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Funny scenes for a woman's birthday. Scenarios and skits for birthday Congratulations for a man “Technical inspection”

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A birthday is one of the most important holidays for a person, because it is on this day that his birth is celebrated. An unusual, memorable birthday is the best holiday that can be celebrated, and this day is especially decorated with small scenes: they are most often prepared for the birthday person in advance (but there can also be improvisations during the event). A festive evening with scenes, as a rule, is remembered by all guests and the hero of the occasion for a long time, remaining a bright, vivid memory, so they are often used during any celebrations.

To give you an idea of ​​how you can decorate a celebration for the birthday boy, here are several scenes of varying degrees of complexity depending on the plot.

Cool scene “Birthday Doctor”

You will need:

  • white robe,
  • doctor's glasses,
  • scrubs for nurses,
  • stethoscope,
  • suitcase.

The presenter says that health is one of the important nuances for a person, and there is a wonderful gift for the birthday boy - the Birthday Doctor is ready to help him by providing elite, high-quality medical services completely free of charge in honor of the holiday. Nurses and a doctor come through the door. Doctor (speaks broken Russian, so the text has a specific spelling): “How are you feeling, citizens? I have a profession: Birthday Doctor, I understand birthdays, as well as birthday people! At this moment, the nurses smile widely. Afterwards the doctor says: “ I need to examine my patient, come here, girls!” The nurses approach the birthday boy, listen to his pulse and notice that it is rapid. The doctor says that this is a very, very dangerous sign and you will need to listen to your breathing. Nurses place a stethoscope on the “patient’s” chest and listen. The doctor exclaims: “ Oh, you need to measure the patient’s temperature to make a final diagnosis, but in any case, I can heal you!” The nurses immediately kiss the “patient” on the forehead and say that he has a fever and, as one of the symptoms, there is redness of the skin on his face. Doctor: " Now I understand everything completely and irrevocably! The man is sick, but I can heal him, it’s within my power! His diagnosis is acute birthday of the Nth degree(according to the number of years of the birthday person) and there is only one remedy - I’ll get it now, and the patient will recover very quickly. Just trust me, dear, I have an effective medicine!”

The doctor takes out a bottle of alcohol from a suitcase (you can have a cake from a box for non-drinkers). The nurses help give the hero of the day “medicine”, and they can kiss him, and the people around him praise the doctor and rejoice at the healing of the “patient”.

Sketch “Magic and no fraud”

Characters: Magician, Assistant, White Rabbit, Dove. Suits:

The host says that he will make a stunning surprise especially for the hero of the occasion: there will be an invited guest - a magician and wizard of a very high level. The Sorcerer appears with his beautiful Assistant. He holds a box in his hands. The assistant announces: “ I solemnly present to the public the most mysterious and magical illusionist-magician - Mr. Pudvin!” Having bowed, the illusionist places the box on the table. Assistant: " Mr. Pudvin speaks and understands Russian quite poorly, so I will comment on his exciting, magical performances. Are you ready to see miracles? The assistant at this moment asks the birthday boy to give him something of his own, a small object, such as a watch, and puts it in a box. The sorcerer puts on a mysterious look, reads a spell and makes magical passes with his hands, but absolutely nothing happens - the trick failed.

Assistant with a smile: “ Sorry, we experienced a minor technical problem. I suppose your watch was expensive, it must have been from a Swiss company?” The illusionist tries, but no magic comes out. The assistant begins to smile even wider and says: “ Wait a little longer, please, comrades, Great Pudvin is not in shape today, sorry for the inconvenience. Or maybe Mr. Birthday boy will try his own powers in the art of magic?” And he invites the hero of the occasion to cast a magic spell, and when he says any invented word, the White Rabbit immediately runs into the hall to funny music and makes funny movements. Assistant: " Yes, Mr. Birthday Boy, you undoubtedly have great abilities in magic, because you managed to perform one of the most difficult acts of an illusionist. Maybe you can say another magic spell? Will you show us all your strength? When the birthday boy says the magic phrase, a Dove immediately “flies” into the hall to the solemn music, “spins” a little (runs in circles around the room) and “flies away” (leaves). Assistant: " Our hero of the occasion undoubtedly has great abilities in magic, so let's applaud him for that! So, take a seat with the guests, you have successfully dealt with everything, you even showed us more, and Mr. Magician will try to disenchant your watch for you!” The illusionist fiddles with the box in which the watch was placed and pulls it out along with a large clock (can be a wall clock, or just a good electronic alarm clock with a radio or other device), which was prepared in advance as a gift for the birthday boy. The assistant (possibly together with the Dove and the Rabbit, as well as by agreement with other people for mass participation) congratulates the birthday boy and wishes him unique moments in life, more miracles and the fulfillment of his dreams. Pudwin and Assistant bow. Then the presenter enters the hall and brings with him a saw with the words: “ And now we will show you an incredibly dramatic and dangerous trick - sawing the Assistant" Immediately the Assistant, screaming, runs away in horror.

Sketch about Chicken Ryaba

One of the guests puts on a Ryaba Hen costume (false wings made of cardboard or material, a comb) and puts three boxes in his pocket, which will play the role of three eggs.

Chicken Ryaba: “ I came to wish you a happy birthday and brought a gift. So take not an ordinary egg, but a golden one, it will fulfill your wishes.” You can put money in one box and hand it over with the words: “ Accept the magic papers that your wishes will come true!” In another box you can give a decoration: “ May your life be beautiful!"In the third - candy: " May your life be as sweet as this candy!”

Sketch about Kolobok

The scene requires several characters: Kolobok, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox. Kolobok comes out carrying a bouquet of flowers. — I will come to the holiday soon and bring flowers to the birthday boy/girl. Stops the Kolobok Hare: - Give me the flowers, I’ll give them to the bunny, I like them very much. - I won’t give you flowers, Hare. Narvi is better off in the field. And he “rolled” further. Stops Kolobok Wolf: - Wow, what flowers, so beautiful and fragrant, give them to me - I’m just on my way to the she-wolf! - Evil Wolf, I won’t give you the flowers, you won’t receive them, I’m bringing them to the birthday boy. And again he “rolled” further.

Stops Kolobok the Bear: - Can you find a smoke? What is this broom in your hand? Maybe you can give it to me? “I won’t give you the flowers, I won’t give you the flowers, just as I didn’t give them to the Hare and the Wolf!” And you will have no use! He pushes the Bear aside and leaves. The Fox meets on the way: - Kolobok, Kolobok, what is this beautiful bouquet you have? Is this all for me? Come on, let me look and smell the flowers! “I won’t give it to you, just as I won’t give it to the others, because I’m bringing flowers to the birthday boy!” He approaches the main hero of the occasion and says: - I left the Hare, the Wolf, the Fox and the Bear, I outwitted everyone - and here, dear birthday boy, this gift is for you!

Sketch “Little Brownie Kuzya” (birthday greetings for the hostess)

A man with disheveled hair and a beard (can be fake) will play the role of Brownie, and it is best to put a colored shirt on him. The brownie comes up to the Mistress and says: - Hostess, happy birthday! You clean your apartment well and everything is clean. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, may your soul be as clean as your apartment. All the best to you! And he takes out a broom from behind his back: - Accept this as a gift, you will steam (or clean), and I will always keep an eye on your home!

A short scene from the “new Russian”

It is necessary to dress one of the guests in the style of the “new Russian”: a crimson jacket, a gold chain (an imitation of one would also work), rings on the fingers. The character can finger his rosary at this time.

A new Russian comes to the celebrants and says: - Are you having a real birthday? Oops, I didn’t know, but I have a gift in store here. And he takes out an envelope with money from his pocket: - Here, take it, it will be for you to promote the company. And if someone suddenly comes at you, we can cover you up. Happy birthday, in short!

Congratulations for a girl from the Chukchi

For this scene we need someone who can play the Chukchi. He must be dressed in fur clothes (like the Chukchi ones). “In Chukotka, every walrus knows that a birthday is a good holiday, but may your reindeer always be fed, may there always be plenty of bread and butter, and may there always be enough of everything.” Wait - now I’ll present you with an honorary document! “I’m handing you a document, thanks to which you will be able to hunt any man and shoot at the stronger sex with your little eyes!” Happy birthday, though!

Cleaning woman

For this scene, two people are needed - the host who will congratulate the birthday boy, and the cleaning lady. The character of the cleaning lady will need a floor rag, an old worn robe and two identical (preferably) buckets. The skit begins with the host coming to the guests and congratulating the birthday boy with a solemn speech. Then a cleaning lady suddenly appears and begins to wash the floors with a serious look and quietly grumble, saying that there are all sorts of people walking around here, they left a trail, now clean up after them. The presenter sternly addresses the cleaning lady, saying, what are you doing here, what are you allowing yourself to do, how is this possible, here we are celebrating the birthday of one very good and beloved person! The cleaning lady resists for a long time, says that later, later, grumbles indicatively. Then he puts the bucket behind the curtain and says that he will leave, but first he will empty the bucket. Behind the curtain there is a second, pre-prepared bucket with confetti, rain, colored and shiny papers, tinsel, flower petals (you can cut out butterflies from colored paper), which the cleaning lady takes and “pours” onto the birthday boy. At this time, the presenter congratulates him on his birthday and gives him a gift. Any holiday - not just a person’s birthday - can be decorated with a scene that will be the highlight, the pearl of the celebration and will remain in people’s memory for a long time.

