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Summary of speech therapy classes on toys. Summary of an open speech therapy lesson in a senior group on the topic “Toys Speech therapy theme of toys

Comprehensive speech therapy session on the topic "Toys" in the senior group for children with special needs development
Article from the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson"



  • Activation and enrichment of vocabulary on the lexical topic “Toys”. Improving the ability to coordinate words in a sentence, compose a story based on a series of plot pictures.
  • Consolidation of the concepts of “object”, “sign of an object”, “action of an object”. Improving the ability to perform sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis of words.
  • Consolidating the ability to work on a proposal: complete a graphical diagram of a proposal; make proposals for a given scheme.


  • Development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception.
  • Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis.
  • Consolidating grammatical categories on the topic “Toys”:
    - Inflection: agreement of nouns with the numerals “two” and “five”.
    - Word formation: formation of possessive adjectives.
  • Development of fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Development of logical thinking.
  • Development of coherent speech.


  • Cultivating a friendly attitude towards others.
  • Developing the ability to listen to each other.
  • Creating positive emotions.

Equipment: flannelograph; a circle indicating the sounds of a word; toys: car, doll, bear, pyramid, cat, hedgehog, cubes, ball, donkey, bunny, robot; TV allowance; a series of plot pictures (size 40 x 25 cm); cards indicating the object, the attribute of the object and the action of the object; “sound cubes”, screen.

Handout: counting sticks, sound rulers, sound pencil cases.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

- Guys, today guests (preschool teachers) came to our lesson. To get them to know you, now each of you will loudly say your name and say how many syllables it has.

Children say their names and determine the number of syllables in them. (For example: “My name is Misha, my name has 2 syllables”).

2. Riddles about toys.

- Now try to guess who else came to visit you.

(The speech therapist asks riddles):

“Drinks gasoline like milk, can run far.
Carries goods and people. You know her, of course?” (Car).

“This funny animal is made of plush. There are paws and there are ears.
Give the beast some honey and make a den for it.” (Teddy bear).

"What does all of this mean? My daughter is not crying.
If you put him to bed, he’ll sleep for a day, or two, or even five.” (Doll).

“If you hit the wall, I’ll bounce back,
Throw it to the ground and I’ll jump up.
I'm flying from palm to palm -
I don’t want to lie still!” (Ball).

“I received these miracle bricks as a gift.
Whatever I put together, I break, I start all over again.” (Cubes).

(After each guessed riddle, the corresponding toy is taken out from behind the screen).

- Guys, tell me in one word, who else came to visit us?(Toys).

- What are toys for?(Children's answers)

3. Formation of possessive adjectives:

- What can toys be made from?(Ball game)

Wooden cubes (what kind?) – wooden
Rubber ball (which one?) – rubber
Teddy bear (which one?) – plush
Fur mice (which ones?) - fur
Straw doll (which one?) – straw
Iron bucket (what kind?) – iron
Plastic pyramid (which one?) – plastic

4. Surprise moment.

- Here's another riddle: "What is this?"(A pyramid without rings is brought in).

- Guys, do you know why the pyramid has no rings? Now I'll tell you: the greedy Hippo(showing the corresponding toy) He took all our rings and doesn’t want to give them back. He agreed to give the rings only if you complete all his tasks. For each task - one ring. Do you agree?

5. Isolation of the first sound from words, characteristics of this sound.

Behemoth's first task:

- You must determine the first sound in the name of the toys and stick the corresponding sound - a circle on the flannelgraph.WITH dump truck, m Ishka , To ubik, O slick, h aika, P iramid, R both").

(A vowel sound is a red circle; a hard consonant is a black circle; a soft consonant is a blue circle).

6. Finger gymnastics. (Development of fine motor skills of hands)

"On a big sofa in a row
Katina's dolls are sitting:
Two bears, Pinocchio,
And cheerful Cipollino,
And a kitten and a baby elephant.
One two three four five.
Let's help our Katya
We'll count the toys."

7. Sound analysis.

Next task: perform a sound analysis of the kitten's name - VASKA.

(Children perform sound analysis using sound rulers and pencil cases).

