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GCD for cognitive development "Forgiveness Sunday" lesson plan (middle group) on the topic. Forgiveness Holy Sunday! Forgiveness Sunday for parents and children

Sunday, February 22 is not only the last day of Maslenitsa, but also Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, you should sincerely ask for forgiveness from family and friends for the grievances caused, and also forgive the person with all your heart. How to correctly ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday, congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday, SMS “Forgive me” and poems “I ask for forgiveness” read in our material.

On Sunday, February 22, not only the last day of Maslenitsa is celebrated, but also Forgiveness Sunday. Today is the last day when fasting believers can afford dairy products and products with animal fats. At midnight on the night of Sunday, February 23, Lent begins, which lasts 7 weeks until Easter, and symbolizes the 40 days that Jesus Christ fasted in the desert.

Lent begins on Clean Monday, and this means that believers must enter the fast with a pure soul and pure thoughts. Forgiveness Sunday is a beautiful and important Russian custom; on this day it is customary to ask for forgiveness from loved ones, from parents, husband, wife, children.

It is important not only to sincerely ask for forgiveness from everyone you may have inadvertently offended, but also to forgive with a pure heart those who ask for forgiveness from you, forget all bad thoughts and completely cleanse yourself mentally. “For if you forgive people their sins, then our Heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive people their sins, then your Father will not forgive you your sins” (Matthew 6:14-15),” it says in the Gospel, on Forgiveness Sunday, family and friends are told: “I forgive all sinners, forgive me, a sinner!” Also on this day it is customary to go to the cemetery, leave pancakes on the graves, and worship the ashes of relatives.

How to properly ask for forgiveness:

In the age of information technology, we often prefer SMS asking for forgiveness to live communication. If possible, it is best to ask for forgiveness from loved ones and relatives in person, face to face.

Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday, short and funny SMS, SMS “Forgive me” and poems “I beg your pardon:

On Forgiveness Sunday we ask each other to forgive,

I wish you to live the whole year without insults, quarrels, and bitter sorrows,

I wish life to be without worries, to flow calmly and smoothly,

On this holiday I wish you joy, comfort, forgiveness, goodness!

On Forgiveness Sunday

I ask you to forgive me from the bottom of my heart,

Forget all empty quarrels

And forget stupid quarrels.

I wish you forgiveness

There was nothing to ask for

So that you want in life

Only forgive and love.

This Sunday

I am sorry

For insults, for reproaches,

For your tear-stained cheeks,

Darling, I'll get better

I'll deal with my shortcomings!

To ask for an apology -

Don't carry bricks in bags,

But for some it's difficult

Impossible for some!

Go ahead and apologize

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!

On Forgiveness Sunday,

When joy is the same for everyone!

I ask you for forgiveness

For big and small sins!

I ask you today

May you sincerely forgive me.

Honey I love you

And I want you to forget about the bad things

Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

I ask my parents for forgiveness

And with every step a blessing!

I'm sorry that when I was born,

Caused a lot of troublesome troubles!

Forgive me for confessing my sins to you,

Otherwise I won’t be able to live!

I ask for forgiveness today

From the best on earth,

My beloved mother

Forgive me my dear

For all the grievances and sorrows

Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

Video: channel Photos from open sources

Forgiveness Sunday for children and their moral education can become a very significant event. This is the last day before Lent. On this day, it is common for people to ask for forgiveness to all relatives, friends and acquaintances for minor sins, misunderstandings or insults. This Sunday happens only once a year and is considered holy. On this day you cannot offend someone, use foul language or quarrel. Many people attend church. This is the time to remember your deceased loved ones and simply wish health and good luck to everyone you love.

Forgiveness Sunday is a symbol of entering a new life, forgetting about old grievances and insults. At this time we cleanse our soul. Only once a year are we given God's chance to learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness, which not everyone is capable of in the modern world.


