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What to do if mom is angry. Why do children need “evil” mothers? Where did the “evil” mothers go?

I tried to sneak outside unnoticed, but my mother stopped me:

- Darling, what are you wearing?

“Regular black pants,” I answered.

- George! – she called for reinforcements. Dad came in.

– What is this?! – he winced as if he saw an alien. My confidence was blown away by the wind.

- Black trousers? – I mumbled.

Having enlisted the support of her father, my mother began an educational lecture.

“Amazing. Began. As usual...” I thought.

She explained very clearly what she thought about “regular” pants, and I trudged to my room to change, muttering to myself: “She’s always nagging. Why is she so angry?

Where have the “evil” mothers gone?

Call me crazy, but modern mothers are just darlings. They clearly lack a little rigor. They should be a little “angrier”, of course, not in the literal sense of the word.

I believe that a mother should not be overly strict, try to hurt the child, break his spirit, suppress his creative abilities, or take complete control of his God-given talents. (A friend of mine had a mom like this, and it influences her parenting methods to this day. “That’s why I let my girls get away with a lot,” she told me. “I don’t want my kids to hate me the same way.” how I hated my mother.")

When I say “being angry,” I mean life situations in which we must follow the harsh, rocky road of love, abandoning the inviting, cozy path that skirts any conflict.

You will appear angry to your children when you force them to do their daily chores or disrupt their Friday night plans. You will be angry if you set a strict dinner/bedtime/return home schedule and force them to bring this to the attention of friends and friends' parents.

“Evil” mothers do not make concessions, because all their actions are dictated by love. Often children are not able to understand that all this is done for their benefit.

The “evil” mother thinks more broadly. She sees what a child can BECOME and instills it in him until he himself realizes it. Her motto: I am not raising a child, but a future adult.

Do you need a little "anger"? The following tips will help you.

Make them work.

We all want our children to grow up to be responsible people, but how often do we deny them the opportunity to learn?

- It will be easier if I vacuum it myself. He doesn't know what's right.

“He’s too small to clean up his toys.”

- Let him have fun! He still has time to work in his life!

When we make excuses and do our children's work, we rob them of invaluable lessons in responsibility. “Angry” mothers understand perfectly well: if a child can already go to the potty on his own, then he is old enough to help around the house. Perhaps your child cannot yet clean as well as you, but if he is able to handle a tablet, and, by the way, much more agile than you, he is ready to maneuver a mop.

Remember: children live up to expectations. If you think about how lazy and indifferent they are to their responsibilities, that's exactly what you will get. Expect great things and they will rise to the challenge.

I loved how “angry” mom Ashley put it: “When my kids complain about a task they find too hard (like putting their shoes back in place), I tell them, “You were made to do hard work.” "

In my family, each child has his own responsibilities. We don't turn on the TV until everyone has done their work. We forgive if a child forgot about his task once, but if this becomes a habit, it’s time to take action.

Completed tasks mean free time. Unfulfilled - consequences, possibly in the form of new tasks. We must be adamant, stick to the plan. However, household chores don't have to be boring. Turn on the music. Create a positive atmosphere for teamwork. Don’t forget, it depends on your mother what kind of mood will reign in the house.

Let them make mistakes.

Perhaps you have noticed that lately there are fewer and fewer winners and losers? I see this at the school where my children go. In physical education lessons and classrooms, it is no longer customary to clearly designate the winner. I believe the reason for this is the wounded feelings of the losers. Therefore, our children enjoy life, surrounded by the idea that each of them is amazing. Parents are convinced that children need to be protected from the predatory sting of failure and defeat. Children are constantly reminded of how incredible and amazing they are. “Angry” moms won’t let the “we’re-all-amazing-we’re-all-winners” society rob their child of the priceless opportunity to learn from their mistakes and learn from failure. They will show their child how to overcome failure, not how to avoid it.

Research has found that children are much more likely to succeed if parents and teachers convince them that hard work and possible failure are a natural and integral part of the educational process.

When was the last time you allowed your child to make a mistake and reap the rewards?

Your daughter forgot her lunch. Again. Let me guess. Did you rush to school to drop him off?

Your son lied to a friend about being sick, when in fact he just didn’t feel like going out. A friend was worried about his health and came to visit. Did you play along with your son?

