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What does a baby do at 28 weeks? Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Tests and ultrasound

The 28th week of pregnancy is the last week of the second trimester. There is less than half of the due date left. In accordance with the pregnancy calendar, the baby in the womb already feels different tastes and weighs about a kilogram. His eyes open and his hair grows faster.

At week 28, a pregnant woman may feel discomfort when the baby turns over. What other unpleasant sensations can a woman experience? Why does heartburn occur? Pregnancy 28 obstetric weeks - how many months?

What does a baby look like and develop at the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy?

According to the pregnancy calendar, at 28 weeks the baby is light in weight and therefore looks wrinkled, but the subcutaneous fat layer has already begun to form. Every day the baby’s brain develops, more and more convolutions are formed.

From approximately 27 weeks from conception, babies dream, make breathing movements, hear sounds, frown, and recognize their mother’s voice. In addition, they distinguish between light and shadow: for example, during an ultrasound, babies often try to turn away from the device.

At week 28, the baby acquires another important skill - the ability to blink, thanks to which he will be able to open his eyes. From 28 weeks, grasping and sucking reflexes develop. At the same time, the baby makes more movements of one of the arms, that is, at week 28 it is determined whether the child will be left-handed or right-handed.

The muscle tissue of the fetus develops right up to birth. Every day the baby’s bones become stronger, and all the calcium that enters the mother’s circulatory system with food goes to the mineralization of the skeleton.

Don't worry about how your baby is positioned. It may roll over repeatedly before it is born. The only thing is that placing the head up can become a problem if premature labor occurs at 28 weeks.

What's happening to mom?

Pregnancy 28 weeks - how many months? The twenty-eighth week of pregnancy is equivalent to seven calendar months. There are 12 obstetric weeks left before giving birth, and the female body is intensively preparing for this event. The need for oxygen and iron increases significantly, and the adrenal glands work at full capacity. The mother increasingly feels her baby moving. The twitching of the abdomen is visible even to outside observers.

The child grows and gains weight, and the center of gravity shifts, which is why the pregnant woman increasingly feels aching pain in the lower back at the end of the day. The expectant mother should rest as much as possible and allow herself to lie down several times a day for at least 10 minutes.

Lower back pain, similar to radiculitis, appears due to softening of the joints and ligaments and an enlargement of the tummy.

If a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen or notices unusual vaginal discharge, she should not hesitate to contact a gynecologist. Delay in this case can have the most dire consequences.

Condition of the uterus

At the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may feel tension in the uterus - as if the tummy is turning to stone. If the pain is not severe, and the contractions do not last long and do not have a clear interval, there is no cause for concern. Most likely these are training contractions.

You need to pay attention to the nature of the sensations and their duration. False contractions should not occur more than ten times a day, and their duration should not exceed two minutes. If the abdomen becomes hard and the woman experiences significant pain or heavy discharge, she should immediately consult a doctor. Premature labor may have begun.

At this stage of pregnancy, the uterus has already shifted considerably and is located at a distance of eight centimeters from the navel and twenty-eight from the symphysis pubis. It will increase in size before the baby is born.

What does the belly look like?

The noticeably rounded tummy begins to itch. This happens due to stretching of the skin, which threatens the expectant mother with the appearance of stretch marks.

Normal weight gain during this period is considered to be from 6 to 9 kilograms. In the seventh month of pregnancy, a woman should gain about 0.5 kg weekly. During this period, weight should be monitored with special care. Both with underweight and with excessive weight gain, the mother needs to reconsider her diet.

How does the woman feel?

At week 28, the baby moves actively, especially at night and when the mother is hungry. When the baby moves, the mother can understand what position he is in.

Regular movements of the baby are an important indicator of the baby’s health. Doctors recommend closely monitoring the baby’s periodic activity, recording his movements in the morning and evening. While the baby is awake, the normal rate is considered to be from 8 to 10 movements per hour.

A woman may notice that she has become calmer and slower, this is explained by hormonal changes in the body. Nighttime spasms of the lower extremities indicate that the mother’s body is experiencing a lack of magnesium and calcium.

