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Visiting a children's clinic up to one year old. Medical examination of children in the first year of life: what does this procedure involve? month of life: surgeon

Prevention of diseases among children is an important part of the work of a pediatrician, since it is always easier to notice and prevent an emerging problem in time than to treat the disease later. Preventive examinations called medical and nursing visits are used for these purposes.

Health monitoring is carried out from the first minutes of the baby’s life throughout the entire stay. Then, monitoring the baby is transferred to the responsibility of a pediatrician, who, together with the site nurse, will monitor the physical and neuropsychic development of the child, assess his health and carry out preventive measures.

Upon discharge from the hospital

With physiological childbirth and a calm course of the postpartum period, with the baby in normal condition, discharge is made on the 4-5th day. Before discharging the mother and baby from the maternity hospital, the neonatologist in the ward talks with the mother about issues of care, health, feeding and other issues, and also fills out the necessary documents for the children's clinic.

The mother is given a counterfoil from the exchange card with information about the newborn for the children's clinic. This box contains the following:

  • Data about the mother - what was her state of health during pregnancy, how did the pregnancy proceed, were there any complications during its course, how did the birth proceed and what benefits were used during it, whether surgical interventions were performed, whether the mother had anesthesia.
  • Data about the baby - the exact date and time of his birth, his height and weight, in the first and fifth minutes, what activities and manipulations were carried out, whether the baby was attached in the first half hour of life, his condition.
  • In the same spine, the features of the first days of life in the maternity hospital are noted - weight loss and the dynamics of weight gain, the main dimensions of the baby - height, head and chest circumference, the condition of the umbilical wound and the time of the umbilical cord falling off. In addition, this sheet records the vaccinations (if the parents agree), which vaccine with the number and series, and what method of administration the vaccinations were given. If vaccinations are not completed, the reason is indicated (parental refusal or contraindications, medical advice).
  • The same document notes the conduct of laboratory tests (tests) and their results, taking blood and sending it to the laboratory to exclude hereditary diseases (hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria), if the child and mother have different blood groups and Rhesus - this is reflected in the card, indicating the presence or no signs of conflict.
  • If the child underwent additional examinations, for example, an ultrasound of the head or other organs, their results are reflected in the corresponding section of the report. When a child is consulted by any specialists, this is also reflected in the spine.
  • The spine is certified by the signature of the doctor treating the child, the head of the department and the seal of the maternity hospital. You will give this document to the local doctor who will monitor your baby after discharge. If you are planning observation in a private clinic, you may need a copy of the conclusion for the children's clinic at your place of residence with a refusal to be served by the local doctor.

First meeting with the doctor

Usually a doctor from the clinic comes to your home, usually the next day after discharge. If it is a weekend or holiday, then the pediatrician on duty comes. If it's everyday life - yours district doctor. It is better to prepare for his arrival in advance by noting in a notebook or notepad all the questions that concern you, and when the doctor arrives, you can read them out. In the same notebook you will write down the doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions, the telephone numbers of the clinic and the doctor and nurse, the necessary data and operating hours of the site.

In addition, the doctor will examine the baby, so think in advance where and how this will take place and prepare everything you need - lay out a diaper and oilcloth, prepare everything necessary to care for the baby. The doctor will undress the baby, examine the baby’s skin and mucous membranes, look into the mouth with a special spatula, feel the fontanel, look at the tummy and listen to the baby’s heart and lungs with a stethoscope. He will ask you questions - how the baby takes the breast, how he eats and sleeps, how he urinates and defecates, if it’s not difficult - leave the used diaper to show the doctor the baby’s stool. In addition, the doctor will treat the baby's navel to assess the condition of the umbilical wound.

Based on these data, the doctor will form an idea of ​​the baby’s health status and draw up a plan for his further monitoring. Throughout the first month, you will be regularly visited by your local doctor (or your chosen one) and a visiting nurse. They will monitor the child’s health and answer questions about care, nutrition, etc.

If the child is growing and developing well, the doctor will visit you once a week, and the nurse will visit you once every ten days. If the baby raises any doubts in the doctor, visits will become more frequent; usually the doctor warns you the next time he visits you so that you are at home.

If something bothers you, usually the doctor and nurse leave the telephone numbers of the clinic, you can call the doctor on them, or their contact numbers so that you can contact them.

At the last visit, before the baby turns one month old, you will be invited to the first visit to the clinic. Private clinics can practice visiting visiting systems.

