the luckiest of all!


Oh, how the bride looks in love,
Oh, how excited the proud groom is.
The first waltz is for you young people,
First dance for you two.

The young people go out in a circle and dance.

Those who do not want to sit still to the sounds of a waltz,
Feel free to join the bride and groom.


1. Participants can be two couples: a man and a woman. One participant has clothespins attached to their clothes. Another participant, blindfolded, must find and remove them.

2. Give the groom a towel. Let him tie the bride as tightly as he loves her. And then he will untie the towel as quickly as he returns from work.

3. For male participants, tie a rope around the waist. Tie a stick to the long end of the rope. Task: close a bottle standing on the floor with a stick.


So, family and friends,
A family is born.
Let's all stop dancing
And again we congratulate the young people.

A Toast to the Young People

How beautiful the bride is now,
The groom glows with happiness,
For their love, for tenderness, sensitivity,
Let's raise a toast to the young.

Now let's listen to the fairy tale. For several centuries, the custom of dressing the bride in a snow-white veil at a wedding has continued, because... white color symbolizes the triumph of the event, trembling joy and cloudless
happiness of the brides. Then why is the groom dressed in black?
In (year of birth of the groom), a boy (name of the groom) was born in the family (last name), and they were expecting a girl. Do you think it was not bitter for the parents?
Time passes, the boy grows up, takes his first steps and suddenly... falls. Do you think the boy was not sad?
Time passed, the boy went to school and suddenly the first grade was “2”. Do you think the teachers weren’t sad?
(Groom's name) grew up, matured, and met his beloved. Do you think the girls weren’t sad that he chose (bride’s name) as his bride?

A toast to the bride

Today you are a bouquet of camellias,
There is love and affection in your eyes.
All the guys went numb at once -
Today you are, well, just a fairy tale.

Today you are a beauty and a miracle,
To compare you - well, only with a rose.
The guys stand silently in a heap,
Single life has become prose.

You are just a glorious creature
You're just very, very sweet
And be like that - one task:

So that life doesn't change you.

So be happy always
Let there be heaven in your apartment,
Love for many years
There is no stronger one in the world.

And so that everything around is clear,
And life would be so beautiful
And so that your world is beautiful,
So be always happy!

Let's drink to our beautiful bride!

Dear guests, friends, family!
Thank you all for coming today to share the joy of the bride and groom and their relatives. Thank you! We invite you to come tomorrow to continue this celebration.

Second day

Dear friends!
Let our fun last
All day and until the morning.
For the happiness of the newlyweds
Let's have a drink together, all my friends!

Yesterday we drank to the bride,
And at the same time for the groom.

Today (name of the groom) is the husband,
(name of the bride) - therefore - wife.

Don't be embarrassed, young people,
Once upon a time everyone was like this
And everyone went through this,
Now go ahead alone.

Now imagine this:

Many years have passed,
We remember everything that happened
And this wedding dinner.

You already have big children:

Who is an engineer, who is an astronaut,
Who lives on another planet,
He probably became a sleepwalker.

We raise a sacred toast,
Let everything happen without fail,
For the happiness of the created family,
Here's to you, romantics of the earth!


And now, so that the life of the young begins with wealth, we give them gifts:

Here's a mug for you to love each other.
Here is a nail for you so that you will not be apart.
Here's some soap for you to have a nice life.
Here's a sheet for you to live gently and simply.
Here are some booties for you so that the kids don't go barefoot.
Here's a vest for your daughter Alenka.
We give you cucumbers so that you can have twins.
Here's some cabbage so the house won't be empty.
Here's a brick for you to buy a Moskvich.
Here's a radish for you, so your wife won't look at Petka and Fedka.
Here's some beets for you, so your husband won't look at Thekla.

The young wife must show her ability to manage things, so the guests waste money, and the young wife must collect everything without missing a single coin or piece of paper.

You'll go straight to the feast,
You will find a wedding feast and fun!
You! I submitted an application to the registry office...
To ensure harmony in your family, drink only lemonade.
To seal the marriage bond, you need a plump little one.
We wish happiness to the young people, and to the rest - to drink themselves into smoke.
Bachelor, don’t yawn - choose your bride,
Married yourself - help a friend.
Mother-in-law is the dove of peace.
Your wife isn’t sneakers, you can’t take them off her feet.
We wish happiness and goodness to children over ten. Hooray!