Pain and discharge

Normally, a pregnant woman should not have any pain. It is not considered a deviation if the expectant mother experiences discomfort or aching sensation in the back, lower back, abdomen, or chest. Sudden and quickly subsiding pain under the rib is most likely caused by the baby moving. If pain in the hypochondrium does not go away within several hours, is accompanied by heartburn, belching, and a nagging pain is felt in the abdomen, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. In such cases, it is necessary to exclude the development of pathology in time.

There is no need to worry about colostrum leaking from your breasts before your baby is born. There is no need to express it until the baby is born. Light, not abundant, odorless vaginal discharge is considered normal. A pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor if the following discharge occurs:

  • spotting brown or bloody indicates placental abruption and the onset of premature labor;
  • curdled ones often indicate candidiasis and are accompanied by a sour, pungent odor, itching and burning in the vagina;
  • yellow purulent mucous discharge indicates the presence of infection;
  • watery, transparent, abundant appear as a result of leakage of amniotic fluid.

Psycho-emotional state

At the twenty-eighth week, the female body experiences hormonal changes, which are accompanied by emotional outbursts. Often, unmotivated aggression is replaced by the crying of the expectant mother.

The nervousness and irritability of a pregnant woman is associated not only with the fear of the upcoming birth, but also with the end of her work, because in a couple of weeks she will have to go on maternity leave. In addition, a woman may not get enough sleep due to constant trips to the toilet or overexertion in general.

Analyzes and examinations

If the pregnancy is not multiple and there are no abnormalities, in the seventh month the woman must undergo a standard examination by a doctor. The gynecologist will listen to the fetal heartbeat, record the pregnant woman’s weight, measure blood pressure, the height of the uterine fundus, and abdominal circumference.

An ultrasound at this time is not included in the routine examination, but if the mother is not feeling well, the doctor can issue a referral to make sure that everything is fine with the child and to see the position of the fetus. During the study, parents can see their baby on video and ask a specialist to take a photo. The gynecologist can also give you a referral for urine and blood tests. Details of the test result will reveal abnormalities in glucose or hemoglobin levels.

If you have a negative Rh factor, you are regularly tested for antibodies. If an immune conflict is confirmed, at week 28 the woman needs to receive an injection of immunoglobulin. It is important to give the injection in a timely manner; this is the only way the baby will be protected in the womb, during childbirth and after it.

What are the risks?

After the 27th week, when the development of the fetus has reached its final stage, the risks are mainly associated with the mother (for more details, see the article: 27-28 weeks of pregnancy: fetal development and the woman’s sensations). If she takes care of her health, the likelihood of complications developing is minimal. However, when she does not take care of herself, works hard and spends all the time on her feet, the result will be high blood pressure, lumbar pain, and problems with the veins. Excessive physical stress and fatigue threatens placental abruption, as a result of which fetal growth will slow down or stop altogether.

A pregnant woman should know that she should not sleep or simply lie on her back. Due to the heaviness of the uterus, the vena cava will be pressed, and the flow of blood to the heart will be impaired. As a result, the pregnant woman's blood pressure will drop and she will lose consciousness.

A significant threat to the life of a child occurs when a woman smokes, drinks alcohol, or takes drugs or medications without a doctor’s permission. An insufficient amount of vitamin D in the mother’s body will not only affect the development of rickets in the baby, but can also cause hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

Premature birth

The impetus for the birth of a baby ahead of time can be any overexertion or stress, an infectious disease, Rh conflict with the fetus or abnormalities of its development. At twenty-eight weeks, the risk of preterm birth is especially high if twins are expected. The baby's organs are already formed, they can survive. The mortality rate at birth at this stage is small.

The baby's lungs are still unable to work independently; in case of premature birth, he will need bronchial tubes for some time. The baby’s body is already producing a substance that separates air bubbles in the lungs, and blood vessels supply oxygen in the required volume.

Rapid birth ahead of schedule poses a threat not only to the child, but also to the woman in labor. The body is not yet ready for childbirth, which causes ruptures of the birth canal and bleeding. If painful, frequent contractions and discharge occur, you should contact your obstetrician as soon as possible; timely assistance will help stop premature birth.

Anemia in a woman

Anemia in pregnant women is not uncommon; it occurs due to an increase in the volume of blood plasma and a decrease in the concentration of all components in it. If previously doctors considered it necessary to prescribe iron-containing medications to all pregnant women, now many are inclined to believe that this way blood passes through the placenta more easily. Therefore, it is recommended to take medications after checking your iron levels.