Baby's first visit to the clinic

Each clinic at the place of residence has its own lists of infants, and usually they are invited to their sites at the place of residence at one month of age. Such children are seen by doctors separately from everyone else, in a specially designated healthy child unit or in a clinic, under a separate infant day or designated appointment hours. This is done in order to reduce the likelihood of healthy babies coming into contact with sick ones; these days only healthy children of the first year of life come for appointments.

You can come to the clinic by appointment or on a first-come, first-served basis; infants are usually allowed to go ahead without a queue. You can bring your baby in your arms or in a stroller; clinics have specially designated areas where strollers can be left. At the reception you will be directed to the office where your doctor sees you.

By this time, a medical record of the established form will have already been created for your baby; the nurse will bring it to the doctor before the appointment. At the appointment, the doctor, with the active assistance of a nurse, will measure the child’s weight and height, the circumference of his head and chest, and compare them with those at birth in order to assess how well the child’s physical development is going. In addition, an increase in weight and height will indicate nutritional sufficiency - whether the baby has enough mother's milk. They will carefully examine the child, listen to the heart and lungs, feel the tummy, look into the neck, and at this time you will tell how the baby pees and poops, how he eats and sleeps, what he can do. By one month, most full-term babies are already trying to hold their head.

At the appointment, you can ask all the questions that concern you, and you will also be sent for a second vaccination against hepatitis B (if you received it in the maternity hospital). Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will make a conclusion about the baby’s health status, make a diagnosis (if any) and determine the child’s health group.

National Project

In addition to this, according to the National Health Project and the birth certificate, you are required to conduct a set of studies. These include:

  • laboratory tests of blood and urine,
  • examination by specialized pediatric specialists,
  • carrying out special studies (ultrasound, ECG, NSG).

You will undergo these studies regularly during the first year of the child’s life in strictly regulated periods.

First month

A one-month-old baby should be examined by specialists - a surgeon and orthopedist, a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, and if there are health problems, then other doctors - a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, nephrologist.

In addition, after the child is one month old, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination of the child’s head through the large fontanelle (neurosonography), an echocardiogram of the heart, an ultrasound scan of the abdominal organs and bladder, and an ultrasound scan of the hip joints.

What do specialists do?

The most important doctor after the pediatrician is neurologist. Unfortunately, pediatric neurology is a very complex science, and diseases of the nervous system pose a danger to the health and development of the baby. Therefore, it is so important to promptly identify disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, however, without going into overdiagnosis. A neurologist, you will visit him immediately after the pediatrician, at one month of age, will assess the degree of development of neurological functions, whether the nervous system is developing correctly, and whether there are any signs of organic or infectious disorders. The doctor will ask you about your baby's skills, behavior, appetite, and sleep. Tell everything in detail, paying attention to details and little things - this can be important. In addition to the examination, the doctor will also evaluate the results of the NSG performed in the maternity hospital and at one month, comparing the dynamics of painful conditions, if any.

In addition, if in doubt, you can contact a neurologist outside of certain deadlines. The reason for contacting may be frequent regurgitation, poor sleep, bulging fontanel and other symptoms that bother you.

Routine examinations by a neurologist usually occur during critical stages for the development of the nervous system, namely at three, six and 12 months. If treatment monitoring or observation is required, the doctor will schedule additional visits.

Surgeon- his must be visited monthly, then semi-annually and annually. This doctor monitors the child’s health and timely identification of those conditions that can be treated surgically - problems of the navel and umbilical ring, malformations of the chest and abdomen, hernias, hydrocele and undescended testicles. The doctor will carefully examine the child, paying special attention to palpation of the abdomen and examination of the entire body. If surgical correction is necessary, the doctor will send you for consultation and hospitalization in a hospital. After discharge, he will monitor the condition of the stitches or remove them.

Orthopedist(sometimes the position is combined with a surgical one) - this is a doctor who closely monitors the development of the child’s musculoskeletal system. He is also responsible for the development of the hip joint and the treatment of all problems that arise with it (dysplasia, congenital hip dislocation). Orthopedists also monitor the child’s feet, treat clubfoot and problems with flat feet, poor posture and skeletal development. According to the timing, you should visit an orthopedist every month, then at three and six months.. These are critical periods in skeletal and muscle development.

Oculist (ophthalmologist) is a doctor who examines the visual analyzer and assesses the condition of the baby’s eyes. He will examine the child’s fundus, evaluate the reaction of the pupils to light, rule out blindness and malformations of the tear ducts, and give recommendations for caring for the child’s eyes. An ophthalmologist examines a child at 1 and 6 months.

