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How to protect yourself from energy vampires and live calmly next to them. How to get rid of an energy vampire How to protect yourself from an energy vampire boss

Useful tips

We all know how important it is to get rid of toxins in our body, which may be in food or alcoholic drinks.

But what about the toxins that pour out on us in the form of an unfriendly attitude?Just like poison or toxin, people who are called energy vampires are also very dangerous to our health.

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Many ill-wishers live in the past andfocus on the negative parts of life , and this makes it difficult for you to move forward and achieve new goals.Energy vampires do not want and cannot share your success.

However, it is worth distinguishing between people who are actually “toxic” to you and those who are going through a difficult period and are having a hard time, which is why they have a negative attitude towards certain things. People with depression should not be pushed away, they need to be supported and loved.

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It is also worth noting that toxic people can have a bad effect on your mental state. In addition, they may make you feel guilty. It is not so easy to exclude such people from your life, so some experts suggest that you familiarize yourself with tips that may well help you get rid of energy vampires.

People are energy vampires

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There are several types of energy vampires:

*Narcissists (i.e. narcissists)

* Vampire victims - often want everyone to feel sorry for them.

* Vampire controllers – like to control and manage people.

* "Drama Queens" – get the desired energy by making mountains out of molehills.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

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The first thing to do before getting rid of it is to recognize the fact that it is harming you. Typically, energy vampires are manipulators and egoists. They are difficult to impossible to work with and difficult to please, even when you sincerely want to help them. They find it difficult to contain their emotions and apologize.

If you feel that when working with a person you lose more than you gain, then it’s time to get rid of it, otherwise you will not achieve your goal and will mark time.

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Toxins must be met with powerful force. Most likely, energy vampires will not react in any way if you simply tell them “leave me alone”; rather, on the contrary, they will cling to you even more tightly with their claws. Don't let this discourage you. Make your intentions clear to the person, and maintain the necessary distance so that the person understands you clearly and clearly.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

3. Installborders

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...and stick to them. Try not to let toxic people see your weaknesses, otherwise they will burst into your life again. If you told them you won't respond to their messages, then don't respond. Block their number and block them on social media. Don't check your email or other messages from them, even after six months. If you decide to end any relationship, then it is in your hands to stick to the rules.

4. Don't be too kind and sweet

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This may sound harsh, but since toxic people feed off your kindness, being too kind to them can actually hurt you. Understand that energy vampires get their energy from the kindness you radiate. They flourish because of your trust and kindness. However, you shouldn’t be angry and rude, just try to be yourself and don’t make special concessions for them.

Protection from energy vampires

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Toxic people are always there when they need something, especially at critical times in their lives. They need a strong shoulder and your attention. To do this you will need to invest your time and energy. Try not to succumb to energy vampires. If the problem is very serious, then you can help find a specialist. The point is that you may not be able to solve this problem, and what's more, you don't have to.

Energy vampirism today, unfortunately, is a very common phenomenon from which many people suffer. Vampires, experiencing an acute lack of energy, deliberately introduce us into situations in which we begin to lose vitality, which is fraught in the future with negative health, bad mood, troubles in different areas of life, and so on.

From this material you will learn how to recognize and protect yourself from an energy vampire.

Receiving someone else's energy is quite simple: a person must adapt to the wave of radiation of the energy flows of a particular person and find holes in his biofield. Bloodsuckers differ from each other in that the first part consumes someone else’s energy consciously, and the second part unintentionally, without malicious intent.

Esotericists consider only 3 main types of energy vampires, which differ in their methods of tuning into the frequency of energy radiation. Let's look at them in more detail next.

Subtle Energy Sucker

Warning signs include a person constantly trying to look into your eyes, persistently touching your body, and trying to start a conversation with you once again. Recognizing an insinuating vampire is not particularly difficult; your task will be to minimize all possible contacts with such a person. If this is not possible, during the conversation, maintain a distance from your interlocutor.

Vampire manipulator

Defining a vampire of this type is much more difficult than the previous one. In addition, when communicating with manipulators, people even begin to feel somewhat dependent on them: they become attracted to such a person, because manipulators are actively interested in your life and like to discuss your problems. Moreover, they always have enough sympathy and recommendations available for you.

It’s worth remembering one important thing: you shouldn’t let anyone in on your problems. When you do this, your energy is wasted on simply discussing the problem instead of solving it, which is completely pointless. In cases where you do not yet have sufficient psychological stability, always look at whether you provoked a conversation regarding your problems or whether it was your protégé who did it. And don’t forget that by discussing your problems, you only think that it’s becoming easier for you, but in reality you are donating your energy to your interlocutor of your own free will.

How to protect yourself from a manipulative vampire? Answer that everything is fine with you and don’t get carried away by discussing your life.

Vampire provocateur

Acts as the most dangerous type of energy bloodsucker. He regularly makes caustic remarks to others, constantly takes offense or offends others - his manner of behavior is designed to bring a person out of a state of spiritual harmony, then he will be able to receive your energy in the form of a burst of aggression.

