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How to knit a double rib description. We learn to knit double elastic with knitting needles. Double elastic knitting video

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Helpful advice

Carefully count the number of loops, otherwise your elastic band will come off.


  • double elastic knitting pattern
  • How to knit double rib

Hollow elastic is very often used in hand knitting for such details of knitted products as cuffs, neck straps, rims of hats or berets. Using this knitting technique, you can get a double fabric, which allows you to knit the product without the wrong side, the so-called. “double product”, which is often found in children's models. Using a hollow elastic band in hand knitting allows you to get a smooth, elastic edge of the product.

You will need

  • Threads for hand knitting with knitting needles of the main color,
  • Auxiliary thread of contrasting color, Knitting needles.


Using a thread of a contrasting color, cast on the stitches of the cast-on row. When calculating the required loops, you must keep in mind that the number of loops should be half as much as required for knitting the elastic band itself. For example, if the hollow is knitted on 30 loops, then you need to cast on 15 loops with an auxiliary thread.

After the cast-on row, proceed to knitting the hollowest elastic band. To do this, you need to include a working thread in the knitting and knit the first row as follows: 1 knit stitch, 1 yarn over. Continue this way until the row is completed. The required number of loops is formed. In the second row of yarn over, knit with a knit stitch, remove the loop following the yarn over as a purl without knitting, the working thread should be in front of the work. The third and all subsequent rows are knitted in the same way - 1 knit stitch, the next one is removed from the knitting needle as when knitting a purl loop, the working thread still remains in front of the work.

After the elastic is knitted to the required width, you can proceed to knitting the main fabric with the selected pattern. In this transitional row you need to knit 2 loops together.

To obtain a neat and elastic edge of the fabric, sometimes it is enough to knit several, 4 or 6, hollow rows, and you can continue working with a regular elastic band - 1x1, 2x2, etc. In this case, it is not necessary to knit 2 loops together, because a regular elastic band will be about the same width as a hollow one.

Once the hollow elastic is knitted to the required width, the auxiliary thread can be removed. To do this, cut a loop in the cast-on row and carefully remove the thread using a knitting needle or needle.


If you remove the stitches from the knitting needle, you will see that the fabric splits into two parts, knitted with stockinette stitch and connected to each other by a cast-on edge. Therefore, a hollow elastic band is sometimes called a double rubber band. This property of hollow or double elastic is used for final finishing of necklines or trims of hand-knitted items.

Helpful advice

After washing, hand-knitted items should be dried on a flat surface; the straps and elastic bands should never be stretched.


  • hollow elastic knitting

Products made of double viscous, they not only look original, they are warmer and softer, and they are also reversible, which means you can wear them as two different clothes. This effect is achieved thanks to a special knitting method - it is called either double viscous, or with a hollow elastic band, when in each row only knit stitches are knitted, and the purl ones are simply removed (in another version, in the first row only the knit stitches are knitted, the purl ones are removed, and in the second, the purl ones are knitted, and the knit ones are removed). This only seems complicated at first glance, but in reality everything is quite simple.

You will need

  • Knitting needles on fishing line
  • Yarn of two colors or two types


Cast on the required number of stitches on the knitting needles. Do not forget that for double knitting you need an even number of loops, plus 2 edge stitches.

The product must be knitted according to the pattern: 1 loop is knitted, 1 loop is removed purl without knitting, the thread should be “before work”.

However, in order to create, you need to alternate 2 rows of different colors, that is, knit according to the pattern: first row: 1 knit loop, 1 purl loop is removed without knitting, thread “before work”; second row: 1 loop is removed from the front without knitting, while the thread is “at work”, 1 purl.

To create a double-sided fabric, the knitting changes slightly: first the row is knitted with one, and then with the second thread; they can be conditionally divided into the main and auxiliary. The main thread will be the one from which the background of the product is knitted, and the auxiliary thread will be the thread of the pattern. The casting on of loops occurs with the main thread. The number of loops should also be even, but there should be twice as many as needed in the pattern. Knit the 1st row according to the standard pattern indicated above: 1 knit, 1 purl. Next, pull all the loops onto the right knitting needle and tie an auxiliary thread, knit the same row with it according to the pattern: remove 1 front loop, thread “at work,” knit 1 purl. 2nd row: knit a row of the main thread according to the pattern, then pull the fabric on a free knitting needle and knit the same row with an auxiliary thread: the purl loop is removed without knitting (thread “before work”), the front loop is knitted. The subsequent rows are knitted in accordance with the first two, i.e. all odd rows are knitted like the 1st row, all even - like the 2nd row. As a result, you should get a product, one side of which will be one color, and the other - another.