My favorite! Yesterday I found out that you are getting married. It's a pity! Well, all the best to you! For many years we lived with you in peace and friendship, enjoying each other. Are you really tired of me and have you cheated on me? It's a pity that you met someone else. She is better, kinder, more beautiful than me! Well, goodbye forever! Happiness to you, love. I will console myself with the fact that I have a lot of your brother left. Goodbye.
=Your single life=

Dear newlyweds!
Congratulations on your honeymoon.
=Beekeeping Department=

The place is reserved.
Looking forward to meeting you.
=Maternity hospital=

Kindergarten is like a swarm of bees,
He sends his cordial greetings,
We all want to wish you, young people,
So that you don’t forget to get in line.

Let everyone be drunk and cheerful,
Eats and drinks wisely in moderation!
So that you feel crowded at the table,
There was room under the table!

To the groom.
Congratulations! We wish not to find ourselves under the heel of our wife.
=Shoe workshop=

For the bride.
Dear Olya! Congratulations! Your order has been completed - you can receive your ironclad gloves at any time.
=Department store=


Let's raise a cheerful spell
For those who raised this glorious couple.
Who in life knew neither sleep nor peace,
Forged such happiness for them.

The parents are sad, a little sad.
We will not judge them harshly for this.
After all, this has long been their eternal destiny.
Each of us would like to support them.

We know children from end to beginning
Love married for many years.
And you, without hiding your worries at all,
They must accompany them on their marital journey.

For your work and worries, for everything you could,
Let the children bow to you to the ground.
And we, in turn, are good guests,
For your parental work, we will simply tell you:

Let time fly, but don't grow old
Let your grandchildren grow up, make you younger at heart,
Good luck to you, a huge increase in health,
We raise a festive toast for you.

Parents are given a word of encouragement.

Dear parents! From this day on, you are awarded the honorary titles: MOTHER-IN-LAW, FATHER-IN-LAW, FATHER-IN-IN-LAW, MOTHER-IN-LAW. Allow me to present you with a certificate of conferment of titles.

Now listen to our orders:


The mother-in-law had a son-in-law
Don't sit idle now,
Spin on one leg
Be smart in front of your son-in-law.

According to the law of antiquity
The son-in-law goes to his mother-in-law for pancakes,
So that everything in the kitchen sparkles
And there was a mountain of pancakes.

Only your son-in-law is on the threshold,
There should be a pie on the table,
And half a liter and a snack,
And it should be delicious.

If you meet your son-in-law badly,
You will answer to us,
That's how things will go
He will find another mother-in-law.

Look, our order
Always do it
Son-in-law of such a mother-in-law
He will never stop loving.


Now words to you, mother-in-law,
You blessed love.
His family is your family
And don’t grumble in vain now.

My daughter-in-law fell in love with my son,
So love her like a daughter.
And to please my mother-in-law
She will give birth to your grandchildren.

And what’s wrong, then goodbye
Don't notice all the mistakes,
And everything will be fine with you,
What anyone would envy.


You have a son-in-law
And my son-in-law likes to take it.
He took your daughter from you
By consent, loving.

Father-in-law, you are a hero, father!
Be strong for your son-in-law!
Invite me to visit more often,
Treat yourself to delicious beer!

Maybe my son-in-law will like it
Should I take something else from you?
You promise to give
And say thank you.


Well, what should I tell you, father?
You are, of course, great!
He raised his son, got him married,
I'm still in my prime.

Look - the bride is young,
Beautiful and daring
Take her into the family
Love like your daughter.

And you, father-in-law, will have to
Fork out double the cash!
Both daughter-in-law and wife -
Equal gifts for everyone!

We offer to wash the new ranks.

Dear newlyweds! From today you are two halves of one whole, one family. The elders of your family - your grandparents - congratulate you.


It's hard, it's hard to leave
With older children
We wish them all happiness,

Wisdom and kindness.
So let's pour everything in full,
Let's move the glasses closer together,
Let's drink to the most important:

For grandparents
For fathers and mothers!


Well, now with your permission
We are starting the ceremony of giving!
We'll hold a toast competition at the same time.
Everyone, sit down comfortably and comfortably.

Prepare a healthy, kind toast,
Contentful and important.
And prepare gifts, give them to the young
From the heart for their happiness.

The witness and witness help the newlyweds carry a glass around the guests and accept gifts.


In a life where there are many tears and doubts
Only the one who knows how to love is happy.
You can live without wine and without money,
But it is impossible to live without love.

Nowadays you can't be sad and gloomy
Today it should be light and easy,
If (groom's name) married (bride's name)
So she's lucky!