A little theatrical performance will always be a beautiful frame for any event, making it more lively and interesting.

After all, most often the atmosphere plays a bigger role than just “indicative” gifts, and first of all, how you present your gift is important (of course, the gift itself is also of great importance, it would be stupid to deny this). Celebrate, make others happy and be happy yourself! Surely some of the scenes given as examples in this article will be useful to you or will inspire you to create new ones. Go for it! In the next video you will find a cool happy birthday scene from 4 girls and 4 guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrkhftqM3bY

An anniversary is not only solemn speeches, pretentious toasts, a rich feast and the presentation of gifts to the birthday person; an anniversary is also a festive show. And any show requires a thoughtful script and careful preparation.

The humorous scenes and comic numbers given below will help you create your own scenario for the event, because you always want the holiday to be fun, unforgettable and different from others. When choosing scenes, be guided by the tastes of the hero of the day and his company - jokes should be appropriate, and the guests involved in the action should not feel awkward. However, any number can (and even should!) be edited, add individuality and targeting to it, hone the characters’ lines, remove moments that you think are questionable, add witty jokes and find responsible and talented artists from among the future guests.

Also prepare all the props and costumes in advance, take care of prizes, print out the lyrics of songs and poems in case someone needs to be urgently replaced or other guests want to join the performance. And may your holiday be cheerful, sparkling and incredibly interesting!

Anniversary scenes and other useful things

  1. (exclusive)
  2. (exclusive)
  3. (exclusive)
  4. (exclusive)
  5. (exclusive)
  6. exclusive)
  7. (exclusive)

“Ballerina” (for the man’s anniversary)

Acting person:

  • — The ballerina is a very large man in a T-shirt, tutu, white socks and sneakers. On the head there is a headband with feathers (swan).

Dear birthday boy, dear guests!
I don’t understand, maybe I’m in art,
Forgive me, friends, for this,
But I approve, God knows, of the presence
Ladies from the ballet are celebrating their anniversary!

(Ballerina runs out on tiptoe)

Ballerina Song

Original: “There is no better color”

There's nothing better for ballet
Very small ballerinas!
But I don’t have the strength to carry me -
There is only one way out:
What will I wear?
All partners are on hand!
Then maybe I will
I'm in the lead roles!

To be my partner for the hero of the day
I wanted to have it!
Then we would be a couple
Fouette could be turned!
He turns me on so much
So it attracts me to itself,
That my soul is burning,
My whole soul is on fire!

(runs up on tiptoes to the hero of the day and kisses him)

Presenter (addressing the ballerina):
We will ask the hero of the day
Dance with you as a couple!

Presenter (addresses the hero of the day):
Our dear birthday boy!
Come out here quickly!
Together with the maiden ballerina
Let's dance the swans dance!
Your partner is great!
You will make us happy!

(the hero of the day and the Ballerina dance “Dance of the Little Swans” to the soundtrack or chant of the guests)

The birthday boy has a lot of talents,
But we opened another one!
For this we need to drink a little,
This is why we are all sitting here!

“In a certain kingdom” - an impromptu sketch with guests (for a man’s anniversary)


  • Tsar - hero of the day
  • The queen is the wife of the hero of the day
  • Servant Blowing Motes of Dust
  • Servant bringing a glass
  • Servant putting to bed
  • Ofonasy-Masseur
  • Kangaroo Marsupial
  • Paw Goose
  • Cat Purr
  • Dog Barbos
  • Sparrow


  • crowns for the Tsar and Queen
  • Kangaroo bag with a long strap (hang on the chest)
  • rolled notes indicating roles (can be placed in a box or candy bowl)


Dear guests! Now you and I, with the direct participation of our respected hero of the day, will try to perform a small performance. Each of you will choose a role for yourself, but I will assign roles to our birthday boy and his beloved wife myself. I will read the script - this is a comic fairy tale, and you, already knowing your role, will portray the characters - with actions and sounds, if necessary. And don't forget about humor!

(the host invites the guests to randomly draw out notes with roles, and appoints the birthday boy and his wife as king and queen)


So let's begin! I will ask all participants to go on stage (to the center of the hall)! Here are our king and queen (points to the hero of the day and his wife) - the main characters of the fairy tale. I will read a fairy tale, and you, dear actors, do not forget to play your roles!

Fairy tale

In what region - it is unknown, in what year - has not been heard, there lived a Tsar and his Queen!

(they wear crowns on the birthday boy and his wife)

And that king had many different servants:
one servant blew away specks of dust and hair from him in the morning, another brought him a glass for dinner, and a third put him to sleep and rocked him to sleep!

But that king had a favorite servant - Ofonasiy the Massage Therapist. He was very pleasing to the Tsar-Father, because he brought many pleasant minutes with his sophisticated massages! The king only shivered and squealed with pleasure! And after a pleasant massage, he always brought a glass to the diligent servant, and sometimes he himself used it for brotherhood with him for the coming sleep.

So what to do? You need to keep your body in good shape, because his queen was very young and playful! The Tsar Father loved her so much! I pampered myself with various sweets and foreign dishes! Either he would kiss her rosy cheek, or he would hug her tightly, but what can I say - he carried her in his arms all day, and did not allow anyone else to do this, except perhaps his beloved servant - Ofonasy! In general, they lived amicably, there is nothing to say, and they had a lot of good things on their farm, there were all kinds of living creatures - no need!

Kangaroo Marsupial - the king hid a stash from the queen in her bag!

The clawed goose walked so importantly, and ga-ha-ha shouted its own incessantly, everyone was tired of it!

Well, they also had newborn animals! The cat Purr - from morning to evening he washed himself and maintained the acid-base balance in his body, so he didn’t catch mice, he was consuming Kitikat for a long time!

And even the Dog Barbos - he was running around and sniffing around, wanting to eat something!

In general, they kept all the large animals, of the small ones - except perhaps a visiting sparrow - they kept jumping and chirping, but he didn’t know what he was chirping!

The king had a happy life, God forbid everyone!

And our fairy tale is over, well done to those who played in it!

“Leader of the Savages” (for anniversary and retirement)


  • Kakbudtonevsedoma (leader of the savages) - a man in a curly black wig and loincloth. There is a large ring in the nose, colored plastic clothespins on the ears, and beads made from plastic bottle caps on the neck.
  • Beloved Wife Like everyone is a man of larger build and taller. Wearing a curly wig, a loincloth, and fake breasts (from a joke store or a padded bra). There are also bright beads on the neck, flowers (or bones) in the hair.


  • “Passport of a savage” or “Passport of a traveler” - these certificates can be purchased at a joke store and enclose in them a piece of paper designed to resemble the first page of a passport with the data and photograph of the birthday person)

Dear birthday boy! From far, far away, islands lost in the ocean, a savage leader named Kakbudtone-everyone has come to you for your anniversary. He arrived not alone, but with one of his beloved wives. As if everyone everywhere really wants to congratulate you and give you a gift from your tribe.

Meet our dear guests!

(the leader of the savages comes out with his wife. The leader’s wife periodically asks her husband for permission to kiss the birthday boy: “Darling, can I kiss him.” And the leader, interrupting his speech, answers her “Padazhdy, looking for a wound”).

Leader (speaks broken Russian):
Gift to the birthday boy (NAME)
2185 moons have passed since you blessed us with your destruction! (count how many days ago the birthday boy was born)
And today you are piracy with your life and, I don’t care about this word, you are going to retire.
We don’t know what a pension is, but they told us that it’s a big deal: whether you want a hard worker or a vacationer.
Looking for Miklouho-Maclay, she told us: “A hard worker is not a wolf, not a runaway into the jungle.”
So we live in the type of strong savage health, we rest more and travel better, better than a savage, wakes up cheaper.
And patam mi we give you a “savage” (or “traveler”) patchport, and we invite you to visit our place!

(hands the birthday boy a document, then turns to his wife)

Well, you can kiss the tipper, it’s not much use!

(the leader's wife kisses the birthday boy)

My inner voice tells me that for the gift we are entitled to a fiery food!

(they bring a glass, the leader says a toast):

Be always, everywhere we go,
We are waiting for you to visit our tribe!
Happy anniversary!



  • two gypsies - women in stylized gypsy outfits

Two gypsy women enter the hall and address the hero of the day and the guests, pronouncing remarks in turn.

I'll scatter the deck, spades, diamonds, and clubs,
Let me tell the people what happened in her life.

I'll scatter the deck, the same suits, the same clubs,
Yes, from those suits I will find out what she will have in life.

In the past is a wedding, a feast in the mountains, Yes, there are countless guests around

Wedding that is called gold I have it in my deck!

There was a Moskvich, or a Zhigulenok, I see a light color;

The first was the second child, both sons, no doubt.

Let's give someone a thrashing so that she can have a plane,

Let's say, let her pay reach Kasyanovskaya!

But in this case, we would also get something!

The invitation abroad was to sell them their intelligence.

But then their moneybag should marry her.

Everything is fine with her here too, her husband is not easy!

It’s gratifying for me to say then, She lives somewhere near Moscow!

She has a big house and is equipped with everything she needs.

This means that the card told me that there is no reason for her to leave.

Children are her joy, the guys are brave, no matter where!

We need to wait for our great-grandchildren, and then we’ll talk!

To all childless people, one child, that slogan has been put into practice!

The main thing is that each of them should be endowed with a vest!