A sign of anemia is constant fatigue. Also, dietary adjustments and vitamin intake are necessary for two pregnancies in a row, heavy periods before conception, a history of anemia and severe toxicosis in the first trimester.

Oligohydramnios (lack of amniotic fluid)

Oligohydramnios is a dangerous complication of pregnancy that occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder and leakage of amniotic fluid. Normally, the amniotic fluid index is 146–228 mm; at a level of 86–94, moderate oligohydramnios is established, and with a lower coefficient, pronounced oligohydramnios.

With severe oligohydramnios, the risk for the baby is quite high. Worst of all, if the pregnant woman has not noticed periodic leakage of amniotic fluid, and premature labor has not begun, there is a risk of infection of the fetus.

Mom's nutrition

At this stage, heartburn becomes a problem for pregnant women. It appears as a result of pressure from the diaphragm on the stomach. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you need to avoid bending over and review your diet. It is better to eat little by little, about six times a day. Preference should be given to dairy products that are rich in calcium. The latter is especially necessary for the formation of the child’s bones.

A pregnant woman's table should have enough fruits and vegetables and a minimum of flour products. Oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, wholemeal bread, fish and lean meats must be included in the menu. To drink, it is better to choose weak tea, fruit juice, compote and plain water.

Physical activity

If a woman is a lover of exercise, she can continue to engage in her favorite sports, but monitor her well-being and avoid intense exercise that can harm the fetus. Those who are not very fond of sports should give preference to walking in the fresh air and swimming.

Activity is essential for the health of mother and baby; in addition, exercise will help eliminate muscle pain and lift your spirits. You can study in groups for pregnant women or at home using videos.

Intimate life

According to doctors, sex in the seventh month is not only not contraindicated, but also has a beneficial effect on the pregnant woman’s body. This is due not only to the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother, but also to the effect of sperm on the cervix. It softens the latter, thereby preparing the female body for the upcoming birth.

Mom at 28 weeks pregnant

A few more rules that relate to the healthy development of the Baby and are related to the mother’s diet.

  1. To make your child comfortable, try to eat a little, but more often. The baby needs nutrients constantly, and only a limited amount of food can be absorbed at a time. By the way, newborn babies follow this principle without difficulty, demanding mother's milk every 2-3 hours, and sometimes more often.
    There is one more point. The space for the Baby to move decreases every month, and in the second half of life before birth it becomes very small. And if mom’s stomach or intestines are full, he won’t like it. The movement of a tiny fist, knee or heel, especially in the last trimester, can be quite noticeable for a mother's overloaded stomach or intestines.
  2. If you decide to eat a hearty meal before bed, remember: a “fed” Baby can be active - after all, how much strength has immediately increased! But this is not the best solution, since he needs more time for healthy sleep than you. Therefore, it is better to have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  3. The other extreme is diet. A “hungry” baby can also be active, but for a different reason - his anxiety is caused by a lack of nutrients and building materials - proteins. In general, it will be better if you discuss all issues related to dietary restrictions or food choices with your doctor. The main thing is to remember that with chronic malnutrition, the Baby runs the risk of being born with low weight - a consequence of the fact that cell division in his body stopped too early, and the developing organs turned out to be small.
  4. A good solution would be the principle “Eat only fresh food,” that is, cook for one meal. Yes, it takes time - but this is what you will be doing after the baby is born, so it makes sense to practice now. Needless to say, only fresh food contains useful substances and there are no processes of rotting and fermentation, which inevitably occur in products undergoing storage. In other words, with fresh food, your Baby gets nutrients without toxins.
  5. Positive emotions while eating are also a good habit. Now it helps to ensure that digestive juices are better secreted in your body, intestinal motor activity increases, food is better absorbed, and as a result, more nutrients reach the Baby.

In the future, after childbirth, positive emotions will contribute to milk production and greater sucking activity of the child, which means better weight gain. And remember that mother’s milk is the key to a child’s strong immune system.