ENT doctor is a specialist who deals with the health of the baby’s ears, nose and throat. He will carefully examine the baby’s nose for congenital narrowness of the nasal passages, developmental defects and inflammatory diseases in the nasopharynx. A routine examination by an ENT doctor is required at three months, and then as needed.

Dentist- his visit at 9 months. The doctor controls the process of teething. Evaluates the condition of the oral cavity and frenulum, gives recommendations for the prevention of caries and dental care.

Subsequent patronages

  • 2 months
  • 3 months- visit to the pediatrician, height and weight, chest and head circumference, care recommendations. Referral for vaccination (first DTP vaccination + poliomyelitis + hemophilus influenzae infection).
  • 4 months- visit to the pediatrician, weighing, measurement of height and weight, chest circumference. At 4.5 months, referral for vaccination (second DTP vaccination + polio + hemophilus influenzae infection).
  • 5 months- visit to the pediatrician, weighing, measurement of height and weight, chest circumference.
  • 6 months- visit to the pediatrician, weighing, measurement of height and weight, chest circumference. The doctor talks about the introduction of complementary foods, describes its scheme, taking into account health and weight dynamics. Referral for vaccination (third DTP vaccination + polio + hemophilus influenzae, third hepatitis B). Prescribing blood and urine tests.
  • 7 months- visit to the pediatrician, weighing, measurement of height and weight, chest circumference. Control of teething. Introduction of second complementary foods.
  • 8 months- visit to the pediatrician, weighing, measurement of height and weight, chest circumference. Assessment of physical and neuropsychic development. Introduction of the third complementary feeding.
  • 9 months- visit to the pediatrician, weighing, measurement of height and weight, chest circumference. Control of complementary feeding, expansion of the diet.
  • 10 months- visit to the pediatrician, weighing, measurement of height and weight, chest circumference.
  • 11 months- visit to the pediatrician, weighing, measurement of height and weight, chest circumference.
  • 12 months- visit to the pediatrician, weighing, measurement of height and weight, chest circumference. Nutrition calculation and diet correction, recommendations for care and development, dental formula assessment, specialist consultations and comprehensive health assessment. Referral for mantu test and vaccination (vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps). Prescribing blood, urine and stool tests for worm eggs.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, consultant.

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On January 1, 2018, a new order “On conducting preventive medical examinations of minors” No. 514n dated August 10, 2017 came into force. It replaced the order of 2012, in which, for each age of the child, a list of doctors and additional tests was prescribed that should be done for the child free of charge. Today we compare tables with this data from two orders and pay attention to the differences between them and innovations.

The first examination of a newborn is a traditional examination of the baby by a pediatrician. Important: screenings are “timed” for this examination: neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, adrenogenital syndrome, cystic fibrosis and galactosemia, as well as audiological screening. All these screenings are usually carried out for the baby in the maternity hospital. If they were not done in the maternity hospital, then neonatal screening for five hereditary syndromes should be done within 1 month of the baby’s life, audiological screening - in the first three months.

IN 1 month The child should first be examined by a pediatrician, neurologist, pediatric surgeon, or ophthalmologist. Now an examination by a pediatric dentist has been added to this list. The list of studies remained unchanged; it includes ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys, heart, hip joints and neurosonography.

IN 2 months The baby is examined by a pediatrician (no changes have occurred). Now at this age, the clinic will still do a general blood and urine test - these are innovations for 2018.

IN 3 months Now there is no mandatory consultation with a neurologist (but a pediatrician and an orthopedic traumatologist remain). A general blood test and urine test were also excluded - they were postponed to the second month of the child’s life.

IN 4 and 5 months Both according to the old and new standards, the baby must be examined only by a pediatrician.

Now the pediatrician will be the only one who will examine children in 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 months. Consultations with a pediatric surgeon and neurologist at 6 months, general blood and urine tests at 6 and 9 months are excluded from this year as mandatory.

IN 1 year Previously, children were examined by a whole team of specialists: a pediatrician, a neurologist, a pediatric surgeon, a dentist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT doctor and a psychiatrist. Starting this year, consultations with a dentist, ophthalmologist and psychiatrist are not required every year, but an orthopedic traumatologist has been added to the mandatory list of doctors. The list of tests included general blood and urine tests and an ECG. Glucose level testing has been removed as mandatory since 2018.