The fight against provocateurs consists of completely ignoring their attacks. When they try to piss you off a few times and are convinced that it is ineffective, they will soon leave you alone.

Recognize and protect yourself: signs of vampires

There are also general signs that help identify energy thieves. It is important to know them if you want to protect yourself from the energy pump.

It should be noted that most vampires are not aware of their harmful actions - they unconsciously take away the vitality of others. Energy vampirism is also often caused by severe stress, severe or chronic pathologies, and prolonged loneliness. Be that as it may, energy vampires can be diagnosed based on a number of characteristic signs:

  • after communicating with a vampire, you feel tired, drowsy and irritated, like a squeezed lemon;
  • vampires love arguments, squabbles, scandals: in this way they splash out their aggression on others, which noticeably improves their mood;
  • Also, energy thieves are characterized by incessant complaints about life, complaints about their fate - the vampire needs sympathy and takes up a lot of time. He turns a deaf ear to your advice and makes no effort to improve his life;
  • As a separate subtype of energy vampires, it is necessary to distinguish those who like to communicate and “mass entertainers” who need to be in the center of attention of others. Of course, not all people who fit this description are vampires, but it’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings, especially if you react negatively to such individuals;
  • Vampires often lend money without being in a hurry to pay it back.

Effective methods to protect yourself from a vampire

  • one must try to remain as calm as possible with impartiality. Under no circumstances start an argument with vampires - this is the only way to protect yourself from internal disharmony;
  • You can’t look at people you don’t like point-blank, because the eyes are the most powerful channel for the exchange of energy. If it is impossible to prevent yourself from making eye contact, take care to keep your gaze intermittent;
  • learn to refuse others, say “no” in cases where they regularly interfere with your life with their annoying requests, taking away your time and energy. It is worth limiting even telephone communication with constantly complaining people who are dissatisfied with life if you want to protect yourself from energy losses;
  • do not reveal your energy to strangers. If it happens that you are forced to be in the company of a dubious person, you need to cross your arms over your chest or clasp them together, and you also need to put your feet together. Thanks to these actions, you close your personal space and make it inaccessible to intrusion from the outside;
  • A very old, but no less effective method that escrances recommend using is wearing a pin on the inside of your clothes or using a small mirror so that the reflective surface faces away from you. These methods will protect you from negative energy;
  • Donor trees, which are birch, oak and pine, help to accumulate personal power. It is necessary to stand with them for several minutes, touch or hug, imagining how a flow of life force begins to flow from the tree to you, which will protect you from any vampire;
  • If possible, try not to conflict with energy vampires, do not fall for any of their provocations. If a quarrel arose, for example, in public places, then it is better to turn around and leave than to lose your valuable life energy;
  • An effective method of protection against vampirism is the installation of a protective “barrier”. To do this, when you talk to a vampire, visualize how a brick wall grows between you;
  • many esotericists call laughter a good defense against energy vampirism. When the energy pump is trying to take energy from you, just imagine it in a very funny position (for example, sitting on the toilet). This will make you relax, and all his attacks will be meaningless;
  • if they are trying to get you emotional, you should smile sweetly and express your agreement with all the comments, even if they seem unfair to you. The main thing is that the vampire cannot hook you, and as soon as he realizes that you remain unperturbed, believe me, he will immediately lose all interest in you and start looking for a new victim.

How to protect yourself: ways to increase personal energy

Every day, various psychic attacks are carried out on us, openly or secretly. Following these recommendations will protect you from the effects of negative energy.

  1. Take a contrast shower in the mornings and evenings - the water will cleanse you of the negative information field. If you come into contact with people you find unpleasant during the day and want to remove all negativity from yourself, simply wash your hands with soap or splash cold water on your face, thanks to this you will at least to a small extent eliminate the negative message.
  2. After contact with vampires, you should drink a cup of herbal tea (the best herbs for this are yarrow, calamus, horsetail) and forgive the person who has offended you.
  3. Add red or black pepper to your diet, and when you drink coffee, put a little nutmeg in your cup - this will make it easier for you to repel negative energy messages from yourself.
  4. It is important to get full sleep: during a night's rest, your energy field is restored and the body's resistance increases.
  5. Wear silver jewelry - this metal has the ability to absorb negative energy flows and also purify thoughts. It is also effective to place the items you want to clean in the same water as the silver items. Silver ions will “revive” the water and give it restorative, antibacterial and protective properties.
  6. It happens that a person himself provokes energy exhaustion due to the fact that he attracts increased attention from others. To do this, it is enough to have a bright appearance, behave defiantly - and that’s it, you are already hooked. Therefore, you should not engage in such provocations; remember that modesty is often energetically beneficial.
  7. Stay optimistic! Positive people do not carry negative mental energy within themselves and do not attract it to themselves.
  8. Forgive those around you. Even if a person has experienced a little anger or aggression, his energy field will remain in a negative state for 2 days. The more negativity present in a person, the more harm he causes, first of all, to himself. In turn, a positive attitude, on the contrary, will attract good luck and give you a great mood.

