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How to weave an openwork rose from beads. Beaded rose. Making rose petals from beads for beginners

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.


Beading is a popular type of needlework in which various jewelry, toys and other three-dimensional compositions are created from ordinary beads and wire. Roses made using this technology look impressive and can decorate any interior or become a good gift.

Large beaded rose

Beginning needlewomen can easily master weaving roses from beads using a master class with photos. To create a flower you need to prepare:

  • pink and green beads;
  • wire with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 mm;
  • scissors;
  • plasticine;
  • floss threads or green tape;
  • wooden skewer;
  • PVA glue.

The process of creating a rose is labor-intensive and can take more than one day. It consists of several stages:

  • creating rose petals;
  • weaving the sepals (the base of the bud);
  • creating leaves;
  • making a stem;
  • stage of assembling the main parts.

Bud weaving pattern

To create a large rose, you need to make 11 petals: 8 large, 3 small. The weaving pattern is as follows:

  1. Measure a wire about 30 cm long.
  2. Form a loop so that the beads do not slip off when working.
  3. Thread 8 beads onto the short part of the base.
  4. Start stringing 81-85 beads onto the larger part of the wire and make three turns around the short part.
  5. To secure, the ends of the wire need to be pulled through the middle 3 beads.
  6. Weave 3 petals according to this pattern.
  7. Then measure 50 cm of wire and repeat all the steps, and make not 3 turns, but 5, increasing the number of beads on the long part of the base.
  8. So prepare 8 large petals.
  9. Give each petal a slightly curved shape.

How to weave petals on a plasticine base

If the previous type of weaving seems complicated, you can make the petals according to a different pattern using plasticine:

  1. Make several blanks from plasticine, shaped like rose petals.
  2. Grease the molds with Vaseline.
  3. Thread the beads onto a thread and place them on the mold.
  4. Coat the top of the petals with clear varnish.
  5. After the varnish has dried, carefully remove the petal.
  6. Remove the Vaseline with a cotton swab.
  7. Also coat the inside of the workpiece with varnish.
  8. Do this for all parts of the bud.

Sepal diagram

To create the base of the rose you need to make 5 sepals:

  1. Take 20 cm of wire and make a loop.
  2. String 5 beads onto the short part.
  3. Thread 30–40 beads onto the long part and make 2 turns around the axis.
  4. String 4 beads onto the top end of the wire.
  5. Secure the end of the wire by pulling it through the middle and twisting it from the bottom.
  6. Make all the sepals in the same way.

Beaded leaves

For the base you need to weave 6 leaves:

  1. Take 30 cm of wire.
  2. Make a loop.
  3. String 7 beads onto a short base.
  4. Thread 80–90 beads onto a long base. Make 3 turns around the axis, secure the ends.
  5. Using this pattern, weave all the leaves and combine them into branches of 3 pieces.

Assembling a rose

When all the elements are ready, you can start assembling the rose:

  1. First screw the small, then the large bud petals onto a wooden skewer.
  2. At the bottom of the bud, fix the sepals.
  3. Screw the branches with the leaves of the flower to the stem. It is better to retreat to different lengths - this way the branches will look more natural.
  4. Decorate the stem with green floss threads. Please note that it is also necessary to wrap the bases of the leaves.

Small beaded roses

Small flowers can be used to decorate pins, brooches, and elastic bands.

For work, prepare:

  • wire 0.3 mm in diameter;
  • nippers or scissors;
  • beads of two colors;
  • threads

A small beaded rose for beginners is woven according to the following pattern:

  1. String 9 beads onto the wire.
  2. Make a loop, secure the ends of the wire by twisting them 2-3 turns.
  3. On the same wire, make 2 similar arcs next to each other.
  4. Place seven beads on the tip of the base.
  5. Pass the wire through the middle bead of the first arc.
  6. Then add 2 more beads, thread the edge of the wire through the middle of the second arc.
  7. Put on 2 more beads and thread the tip of the base through the middle of the outer arc.
  8. Add 7 more beads to the wire and secure its edge at the bottom of the petal.
  9. Using this pattern, weave 5-7 petals.
  10. Separately, collect 14 beads.
  11. Twist them together. This will be the sepal.
  12. Collect a bud from the petals, fix the sepal at the bottom.

Roses in a pot

A lush bush rose will decorate the interior of any living room. To create a bush you will need:

  • wire;
  • yellow beads for the bud;
  • green beads;
  • skewer;
  • scissors or tweezers;
  • green floss threads;
  • pot;
  • Styrofoam;
  • expanded clay drainage.