28th week of pregnancy: Video "Partner birth"

The 28th obstetric week is the 26th week from conception - the embryonic period of pregnancy, as well as the 28th week from the beginning of the last menstruation.
You don’t have much time left to wait for the birth of your long-awaited baby. The last trimester begins this week and ends on the last day of your pregnancy, which is usually around 40 weeks or so. You dream about a child and your child dreams about you!

Dimensions of the baby at 28 weeks of pregnancy

What happens to the fetus at 28 weeks?

As the baby grows, there is less and less space in the uterus for movement. It fills all available space. Although the baby still remains active, he develops his own routine, thanks to which he is awake at one time and asleep at another. All mothers feel such wakefulness of their babies in the womb. The fetus actively continues to develop tactile skills. This manifests itself in feeling the reach zone and holding the umbilical cord with your hands. The baby will recognize the mother's voice, this will allow him to be calmed after birth.

Maturation processes in the lungs continue. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the fetal adrenal glands produce hormones that stimulate more intense formation of surfactant in the alveoli than before (it covers them like a film from the inside). The alveoli themselves (small vesicles at the ends of the bronchi) begin to contact the blood vessels. This is preparation for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood, which the fetus will need after birth, when it begins to breathe on its own.

In case of urgent need (premature birth), the lungs of a child at 28 weeks can inhale oxygen with hardware support. Surfactant (a substance that prevents the alveoli in the lungs from sticking together) is still quite small.

The structures of the central nervous system mature - there are more cells in the cerebral cortex, convolutions and grooves are formed. The centers responsible for taste and sound perception are activated. The formation of sucking and grasping reflexes occurs (the baby is already sucking his thumb and tugging at the umbilical cord with his hands).

The next few weeks of gestation will be largely devoted to brain development and improvement.

What does a baby look like at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

The child recovers sharply and his weight reaches 1–1.3 kg. The skin becomes smoother and softer. Eyelashes lengthen and become fluffier. The hair on the head becomes longer and thicker, in addition, a pigment begins to be synthesized that colors it. The baby loses its transparency and colorlessness. Fingernails and toenails continue to grow and move closer to the edge of the fingers.

The formation of muscles is completed, muscle strength increases, which the mother cannot help but notice from the intense movements of the child. The formation of the skeletal system also ends. Next, the bones will accumulate calcium and harden.

The formation of brown fat, necessary for heat exchange processes, continues. If premature birth occurs, this fat will prevent the baby from getting too cold.

Your baby is the size of a large eggplant! Weight approximately 1200–1300 grams, height 370–380 mm, heart rate 120–160 beats/min.

Fetal development at 28 weeks of gestation

With the onset of the 28th week of pregnancy, a full-fledged human being is already in the uterus of the expectant mother.

  • The alveoli in the lungs continue to develop.

  • Brain mass increases.

  • Typical convolutions and grooves appear on the surface of the cerebral cortex.

  • The ability to distinguish subtle varieties of taste appears.

  • The ability to respond to sounds is developed (the baby can respond to the voice of the mother and father with slight movements).

  • Reflexes such as sucking (the baby in the mother’s tummy sucks his thumb) and grasping are formed.

  • Muscles are formed.

  • The child's movements become more active.

  • Certain biological clocks are established (period of activity and period of sleep).

  • The baby's bones are finishing their formation (however, they are still flexible and will harden until the first weeks after birth).

  • The baby has already learned to open and close his eyes, as well as blink (the reason is the disappearance of the pupillary membrane).

What happens in a woman’s body at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Your belly has already become so rounded that you can only wear special clothes for pregnant women. The child is growing and the uterus is increasing in size; now it is located at a distance of 28 cm from the symphysis pubis. The fundus of the uterus has risen to the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process of the sternum.

By the end of the 28th week, a woman gains 7–9 kg relative to her pre-pregnancy weight.

Expectant mothers note that urination has become more frequent than in previous weeks. The reason for this is the growing uterus, which puts more force on the bladder.

Heartburn can occur due to the release of certain hormones that relax the muscles of the digestive system. Also, many hormones affect stomach acidity, which can cause discomfort. To get rid of this unpleasant feeling, exclude smoked, salty and fermented milk products from your diet, and take antacids approved during pregnancy.