Today is Sunday. The daughter remembered that she did not have materials for tomorrow's project. Are you already on your way to the store?

The “evil” mother is in no hurry to soften the blow of a life lesson. She understands: failure is not the end of the world. Failure is an integral part of the path to success and maturity. The bitterness and pain of defeat educates our children, hardens them, turning them into adults who are able to rise even after the most crushing defeat.

When we generously pour the fire of testing from our favorite bucket of compassion, along with it all the child’s chances of understanding that failure is the path to success, and by God’s grace, any failure is not the end of the road.

Master technology.

How can you tell if a child has an addiction? Watch his reaction when you ask him to put the object aside.

Our daughter Grace was texting her friends on her brand new smartphone. When I realized that she slept with it like a teddy bear, I said that now the device would while away the evenings in my room. The reaction was very hot: anger, tears. I really felt like an angry mother, but it became very clear to me that using a smartphone was becoming an addiction. After several days away from the device, she calmed down and admitted her mistake.

Many mothers complain that controlling the use of devices and media is the biggest problem.

Yes, modern technology can be incredibly useful when it comes to communication, security, education and entertainment. However, all of the above blocks easy access to pornography, materials containing violence and intended only for adult audiences. This also means a huge amount of screen time.

Research has shown that children over 8 years old spend an average of about 7 hours a day on media and technology. Unfortunately, many parents are unable to cope even with their own addiction.

“Evil” mothers are required to become specialists in the field of media and modern technology.

Many parents limit themselves to little. For example, they do not allow a child to have a TV or computer in his room. However, they buy smartphones for children, exchanging awl for soap. You will, of course, say that this is in case of emergency (what if something happens!) or to protect them from potential dangers. But we must realize that the smartphone itself poses a danger to our child.

We must ask ourselves the question: is the device really a necessity or is it a whim? An “evil” mother will not flinch when her child says: “But everyone has one like that!” And if this suddenly turns out to be an urgent need, we must set appropriate age restrictions.

Stick to your word.

When Jane Hambleton's son got his first car, she gave him only 2 conditions: 1. no alcohol, 2. always lock the doors. After Jane found alcohol in the car, she decided to sell it. Here's the ad she posted:

Parents who do not understand anything in this life, who, of course, hate their teenage son, sell the car. Run for three weeks. At the beginning of the fourth, the annoying mother, who should have found a hobby, instead found booze under the driver's seat. Price $3700. Addressing the worst mother in the world.

70 people called Jane. Among them: emergency personnel, school counselors and parents. Everyone thanked her for her responsibility. None of the callers called her overly strict.

What makes an “evil” mom different from the rest? She always keeps her word. Her children think: Mom is completely out of this world and is quite capable of taking away the phone, turning off the TV, or even canceling a birthday party.

Our job as mothers is to raise fully functioning, independent adults. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with forcing children to do household chores and allowing them to take responsibility for their own mistakes. There is nothing wrong with punishing them for their disrespect and misdeeds. And if your daughter is dressed inappropriately, there is nothing wrong with sending her to change. This is what you should do as a loving and caring parent.

Joan Craft

translation by Galtseva A.

Green Parenting: When your kids tell you you're mean, take it as a compliment. The younger generation is recognized as the laziest, most rude and extremely dissolute in history. Do not give up. Your children may think you are evil now, but someday they will be grateful to you.

When your kids tell you that you're mean, take it as a compliment. The younger generation is recognized as the laziest, most rude and extremely dissolute in history. Do not give up. Your children may think you are evil now, but someday they will be grateful to you.

One day I left the store to prevent a child from having a tantrum over buying cookies. We were stopped in the parking lot by a woman who told me that I had proven myself to be the best parent in the mall. My daughter didn't think so. When your kids tell you that you're mean, take it as a compliment.

The younger generation is recognized as the laziest, most rude and extremely dissolute in the history of the world. Stories about spoiled, rotten children scare even exemplary mothers. But this is not the children’s fault, it is the parents’ fault. It’s easy to just want to curb your brats; for this you need to do something else.

After all, wouldn't we all want to be a calm mom? Do not give up! Children may think you are evil now, but they will certainly be grateful to you later.

1. Make your children go to bed on time.

We all know how important good sleep is for a child's health. Take control and send your child to bed. Nobody says that children should want to go to bed. Initially, they will react violently to your words and protest, but over time, seeing that you are adamant, they will understand that you are more serious than ever before.