If you want to knit a pattern: while knitting with the main thread, remove the desired knit stitch in the knit row without knitting, and knit it in the same row with an auxiliary thread. The same can be done with a purl stitch on a purl row.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

A more accurate double-sided product will be obtained if the inner and outer sides are knitted with a single fabric. Knit the entire product with one thread; when the product is completed, knit 1 row with purl loops for the fold line, tie another thread to the product and knit everything in the reverse order.

In knitting, there are a lot of different techniques that allow you to knit a wide variety of products - openwork fabrics, patterned napkins, thick sweaters, as well as cuffs and pockets.


To knit pockets, you will need the double rib technology, which consists of two fabrics knitted with stockinette stitch and having a hollow pocket inside. Both canvases are connected to each other by type-setting loops. Learn to knit double elastic band and any knitter can close it.

First, calculate the number of loops using the control sample and multiply the resulting number by two. For example, if the fabric of a 10 cm control sample contains 20 loops, then in order to knit a double elastic band the same size, you will need to cast on 40 stitches. Use thin knitting needles to ensure a neat double rib stitch.

Knit the first row in the following way: knit one stitch, then slip one stitch and place the working thread in front of the fabric. Consistently knit the described combination of stitches until you reach the end of the row.

Knit all other rows in the same way as the first, knitting the stitch removed in the previous row. Remove the knitted loop, place the thread in front of the loop and continue doing the same steps until the very end. In some products, a double elastic band is knitted in such a way that its edge is closed, and the elastic band itself becomes one-piece - for example, this is how cuffs and trims are knitted.

In order to close elastic band, cast on with an auxiliary thread half the number of loops that you cast on for knitting a double elastic band, and then begin to knit alternating knit stitches and yarn overs with the main thread.

Repeat this alternation until you reach the end of the first row. On the second row, knit a yarn over, slip a knit stitch by placing the yarn in front of the stitch, and then repeat until the end of the row.

In the third and subsequent rows, knit a double elastic band using the technique described above, and after a few centimeters, unravel the cast-on edge from the auxiliary thread. This way you will get a smooth edge of the product.

Video on the topic

Double rib is one of the densest types of knitting. It holds its shape perfectly and practically does not stretch when washed. Therefore, this pattern is often used to decorate collars and cuffs. They also knit belts with it. When knitting skirts and trousers, the waist line is made with this particular pattern, which allows you to insert an elastic band or grosgrain ribbon inside without a seam.

You will need

  • - Knitting;
  • - straight knitting needles according to the thickness of the threads.


To complete the sample, cast on straight knitting needles the number of loops twice the calculated number. Add 2 edges. This pattern is usually done on straight knitting needles. An experienced craftswoman can try to knit it in a circle, but this requires a lot of attention. Pull out the knitting needle, remove the edge and knit the first row with a regular 1x1 rib.

Turn the work over and remove the edging. In the second row, knit the front loops with the front ones, and remove the purl ones, leaving the thread before work. Continue knitting in the same way. After a couple of rows you will notice that you have a double fabric. On both sides the knitting looks like stocking on the right side. This type of elastic requires twice as much thread as other straight, tight knitting.

Tie the fabric to the desired height. On the last row, knit the knit stitches of both layers together. If this is not done, the end rubber bands It will turn out stretched out and ugly. You can close the loops in any way convenient for you - with a crochet hook, knitting the first and second together, or pulling one loop into the other.

To make a hole for linen rubber bands, step back 3-4 loops from the edge along the wrong side. Make a straight yarn over. In this case, you need to knit the next or previous 2 loops, which will not work with this type of knitting in the usual way. Therefore, slip the next knit stitch onto a pin, then slip 2 purl stitches onto the right needle, put them on the left loop from the pin so that the 2 knit stitches are side by side. Knit them together. Repeat the procedure at the end of the row.

