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About pensions in the Republic and Ukraine - in an interview with the Chairman of the Pension Fund of the LPR

A third of the population of the Republic are people of retirement age, so they cannot help but be concerned about any issues related to changes in pension legislation, the assignment and increase of pensions. Moreover, information about payments both in the LPR and in Ukraine is relevant for them. We asked the chairman of the Pension Fund of the Republic, Tatyana Vasilyeva, the questions that most concern the population. They also touched upon such topics as: increasing pensions in the LPR, the situation with pensions in our state, the effectiveness of feedback from recipients, a hidden way to increase the retirement age in Ukraine. We also talked about that area of ​​life of employees of the LPR Pension Fund, which often remains “behind the scenes”.

About the increase: budgeted

– The first and, probably, the most important question that interests pensioners of the Republic: should we expect an increase in pensions this year?

– Many pensioners, for some reason, expected an increase in pensions in May of this year. Naturally, this did not happen, and we did not plan such an increase within the specified period. These were unsubstantiated rumors.

Of course, I wouldn’t like to get ahead of myself, but now we are just calculating and solving the necessary issues so that the increase does come. But, at best, it can happen only from July 1 of this year. But until an official resolution of the Council of Ministers is adopted, I do not have the right to voice anything more specific. Today we are forming a budget for the third quarter and including an increase in pensions. And if, so to speak, we are given the go-ahead, taking into account what we proposed, then the corresponding regulatory document will be approved, but not earlier than July 1.

– Can our budget afford this?

– Be that as it may, we have a fairly large number of pensioners in the Republic, and everyone needs to be paid a pension. Moreover, we want it to be paid stably, and not once every six months. Therefore, when we submit a proposal to increase pension payments, the Ministry of Finance evaluates this possibility.

But we should not forget that today external management has been introduced at two DTEK enterprises, as well as at PJSC Krasnodonugol, which previously paid taxes to the budget of Ukraine. And we expect additional revenues from these three enterprises to the budget of the Republic. Naturally, taking this into account, our data changes, and the total amount of revenue changes. Of course, we also partially rely on them. Accordingly, we are planning a parallel increase. But, you understand that first this money must go to the Pension Fund, and only then we will be able to increase payments to our recipients. It doesn't happen the other way around.

– So the forecast for increasing pensions is still positive?

- Certainly. Firstly, the Head of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky clearly set the task - it is necessary to raise social standards. In parallel, we are working with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, I also attended meetings of the budget commission, and none of the representatives of this commission, which is headed by acting. O. First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers Sergei Ivanushkin, did not say that this issue cannot be resolved. We raised it on behalf of the Pension Fund, talking about how much money is needed to increase pensions.

Therefore, in this situation, both the Head of the LPR, and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, and the head of the budget commission, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of the LPR are in favor. The Ministry of Finance does not object either. We also met with representatives of the State Committee of Taxes and Duties, including working with DTEK enterprises. There is understanding on all sides. We have already launched the project, submitted it for approval to the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of the Lugansk People's Republic and the Ministry of Finance of the Lugansk People's Republic. As soon as the Minister of Finance of the LPR calculates everything, and everything comes together in our “cash,” we will put it into action.


– Tell us about the general trend in the number of pension recipients in the Republic?

– 2016 was a significant year for us: many people returned to the Republic, the number of recipients grew, we adopted many regulatory documents. Since January of this year, the number of pension recipients has stabilized. And today there is no obvious increase in the number of pensioners. As of May 1, when we generated payment documents, we had 441 thousand 410 pension recipients registered with us. And this is a third of the population of our Republic.

– What are the statistics for women who retired at 55?

– Last year, almost 24 thousand women retired at the age of 55. During the first quarter of this year, 2 thousand 863 people in this category went on a well-deserved rest. These numbers speak volumes.

– What about the other payments made by the Pension Fund of the Republic?

– We also pay financial assistance for funeral and the lost pension amount, according to the decision that was made last year. And today the right to receive them is acquired by close people of the deceased pensioner. In numbers, in the first quarter of this year almost 5 thousand people received funeral payments, and a little more than 3 thousand people received shortfalls in pensions.

– We know that every year more and more people return to the Republic, including pensioners. How actively do they exercise their right to resume payments to the LPR? What problems are they facing?

– During the period of existence of the resolution, which gave people the right to resume payment of pensions on the territory of the Republic, 8 thousand 654 people took advantage of this right.

Yes, perhaps not everyone receives a pension in the amount they need, but there are a number of reasons for this. For example, if a person took his pension case to Ukraine, then, according to the legislation of the Republic, we pay him the minimum pension. And for us this is also a task - to somehow solve this problem. Those people who did not take out their pension files and returned to our register, they receive a pension in full and are not disadvantaged in any way. There are people who cannot travel and work in government agencies, work in law enforcement agencies, or are military personnel; they are also given the right to restore their pensions in full.

Agree, more than 8 thousand people is a huge number of people. Compared to the total number of our recipients, this seems to be not much, but if you think about it, these are not tens, but thousands of people. What if they were left without any means of subsistence at all? So serious work has been done.


– Pensioners are a special audience; they all need not only a pension paid on time, but also attention and various advisory assistance. Have you established a two-way dialogue with your, so to speak, wards?