One child completes the task at the board using the “sound cubes” manual and draws a syllable diagram of the word on the board.

8. Phonemic synthesis.

Game "Live sounds".

Children choose circles with symbols of sounds: [z], [a], [y], [k], [a], stand in a given order and pronounce “their” sound.

9. Dynamic pause.

A) “My ball” (coordination of speech with movement):

“My cheerful friend, my ball,
Everywhere, everywhere he is with me.
One two three four five.
It's good to play with the ball" (V.Volina)

B) “Ball”:

(The speech therapist “inflates” the balloons: the children stand up, pronouncing the sound for a long time: “ssss...”.

Then the balls are “pierced”: the children slowly squat, pronouncing the sound: “sh-sh-sh...”).

10. Compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures.

Game "TV".

On the typesetting canvas is a story compiled from a series of plot pictures (“Boat”). The two pictures are mixed up. Children must establish the correct sequence. Then all the pictures (one by one) are inserted into the “TV” manual.

- Children, now we will watch an interesting cartoon. But here's the problem: the sound broke. We need to choose a speaker who will voice our cartoon.(The speaker is selected by a rhyme that all children recite:

“We play with the sound [sh]. We select word by word:
“hat, fur coat, wardrobe, badge! Get out of the circle!").

Before starting to “voice” the cartoon, the child must explain why the word “token” turned out to be superfluous.

11. Agreement of the numerals “one”, “two” and “five” with nouns.

Children are asked to place one orange, two green and five white sticks on the table.

Assignment: “The toys are mixed up and need to be counted.”

Children count toys. The rods serve as visual aids. (You could say that the toys turned into sticks).

Sample: “One doll – two dolls – five dolls”

cube -
spinning top –
machine -
ball -
ball -
pyramid -

Kindergarten lesson notes:
New approaches to artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children. "Unusual transformations in the country of Cookery". Kindergarten 82
Organization of the parent club as an active form of interaction with parents. Kindergarten 82
Integrated lesson "Introduction to the educational program "Young Ecologist". Kindergarten 82
Increasing the professional competence of teachers as the most important condition for effective cooperation between a preschool educational institution and the family. Kindergarten 82
Social World Lesson "What do we know about electricity?" . Kindergarten 82
Synopsis of an educational lesson for children of senior preschool age "The amazing is nearby." Kindergarten 82

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Summary of an open individual speech therapy lesson for children with general speech underdevelopmentIlevel

On the topic: “Toys”

Compiled by:

Teacher - speech therapist

Artemenko O.S.



Clarification and activation of vocabulary on the topic.

Practice matching the object with the image in the picture.

Develop an understanding of the concepts of “big and small”.


To develop the ability to listen attentively to speech, to respond with sound and motor reactions.

Develop visual perception and attention.

Develop tactile perception.

Develop imitation of adult movements and understanding of speech.

Develop fine motor skills and imitation.


Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Equipment and materials: truck, balls of different sizes, doll, spinning top, bear, car, curlers, musical instruments (tambourine, rattle, hammer), 2 baskets, large and small cones.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizing time.

Establishing contact.

The speech therapist asks the child for hands and offers to say hello.

Let's clap our hands, we'll be good

clap (child's name) your hands,

you will be very good;

Crackers (the child claps the palms of the adult)

(Lena) knows how to clap so well,

He doesn’t spare his hands.

Like this, like this - like this

He doesn’t spare his hands.

II. Main part.

1. Surprise moment. Recognizing and naming toys and actions performed with them.

The speech therapist takes out a truck with toys (doll, bear, Julia, ball).

L.- Look how many toys are in the truck, let's get them.

Look, it's a spinning top. You can start Yula. She spins, sings, falls on her side.”

Other toys are treated similarly.

2. Play actions with toys according to verbal instructions.

L. – “Lena, rock the doll. Sing her a song. Throw me the ball. Take the car for a ride."

3. Articulation gymnastics.

Exercise “Delicious jam”.

The speech therapist suggests teaching the bear cub to lick honey from the lip, open the mouth slightly and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue, moving the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side.