Where will we settle the generation, and where will we get housing?

The main thing is that she has some desire in life!

You can’t count the happiness in your assets, And you can’t count the merits!

There is happiness in the future, And there is merit too!

Let's collect all the cards together, in a pile so that one is one to the other,

The hero of the day should live at least two hundred years!

Gypsies walk through the hall and tell fortunes to the guests

Well, dear guests, gild your pen, and I will tell you the whole truth.

(Husband) Well, handsome, gild your pen, I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow! Oh, I see, I see everything! You'll have a hangover tomorrow!

- (Male) Hey dear, you’ll feel bad tomorrow, you’ll have to go to work!

- (Female) And for you, I know exactly what will happen tomorrow! Monday!

- (Husband) Oh, my rich man, in five minutes you’ll have to dance as a gypsy, and tomorrow you’ll have to wash your trousers.

- (Female) Oh, my dear, they’ll have their eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then there is the heart, liver, tongue and everything else.

- (Husband). You will sleep, curly, sweetly, you will sleep softly, until the salad is pulled out from under you!

- (Female) they will give you two bags of happiness today, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!

- (Male) There will be friends around you tonight. True friends. Tell me what to call them? Sharik, Bobik, and Polkan.

- (Female) Endless distances await you, unprecedented distances, you will think for half a day until you understand where you woke up!

- (Women). Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one you will lose today.

- (Male) Get ready for a big battle! Have you ever eaten red caviar? Pink salmon will come for revenge.

- (Female) Wow, what a heavy blow awaits you!... In the morning when you step on the scales.

- (Male) A great loss awaits you. You will lose your tie (belt). You'll search all night, and you'll find it in the morning. On the neighbor's belt.

“Donna Rosa from Brazil” (for a woman’s birthday)


  • Donna Rosa is a woman in a curly wig and hat. In his left hand is a small handbag with a bottle of vodka sticking out of it, in his right hand is a gift - a “bouquet of health”.


  • A bouquet of health is a bouquet of different vegetables and fruits pinned on twigs.

Donna Rosa:
From sunny Brazil
I will give you a gift!
I ask everyone to have a drink,
I want to give a speech!
It's your birthday
It looks just great!
And that's why now
I will give her this order:
For good health
She lasted for a hundred years
It is necessary to fulfill the condition -
Eat the bouquet with gusto!
Everything in the bouquet is mine!
I'll tell you about him:

(demonstrates fruits and vegetables and talks about their purpose)

May you always be like this
How plump is this apple!

And these, my dear, are sweet pears,
for eyes to see and ears to hear!

I don’t feel sorry for even sweet carrots for you,
May you never frown!

And this is a Brazilian onion for you,
No one could bring you to tears!

Banana as a guarantee of sexual performance
I give it to you so that there are no difficulties!

Dear birthday girl, I invite you to Brazil! There are a lot of wild monkeys in our forests.
And, by the way, their favorite dish is banana!

“Italian Guest” - a scene for the anniversary


  • Italian Nachihante Naproblemo is a man in fashionable black glasses, with a beautiful scarf thrown over his shoulder. In his hands is a suitcase in which pasta is hidden.
  • Translator

Dear birthday boy, dear guests! Signor Nachihante came to us for the holiday from sunny Italy with his translator. No problem! Greet them with thunderous applause!

(Italian and translator come out)

Ciao cocoa, jubilee grows up!

Hello, dear hero of the day!

Ciao cocoa, sesdanto parasite!

Hello, dear guests!

Italiano tourist, immoral appearance!

I came to you from sunny Italy!

Creeped diversanto passportino lost!

My path was long and difficult!

But I’m cheerful and cheerful and brought a whole suitcase of gifts!

Amore mia!

Dear hero of the day!

Signore guestione free!

Dear guests!

Macarone na ushanto mon señore navesanto!

Listen to me carefully!

Bravissimo spaghetti! The stomach is purring in the morning!

The most satisfying food is Italian spaghetti!

Neotdanto nizachtone italiano macaroni!

Therefore, I am happy to give the birthday boy a pack of Italian spaghetti!

(gives a pack of spaghetti)

Neprosinte beg nizachtonte neodamo!

I don’t feel at all sorry to give everything I have!

Wish you a great anniversary!
Don't worry about a hangover in the morning!

I wish the hero of the day good health!

Pozhelanto jubilyaro kapustyano doloranto!

I also wish that there will always be a lot, a lot of money!

Oprokinto nemeshanto un momento free!

If they offer me a drink for the hero of the day, I will not refuse!

“Peddler” (for the man’s anniversary)


  • — A peddler is a man in a smart shirt with a belt, trousers tucked into boots, and a cap with a flower on his head. On the chest there is a tray with goods.


  • chocolate medal,
  • comb,
  • comic banknote,
  • condom
  • tickets with prize product numbers.

Presenter (sings to the tune of the song “Peddlers”):
Oh, the box is full
The one who came to us!
He will offer the goods on a walker,
That's why he came in!

(The Peddler appears)

Is it really true
Is the Anniversary here today?!
So I'm back in business again
I'll offer him the product!

(Approaches the Jubilee with his tray.)

But my goods are encrypted -
I'm saying this straight out!
I'm savvy in this matter
And I love surprises myself!
However, I’ll tell you anyway,
What a secret I keep!

(He takes goods from the tray one by one and, showing them to everyone, says what this product means if the hero of the day pulls it out):

There's a gold medal here -
If you choose her,
Life will then be like this:
You'll get a kick out of her!

If you choose a comb -
You'll be great in no time!
You will have a fashionable hairstyle,
And as beautiful as a cucumber!

If you choose a bill,
I'll tell you then:
Your lip is not stupid
You will always be like this!

If you choose a remedy,
To protect yourself,
I will tell everyone without coquetry:
You will live happily!

And now I ask more boldly
Use your chance in the lottery!
Choose your number
And receive a gift!

(The hero of the day pulls out a number, the peddler repeats again what this gift means for the hero of the day, and then tells him):

I'm no businessman!
Hand won't rise
All the goods are beautiful
Don't give it to you from the tray!
So you take it all,
Remember me more often!
And for your birthday
I want to have a drink with you!

“Non-Dripping Faucet” (anniversary or birthday of a man)


  • Non-Dripping Faucet - A man with a large faucet or mixer attached to his belt.

Dear friends!
Our birthday boy - master class!
He knows all the work!
And now he has a new guest
Dedicates confessions!
From all apartment plumbing
The non-drip faucet sings
And this guest is corporate
He won’t bend his soul!

(Non-Dripping Faucet comes out)

Song of the Non-Dripping Faucet

Original: “March of the High Altitudes”

Not a fireman or a medic
You were born into this world, dear light!
And even, in general, not a plumber -
But that’s not a problem at all!

You know all the work at home,
You're a master at plumbing, too!
And you show concern
When suddenly something goes wrong!

Sorry, I often drip,
Mon cher ami, such is life, oh, life!
And no matter how big the salary
I can't run out of gaskets!

I am grateful to you, my dear,
Because I don’t walk around wet, I walk around!
And that’s why all day long
I hold the tap with a carrot!

And where, where is my little gram-
I want to congratulate you, you!
You are my savior, my salvation,
I tell you lovingly!

(they pour a glass for Kranik and he says a wish to the birthday boy):

Let everything be in order at home,
And there will be plenty of money!
Excellent plumbing for you,
And certainly happiness in life!

“Uninvited Guests” (anniversary or man’s birthday)


  • Homeless Vanya
  • Homeless woman Zina


  • grids with empty bottles
  • shoe box
  • old holey slippers
  • colorful family briefs

With a cautious gait, the homeless man Vanya and the homeless woman Zina enter the hall. The homeless people have a box and nets with glass containers in their hands.

Zin! Look, what a miracle!
Everything is so clean and beautiful!
Apparently it's not in vain
We sneaked in on the sly!

Yes, Vanyushenka you are mine,
You and I are lucky!
We can already see from the garbage dumps
It will be very embarrassing to climb!

And look, this is the birthday boy,
Everything sparkles like fifty dollars!
He'll pour us a glass,
Or, most likely, he will beat you!

Zina (addressing the birthday boy):
Darling, don't swear,
Don't touch us with your hands!
Don’t look at our outfit -
We are good inside!

We, since this is the case,
We boldly give you a gift!

(takes out an empty bottle from the net and says):

Everything that is valuable to us
We will give it to you now!
If it gets a little tight,
And the salary will not help -
Our crystal is always in price,
Trust me, my friend!

We do not suffer from stinginess,
We're giving you another gift!

(takes slippers out of the box)

Picked up from a trash heap
We successfully have two sandals!
Don’t disdain, dress
Pour it one shot at a time!

(they give sandals and drink a glass, after which Zina, decisively waving her hand, says):

Okay, so be it
I can't shut up!
Since they didn’t kick us out of the drinking party,
Get pants as a reward!

(takes out the family panties hidden in his bosom)

I wanted to give it to my husband
But we can see you will wear it!

(puts panties on the hero of the day and says):

The size is generally suitable
You will look brilliant
In bed or on the beach!
I'm trembling with excitement!
Try them on now, dear friend,
And suddenly I was wrong!

(the hero of the day puts on his underpants over his trousers)

Well, thank God, everything is just right!
Let's drink to this again!

(glasses are poured and Vanya says a toast):

Live widely, in Russian style,
So that the crisis does not bother you!
Let's drink to this without any appetizers
A glass filled to the bottom!