– Here I agree with you, pensioners need our attention and I want to say that they are not deprived of it. During the period that we have been working, a very large number of people have turned to us for advice, with questions regarding registration of pensions and various clarifications. Over the past 2.5 years, more than 500 thousand people have passed through those departments that only work for us to receive citizens and documents. The questions were very different: someone was traveling to the Russian Federation, someone was acquiring pensioner status, someone needed a certificate from public utilities, social security, a hospital, and someone needed assistance in requesting documents.

– But consultations are provided not only within the Foundation’s walls?

– We try to work not only in our territorial departments, but also go to enterprises to convey important information to personnel services and ordinary workers. We also visit healthcare institutions, educational institutions, mines and factories.

We also meet with representatives of archival institutions, since we have many points of contact. And this, at first glance, ordinary, routine work, is simply necessary individually for each person.

– As far as we know, like other departments of the Republic, you practice visiting citizens?

– Yes, we regularly travel to populated areas and hold on-site receptions, because information about all changes and innovations today simply needs to be conveyed to every pensioner, especially in small villages and towns. The territorial branches of the Pension Fund themselves are structurally, as a rule, located in regional centers or in the city, and a pensioner may live far away from them. To convey all the information to him, we must go to him directly to the village or town.

– Are these techniques effective?

– You know, yes, they are very effective. I can say one thing: there has never been a case where our specialists went somewhere, and there were no people with questions. There are always questions, and people always come.

We also conduct hotlines and try to break them down by topic. Although pensioners call on completely different issues, even turning on the intercom. But we are glad that our phone is interesting for people, even if one question is asked off topic. We understand perfectly well that our audience is elderly people. Perhaps this is the only phone number that answered them. In general, we are for any form of work in order to convey information to people. We also practice joint techniques with specialists from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of the Lugansk People's Republic, and they are no less effective.


–What would you say about the attitude of the state of Ukraine, represented by the current government, towards our pensioners?

– What can I say... It’s clear that today we want Ukraine to give people what they earned. But there are moments that are beyond the control not only of the Pension Fund, but also of us as a state. After all, the Ukrainian government ignores everyone. After all, our pensioners honestly earned their pension in Ukraine, and today, in order to receive it, they are given an ultimatum - they need to leave. Why, in fact, should a person leave somewhere? He lives here, he can continue to work here, he has a family, children, and maybe grandchildren here. After all, there are old people who are simply unable to travel anywhere due to poor health and old age.

It turns out that the state that is politically unrecognized takes care of these pensioners, but the one that is recognized does not. And this is the worst thing. The state for which they worked and recognized by all other states does not want to take care of thousands of Donbass pensioners, not considering them people.

- On the topic of Ukraine. Most recently, after receiving the next tranche from the IMF, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman announced new conditions for retirement, which will be implemented in the near future. A key element of pension reform is increasing the requirements for the length of insurance required for retirement. At the beginning of this “reform” the minimum insurance period will be 25 years (currently 15 years), but gradually it will be increased to 35 years. Now, starting from 2018, to retire at 60 and receive a minimum pension, a Ukrainian will need to have 25 years of insurance experience. Then this figure will gradually increase until it reaches 35 years in 2028. What does this mean in practice? As a specialist, could you assess these changes?

– These changes can be viewed in two ways. I can speak not even as a manager, but as a pensioner. The presence of the required length of service for retirement has, in fact, always existed: it was in the Soviet Union, and in Ukraine, and it exists today in the Republic. There were always two conditions: reaching retirement age and having the required length of service.

At one time in the USSR, the required length of service for women who retired was 20 years, and for men - 25 years. There were two periods in Ukraine, and in one of them the required length of service for retirement was even only 5 years. Then changes were made, and the required length of service remained at 15 years. And at the moment in our Republic, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a man or a woman, the length of service required for retirement is 15 years.

– What is this “dual relationship”?

– Well, if, for example, we take people who worked back in the USSR, when there were some more or less stable enterprises, a young man who graduated from an educational institution came to the enterprise and could work stably for 20-25 years. Now let's see in practice: where can this stable place of work be found in Ukraine today, and where can a person legally work for 25 years? First, the state must create conditions for such work, and then require people to have at least 25 years of experience, because purely mathematically, up to 60 years of age it is quite possible to develop the length of service indicated by the prime minister. But in practice, let them show you an enterprise where people can work consistently like this, where they don’t have to receive salaries “in envelopes,” where an entry is made in the work book, where the enterprise makes contributions to the Pension Fund.

If I were introducing such changes, I would first outline the terms of this plan. Yes, if we talk about the generation that worked during Soviet times, they have not even 25 years of experience, but 40 and even 50 years. But these are mostly retired people. What about the younger generation? It's a completely different story with him. We remember that Ukraine has long fought for official wages and official employment. But if this was only the goal, then I doubt that this problem has been solved in the last three years.
Well, and further... Let's move on to the case when a person does not have 25 years of experience. Then, according to the conditions put forward, he will acquire the right to a pension later. Well, now let’s think about it: if he has not completed this length of service, then his retirement will be postponed for another 5 years. Now let's look at life expectancy in Ukraine (according to the M. V. Ptukha Institute of Demography and Social Research, as of 2016, life expectancy for men and women in Ukraine is 71.4 years - editor's note). So, maybe then a pensioner in Ukraine will never acquire the right to a pension?

