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Through thorns to the wedding: how the relationship between Tata and Valera Blumenkranz changed. Through thorns to the wedding: how the relationship between Tata and Valera Blumenkranz changed Tata and Valera's wedding photos

January 26, 2018 no comments yet

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Valera and Tata are unique participants in the “House 2” project. They were able to prove to all viewers that building love and finding a family is real.

Their relationship began in an unusual context, and few believed that it could end in marriage. Some TV viewers still believe that everything will soon simply end.

Before they legalized their relationship, they learned that they would soon become parents. All this filled the couple with new positive emotions.

Although after Valera will still do not very good deeds, which will fall under the “show analysis”. However, a marriage proposal will follow and Tata will say yes.

When Tata told Blumenkrantz about her pregnancy, he was delighted and confessed his love for her. Besides this, he said that he would never leave her. Perhaps it was the young man’s good manners that prompted him to propose to his girlfriend.

Some fans still don’t understand how Tata was able to conquer Valery, who was considered an interesting and extraordinary participant. Even today, this couple is constantly involved in the life of the project and leads an active lifestyle.

How did it all happen?

On April 26, 2017, the wedding of the participants of the “House 2” project, Tata and Valery, took place. This couple was on the project for less than a year, but they had enough time to become spouses and expect their first child.

This is already the 15th couple on the project who have found each other and legalized their relationship. And their daughter became the 10th child to appear in a pair of participants in the country’s popular TV show.

For the celebration, Tata ordered a designer dress with a train. Although many viewers said that the beige dress looks unattractive on a pregnant woman. Tata's tiara became a source of sarcasm: The participant was caustically compared to the American Statue of Liberty. According to the bride herself, her image was simply unique and unrepeatable, which is what she was striving for.

To ensure that everything went according to the rules and traditions, Valery followed his chosen one to the hotel. The marriage registration itself took place in Moscow, at the Gagarin branch of the registry office. The newlyweds decided that they would gather guests the next day in the city apartments of the television project “House 2”.

Because at the time of the ceremony Tata was in the last months of pregnancy, then the comments on the network were very different. There was an opinion that this union would not last long, but even assault on Valera’s part did not prevent them from starting a family and becoming parents.

What do you need to know about the celebration itself?

Only project friends were present at the wedding; this is precisely the condition that allows you to avoid paying rent for the premises. A luxurious table was set and the necessary snacks were provided. The wedding of Valera Blumenkranz and Tata Ambramson was entrusted to the professional hands of the host. Since the guys communicate well, Cherkasov did not take money from them.

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The creators of the project provided the newlyweds with a magnificent large cake. But this does not mean that nothing had to be paid. Tata and Valery purchased their rings themselves. There were many stars at the wedding who also did not charge for appearances. Many viewers became interested - where is the money that the young people collected for their celebration?

Having saved on the wedding and received support from friends, the guys did the right thing, because the birth of a child and an increase in living expenses was just around the corner. Everyone knows that every couple leaves the project on maternity leave, and during this time they need to live on something themselves and provide for the child.

Now the young parents are taking care of their daughter together, and you can read more about their relationship on the project.

Photos from the wedding of Tata Abramson and Valery Blumenkrants

The heroes celebrated the celebration on a television show, and a famous pastry chef baked the wedding cake for the couple.

The participants of “DOM-2” got married exactly a year ago. the site invites you to remember how the romance between Tata and Valera Blumenkranz began, which culminated in the desired marriage and the birth of a charming child.

Today Tata and Valera Blumenkranz are celebrating their wedding anniversary. The head of the family posted a touching post on his Instagram, in which he congratulated his wife on such a wonderful event in their lives.

“Exactly a year ago we became husband and wife. Thank you, my beloved Tata, for your love and loyalty! For the sake of our great future, I am ready to become better and better,” said Valera.

the site invites you to remember how the relationship of the future Blumenkrantz couple began, and what exactly pushed them to their cherished marriage.

Valera Blumenkranz and Tata Abramson met in the summer of 2016. Then the blonde was already on the project and was waiting for “the one” with whom she would build a relationship. It was during that period that Valera wrote to her on social networks, they communicated for a long time via the Internet, and soon the man decided to come to “DOM-2” to build a relationship with Tata.

Their romance developed very quickly, and already on the first day Blumenkrantz talked about children with Abramson. But then the blonde assured that she was not ready to become a mother, just as the boyfriend himself did not yet understand what it was like to have a child.

First date of Tata and Valera Blumenkranz
​Photo: Program frame

However, their love idyll quickly ended, and was replaced by a series of loud quarrels, scandals and even brawls bordering on assault. Valera often accused Tatu of lying, starting with her nationality and ending with her attitude towards him: they say she fell out of love, cooks the wrong food, is stupid, and has gained weight. And Abramson quickly turned from a sweet and flirtatious lady into a lady who does not disdain fights.

Almost every month the couple loudly broke up, and then just as violently reconciled. Blumenkrantz often left the project in anger. Valera’s relationship with her potential mother-in-law, Marina Tristanovna, did not work out either. And during the next quarrels and showdowns, it turned out that Tata was expecting a child from Valera.

The lovers decided to give birth
​Photo: Social networks

The couple did not intend to give up the baby and made a clear decision to give birth. Despite the terrible toxicosis, frequent mood swings and quarrels with her lover, pregnancy changed Abramson for the better - all participants in the TV show noticed how her character was changing, and she herself became softer and more flexible, reasonable and balanced.

On April 25, 2017, the chosen ones legalized their relationship by having a magnificent wedding. Tata was already heavily pregnant, so she didn’t even intend to hide her noticeably rounded belly. And at the beginning of July, the Blumenkranz couple had a daughter. The girl was named Beatrice, and at home the baby is called Bubachka. The heiress is very similar to her father, and absolutely everyone notices this.

Wedding of the stars of the TV project “House 2”* Valery Blumenkranz And Tata Abramson took place on April 26, 2017. The participants arrived on the reality show less than a year ago, but that was enough for them to fall in love and get married. Moreover, Tata is in the last months of pregnancy and the newlyweds will soon have a daughter.

The television project “House 2,” which is considered truly scandalous because of passions that often end in major quarrels and scandals, continues its life and delights all fans with new stories. The wedding of Tata and Valera was already the 15th at “House 2”. During the entire project, 9 children were born here; Valeria and Tata’s girl will become the 10th child at “House 2”.

The wedding of the stars of the TV project, where they build their love in front of the audience, took place in Moscow. The marriage registration ceremony took place in the Gagarin branch of the Civil Registry Office in Moscow. The celebration itself took place the next day in the so-called “city apartments” of the television project. Ivan Barzikov and Marina Afrikantova became witnesses for the newlyweds. Below you can see photos from the wedding celebration, as well as a video. As can be seen in the photo and video materials, the wedding was attended by members of “House 2”, as well as presenters Ksenia Borodina and.

* “House 2” is a Russian reality show that airs on the TNT channel. “House 2” first appeared on screens in 2004 and has been extremely popular ever since. The point of the television project is that a certain number of people live under the constant sight of cameras. Participants come to the project to find their love. Participants who break the rules, behave inactively or do not want to start a romantic relationship are kicked out of the project, and new people come to take their place.

Wedding of Tata and Valera 2017 video

Wedding of Valery Blumenkrants and Tata Abramson photo

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