Scheme of a beaded rose in a pot:

  1. Thread 1 green bead onto 30 cm of wire and lower it towards the center.
  2. String 2 more beads, passing them through both ends of the wire and tightening.
  3. In the same way, weave 4 rows of 3, 4, 3 and 2 beads in each.
  4. To secure, the ends of the working thread must be twisted into a knot.
  5. Make 6 such sepals.
  6. Weave the petals in the same way. On a 60 cm long wire, make 8 rows of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 yellow beads.
  7. 9th row - edging. You need to string 9 beads onto each end of the wire and pull them through 1 row.
  8. Tie the ends into a knot. Weave 5 petals, for each of which you need to measure and cut the wire again.
  9. Also weave 4 large rose petals in 9 rows.
  10. Make 11 leaves, consisting of 11 rows of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 green beads.
  11. Bend the rose petals into an arc.
  12. To assemble on a skewer, first connect the small, then the large petals.
  13. Cover the bud from below with sepals.
  14. Distribute large leaves evenly along the entire length of the stem.
  15. Wrap the stem with floss threads.
  16. Make other roses in the same way.
  17. Cut a circle out of foam plastic, slightly smaller than the diameter of the pot.
  18. Insert the foam into the pot and stick the roses into it.
  19. Cover with drainage on top.


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Beadwork is an ancient and fairly widespread type of folk art. This handicraft allows you to create beautiful and unusual products, which makes it popular today.

Using beads you can make various souvenirs, pendants, bracelets and necklaces. In addition, beads can be used to decorate all kinds of objects, weave belts, embroider unusual pictures, and even embroider clothes.

For such needlework, the main and indispensable material is beads. Now there are quite a few specialized retail outlets where you can purchase such a base. However, when choosing this material, it is worth considering that it comes in the following types, which differ from each other in quality characteristics:

  1. Taiwanese. This option is the cheapest, but not very high quality. Beads from such a manufacturer are produced in different shapes, differ in size, are very fragile and often become deformed while working with them. Bugle beads also have sharp edges, which can cut the thread when threaded. The disadvantages of this type of beads include a small range of colors and unstable coloring, as a result of which the products will soon lose their brightness. Due to its low cost, it is mainly used to train beginners.
  2. Japanese. It is of high quality, but at the same time its price is also high. One of the advantages of Japanese material is that there is no need to calibrate it, since 90% of the beads are smooth and even. In addition, Japanese beads, thanks to their soldered edges, do not cut the thread, and also have a variety of colors.
  3. Czech. The most suitable option with good quality and reasonable price. It also has a fairly wide range, which is expressed in a variety of shades and cuts. As for the drawback, there is only one - the pointed edges of the beads.
  4. Indian and Japanese. This type of bead is not very common in our country, and therefore it is quite difficult and almost impossible to find.

When choosing such a material, first of all, you need to pay special attention to its resistance to external factors, so that the beads do not fade or wear out, as well as its calibration, so that all the beads are the same size and shape.

As for the color of the base material, it can be transparent, matte, colored, shiny, fully colored or partially colored. The shape of beads can be large, small, faceted (inside or outside), oblong, flat or perfectly round.

In this craft, in addition to beads, other auxiliary jewelry can be used.

To create a product from beads, in addition to materials, you need to ensure that you have the following tools:

  1. Special needles for beading. The most popular instruments are numbers eleven, twelve and thirteen, made in Japan or England.
  2. Thread, wire, or fishing line. If thread is used, it is best to use nylon thread. If wire is used, it should be copper, with a thickness of 0.2 to 0.5 millimeters.
  3. Small nail scissors.
  4. Forceps or tweezers so that you can pull the needle into a difficult bead.
  5. Thick paper, preferably multi-colored. It is needed for a more effective design of souvenirs.
  6. Corrugated paper, which is used to make flower stems.

When the materials and tools are ready, you need to choose the appropriate place to work. In this case, it is recommended to use a regular desk, on the left side of which you need to install a table lamp. It is necessary to lay a light cloth on the working surface of the table, which will prevent the beads from rolling off and also protect the eyes from excessive fatigue.

For more comfortable weaving, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • beginners should try to make a few simple products before taking on complex options;
  • take beads not with your hands, but with a needle;
  • before threading the needle, its end must be cut with scissors;
  • The thread should not be too long, as it will quickly get tangled. It is best to use short lengths that are tied together if necessary;
  • During weaving you need to show special patience and accuracy.