The bottom line is that while making such loud statements, it was necessary to announce statistics on life expectancy in the country. The comment should be like this. And I don’t see anything else here. And at the same time, no one has ever advertised statistics on how many people there are who worked and did not live to see retirement.

– It is also not clear from Groysman’s statement whether there will be a difference in retirement between women and men...

– I will say as a woman that a woman also works at home. And if this difference is not provided, then this is another minus. It is also not clear how the pension will be calculated if there is no length of service? After all, situations are different. And we are talking only about the right to retire, and what amounts will be received by people who have retired by hook or by crook is a completely different question.

– It is no secret that such changes are taking place at the request of the International Monetary Fund.

– Of course, all this is connected with the conditions of the IMF. If you look at the situation in Europe, where Ukraine is striving so much, then, of course, the goal here is clear - to apply European standards. There is a certain logic in this. Imagine the Germans retiring at 65-67 years old, how would they approve of a tranche being provided to a country where women and men retire at 55 and 60 years old respectively? That is, at whose expense are these funds allocated? That's right, at the expense of German payers. And just like that, take any other European state. They are bringing Ukraine up to their European retirement age, but the difference in life expectancy is not taken into account anywhere. Life expectancy in France, Germany, Great Britain and Ukraine - if this comparison is made, then, probably, initially in Ukraine the retirement age was set correctly, it was focused on life expectancy. If in European countries a pensioner retires at 65, it is assumed that he will receive a pension for another 20 years. How many men are there in Ukraine who, after 65 years of age, still receive a pension for 20 years? I think we will find very few such men.

– But at the same time, also in the light of this reform, an increase in pensions is being announced in Ukraine. But don’t you think that they will increase them precisely at the expense of those citizens who will lose their pensions?

– If a certain number of people do not retire at the age of 55, then they will already save for them. Let's eliminate this category. Further, roughly speaking, people born in 57, who, let’s say, started working at 20 years old. How much experience will they have? About 13-15 years old. Everything else will go towards an unstable economy, that is, they will have a lot of illegal work, work in the Russian Federation, Poland - where they were employed unofficially, that is, such people simply will not have 25 years of experience. This means that they fall out of the “60” age limit and move on to the “65” category. In other words, some will have 25 years of experience, while others will not.

According to the announced draft, special conditions for retirement will be abolished for everyone except military personnel. This means that workers in education, health care, social protection, who previously had the right to retire early, having only the required work experience in their field, will now have to wait until they turn 60-63-65 years old (depending on the year of retirement and the number of years of insurance experience), and the categories of beneficiaries are not specified. For example, miners. They have hard work and harmful working conditions. Then it turns out that the miner will never earn his pension, and there, at the mine, he will die, with the diseases that he acquires at work. Here's another point. You can take revenge on the street for 25 years, or you can work underground. Everyone's professions are different.

I think this: it’s not a stupid person who created lists of harmful professions, maybe there are professions in which you can improve your life situation and working conditions, but there are things that cannot be improved, and for this they always gave some kind of benefit. Other states, if such professions exist, support them individually through professional corporate funds. And in Ukraine they won’t even earn enough to pay for their basic pension.

There are a lot of points here: there are pros and cons. Yes, the old generation can say that we have completed two required years of experience - this is good, but the generation that must find a stable and official job in order to earn a decent living and support their family today will say that this is a mockery. After all, the most basic thing is not provided - a place of official work and income so that a person can subsequently exercise his right to retire. All these things are closely interconnected, they are all links in one chain.

– Are there any plans for such pseudo-reform in the Republic?

– At this stage in the Republic there is no such problem. If in 2016 we decided to allow women to retire at 55, this does not mean that in 2017 we will change our minds and raise the retirement age for women to 60. We did not take this step even though the Republic, being unrecognized, finds it not easier, but more difficult, in this situation than for Ukraine.


– Tell me, but the life of employees of the Pension Fund is not limited only to work?

– Of course, we are not only pensioners, but also citizens of the Lugansk People’s Republic, in the public life of which, along with other civil servants, we take an active part.

– And what national events do you participate in?

- In many. Of the latter, I can name an event dedicated to Occupational Safety and Health Day. We were most actively involved in its implementation. Moreover, on this day we organized not one event, but three. It is clear that the basis was the trade union, because we could not attract absolutely all the employees, since many of us were “on the front line”, and we had our own - at the computers and in working on statements.

– What kind of events were these?

– Firstly, we held a quiz among our employees, thanks to which we once again reminded them in a playful way of the need to comply with labor safety rules.

Since April 26 was the eve of Victory Day, we also held a military song festival. Everyone sang: from the older generation to the young. After all, we employ people of all ages, and about 30% are still young people, the rest are middle-aged and older people. And I want to say that young people know the songs of the war years no worse than the older generation.

In addition, in parallel, a sports relay race was held at the Night Wolves base. We also got a lot of pleasant impressions from there - we were received very well. Simple, ordinary specialists came up and said that such events need to be held more often.