First of all, you need to contact those whom you really offended. There is no need to be afraid that they will not understand you or will not want to listen. This date favors sincere forgiveness. This is a great opportunity to make friends with people you previously avoided. You will be surprised by the power of this day.

If you think that you have no one to ask for forgiveness, then you should simply pray for the dead, set the table (since this is the last day before Lent) and rest your soul.

But, as church tradition says, on Forgiveness Sunday it is necessary to apologize not only to those whom we have offended, but to all people dear to our hearts and souls. People tend not to notice when they offend others. You can say just one word, and another will remember it all his life, have complexes because of it, and worry about it.

This is also a good way to ask your loved ones (especially your loved one) if there is something they are unhappy with about you, something that you need to change about yourself. They may wish you to be kinder or stop using foul language. Or maybe, on the contrary, they will tell you not to change anything about yourself, because you are already perfect!


If someone apologizes to you, you need to:

    • Be sure to listen to the end of the speech.
    • You should not discuss the situation for a long time if the person actually offended you. Say that you don’t hold a grudge and forget about everything from now on.
    • If the person has not offended you in any way, then you should respond with the standard phrase that is used in the church: “God has forgiven, and I forgive!”

Remember that a little devil lives in each of us, but even this side of us must be taught to forgive, as everything will come back to haunt us.

Perhaps someone considers Forgiveness Sunday a fake holiday when people ask for forgiveness for no reason. You shouldn’t ask for an apology “for show.” Speak pure words, from the heart, and then God will definitely notice it.

Do we need to explain what Forgiveness Sunday is to children? In the modern world it is far from common to forgive. The Bible says: “If someone slaps you on your right cheek, give back your left cheek!” Our children are completely different. From childhood, everyone is taught to stand up for themselves and fight back, not to cry and to be strong. This may be appropriate in the 21st century, but we should not forget the old teachings. You must always remember the power that will definitely respond to your offender and return all the troubles caused to you back to him.

If a child does not know how to forgive, then at the slightest defeat or inability to fight back, he will be depressed and may develop complexes for the rest of his life. To avoid this, try to spend this day together on Forgiveness Sunday and show him that sometimes forgiveness is the best answer to an offense. If you don’t ask for forgiveness even on such a day, it will result in torment for both the offender and the offended. That is why children need to be taught not revenge, but kindness and peaceful resolution of all conflicts. In this case, the child will understand that fists are not a way out of the situation. He will learn to get out of difficult situations through discussions.


  • The child does not need to show or prove anything. Family members should become an example to the child. If you yourself do not adhere to these rules, then you should not expect that your son or daughter will abruptly forgive their offenders. Rather, they will ask you the following question: “And if they beat me, what should I watch?” This will be very correct and smart.

First, it’s worth explaining how important forgiveness is. Under no circumstances is it worth watching. It is necessary to teach him to treat the world kindly and not to enter into conflict situations. Children's aggression most often appears as a result of misunderstandings or disagreement. To do this, you need to teach your child to express his opinion clearly and clearly and not be shy about it. It is also very important to be able to step back from your own thoughts if you suspect that they are wrong. Then there will be no conflicts that would lead to childish fights or serious arguments, as often happens. But this issue needs to be dealt with in advance, and not on Forgiveness Sunday.

  • Raising children mainly comes from your child’s independent observation of the situation inside the house, the communication of parents, and relationships with grandparents. Try to give an example. For example, on Forgiveness Sunday (at least once a year), apologize to your wife or husband. You can do something good together, explaining that today is a holy day and good deeds will be rewarded.

If you have several children in your family, then teach them brotherly and sisterly love and understanding.

Forgiveness Sunday for children should not be a day when you “need” to apologize, but a day when you want to say words of apology!