It is quite possible that summer will come someday in the middle zone. This means that it still makes sense to supply bread kvass. It will take at least a week to prepare a good starter, and as forecasters promise, by that time the air temperature should rise above 20 C (in the daytime).

How to prepare sourdough for
homemade bread kvass


  • 2 liters of cold water;
  • 0.5 loaves of Borodino bread or 100 grams of rye flour + 100 grams of rye bread;
  • 4 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 3 grams of yeast.
  • Preparation time - 5-6 days

How to put kvass:

  • Fry the flour or pieces of bread until they darken (but do not char; with black bread it is sometimes difficult to tell whether it is just toasted or already burnt).
  • Dissolve yeast and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar in lukewarm water.
  • After 10 minutes, add a third of the flour or breadcrumbs.
  • Drain almost all the water, add the same amount of fresh water, another spoonful of sugar and another third of crackers or flour with crackers.
    And insist again for a couple of days.
    Drain again, add the remaining crackers (or flour with crackers) and sugar. And fill it with fresh water again.
    During this time, the sourdough will lose its insolent yeasty taste and unpleasant bitterness and it will be possible to use it for drinking kvass. To do this, once every 1.5-2 days, you will need to add water, sugar to taste and a large handful of fresh rye crackers to a three-liter jar with the prepared starter, first removing some of the old soggy ones that have sunk to the bottom. For taste you can add raisins, mint, ginger, honey...

  • It is quite possible that summer will come someday in the middle zone. This means that it still makes sense to supply bread kvass. It will take at least a week to prepare a good starter, and as forecasters promise, by that time the air temperature should rise above 20 C (in the daytime).

    How to prepare sourdough for
    homemade bread kvass


    • 2 liters of cold water;
    • 0.5 loaves of Borodino bread or 100 grams of rye flour + 100 grams of rye bread;
    • 4 tablespoons granulated sugar;
    • 3 grams of yeast.
    • Preparation time - 5-6 days

    How to put kvass:

  • Fry the flour or pieces of bread until they darken (but do not char; with black bread it is sometimes difficult to tell whether it is just toasted or already burnt).
  • Dissolve yeast and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar in lukewarm water.
  • After 10 minutes, add a third of the flour or breadcrumbs.
  • Drain almost all the water, add the same amount of fresh water, another spoonful of sugar and another third of crackers or flour with crackers.
    And insist again for a couple of days.
    Drain again, add the remaining crackers (or flour with crackers) and sugar. And fill it with fresh water again.
    During this time, the sourdough will lose its insolent yeasty taste and unpleasant bitterness and it will be possible to use it for drinking kvass. To do this, once every 1.5-2 days, you will need to add water, sugar to taste and a large handful of fresh rye crackers to a three-liter jar with the prepared starter, first removing some of the old soggy ones that have sunk to the bottom. For taste you can add raisins, mint, ginger, honey...
  • Even experienced knitters do not always know how to correctly knit a pattern called “tubular elastic.” In practice, this simple and very popular knitting allows you to obtain a smooth fabric that looks like a seamless pipe.

    Even the very concept of “tubular” is directly related to the word “tube” (tunnel, pipe), therefore it very succinctly and realistically characterizes the type of pattern. Its second name, more common, is "hollow rubber band" which, however, does not look like the usual “grooved” elastic band, but rather like stocking stitch.

    You have probably seen such a hollow “pipe” many times; it is often used to make elements of knitted clothing - cuffs and collars for adult and children’s sweaters, trims, pocket flaps, belts and more.

    Also, the principle of tubular knitting can be used in the manufacture of wide decorative laces. In addition, with the help of tubular elastic, you can reduce the number of loops when switching to knitting a cuff or any other tapering element from the main fabric.

    How to knit double rib with knitting needles?

    To the delight of novice needlewomen, knitting a double elastic band with knitting needles is not difficult: however, from the very beginning you need to control the number of loops on the knitting needle - it should be even, this is very important. To make the pattern look as aesthetically pleasing and neat as possible, it is recommended to cast on the stitches in the Italian way, in which they initially lie on the knitting needle as purl and knit stitches.