And, you know, when I saw how active, sociable and outgoing our youth are, I told my colleagues: look - they are stepping on our heels, they are better than us. Everyone was interesting in their own way: some sang better, others were better at flash mobs, some at relay races, others at sports competitions.

Later, on the eve of May 9, we raised a cry among our employees to visit the veterans. There were no instructions from our side; everyone had to do something from the heart. And the response was just crazy. Our talented employees baked delicious cakes, organized meetings, and simply visited veterans at home. Moreover, they found people that almost everyone had forgotten about. I think for such a person this communication was much more important than any sweets - the fact that they remembered him, came to him. They simply gave them an incentive to live.

– So, the LPR Pension Fund is preparing a worthy replacement?

– Decent is not the right word. They, I mean our youth, are easy-going, they are patriotic, they are cheerful, they are lively, they can gather people around them even at such a young age and lead them forward. They need to learn this from them. They will go further than us.

And in general, our people showed that for them, working in a team is something more than just work. They clearly demonstrated that they are one team, one big family.

Interviewed by Maria NIKITINA
XXI Century

  • “The Lugansk People’s Republic will follow the path of development”;
  • “2018 will be a year of economic change.”
  • There will be growth, but minimal

    On December 21, 2016, a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the unrecognized republic appeared on the website of the LPR PF. The following provisions should be noted in the document:

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      When will the pension in the LPR be increased?

      Increasing pensions in the LPR: how much will payments increase in 2018

      The fighting in eastern Ukraine affected absolutely every resident of Donbass. Some have left the region, while others simply have nowhere to go. First of all, these include pensioners who remain in cities, despite the danger of a resumption of the active phase of hostilities. In the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic, pension provision for citizens has somehow been improved, but the current amount is not enough to live on. Therefore, many residents of the war zone can only hope for a possible increase in the amount of payments. Today we’ll talk about whether there will be an increase in pensions in the self-proclaimed LPR in 2018, and if so, what it will be.

      The New Year's address of the “leader” was expected by residents of Lugansk with hope. Igor Plotnitsky had to not only sum up the results of the past year, but also tell him what to expect from 2018. As a result, the leader of the self-proclaimed LPR did not provide any clear information on this matter. Nothing was said regarding the question of when pensions will be raised in Lugansk, when salaries will increase and what kind of progress to hope for. Only a set of common phrases, for example:

    • “The changes will be reasonable and understandable to everyone”;
    • “2018 will be a year of economic change.”

      Actually, neither the facial expression of the “leader” of the self-proclaimed republic, nor his tone suggested anything good. Lugansk was left guessing what changes would happen, what the “path of development” was, and what economic changes would need to happen in order for pensions to finally increase.

      1. Pensions will be increased by 5%.
      2. The pension fund is obliged to carry out a complete recalculation of payments to all categories of the population.

      Accordingly, there will still be an increase in payments to pensioners.

      Thus, in January, residents of Lugansk and the region that is part of the ATO zone will receive pensions increased by 5%. However, this cannot be called serious growth. There is no other information about an increase in transfers to residents of Donbass. Ukraine does not intend to restore payments until full control over these territories is restored. Therefore, for now we will have to be content with this “recalculation”. Not a rich Christmas present, considering that many pensioners have to survive on 3,000 - 4,000 rubles a month, given the high prices in Lugansk.

      Some categories of the population have already taken advantage of the opportunity to re-register pensions in territories controlled by Ukraine. However, here too the leadership of the self-proclaimed LPR intends to clip the wings of particularly zealous citizens. Recently, information appeared in one of the media that residents of Lugansk and the region who receive a “double pension” will be required to return the “Lugansk pension” paid to them to the budget. Moreover, they will be fined. Earlier, the Pension Fund in the city of Sverdlovsk stated that active work is underway to identify “double pensioners” and exclude them from the number of recipients of funds.

      There will be an increase in pensions in the self-proclaimed LPR. At least that's what the Government Decree promises. But the increase will be insignificant, and there are no specifics as to how the situation will develop further. Therefore, pensioners will have to continue to survive on very modest means.

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      DPR authorities plan to increase pensions twice in 2018

      “We are planning to increase pensions, twice. The first increase is in January, the second is planned at the beginning of the third quarter. In addition to general increases in pensions, increases by category are planned,” Zakharchenko said on a local TV channel.

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    As part of the LPR socio-economic development program, the republican authorities plan to raise salaries in the fields of education and medicine. This was stated during the presentation of the program by the acting. Head of the LPR Leonid Pasechnik.

    “Today, in the Republic the salary of doctors is about 7,300 rubles, nurses – 5,700 rubles. It is planned to increase the minimum wage for medical workers to 11,163 rubles,” said the head of the Republic.

    “Today the average salary of a teacher is less than 5 thousand rubles. There are plans to increase teachers’ salaries to 10.5 thousand rubles,” Pasechnik said.

    In addition, acting The head of the LPR promised to increase pension payments.

    “In the future, we plan to launch a large-scale pension reform, one of the results of which will be the calculation of pensions depending on length of service. And by 2023, the minimum pension in the LPR will exceed the subsistence level, which will allow pensioners to feel confident,” added the head of the LPR.