2. Don't indulge your children with daily desserts.

Sweets should be reserved for special occasions. In this case, they will become a “pleasure”. If you encourage your child all the time, he will stop perceiving sweets as a reward. In addition, this may lead to poor health and dental problems.

3. Teach your child to pay for everything he wants.

If you want something, you have to pay money for it. This works in adulthood. To teach your child to be independent, you must explain to him that every thing has its own price. Everything they enjoy (devices, video games, going to camp) has a cost. If a child has to give up part of his accumulated money for this, then he will value what he receives more.

This technique will also allow you to save on your child’s useless “wants”. After all, if he is not ready to part with part of his own money in order to buy some new thing, it means that in fact it is not so important to him and the desire to own it is not as great as it might initially seem.

4. Don't stand on ceremony.

Some children are bitterly disappointed when, after getting a job, they realize that there are certain rules and restrictions for them. They must show up on time and do what they are told. And, moreover, they don’t like some of the work at all. If you don't like your child's teacher, the position on the soccer field, or simply the location of the bus stop, you should avoid the temptation to change the situation.

By surrounding your child with maximum comfort, you deprive him of the opportunity to toughen up even in the most difficult and unpleasant situation. In adult life, not everything is so sweet and easy. Remember, if you do not teach your child to put up with unpleasant situations, you are dooming him to a life of failure in advance.

5. Make them do difficult work.

Don't think that giving difficult work is wrong. On the contrary, nothing will give a child more confidence in his abilities than completing a difficult task. A sense of pride in yourself will allow you to conquer new heights in the future.

6. Give your child a watch and an alarm clock.

Teach your child to manage their time. You won't always be there to remind you that it's time to turn off the TV and start getting ready.

7. Don't buy the latest and greatest.

Teach your children gratitude and satisfaction with the things they have. If a child, having received one thing, immediately begins to dream of even more, this will not lead to anything good. This is called living on debt.

8. Let your child know what loss is.

If your child breaks toys, don't run out and buy new ones. This is the only way you can teach him a valuable lesson about how to take care of your things. If your child has not completed his homework, make him complete all the assignments on the topic on his own. This will teach him responsibility.

9. Control the media and Internet pages your child views.

If all the other parents let their kids jump off a bridge, would you do the same? Don't allow your child to watch shows or play video games that are not intended for children just because everyone else their age is allowed to do so by their parents. If you practice good parenting, trust me, over time, other parents will follow you.

10. Teach your child to be responsible for his words and actions.

If your child has done something wrong, make him admit it and face the consequences. Don't brush off rudeness, bullying or dishonesty. Set an example so that your child knows what to do in the future.

11. Mind your manners.

Children can learn from a young age to treat other people with respect and dignity. You will be doing your child a huge favor if you teach him to be polite. Good manners will allow them to get what they want. The saying would be appropriate here: “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”

12. Make them work for the greater good.

Helping your grandmother in the village or voluntarily teaching your little brothers and sisters - all this should become part of your child’s life. Help should become a part of his life. Only in this case will the child be able to understand that other people also have their own problems and needs, which are sometimes much greater than his own.

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With all this, do not forget to praise and reward your child every time for correct behavior. And always tell him how much you love him. This is the only way you can turn the situation around, as a result of which the new generation will be worthy and strong. published

> Am I an evil mother? (many letters)

Am I an evil mother? (many letters)