How to make roses from beads

The most popular bead product is the rose. Since even a beginner in this type of needlework can weave it. In addition, roses will decorate any room, both residential and office.

Before you start weaving such a wonderful flower, you first need to decide what kind of composition you would like to see in the end.

Quite simple and beautiful are a bush rose, a rose in a vase and a bouquet of three or more roses.

Weaving a spray rose

To create this composition, you need to have the following materials and tools on hand:

  • green and red beads with different shades;
  • copper wire no thicker than 0.3 millimeters;
  • floss threads;
  • office glue.

The manufacturing procedure itself consists of several stages.

The first stage is to create rose petals and involves the following steps:

Seven such blanks need to be made.

The second stage involves assembling the resulting petals into a rose. To complete it you need:

The third stage consists of weaving leaves, involves the following steps:

The last stage involves combining all the resulting parts into one whole product. To do this, you need to twist all the remaining ends of the wires and tie them with floss thread.

Bouquet of roses

To create such an unusual bouquet, you need to follow all the same steps as when weaving a rose bush. Only in this case it is recommended to attach no more than one bud to one stem. The size of the bouquet depends on the number of woven flowers. That is, for each individual flower you need to complete the entire weaving procedure from start to finish.

Flower in a vase

In this case, the flowers are woven using similar methods as described above. The only thing you need is to weave a vase from beads with your own hands.

To weave a vase for roses, you must do the following:

  1. Take a one and a half meter piece of fishing line. Thread it through a needle, tie a knot so that the fishing line does not slip out of the eye of the needle.
  2. String six beads onto a fishing line and then connect them into a ring. This will be the basis for the future vase.
  3. Next you need to weave the first row of the vase. To do this, a ring consisting of five beads is woven into the base bead. This action must be repeated with all elements of the base.
  4. The second row is done in the same way as the first, only the rings should consist of four beads.
  5. The third row is made of rings consisting of five beads.
  6. The fourth, fifth and sixth rows are made of six-piece rings.
  7. The seventh tier will be the neck of the vase, so it requires rings of three beads.
  8. The last, final row is knitted from five-element rings, which are attached to the seventh tier. The remains of the fishing line are cut with scissors.

To decorate your favorite item with a brooch in the shape of a rose, it will be enough to weave the bud in the manner described above. Next, carefully attach the resulting product to the clothing using the remaining ends of the wire.

Embroidery of pictures with beads

For beginners in this needlework, it is recommended to purchase a pattern for embroidering a picture in a specialized store. The set of such a pattern will include all the necessary materials and tools for embroidery. In addition, there will be clear instructions on how and what to do.

Experienced needlewomen can make such a pattern on their own. All you have to do is find a picture you like on the Internet and print it. After which, for convenience, it is recommended to divide the printed picture into equal squares and start embroidering.

Watch the master class and you will learn how to weave a wonderful rose from beads.

Beaded rose

For work we will need:

  1. Czech cutting or ~ 40 grams (for roses) and 10 grams (for leaves) (colors depend on your imagination);
  2. Wire 0.3 mm;
  3. Gerbera wire 0.8 mm and 1.6 mm for the axle;
  4. Floss threads for winding;
  5. Ordinary threads for assembly;
  6. Floral tape;
  7. Pliers and wire cutters;
  8. Glue Moment;
  9. Spinner for stringing beads
  10. Sisal
  11. Potty

A rose consists of the following elements

4 rows of petals(round top, round bottom):
1 row - 2-3 petals - 1.5 cm of beads on the axis - 5 pairs of arcs
2nd row - 3 petals - 1.5 cm of beads on the axis - 6 pairs of arcs
3rd row - 4 petals - 1.5 cm of beads on the axis - 7 pairs of arcs
4th row - 5 petals - 1.5 cm of beads on the axis - 8 pairs of arcs
5 sepals(sharp top, sharp bottom) - 1.5 cm of beads on the axis - 1 pair of arcs
3 leaves(sharp top, sharp or round bottom) - 1.1 cm of beads on the axis - 4 pairs of arcs
3 leaves(sharp top, sharp or round bottom) - 1.5 cm of beads on the axis - 4 pairs of arcs

We weave the petals and leaves for the rose using the French weaving technique. You can see how to weave petals using this technique in the section " Beading for Beginners ".
We make the base for weaving from 0.3 mm or 0.4 mm wire. The short wire is the axis, the long wire is the working wire.
Rose petals weave - round top, round bottom.