Forgiveness Resurrection
This day has different names: Forgiveness Sunday, Syropust, Tselovalnik, Forgiveness Day, Zagovenya, 7th Sunday before Easter, etc.
The last day of Maslenitsa is Forgiveness Sunday, a beautiful Russian custom. On this day, before the strict days of Lent, according to the custom established in ancient times, it was customary in Rus' to cleanse the soul. Having bowed to each other from the depths of our hearts, submit, ask for forgiveness for mutual offenses and sins.

On this day, we must first of all ask ourselves: who have I hurt, voluntarily and unwittingly? Who am I having an unhealthy relationship with and what can I do to change this? And first of all, ask for forgiveness from the heart, first from relatives, then from friends, from all honest people...
We must say from the bottom of our hearts Sorry, not sorry
- What do you mean - sorry? What should we mean by this concept?
— There are two different words: “sorry” and “excuse me.” These are almost synonyms in modern Russian, however, initially these are very different words in meaning.

Have you ever noticed that it is often much easier to say “I’m sorry” than “I’m sorry”? “Sorry” means take me out of guilt, make me innocent, in other words, let’s assume that I’m not guilty of you. So a child who climbed onto the table for candy and broke a vase can say: “Mom, I broke your favorite vase here, excuse me.” Thus, he wants to justify himself: “It’s not my fault, it just happened.”

What is “sorry”? This means: I am guilty, I admit my guilt, but let me go, accept me as I am, I will try to improve.

Therefore, we ask God not to forgive, but to forgive, which means to accept. Accept the guilty, the sinner, whatever - but accept.

- It’s the same with people: do we ask them to accept us as we are?

Vespers of Forgiveness Sunday in churches opens the time when long services begin, prostrations to the ground, fasting food, reading patristic teachings. You need to start a new day with a clear conscience. Start Lent in the same way - by clearing your soul of the burden of grievances, misunderstandings, and quarrels with others, so that you can calmly focus on yourself, your relationship with God.

After Vespers, the rector of the temple addresses the people with a word, at the end of which the first asks for forgiveness. Here, each temple may have its own traditions, but, as a rule, the priesthood of the temple comes out with crosses, and the parishioners take turns first approaching them, and then to each other with the words “Forgive me” and the answer “God will forgive, and I forgive.”
In churches, during the evening service, the rite of forgiveness is performed.

The rite of forgiveness appeared in the monastic life of Egyptian monks. Before the onset of Lent, in order to strengthen the feat of prayer and prepare for the bright holiday of Easter, the monks dispersed one by one through the desert for all forty days of fasting. Some of them never returned: some were torn to pieces by wild animals, others died in the lifeless desert. Therefore, when they separated to meet only on Easter, the monks asked each other for forgiveness for all voluntary or involuntary offenses, as before death. And of course, they themselves forgave everyone from the bottom of their hearts. Everyone understood that their meeting on the eve of Lent could be their last. This is why the rite of forgiveness existed - to be reconciled and forgiven with everyone and - thanks to this - with God Himself.

Over time, this tradition passed into the worship of the entire Church.

The rite of forgiveness is repeated several more times during Great Lent: the first four days of the first week, when the canon of St. Andrew of Crete is read, but not in its entirety, when everyone asks for forgiveness from each other, but briefly - the rector of the church at the end of the service says: forgive me, fathers and brothers, and bows to the ground, to which the believers also respond with a bow to the ground. And once again, in a more complete version, the rite of forgiveness is repeated on Holy Wednesday before the last Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts of this Lent - before the upcoming Maundy Thursday, the Last Supper and the passionate events of Good Friday.

We need to ask for forgiveness from those whom we have voluntarily or unwittingly offended and forgive those who have offended us.

I can’t personally ask everyone for forgiveness, so I appeal to everyone:

Svetlana Sulitskaya
Summary of the integrated lesson “Forgiveness Sunday - a bright holiday in bright Rus'!”

The goal is to lay in the souls of children "seeds" qualities such as ability forgive insults, try to teach children not to be vindictive, not to hold grudges against those who offended, to be able to forgive and live in harmony with yourself and your conscience, develop in children the desire to understand another person.