IN 1 year 3 months an examination by a pediatrician is mandatory (nothing has changed here).

IN 1 year 6 months— the baby is also examined only by a pediatrician. A general blood and urine test has become optional.

IN 1 year 9 months from 2018, children for preventive purposes will not undergo examinations at all.

IN 2 years The list of examinations includes: a pediatrician, a pediatric dentist and a child psychiatrist. The child also undergoes a general blood and urine test.

IN 2 years 6 months Medical examinations are now also cancelled.

IN 3 years children are again examined by a team of doctors: pediatrician, neurologist, pediatric surgeon, pediatric dentist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, urologist or gynecologist. Examination by a child psychiatrist at this age is now excluded. Among the tests: general blood and urine tests remain, and glucose level tests are no longer on the mandatory list.

IN 4 years Previously, children were examined by a pediatrician and a surgeon; now the surgeon has been replaced by a pediatric dentist and general blood and urine tests have been excluded.

IN 5 years The child will also be examined only by a pediatrician and a pediatric dentist, and will not undergo any tests.

IN 6 years— future schoolchildren will be examined by a huge team of specialists: a pediatrician, neurologist, surgeon, dentist, orthopedic traumatologist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, psychiatrist, gynecologist or urologist. Half of these specialists are new in 2018. To the tests that 6-year-olds had previously undergone (general blood and urine tests), almost the entire range of ultrasound scans was added: abdominal organs, kidneys and heart. An ECG was also added, and the glucose level test, on the contrary, was excluded from this year.

IN 7 years On the contrary, the number of specialists has decreased. Now children will be examined by a pediatrician, neurologist, dentist, ophthalmologist and ENT doctor. Among the studies: a general blood and urine test remains, all ultrasound and ECG will be done a year earlier.

IN 8 and 9 years old The medical examination now only includes a consultation with a pediatrician and a pediatric dentist. There will be no further examinations or consultations at this age.

IN 10 years The child will be examined by: a pediatrician, a neurologist, a pediatric dentist, an endocrinologist, an orthopedic traumatologist and an ophthalmologist. Consultations with an ENT doctor and a psychiatrist “went away,” as did an ECG and a study of blood glucose levels. All that remains is a general blood and urine test.

IN 11 and 12 years old Only a pediatrician and a pediatric dentist are waiting for children for a medical examination. All tests from the medical examination at this age were also excluded.

IN 13 years Previously, children were examined only by pediatricians. Now they have added consultations with pediatric dentists and ophthalmologists. On the contrary, all analyzes were excluded.

IN 14 years Previously, a team of doctors during a medical examination included 8 specialists. Now there are 4 of them left: a pediatrician, a pediatric dentist, a urologist or gynecologist and an adolescent psychiatrist. All tests and studies, including ultrasound, are now canceled at the age of 14 during medical examinations.

IN 15, 16 and 17 years old children will be examined by a full list of specialists, which has remained virtually unchanged compared to previous years. These are a pediatrician, surgeon, dentist, urologist or gynecologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, orthopedic traumatologist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor and adolescent psychiatrist. Only the number of studies has changed. At 15 years old: general blood and urine tests, as well as EC, to which was added an ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys. At 16 years old: only general blood and urine tests remained, at 17 years old - the same plus an ECG without testing the glucose level, which was done before.

Summing up the material, we noted that now medical examinations of children are even more “concentrated” in certain years, much more attention will be paid to dental problems in the development of children, and children will undergo tests less often for preventive purposes.

The first year of life is the most important stage in a baby’s life. During these 12 months, he will learn to walk, pronounce his first words and understand the meaning of adult speech. However, the health of the child is of paramount importance for every parent.

Some pathological changes noticed in children under one year old and corrected in time will only be remembered by an entry in the medical record. It is the planned medical examination of children that allows you to monitor their growth and development, monitor changes in a small body and prevent the negative consequences of diseases.

What does medical examination consist of?

Medical examination of infants is a monthly visit to doctors necessary to monitor the development of all systems of the baby’s body and receive answers to questions about care that interest parents.

Dispensary observation is carried out thanks to a birth certificate - a document that is issued to a woman during pregnancy. Certification is provided for by the state project “Health”, which obliges parents and doctors to conduct a series of examinations of a baby up to one year old.

The medical examination plan involves a monthly examination by a pediatrician, as well as some specialized specialists during a certain period of time. Let's look at everything in more detail and consider each stage of the process.