Already from the 28th week or from the seventh month, a pregnant woman should gain no more than 50 g per day, and no more than 500 g per week or, best of all, 300 g. The most normal weight gain for a pregnant woman is considered to be 8–10.5 kg for the entire period . A pregnant woman’s weight should be monitored very carefully, constantly weigh herself and adhere to the correct diet, which is necessary for both mother and baby.

Discharge from the genital tract of a light milky color, uniform consistency and a slight smell of kefir are considered normal.

Hormones do not always have a positive effect on the skin; it becomes dry, which further contributes to the appearance of stretch marks on the hips, chest and abdomen. In addition to being an aesthetic problem, stretch marks also cause a feeling of constant itching. Scratching and infection should be avoided.

If cramps occur, it is recommended to rest, get a massage and lead a healthy lifestyle. Very often, calf cramps occur due to a lack of nutrients in the body that are spent on the development of the baby. You can read more about preventing calf muscle cramps during pregnancy at.

Pain in the back and abdomen is caused by the growing uterus, which displaces nearby internal organs and puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. When the sciatic nerve is affected, pain occurs in the legs and lower back. This condition can be alleviated by lying on your side, this will reduce the load on the spine, sciatic nerve and internal organs.

Belly at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Your belly is getting bigger and bigger, and it may be a little more difficult for you to move around and do normal work. Don't be overzealous, ask your loved ones for help.

Vlog - 28 weeks pregnant

A pregnant woman does not yet experience severe heaviness at this stage, but heaviness in her legs is already beginning to appear, and spider veins may appear on her hips and legs. The fact is that the 28th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the rapid growth of the uterus, which now compresses the blood vessels, causing venous stagnation in the lower half of the body. If you had varicose veins before pregnancy or your immediate family suffers from this disease, take care of your legs now. In orthopedic stores you can find special tights or stockings that will moderately compress the shins, supporting the walls of the blood vessels. If pain or pain occurs when urinating, visit a doctor. These symptoms may indicate cystitis.

If the weight gain is more than 9 kg, you need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. The most common cause of excess weight gain is gestosis. The earlier treatment is started, the less likely it is that pregnancy complications will occur.

If you take into account the fact that weight gain accelerates at the 28th week of pregnancy, then you should monitor the regimen very carefully. It is best to eat small portions and often - about 5-6 times a day. Also choose healthy, wholesome foods that will fill the body with various beneficial microelements. If we take into account the calorie content of food, then for a pregnant woman in her seventh month, the total number of calories ingested per day should not exceed 3000 units. The bulk of these calories should come in the first half of the day. And after 19 hours it is best not to eat at all, except maybe kefir or milk; apples and light vegetable salads are also allowed.

Put energy into your nutrition! For variety, try the following nutritious, energy-rich snacks:

  • fresh vegetables,

  • puree with fresh vegetables,

  • low-fat cheese and fruit,

  • low-fat cottage cheese and fruits,

  • low-fat yogurt and fruit,

  • nuts,

  • nut butter and apples,

  • nut butter and celery with grapes,

  • nut butter on whole grain crackers or bread.

Good to know
Eat not for two, but for two. The contents of your plates should be healthy and balanced. Be sure to include fresh and thermally processed vegetables and fruits in your diet - they will help normalize intestinal function. It is best to drink clean, non-carbonated water, compotes, fruit drinks, and green tea. Save coffee and carbonated drinks until you stop breastfeeding.

A pregnant woman should be very careful - softening of the ligaments and joints contributes to the fact that her gait becomes “duck-like.” She can easily slip, fall, fail to hold a kettle of boiling water and drop it. The 28th week of pregnancy is a very “traumatic” period for a woman, and therefore she should abandon unstable high-heeled shoes in favor of closed-back shoes with low flat soles.

During this period of pregnancy, a woman should not be on her feet for a long time - nor should she sit in one position all day. As often as possible, she needs to change her body position, stretch, and walk. The movements of the expectant mother help deliver more nutrients and oxygen to the baby. A woman’s activity within reasonable limits, changes in body position in space help eliminate pain in the back and legs, swelling, and serve as the prevention of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

In late pregnancy, many women prefer to sleep on their side with a pillow under their stomach - this way they are less likely to wake up at night.

Fetal movements. Pearson test

Experts recommend counting fetal movements starting from the 28th week of pregnancy.