1. Introduce children to holiday in the afternoon« Forgiveness Sunday»

2. Create the need to ask forgiveness from your relatives, loved ones and all those whom he offended

3. Deepen children’s understanding of kindness as a valuable, important quality of a person, encourage the child’s desire to do good deeds.

4. Develop the ability to evaluate the positive and negative actions of peers.

Educational areas: cognitive development, speech development

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Hello children! Today is a beautiful sunny day outside the window. Let's smile at each other, it's so simple. Today I came to you with a video letter, this letter travels across to the world and gives people joy. And what joy we will now recognize.


Educator: What is this film about?

Children: ABOUT forgiven sunday, about kindness, about love….

Educator: Before watching, I said that this film gives joy, what kind of joy do you think this is, the joy of what?

Children: the joy of communicating with friends, the joy of helping each other, the joy of asking forgiveness and joy of forgiving everyone

Educator: Do you know when we celebrate Forgiveness Sunday?

Children: When was Maslenitsa, the last day of Maslenitsa

Educator: All week we celebrate Maslenitsa, have fun, eat pancakes, and lastly Maslenitsa Sunday we celebrate Forgiveness Sunday, a beautiful, Russian custom. What do you remember about Maslenitsa?

Children: Pancakes

Educator: Do you remember how mothers baked pancakes? Let's bake pancakes with you now.


We hold our right hand to welcome spring "cup", this is a frying pan,

They baked pancakes for everyone, put the left hand on top of the right hand, it’s a pancake,

The frying pan sizzles, turn the palm over with one hand several times

The pancakes are steaming. side to the other.

One - one - one - time The fingers are clenched into fists one at a time

Delicious pancake is ready, thumbs up

Educator: On this day, before the strict days of Lent, according to the custom established in ancient times, on Rus' It was customary to cleanse the soul. Having bowed to each other from the depths of our hearts, submit, ask forgiveness for mutual insults and sins. On this day they celebrated Maslenitsa, lit a fire in the field and burned an effigy of Maslenitsa. Ashes from the fire were scattered in the field to reap a rich harvest. On this day it was customary to make peace, ask each other forgiveness for all offenses. People treated each other like this words: And answered: "God will forgive, and I I'll forgive you, I will let go of all grievances!”


The children say the words in chorus several times, together with the teacher, and bow to each other.

“Forgive me, forgive me, let go of all insults!”

"God will forgive, and I I'll forgive you, I will let go of all grievances!”

Educator: Listen to this parable. “One day his friend came to a man and began calling him bad names. Shout at him, curse at him. The friend listened silently; the offender, without hearing a single word in response, left. The son of the man who was wronged asked father: “Why didn’t you respond to the insults?” What does his father need? said: "What for?"

Well, how? He insulted you!

Then the father said: “Imagine that you came to visit me and brought me an apple as a gift, but I didn’t take it. Who has it left?

“I have,” said the son.

“So I didn’t take from this man what he came with. He took his evil with him."

Educator: Guys, why did the evil man, the offender, leave with nothing?

Children: Because in response he did not hear a single angry and offensive word.

Educator: Maslenitsa ends Forgiveness Sunday is no coincidence. There is deep meaning in every stage of these events. On the last day before Lent, it is still possible to show the full breadth and depth of the festivities, the scope of the generosity of the Russian soul, but, at the same time, it is important to think about how to prepare and enter Lent with a pure and a soul forgiven by all without inflicting bitter insults that corrode the heart. What does the word sound like? "FAST"?

Children: There is a border guard at the post, a guard, a policeman at the post, guarding something

Educator: The word itself "fast" similar to the image of a sentry who stands on duty. The sentry stands at his post so as not to let uninvited guests get to what he is called upon to protect. And we, as soldiers of Christ, are called to be on guard. Stand on duty. What's behind us? Behind us we have everything that is dear to us, everything that we are ready to protect. What is most precious to us?