    The standard pattern for knitting tubular elastic is simple:

    • first we knit the first row according to the “1 by 1” pattern: the first loop is knitted as a knit stitch, the next one is removed as a purl stitch (we place the working thread in front of the left knitting needle and remove the loop), the third is knitted again, and so we knit all the loops of the row, alternating two steps ;
    • Now let’s move on to the second row: the same techniques are used (knitting with a knit stitch + removing the loop following it as a purl), but this must be done in the reverse order - remove the purl loop over the knit loop of the first row, knit a knit loop over the removed loop, and so on to the end of the row.

    Then we consistently adhere to the same pattern of knitting double elastic with knitting needles - we alternate rows (first-second, first-second) until our fabric reaches the required length. If we are talking about circular knitting, the pattern is slightly modified. The requirements for the number of loops remain the same; there must be an even number of them.

    We knit the first row in the round in the same way as when knitting straight tubular elastic, and then distribute the second row over different knitting needles.

    To do this, place the finished, fully knitted first row on two knitting needles (on one - knit stitches, on the second - removed stitches).

    Of course, you can use one ball, but in this case you will have to use pairs of knitting needles alternately, otherwise you will not be able to make a through hole for inserting an elastic band. Each master chooses the most comfortable method of work for himself. One important nuance should be taken into account: when making such a pattern, the thread consumption is greater than with regular knitting, so buy balls “with a reserve”.

    Otherwise, the procedure for knitting a hollow elastic band is extremely simple; you only need to try it once with your own hands to understand the principle.

    Let's consider another option for knitting an “elastic band” with knitting needles, it is usually called a hollow elastic band... I have never knitted it before and I don’t know why it has such a strange name, so I’m learning with you.

    Hollow elastic with knitting needles - how to knit

    So let's get started...

    We cast on 20 loops for the sample...

    and we will remove the front ones without knitting, while the working thread will be “at work”. For more information about this technique, read the article ““

    1st row - remove the edge, purl stitch, remove knit stitch without knitting, thread at work, purl, remove again...etc. to the end of the row...

    2nd row - we do the same as in the first row only “according to the pattern”, again we knit only the purl loops, and remove the knit stitches, the working thread is “behind the knitting”

    We alternate rows)))

    It turns out that the “similarity” is simple knitting one on one

    Why "similarity"? Yes, because the pattern really looks like an elastic band, but in terms of quality it’s nothing like it...

    The knitting is dense, pressed, double-sided...

    And I decided to dissolve it...

    And... 💡 Oh, MIRACLE!...For me, this is an OPENING ❗ !!! Having thrown off the loops from the knitting needles, we see that the sample is hollow inside... This is probably why the elastic band is called - hollow elastic band with knitting needles))) 😯

    ... and if you don’t dissolve it, you’ll end up with such a pattern... sort of double...

    ... and there is a hollow space inside)))

    You should definitely take advantage of this amazing property of this pattern)))

    For example, knit a hat... So what? You will immediately get an insulated double product. I don’t think it’s a bad idea... or pot holder with knitting needles...

    And don't forget to leave your comment. Your opinion is important to me!

    If you liked the article, then share this information with your friends by clicking the social network buttons! Just a huge request! - do not copy the entire material, please use social buttons! Do not be shy! I’ll help as much as I can 🙂 An idea has arisen - Share! If you find any errors, write to us and we will fix them! I have a desire to help the blog in some way - I will be only too glad! Hosting costs money, and materials are not cheap these days... So, if possible, then help financially)))

    Good day, dear friends!

    My article today will be devoted to a very interesting knitting technique, which is called “double elastic”. It is called an elastic band because of its “compressive” properties, and double because it looks absolutely the same on both sides. Both from the face and from the back the knitting looks like (photo 1).

    This pattern is also called “hollow elastic.” Why? Look at photo 2: if you remove the fabric knitted with this pattern from the knitting needle, what comes out is “hocus pocus” - the inside between the halves is empty! That is, it turns out that we are knitting, as it were, a bag at one time. Imagine how great it would be to knit, for example, a hat with such an elastic band! It will immediately turn out to be two-layer and unusually warm.

    Let's take a closer look at knitting a double elastic band with knitting needles.

    • Pattern Description:

    We MUST cast on an even number of loops.

    1st row: knit the first loop behind the front wall, remove the next loop unknitted, leaving the thread in front of the work - alternate until the end of the row (we knit the edge loops as usual);

    2nd row: knit the loop removed in the previous row behind the front wall, remove the next loop unknitted - the thread is in front of the work (photo 3).