Thinking out loud. I observe the behavior of mothers on the playground, my friend and sister with their children. In some situations we behave completely differently. (children of the same age). For example, we walk in the park for about two hours, get ready to go to the house, and put the indignant children in strollers. Both start screaming. My friend immediately pulls out hers and, puffing, drags her in her arms until she agrees to sit in the stroller (sometimes she doesn’t even agree to get home). My Vanek, after yelling for a couple more minutes, gets distracted and then we calmly crawl towards the house. A friend says that she doesn’t want her daughter to cry even for a minute, otherwise she will decide that her mother is evil. Also, when our children learned to walk up the steps. I watch him when I see that he can do it on his own, even if he is indignant, I just encourage him from afar, not on the first try, but he always succeeds. A friend’s daughter tries a couple of times, then looks at her mother and calls pitifully, she immediately runs up, helps and often repeats words like “mom will always help you”, “mom is there”, “mom is always with you”, etc. I don't say such words very often. I thought, maybe in vain? Another example. Our kids no longer want to sit in high chairs. My sister runs around every room with a spoon if her baby runs away. I do not do that. One time Vanek ran away from his chair after eating only two spoons of soup. Well, I didn’t insist. Then he went around begging for cookies or a banana, but she didn’t give it, she put him to bed, then she made him a bigger afternoon snack. And finally, the current situation. During the day we sat on the floor with him, played, started scratching me, said five times that there is no need to scratch my mother, I should be sorry, my mother is in pain, etc. Then she turned away, my son took a plastic drawing tablet and hit me on the head, for which I got hit in the butt, not hard, but I still burst into tears. Now I’m sitting wondering where I’m wrong, and maybe I’m really not giving my child enough affection and attention?... I’m waiting for advice or slippers
Cricket © (31.03.2010 21:03)

I support everything except “got it in the butt” (I’m categorically against physical methods) I’m also an evil mother)))))) but running around with a spoon is a joke)))) and with a stroller it’s the same thing - once, out of stupidity, I carried it in my arms and pushed the stroller - for three months then I could barely straighten my back)) so I’m with you)))
Cowardly Lion © (31.03.2010 21:03)

Well, I won’t say anything about feeding, because... I can’t imagine how children eat normally)) I’ve been fighting for every spoonful I eat for over a year now, for me this is a victory)) and if you don’t remind me, I’ll probably never get around to eating... but on all other points I support, about the butt, I’m starting to laugh out loud, so I haven’t yet figured out how to act for obvious hooliganism
Tapchun © (31.03.2010 22:03)

Yes, for the first time I couldn’t restrain myself, but he was clearly scratching on purpose, I moved my hands away, persuaded him, bit him lightly in response, nothing helps. I thought, maybe he’s demanding so much attention from me or maybe he’s missing something... And we hug and play together, we chat, but sometimes he starts fighting, and not in the heat of the game, but out of the blue... so what to do?
Cricket © (31.03.2010 22:03)

When mine directly hits me in the hand, I quietly do the same to him in response.... he immediately pouts his lips, as if he was offended, he understands...
Nezabudka © (31.03.2010 22:03)

But mine doesn’t understand yet ((piteous screams and squeaks begin, leaves me for another room, returns after a few minutes and climbs in to hug)
Tapchun © (31.03.2010 22:03)

He will understand... I always do the same in response to all his attempts to “hit”. of course, without using force, lightly, so that you understand...
Nezabudka © (31.03.2010 22:03)

Yes, we don’t try to hit, but all sorts of other equally better dirty tricks ((tear hair, bite, get into eyes, and if he hits, he kicks and only in boots
Tapchun © (31.03.2010 22:03)

Yeah, it hurts so much when you use boots.... well, of course, you have to think differently about something... don’t hit him with your booted feet))) geeyy))
Nezabudka © (31.03.2010 22:03)

But mine doesn’t take offense, it hits even harder.. It only helps if you get up and leave, but then the weight comes back anyway ((
Cricket © (31.03.2010 22:03)

Yes, I also think that he doesn’t understand because it doesn’t hurt. It’s also important to calculate the force, so that it’s not too much, but so that you understand...
Nezabudka © (31.03.2010 22:03)

He repeats himself because he doesn’t know how to do it differently. Mine poked his finger in his eyes. The psychologist in the garden advised not to prohibit, but to move your hand away with the words “you can’t do that..., but for example, you can stroke it” and stroke it with your hand - this is to give an acceptable outlet for the energy impulse
Lama © (31.03.2010 22:03)

You are doing everything right IMHO about “on the butt”, IMHO it is sometimes possible for preventive purposes. Of course, not much))) Although, for example, “slapping my butt” is always funny, he perceives it as a game)
Nezabudka © (31.03.2010 22:03)

I approve of your behavior. I don’t fall for his empty whining either. Today, for example, we had a hysteria on the street for the first time, he didn’t want to go home, he ran around, grabbed his armpit, and at home he screamed, without tears. I hope this won't happen again. but I won’t follow the lead, like, well, if you don’t want to, then we’ll go for a walk. Not the same situation. I don’t carry around with a spoon. If he doesn’t eat, he shouldn’t. If he swallows, he will ask. It was like that with us) he didn’t hit me with anything heavy, he bit, it happened, in response he bit, not hard, but noticeably, he was offended, he doesn’t bite anymore. Am I bad too? but I let you walk through puddles, what a pity.
Cat lady © (31.03.2010 22:03)