“Landmarks for an apartment” (for a man’s anniversary)


  • Lieutenant Pokhmelkin is a man in a cap with “State Alcohol Inspectorate” written in large letters on it.

5 funny road signs:

  • (bed is drawn)

  • (there are 2 of them, on one there is a toilet, on the other there is a bathtub)
  • SIGN “DO NOT TURN!” (sofa and TV are drawn)

Dear birthday boy, a representative of the State Alcohol Inspectorate, Senior Lieutenant Pokhmelkin, came to our party. And he did not come empty-handed. Meet our dear guest!

(Lieutenant Pokhmelkin comes out)

I wish you good health, birthday citizen!
So that you don't get lost,
Know everything around the apartment,
Can be very useful
These signs, dear friend!

(shows drawn comic signs one by one and explains their meaning):

(bed is drawn)

(there are 2 of them, on one there is a toilet, on the other there is a bathtub, he gives at the same time)

Position indicators
To choose the right direction!
So that you don't get lost when you're asleep,
They weren't looking for a bath in the closet!

“PEASURING STATION” SIGN (a fork and a spoon are drawn)

You will find some cool snacks here,
Everything you'll be happy to eat!
Just open the cabinet in the kitchen
Or take a look at the refrigerator!

(sofa and TV are drawn)

Set for contemplation,
For a break from all the problems,
This is where you will lie down
Not disturbed by anyone!

(after presenting all the signs he says):

So, dear birthday boy, now you will feel completely safe at home! And on this occasion I want to say a toast:

I wish everything goes well!
Let your home be bright and cozy!
And so that you never go astray,
I hope the signs come in handy!

“Congratulations from a pickled cucumber” (for a man’s anniversary)


  • Lightly Pickled Cucumber - a man dressed up as a cucumber, i.e. he has a long green cap on his head; a bindweed made of artificial leaves can be hung on his neck and stylized “cucumber” flowers can be added.


  • jar of pickled cucumbers

Congratulate the birthday boy
The brave fellow is eager!
Let me introduce you:
Lightly salted cucumber!

(Salted Cucumber comes out and sings a song to the hero of the day):

Song of the Salted Cucumber

Original: “Let them run clumsily”

You sit like a cucumber
And a beautiful suit
You put it on this morning!
Celebrating your birthday
You invite everyone to the table,
So it’s time for me to sing a song!

I'm a pickled cucumber
I'm standing here on my birthday,
And I sing like a weakling,
Your own song!

You are beautiful and so am I!
You and I are alike
Just like two peas in a pod!
Have a snack, in Russian
There's no better snack -
Without me, there’s no way!

I'm a pickled cucumber
I'm standing here on my birthday
And I sing like a weakling,
Your own song!

I wish you
On this anniversary day
Be well done always and everywhere!
And of course I wish
You will fulfill it, I know
May you always hold on like a cucumber!

I'm a pickled cucumber
I'm standing here on my birthday
And I sing like a weakling,
Your own song!

Dear birthday boy!
On your wonderful birthday
I give you pickles!

(hands the birthday boy a jar of cucumbers)

“Congratulations from the Iron” (for a woman’s anniversary or birthday)


  • Iron - a man dressed up as an iron. For example, you can attach a long cord with a plug, an indicator light and a mock-up temperature switch.

Dear birthday girl!

I fell in love with you, my friend,
Seriously hot!
Let me stroke you
I will smooth out all your problems!

(approaches the birthday girl to stroke her)

And now I will give advice,
You’ll give me a drink for this later!

So that life goes smoothly,
You need to have fun!

And to be smooth,
The husband is obliged to fatten!

To make life sweeter,
Stroke your husband's back more often!

And for ironing and ironing
Take me as your girlfriend!

To smooth out the situation,
We need to settle everything peacefully!

The anniversary went smoothly
We need a drink for order!

Eh! While I was talking
It's cooled down a little!

Hold me now
I'm warm, believe me!

(the birthday girl hugs the iron)

Now accept your gifts
Pour us a glass each!

“Congratulations from the Chukchi (on a woman’s birthday)


  • Chukchi - a man in shaggy hair and furs. Speaks with a Chukchi accent.


  • “License” is a printed “document” granting the right to hunt men. Can be rolled up like a scroll.

In our camp, however,
Every dog ​​knows
What is Jubilee-
That's a lot of guests!
So that everyone has enough
I wish it were:
Lots of fish, venison,
Bread and butter, sturgeon,
And, of course, milk!
Well, that's all for now!
Oh! However, I forgot
Didn't hand over the document!

On behalf of our entire camp, I present the birthday girl with a perpetual License for the right to hunt for any man she likes, as well as permission to catch them with a fishing rod and shoot them with her eyes!

(Hands the License to the birthday girl)

“Post-Anniversary Night” (for a man’s 50th birthday)


  • - Post-anniversary night - a woman in a blue cape with yellow stars, on her head - a headband with a yellow month.

Dear birthday boy!
Your fatigue will disappear,
And life will become unctuous,
When will night come today?
Meet, the night has already come,
I found time early!

(The post-anniversary night appears, approaches the hero of the day)

Post-Anniversary Night:
I came from a good fairy tale,
Please, close your eyes,
Sit down more comfortably,
Enjoy the lullaby!

(The celebrant is seated on a chair, he closes his eyes and listens to the lullaby sung by the Post-Anniversary Night. Night soothingly strokes his head or soothingly pats him on the shoulder.)


Original: “Tired toys are sleeping”

The tired birthday boy is sleeping
He celebrated his fifty dollars
On a weekend!
Yes, and you are very tired,
You want to sleep, by the way!
Close your eyes
Bye, bye!

Birthday boy, honestly
On the rocks!
After all, you are everything that is edible,
They knew how!
He worked hard for a year
And I earned it for the holiday!
I fed you all
Got me drunk!

Don't skimp on the extra stacks
You tell him!
He's not drunk at all,
I don't understand!
To enjoy life
We need to stay in good shape!
Open your eyes
Have a drink!

(they bring a glass to the birthday boy)

Post-Anniversary Night:
Although it’s not evening yet,
But let's drink to our meeting!
On your beautiful anniversary
Pour me a shot too!

“The Singing Turtle” (for the man’s anniversary)


  • Turtle - a lady in large sunglasses and a beach hat (the rest of the details of the outfit are at your discretion)


  • large basin - acts as a shell
  • beach towel or mat

The turtle comes out, spreads a towel on the floor and lies down on it on his left side opposite the hero of the day. He covers himself with a basin, and, resting his head with his left hand, begins to sing a song. Replace the names in the song with the names of the hero of the day and his wife.

Turtle song

Original: “I’m lying in the sun”

I'm lying in the sun
And I look at Vovochka,
I just lie and lie
And I look at Vovochka!

I see Lyudochka sitting
And he’s watching Vovochka,
Everything is watching and watching,
Spoils Vovka's appetite!

I see him sitting, not drinking,
All dignity watches,
People, don't touch him
Let him do whatever he wants!

Today he is the hero of the day -
Repeal prohibition!
Your Vova is so good
You won't find anything better in the world!

Yes, and the guests are good,
They gobble it up with all their hearts!
I'm just lying there
I'm just following the process!

Everyone is sitting so modestly
They don't lie under tables,
I'm lying here alone,
And I look soberly!

The guests hit everything,
They lean on the salad,
I'm just lying there
I’m just looking at the salad!

I see everyone is drinking vodka,
Yes, they chew cucumbers,
I'm just lying there
And I’m looking at the vodka!

Maybe they'll give it to me
And will they provide snacks?
And then I’m here, I look,
I'll go on an empty stomach!

(They bring her a drink and a snack. Before drinking, the Turtle finishes singing):

I'm holding a glass in my hands,
So now I’ll say a toast!
Always be young
Dear birthday boy!

"Dress for the Queen"


  • guests with hats in the form of gifts.


  • hat
  • bandana
  • baseball cap)
  • cap
  • crown

Hats can be either real and actually gifts, or fake. In the first case, the crown can be a tiara or an elegant hairband resembling a crown. And the cap is a bathhouse cap or a hairdresser's cap.

All hats are tied with ribbons or placed in gift wrapping, but in such a way that they can be easily removed and tried on by the hero of the day.

As the song progresses, guests try on hats in order.

At the end, the hero of the day is crowned and seated on a pre-prepared chair with a high back (a stylized throne). A beautiful glass of drink is brought to her, and the guests also raise their glasses and drink to the queen of the day while standing.

Congratulatory song

from the film "Katerok"

Your anniversary has finally arrived!
And a specific question immediately arose:
What gift should we buy you?
And they decided to give the hat.

What a hat - tenderness,
A treat for the men!
But it's not at all in season,
What a shame!

But let's not be sad now,
And we'll get a gift
Very nice, suitable -
You'll be glad!

So that it is useful for sports at once,
We found the cap by eye.
We haven’t solved that difficult question -
We were literally torn to tears.

Very nice cap
It will sit firmly on the top of your head,
Will only be worn rarely
What a shame!

But let's not be sad now,
And we'll get a gift
Very nice, suitable
You'll be glad!

Even a cap will not go as a gift,
And only a fool wears a bandana
The swarm of offers has long dried up.
Finding a gift is no small task!

We will give you the crown,
And we’ll put you on a big throne!
We praise the Queen today!
How nice!