Now you know how to protect yourself from a vampire, use this knowledge constantly to protect your health and life from negative influences from others. And to conclude the topic, we recommend that you watch the expert’s advice on energy protection in the following video.

An energy vampire can be very dangerous for an unprepared person. Find out how to protect yourself from its effects!

“My name is Aliza, I am a practicing magician. Most often people contact me regarding Tarot, dream interpretation, Kabbalistic Gematria¹ and veterinary magic.

I must admit that I have a choleric temperament, I do not suffer from a lack of energy, and I am on friendly terms with the cosmic channel, so I am a tasty morsel for energy vampires.”

“All methods were worked out by me personally and tested from my own experience.”

How to recognize an energy vampire?

Almost each of us has had to deal with such a phenomenon as energy vampirism, in particular, unconscious energy vampirism.

Especially often, energy vampires try to attack those who engage in magic, healing and energy practices, since such people have a lot of energy.

If after communicating with a person you feel tired, exhausted, your mood deteriorates, weakness in your legs or even dizziness appears - most likely you have become an energy donor for an energy vampire.

Moreover, communication with such individuals does not at all imply a noisy scandal.

So, for example, at a party, an energy vampire in the form of a sweet girl can sit alone with a sour look and eyes full of tears, and answer the questions of others that everything is fine. At the same time, the girl will suck the energy out of those who want to help.

Energy vampires feed on the emotions of other people. Fear, anger, shame are their favorite delicacies, although not only.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where, after great sex, you instantly fell asleep for several hours?

And if for some reason you were unable to rest, did you feel exhausted and overwhelmed? In this case, your partner is most likely an energy vampire.

How to protect yourself from the influence of an energy vampire?

If you know that you can easily get angry, try to avoid conflict places and situations. You can also use magical methods - use various options for protection² and sending negativity back. You can also send damage to the offender, impose a curse or the evil eye. But you should always remember that such actions return many times stronger.

If at work your boss is an energy vampire who causes scandals and bullying, then it is better to change jobs. You can find a job, but you can’t find health.

Therefore, if legal (for example, complaints to higher authorities and consultation with a lawyer) and magical methods do not help, start looking for another job.

What to do if an energy vampire is a loved one?

What to do in a situation when one of your close people, for example, a mother, turns out to be an energy vampire?

Such a person knows all your pain points and hits them precisely. You won’t be able to avoid communicating with your mother, but you don’t want to harm her.

Agree on everything

The first way to protect yourself is to agree on everything! Just because you say it doesn't mean you intend to do it. One of the phrases that confuses an energy vampire is: “Yes, you’re right.”

The best weapon is laughter!

The second effective way is laughter. When a person laughs, he cannot be angry. Turn the situation into a joke, joke about topics that can make you laugh, tell an anecdote.


Another way: imagine that there is a mirror between you that reflects all the negativity from you.

"Game of Changelings"

A proven and effective way to ensure your safety is the “game of changeling”. Imagine that an energy vampire was bewitched by an evil wizard, and now he/she speaks backwards. Thus, the words: “I hate you” will sound like: “I love you.” “You are a bad daughter” = “You are a wonderful daughter.”

"Injection with statistics"

When meeting an energy vampire, free your mind and think about good things. Look between the eyebrows of a person feeding on someone else's energy and send him your love from your heart in the form of a pink ray.

The main thing is not to lose optimism. Remember that your good mood is the best defense against an energy vampire!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Gematria is one of three methods of “revealing the secret meaning” of a word, with the possibility of attributing letters to numbers. Widely used in Kabbalistic texts in Hebrew and Aramaic (

People energetically influence each other, but many do not know how to protect themselves from negative influences. One type of such influence is energy vampirism. There are individuals who absorb a lot of energy. It can be positive or negative. Just as a weed prevents a flower from growing, so they dry out a person, exposing him to stress, depression, and illness. Such pests do not know about their peculiarities. There are magical amulets that block energy from leaving the human aura.

To determine whether a person is an energy vampire, you should find out his exact date of birth. Write the year, month and date in a row and add them up. The total amount should be unambiguous, add up until you achieve the result.

For example, we have the date 12/19/1988. We calculate the sum 1 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 8, we get 39, these numbers should also be summed, in the end we get 12. Twelve consists of two digits 1 + 2 = 3. This indicator is the number of energy.