You’re doing everything right) I’d get my ass if I hit my mom like that.. the truth is that doesn’t happen here, but the food.. clearly we eat at a high chair or indulgence on mom’s dad’s lap.. I haven’t run around the house with a spoon and won’t.
nadek © (31.03.2010 22:03)

When I cried, my son laughed))) but now he understands what it’s like for a mother to cry. and also gets upset, tries to calm me down, pat me on the head....))) my dear)))
modest © (31.03.2010 22:03)

You're doing everything right. the words “mom is nearby” mean much less to a child than the real moral support that the mother provides. And one of the aspects of this support is providing a solid framework on which the child can rely for guidance. The girlfriend got it from the wrong end. This is how you can say “I love” to a woman millions of times and at the same time hang around with women, or you can not say “I love”, but treat your wife SO that there is no doubt left. The girlfriend took the easy path - speaking empty words. Well, and about the “evil mother” - finally gee-gee-gee-gee)))))
Sova © (31.03.2010 22:03)

I am a strict mother))), if something needs to be done fundamentally, then it should be done, if not, then not. in general it all depends on the situation. but every time it’s not possible, with us it’s either possible or not, otherwise it turns out to be garbage... we live on the fifth floor. yes, we have small legs, we are hot and want to jump, but I’m not a horse, so slowly but surely we walk on our own... you can eat either sitting on the sofa, or sitting on a chair, or standing at the table, but not on the table and not throughout the apartment...
Red Murzik © (31.03.2010 22:03)

Oh, I completely agree with you, I do the same thing, the only thing is we usually walk home, if he doesn’t want to be in a stroller, it’s rare for mom
Jungle © (31.03.2010 22:03)

No, sometimes it happens with us, but not for long, if he doesn’t want to get off, then I distract him, oh, look, an ant is crawling, oh, a squirrel is jumping, or let’s run to that puddle, etc. while it's rolling :) well, without a stroller, you're quite big :) we often walk without a stroller and without a bike
Jungle © (31.03.2010 22:03)

Age. I have two. Children cannot cope with the abundance of things and the abundance of rules and want to try everything. Help your child and yourself. Auchan and IKEA and Children's World have latches specifically for child safety on drawers, cabinet and kitchen doors, on windows, on doors made of foam so they don't slam or close (when necessary), plugs on sockets, etc., etc. Buy and adapt all this. Place locks or latches high on doors. In the room that the child does not currently go to or should not go to at all without you, we close it with a latch. For example, when no one is there, the kitchen can also be closed. A bath - also when not needed. The child only goes into the room with you, you can temporarily arrange chairs and armchairs - for example, from the kitchen - from which the child climbs onto the table. If they don’t exist, you can’t even climb onto the table. The drawers and shelves below with things cannot be used; close the above devices or sort things upstairs. Long curtains should be removed altogether. But it is MANDATORY to leave cabinets and drawers for free use in which things are not dangerous and not fragile - in the kitchen, for example, pots, pans (glass lids at the top), spoons, skimmers, plastic bowls and boxes, pins, sponges, etc. In the rooms there are some clothes to try on, towels that you don’t mind, plain paper, old newspapers and magazines that you can tear (unlike books, for example). And involve the child in life positively - wash the dishes together (and don’t scold him for a puddle on the floor), cut vegetables together with a knife with a blunt tip - while sitting him on a chair, at first I had to sew a fastener to the chair - sitting down can cut with me, or cereal or pour beans or peas from bowl to bowl or from jar to jar, plastic glasses, etc. But don't run away. I used the fastener for about 3 months. Then the child got used to it. (Just not for long, 10 minutes of concentration will probably be enough for you, then you need to let go). Games - if it’s warm at home, undress to shorts and a T-shirt, put polyethylene from construction supplies, put finger paints on it and let the child paint with anything - then in wash the bath. Give her a couple of large pieces of fabric or a couple of blankets for free use - if she likes to wrap herself up. Walk a lot and buy clothes that can get dirty. And now spring is around the corner - waterproof pants and a jacket that you can wear in puddles. And keep the prohibitions to a minimum, but think them through very well. It should not be enough - but what is not allowed is not possible! BUT you can't hit a child. 03/02/2010 16:20:38, Ata