    • Where is double elastic used? Sometimes it is used to strengthen the bottom edge of the product - it turns out to be especially dense and does not stretch. It is very often used to decorate the neckline: as an element, or completely - to tie it to a stand-up collar. For example, to knit a collar I used a double elastic band in , and as an element of neck design - in .

    I already mentioned above that you can knit a hat with this pattern. It is also very suitable for knitting a belt, which will immediately turn out to be double, dense and will have little stretch. You can use a double elastic band to tie the straps under the fastener. Well, if you suddenly want to create, for example, a warm two-layer jacket, then you can take a swing at that. But it will take a VERY long time to knit (I had experience), because in fact you are knitting 2 layers at once!

    • Knitting double elastic in the round.

    When designing a neckline, you often have to knit a double elastic band in the round (by the way, you can also knit a hat). Let's figure out how to do this on circular knitting needles. Of course, you know that when knitting in the round, all rows are knitted on the same side of the work. Therefore, in this case we knit a double elastic band like this:

    1st row: 1 front loop, remove 1 loop unknitted (thread in front of work);

    2nd row: remove the front loop (thread behind the work), knit the removed loop purlwise behind the back wall;

    We alternate the 1st and 2nd rows.

    • How to close the loops of a double elastic band , depends on what exactly you are using it for. If you are knitting a sweater collar with this knitting stitch, then so that you can easily put it on over your head, close the loops, knitting the knit stitch with a knit stitch, and the removed loop with a purl loop. The knitting edge is elastic.

    If you are knitting with a double elastic band, for example, a fastener bar or a belt, then you need to close the loops like this:

    1. remove the edge loop, then remove the first loop unknitted;
    2. We knit the next loop (which is behind the work) purlwise and pull it through the removed one;
    3. Pull the formed loop through the edge loop again;
    4. we continue to do this further - it turns out that we first knit 2 loops together, and then stretch the formed loop through the previous loop lying on the right knitting needle. With this method of closing the loops, the edge of the double elastic band is more rigid and does not stretch.

    The methods of closing loops described above are the same for both straight and circular knitting double elastic bands.

    • How to calculate the required number of loops for knitting with a double elastic band?

    As usual, you need to knit a sample and measure how many loops you cast so that they fit, for example, 5 cm of the sample. Then divide the desired width of the product in centimeters by 5 and multiply by the number of loops you calculated (for more details about calculating loops, see the article about

    Knitting a double hollow elastic band with knitting needles

    Hollow double elastic band - a technique for knitting an elastic band that every self-respecting needlewoman, even a beginner, should have. Therefore, today we will talk about such a common technique as knitting a double hollow elastic band with knitting needles.

    The peculiarity of this technique is that to complete it you need to cast on the number of loops, doubled, since the work will be done from two layers of fabrics knitted using the stockinette stitch technique. Only these canvases are connected to each other by a typesetting edge. The knit stitches are on the outside and the purl stitches are on the inside. The canvases are adjacent to each other as if back to back.

    Also, a feature of this technique is that knitting needles need to be chosen with a number less than for knitting plain stockinette stitch.

    A characteristic advantage of this technique is that you can save a lot of time. And why? This is because when describing many models where a double elastic band is used, it is described differently, as a plain front fabric folded in half. If you knit a double fabric, it will take more time and effort. That’s why our “double hollow elastic” technique solves this problem instantly.

    Pattern characteristics:

    • Despite the fact that the technique is made of two canvases, it does not look too voluminous or cumbersome.
    • A cast-on edge made using this technique has good elasticity.
    • Products knitted with double elastic have good elasticity and at the same time do not deform.
    • Due to the fact that the double hollow elastic band is knitted from two fabrics, it looks moderately voluminous and fluffy.
    • The disadvantage of this technique is that the product will require a larger amount of yarn than, for example, a regular elastic band.

    What to knit with this technique:

    • This type of elastic should be applied to the edges of skirts, panties, necklines, stockings, socks, and so on. All edges can be made with double hollow elastic.
    • Often, double hollow elastic is used to knit double warm hats. Double hats start with double hollow ribbed knits and then move to double ply blanket knits on multiple knitting needles.