4. Development of speech breathing.

L.- Our doll Masha is tired, let’s put her to bed and sing her a song.

A-A-A-A-A (the child rocks and sings)

(put the doll down and cover with a blanket)

While the doll is sleeping, I will tell you a story about Masha and her little brother.

Masha has a little brother. His name is Alyosha. Alyosha can say: UA - UA - UA. He wants to call his mother and shouts: UA-UA-UA! Asks to eat: UA - UA - UA! And when he wants to sleep, he also screams UA - UA - UA! That's all he said.

Tell me, how does Alyosha talk? (wa-wa-wa).

5. Finger game "Car"

6. Development of non-speech hearing.

L.- Now I will play musical instruments, and as soon as you hear the tambourine, you need to turn around.

7. Didactic game “Wonderful bag”

The speech therapist takes out a bag of toys, offers to take them out and, if possible, voice them.

L. – “We played with our palms, and now let’s touch what’s in the bag.

8. Imitation game.

Ooo - the bear growls,

And-and-and- the horse neighs,

Pee-pee-pee- the chicken squeaks,

Boom Boom- the drum thunders,

Oop-op-op- the ball bounces,

Bach– cubes fell, etc.

9. Game “Help Bear find the ball”

The bear cub appears from behind the screen. The little bear is crying.

L. - “The bear was walking through the forest. The bear lost the ball. Calm down and don't cry. We will find the same ball. Little bear, tell me which ball you lost?

The little bear shows a small ball and says: “My ball was like this, small.”

L. -And I have a bag, and in it there are a lot of toys that the kids have lost. Lena, let's find a small ball together.

The speech therapist suggests examining a small ball. He puts it between his palms and asks for a ride. Then he offers to roll a big ball. After the quality of the balls has been examined, he asks to find one of them in the bag.

10. Game "Collect cones."

The speech therapist offers to help the bear collect pine cones: large ones in a large basket, small ones in a small one.

III. Summary of the lesson.

The speech therapist praises the child for his efforts.

Kirillova Yu., teacher speech therapist.


Goal: - expansion and activation of the dictionary.
Tasks: - form the plural of nouns;
- learn to form nouns with diminutive
affectionate suffixes;
- learn to select adjectives for nouns;
- learn to use possessive pronouns in speech;
- develop coordination of speech with movement;
- develop fine motor skills;
- develop auditory attention;
- carry out and verbalize 1-2 step instructions.

Progress of the lesson:


And cheerful Cipollino,
And a kitten and a baby elephant.

2. Introduction to the topic. (pictures of toys, toys)
What was considered in finger gymnastics? (toys)
Name your favorite toy.
Everyone wants to have a lot of toys?
Let's play.

3. Game “One - Many”
Ball – balls elephant – elephants
Car - cars doll - dolls
Duck - ducks bear - bears
Bunny – bunnies cube – cubes
Matryoshka - nesting dolls scoop - scoops
Drum – drums bucket – buckets

4. Game “Big - small”
There are a lot of toys, and now let’s call them affectionately.
Ball - ball - balls elephant - elephant - elephants
Car - machine - cars doll - doll - dolls
Duck - duck - ducks airplane - airplane - airplanes
Hare - bunny - bunnies bucket - bucket - buckets
Matryoshka - matryoshka - nesting dolls scoop - scoop - scoops

5. Game “What from what”.
Dunno has a lot of toys, but he doesn’t know what they are made of. Toys are made from different materials. Let's help Dunno.
Who knows what toys are made of? (made of wood, iron, plastic, rubber, fabric, paper,...).

If a toy is made of wood, what is it? (wooden)
If a toy is made of iron, what is it? (iron)
If a toy is made of plastic, what is it? (plastic)
If a toy is made of rubber, what is it? (rubber)
If a toy is made of paper, what is it? (paper)
If the toy is made of plush, what is it? (plush)
If a toy is made of glass, what is it? (glass)

6. Physical education lesson “Ball”.

. would hit the ball)

They bounce like balls.