We collect beads on the working and axial wire.

The beads on the working wire should be under the beads on the center wire. We fix (make one turn) the working wire on the axial wire perpendicular to each other.

We continue to fix the working wire in the required number of rows in this way.

We cut off the axial wire from above, leaving a tip of ~ 2-3 mm, and bend it.

We sew the petal.

For this rose we need to weave the following quantity petals:

Sepals - 5 pieces

French weaving technique - sharp top, sharp bottom (we fix the working wire on the axial, not perpendicular, but at an angle of 45 degrees).

Leaves - 3 small and 3 large

They weave similarly to sepals.

Assembling a rose

Collecting leaves

We attach three small leaves to gerbera wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm (with floss or floral tape).

In the same way, we collect the second branch of leaves from three large leaves. The leaves were collected.

We make three loops from 7 beads each (you can make two such blanks so that the middle is more magnificent). We attach them to the rod and sequentially wind 1, 2, 3 and 4 rows of rose petals. Next we attach 5 sepals.

We wrap the rod with floss threads down. At a distance of 5-7 cm from the flower we attach a twig with small leaves, at a distance of 2-3 cm from it we attach a second branch of leaves. Wrap with thread to the required length. Fix the end with a drop of glue. The rose can be planted in a pot or vase.

Congratulations! Our rose is ready!

I hope you enjoyed the master class. I wish you pleasant creativity!

Watch the video tutorial “Beaded Rose for Beginners” on.

With love for you and creativity, Elena Kazakova.

Flowers are a traditional addition to almost every gift for the fair half of humanity. Delicate, fragile, unsurpassed, like every woman, they lift your spirits, delight the eye and attract attention. It’s just a shame when a beautiful bouquet fades the next day, losing its charm.

Artificial alternative

No matter how sophisticated florists are, even the most exquisite bouquet will delight its owner for a maximum of a week. That is why we began to look for an alternative to fresh flowers, creating them from various materials. Paper embroidery is the most common type of craft as a gift. But the beaded flowers turned out to be as close as possible to the original. Thanks to the size of the material used and various weaving techniques, the products are so realistic that it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish them from a real flower.

Beadwork masters have developed many techniques and come up with various roses. Roses are found quite often in these designs. Which is no wonder, because she is deservedly considered the queen of flowers.

Materials for work

What will you need to create a weaving pattern: beads (at least two colors, but more are possible), wire for weaving, scissors or pliers. Such a simple set will help you create a real beaded miracle, which will certainly become the best gift and will delight its owner for a very long time.

For ease of collecting beads, you can use a small, shallow container. It is convenient to pour grains of material into it, preventing it from scattering. In general, the needlewoman’s work area should be well-lit, stable and comfortable for work.

Weaving Basics

If you carefully study the master classes presented in special beadwork manuals, it will become clear that there are several methods for creating a rose. A bead pattern, even the most sophisticated one, in any case becomes clear if you carefully work on deciphering it.

So, there is a parallel scheme for weaving a rose bud, a master class on how to make it will be presented below (it is also the easiest for beginners than all the others). This technique is based on basic knowledge in this area, so working on the product does not take much time and effort.

The second pattern of a rose flower made of beads is based on the French technique. It is also called circular. This technique is a little more complicated, since not every novice needlewoman will understand how to create flower parts the first time. But as a result of several attempts, you will still end up with a blank for the future rose, which will undoubtedly be somewhat more elegant than the previous one.

There are also techniques that are very similar to French weaving, but they all require more detailed study and consideration.

Creating petals

In order to begin work on creating a rose (the bead pattern is presented above), you should prepare the materials. To ensure that everything is at hand, does not stop work and does not risk falling apart, it is better to immediately start working on a stable surface.

For a rose petal, you need to cut a wire about 70-80 cm long (since our petals are small). String 1 bead onto the center of the wire. Next, collect 2 beads and thread them through the 2 ends of the wire, tightening them to the first. This is what we get at the very beginning.

After this step, each row requires an increasing number of beads (4, 6, 8, 10, etc.). So you need to complete 9 rows, adding 16 beads to the last one. After this, you need to collect 9-11 beads on each end of the wire and stretch them through the very first one. Then twist the ends of the wire tightly. It looks like this:

Ultimately, we have a finished petal. For a small rose you need approximately 4 petals according to the indicated pattern, 5 petals with 1 row more (that is, the last row ends with 18 beads). The larger you want the product, the more larger petals you need to weave.