    Note that in the DPR the sizes of salaries and pensions are almost identical to the LPR.

    The day before acting the head of the Lugansk People's Republic stated that within the framework of the socio-economic and political development program “Our Choice” In the LPR, the system of state power will be finally formed by 2023.

    *Extremist and terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, Right Sector, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Islamic State (IS, ISIS, Daesh), Jabhat Fatah al-Sham", "Jabhat al-Nusra", "Al-Qaeda", "UNA-UNSO", "Taliban", "Majlis of the Crimean Tatar People", "Misanthropic Division", "Brotherhood" of Korchinsky, "Trident named after. Stepan Bandera", "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists" (OUN).

    The LPR will raise the minimum pension to 2,730 rubles

    The republic may also increase the minimum wage from 3,087 rubles to 3,241 rubles

    Lugansk, September 25, 2017, 20:22 - REGNUM Minister of Finance of the LPR Evgeniy Manuilov stated that about 206 thousand pensioners of the republic from October 1 will receive pensions in the amount of at least 2,730 rubles. He announced this today, September 25, during a staff meeting of the Council of Ministers with the participation of the head of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky.

    “Calculations have been completed, budget revenues have made it possible to carry out the next additional payment, which concerns our pensioners,” he said.

    Manuilov recalled that the Council of Ministers of the LPR adopted a resolution “On measures of social support for a certain category of pension recipients,” which increased the pension amount to 2,730 rubles. for those pensioners who received payments below this amount.

    “This additional payment will affect 206 thousand pension recipients,” the Minister of Finance clarified.

    “Today, the minimum wage is 3,087 rubles, so if there is a 5% increase, the minimum wage will be 3,241 rubles,” Manuilov noted.

    It is worth noting that the Minister of Finance previously reported that, in accordance with the decree of the head of the LPR, the minimum wage from April 1, 2017 was increased by 6.5% and set at 3,087 rubles. Since the third quarter of 2016, in the territory of the republic, the calculation of the wage fund was made based on the minimum wage of 2,900 rubles.

    In addition, the Deputy Minister of Fuel, Energy and Coal Industry of the LPR Yuri Zelinchonok stated that in preparation for the next heating season, it provided almost 10 thousand tons of household coal free of charge to certain categories of citizens.

    “To date, 13 thousand people have been registered for 35 thousand tons of coal, 3,613 people have been provided for a total weight of 9,919 tons of coal. The process is underway, registration will last until September 30, coal is being issued according to schedule,” the official noted.

    Earlier, the LPR state unitary enterprises Anthracite and Donbassanthracite reported that the Ministry of Fuel and Energy provided 2.3 thousand tons of household coal free of charge to certain categories of citizens in Anthracite and Krasny Luch.

    Let us remind you that acting Minister of Fuel, Energy and Coal Industry of the LPR Pavel Malgin reported that in the 2017-2018 heating season, the ministry plans to provide 15 thousand tons of coal free of charge for household needs to certain categories of residents of the republic.

    In Lugansk they are fighting against recipients of double pensions – both in the LPR and in Ukraine

    Employees of the Pension Fund and social protection authorities are constantly working to stop citizens receiving pensions both in the LPR and abroad.

    “We constantly carry out explanatory work with those who receive pensions both in the LPR and in Ukraine,” she noted.

    According to the minister, similar processes already took place in the 1990s.

    “We already experienced such a period in the 90s, when people tried to apply for pensions on the territory of the Russian Federation. Over time, we carried out a reconciliation, identified this and formalized everything as required by law. A person must receive a pension at his place of residence,” Malakhova recalled.

    “Today we have already carried out such verifications with the Russian Federation and the DPR, and we have also identified facts of “doubles,” she added.

    According to the minister, it is not yet possible to conduct such a reconciliation with Ukraine.

    “Unfortunately, we are still disconnected from the unified register with the Ukrainian side and do not have the opportunity to check. But, taking into account what is provided for in the Minsk agreements, we constantly turn to the Ukrainian side so that we are given the opportunity to conduct a reconciliation of the contingent of our pensioners who were forced to renew their pensions at a certain time,” said Malakhova.

    “Some people today are already disconnected from the system and do not receive pensions in Ukraine for a number of reasons: their bank cards may have expired, some people have not been re-registered,” she noted.

    However, according to the minister, there remains a certain percentage of pensioners who continue to receive “double” payments.

    “As long as the Pension Fund does not know this fact, they have no official grounds to remove a person from payment. But when a person applies for a pension, our specialists conduct a conversation with him, take the application and clarify whether he has made a payment anywhere during the time he was absent. And the statement indicates that he bears personal responsibility for providing this information,” Malakhova explained.

    In addition, according to her, employees of the Pension Fund and social security authorities inform the Ukrainian territory about the registration of pension payments by a citizen in the LPR, which the applicant is warned about in advance.

    Malakhova also reported that In order to stop receiving “double” pensions, the payment procedure in the LPR has been tightened.