Children: Mom, dad, kindness, love, joy of games and communication. Health. Good mood.

Educator: What do we need to protect this from?

Children: from discord, from quarrel, from cunning, from lies, harmfulness, from indulgence, from anger

Educator: These are our enemies. We need to fight them, be attentive, observe ourselves, and, like a sentry at our post, repel them. Guys, do you think it’s easy to ask? forgiveness?

Children: sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not

Educator: Why is that?

Children: Sometimes it seems to us that we were right to ask we don't want forgiveness

Educator: Yes, it’s not always possible to say such a simple word "SORRY". And then poetry comes to the rescue.

Child Sorry is a short word,

But how difficult it can be for us

Say it as if it were pain

It will hit the lips;

In a fit of prank fun,

We will offend, even without guilt,

But ask later forgiveness

For some reason we can’t;

And then we look for excuses,

Not knowing how to behave

And people expect recognition from us,

- Just one short: sorry!

Lord Christ, hanging on a tree,

And trying hard to endure the pain,

Before his death he said humbly:

"Forgive them, oh Father, forgive me!"

"Sorry" is a short word,

But we can't forget him,

Otherwise, we will not reach God,

Who can forgive us!

Child: Forgive me for everything light

And I I'll forgive you, and God will forgive.

Comes holiday on the planet -

Day of getting rid of grievances.

Child: IN Forgiveness Sunday

Forgive your offenders.

And ask them forgiveness

And wish everyone, everyone love.

Child: Great the holiday is coming

And cleanses all people

From all the grievances, worries,

From evil and envy.


Educator: Do you think it is possible to live without offense?

Children: Some say it’s possible, some say not.

Educator: What should be done to reduce quarrels and insults?

Children: You need to be friends, don’t offend anyone, don’t be offended, don’t swear

Educator: Well, how can you make sure this happens as little as possible?

Children: ?

Educator: I have the sun, and you have rays, let's think and remember who we offended or wanted to offend today. Let's ask forgiveness from this person and give him a ray of sunshine.

Children: Words are spoken sorry for that, what they did or wanted to do that was offensive to their friends, and attach rays to the sun.

Educator: How did you feel while saying the words? forgiveness?

Children: I was not pleased to realize that it was I who did this, I made peace with my friend because he was offended by me

Educator: You see, one kind word gives joy to two people at once, the one who was offended and the one who offended. Now I will show you magic power FORGIVENESS.

Look, I have prepared cups of water and paint for you. Take your brushes, remember your grievances, and the actions with which you offended someone. Wet your brushes with paint and place them in water. Just as paint colors water these colors, so does your soul. "gets dark" from the insults caused to you and you. Now I'm going to drop some bleach into the water. Look, bleach removes dark paint from water. So a kind word, a good deed, a kind look cleanse our soul from evil and insults. Give each other smiles, say kind words and compliments. Love your loved ones and friends. Forgive them and ask for forgiveness. And remember the most important thing on earth is Love

The second commandment of the Lord speaks of how we should treat each other. friend: "Love your neighbor as yourself".

Worth thinking about “How do I love myself?”

Answer yourself mentally questions:

Am I cheating? YES

Do I yell at others? Yes

Am I taking other people's things without permission? Yes

Am I not keeping my promises? Yes

Do I offend others in word or deed? Yes

Do I judge others in my thoughts? Yes

But I imagine all this I forgive you? Yes

So I have to do others too forgive? Yes

(Ev. Matthew, ch. 22, vv. 37-39)

Educator: Today we talked about a wonderful day, remember which one?

What do you remember most about today? classes?

How can you change your life, make it kinder and more colorful?

Finish our class I want them like this words:


I'll forgive you, I forgive you. The word is said-

And a thin thread to the world...

But how to forgive not so much with your mind -

From the heart, sincerely forgive.