Today let's throw away melancholy and despondency,
To hell with betrayal, separation and evil,
If (bride's name) goes after (groom's name),
So he was the luckiest of all!


Oh, how the bride looks in love,
Oh, how excited the proud groom is.
The first waltz is for you young people,
First dance for you two.

The young people go out in a circle and dance.

Those who do not want to sit still to the sounds of a waltz,
Feel free to join the bride and groom.


1. Participants can be two couples: a man and a woman. One participant has clothespins attached to their clothes. Another participant, blindfolded, must find and remove them.

2. Give the groom a towel. Let him tie the bride as tightly as he loves her. And then he will untie the towel as quickly as he returns from work.

3. For male participants, tie a rope around the waist. Tie a stick to the long end of the rope. Task: close a bottle standing on the floor with a stick.


So, family and friends,
A family is born.
Let's all stop dancing
And again we congratulate the young people.

A Toast to the Young People

How beautiful the bride is now,
The groom glows with happiness,
For their love, for tenderness, sensitivity,
Let's raise a toast to the young.

Now let's listen to the fairy tale. For several centuries, the custom of dressing the bride in a snow-white veil at a wedding has continued, because... white color symbolizes the triumph of the event, trembling joy and cloudless
happiness of the brides. Then why is the groom dressed in black?
In (year of birth of the groom), a boy (name of the groom) was born in the family (last name), and they were expecting a girl. Do you think it was not bitter for the parents?
Time passes, the boy grows up, takes his first steps and suddenly... falls. Do you think the boy was not sad?
Time passed, the boy went to school and suddenly the first grade was “2”. Do you think the teachers weren’t sad?
(Groom's name) grew up, matured, and met his beloved. Do you think the girls weren’t sad that he chose (bride’s name) as his bride?

A toast to the bride

Today you are a bouquet of camellias,
There is love and affection in your eyes.
All the guys went numb at once -
Today you are, well, just a fairy tale.

Today you are a beauty and a miracle,
To compare you - well, only with a rose.
The guys stand silently in a heap,
Single life has become prose.

You are just a glorious creature
You're just very, very sweet
And be like that - one task:

So that life doesn't change you.

So be happy always
Let there be heaven in your apartment,
Love for many years
There is no stronger one in the world.

And so that everything around is clear,
And life would be so beautiful
And so that your world is beautiful,
So be always happy!

Let's drink to our beautiful bride!

Dear guests, friends, family!
Thank you all for coming today to share the joy of the bride and groom and their relatives. Thank you! We invite you to come tomorrow to continue this celebration.

Second day

Dear friends!
Let our fun last
All day and until the morning.
For the happiness of the newlyweds
Let's have a drink together, all my friends!

Yesterday we drank to the bride,
And at the same time for the groom.

Today (name of the groom) is the husband,
(name of the bride) - therefore - wife.

Don't be embarrassed, young people,
Once upon a time everyone was like this
And everyone went through this,
Now go ahead alone.

Now imagine this:

Many years have passed,
We remember everything that happened
And this wedding dinner.

You already have big children:

Who is an engineer, who is an astronaut,
Who lives on another planet,
He probably became a sleepwalker.

We raise a sacred toast,
Let everything happen without fail,
For the happiness of the created family,
Here's to you, romantics of the earth!


And now, so that the life of the young begins with wealth, we give them gifts:

Here's a mug for you to love each other.
Here is a nail for you so that you will not be apart.
Here's some soap for you to have a nice life.
Here's a sheet for you to live gently and simply.
Here are some booties for you so that the kids don't go barefoot.
Here's a vest for your daughter Alenka.
We give you cucumbers so that you can have twins.
Here's some cabbage so the house won't be empty.
Here's a brick for you to buy a Moskvich.
Here's a radish for you, so your wife won't look at Petka and Fedka.
Here's some beets for you, so your husband won't look at Thekla.

The young wife must show her ability to manage things, so the guests waste money, and the young wife must collect everything without missing a single coin or piece of paper.


You'll go straight to the feast,
You will find a wedding feast and fun!
You! I submitted an application to the registry office...
To ensure harmony in your family, drink only lemonade.
To seal the marriage bond, you need a plump little one.
We wish happiness to the young people, and to the rest - to drink themselves into smoke.
Bachelor, don’t yawn - choose your bride,
Married yourself - help a friend.
Mother-in-law is the dove of peace.
Your wife isn’t sneakers, you can’t take them off her feet.
We wish happiness and goodness to children over ten. Hooray!

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