First stage: observation in the maternity hospital

Literally immediately after birth, the child falls into the hands of a neonatologist, who examines the mucous membranes, checks the heartbeat, listens to breathing and checks basic reflexes. If there are no pathologies, the baby is washed, the necessary treatment is carried out and swaddled.

The fourth day of life for full-term babies (and the seventh for premature babies) is marked by taking the first test (blood from the heel) for a screening test. This test is aimed at early detection of genetic diseases in newborns, such as:

  • cystic fibrosis;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • congenital hypothyroidism;
  • galactosemia;
  • adrenogenital syndrome.

If a child is suspected of having one of these ailments, parents are notified of the need to undergo the test again to refute or confirm the diagnosis.

Second stage: monitoring the development of a child up to one year in a children's clinic

This stage lasts the whole year and is divided into two periods: observation up to six months and from 6 to 12 months. However, this does not mean that you only need to visit the doctor twice; examinations are carried out every month.

After discharge from the maternity hospital, a nurse and a doctor from the children's clinic come to the newborn's home, examine him and tell the mother about the features of caring for the baby.

1 month

At one month, the baby and his mother go to see the pediatrician on their own for the first time. The doctor performs:

  • posture check;
  • palpation of internal organs;
  • checking the fontanel;
  • assessment of sensory organ development;
  • examination of the scrotum in boys;
  • a set of procedures that will be repeated monthly: examination of the skin, fontanel, weighing and measuring height, head and chest circumference, measuring body temperature.

In addition to the pediatrician, the baby and mother will have to go to some specialists:

  • surgeon;
  • traumatologist-orthopedist;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist

Before visiting these specialists, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound examinations of the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and hip joints.

The surgeon performs:

  • assessment of the structural features of the skeleton and musculoskeletal system;
  • identification of pathologies: hernia, neck injuries, dislocations, etc.;
  • examination of the genitals.

If there are appropriate indications, the surgeon may recommend that the baby undergo therapeutic massage, exercise therapy, or swimming.

An orthopedic traumatologist, having familiarized himself with an ultrasound of the hip joints and conducted an examination, records changes in the structure and checks for the presence of dysplasia, the timely treatment of which helps to avoid problems in the future. In the absence of proper treatment, with age comes pain and gait disturbances due to limited joint movement, which can lead to disability.

A neurologist performs a monthly examination to:

  • assessment of the baby’s neuropsychic development;
  • collecting information from parents and assessing the child’s behavior based on them;
  • identifying a risk group in the presence of deviations.

It is better to visit an ophthalmologist at the turn of 1–2 months. The doctor will evaluate:

  • visual acuity, how much the baby fixes his gaze on an object;
  • condition of the muscles, lacrimal ducts, eyelids and fundus.

2 months

  • At two months, only a standard medical examination by a pediatrician is performed.

3 months

At three months, the pediatrician takes the necessary measurements to assess the baby’s development, and also gives directions for a number of examinations:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • examination by a neurologist.

A complete blood count involves taking blood from a child’s finger. To obtain objective results, it is better not to feed the baby for an hour or two before taking the test.

A urine test is usually taken in a laboratory early in the morning. You can collect the urine in a clean bowl, and then pour it into a special jar, or use a urine bag for babies.

A neurologist examines the child to determine the level of his psychomotor development.

4–5 months

  • At 4 and 5 months, the baby visits the pediatrician for a standard examination.

6 months

Six months is the next milestone for undergoing a comprehensive examination by specialized specialists, including:

  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • cardiologist.

The neurologist once again compares the indicators of psychomotor development with the age norm.

The ophthalmologist takes repeated measurements of the refraction of the eyes and compares them with indicators five months ago to assess the dynamics, and also identifies the presence or absence of strabismus.

The ENT carries out the following actions:

  • examines mucous membranes and gives recommendations for their care;
  • tests hearing;
  • examines the ears to prevent otitis media.

A cardiologist, based on an ECG and his own examination of the baby, excludes or confirms the presence of heart defects and other heart diseases. The examination is also carried out with the aim of timely detection of rheumatism, diffuse connective tissue diseases, arthritis and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system in the child.

7 and 8 months

At 7 and 8 months, examinations by specialists are not carried out, unless, of course, there are indications and a referral from a pediatrician.

9 months

After a standard examination, the pediatrician sends the baby to the dentist. The doctor examines the oral cavity to:

  • detection of pathologies on the tongue, gums, uvula, frenulum of the tongue;
  • identifying irregular or delayed teeth eruption.

