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What do development centers do with children? Types of complex activities in the children's club. Main early development centers in Russia

Previously, children of preschool age were sent to kindergartens, but in recent years, children's development centers have become increasingly widespread. What kind of establishments are these, and what do they do?

A children's development center is a private commercial or non-profit organization that helps children adapt to society, prepare for school, and gain the necessary knowledge and skills. Children's centers are aimed at children of early, preschool and primary school age. One of such organizations is the Sunny City Children's Center, which accepts even children under one year of age for training.

What benefits does visiting a child development center give a child?

In children's centers, the child gets the opportunity to spend his free time interestingly, acquiring communication skills with peers and adults and learning to be independent. Here he meets other children, makes his first friends, and learns to behave correctly in a group. The big advantage of such organizations over kindergartens is that the study groups are very small (about 6 - 8 people), and this allows teachers to devote enough time to each child. Developmental centers practice an individual approach to children, which makes it possible to identify the child’s abilities in drawing, music, dancing, singing or other forms of art. Since each child is individual in his development, experienced teachers of development centers will select the most suitable lesson program for each.

What classes are offered at children's centers?

The curriculum of children's development organizations is quite extensive and is aimed at children of different ages. Children are given classes to develop fine motor skills, speech, and thinking. Older children engage in creative activities - drawing, modeling, making crafts, and also learn to read, write, study mathematics, a foreign language, basic etiquette and other subjects. Music, vocal, and choreography classes are also included in the training program.

Physical education is also an integral part of the harmonious development of a child. As a rule, mental activity alternates with physical activity (physical education, outdoor games), which allows children to get tired less and better absorb information. Classes are held in a fun, relaxed atmosphere; there is no strict discipline, as in kindergarten. In addition to educational classes, development centers organize children's matinees, competitions, and quizzes.

As a rule, development centers employ a speech therapist. Many children have some speech impediments that it is advisable to correct before entering school. Classes with a speech therapist will help you cope with this task effectively. In addition, the centers have a practicing child or family psychologist. Parents can sign up for a consultation and receive qualified help in solving any problem, as well as ask a specialist all questions related to raising a child.

Classes in children's development centers are held in an unobtrusive, playful manner. This allows kids to have fun and usefully spend their free time surrounded by their peers, exploring the world around them and gaining new knowledge.


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For a child to grow and develop, he needs not only physical care and love from his parents, but also special activities that will help him unlock his potential. We have compiled a list of children's development centers that will help children from the first year of life to 18 years old to see this world in its entirety and acquire the necessary knowledge.

From 2 months to 15 years

Children's Center "LOGOS"

Specializes in the early development of children (0+) and in conducting classes with a children's speech therapist. The Center has been conducting group and individual classes with children with speech disorders for more than 6 years. For example, here there is a course on starting speech in non-speaking children from 2 years old. Classes are conducted by qualified specialists using the most modern materials and equipment. At the same time, small groups (up to 6 people) allow the teacher to pay attention to each child. All classes take place in a cozy, friendly environment. The Center also has a mini-kindergarten, sand therapy groups, a child psychologist, creativity, English for children and classes to prepare for school. And on weekends, the Center hosts holidays and other interesting events; you can also arrange a birthday party for your child and his friends. The LOGOS Children's Center is located near the center, next to the Belorusskaya, Savelovskaya or Dynamo metro stations. Until the end of 2016 there is a promotion: 50% discount on the first lesson.

from 8 months to 18 years and adults

Preparing for school and Lego education, dance school and chess, ceramics and foreign languages, yoga for adults and circus classes for children - from these clubs (there are two in total, one in, the other in), you don’t have to go home. Indeed, in addition to numerous activities - sports, music, acting, and much more - a wonderful friendly atmosphere of comfort and warmth has been created here. And in the family cafe the food is very tasty. And organizing children's parties and birthdays is the club's strong point.

From 3 years and adults

Preparation for school, but not ordinary, but using historical dolls; vocal school with professional teachers; a historical reconstruction club and a public speaking school, dance and art studios and excursions around Moscow and the Moscow region - offering a huge number of activities for both children of any age and their parents. So while your child is painting porcelain, you will be able to realize your childhood creative impulses and also join in the beauty.