    Conclusion: this double hollow elastic technique can be used to make edges in any knitted items. It is most advantageous to use it for knitting elastic for panties and skirts, since you can insert a regular elastic band into it for elasticity.

    Double elastic knitting pattern with description

    Method one:

    For the sample, on knitting needles number two and a half, cast on forty stitches in a simple way.

    First row: We knit using the usual and long-familiar method of a regular simple elastic band one to one - one simple front and one regular purl loop. Do not forget that we remove the first edge loop in the sample, and we knit the last loop in the row with a purl simple loop.

    Second row: We remove the first loop, knit the next loop with a regular knit stitch, then move the loop from the left knitting needle to the right one and skip the working thread before work. We knit a simple knit stitch again and again move the loop from the left loop to the right loop, pulling the working thread in front of the loop. We knit this way until the end of the row, and knit the last loop with a knit stitch.

    We knit the third and subsequent rows similarly to the second.

    The second way to knit a double hollow elastic band:

    For a ten-centimeter long sample, use number two and a half needles to cast on forty stitches using the Italian method.

    Any knitting begins with a very simple technique, such as a set of loops with knitting needles. There are a huge variety of loop set variations. In accordance with the type and purpose of the main knitting, the most suitable option for a set of loops is chosen: the edge should be elastic or, on the contrary, it should be dense and hold its shape well. Now we will tell you about such an element as a hollow elastic band with knitting needles.

    Knitting a hollow double elastic band using knitting needles: a detailed description of the technique

    There is a beautiful and original way to create an unusual hollow elastic band using knitting needles. With this manufacturing method, the knitted item will have a hollow and very elastic elastic band. The double hollow elastic band is quite simple in its execution, so even a novice needlewoman can master this technique.

    A characteristic feature and highlight of the technique of forming a hollow double elastic band is the process of casting and forming subsequent poisonous knitting loops. The craftswoman is required to cast on the working knitting needles the number of stitches doubled. This number of stitches will be made using stockinette knitting and will make up two layers of the fabric of your product. These two layers of your work piece will be right sides together. The appearance of such a hollow double elastic band is very neat and pleasant.

    Characteristic features and advantages of double hollow elastic in products:

    1. Despite the fact that the working canvas is made of two connected layers, it does not look too voluminous.
    2. Products knitted using a double hollow elastic band have good elasticity, but at the same time are not subject to excessive deformation.
    3. The disadvantage of using a hollow double elastic band is that it will require more yarn to shape your project than, for example, to make a regular elastic band.

    Using this unusual and beautiful option for forming the elastic band of your product, you can tie the edges of pants, skirts, stockings, necks of products, socks and other products.

    Hollow double elastic band with knitting needles: detailed description and recommendations for knitting an element of the product

    We bring to your attention several ways of knitting a hollow elastic band using knitting needles.

    Using the first simple method of forming a hollow double elastic, you need to prepare knitting needles number 2.5 and thread for knitting a sample. Using knitting needles, form forty loops.

    Now start knitting the first row of your fabric sample. Form it using a simple technique for making loops on knitting needles. Cast on one stitch using the knit method, then form a loop using the purl method. Also, do not forget to remove the edge loop without knitting. According to the described manipulations, you need to form the entire first row of the working canvas. Then the last stitch in your row should be purled.

    Next, proceed to working manipulations on the second row of your canvas. The first edge stitch must be removed onto the knitting needle without knitting. The next loop should be formed using the facial method. After this, place a loop on the right working needle and throw the thread from your skein forward of the working fabric. Now form a loop again using the knit stitch method and transfer it to the right working needle. Just as in the manipulations above, place the working thread in front of the fabric of the product. Using the described steps, form the entire row of your panel. Knit the last stitch on the left knitting needle.

    The third and subsequent rows of your working canvas must be formed by analogy with the second row.

    There is another quick way to form a hollow elastic band using knitting needles. Cast on forty stitches using size 2.5 needles using the Italian method. Thanks to this type of set of loops, you can immediately begin the process of creating a hollow double elastic band for your product.

    Slip off the first stitch of your row without knitting. The second loop must be formed using the facial method, and then placed on the right knitting needle. Again you need to place the thread in front of the work and continue knitting. Repeat all the manipulations we described above until the entire row is completed. Form the last stitch on the left needle using the knit stitch method. Your hollow double elastic band is ready.