The dentist also informs parents about proper dental and oral care and gives recommendations on how to reduce the baby’s discomfort during teething.

10 and 11 months

10 and 11 months are the time for regular visits to the pediatrician to monitor the dynamics of the baby’s growth and development.

12 months

At one year old, the baby will have to go through the last stage of medical examination. It includes the passage of such specialists as:

  • neurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • orthopedist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • dentist;

Also, general urine and blood tests are performed annually, and, if necessary, an ultrasound examination is performed.

There is no need to keep in your head all the information described above about the periods of examination by narrow specialists; if necessary, such a table will come to your aid.

Medical examination of children in the first year of life is a very important process for the health of the baby, so it should not be neglected. Even if it’s summer and you want to go on vacation with your baby, calculate the time so that you can visit the specialists on time. Remember that timely treatment of diseases identified during infancy can save the child from health problems in the future. May your children always be happy and healthy.

The first year of a child’s life is perhaps the most important stage. The maturation of organs and systems occurs, and the “foundation” of health for life is laid. To assess the development of the baby and promptly identify abnormalities and diseases in the early stages, routine preventive examinations are carried out.

Medical examinations: what do the regulations say?

The procedure for conducting mandatory preventive examinations for children of all ages is established by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation N 514n dated August 10, 2017.

The document came into force on January 1, 2018. The order regulates the timing of completion, the minimum list of studies and examination by specialists at all stages of growing up.

We will talk in more detail about monitoring the baby.

Medical observation of a child in the first year of life


Doctors specialists

Research and analysis


* Neonatal screening is carried out to identify pathologies: congenital hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, galactosemia and adrenogenital syndrome

* Audiological screening

1 month

Ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist)

Pediatric surgeon

Pediatric neurologist

Pediatric dentist

* Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys

* Ultrasound of the hip joints

* Echocardiography

* Neurosonography

* Audiological screening

2 months

* Complete blood count (CBC)

* General urinalysis (UCA)

3 months


Audiological screening

From 4 months to 11 months

Pediatrician - once a month

Research and analysis are not carried out

12 months

Pediatric surgeon


Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)


KLA, OAM, electrocardiography (ECG)

Inspections by specialists

In the first year of life, the baby is under the close attention of doctors: development is monitored, nutritional recommendations are given, treatment is prescribed if diseases are detected, etc.


He is the main doctor in the life of every child.

In the maternity hospital

The baby is examined by a neonatologist immediately after birth, then every day throughout the entire period of stay in the maternity hospital. The doctor monitors the baby’s adaptation to new living conditions, excludes congenital or hereditary diseases, and prescribes treatment if necessary.

After discharge from the maternity hospital, the pediatrician monitors the child:

* in the first month of life, the doctor examines the baby at home;

* starting from the age of 1 month, you and your child visit the doctor at the clinic every month.

Examinations by a pediatrician at home in the 1st month of life

The doctor assesses the baby’s general condition and determines his health group. The doctor gives advice on breastfeeding, hardening and hygiene procedures, and conducts talks on breastfeeding. If diseases are detected, treatment is prescribed.

Monthly visit to the pediatrician at the clinic

During each preventive examination, the child’s height and weight, head and chest circumference are measured, and the condition of the large fontanelle and cranial sutures are assessed.

The pediatrician examines the skin and uses a phonendoscope to listen to the baby’s lungs and heart. Determines the health group, the correspondence of physical and mental development to the baby’s age. Identifies the likelihood of a child developing certain diseases.

The pediatrician evaluates the skills acquired by the child in the first year of life: the ability to hold the head, sit, crawl and walk, walk, pronounce syllables and words, and eat independently.


Checks how the child focuses his gaze on objects, the patency of the nasolacrimal ducts and examines the fundus of the eye.

Pediatric surgeon

Timely diagnoses inguinal or umbilical hernia, hip dysplasia.

Examines the genitals. Detects certain diseases in boys: phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin - folds of skin covering the head of the penis), cryptorchidism (undescended testicle into the scrotum) and/or testicular hydrocele.

Pediatric neurologist

Tests the baby's reflexes and acquired skills, determines muscle tone and identifies possible motor disorders.

Evaluates the condition of cranial sutures, large and small fontanelles, and the correspondence of neuropsychic development to the child’s age.


Monitors the development of the baby's musculoskeletal system. Excludes or identifies hip dysplasia, congenital muscular torticollis, clubfoot and other pathologies. When diagnosed early, these conditions usually respond well to non-surgical treatment.