From 5 to 99 years

This was created in collaboration between mathematics educators and active parents, primarily with the aim of developing a well-rounded mathematics education. Here they believe that mathematics classes for the same 5-6 year olds are not coaching to prepare for school, but an entertaining game. Mental calculation and composing problems, playing with visual descriptive problems, an exciting search for independent solutions... Gradually, step by step, a positive attitude is naturally formed and familiarity with mathematical concepts occurs. The form of classes can be different, from distance learning and video lessons, webinars for parents, to individual and group lessons for children and adults.

From 7 months to 7 years, as well as their parents

There are already schools open across the country that practice an integrated approach to the development of children. There are basic courses (at least a dozen for each age group), to which you can choose additional classes of an intellectual or aesthetic orientation. At the same time, all loads will correspond to the age and abilities of the child, so that development does not become stressful for him. Another area of ​​activity is children's parties; there is also a Parents' Club.

From 2 years

A small, cozy one in Izmailovo, with a large “menu” of classes from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and groups of no more than 8 children. There are “Together with Mom” groups for the little ones, there is a mini-kindergarten “Pippi-kindergarten” for children from 2 years old, various dance and music directions are organized, there is a creative workshop in various areas, preparatory classes for school, intellectual courses for children 3-6 years old, as well as courses for studying Cambridge English, regional studies and related disciplines for children from 4 years old “Super Safari”, “Super Minds” and “Pebbles Club”. Holidays and birthdays are celebrated here on weekends, and theme parties, open lessons, quests, quizzes and parties are held throughout the year. The schedule is structured in such a way that children can be enrolled in several courses at once.

From 3 months

For very young children, they offer a unique comprehensive program for young children, which includes the development of basic psychological functions (attention, speech, memory, imagination) using elements of the methods of Russian and foreign teachers (Zaitsev, Zheleznov, Montessori, as well as the original developments of the Center’s teachers) , development of intelligence, communication abilities, ear for music, fine and gross motor skills, creativity and imagination. In general, it’s easier to say what’s not here than to list what’s there: baby yoga and a martial arts studio, a photography and film studio, choreography and batik, there’s fitness, football and children’s theater.

From 1 year to 8 years

The creators of the network of centers believe that the most important qualities that help a child’s early development are creativity and love of learning. They are supported here by dividing children into age groups “Peas” (1-3 years), “Sprouts” (3-6 years), “Uspekhi” (7-8 years) and creating programs taking into account age characteristics. Much attention is paid to the development of sensory and emotional intelligence, speech development, memory and attention. Classes are held in a playful way. Small groups allow you to pay attention to each child, and frequent changes in activities and careful selection of exercises offered for implementation provide an opportunity to work out productively, play and develop, without getting tired. Art, creativity, movement, music, comics workshop, clubs “Reader” and “Club of Future Millionaires”, summer camp - there is a wide choice.

From 2 years old with parents

You can teach babies to swim, play musical instruments, read and speak foreign languages ​​from the cradle, but only under one condition - if the child learns joyfully, cheerfully and easily. Otherwise, little Einstein may forever lose interest in understanding the world around him. Classes based on the “Reader” program are held only in a playful way and only against the backdrop of bright positive emotions. All educational material is hidden in specially designed art games. The child simply plays and, unnoticed by himself, learns to read, count, develop memory, emotions, speech and attention. To help the child master basic socialization skills, fairy-tale characters, magical play situations, and humor are used here. And teaching reading in the “Reader” program is carried out using a unique author’s methodology from “general to specific”, i.e. from the whole story in pictures gradually to a sentence, then a word, a syllable and a sound-letter.

from 8 months to 12+ years and adults

The winner of the Start Up award in the “Project” category is proud of the teachers who love their work and children. They create an environment where it is fun and easy for kids to learn to read, count and solve logic problems, listen to music, create, design, sing, dance, learn foreign languages, and play sports. There is even Chinese, ceramics, acrobatics and a school for young geniuses. Adults in the club are also not bored - they can play “Mafia”, take part in holidays and master classes. By the way, no one in the city has such a number of quizzes and competitions! The pricing policy is very flexible and reasonable - for example, if a child gets sick, classes do not “burn out”, but are simply postponed. The club also has its own channel on Youtube - modern children really appreciate this.