    You can choose for yourself the most suitable method of forming the elastic hollow band of your product and master it.

    A selection of thematic videos for the article

    We bring to your attention a small selection of videos on the process of knitting hollow elastic on knitting needles.

    Needlewomen know many options for elastic bands knitted with knitting needles. These are voluminous and loose (patent, English), ordinary - 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, oblique, uneven (3x6), embossed (Polish, French), and elastic bands using openwork and aran. The lesson will tell you about the most common options. You will learn what a double rib is and learn the technique of knitting it.

    Some elastic bands are shown in the photo below. One of them is faceted, the second with a scar.

    An interesting option is picot and interrupted elastic.

    This option with braids and arans looks a little like an elastic band. But this is also an elastic band.

    Beginner knitters find it difficult to understand dry text descriptions or pattern icons, so a video option is suitable for them.

    Where to use a double elastic band

    Most often they are used to design cuffs, hems and necklines. Elastic properties allow you to achieve a tight fit around the wrist, neck, and waist. These patterns are used to knit hats, scarves, or straps.

    “Sports” elastic bands are suitable for clothing. They form a voluminous fabric (English elastic). For straps and waistbands, a very thick double elastic band is suitable because it holds its shape perfectly.

    Double elastic has a number of distinctive features:

    • when knitting, a void is formed between the layers of fabric;
    • for it, cast on a double number of loops;
    • outwardly it has the appearance of stocking stitch;
    • knitting this pattern requires twice as much yarn;
    • it is used as a drawstring for threading a cord or belt.

    Double elastic is otherwise called hollow, hollow or tubular. Its diagram and description are quite simple.

    Features of double elastic

    This elastic pattern can be described in these words. This is a 1x1 elastic band in which the purl loops are not knitted, but are re-knitted, removing the thread before work. The order of knitting is as follows:

    1. The first row is 1x1 elastic.
    2. Second row *1 knit stitch (KL), slip 1, thread in front of the fabric*, repeat repeat until the end of the row.
    3. In the next row, remove the one that was previously in the front loop as a purl loop (IP).
    4. Continue knitting, repeating the last row.
    5. As a result, the knitted fabric is divided into two layers, between which a void is formed. Do not forget that the number of loops does not include edge loops. The hollow elastic pattern is shown below.

    Stitch casting techniques

    Let's look at the types of sets suitable for double elastic bands.

    Casting on with extra thread

    Use colored thread to cast on half the required number. Then knit, introducing the edge into the total count of loops: 1 LP, 1 yarn over. In the next row, the yarn overs are knitted with the yarn over, and the former knit yarn over is removed like the yarn over before work. Having knitted several rows, the contrasting thread is unraveled, and a neat edge is obtained that looks like a fold.

    Set by laying additional thread

    When casting on the loops on working needles, an additional thread is passed between the LP and IP. Later it is removed and a smooth edge is formed.

    Italian set.

    With this method, you form an elastic edge from LP and IP. Place the first stitch on the knitting needle as usual, and the second by moving it away from you and pulling it from below through the top.

    Video: Italian loop set

    If tubular ribbing is done on circular needles, use this technique to imitate purl rows:

    1. 1st row:* 1 LP, remove IP, thread before knitting*.
    2. 2nd row:* remove LP, thread at work, 1 IP*.

    Knitting technique after elastic

    The density of the fabric is twice that of normal. Therefore, when switching to basic knitting, so that the fabric does not gather in waves, leave half the loops on the knitting needles. To do this, knit every 2 loops (LP and IP) together.

    If a hollow elastic band, according to the pattern, is knitted in the middle of the product (at the waist), to form it, first double the number of loops on the knitting needles, and after knitting the elastic band, cut it in half. The knitting needles are taken one size smaller than those used to knit the main fabric.

    Methods for closing loops

    What to do if the knitting ends with a double elastic band (for example, the neckline). Bind off the loops using one of two techniques:

    1. In the usual way, but knitting two loops together. The top of the product is hard.
    2. Using a needle when the top is elastic. Use a horizontal knit stitch using working thread.

    Video: Knitting in the round with two-color patent elastic (brioche)

    Video: Making a knitted seam horizontally

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