Pediatric dentist

Checks the condition of the frenulum of the tongue - a fold of the oral mucosa that serves as an addition to attach the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Sometimes the frenulum is shortened, which can lead to problems with sucking, swallowing, chewing, pronunciation and diction. If the bridle is shortened, it is trimmed.


Examines the child to identify congenital anomalies of the nasal and oral cavity, pharynx, auricle, external and middle ear.

Research and analysis

They are carried out to diagnose many diseases in the early stages and congenital anomalies.

General blood analysis

Helps identify anemia, inflammation in the body, blood clotting disorders.

General urine analysis

Allows you to evaluate kidney function, detect inflammation in the urinary tract, and suspect certain diseases (for example, diabetes).

Audiological screening

Hearing is examined using a special device. It is performed in the maternity hospital on the 3-4th day of life or before discharge.

If for any reason the screening was not completed in the maternity hospital or hearing impairment was detected, the child is discharged with recommendations for audiological screening in the clinic.

If hearing impairment is repeatedly detected, the child is sent to the audiology center for additional examination and treatment (hearing aids, classes with a teacher of the deaf). Goal: to carry out correction in time to prevent the baby from lagging behind in speech and mental development.

Neonatal screening

Blood is collected from the heel on the 4th day of life in full-term infants, and on the 7th day in premature infants. If for some reason screening was not carried out in the maternity hospital or there is no data, the test is performed in the clinic until the age of 1 month.

The study makes it possible to diagnose five serious diseases: congenital hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, galactosemia and adrenogenital syndrome.

If illnesses are detected in a timely manner and treatment is prescribed (medicines, diet), children develop normally.


The brain is examined using an ultrasound machine through the large fontanel. A painless and safe method helps to identify brain cysts, intracranial injuries, cerebral hemorrhages, and brain development abnormalities.

Ultrasound of internal organs and kidneys

The method makes it possible to look inside the body. The liver, spleen, pancreas, gallbladder and its ducts, kidneys and bladder are examined. The study helps to determine the size, assess the function and identify congenital anomalies of the development of internal organs.

Ultrasound of the hip joints

It is carried out for the timely diagnosis of hip dysplasia - abnormal development that can lead/has led to dislocation or subluxation of the femoral head (congenital hip dislocation).


Allows you to record impulses that arise during the work of the heart, which are recorded on paper in the form of a gear graph.

Using an ECG, it is possible to detect disturbances in heart rhythm, formation and conduction of impulses.

Monitoring a child in the first year of life: where is it better?

Routine medical examinations are carried out free of charge at the clinic at your place of residence - an undeniable advantage.

However, you and your child will have to stand in line for hours, even if you pre-register.

In addition, not only healthy, but also sick adults/children visit the clinic. Your baby may encounter, for example, a viral infection, and the next monthly preventive examination risks resulting in the child developing a fever, runny nose and cough.

When visiting a private medical center, discomfort for the baby and parents is minimized, there are no tiring queues, and you can choose a convenient time for visits.

Based on a standard observation program, an individual approach to each child is developed. The baby receives a personal pediatrician who can be consulted 24 hours a day.

P.S. The order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation regulates the mandatory minimum of medical examinations. If deviations are detected, additional studies and consultations with specialists not included in the generally accepted observation scheme are prescribed.

resident doctor of the children's department

From birth, a child must undergo a number of examinations, some of which are mandatory, others additional. The list of mandatory examinations may change over time, so for young parents it is quite useful to know the medical standards that are relevant today.

Examination of a child by month in the first year of life

Specialists 1 month 3 6 9 12
Pediatrician + + + + +
Neurologist + + + (according to indications) +
Orthopedist + +
Surgeon + + +
Ophthalmologist + (according to indications), preferably at 2 months +
Dentist + +
Otolaryngologist (ENT) +
Blood and urine analysis + + +

Referrals to doctors not marked with a “+” sign in the table are given by a pediatrician if there are certain indications.

There is currently a shortage of specialized doctors in clinics; a pediatrician cannot always give a referral to see the right specialist or an appointment ticket for a specific procedure. The table above will help you figure out when and what examinations a child should undergo in the first year of life.

A child undergoes a full examination by specialists several times a year, with most examinations in the first month, then examinations by additional specialists are added.