7. Game “Do what I say and say what you did.”
- Katya, take the typewriter from the table and give it to Timur.
- What have you done?
- Timur, what did you do?
- Alina, take the doll from the table and give it to Zhenya.
- What have you done?
- Zhenya, what did you do?
- Nikita take the ball from the table and give it to Grisha.
- What did you do?
- Grisha, what did you do?
- Pasha, take the bear from the table and give it to Lera.
- What did you do?
- Lera, what did you do?
- Vova, take the bunny from the table and give it to Ulyana.
- What did you do?
- Ulyana, what did you do?
- Kirill take the chicken from the table and give it to Anya.
- What did you do?
- Anya, what did you do?

8. Game “Which, which, which”
Let's say what kind of toys we have.
Toys (what?) – small, large, beautiful, colorful, soft, favorite….

9. Game “Mine, mine, mine, mine.” (based on pictures)
Mine is a ball, a plane,….
Mine is a doll, a car,...
Mine is a bucket...
Mine are toys, blocks, dolls,...

10. Summary of the lesson. Remember what they talked about.
“Help Andryushka.”

Andryushka arranged the toys in two rows.
Next to the monkey is a teddy bear.
Together with the fox there is a bunny with a scythe.
Following them are a hedgehog and a frog.
How many toys did Andryushka place?


Goal: - development of coherent speech.
Objectives: -learn the categories of the genitive case;
- learn to coordinate nouns with numerals;
- differentiate prepositions on, under;
- strengthening the ability to select adjectives for
- learn to compose sentences using a model;
- learn to write a story - description;
- teach solving riddles;
-develop attention and thinking.

Equipment: pictures of toys, ball, toys.
Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment. Finger gymnastics “TOYS”
On a large sofa in a row, (alternately clapping and
Katina's dolls are sitting: banging their fists)
Two bears, Pinocchio, (bend all their fingers one by one.)
And cheerful Cipollino,
And a kitten and a baby elephant.
One two three four five. (bend fingers alternately)
We help our Katya (alternately clap and
We count the toys. knocking fists).
Guessing riddles.
He was small in stature and galloped away from me. (ball)
There are girls hiding in this young woman,
Every sister is a little prison.
Red cheeks, colorful scarves.
Merry people clap their hands...(matryoshka dolls)
When April takes its toll and the streams run, ringing,
I jump over her, and she jumps over me. (jump rope)
Today everyone is rejoicing: in the hands of children
Balloons are dancing with joy...
I received these miracle bricks as a gift.
Whatever I put together, I break, I start all over again. (constructor)

2. Game “What’s missing?”
(picture on flannelgraph).

3. Game “Which, which, which”
Let's say what kind of toys we have.
Toys (what?) – small, large, beautiful, colorful, soft, favorite, rubber, wooden….
Doll (what?) – elegant, beautiful, big, talking,….
Car (what?) - beautiful, big, passenger car, truck,….
The ball (what?) is beautiful, colorful, small,...
The plane (which one?) is beautiful, toy, plastic,...

4. Game “What from what.” (making sentences according to the model)
Toys are made from different materials.
The matryoshka is made of wood, which means it is wooden.
The machine is made of iron, which means it is iron.
The cube is made of plastic, which means it is plastic.
The ball is made of rubber, which means it is rubber.
The airplane is made of paper, which means it is paper.
The bear is made of plush, which means it is plush.
The dog is made of glass, so what is it like? (glass)

5. Game “Where are the toys”
(drawing up proposals for the action being demonstrated)
The cube is on the table, and the machine is under the table.
The doll is on the table, and the matryoshka doll is under the table. And so on.

6. Physical education lesson “Ball”.
One, two, jump, ball. (waves your right palm like
would hit the ball)
One, two, and we'll jump. (rhythmic jumps on
Girls and boys wearing socks, hands on the belt)
They bounce like balls.

7. Game “1, 2, 5”
One ball, two balls, five balls. (elephant, cube, scoop, drum, bunny,
One car, two cars, five cars. (doll, duck,
one bucket, two buckets, five buckets.

8. Writing a descriptive story.
This is a Masha doll. The doll has a head, blond hair, blue eyes, black eyelashes and eyebrows. There is a torso, arms and legs. She is wearing a white dress and white shoes. Masha doll is a toy. They play with her. WITH
The doll must be handled carefully.