The anniversary will be cool,
Let's drink a shot, sit down,
A toast is needed now

"Gypsy fortune telling"


  • Gypsy Zara - a woman in gypsy attire


  • Card deck
  • a bouquet of paper daisies, the names of close women (wives, daughters, granddaughters, nieces, etc.) are written on the petals with a bright marker. You can paste miniature photos or humorous portraits.

The presenter says that a gypsy woman, Zara, is asking to come into the festive hall to tell fortunes for free for the hero of the day.

A gypsy woman enters.


- Yes, diamond, free, only if, of course, you pour a glass.

Zara takes out the cards and lays them out on the table, commenting.

Lies and flattery are alien to cards,
The cards will tell it like it is.
I'll spread the cards out to you,
I learn a lot of new things.

The cards tell me
What is your name, diamond, (name of the hero of the day)
And your name means (meaning of name)!
But you don’t strive to be the most important,
Neither in friendship, nor in big things!
You have equal rights in everything!
Will you willingly agree to help?
You always strive to be useful!

You were born, Precious One, on the day (date, time of year)
"..." (zodiac sign) is your heavenly sign.
In the era of “pisces”, you can’t live without fish!
That’s why you’re such an avid fisherman, even in winter or summer,
Fishing is your favorite hobby.
Am I telling you the truth, Golden?
And you also love fish pie and stuffed fish.
Did you guess right? That's it, my fish!

(Adjust the text to the zodiac sign of the hero of the day and his hobbies).

I'll tell you, dear, that every person is born under the protection of a certain tree.
So, the cards say what protects you (a tree according to the Druid horoscope).
This means that you are a generous person in friendship, a gift in any company!
It’s always interesting and fun to be with you, you are an artistic and enthusiastic person!
Passionate fan, hunter, fisherman!

Friends are always around you,
You always have a lot of them.
And you were born strong,
To stay cheerful for a long time
With a smart, clear head,
Not an aging soul!

You were born loyal and reliable.
Your life has passed in works and worries.
You love family and are proud of children,
He is faithful in marriage and loved by his wife.
Friends are safe and have fun with it!

It turns out, our precious one,
Women love you!
Yes, and you reciprocate their feelings,
All your life you live surrounded by them, like in a bouquet.
Come on, accept a bouquet of your favorite women!

Zara presents a bouquet of daisies with the names (images) of women from the family of the hero of the day.

The gypsy is given a glass, she drinks to the hero of the day.

In conclusion, she performs a gypsy dance, involving the guests, and in the midst of the dance she herself quietly disappears from the hall.

The text of the gypsy must be adjusted for the specific hero of the day in order for the fortune-telling to look reliable.

Poems, humor, congratulations and wishes with the names of Gypsies on the anniversary. Comic skits and entertainment How to make a pyramid of champagne for a wedding

  • Scene for a man's 50th birthday "After the Anniversary Night"

    Dear birthday boy!
    Your fatigue will disappear
    And life will become unctuous,
    When will night come today?
    Meet, the night has already come,
    I found time early!

    (Post-Anniversary Night comes out - this is a woman in a blue cape with yellow stars, a headband with a yellow month on her head, she approaches the birthday boy and says):

    I came from a good fairy tale,
    Please, close your eyes,
    Sit down more comfortably,
    Enjoy the lullaby!

    (the birthday boy is seated on a chair, he closes his eyes and listens to the lullaby sung by the Post-Anniversary Night, stroking the birthday boy’s head soothingly or soothingly patting him on the shoulder)

    (to the tune “Tired toys are sleeping, books are sleeping, blankets and pillows are waiting for the children”)

    The tired birthday boy is sleeping
    He celebrated his fifty dollars
    On a weekend!
    Yes, and you are very tired,
    You want to sleep, by the way!
    Close your eyes
    Bye, bye!

    Birthday boy, honestly
    On the rocks!
    After all, you are everything that is edible,
    They knew how!
    He worked hard for a year
    And I earned it for the holiday!
    I fed you all
    Got me drunk!

    Don't skimp on the extra stacks
    You tell him!
    He's not drunk at all,
    I don't understand!
    To enjoy life
    We need to stay in good shape!
    Open your eyes
    Have a drink!
    (they bring a glass to the birthday boy)

    Although it’s not evening yet,
    But let's drink to our meeting!
    On your beautiful anniversary
    Pour me a shot too!

    Scene for the anniversary of the man "Peddler"

    (sings a quatrain to the tune of the song “Peddlers”)

    Oh, the box is full
    The one who came to us!
    He will offer the goods on a walker,
    That's why he came in!

    (The Peddler comes in - this is a man dressed in a shirt with a smart belt, in a cap with a flower, trousers tucked into boots, on his chest hangs a tray on which lies a chocolate medal, a comb, a comic bill, a rubber finger tip and tickets with the numbers of the prize product )


    Is it really true
    Is the Anniversary here today?!
    So I'm back in business again
    I'll offer him the product!

    (approaches the Jubilee with his tray)

    But my goods are encrypted,
    I'm saying this straight out!
    I'm savvy in this matter
    And I love surprises myself!
    However, I’ll tell you anyway,
    What a secret I keep!

    (takes goods from the tray one by one and, showing them to everyone, says what this product means if the hero of the day pulls it out):

    There's a gold medal here -
    If you choose her,
    Life will be like this then...
    You'll get a kick out of her!

    If you choose a comb-
    You'll be great in no time!
    You will have a fashionable hairstyle
    And as beautiful as a cucumber!

    If you choose a bill,
    I'll tell you then:
    Your lip is not stupid
    You will always be like this!

    If you choose a remedy,
    To protect yourself,
    I will tell everyone without coquetry:
    You will live happily!

    And now I ask more boldly
    Use your chance in the lottery!
    Choose your number
    And receive a gift!

    (the hero of the day pulls out a number, the peddler repeats again what this gift means for the hero of the day, and then tells him):

    I'm no businessman!
    Hand won't rise
    All the goods are beautiful
    Don't give it to you from the tray!
    So you take it all,
    Remember me more often!
    And for your birthday
    I want to have a drink with you!

    Sketch for the man's anniversary "Partner"


    Dear birthday boy, dear guests!
    I don’t understand, maybe I’m in art,
    Forgive me, friends, for this,
    But I approve, God knows, of the presence
    Ladies from the ballet are celebrating their anniversary!

    (a very plump man runs out on tiptoe, comically dressed up as a ballerina, i.e. with a bare torso, in a tutu, white socks and sneakers, a headband with a white feather on his head, he sings a song)


    (to the tune “There is no better color when the apple tree blooms,
    There is no better moment when my darling is walking”)

    There's nothing better for ballet
    Very small ballerinas!
    But I don’t have the strength to carry me -
    There is only one way out:
    What will I wear?
    All partners are on hand!
    Then maybe I will
    I'm in the lead roles!

    To be my partner for the hero of the day
    I wanted to have it!
    Then we would be together
    Fouette could twirl!
    He turns me on so much
    So it attracts me to itself,
    That my soul is burning,
    My whole soul is on fire!

    (runs up on tiptoes to the hero of the day and kisses him)

    (addressing the ballerina)

    We will ask the hero of the day
    Let me dance with you!

    (addresses the hero of the day):

    Dear birthday boy!
    Come out here quickly
    Let's dance the swans dance!
    Your partner is great!
    You will make us happy!

    (the hero of the day comes out and, together with the ballerina, dances, holding hands, the dance of little swans to the soundtrack, and if there is none, then the presenter herself will sing this famous melody)


    The birthday boy has a lot of talents,
    But we opened another one!
    For this we need to drink a little,
    This is why we are all sitting here!

    (they drink a toast to the talents of the birthday boy)

    Sketch for a man's anniversary or birthday "Song of a non-drip faucet"


    Dear friends!
    Our birthday boy master class!
    He knows all the work!
    And now he has a new guest
    Dedicates confessions!
    From all apartment plumbing
    The non-drip faucet sings
    And this guest is corporate
    He won’t bend his soul!

    (a non-drip faucet comes out - this is a man who can have a large water tap tied to his front belt)


    (to the tune of the song “We are not stokers, not carpenters”)

    Not a fireman or a medic
    You were born into this world, dear light!
    And not even a plumber at all,
    But that’s not a problem at all!

    You know all the work at home,
    You're a master at plumbing, too!
    And you show concern
    When suddenly something goes wrong!

    Sorry, I often drip,
    Mon cher ami, such is life, oh, life!
    And no matter how big the salary
    I can't run out of gaskets!

    I am grateful to you, my dear,
    Because I don’t walk around wet, I walk around!
    And that’s why all day long
    I hold the tap with a carrot!

    And where, where is my little gram-
    I want to congratulate you, you!
    You are my savior, my salvation,
    I tell you lovingly!

    (they pour a glass for Kranik and he says a wish to the birthday boy)


    May everything be all right at home
    And there will be plenty of money!
    Excellent plumbing for you
    And certainly happiness in life!

    Sketch for an anniversary, a man’s birthday “Uninvited Guests”

    (homeless Vanya and homeless woman Zina walk in with a cautious gait in poor clothes, knitted hats with holes on their heads, nets with empty bottles and a shoebox in their hands)

    Zin! Look, what a miracle!
    Everything is so clean and beautiful!
    Apparently it's not in vain
    We sneaked in on the sly!

    Yes, Vanyushenka you are mine,
    You and I are lucky!
    We can already see from the garbage dumps
    It will be very embarrassing to climb!