The results are deciphered as follows:

  • on the scale of energy vampirism, the most powerful numbers are 1 and 2. When faced with such a representative, urgently create a talisman or stop communicating with him;
  • numbers 5 and 7 indicate that the person is extremely weak and is subject to all sorts of attacks. Recommend that he use a talisman or read esoteric literature;
  • intermediate symbols 3, 6, 8 characterize the wearer as the owner of a powerful aura. It is quite difficult to break through, so existing next to energy vampires does not bother them;
  • number 4 indicates the uniqueness of energy. It can be either donor or vice versa;
  • the number 9 indicates a powerful aura. Such a person will not be able to reach any negative emotions, but if not applied in the right way, the feature will remain unrealized.

Visually, the destroyer of the human aura may be no different from the others. However, there are groups of people among whom energy vampires are more common:

  • people in years;
  • children;
  • patients undergoing long-term treatment;
  • patients of hospice, psychiatric clinic;
  • prison inmates.

All of them are among the suspects. Previously, such people were treated with bloodletting and leeches. They helped dissolve blood clots and the patient’s well-being immediately improved.

An important sign of the presence of an energy vampire is a feeling of loss of balance. This attack, similar to mild panic, will overtake you after a short conversation. Inexplicable fatigue and loss of strength will appear. In this case, the interlocutor will continue his conversation, regardless of your appearance. Energy vampires love to have empty conversations about nothing, filled with a huge number of meaningless phrases that do not carry any meaning. The main fuel for energy vampires is unexpectedly arising emotions. They can specifically describe the details of an incident that causes only disgust and fear. Colleagues who often do not answer specific questions or change their minds are most likely energy vampires.

Installing a barrier

Finding an energy vampire is very simple. Often they are work colleagues. You can protect yourself from them in the following ways:

  • if you are being harassed by such a person, keep your cool and ignore him. In a telephone conversation, feel free to hang up as soon as the tone rises. The main thing is to maintain composure;
  • The second way to protect yourself from an energy vampire is to escape. Don’t be afraid to seem cowardly or misunderstood, just close the door, or don’t cross the threshold of the office at all;
  • An alternative way to fight will be shrill laughter. This surge will create a feeling of misunderstanding, irritability in the interlocutor and will close the portal for the release of energy;
  • keep your distance from your colleagues. Dine alone or in a separate room. If you can’t hide from prying eyes, just remain silent.

What to do if an energy vampire is a boss?

In this case, it is problematic to ignore the commands of your management, and even more so to abruptly interrupt the conversation and hang up. In such cases, any obstacle will do. You can protect yourself in the following ways:

  • Both objects such as a chair, cabinet, table, as well as gestures and closed poses can act as an obstacle. Let something be between you during the conversation, and if this is not possible, then simply cross your arms and legs. This gesture will help against any negativity thrown your way;
  • mentally focus on the fact that you are hidden from everyone behind a fence or dome, through which no dark energy penetrates;
  • try to joke more often, but in moderation, smile. A non-standard reaction acts instantly, closing the information transmission channel;
  • think that you are the boss, and in front of you is a subordinate, or an unreasonable child, scold him. The main thing is not to say any of this out loud;
  • Don’t let management escalate the situation or dominate your posture. When your boss leans over you, stand up to balance the position.

Protection from energy vampires at home

An energy vampire may be born into a family. No one is immune from this, and the child will not be to blame for this. Try to help the child. A very small baby needs to be calmed down, and in moments of hysteria simply ignored. Over time, he himself will calm down and understand that no one needs his concerts. When your relative begins to absorb powers, try talking to him. Explain to him your discomfort, offer him a couple of options where he can recharge himself with positive energy. Take a trip to nature together, or a performance by your favorite artist.

Place a protective sachet in your room. It looks like a small canvas bag with dry herbs. There may be protective plants there: rose hips, ash, aspen, thyme. You can add rose petals, peppercorns, crow feathers and garlic peelings. Complete it with a silver piece. Secure the bag with a red ribbon and place it in a secluded place where you can touch it often.

How to place a block for mother

Mom is the closest person to us; it is unacceptable to ignore or interrupt communication with her. As soon as strange behavior begins to manifest itself in adulthood, try to move to separate housing so that everyday life does not kill family relationships. Agree with most of what your mother says, don’t argue or make her angry. Show some discreet love. Surround your mother with care and attention. Mentally put a barrier between you and do not go beyond it. Over time, mom herself will stop bothering you.

If none of the above helps, then use the following ritual. Take a candle, a metal tray, a piece of blank paper and a marker. Prepare for the process, wash yourself, put on loose clothes without buttons or strings, remove all jewelry and let your hair down. The action should take place on the waning moon. Place a candle on an empty table, place a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen next to it. An even cross should be drawn on paper. Read a prayer that is close to you. Now visualize the image of the energy of the Cosmos flowing towards the center of the cross. Once you realize that the symbol is full, make a speech:

“O mighty heavens! Take all the darkness of the world away from me, fill me with powerful protection. Let it be so! Amen".

Now burn the leaf and take the energy of the cross upon yourself. Finish the ritual with the words:

“Just as this fire destroyed the cross, but did not reach the power of heaven, so no magic will challenge my words.”