9. Summary of the lesson. Remember what they talked about. What did you like?

Methodological development - a summary of a speech therapy lesson for children with general speech underdevelopment on the topic “Toys”. In this lesson, we enrich children’s vocabulary with nouns, adjectives and verbs on the topic “Toys”. The proposed practical material can be recommended for use in speech therapy practice in subgroup classes with older children.

Correctional educational goals:

  • Clarification, expansion and generalization of children’s ideas about toys and the parts they consist of.
  • Consolidation of the general concept of “toys”.
  • Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation of relative adjectives, agreement of adjectives with nouns; agreement of numerals 2 and 5 with nouns, formation and use of nouns with diminutive suffixes),
  • formation of the syllabic structure of a word,
  • training in phonemic analysis of words,
  • development of spatial concepts.

Corrective and developmental goals:

  • Development of dialogical speech, thinking, visual attention, physiological breathing, general motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals:

  • Formation of cooperation skills and careful attitude towards toys.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Clarification and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic “Toys”, formation of relative adjectives, agreement of adjectives with nouns, development of dialogic speech.

I received a package. Look at the window, guess who sent it? (there is a picture of Santa Claus on the window).

The holiday is coming, and Santa Claus starts giving gifts. Want to know what's in the package? Guess the riddles.

They kick him
And he doesn't cry

They throw him-
It doesn't jump back.

Right. The ball is made of rubber, so what is it? - rubber. Ball, what shape, what color?

Rubber, round, large, multi-colored.

Friends of different heights
But they look alike
They all sit next to each other
And just one toy.

This is a matryoshka doll.

Right. What kind of matryoshka?

Wooden, new, beautiful, bright.

Drinks gasoline like milk
Can run far.
Carries goods and people.
You know her, of course?

Right. What car?

Paper, small, orange, passenger car.

What does all of this mean?
My daughter is not crying.
You put him to sleep, he will sleep
A day, and two, and even five.

Right. What doll?

Plastic, beautiful, small, multi-colored.

What kind of fidget toy
Dancing, running along the trail? -
I pressed, started,
Suddenly dizzy...

Right. The spinning top is made of metal. What kind of spinning top?


The funny animal is made of plush,
There are paws and there are ears.
Give the beast some honey.
And make him a den.

Right. What kind of bear?

Well done. Guessed all the riddles correctly.

II. Topic of the lesson.

What did Santa Claus send us, name it in one word.

Right. Who needs toys? For what? How can you play with the ball? What about the doll? What about the typewriter? With a spinning top? With a bear? With a matryoshka doll?

Children talk about how they play with toys.

How should we treat toys? (do not break, do not dirty, do not scatter, put away).

III. Game "Count it"

(coordination of numerals 2 and 5 with nouns).

Let's count how many nesting dolls there are.

Children take the matryoshka doll apart and count it.

IV. Game "Transformations".

(formation and use of nouns with diminutive suffixes).

Let's play "transformation" with toys.

On the computer screen, children “transform” large toys into small ones.

I turned the ball into a ball.

I turned the car into a typewriter.

And I turned the doll into a doll.

I turned a steam locomotive into a train.

And I turned the pyramid into a pyramid.

V. Game “Living Toy”.

(development of coherent speech, general motor skills).

Let's bring the toys to life. Children take one toy at a time, name it, tell what actions it can perform, and show it.

I have a spinning top. She can spin. (The child is spinning)

And I have a ball. He can jump and gallop. (Child jumps)

I have a tumbler. She can swing. (The child rocks)

I have a doll. She can dance. (The child is dancing)

I have a bear. He can growl. (The child portrays a bear)

VI. Game "Assemble a pyramid."

(development of phonemic perception, formation of phonemic analysis skills).

There is another toy in the box. (The speech therapist takes out a pyramid without rings from the box)

What is this?


Pyramid without what?

No rings.

Right. Santa Claus has come up with tasks for you. For each correctly completed task you will receive a ring. Children name the first sound in the name of the toys, determine what it is and attach a magnet of the corresponding color to the board (vowel - red, hard consonant - blue, soft consonant - green).