    “For example, today it does not provide for the payment of pensions and benefits by proxy. In addition, the Pension Fund, based on the results of payment of pensions for April-May, carried out an update and excluded 66 thousand pensioners from the statement (these are those who did not come and did not receive pensions for 3-4 months). And in the third month we added 11 thousand pensioners,” the minister said.

    Malakhova noted that now employees of the Pension Fund and social protection authorities are creating a new base of recipients of social payments.

    “I hope that sooner or later we will still carry out some kind of reconciliation with Ukraine, and we will have a single base,” she noted.

    If the required insurance period is less than the values ​​​​indicated in the tables above, then from January 1, 2019, persons with the following insurance experience have the right to receive an old-age pension upon reaching the age of 65: Period Insurance period 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019 from 15 to 16 years old 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020 from 15 to 17 years old 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021 from 15 to 18 years old 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022 from 15 to 19 years old 01.01.2023 - 31.12. 2023 from 15 to 20 years 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024 from 15 to 21 years 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2025 from 15 to 22 years 01/01/2026 - 31/12/2026 from 15 to 23 years 01/01/2027 - 31/12/2027 from 15 to 24 years old from 01/01/2028 from 15 to 25 years Starting from January 1, 2028, if there are 40 or more calendar years of insurance experience, an old-age pension is assigned regardless of age. The problem of changing the retirement age towards its increase is relevant for a number of countries.

    How to calculate the amount of your pension yourself?

    LPR LuganskInformCenter - September 08 - Lugansk Statement by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the LPR Igor Kornet Statement by Pasechnik L.I. The bang occurred near the Lugansk Diesel Locomotive Plant - LPR Ministry of Internal Affairs Statement by V.N. Degtyarenko The People's Militia of the LPR reported that provocateurs hacked the website of the defense department of the Republic. Now on air on RTV -.

    The legislative framework in the LPR, including regulations governing social payments, is at the stage of formation. In this regard, people who are on the threshold of retirement age have many questions: according to what rules will they be assigned a pension; how, if necessary, to confirm work and insurance experience; Are such types of pensions as for the loss of a breadwinner and for long service preserved? To find answers, we went to the city office of the Pension Fund and talked with the head of the pension assignment department, Irina ANISIMOVA.

    We calculate pension using the new formula

    Until 2008, everything in this formula was extremely simple: the value of the estimated cost of a year of insurance experience was equal to one. That is, “All” could simply be removed from the formula. The experience coefficient was determined very simply: the total number of months of experience was divided by 1200. In practice, it turned out that 20 years of experience is 20% of the salary, 30 years is 30% of the salary, etc.

    After 2008, the value of the cost of one year of experience was 1.35. Roughly speaking, the length of service coefficient for all pensioners was increased by 35%. If a person has, for example, 40 years of experience, then his pension is now considered as if he had 54 years of experience, that is, 54% of his salary.

    From January 1, 2018, it is planned to reduce the cost of one year of insurance experience to one again, that is, return to the simpler option that existed before 2008. But this option is, of course, less profitable.

    Pension calculator

    Wages for calculating pensions are determined by the formula: Zp = Zs * (Sk / K), where: Zp – wages for calculating pensions in hryvnias; Zs – average salary per one insured person in Ukraine as a whole, for 3 calendar years preceding the year of applying for a pension. Sk – the sum of wage coefficients for each month (K1+K2+...); K – the number of months of insurance experience for which the coefficients are calculated. The wage coefficient, in turn, is calculated by the formula: Кз = Зв/Зс, where: Кз – wage coefficient of the insured person; Zv – the amount of the insured person’s salary, from which insurance premiums are paid and which is taken into account to calculate the pension for the month for which the coefficient is calculated; Zs – average salary per insured person in Ukraine as a whole for the month for which the coefficient is calculated.

    For what date is a pension paid at the LPR bank?

    As we see, in this case, the innovation of reducing the length of service coefficient is clearly not beneficial to future retirees. And the main question here is: will the length of service coefficient be reduced in the new law? Also in the example given, we see that the woman does not have any additional payment for excess length of service. This is due to the fact that, according to current rules, excess length of service is years worked over 30 years by women and over 35 years by men.
    And for those who retired before October 1, 2011, excess length of service is considered for each year worked over 20 years for women and over 25 years for men. Example 2 For a non-working man who also retired before 2009, but has 40 years of experience, as well as a higher salary ratio (for example, 1.5), his pension may increase by a more significant amount.

    Pension size in Ukraine

    By law, unless otherwise provided by international treaties. Pensions are calculated in a certain way if the citizen worked in one of the types of enterprises or industries listed in the following lists (but only on the territory of Ukraine):

    1. List No. 1 (enterprises with harmful, difficult working conditions).
    2. List No. 2 (enterprises with less difficult working conditions; when calculating a pension after working for them, average earnings are also taken into account).

    Features of calculating pensions according to List 1 in Ukraine are disclosed in Law No. 1788:

    • for men - if the age is over 50 and the duration of continuous work is at least 20 years (in accordance with the new version of the law - more than 25);
    • women - if the age is 45 (according to the new standards - 50) and the experience is 15 years (today - 20).

    There are some nuances when calculating pensions in Ukraine.