Foreign scientists have calculated: one dollar invested in a child’s education brings 17 dollars in profit when the child reaches working age.

It is unlikely that any parents are guided by this formula when choosing an early education format for their child. But we can safely say that a whole generation of parents has “grown up” in the country who believe that it is too late to start developing a child’s intelligence after three. The market reacted with lightning speed to the emerging demand. 2014 saw the peak of increased competition among private children's clubs and early development centers, the main audience of which is children from 6 months to 5 years. According to experts, this particular business, although it is not high-margin, is capable of not only not shrinking, but also growing during a crisis.

Today there are more than two thousand children's private clubs and mini-gardens in the country. And their number continues to grow, despite the fact that the state is paying more and more attention to the construction of new kindergartens every year. “For example, in Kazan alone it is planned to build about 70 kindergartens in the next two years,” says Yuri Belonoshchenko, founder of the Baby Club. “The state strives to fulfill its function as best as possible. But we have our own task, complementing the system of state preschool education For example, in kindergartens, education is based mainly on a child care format, but we have targeted developmental classes. In addition, in the short term, the state does not have enough resources to provide kindergartens for children under three years of age. Now we can very organically supplement state educational programs. services in the junior segment."

Roman Kislov, co-founder of the House of Miracles network of children's clubs, agrees with this: “While the quality of state preschool institutions is low, the demand for private kindergartens and children's early development centers will increase. Of course, the state also does not stand still, new development programs are gradually being introduced and the equipment of kindergartens and schools is being updated; in general, the approach in state institutions is more general, unified. But their importance cannot be underestimated, since they still remain the main institutions for the socialization and education of children. An effective educational industry will result in a reasonable path for the development of both private and private institutions. government institutions."

The market for children's development centers has already outgrown its formation period. We can say that today he is entering a mature phase. Firstly, the number of entities has exceeded several thousand, and secondly, there are different categories of players on the market: large franchise networks (more than 30 points of presence), small-scale networks (up to 5-10 clubs) and local players with 1-2 object. According to Yuriy Belonoshchenko, this structure is not accidental: “This business is not high-margin, since it is sandwiched in the macroeconomic triangle by three factors: the price of renting commercial real estate, the cost of qualified personnel and the cost of a subscription for visiting a club or garden. We have a fairly profitable and socially an attractive business that must be managed well by its owner. This business is like European family restaurants. That’s why we have either local players who were able to advance no further than one to three facilities, or franchise networks of 30-150 clubs. provides both technology and reflects this principle: each club has its own owner, a specific entrepreneur."

Although today the greatest competition is at the level of large franchise projects, mothers on maternity leave and former clients of large development centers are still opening separate establishments. “In Mytishchi, for example, there are 3-4 children’s centers on every street. Any woman who has small children and a husband who can help with the initial investment considers herself entitled to open a children’s center, club, etc.,” says Ekaterina Pavlova, teacher, director of the "Above the Rainbow" Children's Center. - No one is talking about higher education, work experience or any professional ambitions. This discredits serious work. Such centers do not have their own concept, do not know what to specialize in and do a little bit of everything: mini-kindergarten, leisure, dancing, drawing, unfortunate preparation for school, and the horror called “Montessori classes”, and “early development” in the form of “three swats, two swats.”

It is interesting that models of clear consumer behavior among clients of children's clubs have not yet been formed in the same way as happens, for example, in the field of public catering or retail trade. When looking for a club for their one-year-old baby for the first time, a parent relies mainly on his own feelings or reviews from his “colleagues” in the sandbox. According to Yuri Belonoshchenko, some parents simply want socialization and communication for the child, others have very specific requirements: for example, counting and reading skills in a short period of time.