    And look, this is the birthday boy,
    Everything sparkles like fifty dollars!
    He'll pour us a glass
    Or, most likely, he will beat you!

    ZINA (addressing the birthday boy):

    Darling, don't swear,
    Don't touch us with your hands!
    Don’t look at our outfit -
    We are good inside!

    We, since this is the case,
    We boldly give you a gift!
    (takes out an empty bottle from the net and says):

    Everything that is valuable to us
    We will give it to you now!
    If it gets a little tight,
    And the salary will not help out -
    Our crystal is always in price,
    Believe me, my friend!
    (gives an empty bottle and then says):

    We do not suffer from stinginess,
    We're giving you another gift!
    (takes out a box from the net and takes out old holey slippers from it)

    Picked up from a trash heap
    We successfully have two sandals!
    Don’t disdain, dress
    Pour it one shot at a time!
    (they give sandals and drink a glass, after which Zina, decisively waving her hand, says):

    Okay, so be it
    I can't shut up!
    Since they didn’t kick us out of the drinking party,
    Get your pants on!
    (takes out family colorful underpants hidden in his bosom)

    I wanted to give it to my husband
    But we can see you will wear it!
    (puts panties on the hero of the day and says):

    The size is generally suitable,
    You will look brilliant
    In bed or on the beach!
    I'm trembling with excitement!
    Try them on now, dear friend,
    And suddenly I was wrong!
    (the hero of the day puts on underpants)

    Well, thank God, everything is just right!
    Let's drink to this again!
    (glasses are poured and Vanya says a toast):


    Live widely in Russian,
    So that the crisis does not bother you!
    Let's drink to this without any appetizers
    A glass filled to the bottom!

    Sketch for a man's anniversary or birthday "Turtle Song"

    (Turtle comes out - a woman in large dark glasses, in a summer hat and with a basin - this is her shell. She lies on her left side on the floor, covered with a basin, resting her chin with her left hand, as if on the beach, and sings a song to the birthday boy)


    (to the tune of the cartoon turtle song)

    I'm lying in the sun
    And I look at Vovochka,
    I just lie and lie
    And I look at Vovochka!

    I see Lyudochka sitting
    And he’s watching Vovochka,
    Everything is watching and watching,
    Spoils Vova's appetite!

    I see he is sitting and not drinking,
    All dignity watches,
    People, don't touch him
    Let him do whatever he wants!

    Today he is the hero of the day,
    Repeal prohibition!
    Your Vova is so good
    You won't find anything better in the world!

    Yes, and the guests are good,
    They gobble it up with all their hearts!
    I'm just lying there
    I'm just following the process!

    Everyone is sitting so modestly
    They don't lie under tables,
    I'm lying here alone
    And I look soberly!

    The guests hit everything,
    They lean on the salad,
    I'm just lying there
    I’m just looking at the salad!

    I see everyone is drinking vodka,
    Yes, they chew cucumbers,
    I'm just lying there
    And I’m looking at the vodka!

    Maybe they'll give it to me
    And they will give you snacks,
    And then I look here
    I'll go on an empty stomach!

    (they bring her a drink and a snack, before drinking, the Turtle finishes singing):

    I'm holding a glass in my hands,
    So now I’ll say a toast!
    Always be young
    Dear birthday boy!

    Impromptu skit with guests “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”



    Dear guests! Now you and I, with the direct participation of our beloved birthday boy, will try to put on a small performance! You will each choose a role for yourself, except for the birthday boy and his beloved wife - I will assign a role for them myself. I will read the script - this is a comic fairy tale, and you, already knowing your role, will have to depict your actions with humor and make sounds if necessary.

    (the host invites the guests to draw a ticket with a role, and the birthday boy and his wife herself assign the role of the king and queen; you need to prepare the crown for the king and queen in advance)


    KANGAROO MARSPAL (for this role, hang the bag in front)


    So let's begin! I ask all participants to come into a circle! I will read a fairy tale in which the king and queen are naturally our dear birthday boy and his beautiful life partner, and you, dear guests, do not forget to play your roles!

    In what region - it is unknown, in what year - the king and his queen lived unheard of!
    (they wear crowns on the birthday boy and his wife)

    And that king had many different servants:
    one servant blew away specks of dust and hair from him in the morning, another brought him a glass for dinner, and a third put him to sleep and rocked him to sleep! But that king had a favorite servant - Ofonasiy the massage therapist. He was very pleasing to the Tsar-Father, because he brought many pleasant minutes with his sophisticated massages! The king only shivered and squealed with pleasure! And after a pleasant massage, he always brought a glass to the diligent servant, and sometimes he himself used it for brotherhood with him for the coming sleep. So what to do! You need to keep your body in good shape, because his queen was very young and playful! The Tsar Father loved her so much! I pampered myself with various sweets and overseas dishes! Either he would kiss her rosy cheek, or he would hug her tightly, but what can I say - he carried her in his arms all day, and did not allow anyone else to do this, except perhaps his beloved servant - Ofonasy! In general, they lived amicably, there is nothing to say, and they had a lot of good things on the farm, they didn’t need all kinds of living creatures!
    Marsupial kangaroo - the king hid a stash from the queen in her bag!
    The clawed goose walked so importantly, and ga-ha-ha shouted its own incessantly, everyone was tired of it!
    Well, they also had newborn animals! The cat Purr - from morning to evening he washed himself and maintained the acid-base balance in his body, so he didn’t catch mice, he was consuming Kitikat for a long time!
    And even the Dog Barbos - he was running around and sniffing around, wanting to eat something!
    In general, they kept a large animal, the only small one was a visiting sparrow - it kept jumping and chirping, but he didn’t know what he was chirping!
    The king had a happy life, God forbid everyone!
    And our fairy tale is over, well done to those who played in it!

    Scene for the man's anniversary "Postman Pechkin"

    Dear birthday boy! A new guest has come to our holiday and he is already knocking on the doorstep!
    (there is a knock on the door)

    Who's there?

    It's me, postman Pechkin! I brought telegrams for your birthday boy!
    (postman Pechkin comes out with a mail bag containing telegrams
    the birthday boy is wearing a hat with floppy ears on his head, like in a cartoon)

    I'm mean by nature, actually.
    Especially when I walk
    But something didn't stop me
    Come to the hero of the day's house today!
    I appreciated the solemnity of the moment,
    Threw away his harmfulness at the same hour,
    I brought telegrams of compliments
    For the hero of the day! I'll read them now!

    (reads telegrams from celebrities):

    I'll tell you, my friend, without laughing -
    You are just super, just great!
    On your anniversary Edita Piekha
    Congratulates you with love!

    You look like a real macho!
    The male reflex is in full swing in you!
    And that's great, otherwise
    I wouldn’t write... (Grigory Leps)

    You always look for talent in yourself
    And there will be happiness, I give you my word!
    And my word is a guarantor!
    (With big greetings Alla Pugacheva!)

    You are full, just like me,
    Humor, ingenuity!
    They say you are in your dreams
    Make jokes like Galkin!
    Always be like this!
    (With respect Maxim).

    You, my friend, have a Bulgarian flavor:
    I'm used to working until it stops!
    Handsome, smart, hot, always shaved!
    That's why I love you! (Philip Kirkorov)

    You are a young boy, no more,
    A darling like me!
    Basque Kolya sent you greetings.
    Do not be discouraged, my soul!

    (After reading the telegrams, Pechkin says):

    Well, I have fulfilled my duty,
    It's time to row back
    But if someone filled the glass,
    I would be very happy to have a drink!

    (Pechkin is poured a glass and he makes a toast to the hero of the day):

    Congratulations to the hero of the day,
    I wish you happiness and joy!
    In Prostokvashino to me
    Come as if you were visiting family!

    Scene for celebrating an anniversary or birthday "Landmarks for the apartment"


    Dear birthday boy, a representative of the state alcohol inspectorate, Senior Lieutenant Pokhmelkin, came to our party! And he did not come empty-handed! Meet our dear guest!

    (Pokhmelkin comes out wearing a cap on which “State Alcohol Inspectorate” is written in large letters, in his hands he has 4 comic road signs)


    I wish you good health, birthday citizen!
    So that you don't get lost,
    Know everything around the apartment,
    Can be very useful
    These signs, dear friend!
    (shows comic signs drawn one by one and explains their meaning):

    (bed is drawn)

    (there are 2 of them, on one there is a toilet, on the other there is a bathtub, he gives at the same time)

    Position indicators
    To choose the right direction!
    So that you don't get lost when you're asleep,
    They weren't looking for a bath in the closet!

    (a fork and a spoon are drawn)

    You will find some cool snacks here,
    Everything you'll be happy to eat!
    Just open the cabinet in the kitchen
    Or take a look at the refrigerator!

    (sofa and TV are drawn)

    Set for contemplation,
    For a break from all the problems,
    This is where you will lie down
    Not disturbed by anyone!

    (after presenting all the signs he says):


    So, dear birthday boy, now you will feel completely safe at home! And on this occasion I want to say a toast:

    I wish everything goes well!
    Let your home be bright and cozy!
    And so that you never go astray,
    I hope the signs come in handy!

    Scene for the anniversary celebration "Italian Guest"


    Dear birthday boy, dear guests! Signor Nachihante came to us for the holiday from sunny Italy with his translator. No problem! Greet them with thunderous applause!
    (an Italian comes out, wearing fashionable black glasses, a beautiful scarf thrown over his shoulder around his neck, in his hands a suitcase in which pasta is hidden, he came with a translator)


    Ciao cocoa, jubilee grows up!