Obstetricians recommend using the D. Pearson “Count to Ten” fetal movement test. On a special card, the number of fetal movements is recorded daily from 28 weeks of pregnancy. The counting of movements begins at 9:00 and ends at 21:00. Start counting fetal movements at exactly 9 am, write down the time of the 10th movement in a table or graph. A small number of movements (less than 10 per day) may indicate oxygen deficiency in the fetus and is a reason to consult a doctor.

You are tormented by conflicting feelings: on the one hand, it seems to you that you have been pregnant for a hundred years, on the other, you are worried about childbirth and the birth of your baby. The list of things to do before giving birth will distract you. Start by choosing a name and think about how your life will be structured after giving birth.

Think about the upcoming birth. How do you want them to proceed? Whether your meeting with the child will take place at home or in the maternity hospital, whether you need a pool or a bath, what is your attitude towards pain relief during childbirth - it is better to think through all this in advance. Make a birth plan. The better you imagine what you want, the more likely it is that everything will go the way you want. But remember that it’s always worth thinking about backup options, because your baby’s plans may not completely coincide with yours.

As a rule, by the 28th week the fetus is located in the uterus as it plans to be born. Most often, head down. If a transverse, oblique or breech presentation is detected, the woman may be prescribed exercises to help the baby roll over. If it is not possible to “convince” him, then he will most likely have to be born by caesarean section. But don’t panic in advance - the baby still has enough time to turn over, the delivery tactics will in any case be determined by your doctor in a conversation with you, you have time to make your doctor’s decision, convince him or wait for a miracle from your baby.

Don't forget to wear a bandage - it will help avoid pressure from the baby's head on the neck and prevent it from opening early. The bandage will also relieve your back and reduce discomfort. It is not recommended to wear a bandage only for women whose baby is not in the correct (head) presentation.

If you're working, it's time to think about whether you're going to take maternity leave on time.

If you have a multiple pregnancy, get a sick note from your obstetrician-gynecologist. Your maternity leave begins at 28 weeks.

Dangers at 28 weeks of pregnancy

There is also a risk of premature birth this week - the rapidly growing baby puts pressure on the cervix and can contribute to its early dilation. When lifting heavy objects, sudden movements, or for no apparent reason, rupture of the membranes may occur with the release of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor. The same reasons can cause premature placental abruption - this is the most dangerous condition - the supply of oxygen to the baby is disrupted and he may die.

Acute, severe pain in the lower abdomen at 28 weeks of pregnancy may indicate premature placental abruption. With placental abruption, bleeding from the genital tract is usually also observed. However, internal bleeding can also occur: then the blood does not come out, and the expectant mother feels severe, sharp pain in the abdomen, often so strong that it is almost impossible to touch the abdomen.

Good to know

In any case, bloody discharge from the genital tract, repeated regular cramping pain in the abdomen, or sudden acute pain in the abdomen is a reason to immediately call an ambulance and hospitalization.

There is also a significant risk of infection of the fetus, which is associated with decreased immunity during pregnancy, and constantly recurring colpitis against this background.

Note! Aching pain in the lower abdomen may be associated with a malfunction of the digestive system. Flatulence, constipation, colitis, dysbacteriosis, and even too heavy a dinner - any of the above factors can provoke pain in the abdominal area.

Tests at 28 weeks of pregnancy

If you are scheduled to appear at the antenatal clinic at this time, then, most likely, the doctor will recommend such control tests as a general urine test, a general blood test, and an antibody titer with a negative Rh factor. In addition, according to indications, smears will be taken for flora and culture will be performed.

It is mandatory to measure the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus, blood pressure in both arms and the weight of the pregnant woman with an assessment of the increase throughout the pregnancy and since the last weighing.

With normal gestation, the ultrasound procedure is performed only three times during the entire period of pregnancy.

A woman is sent for an ultrasound examination at 28 weeks only if indicated, or if for some reason she did not have time to do it earlier. In this case, all measurements included in the research protocol are performed.

An ultrasound scan of the fetus at 28 weeks of pregnancy measures key parameters that are important for assessing the normal rate of fetal development. Also during this week of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination will allow you to correctly determine the volume of amniotic fluid, the condition of the placenta and blood circulation.