Creating leaves

The technique is also used to create rose leaves, the bead pattern of which is now being considered. To do this, you need to make 8 rows, the number of beads in which is 1, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, respectively, in each row. According to this pattern, sepals are woven, which are attached directly under the petals. The number of sepals varies from 3 or more, depending on the size of the bud.

The leaves of the rose are slightly different from the sepals. The bead pattern of these parts is similar in the way of weaving; the leaf consists of 11 rows. The following is a diagram of increasing the number of beads in rows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 8, 7, 5, 3.

Product assembly

So, all the parts are ready, you can start assembling the rose from beads. The schemes, as can be seen from the step-by-step photos, are very simple and accessible for beginners.

For the center of the bud, you need to take the two smallest petals and use a round felt-tip pen to bend them almost in half. Then you need to insert them into each other.

After this, all the remaining petals must be tightly wound to the main stem to form a bud. The last petals, if size allows, can be beautifully curved.

It is necessary to immediately attach the sepals, distributing them evenly at the bottom. After this, the leaves are attached a little lower down the stem. Next, the product can be wrapped with green threads (for example, floss) or floral paper. That's it, the beaded rose, the weaving patterns of which we have reviewed, is ready.


As you can see, creating flowers from beads is a simple and quite exciting task. In addition, handmade products are very valuable, since in addition to painstaking work, time, soul and inspiration are invested in them. With a little effort and insignificant costs, a lovely beaded rose can be born. Weaving patterns, as you have already seen, are completely simple and easy to read. Well, as a result, you can be sure that your gift will be the most unexpected, interesting and unique.

How to make a neat rose from small or large beads simply and inexpensively? This master class for beginners with step-by-step photos will help you master the technique of weaving roses. The product is made using the French weaving technique.

To weave a rose from beads you will need:

  • beads (for bud 140 g, for leaves 80 g);
  • wire 0.3 mm;
  • floss thread;
  • PVA glue.

Weaving a rose will begin from the petals, from which, during the weaving process, a rose bud will be formed.

Making rose petals from beads for beginners

The step-by-step instructions and diagram are as follows: 5 beads on the axis and 5 arcs. You need to make 3 such petals.

In order for the petals to take the desired shape, you should rotate the petal leg 90 degrees and bend the petal off its axis.

For the second row, you need to weave pointed leaves-petals: 5 beads on the axis and make 9 arcs.

It should be noted that the petals use the frame technique, according to which the first 5 rows of arcs should go around the axis from the inside of the petal, and the remaining 4 arcs should go around the axis from the outside.

Weave 3 such petals.

In the third row, you should weave pointed leaves-petals according to the pattern: 5 beads on the axis and make 10 arcs. You also need to pay attention to the fact that the sheets also use a frame, and these 10 arcs are made according to the principle: the first 5 rows of arcs should go around the axis from the inside of the petal, the remaining 5 should go around the axis from the outside. There should be 3 such petals. Bend the tip of the petal outward, and bend the petal itself along its axis.

In the 4th row, the petals are woven using the French beadwork technique on two axes. It is necessary to follow the scheme: make 2 axes, place 2 beads on one axis, and 3 beads on the left axis. Make 3 beads between the axes in the first row, then in increasing order.

Make 5 arcs going around the axis from the inside and 7 arcs going around the axis from the outside. In general, the petal should have 12 arcs. Make 4 of these petals.

In the fifth row, the petals are woven on three axes. Weave according to the pattern: 3 axes, place 1 bead on the first axis, 2 beads on the middle axis, 3 beads on the left axis. Between the axes in the first row, make 3 beads, then in increasing order.

Make 5 arcs going around the axis from the inside and 9 arcs going around the axis from the outside. In general, the petal should have 14 arcs. There should be 4 such petals.

It's time to shape the petals. Bend the petals along the central axis so that the central seam with eyelets should be inside the petal, and the tips of the petal on the axes should be bent outward.

The beaded petals are ready, it's time to collect the buds.

Assembling buds using a simple technique

First, you should take a wire and screw the first row of petals to it, fastening it in a circle.

Sepals for roses using simple patterns

How to weave sepals? You need to take a wire 10 centimeters long and string 50 beads. The sepal is made using the “toothed leaf” technique from beads.

The sepal will look longer since there are 50 beads on the axis. Attach the finished sepals to the rosebud using beads. Turn the flower over and attach the previously woven leaves of the peduncle.

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