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And in general, you need to be prepared to be a mass entertainer all the time. That is, if I need to cook soup, then what, how and with what will my daughter do it - option 1, option 2 (at least). If I’m washing the floor, what is she wearing so that she doesn’t mind, where is her rag, where is the bucket of water (for example, on the table and only goes down for a couple of minutes when you wash the rags together) - or do you give her a bowl of water for her free use? and wash the kitchen floor where the tiles are - with the expectation that all the water will be on the floor and the child will be all wet - but happy. By the way, the floor can be washed not only when you need it, but also to calm and occupy the child. If you need to do something at the desk, then where is her chair, her paper, her pencil, her adhesive tape of different colors that you can stick on the paper, etc. And where is your patience - to prepare yourself in advance - so that you are ready to participate all the time - please draw for me in red pencil! It turned out green - great! And if you glue 2 leaves together, will it work? Let me show! Now put on the blue duct tape! And now a piece of green! Do you want scissors? (children). Let's cut the pieces of paper small like confetti! Etc. (The example at the table was live. I managed to write 4 emails for work and answer you. My two were nearby). Expecting children at this age to play and have fun alone is an illusion. If this suddenly happens within 15 minutes, then this is an unexpected gift of fate. A random pause in the work of a mass entertainer. 03/02/2010 17:18:54, Ata

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I understand that we need to communicate more with children and maybe wash the dishes and cook food together. But I always don't have enough time. I came home from work and need to quickly clean up and cook, and if I start doing this in the company of my two-year-olds, I won’t have time to do anything. The only thing they get from me on weekdays is dinner, a bath, books at night. I don’t have time for more. I can pay more attention on the weekend, otherwise they will have nothing to eat and nothing else for a comfortable life. So it turns out that I am an evil mother. When I get ready for work in the morning, my adopted daughter runs after me and deliberately hits her head against the wall or table, and starts to cry artificially, because she knows if she cries, her mother will take her in her arms and regret it. 03.03.2010 13:01:28, Nat.Nick

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It sounds kind of sad and strange.... Do the children go to kindergarten? Or who are they with during the day? And are you alone? Without husband and grandmothers? When do you leave and come? It still seems to me that you need to somehow reconsider and remake your life habits... I don’t have enough information to advise further. But I don’t fully understand why there isn’t enough time all the time? Two-year-olds are asleep in bed at 21:00! Well, let’s say you come home from work at 18.30 (I already said I don’t know your schedule, this is hypothetical now). It's clear you're tired. But you decided to have 2 children! There are 2.5 hours left until 21. Why do you have to clean a lot? - if the children are in the garden, then you don’t need to clean much, they weren’t at home, if the children are with a nanny, then why doesn’t she clean up when you arrive so that the house is normal? (I don’t mean washing floors, toilets, laundry and general cleaning, but this is how a nanny should usually maintain neatness if she is with children). Next is the question of organization and priorities. What do you need to do - cook dinner? Why not with children? Well, prepare dinner for 2 days at once, but together. Wash the dishes - one washes with you, the second is engaged in the activities you have prepared - I have already written examples, in addition, masaics and puzzles are simple to fold, draw, sculpt, etc. Then what do you do? Bath? Before that, do you play games in an adult’s bed or on the sofa? Hiding under a blanket, lying around, tumbling, hiding a small object and looking, etc. Then a bath and books? Then sleep? 21 o'clock You don't go to bed at 21? This means there is still time until 23-2 hours! Counts an hour for business, an hour for personal life and rest. You can easily cook lunch for 3 days in an hour! You could start the washing machine with the children and hang the laundry before you go to bed. There's still time for you! The next day there is no need to prepare dinner (it was prepared for 2 days). This means you can wash the floor and splash yourself with your children! At the same time, put on good music - cheerful! Next time you have free time, paint! For example, classical music. And in the evening, dinner is cooked for 3 days; clothes are sewn up if necessary, ironed. And again, time for yourself! Well, think about your days like that!!! And most importantly - on the very first day off, a nanny or grandmother - and hands and feet and to IKEA, Auchan and the children's world! 03/03/2010 16:46:44, Ata

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