“Previously, women - mothers, grandmothers and nannies - visited our center much more often than fathers with children,” says Evgenia Angert, director of the Ogo-Gorod family center on Tulskaya. “Now the proportion of active fathers who are willing to educate and spend time together with their children, has increased significantly. Most often, parents under the age of 35 who come to us, have high incomes, are economically independent, and they have really big demands: they are willing to pay a high price for classes, but they are looking for highly qualified teachers for their children. so that their child receives individual attention." According to the expert, recently parents have become more focused on combining entertainment with development; intellectual games and robotics classes are in demand.

“We have two friends who own children’s centers,” says Elena Fradkina, founder of the smart kids club “Tadpole” (city of Korolev). “One is in the center of Moscow, the second is in the region (80 km from the Moscow Ring Road). And in each club there is absolutely nothing different classes and studios are “cash cows”. For some, “mother plus baby” works well, for others the dance studio brings more profit, for others the short-term group is the most popular. This is usually due to. geography and surrounding infrastructure. It all depends on the specific location, educational and financial level of the audience."

Experts do not identify any major difficulties in running a “children’s” business. For local players, the most difficult problem to solve is, as a rule, qualified personnel. “The question of all questions is qualified, thinking and motivated professionals who want to work, earn money and help children. Even large salaries cannot force specialists to work for results and with full dedication,” says Ekaterina Pavlova.

Large franchise networks solve their personnel problem with the help of corporate universities. “If everything with the premises and repairs is resolved relatively quickly, then difficulties often arise with the recruitment of subject teachers and client-oriented administrators. We have identified these problems and regularly conduct trainings: training once a month, training webinars twice a month,” says Galina Kukushkina , director of the "Kroshka Ru" network.

By the way, although the supervisory authorities set quite strict requirements, according to representatives of children's clubs, they are quite loyal to this type of business. According to Yuri Belonoshchenko, after the adoption of the new law on education, a series of changes to federal laws followed, which facilitated the procedure for obtaining a license to conduct educational activities: “The requirements for premises, for ceiling heights, for the presence of a second exit, for the size and number of toilets were changed “We, as experts, were also involved in the discussion and development of all these documents, the state is seriously turning towards the industry. The only obstacle is that the patent tax system does not include basic preschool education services.”

Developmental centers for children: 6 stages of opening + 8 requirements for premises + list of equipment + 5 advertising methods + detailed calculations + 5 tips from experienced businessmen.

The excessive attachment of modern children to computer technology leads to the fact that they lose interest in ordinary children's pastimes: drawing, dancing, outdoor games, etc. Because of this, children’s memory deteriorates, they become absent-minded, their eyes may hurt from watching monitors for a long time and their vision may deteriorate.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, many parents send their babies to child development centers.

Throughout the day or several hours, teachers work with the children, teach them new sciences or art, and make their inner world richer.

If for parents such institutions are a salvation, for businessmen this idea can become a source of great profit. Let's figure out what you need to do if you want to become an owner.

Where to start opening a development center for children?

As soon as you decide to open a development center for children in your city, immediately start drawing up a business plan. It will include the main stages of creating a business, as well as approximate calculations.

Almost all business plans consist of the following stages:

  1. Registering a business and collecting permits from government agencies.
  2. Renting or purchasing premises.
  3. Purchase of equipment and furniture.
  4. Recruitment of personnel.
  5. Creating a lesson plan.
  6. Advertising a children's center through various means of communication.

Do not forget also that it is necessary to conduct a market analysis. Find out if there are similar establishments in your region, what they offer to children, what prices for services are set, what are their key advantages.

After research, decide what your developmental children's center will be like:

  1. What age is the establishment intended for?
  2. How many people are you willing to accept?
  3. What will you teach children at the center?
  4. Will you teach yourself or hire teachers?

There is no need to be afraid that a development institution will not have demand. Today, many parents are willing to pay for their children to work on themselves and develop not only in the exact sciences, but also in creativity.

In addition, mothers and fathers love to share the successes of their children with others, so rumors about a new development center will fly by quickly.

Example of a business plan for developmental centers for children: 6 stages

This section is an example of a business plan from scratch for a children's development center. Here we briefly describe exactly what stages need to be completed in order for the business to work in the market.