Full description of child examinations by month

1 month

Specialists Nature of the inspection
Pediatrician The pediatrician comes for the first time the next day after the baby arrives home, then once a week for the first month. The doctor examines the child, gives the young mother recommendations on the care and feeding of the baby . With a one-month-old baby, parents go to the doctor themselves. The pediatrician measures weight, height, head and chest circumference, and also examines the fontanelles and interosseous sutures on the baby’s head.
Neurologist The doctor observes the child's reaction to light, sound, monitors the baby’s movements, evaluates psycho-emotional activity.
Orthopedist The examination can reveal hip dysplasia, torticollis, and foot pathology (for example, clubfoot).
Surgeon Inspects for inguinal or umbilical hernia . Examines the genitals in boys, undescended testicles into the scrotum or narrowing of the foreskin.
Ophthalmologist The pediatrician gives a referral to an ophthalmologist, but often the doctors themselves insist on a later examination . Diagnosis requires wide open eyes, and babies at this age often sleep. At the appointment, the doctor checks visual acuity, the ability to focus the gaze, the condition of the fundus, and the patency of the nasolacrimal duct.

Examinations that a child should undergo in the first months of life

Survey Description
Ultrasound of internal organs and kidneys During the examination, it is assessed correspondence of the sizes of the abdominal organs certain parameters.
Ultrasound of the hip joints Reveals presence or absence hip joints.
While the fontanel on the baby’s head has not closed, it is easier to conduct an examination to identifying pathologies .
Ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography)(additionally) Done conclusion about the state of the heart , identification of defects.
Ultrasound of the cervical spine (additionally) Prescribed to a child if you suspect a birth injury , with muscular torticollis.
Ultrasound of the scrotum or pelvic organs(additionally) Appointed in the presence of pathologies in the pelvic area .
Ultrasound of the thymus gland(additionally) Appointed for immune system disorders (, dysbacteriosis).
Audiological screening(if not done in the maternity hospital) With the help of special modern equipment, testing for hearing loss and deafness .
Blood and urine analysis A blood test characterizes the general condition of the child’s body, are there any inflammation or anemia? . A urine test indicates the condition of the kidneys, as well as the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.

9 months(dental examination added)

12 months(examination by an otolaryngologist is added)

If everything is more or less clear from specialists, then there are a lot of conflicting opinions on the issue of vaccination. Some parents vaccinate according to the calendar, others choose paid foreign analogues of vaccines, and still others refuse vaccination altogether. Everyone gives reasons for their choice.

Vaccination of a child's first year of life

Very often, an examination by a neurologist-immunologist before vaccination is overlooked. In Russia, preparation for vaccination is most often limited to taking a general blood and urine test and measuring body temperature.

Meanwhile, many problems could be avoided by passing additional tests:

  1. A blood test showing how the child’s immunity works (immunogram).
  2. Blood test for individual reaction to vaccination.

Already with ready-made tests, they contact a neurologist-immunologist, who selects the necessary vaccine and determines the degree of risks.

The list of mandatory vaccinations for children under one year old accepted in Russia is given in the table below.

The pediatrician is required to provide detailed information about the vaccine , after which the parents decide whether to vaccinate their child at the moment or not.

Age Graft
Newborns in the first 24 hours of life
  • Hepatitis B– first vaccination
3 – 7 days
  • Tuberculosis– vaccination with BCG, BCG - M
1 month
  • Hepatitis B– second vaccination (children at risk)
2 month
  • Hepatitis B– third vaccination (children at risk)
3 month
  • Hepatitis B- second vaccination
  • Polio – first vaccination
  • DTP(diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus) – first vaccination
4.5 months
  • Polio – second vaccination
  • DTP– second vaccination
6 months
  • Hepatitis B– third vaccination
  • Polio – third vaccination
  • DTP– third vaccination
12 months
  • Hepatitis B– fourth vaccination
  • Vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps

The vaccine for hepatitis B is injected intramuscularly into the thigh, for tuberculosis - into the shoulder, DPT is placed into the anterior outer part of the thigh, for polio, a drop of the vaccine is dropped into the mouth. For measles, rubella and mumps, the vaccine is given in the shoulder or subscapular area.

Since 2014, the list of mandatory vaccinations has included:

  • Vaccination against pneumococcal infection (from pneumonia and otitis media) at 2 and 4.5 months.
  • Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae is given together with the DPT vaccine.

Examination of children in the first year of life plays a very important role. Parents should take this issue very seriously, study the information, and draw their own conclusions about the need for a particular examination or procedure.

It is parents who are primarily responsible for the health of their children. .

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