An ultrasound scan of the fetus at 28 weeks of pregnancy determines the position of the fetus: cephalic, transverse or pelvic. Most often, children are already in the head position. If you are informed that the child is still sitting on his bottom or lying across - do not be upset! He still has quite a lot of chances to turn over into the correct cephalic presentation for childbirth. If you have a breech or transverse fetus, you are much more likely to need a caesarean section.

Fetometry (fetal size) with fetal ultrasound at 28 weeks of pregnancy is normal

  • BDP (biparietal size) 6–79 mm.

  • FZ (fronto-occipital size) 83–99 mm.

  • OG (fetal head circumference) 245–285 mm.

  • OB (fetal abdominal circumference) 21–285 mm.

Normal dimensions of long bones on fetal ultrasound at 28 weeks of pregnancy

  • Femur 49–57 mm.

  • Humerus 45–53 mm.

  • Forearm bones 39–47 mm.

  • Tibia bones 45–53 mm.

This week you have a significant date: you are already exactly seven months old. Your baby has grown to 35 cm and weighs more than a kilogram. But you feel it yourself. Now the baby’s head is already 70.5 mm in diameter, and the volume of the chest and tummy is 71.9 mm and 73.5 mm, respectively.

The child grows, and all systems of his body improve. Your baby’s facial features are already quite individual, and due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, they soften. Now constrictions are already appearing on his arms and legs. And the hair on the head is filled with pigment. Sometimes there is even too much of it at birth, so that subsequently the baby’s hair color will only become lighter.

You can already tell whether your child will be right-handed or left-handed. Based on which hand he puts in his mouth more often. Naturally, this can only be observed with an ultrasound.

When the alveoli form, a surfactant is produced in the child's body. This substance prevents the alveoli from sticking together during the first inhalation. By the 28th week, this substance is enough for a child born at this period to be able to take his first breath on his own. Although then they also spend some time in an incubator, where optimal conditions for it are maintained.

The child is steadily gaining weight, and now there is not enough space for him to be as active as he was before. However, you need to count his movements as before. During every hour there should be at least four movements.

You are often bothered by nagging pain in the upper back and lower back. The reason for this is the pressure that the uterus exerts. Gently bending forward will help relieve tension in it.

For the same reason - due to the pressure of the uterus on the organs - pain in the liver area may occur. If after lunch you feel slightly nauseous and heartburn appears, gallstone cholecystitis cannot be ruled out.

You may also experience numbness in your limbs and cramps. The latter occur due to calcium deficiency, and numbness is due to compression of the nerve endings by edematous tissue.

28th week of pregnancy: vaginal discharge

Your body clearly reacts to any decrease in immunity. In this case, the reason can be not only fatigue, but also intestinal dysbiosis. Thrush appears. The discharge becomes more abundant, flaky, and causes itching.

To quickly restore the balance of microflora, you need to normalize digestion, consume more dairy products with lactobacilli, and wear natural underwear. Since synthetic can only provoke an imbalance.
If mucous or purulent discharge appears, it is worth getting tested for infection. And if necessary, undergo treatment.

Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of blood in the discharge. Especially if they have abdominal pain. Their cause may be placental abruption. And in this case treatment is required.

28th week of pregnancy: nutrition for pregnant women

Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body. But carbohydrates are good and not so good. Carbohydrates supply sugars to the blood - glucose, fructose, sucrose. Of course, excess carbohydrates can cause excess weight. This is especially true for carbohydrates, which are found in confectionery, potatoes, and sweets. They have no useful substances. But complex sugars, such as fiber, are beneficial. Firstly, because they take a long time to digest and improve digestion and, unlike simple carbohydrates, contain many useful substances. In particular, vitamin B, zinc, etc.

Now it’s better for you, if not to give up, then at least to reduce the amount of simple sugars in your diet, preferring complex ones.

The child's brain already has a complex structure. The convolutions and cerebral cortex are formed. Brain mass increased noticeably. And hair is already growing on my head. The rudiments of teeth can be seen on the child’s upper and lower jaws. They will grow much later, but the foundation for them has already been formed. The baby's body is still covered with lubricant, which protects it. The heart beats at a frequency of up to 180 beats every minute. And the body length reaches 35 mm.

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