Of course, each city has its own characteristics when creating a new enterprise, but in general the picture looks like this.

Stage No. 1.

Preparation of documentation and registration of individual entrepreneurs.

The first step is to register an individual (the owner of the center) as a.

Since the center is associated with the educational process, you should be extremely careful. According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, tutoring, preparing children for school or conducting other educational processes is possible only after obtaining a license from the Ministry of Education.

This is a very long process: it is necessary to collect a lot of documents, create a unique curriculum, and prepare teaching materials. Moreover, it will take a long time to wait for approval from the committee.

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to repeatedly bring new documents or redo old ones.

When starting a business at a development center for children, you can do without obtaining a license from the Ministry of Education. After all, it will be faster, and you can save money.

To do this, it is enough to obtain from the tax service such a form of business management as a private individual for individual teaching activities. With this status, it is allowed to hire any personnel for work, except for educated teachers.

In order for experienced teachers to work in your child development center, they must also have the status of individual entrepreneurs. Otherwise, you will have to obtain a license and open an LLC.

To obtain individual entrepreneur status from the tax office, you must go through the following steps:

Do not forget that after repairing the premises you will have to contact the SES and fire inspectorate. You have no right to work without their permission.

The relevant authorities will tell you in detail what the standards should be. Follow them when preparing the premises for opening.

Stage No. 2.

We are looking for a place for a children's center.

When choosing a room for classes with children, be guided by how many children will be in one group. As a rule, in development centers one group does not exceed 10 people.

  1. This is not - here a child needs his own approach; teachers must pay the maximum amount of their attention to each child.
  2. You definitely need a separate room for a bathroom, a locker room (at least a small closet in front of the entrance doors), an office for teachers and a common room where children will study.
  3. The walls must be painted, because you will have to constantly wet clean all the rooms in the center.
  4. Stick to standard room temperature: 19-21 degrees.
  5. The fire inspectorate will definitely require that all switches and sockets be at a height of 1.8 meters.
  6. Each room must be ventilated.
  7. The presence of a fire exit and fire protection system is mandatory.
  8. The room where children will spend time should be well lit.

Choose a room that is built in a separate building to avoid conflicts with neighbors.

Stage No. 3.

Purchase of equipment for a children's development center.

As soon as you rent a room and carry out renovations there, you can start decorating the premises.

It is difficult to say exactly what materials and equipment will need to be purchased - it all depends on the choice of the format of your establishment.

We will only indicate what any developmental center for children cannot do without:Name of productQuantity
Price, rub.)TOTAL:
227,000 rubles
3 69 000
Laptops for staff work
3 7 800
Tables for teachers and directors
6 4 800
2 23 000
3 9 900
Children's toilets
3 32 000
1 10 500
10 7 700
Children's chairs
2 14 800
Table for children Purchase of toys and educational materials
From 30 000
1 12 500
Printer, scanner, copier (3 in 1) Small stationery for work (paper, pens, notepads, etc.)

From 5 000

When it comes to furniture for children, it is best to make an individual order. This way you can choose the material, design and other details.

If your center also has a place for games, you will have to purchase foreign toys that are guaranteed not to cause allergies in children.

The best brands are Chicco or Toys. However, keep in mind: the price of such toys is high and not everyone can afford it.

In the case of a minimum budget, purchase domestic toys in bulk from the manufacturer, but demand quality certificates from him - then you, not him, will answer to the children’s parents.

Regarding educational materials, it is worth relying on the program that you create for children in your center. You can reduce the fee for classes, but at the same time ask parents to buy the necessary materials themselves.

Even a small development center takes a lot of time, so it’s impossible to do without additional help. It is necessary to hire a person who will take on administrative work if you do not have time to do everything yourself.

From the housekeeping staff, it is necessary to invite a cleaner and a security guard to work.

Depending on the format of the institution, you will also have to hire at least two teachers and one psychologist. Their number directly depends on the number of children in the group and the extensiveness of the course.

If you decide to expand your development center, you will have to increase your staff.