    Pension in DPR


    When a person provides data confirming the receipt of wages (income) during the specified period, from which a single contribution to compulsory state social insurance was paid, the calculation of length of service and earnings for the assignment (recalculation) of a pension is carried out in accordance with current legislation. This resolution comes into force 10 days after its official publication,” Khorsheva said. As previously reported, from October 1, 2017, the “LPR” promised that about 206 thousand.

    pensioners will receive pensions in the amount of at least 2,730 rubles (1,186 UAH at the rate of the “state bank of the LPR”). Text version prepared by RPD “Donetsk News” Read also:
    • Salary
    • NCT pensions

    The LPR said that it will influence the size of the pension

    It is different for everyone and is determined by dividing the salary of each individual person for a certain period by the average salary for that period in the country. As for the average salary in the country, the calculation takes the average salary (income) in Ukraine, from which insurance premiums are paid, for the three calendar years preceding the year of application for a pension. This wording has been applied since 2012, after amendments were made to the above Law.
    The government describes the new formula for calculating pensions a little differently: pension size = Sz x Ikz x Ks. But essentially the same parameters are involved in the calculation: the average salary in the country, the individual earnings coefficient and the insurance period coefficient. Obviously, the formula in this form is presented for easier perception.
    The essence itself will not change, only some of the numbers that will be substituted into it will change.
    It's finally done. The government submitted the Pension Reform project to parliament. A detailed analysis remains to be done. And in recent issues of the newspaper “On Pension” (No. 21 of May 23 and No. 24 of June 13, 2017) we already wrote about what they plan to change. Today we are talking about a new formula for calculating pensions. Will pensioners win or lose in this case? Will the calculation mechanism change? In fact, the “new formula” for calculating pensions is not new at all.

    Currently, pensions for most citizens are calculated on the basis of the Law of Ukraine “On Compulsory State Pension Insurance,” which came into force on January 1, 2004. The formula for the basic pension amount is approved by Article 27 of this Law, and it will remain the same, but some nuances will change. To understand these nuances, you need to remember how pensions are calculated now.

    How to calculate your pension in LPR

    Calculation of pensions taking into account the old salary in the country

    • Amount of earnings for pension calculation: 1197.91 UAH. x 1.5 = 1796.87 UAH.
    • Insurance experience coefficient: 0.4 x 1.35 = 0.54
    • Basic pension amount: 1796.87 UAH. x 0.54 = 970.31 UAH.
    • 970.31 UAH. – basic pension amount;
    • 341.69 UAH. – additional payment up to the minimum pension (up to 1312 UAH);
    • 145.55 UAH. – additional payment for 15 years of excess experience (970.31 UAH x 15%).

    Calculation of pensions taking into account the new salary in the country Amount of earnings for calculating pensions: 3764.40 UAH. x 1.5 = 5646.60 UAH. Insurance experience coefficient: 0.4 x 1.35 = 0.54 Basic pension amount: 5646.60 UAH. x 0.54 = 3049.16 UAH. The total pension amount from May 1, 2017 would be UAH 3,245.96, including:

    • 3049.16 UAH.

    How to calculate a pension in the LPR


    This applies to transition periods (wages and their minimum value are taken into account). They have been extended until 04/01/24:

    1. Raising the retirement age for women by 5 years (from 45 to 50);
    2. Increasing the total working time for obtaining a preferential pension according to List No. 1:
    • men - from 20 to 25 years;
    • women - from 15 to 20 years.

    Amount of old-age pension The amount of the minimum pension in Ukraine is determined by the Law “On Compulsory State Pension Insurance” and cannot be less than the minimum subsistence level for disabled persons. To do this, men must have at least 35 years of insurance experience, and women must have at least 30 years of insurance.

    For each full year of insurance service over 35 years for men and 30 years for women, the old-age pension increases by 1% of the pension amount.

    How to calculate your pension in LPR yourself

    So, the pension is calculated according to the formula: P = Zp x Ks At first glance, the formula is very simple: the basic amount of the pension is the salary multiplied by the length of service coefficient. It’s more difficult to figure out exactly how to calculate length of service and salary (we’ve written about this more than once). It is in the calculation of wages and the experience coefficient that some changes are planned. Earnings are determined by the formula (Article 40 of the Law): Zp = Zs x (Sk: K) In simple terms, wages for calculating pensions are determined by multiplying the average salary in the country (Zp) by the individual wage coefficient, that is, Sk: K, where SK is the sum of wage coefficients for each month, K is the number of months of wages involved in calculating the pension. The individual salary coefficient must be calculated.

    Two years ago, the Ukrainian government adopted Resolution No. 365 on the procedure for assigning and restoring social benefits to internally displaced persons (IDPs). The document actually legalized the so-called “SBU lists”, according to which hundreds of thousands of Donbass residents were deprived of pensions and benefits. In addition, a brutal system of checking migrants at the place of registration was introduced. An additional check of the migrant was also provided if there was information about his return to the territory of the Donbass republics or travel abroad. An automated system “Arkan” was created, which collects relevant information from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine, the State Border Service, the National Police, the Migration Service and other executive authorities.