Hide the remaining candle stub; it will be needed for future repeated processes.

Protection from your spouse

It is not always possible to choose your husband with all the positive qualities. Love is evil. If your spouse turns out to be an energy vampire, don’t worry, you won’t have to get a divorce. Ignoring hysterics will not always help either. Check your birth date. When you have a strong aura, being close to an absorber of excess energy will benefit you. You will balance each other out. Embroider amulets with threads on tablecloths, towels, and napkins. A fireball is considered a symbol of protection. Do things together more often: go for walks, solve work and home issues together. Extinguish your spouse’s outbursts of anger by switching to a barely audible whisper. In this case, the husband will be forced to shut up in order to hear you. Give your husband a hobby that suits both of you, for example, watching football or fishing. Do not give in to provocations; it is better to retire to the next room, making it clear that the dialogue is over. Give your spouse a compliment regarding

his household chores, ask him to do it again. The activity will extinguish the outbreak, and the husband will be pleased that it is beneficial and cannot be done without it.

Energy vampire complainer

Such a person is called lunar. He does not show aggression and does not display strong emotions. However, the interlocutor will have to feel sorry and sympathize with the complainant. If you do not stop the flow of negative information in time, he will drain all the energy from you. Try to stop the pest with a story about successes, or, conversely, failures. In this case, he will need to show his participation and the negative action will stop. Don't try to be polite to energy vampires; they can cause irreparable damage to your health and life balance.

A lunar energy vampire will not openly demonstrate a desire to be satiated with someone else’s energy. However, the harm from them is no less than from solar radiation. The solar energy vampire will try to provoke you into an open conflict, without hiding his pleasure from what is happening.

Salt as a talisman

The natural mineral has amazing cleaning properties, both literally and figuratively. Similar properties were noticed by the Slavs and Eastern sages. In the teaching there is a special place for salt, and in the teaching they always take bread and salt.

There must be an uncovered salt shaker on the table. She will extinguish the evil eye and bad thoughts of the guests. There is a special cleansing ritual. Take a large packet of sea salt with large crystals and pour half of it into a hot frying pan. You must wait for the characteristic crackling sounds. Then remove it from the heat, take it in your right hand and walk around the house, going through every corner. Throughout the ritual, the prayer “Our Father” is read.

Reflection using a mirror

The mirror is considered a unique means of combating unwanted energy channels. You can use the item both physically and mentally. Protect yourself from your interlocutor in your mind with a reflective wall and keep it there until the communication stops. In everyday life, small mirrors can be carried in a pocket with the front side facing away from you, or in the form of a pendant on a chain. Make a frame for the mirror to hold

thread the chain. Never make holes in . This will bring misfortune.

Verbal amulets

As with any illness or misfortune, there are prayers and conspiracies that do not allow the integrity of the aura to be violated. It is worth reading the prayer to an angel or to the Mother of God. It helps to destroy any evil spirits, the evil eye and restore health. There are a number of conspiracies for protection against damage that also appeal to the Mother of God, use the one you like. You can come up with a conspiracy yourself, the main thing is that the spoken text comes from the heart and is thought out.

Stones as amulets

Stones are successfully used in the fight against energy vampires. They can be put in your pocket or purse. Protective gemstones are also used as pendants.

  • Bright yellow agate has excellent absorbent properties. He is able to catch and close the sent information. It cannot be worn for a long time, as the energy accumulated by the stone can be destructive to the mineral;
  • It is also actively used in the fight against damage and bad thoughts. It is used to make bracelets or rosaries. To be more effective, you need to touch it more often;
  • drives away any dangers and warns the owner by changing weight and temperature.

You can choose stones at your own discretion. Often, you unconsciously like the mineral corresponding to your zodiac sign more than others, and you choose it as your amulet. The protective properties of the stone will be stronger if you find harmony with the mineral.

Types of amulets that save from energy vampires

Usually, when you mention energy vampires, an association with an aspen stake appears in your head. This is no accident. Using aspen wood will help you feel the attack. The object will become darker. Decorations, rosaries, and combs are made from wood.

So pure and transparent that it is able to refract streams of negativity and turn them aside. Place a small pebble in a clean box that allows light to pass through and place it in your pocket. The talisman can be hidden from prying eyes or located in plain sight.

Worn under the hem, it works great against magical storms. “ ” also works. Similar on rings, pendants and earrings.

Tasty and healthy food always helps fight bad thoughts. Eat your favorite fruits more often, which improve your mood and immunity to various types of attacks. In the kitchen, make a garlic braid as decoration. He will maintain harmony and an atmosphere of mutual respect in the house.

Pendants and amulets

The solar symbol is considered a universal, powerful talisman, usually depicted on amulets. Wear the pendant close to your body and do not lose it.

The clover sign is more common in North America and Canada. An image of a clover leaf made of silver or wood will quickly drive away an energy vampire. He has a special influence over men.