When hiring new members of the teaching staff, you need to be very careful. Be sure to ask for letters of recommendation from past jobs and ask a lot of questions.

These people will be responsible for the life and health of children for a certain time, so negligence can cost the director of a development center dearly.

If you are aiming for children to gain new knowledge in your center, teachers should come up with some kind of rating scale so that the kids have a goal to achieve maximum praise. If your center is just a place where, then you can do without any ratings.

The most important thing is that your staff can give the kids care, attention, and teach them something new and interesting. If clients have a negative opinion about the center’s staff, then the establishment will not be successful and will soon close.

Employees of the children's development center will have to spend from 100 thousand rubles per month on salaries:

Stage No. 5.

Lesson plan for center students.

Both the business owner and future teachers should work on the program for the development center. This is an important stage; how the business will develop depends on it.

  1. Most developmental centers for children offer the following services:
  2. Music lessons.
  3. Dancing.
  4. Learning foreign languages.
  5. Lessons in reading, writing, counting.

Development of creative abilities (drawing, appliqué, bead weaving, etc.).

All of the above is considered the generally accepted canon; similar classes are held in every center.

So, if your development center for children is not the first in the city, be prepared for high competition.

If you want to surprise visitors to your developmental institution, offer them courses such as cooking for children, cinema, theater club, etc.

Which side you will develop in children depends only on the flow of imagination of the owners and teachers of the center.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a development direction, conduct a short survey among potential clients, children and their parents. This will help you understand what exactly the target audience expects from the center.

Stage No. 6.

How to advertise your future center for children?

Good development centers advertise themselves based on word of mouth. Parents at playgrounds, schools, and kindergartens share with their friends that a wonderful institution has appeared for children, where they study and at the same time have a good time.

  1. But in order for this principle to work, it is necessary to recruit a group of children and prove to them your unique position in the market.
  2. Create a website with prices for services, photographs of the institution, general characteristics of the center’s staff (work experience, education, achievements in pedagogy).
  3. Post information about the site and, accordingly, the center on forums (women's, city, for young parents).
  4. Distribute advertising for the establishment through print media, in magazines for mothers.
  5. Print a batch of flyers and business cards. Distribute this paper advertisement of the center to playgrounds, kindergartens, schools, and offices.

Order a bright sign for your development center, and also arrange a grand opening, which will include loud music, a lot of balloons, and small gifts for children.

How quickly can a development center for children pay for itself?

In general, you need to spend from 490,000 rubles to open a center for children.

Its key components are the following costs:

In addition, do not forget that you will have to pay tax to the treasury on a monthly basis, as well as pay utility bills.

On average, every month for one child in development centers they pay from 2-3,000 rubles. In most institutions, it is possible to pay for only one visit, and this starts from about 300 rubles.

To increase your income, you can add new techniques every month or quarter. For example, invite a speech therapist to work. Today, many children need specialist help. Hold one-off activities with parents and children where they can spend time together and create something with their own hands.

It would be nice if you opened a store near the center where you can buy any goods for children - from stationery to clothing.

What does it take for a development center to be successful?

3 owners of children's centers share their secrets:

5 useful tips for beginning businessmen on opening a children's development center

Developmental centers for children are in great demand among the population of our country. The main thing for the success of your endeavors is to correctly define the concept and not miss anything important.

To reduce costs and at the same time achieve payback faster, pay attention to the following tips from experienced businessmen:

    If you have competitors in this business, you must come up with an original idea for the center, which can show your personality and attract the attention of others.

    For example, organize fun family games once a month or invite animators to host a party for children.

    To find out what exactly parents and their children want from your development center, conduct surveys through questionnaires.

    Listen to the advice of visitors, try to fulfill their wishes.

    At first, you can carry out classes lasting 2-3 hours.

    If you see that there is demand, you can enlarge the center and make it a mini-kindergarten.

    Run promotions that will help attract new customers.

    For example, if parents bring another child, they will receive a discount on classes.

    If your institution operates without a license, then in the work book or contract of the teacher It’s better to write a position for a consultant or an instructor.

    This is in case your employees do not have individual entrepreneur status.