Pictures depicting: a bear, a car, a doll, a mouse, a house are offered.

VII. Formation of the syllabic structure of a word, training in syllabic analysis.

Guys, Grandfather Frost asks for help in sending the toys, distributing them correctly among the train cars. In the 1st carriage we will “send” toys whose names have one part (one syllable), in the 2nd - two parts, in the 3rd - three parts, in the 4th - four.

VIII. Game "Fourth wheel".

(development of visual attention, thinking).

What did we talk about in class?

About toys.

Right. And I want to test how well you know toys.

Children select an extra object on the computer screen. If the choice is made correctly, the item disappears.

IX. Organization of the end of the lesson.

Well done. You helped Santa Claus. What did you enjoy playing and what was difficult? There is also a bag in the box. I think these are gifts from Santa Claus for you. Children determine by touch what is in the bag.

Khludneva Olga Vladimirovna,
teacher speech therapist,
GBDOU kindergarten No. 106
Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg


speech therapy session on speech development

on the topic: Toys.

MBDOU d\s No. 16 "Golden Key"

preparatory speech therapy group No. 5

teacher-speech therapist Gorbatenko M.N.

Correctional and educational goals:

Form ideas about toys. Clarify the vocabulary on the topic, form a generalizing concept of a toy.

Corrective and developmental goals:

Activation of children's speech activity. Improving dialogic speech, speech hearing, verbal memory, visual perception and attention. Development of general, fine motor skills of the fingers. Development of phonemic processes.

Correctional and educational goals:

Develop interaction skills. Foster interest, love and respect for toys. Support children's desire for independence and initiative.


Cubes with pictures are for demonstration purposes. Pictures for the game “Without What?”, envelopes with cut-out pictures of toys, napkins, colored pencils, glue sticks - according to the number of children.

Easel, table, flower - seven flowers made of paper.

Preliminary work:

Reading by a teacher-speech therapist of V. Kataev’s story “Flower - Seven Flowers”. Learning riddles about toys with children.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time:

The speech therapist invites the children to go to the carpet. Children stand in a circle.

Guys, I have a magic flower in my hands, what is it called? (flower – seven-flower)

Right. This flower will fulfill all our wishes. Today I invite you to go to a wonderful world....Do you want to go there? (Yes)

To get there you need to tear off one petal and say the magic words.

Do you know what words to say? (yes) How should they be pronounced? (clearly, distinctly, loudly).

Children say in chorus.

Fly, fly petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

(the speech therapist tears off one petal)

And to find out the name of this wonderful world, we must guess the word.

Do you want to know the name? (Yes)

Main part:

Task No. 1 (Cubes with pictures)

Goal: development of phonemic hearing.

Look carefully, there are cubes on my table with pictures on them. To solve the word, you need to identify the first sound in the name of each picture.

Individual survey:

Only those guys I ask will answer.

- (first child) Tell me, please, what is the first sound in the word car? (m)

- (second child) what is the first sound in the word Indian? (And) etc.

Pictures: Car, Indian, Fish - (world)

Needle, Mushroom, Cancer, Snail, Hat, Spruce, Cat - (toys)

Children read in chorus what they got - “Toy World.”

We ended up in Toy World. Well done!

Task No. 2 (Cut-out pictures of toys.)

Goal: to teach the perception of a holistic image; develop attention - (pictures are distributed taking into account the individual characteristics of the child from 3, 4, 5, 6 parts).

There are different types of toys. Which ones? We'll find out when you assemble the toy from the parts. Sit quietly at the tables. Take the envelope, take out the parts and assemble each toy.

What kind of toys did you make? (different, bright, beautiful)

Well done!

Task No. 3 (Hatching)

Goal: to teach children to hatch depending on the direction of the contour.

Respect for boundaries and sizes. Develop fine motor skills.

Guys, do you know riddles about toys? (Yes)

Now we will see how you can make and solve riddles.

Guys, you have the answers on your pieces of paper; you need to find the answer and shade it yourself.