Use the positive emotions from communicating with furry pets as an amulet. A beloved animal puts the owner into only happy thoughts and helps keep strangers out of his head.

Runic amulets

The Perth and Hagalaz symbols together double their power in the battle against energy vampires. Perth helps to maintain the flow of energy, and Hagalaz helps to guide it correctly. with this symbolism without removing it, and also order curtains or bed linen with the necessary signs if an energy vampire lives in your family.

Protective methods

Often we unconsciously take one or another protective posture when we are uncomfortable or something is bothering us. Such gestures are called mudras. A popular type is the interlacing of the fingers of both hands, located opposite the solar plexus with the palm facing you.

Shambhala mudra looks like a bent palm clenched in an open hand. It restores strength and balances the inner spirit. To create the effect, the body should be held in this position for at least fifteen minutes.

Use intrusion protection techniques. Every day after hygiene procedures, imagine yourself under the dome of the golden pyramid. Build its walls so that the enclosed space does not frighten you; your stay should become comfortable. The construction of a dome is also possible over relatives, who are protected first of all.

Silver is a purifying metal. If you are afraid of an attack by energy vampires on your loved ones, then buy a silver chain or cross as a gift. Such valuable items are immediately put on by a person, which means they can protect against dark messages. Tie a woolen thread or a bracelet with wool on your loved one’s wrist. Natural material can protect a relative from potential diseases and maintain vigor.

A young plant can also help. Add a couple of beautiful potted flowers to your home interior. They will begin to produce oxygen and absorb negativity along with carbon dioxide. From an aesthetic point of view, plants will also help restore strength. Treat your relatives with nutmeg by adding it to tea or coffee. It restores the aura and improves well-being.

When you still fail to avoid the attacks of an energy vampire, do not lose heart. Take a trip into nature, snuggle up to a lonely tree and exchange vitality with it. Aspen, pine and linden will further improve the health of diseased internal organs.

Visit a place that can bring you maximum joy. Go to the bathhouse or beauty salon. Clean the outer shell to allow easier access for restorative methods. Tea made with fragrant herbs such as mint or chamomile perfectly restores strength. Give yourself time to sleep soundly in comfortable conditions.

Do what you love while away from the energy vampire, even your child or husband. Remember that balance is the most important thing when dealing with an energy vampire.

If you meet an energy vampire, you will realize this pretty soon. Usually, after communicating with such people, one feels general weakness and depression. Of course, there are ways to avoid or minimize the effects of an energy vampire.

What is energy vampirism, signs of an energy vampire

To understand what energy vampirism is, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its main features:

1) Loss of balance. It is the loss of balance that a person most often feels after communicating with an energy vampire. Such an energy consumer loves to pester others with long conversations, various clarifying questions, and so on, until the person finally begins to lose his temper and become irritated. Even seeing that the interlocutor has long been tired of talking and exhausted, such a “bloodsucker” will ignore this fact.

2) Empty chatter. An energy vampire has a positive attitude towards long and “empty” conversations. It is not difficult to recognize such a person. If someone tells you about their troubles with an endless stream of information, and at the same time it is difficult for you to get even a word in, then you are clearly facing an energy vampire. As a rule, it can be quite difficult to interrupt or end a conversation with such a person if he himself does not want to do so.

3) Focusing on the negative. Such people like to retell the details of some terrible accidents, deaths and other terrible phenomena. They begin to talk with particular enthusiasm about the details of some unpleasant event, not taking into account the fact that this may be unpleasant for someone. They seem to “feed” on other people’s fears and suffering. As a rule, after such conversations a gloomy mood is ensured.

4) Dependent situations. Energy vampires like to create situations in which a person feels dependent on them. They like to keep someone in the dark. We can talk about many aspects. For example, a person promised to lend you a certain thing that day, but does not get in touch until the last minute, knowing that you have no one else to ask and you were counting on him. Or you need to arrange a meeting with this person, but for a long time he cannot decide on a place and time, forcing you to return to this topic again and again. In general, there can be a lot of such dependent situations. It is important for an energy vampire to wear you out with long waits.

5) Image. Often, people who have not had time to feel the influence of an energy vampire can give him rather flattering characteristics - honest, open, frank. Only later does it become clear that this openness has no reasonable boundaries.

6) Direct contact. Energy vampires really enjoy close contact with their interlocutor. He can take your hand and periodically pat you on the shoulder. Sometimes it may seem like he is trying to hold you back.

7) Irritation. The most obvious sign. After communicating with an energy vampire, a person most often feels irritation and weakness, as well as regret about wasting time.

Types of energy vampires

In general, there are two types of vampires. So, let's get to know them!

Solar vampires

This refers to people who always try to be the center of attention. Scandals are quite natural for them. Often they deliberately provoke others into conflict, and subsequently seem to feed on other people’s emotions. For such people, it doesn’t matter who will give them energy - friends or strangers. You could well observe such personalities in society - in shops, buses, and various queues. As a rule, these people are choleric.