The most important thing is to love children and your work, then everything will work out for you, success will not take long to arrive.

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Modern mothers pay special attention to the development and upbringing of children. Therefore, children's development centers began to appear in our country. Moreover, if previously only wealthy parents could afford to visit commercial children's centers, now such preschool education and development is available to people of any income.

When opening a center, it is necessary to determine the direction of its work and the list of services provided. This business plan considers a preschool institution that aims to develop the intellectual and creative skills of children aged 2 to 7 years.

Courses offered by the children's center:

  • Early development (2-4 years);
  • Preparation for school (4-7 years);
  • Pre-school university (5-7 years);
  • English language (4-7 years).

The success of a children's center primarily depends on its teachers. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the qualifications of teachers, but also to how he can win over children. Often, young graduates of pedagogical faculties turn out to be good teachers who are liked by both children and their parents. In addition, such specialists do not inflate prices for their services.

For a children's center to be in demand, it is necessary to choose a room with a convenient location: in high-traffic areas or in the city center. For this center, a room with an area of ​​about 40-50 square meters is suitable. meters. This room should include two classrooms, a separate bathroom and a room where parents will wait for the end of classes. You can limit yourself to one training room, but then the choice of courses offered will be greatly reduced.

When choosing a room, you must be guided by the standards of the SES and Fire Inspection Authorities. The children's center cannot be located in a basement, semi-basement or basement. The room must have a separate entrance. You should pay attention to convenient access to the center and the availability of parking spaces for cars.

This business is significantly influenced by seasonality. This is associated in the winter with the New Year holidays, and in the summer with the vacation period. Therefore, the maximum demand for attending classes at the children's center occurs in the periods from September to December and from February to May.

When opening a children's development center, it is necessary to pay special attention to planning the class schedule. In the first half of the day, kids come to study - until lunch and nap time (from 9.00 to 13.00). Older children study after 17:00, when they are picked up from kindergartens. To ensure that the period from 13 to 17 hours does not fall out of the schedule, the center can conduct individual classes.

Amount of initial investment - from 464,900 rubles.

The cost of one subscription for 8 classes is from 3,000 rubles.

The payback period is 6 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Let's take a closer look at each area of ​​study.

Early development. At two years old, a child is ready to communicate with peers, so in classes special attention is paid to the interaction of children with each other. This direction helps develop basic cognitive processes in children: perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination. An important place is given to the development of speech, fine and gross motor skills. At the age of three, children begin to learn about counting and artistic creativity.

Short stay group. Sometimes it becomes necessary to leave children without their own supervision. The ideal option in such a situation would be to entrust the child to professional teachers. This group accepts children from 2 to 6 years old. The group is formed of no more than 10 people. During classes, children get acquainted with the world around them, play outdoor games, do modeling and drawing. Classes are held in the morning from 9:00 to 11:45.

Preparation for school. Children from the age of four can easily learn to read. When a child begins to read in short words, learning mathematics begins. First, children learn to count within ten, then the child can freely navigate within a hundred. Mastering writing also does not go unnoticed, so teachers take into account all the features of preparing the hand for writing. In the second half of the lesson, game-based intellectual training takes place, which is aimed at the effective development of the child’s perception, attention, thinking, memory and imagination.

English language. Classes are predominantly spoken in English. This happens spontaneously, children do not think about how it should be done, they communicate easily, naturally and with pleasure!

ART (drawing, modeling). In classes, each child develops color perception and imagination, a sense of beauty and artistic taste. Children master the laws of composition and various drawing techniques, learn to express themselves, their thoughts and feelings, moods and desires.

The number of groups for each direction depends on the demand for this type of activity and the age of the children in the group.

The children's development center offers the opportunity to study both in a group and in individual lessons. The difference is the class schedule and cost. Individual lessons are held from 13:00 to 17:00, because in the morning and evening hours, all rooms are occupied by group classes. The cost of an individual lesson is 1.5 times more expensive than a group lesson.

For each type of class you can purchase either a one-time visit or a subscription. The subscription is valid for one month and includes 8 classes.

If a child studies regularly for three months, then a subscription for the following months can be purchased with a 10% discount.