    Hello, dear hero of the day!


    Ciao cocoa, sesdanto parasite!


    Hello, dear guests!


    Italiano tourist, immoral appearance!


    I came to you from sunny Italy!


    Creeped diversanto passportino lost!


    My path was long and difficult!



    But I’m cheerful and cheerful and brought a whole suitcase of gifts!


    Amore mia!


    Dear hero of the day!


    Signore guestione free!


    Dear guests!


    Macarone na ushanto mon señore navesanto!


    Listen to me carefully!


    Bravissimo spaghetti! The stomach is purring in the morning!


    The most satisfying food is Italian spaghetti!


    Neotdanto nizachtone italiano macaroni!


    Therefore, I am happy to give the birthday boy a pack of Italian spaghetti!

    (gives a pack of spaghetti)


    Neprosinte beg nizachtonte neodamo!


    I don’t feel at all sorry to give everything I have!


    Wish you a great anniversary!
    Don't worry about a hangover in the morning!


    I wish the hero of the day good health!


    Pozhelanto jubilyaro kapustyano doloranto!


    I also wish that there will always be a lot, a lot of money!


    Oprokinto nemeshanto un momento free!


    If they offer me a drink for the hero of the day, I will not refuse!

    Sketch for a man's anniversary "Congratulations from a lightly salted cucumber"


    Congratulate the birthday boy
    The brave fellow is eager!
    Let me introduce you:
    Lightly salted cucumber!

    (a man comes out dressed as a cucumber, i.e. he has a long green cap on his head, a bindweed made of artificial leaves can be hung on his neck, he sings a song to the hero of the day):


    (to the tune “Let pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles”):

    You sit like a cucumber
    And a beautiful suit
    You put it on this morning!
    Celebrating your birthday
    You invite everyone to the table,
    So it’s time for me to sing a song!

    I'm a pickled cucumber
    I'm standing here on my birthday
    And I sing like a weakling,
    Your own song!

    You are beautiful and so am I!
    You and I are alike
    Just like two peas in a pod!
    Have a snack, in Russian
    There's no better snack -
    Without me, there’s no way!

    I'm a pickled cucumber
    I'm standing here on my birthday
    And I sing like a weakling,
    Your own song!

    I wish you
    On this anniversary day
    Be well done always and everywhere!
    And of course I wish
    You will fulfill it, I know
    May you always hold on like a cucumber!

    I'm a pickled cucumber
    I'm standing here on my birthday
    And I sing like a weakling,
    Your own song!

    Dear birthday boy!
    On your wonderful birthday
    I give you pickles!

    (gives a comic gift - a small jar of cucumbers)

    Anniversary skit "New Russian grandmothers"


    Dear hero of the day, dear guests! The always welcome, cheerful New Russian grandmothers came to visit us! Let's greet them with thunderous applause!

    (two men dressed up as grandmothers come out and take turns performing ditties)

    I fell in love with the hero of the day,
    It's breathtaking!
    Don't look, my friend, that I'm old,
    I'm a cool young man!

    You, my friend, forgot to know,
    What a year you are!
    Look how much you messed up
    Sand is falling from behind!

    Don't scold me, friend,
    Don't envy me for nothing!
    And I will find you a friend,
    Grandfather, to put it simply!

    Why am I an old grandfather?
    I'm younger than you!
    Maybe he'll give you a compliment
    My birthday too!

    Oh, let's not argue
    On this holiday!
    He doesn’t want to quarrel us at all
    Our hero of the day, boy!

    Our dear hero of the day,
    We are all glad to see you!
    Have a drink with you
    Rewards are more important to us!


    Congratulations, congratulations,
    We will not tire of congratulating you!
    And we wish you everything
    Never get tired!

    Sketch of congratulations for a birthday or anniversary

    (Congratulates a man dressed up as an iron. For example, you can attach a long cord with a plug to his back)

    Dear birthday girl!
    I fell in love with you, my friend,
    Seriously hot!
    Let me stroke you
    I will smooth out all your problems!
    (approaches the birthday girl to stroke her)

    And now I will give advice,
    You’ll give me a drink for this later!
    So that life goes smoothly,
    You need to have fun!

    And to be smooth,
    The husband is obliged to fatten!
    To make life sweeter,
    Stroke your husband's back more often!

    And for ironing and ironing
    Take me as your girlfriend!
    To smooth out the situation,
    We need to settle everything peacefully!

    The anniversary went smoothly
    We need a drink for order!
    Eh! While I was talking
    It's cooled down a little!

    Hold me now
    I'm warm, believe me!
    (the birthday girl hugs the iron)
    Now accept your gifts
    Pour us a glass each!

    Sketch "Fortune telling on a magic egg" for the anniversary

    (a gypsy comes out with a bag in which fortune telling eggs are hidden - kinder surprises, their number according to the number of guests or one for the hero of the day, if it is an anniversary)

    Look your fate in the face
    I'll give you the opportunity
    Let everyone choose an egg
    Forgetting about the title and position!
    To what's hidden inside
    Take a closer look
    I'll help you solve it,
    What will happen next year!

    (each person in turn, or one hero of the day, takes an egg out of the bag, breaks the peel, and the gypsy impromptu guesses from the contents of the kinder surprise)


    (she has a curly wig and a hat on her head, in her left hand is a small handbag with a bottle of vodka sticking out of it, in her right hand is a gift - a bouquet of health, these are various fruits and vegetables pinned on twigs. It’s funnier if a man is dressed up)

    From sunny Brazil
    I will give you a gift!
    I ask everyone to have a drink,
    I want to give a speech!
    It's your birthday
    It looks just great!
    And that's why now
    I will give her this order:
    For good health
    She lasted for 100 years
    It is necessary to fulfill the condition -
    Eat the bouquet with gusto!
    Everything in the bouquet is mine!
    I'll tell you about him:
    Apple - may you always be like this pouring apple!
    Pear - and these, my dear, are sweet pears for eyes to see and ears to hear!
    Carrots - I don’t mind sweet carrots for you, so that you never frown!
    Onion - and this is a Brazilian onion for you, so that no one can bring you to tears!
    I give you a banana, as a guarantee of sexual opportunities, so that there are no difficulties!

    Dear birthday girl, I invite you to Brazil! There are a lot of wild monkeys in our forests.
    And, by the way, their favorite dish is banana!


    (he has a shaggy hat on his head, fur on his shoulders, speaks with a Chukchi accent)

    In our camp, however,
    Every dog ​​knows
    What is Jubilee-
    That's a lot of guests!
    So that everyone has enough
    I wish it were:
    Lots of fish, venison,
    Bread and butter, sturgeon,
    And, of course, milk!
    Well, that's all for now!
    Oh! However, I forgot
    Didn't hand over the document!

    On behalf of our entire camp, I present the birthday girl with a perpetual License for the right to hunt for any man she likes, as well as permission to catch them with a fishing rod and shoot them with her eyes!

    Sketch "Leader of the Savages" for the anniversary and retirement

    Presenter: Dear birthday boy! From far, far away, islands lost in the ocean, a savage leader named Kakbudtone-everyone has come to you for your anniversary. He arrived not alone, but with one of his beloved wives. As if everyone everywhere really wants to congratulate you and give you a gift from your tribe.

    Meet our dear guests!

    (the leader of the savages comes out with his wife - these are two dressed up men, one of whom is taller and healthier than the other - this is the leader’s beloved wife. Both are wearing curly black wigs, loincloths with a bare torso. The leader has a large ring in his nose, colored clothespins on his ears , wearing funny panties. The man-wife is wearing artificial breasts from a joke store, or just a bra. Both have large bright beads on their necks that can be made from bottle caps. The leader’s wife periodically asks her husband for permission to kiss the birthday boy: “Dear, “Can I kiss him.” And the leader, interrupting his speech, answers her “Padazhda, looking for a wound”).

    Leader (speaks broken Russian):

    Gift to the birthday boy (NAME)
    - 2185 moons have passed since you killed us with your destruction! (count how many days ago the birthday boy was born)
    - And today you are piracy with your life and, I don’t care about this word, you’re going to get a pension.
    - We don’t know what a pension is, but they told us that it’s a terrible thing: whether you want a hard worker or a vacationer.
    - Looking for Miklouho-Maclay, she told us: “A hard worker is not a wolf, not a runaway into the jungle.”
    - So we live in the type of strong savage health, we rest more and travel better, better than a savage, wakes up cheaper.
    - And patam mi we give you a “savage” (or “traveler”) patchport, these crusts can be purchased at a joke store, enclosing in them a piece of paper designed as the first page of a passport with the data and photograph of the birthday person) and we invite you to visit our place!

    (addresses his wife):

    Well, you can kiss the tipper, it’s not much use!
    (the leader's wife kisses the birthday boy)

    Be always, everywhere we go,
    We are waiting for you to visit our tribe!
    Happy anniversary!

    Holiday. Anyone who hears this word involuntarily smiles. Unfortunately, for many people, the holidays come down to drinking, fighting and screaming. Having a fun and interesting anniversary is not that difficult. Especially when it comes to a woman’s birthday! Mothers, sisters, grandmothers, wives simply deserve a grand celebration. Apply a little imagination and patience, and then both the guests and the hero of the day will be delighted.