Moon vampires

Such vampires do not manifest themselves too clearly, but this does not diminish their impact in the least. Usually they are secretive and self-absorbed, however, streams of negativity constantly emanate from them. They are focused on their own or other people's troubles, most of their conversations come down to unpleasant topics. They like to complain about their troubles and generally make pessimistic forecasts.

How to behave and how to communicate with an energy vampire if this is unavoidable

If you unwittingly occasionally have to deal with an energy vampire, then there are ways in which you can protect yourself from the influence of such a person.

How to protect yourself:

1) If possible, try to avoid long conversations with such people. Make excuses for being busy and the like, but don't let the vampire influence you with his protracted conversations.

2) Try to stand or sit in a “closed” position when communicating with him. Cross your legs or cross your arms over your chest.

3) Do not succumb to various provocations - do not get drawn into conflict and get irritated. Try to remain as calm as possible.

4) Try not to make direct eye contact. If an energy vampire is trying in every possible way to catch your gaze, move your head to the side or look at a point behind the object of irritation.

5) If possible, carry a talisman or a cross with you.

6) Imagine there is a wall between you and the energy vampire that will not allow him to get close to you.

7) Confuse him with sudden changes in conversation.

8) Try not to think deeply about what he tells you, especially if the topic is not pleasant to you. Just wait out this flow of information.

9) After finishing a conversation, try to find an opportunity to wash your hands immediately afterwards.

10) Replenish the balance of wasted energy. Treat yourself to some sweets or small purchases.

How to fight energy vampires

At work, when the boss or colleague is a vampire

As with any vampire, it is best to keep all contact to a minimum. If this does not depend on you, and from time to time you still have to communicate with this person, then try to remain calm as much as possible and not succumb to provocations. If a person says something for a long time and boringly, mentally separate yourself from him by a wall and think about a topic that evokes bright thoughts in you.

In a family, when the vampire is the husband, mother, child, mother-in-law or distant relative

This case is more difficult and unpleasant, because most often we have no choice, and we unwittingly communicate with a person who feeds on our energy.

However, there is a way out of this situation:

  • According to scientists, an energy vampire can draw strength not only from other people, but also from closeness to nature. If this is an effective option in your case, then try to relax in nature with your family members as often as possible. This will have a positive impact not only on the well-being of the energy vampire, but will also add positive emotions to the whole family.
  • An energy vampire can be “neutralized” with positive emotions. Please your loved one more often, and this will have the best effect on your relationship.
  • Redirect his energy in a different direction. If a person has a hobby or any serious interest, he will be able to draw strength from there.
  • If you feel that despite all the tricks, a family member has nevertheless begun his attack, do not succumb to his provocation under any circumstances. It is better to leave him in another room or even go for a walk.

How to destroy an energy vampire

Eliminate the effects of the “solar” vampire

Remember that such vampires usually feed on your panic, resentment, fears, and tears. The described vampires are very fond of starting scandals, and you can always expect a very unpredictable reaction from them. Communication with “solar” vampires can be like a powder keg.

The first rule when communicating with them is not to give in to provocations! Emotions are what they expect from you, what they need to feed on in order to feel normal and devastate you. No matter how a person provokes you, do not answer him in the same spirit, do not allow mutual abuse. If possible, try to leave the room - this will remove you from the negative impact. When you are at some distance from the energy vampire, being out of his field of vision, he cannot harm you.

It is also worth paying attention to the power of laughter - it is a kind of “antidote”. The vampire wants you to feel crushed and depressed after his screams, but you should do something completely different! Just smile! This will probably discourage him. It is possible, of course, that such a step will inflame him even more, but something else is important - stay in a positive mood, and your opponent will be left with nothing. He will only make it worse for himself - by wasting energy and not having the opportunity to stock up on new energy at your expense.

Eliminate the influence of the “lunar” vampire

These representatives of vampirism have significant differences from the previous ones, and, perhaps, the main one is that they are not able to obtain energy from their victim “in one fell swoop.” To achieve their goal, they have to work harder. The main method is endless complaints, discussion of painful and unpleasant topics, focusing on the negative. By “crying into your vest,” they shift their condition onto you - as a result, you feel broken and tired. Your interlocutor feels relieved after his complaints, and this is noticeable to the naked eye, while you are plunged into dark thoughts.

As in the previous case, we again draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to avoid provocations and not succumb to them. First of all, stop feeling sorry for your interlocutor, plunging into his negativity. In response to his dissatisfaction, tell him about something good that happened to you recently or that you observed from the outside. In general, add positivity to your conversation, it will have a depressing effect on the vampire.

You can do it differently - as if to adopt his style of communication, having the same effect on him as he has on you. Does a person complain about his suffering? In response, begin to talk with no less diligence about your own troubles and troubles, as if inviting them to pity you too. This will puzzle the “moon” vampire.