This payment system allows you to attract regular customers.

3. Description of the sales market

Target audience of the children's development center

When planning to open a children's development center, it is necessary to assume the number of children who can come.

When opening a children's center, it is necessary to pay attention to the number of kindergartens and schools located nearby. Very often, children come to developmental classes after kindergarten. And also these children may have younger brothers and sisters, whom it is convenient to bring to classes in the morning after the older one has been taken to kindergarten or school.

Competitor analysis

Competitive advantages of a children's development center

Among the competitive advantages of the children's development center are:

  • Highly qualified teaching staff;
  • Large selection of activities;
  • Convenient location, availability of parking spaces;
  • Individual approach to each child;
  • Free master classes;
  • Organization of various children's parties, birthdays;
  • Flexible pricing system;
  • Availability of discounts.

Of course, the main competitive advantage of the center is your favorable reputation, thanks to which parents themselves will recommend your center to their friends and acquaintances.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

It is necessary to start entrepreneurial activity with state registration of the organization. When opening a children's development center, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur. During registration, you must select the correct OKVED codes: 85.32 - provision of social services to children, 92.51 - opening a club-type institution, 93.05 - provision of personal services. For the activities of a children's development center, the best choice would be the simplified tax system (STS), which involves paying a tax in the amount of 6% of the revenue received. Upon completion of registration of entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to open a bank account and register with all funds: the pension fund, the compulsory health insurance fund and the social insurance fund.

It is important to note that a license to open a children's development center is not required. It will be necessary if the center will provide services for preschool education programs.

After registration, you need to select a room for a children's development center. The room should be divided into several separate rooms:

  • Reception;
  • Two rooms for games and activities;
  • Staff room;
  • Two toilets - one for children and one for adults.

The selection of premises should be made taking into account the convenient location of the children's center. The criteria for choosing such a location are:

  • City center or area with multi-storey buildings;
  • Close to public transport stops;
  • Availability of parking.
  • Furniture;
  • Floor covering: soft and warm carpet, special soft coverings in play areas;
  • Educational toys: cubes, pyramids, mosaics, puzzles, etc.;
  • Educational materials: books, notebooks, albums, pencils, paints, plasticine, etc.;
  • Office equipment: computer, printer;
  • Water cooler.

In the rooms for games and activities there are tables and chairs for children, a table and chair for the teacher, lockers and shelves for educational material, toys and crafts, a chalkboard hanging on the wall, and vertical blinds on the windows. Every classroom should have good quality lighting and ventilation.

6. Organizational structure

For a children's development center, it is better to choose the legal form of an individual entrepreneur. To start operating a children's development center, you need to select qualified personnel. The staff should consist of the following specialists:

  • Administrator;
  • Specialist teachers:

Teachers of early childhood development (2 specialists);

Teachers preparing children for school (2 specialists);

English teacher

  • Accountant;
  • Household worker.

For the children's center to operate effectively, it is necessary to write down detailed job descriptions for each employee.

Job responsibilities of employees

  • Administrator

1. Preparing the premises for the start of classes;

2. Pre-registration of clients for classes;

3. Maintaining a client base;

4. Meeting clients;

5. Consulting clients on all services of the children's development center;

6. Selling center services, accepting payment;

7. Conducting telephone conversations;

8. Search for new clients;

9. Recording class attendance.

  • Teacher

1. Timely start of each lesson;

2. Individual approach to each child;

3. Conducting classes using modern methods;

4. Development of our own client base;

5. Attracting new clients;

6. Regular independent training.

  • Accountant

1. Maintaining accounting records in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

2. Timely preparation and submission of reports to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, and the Federal Tax Service;

3. Calculation and transfer of wages;

4. Payment of taxes and contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance.

An accountant can work part-time or part-time.

Salary fund

*The average salary of teachers is indicated, because... Teacher's pay depends on hours of work. The rate is 500 rubles/hour.

7. Financial plan

The most expensive part in opening a children's development center is investing in working equipment. Equipment costs amount to 295,900 rubles. The total investment amount is 600,000 rubles.

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