    The holiday scenario needs to be thought out and painted on a sheet of paper, and the props must be prepared. The tasks are simple, but require a little free time. You don't have to spend a lot of money on costumes and attributes. Conduct an inspection of your own home; usually everything you need is easily found there. Every competition, skit, and congratulations on a woman’s anniversary should be thought out to the smallest detail. You can set a specific theme, or you can simply entertain guests in different styles and genres. It's a matter of taste. When choosing a theme for the holiday, take into account the hobbies and profession of the hostess of the celebration. If many employees are invited, be sure to play and “laugh” at their professional activities. Be sure to involve all the children present, they will stay out of the way and have fun!

    30 years old is the best age

    Three decades is the most wonderful age. The girl is beautiful, smart, and not so naive anymore. Give the hero of the day a piece of the east. The Shah, the oligarch Akavnar Busin Musalovich, will congratulate her on this birthday! Prepare in advance a stretcher decorated with fabrics and pillows, a fan, and props for black servants. Give all men present the task of coming up with a compliment for the hero of the day. For the servants, pull black stockings over their heads, put on beads, flower wreaths, straw skirts - whatever you can think of for the look. Wide robes and turbans are also suitable. Invite any male guest, preferably a relaxed one, to play the role of Shah. Dress him up in a chic outfit, a turban, and put family polka-dot panties on his clothes as props!

    A sketch of congratulations on a woman’s 30th birthday will begin with the culprit being carried into the hall on a stretcher. Let the slaves walk around a couple of circles, and then put the stretcher on the floor and lower the hero of the day onto the floor under her white little hands. The presenter begins his speech: “Oh, the most beautiful of the most beautiful, the diamond of our eyes, the delicate flower of the Arabian tree! The Shah himself and the ruler of the land of camels came to congratulate you! Lower your bottomless aquamarine eyes and listen to his congratulations!” To make it funnier, the Shah speaks an incomprehensible gibberish language. The presenter asks to invite an interpreter. Give one of the guests the words written on a piece of paper in advance, and let him read them as a translator.

    "You broke my heart,

    I will marry you!

    A 33rd wife never hurts!

    Gather your family, I'm loading you on a camel,

    And we’ll go to heaven to me on a loaded ship!”

    Presenter: “Now the Shah wants to perform a dance as a sign of respect and love. It symbolizes love and marriage proposal!” The Shah begins to perform a dance with elements of striptease to oriental music. Having thrown off his prop attire, he remains in his family's polka-dot shorts.

    Now the host asks each male guest to come out and, kissing the birthday girl’s hand, say his compliment as a congratulation.

    35 - there’s nowhere to get such a beauty

    The hero of the day is still young and beautiful, but she is already worried about the wrinkles and extra folds that have appeared. Remind her how attractive she is: men still pay attention to a young girl. A sketch of congratulations on a woman’s 35th birthday will take place on Olympus. Dress up your guests as the gods of Olympus. Tie white sheets on one shoulder, add crowns and halos to the head, and dress the child as Cupid.

    The presenter addresses the hero of the day: “Dear Aphrodite! Your mother revealed to us the secret of your birth! It turns out that according to your horoscope you are a Goddess! And your relatives came down from Olympus to congratulate you personally and wish you to always remain as incomparable!”

    The birthday girl can also be dressed in a white sheet.

    Presenter: “Now we know that little ... (name) did not cry as a child, but sang like a Siren. That is why light emanates from it, as if from a phosphorus figurine. She is a Goddess! The secret is revealed, now everyone understands why everything in life works out better for her than others. Goddesses do not eat earthly food, they need light and positive emotions. Let’s all raise our glasses and take turns telling our Goddess one good parting word!”

    Guests raise their glasses and say what they wish (goodness, prosperity, love, happiness), and write down their words on a small piece of paper. The host prepares a beautiful box in advance, where the wishes are stored. Then he presents this gift to the hero of the day: “Each guest shared something secret with you, just as you illuminate this hall with your light.”

    Zeus invites the birthday girl to dance.

    Presenter: “Today Hercules himself came down to us to congratulate you on the holiday!” Everyone will love this scene of congratulations on a woman’s anniversary. Cool moments will come from the appearance of a new hero. The role of Hercules should be the frailest and thinnest guest you can find!

    “Now he will demonstrate his heroic strength!” Two guests pull a thin thread at a distance of 2 meters. Presenter: “Now Hercules will break the steel chain right before your eyes.” Hercules pretends to exert superhuman strength and breaks the thread.

    Presenter: “Hercules will lift 5 tons to the ceiling in honor of our Goddess!” The pre-prepared can says “5 tons.” Hercules lifts weights and receives applause!

    The scene is a little sentimental, but the guests will still have fun.


    Everyone knows the expression “At 45, the woman is a berry again!” Under this motto, a congratulations sketch will be held on the anniversary of a woman turning 45! You will need attributes for berry and fruit costumes. Congratulatory words will be spoken by guests dressed in raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, cherry, blueberry, and watermelon costumes. Make costumes with humor, it is not necessary to sew overalls or dresses, a mask, a bright scarf, a hat, or an accessory will be enough. It will be funny if half the berries are men, let them speak in thin voices.

    Presenter: “Today her berry friends came to congratulate the birthday girl! Just as young, beautiful and stylish!” Dressed up guests come out and congratulate the hero of the day. The sketch begins with congratulations to a woman on her anniversary with the release of cherries.

    “Be like me, you are juicy, passionate,

    Bright, sweet and beautiful!

    So that everyone wants you

    And they looked enviously!”


    “I wish you happiness, juicy like me!

    To have a lot of money

    So that there is a broom outside the door.

    Banknotes you will take revenge on them

    And take it to the piggy bank!”

    “How many bones are there in me -

    I wish you so many diamonds!

    Place them in boxes,

    Shine through life and shine!”

    “I am beautiful and tasty, the main thing is that I am healthy!

    So that you will always be like me

    Both beautiful and necessary

    Could cure a cold

    And to amuse the children!”

    Half my life

    A congratulations sketch for a woman's 50th birthday should be funny and musical! The best solution is congratulations from real gypsies! You will need a lot of long, bright skirts for the guests to wear, and shirts for the men. Skirts can be made from old sheets and pieces of fabric, gathered with elastic. Wigs, huge artificial flowers, shawls, scarves - all this can be found at home or with friends. Choose energetic music, you can make an imitation of a hut, tent, fire. This will be a very active and fiery scene of congratulations on a woman’s anniversary. Cool costumes will complement the picture, and a bear coming out on a leash from a seasoned gypsy with a pipe will create a sensation!

    Gypsies surround the birthday girl and dance around her. An old gypsy woman comes out with a deck of cards and a crystal ball. She invites the hero of the day to reveal the secrets of her future. If you are well acquainted with the hero of the occasion, then you know about her cherished desires, the problems that she wants to solve. Let the gypsy tell her exactly what she wants! You can do this in a veiled form so that only she understands!

    Pirates attack

    Pirate parties are already a classic. But it always turns out funny and interesting. A sketch of congratulations on a woman’s 55th birthday will be intriguing and fun. You can arrange a treasure hunt. Give the birthday girl and her team the first note, which indicates where the next one is. After a short search, the hero of the day must discover the treasure. A surprise can be a real gift or any cool little thing, souvenir, or box of chocolates.

    You can ask children for pirate paraphernalia: pistols, knives, eye patches. Dress up several people as pirates and kidnap the hero of the day. A congratulations sketch for a woman’s anniversary will be full of adventure. Place the birthday girl on a chair and put her in chains. They can be made from colored paper. Now the rest of the guests must complete comic pirate tasks in order to free the hero of the holiday.


    Exercise 1

    The guest and the pirate compete to see who can drink a glass of rum the fastest! Of course, you can pour lemonade into a glass.

    Task 2

    Now the talent competition. The pirate and the guest dance a fiery dance or sing karaoke.

    Task 3

    One of the pirates and a guest show their athletic abilities: they do push-ups, squats, jump rope, whoever does it longer.

    After all the tasks have been completed, you can return the birthday girl to her place and drink to her health.

    Grandfather's wife

    A congratulations scene for a woman’s 60th birthday can be done in a fairy-tale style. Usually at this age the hero of the day is already a grandmother. And her favorite fairy-tale characters will come to congratulate her. More familiar and understandable to her will be Pinocchio, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, Koschey the Immortal, Vodyanoy. The host explains to the hero of the day that uninvited guests have come to her and want to give her gifts. Guests dressed up as fairy-tale characters enter.

    Baba Yaga: “You, of course, are nothing but a woman, but there is no more beautiful grandmother in this world than me!” It will be boring - come and visit us, we’ll throw some seagulls and fly agarics. I want to give you a brand new shiny broom! You will fly to the garden to fetch your granddaughters!” Next, Baba Yaga hands over keys tied with a bow, or a real broom.

    Koschey: “Actually, I was flying to get married!” But since it’s your anniversary here, I’ll postpone the visit until tomorrow! Here I give you a million! Buy a dress for the wedding - expect me tomorrow!” Hands over a wad of money from the joke bank!

    Have fun from the heart

    Under no circumstances should you spend your holidays boringly, without competitions and fun! This is especially true for anniversaries. Any sketch of congratulations on a woman’s anniversary will be remembered by her for the rest of her life! Pay as much attention as possible to your loved ones and don’t lose

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