Limit communication with such a person as much as possible. If you cannot do this completely, then simply do not react to his words, thinking about something else and switching the topic. Without getting the desired reaction from you, the vampire will quickly lose interest in you. If there is at least some opportunity to interrupt communication (distant relative, friend), then it is better not to sacrifice yourself and exclude communication.

How to distance yourself from negativity in your own home

Make a talisman with your own hands

Home amulets can be a very effective defense against energy vampirism. It is important that in your interior the image of circles appears as often as possible. They can be on wallpaper, paintings, tablecloths or curtains. It will be great if you embroider a few circles yourself with scarlet thread. You can do this on bedding or other fabric found at home.

Amulets or runes will help resist evil

The most ancient symbols are called runes - our ancestors used them to enhance certain qualities, as well as for protection. You can also protect yourself from energy vampires with them - by purchasing them or making them yourself. There are many techniques on the Internet for creating amulets using runes. Choose the master class that suits you best and get started.

A conspiracy or prayer against vampirism will help you protect yourself

Prayers can also be a good help in the fight against energy vampirism. If you cannot remember them, then it is better to write them down on a piece of paper and read them before or immediately after a meeting with an unpleasant person. There are also many rituals on the Internet that help fight this serious phenomenon.

Which stone provides reliable protection?

It is best for you to pay attention to the stone that corresponds to your zodiac sign - this is your talisman, and it will protect not only from an energy vampire, but also from many other things.

Is it possible to help a person from a distance by providing energy protection?

Don’t neglect energy protection, which can protect you and your loved ones, helping you stay in the most comfortable state for you. If you take this matter carelessly, then you can spend a lot of effort later on recovering. As you know, interaction with an energy vampire can threaten not only despondency and mood swings, but also various ailments.

It is important to understand that energy protection is very important and is not a myth - it is a necessity for many people. Surely, you yourself have noticed that some people around you are very susceptible to the negative influence of other people, but there are also those who do not seem to notice it. Most often it is a matter of energy protection. If you want to remain in harmony with yourself, to eliminate nervous breakdowns and illnesses that can be caused by people feeding on other people’s energy, then pay attention to the methods of protection given below.

In this way, you can protect not only yourself, but also a loved one, even if he is at some distance from you. So, what does such protection provide? First of all, this is safety even with the active influence of ill-wishers. Of course, protection will have a greater effect on people who themselves will make an effort not to succumb to other people’s tricks. To do this, you should try to remain calm in any stressful situations.

This relates to training personal qualities, now we will talk a little about something else:

1) You can recommend the first exercise to a loved one or perform it for your own protection. Every day after you take a shower, imagine that you are in the middle of a golden pyramid, as if under its dome. It becomes to some extent a shell for you, protecting you from any negativity. In your imagination, the pyramid should not be large, but you don’t need a small one either - “staying” in such a pyramid should be associated with comfort. Sometimes think about it and imagine it around you throughout the day. By the way, it is important to note that you can mentally build it not only around your own body - in this way you can protect your own car.

2) If you want a loved one to be protected even at a distance, give him something made of silver. For many years, silver has been considered one of the materials that can destroy bloodsuckers. Of course, the “energy vampire” is only a metaphor, but it does not change the essence - silver will act as a powerful protector in this case too. It is best to wear a silver cross, but jewelry such as rings or bracelets will also work.

3) If possible, purchase or order a pendant in the shape of a clover - such an amulet can protect against female energy vampires. Clover can be made of either silver or gold

4) Do not underestimate the power of amethyst - it will protect its owner if he has to care for a seriously ill person, and it seems as if he is trying to take away his energy.

5) A pendant made of turquoise can positively influence the well-being of its owner in any negative situations.

6) Attach a pin to the back of the clothing - our ancestors believed that this could reliably protect against any negative impact.

7) Wrap the wool thread around your wrist, but do not tie a knot. This can especially help when communicating with an unhealthy person.

8) Let your loved one be surrounded by young indoor plants in considerable quantities - they will fill him with positive energy.

Everyone can protect themselves and psychologically protect themselves from a negative person.

So, let's sum it up! Pay attention to general recommendations that will save you from the influence of ill-wishers:

1) No matter how difficult it may be for you, try to remain calm, avoiding a conflict situation by all means.

2) Learn to give up what you don't like. If someone's annoying monologue irritates you and takes up time, end the conversation by referring to important matters. This applies to both “live” communication and telephone conversation.

4) Pay attention to the interesting advice given by bioenergetics. Place a mirror in your inner pocket, with its reflective surface facing away from you. Thus, you will return the negativity that will be directed at you.

5) Harness the power of nature. Trees can be good helpers in these cases. After standing for a while, leaning against an oak, pine or birch tree, or simply touching them, you will feel lighter. When interacting with a tree, try to imagine how your body is filled with the necessary energy. It is advisable to approach a separate tree for these purposes.

Emotional Shield

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