How will we hatch? (without going beyond the contour, carefully, keeping the distance).

The guys have prepared riddles for you. Listen to them carefully.

Riddles (children shade the answers, three pictures: a bear, a ball and a matryoshka).

(first child)

He's fat

And clubfooted

He has big paws

They are made of plush.

It cannot be washed in the shower. (Teddy bear)

(second child)

Rolled into the garden

Got to the gate

rolled under the gate,

I reached the turn.

There I got under a wheel,

It burst, popped - that's all. (ball)

(third child)

There are different girlfriends nearby,

But they look alike.

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy. (matryoshka)

Children's answers are asked individually. What is this? How did you guess?

Well done!

Phys. minute - “Pinocchio” is performed (2 times).

Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over, twice - bent over,

He spread his arms to the sides

Apparently I didn't find the key.

To get him the key,

We need to stand on our toes.

Stand tighter than Pinocchio,

Here it is - the golden key.

Task No. 4 Game “Without what?”

Goal: Expanding vocabulary on the topic. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Formation and use of genitive and instrumental forms of nouns. Development of visual attention.

Children approach the easel.

Guys, toys come in new and old. How should you handle your favorite toys? (they need to be protected, loved, not broken)

Look at my pictures of old toys here. They need to be repaired to be as good as new. Do you want to help them? (Yes)

Pictures of toys: (Pinocchio without a nose, a car without a wheel, a table without a leg, a train without a chimney, a hare without an ear, an airplane without a wing, a bear without a paw, a doll without an arm, a stroller without a handle, a teapot without a spout.)

Children take turns taking the missing part of the toy and attaching it to the easel using a magnet.)

Well done!

Task No. 5 (Tangram - fox, bunny, wolf)

Goal: add shapes of different shapes. Develop operational thinking, imagination, creativity, cognitive interest.

Surprise moment:

There's a knock on the door. Letter from toys to children.

The speech therapist reads the letter: “Help, help me put the pieces together”

Guys, let's help the toys? (Yes)

Working at tables.

Let's help you collect a photo of toys.

Question individually about who got what kind of photo of the toy they got.

Finger game "Toys".

On a large sofa in a row (clap hands alternating with fists)

Tanina's dolls are sitting (clap hands alternating with fists)

2 bears, Pinocchio (bend one finger on each hand)

And the cheerful Cipollino. (bend one finger on each hand)

And a kitten, (bend one finger on each hand)

And a baby elephant. (bend one finger on each hand)

One, two, three, four, five - (clench and unclench fists)

Let's help our Tanya (clap hands alternating with fists)

Task No. 6 Creative.

Goal: develop fine motor skills. Support in children the desire for independence, initiative, and individuality.

Guys, let's bring home gifts from the land of toys for your beloved sisters and brothers for moms and dads? (Let's)

Do you want to give gifts? (Yes)

You have dog and bunnie toys on your tables. Let's use napkins to make our toys fluffy.

Children do applique.

(Tear off small pieces from the napkin, roll them into a small lump and glue them to the picture.)

Guys, it’s time to end our journey.

Children approach a speech therapist. The teacher-speech therapist takes a seven-flowered flower in his hands.

Look, there are still many petals left on our seven-flowered flower, thanks to which we can get not only into the world of toys, but also into other wonderful worlds and learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Did you like the world of toys? (Yes). I also really enjoyed traveling with you.

Reflection of children. (at the end of the lesson)

Goal: children acquire, along with knowledge and skills, reflexive ability, which allows the child to evaluate the result of his own activities, i.e. provide self-education, self-education and self-development.

Let's try together not only to tell, but also to show our attitude towards travel. Those guys who think that they succeeded in everything in the lesson - come up and take a picture with a bear that is smiling. Those guys who have difficulty with something - come up and take a picture with a bear looking at you thoughtfully (see Appendix No. 8).

Individual survey of children about what, who and why they liked most about the trip. Which of the guys had difficulty in which task?

Used Books:

N.V. Nishcheva - didactic game “Play”.

N.V. Nishcheva - “Notes of subgroup speech therapy classes in the preparatory group of a kindergarten for children with special needs development.”

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