Throw all grievances into the past,

Why carry a heavy load?

How to remember only the good with your heart?

Teach me, Jesus.

I want to forgive - but not says goodbye;

I'm getting offended again.

I want to forget - I am not forgotten;

But not forgiving, I do not like.

Forgiveness is impossible. How strict!

You can’t forgive the poison in your heart...

Lord, You have forgiven me a lot.

But what about me! But what about me?

I hasten to throw out the bitterness from my heart -

And I'm choking with insults.

Love is not like that! Love will endure anything!

Love will understand, love will forgive.

Love will not say too much,

Forgiveness will not reproach

And throwing a bridge to the neighbor

He will cross a deep ditch.

Love forgives - that's the solution,

The palm muffles the pain.

It'll go so far forgiveness,

How far love will go.

Educator: Just as the sun's rays kindle warmth in our hearts, so let the fire of kindness flare up along with this candle in the heart of each of you. While it's burning "Candle of Good" let's say kind words to each other.

Children hold candles and say kind words and wishes.

My dear friends, forgive me if there is any offense.
On this day we ask each other for forgiveness. It's good that such a day exists. This is not about symbolic forgiveness. It's about being able to make your spirit stronger. And if you still haven’t been forgiven, then you must forgive this person. Good luck in your search for forgiveness and understanding.

Forgiveness Sunday is coming
Before Lent,
And the baptized ones ask for forgiveness
With loved ones and everyone I know.
Leaving behind both arrogance and ambition,
Through simple words,
We, paying our debt to tradition,
We forgive friends and enemies.
And we ourselves are to blame for the embarrassment,
Knowing the answer in advance
In almost playful humility
We observe speech etiquette.
But let’s ask ourselves: so sincerely
Did our voice sound today?
We truly asked for forgiveness
Is this a simple ritual?
But the most important thing is, is it accurate?
Forgave all the worst enemies
And the heavy burden was dropped,
By freeing yourself from shackles?
After all, we will stand without a doubt
One day before God himself,
Praying to Him for mercy,
In which once upon a time others
Our hearts were denied to us,
And they lived, harboring resentments...
We are bound by strong bonds,
Let's save ourselves, friends!

Forgiveness Sunday is the last day before the start of Lent. On this day they ask for forgiveness and forgive everyone the accumulated grievances.

Ask for forgiveness from loved ones. Waking up in the morning, without delay, ask for forgiveness for all the grievances caused from your household. You need to ask for forgiveness sincerely, regretting the pain caused to your loved one. If it is difficult to ask for forgiveness, you can first imagine yourself in the place of the offended person and feel for yourself how bad it was for him. Then you will definitely regret and repent of your evil deed. The request for forgiveness will happen as if by itself.

Ask forgiveness from the dead. On this day, it is customary to come to the graves of the deceased to ask for forgiveness from those with whom it is no longer possible to see. We often regret that we offended a person during his lifetime. On this day there is an opportunity to ask for forgiveness and remove the burden from your soul.

Forgive those who ask. On Forgiveness Sunday, we need to sincerely forgive those who ask us to do so. And even those who cannot or do not want to ask us for forgiveness. Simply, forgive all the accumulated grievances, thinking that our offenders are just as wrong as we ourselves and their soul suffers from this.

Main for humans on Forgiveness Sunday -sincere repentance in committing an evil act towards another person and forgiving one’s offenders. After all, we all ask the Lord for forgiveness of our sins. Just as we forgive others, so the Lord will forgive us. Forgiving others means approaching Lent with a pure soul and preparing spiritually.

Visit the temple. In churches during the Liturgy they read the biblical story about Adam and Eve, remembering the fall of our first parents and their expulsion from Paradise. The Gospel narrative is also read in churches, where Jesus Christ explains the words of the prayer Our Father, “and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” The Lord himself shows us the way to the Kingdom of God - to renounce evil grievances, to love and forgive each other.


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