    370 thousand retired “tourists”

    Now, regulatory agencies no longer submit specific lists of those who left for the DPR and LPR. The Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population (UTSP) and the Department of the Pension Fund (PF) have their own access to the Arkan system. Social workers can watch for themselves how displaced people cross the demarcation line. Based on this, they decide to pay a pension to a resident of Donbass or to suspend payments. Very often, such a decision depends on the employee’s attitude towards Donetsk and Luhansk residents. Pensioners from Donetsk and Lugansk themselves need to remember that they can stay in their homeland for no more than 60 days, and then go back to independence.

    By the way, a new wave of struggle against “fake” migrants is expected in July. Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine Andrey Reva stated that over the past year the number of migrants from the “occupied” territories receiving Ukrainian pensions has increased by 80 thousand. Now there are 570 thousand of them. The minister calculated how many of them do not live permanently on the territory of Ukraine.

    — Of these 570 thousand, no more than 200 thousand receive assistance to cover living expenses as IDPs. Therefore, you can understand the relationship between those who permanently reside here and those who constantly travel from uncontrolled to controlled territory,” Reva noted.

    That is, there are 370 thousand candidates for deprivation of pensions.

    There will be new checks in July

    On the eve of the recalculation of pensions for Ukrainians (in connection with the increase in the minimum pension from 1,373 hryvnia to 1,435 from July 1), the Pension Fund of Ukraine told who was at risk of a complete refusal of payments.

    First of all, those who receive payments using forged documents may lose their pensions completely or temporarily. In addition, Ukrainians living abroad for a long time may be left without a pension. The migration service will provide such information to the PFU. In this case, we are talking not only about residents of Donbass, but also about Ukrainians working in Russia, Poland, Italy and other countries.

    As for migrants, if the Pension Fund or the Migration Service learns that their actual place of residence does not correspond to the official one, they will stop paying pensions starting next month. So July promises to be hot for Donetsk and Lugansk pensioner “tourists”. Surprise checks await them. It was no coincidence that Andrey Reva announced the numbers “fake” migrants.

    The Pension Fund (PF) of the LPR has explained the new procedure for the payment and delivery of pensions and other pension benefits on the territory of the Republic.

    The department noted that from July 8, 2018, the Procedure for organizing the payment and delivery of pensions, allowances and other pension payments in the territory of the Lugansk People's Republic, approved by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the LPR, comes into force.

    “It defines a new improved mechanism for the payment and delivery of pension payments to persons living in the territory of the Republic, including lost pensions and a one-time payment of funeral benefits for a deceased pension recipient,” the fund’s press service said in a statement.

    The Pension Fund of the LPR clarified that simultaneously with the entry into force of the new Procedure, the Procedure for organizing the payment and delivery of pensions and financial assistance for burial on the territory of the LPR is considered invalid.

    The department also noted that the new Procedure for the payment of pensions contains fundamental differences on a number of issues from a similar document adopted in 2015.

    “So, from the moment the new Procedure comes into force, persons who have reached the age of 16 will have the opportunity to personally receive the pension due to them. To do this, it will be enough to contact the Pension Fund authority at your place of residence with a corresponding application,” explained the press service of the LPR Pension Fund.

    In addition, if the recipient of the pension changes his place of residence within the Republic, the payment of the pension will be carried out at the new place of residence based on the application of the recipient.

    “If the recipient of the pension fails to notify the Pension Fund body of the change of place of residence, the payment of the pension will be suspended on the basis of information provided by the bodies carrying out registration/migration records. At the same time, payment and delivery of pensions to persons who travel for permanent residence outside the LPR are not carried out,” the department said.

    It also explained that “if the recipient of the pension, due to a physical disability, illness or illiteracy, cannot personally sign for the receipt of the pension, at his request and in his presence, a relative or other person (except the postman) can sign for him.”

    “The Pension Fund bodies will pay unpaid pension amounts for the period when payment is suspended until the appointment of a guardian (trustee) for an incapacitated minor (but not earlier than April 2015),” the LPR Pension Fund reported.

    “Persons whose pension payment is suspended due to non-receipt within two months due to being in hospital for 30 days or more will receive pension amounts for the entire period for which payment is suspended, but not more than six months, subject to a supporting certificate.” , – said the press service of the department.


    They also recalled that the current Procedure provides for the payment of pensions by proxy from the month following the month of application, subject to submission of the application no later than the 25th day.

    “The new procedure establishes that payment of pensions by proxy will be carried out from the month in which the representative of the pension recipient applies. In case of application after the 25th, payment will be made from the month following the month of application, while the pension amount is accrued for the month in which the representative of the pension recipient applies, and for the month following it,” explained the LPR Pension Fund.

    “A person whose pension payment will be terminated on the basis of his refusal to receive a pension from the Pension Fund authorities in connection with the registration of a pension (benefits) in another body will need to contact the Pension Fund body with a corresponding application to restore the payment,” the department added.


    The Pension Fund noted that the Procedure also established a list of persons entitled to receive a lost pension.

    “This is the husband (wife), children, father (mother) of the deceased pension recipient. Payment of the lost pension will be carried out regardless of the presence of these persons in the support of the deceased pension recipient and regardless of the fact of cohabitation with him at the time of death. Other family members will have the right to receive the lost pension only as heirs, subject to its inclusion in the inheritance,” the press service said.

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