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To make money stick: simple ways to attract it with the power of thought. Psychology of wealth: attracting money and success with the power of thought Recruiting funds using Feng Shui

The power of thought is a powerful weapon against poverty and failure, loneliness and the incessant betrayal of the other half. But it can also be our worst enemy, because in moments of crisis we begin to think negatively, focusing our attention on things we don't want. That is why troubles begin to rain down on the head of one person in an incessant stream, who is initially sure that he has hit a so-called “black streak” in his life. Today we will try to explain how the power of thought influences our lives, how you can program your own subconscious, and also what you need to do in order to attract luck, money and love into your life.

How does an energy pendulum work depending on the power of thought?

Imagine a pendulum on a string, hanging motionless over a white sheet of paper. This is what human energy looks like in a state of absolute peace and mental balance. Now imagine that you are starting to worry and worry, because tomorrow you urgently need money, and it is unlikely that you will be able to borrow the required amount. What happens to the pendulum? That's right, it begins to sway smoothly, spinning on the negative wave of your fear and worries. Thus, the events that you fear most begin to be attracted to your biofield. You won’t be able to get money from your friends, the bank won’t give you the required amount, and creditors will come with claims for your job, which will put you in an awkward position. Tell me, do you like this state of affairs?

See, this situation can be explained with a simple example. Do you remember that moment when you didn't learn a poem in school and came to class unprepared? Remember that feeling of fear when you must be called, but you cannot answer and get a bad mark? So, try to remember several similar cases from your biography, and you will immediately notice one pattern:

  • You were always called to the board and given a bad mark when you felt a feeling of fear;
  • When you were indifferent to the fact that the teacher might give you a negative grade, no one called you and you calmly learned the verse for the next lesson.

Naturally, no one will call you to the board now. But the essence of the work of the power of thought has not changed. As soon as you begin to panic and be afraid in your soul, negative events themselves find you and drive you to despair with their incessant systematicity. The conclusion suggests itself: the power of thought can swing a personal energy pendulum in both a bad and a good direction.

How to learn to control the power of thought?

Each person contains a powerful esoteric potential, which manifests itself in the form of heightened intuition or premonition. If you want to learn how to control the power of thought, then first of all you will need:

  • Realize that all the events happening in your life once appeared in your head. Yes, this is the same secret of attraction that works regardless of whether you have designed a good or bad future for yourself. Events will simply materialize;
  • Accept the fact that the power of thought can be controlled. No, it is not at all necessary to constantly play out the scenario in your head of what you want to get, or get hung up on a specific idea. It is enough to simply become confident that everything planned will definitely work out.

Psychologists note the fact that optimistic people are 28% more likely to achieve success in work, love, and also realize their creative potential to the required extent. Esotericists explain this pattern by the correct swing of the energy pendulum. Optimists believe in the best, they are always confident in success, which means that there is simply no room for fear and doubt.

A simple ritual to control the power of thought

Stay in the room completely alone. If this is problematic, then a bath is quite suitable for performing a ritual that allows you to learn how to control the power of thought. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and try to abstract yourself from the bustle. Now start drawing your future in your imagination with your eyes closed, adding the necessary characters to the plot. Surround yourself with objects and things that you have long wanted to purchase. Focus on your own feelings and try to believe that in reality this picture has already come true. As soon as you understand that the program for attracting money, love and luck has been set, you can stop the meditation session. Maintaining peace of mind and confidence that everything will be just like this, within a few weeks you will notice an improvement in all areas of your life, as well as an incredible surge of strength and positivity.

Greetings. Oksana Manoilo is with you. Ways to attract money, they exist! And today I will tell you about them. More precisely, I will reveal several effective methods and one of the most powerful, important ones, which 100% works. Thanks to this method, you can earn as much as you want.

Do you want to attract money to yourself and earn more?

If your answer is yes, then I will tell you how to do it!

It has long been no secret that a person’s income largely depends on a person’s thoughts, more than on his actions. Now I’m not saying that you just need to think, think, dream and do nothing, don’t act, no. Of course you have to act, work, but. They determine the vector, set the course, so to speak.

Have you ever thought about why some people “plow like tractors” and at the same time barely make ends meet, while others get everything they want without really straining themselves? Really, have you thought about it? So to sit down, analyze this issue, study?

To have money, you need to think about it and do it right!

What are your thoughts about money?

You can probably remember thoughts like: “I don’t have enough money,” “I can’t afford it,” “I don’t know how to manage money,” “Wealth spoils people,” and the like.

Such thoughts stem from beliefs in relation to money and wealth in general, and they represent a reliable “shield” that protects you from wealth and... Vibrations of a negative attitude towards money fill you with every such thought.

All these thoughts are so-called contracts with oneself, internal programs. We have written these agreements for ourselves, and they are in us. Yes, they live directly in us and are inseparable from us. They have become so accustomed to us that it is not so easy to get rid of them without special knowledge! I created a special course ““, where the entire first block of training is dedicated to unlocking ours, finding and getting rid of all unnecessary contracts with ourselves. I give techniques and practices, which, once mastered, will always give you plenty. And if your goal is abundance, you want to learn how to earn millions, then you can achieve this thanks to training.

It's important find in your beliefs what prevents you from being a wealthy person and get rid of it. Free the way for money to come to you! Yes, you’ve probably already heard about something like this, that you need to cleanse yourself of blocks and programs, but how? It is in the course that I teach How do this in practice.

Valid ways to attract money.

How do you use money?

How a person handles money and how he feels greatly influences his wealth:

  • Do you spend money happy because you bought something, or do you feel sad because you spent money?
  • Are you happy when you receive money, or are you nervous when thinking about “how to spend it”?
  • Are you worried about what you don't have or are you happy about what you have?
  • When you see poor (or beggars) people, do you think that you might be in their place?

If you find yourself having more negative thoughts about money, then you urgently need to change this and increase the positive ones.

  1. Always think positively about money!

It is important not to go to the other extreme - not to “deify” money, not to worship it. Remember that money is a tool, and what you do with it depends on the person.

  1. Money needs attention!

It has long been known that there is more and more of what attention is directed to, this applies to money and any other benefits. Many may argue that they already constantly think about money, but there is no more money, but they lie to themselves - they don’t think about money, but about the fact that there is none.

How many people can remember what is depicted on banknotes?

Look at each banknote, what is depicted on it, what they look like. How they smell, what they feel like. And also, it’s useful to get into the habit of always counting money, knowing how much is in your wallet, counting the change, remembering (or better yet, writing down) how much was spent and on what.

In fact, this is a whole science, a culture of handling money, and whoever has this knowledge has money.

Secret, very effective, can increase your income by 5 times more than once in your life!

  1. Don't let your money stagnate!

Money is a flow, it should not stagnate, it should move, flow and work. They need to be spent or invested.
If money “lies under the mattress,” then monetary energy stagnates and the flow is blocked.

Equally important is where exactly to let the cash flow, where to spend it and where to make purchases.

And we must not forget about charity, part of the money should be returned to the World, with love and gratitude, this greatly increases the level of money.

  1. Think about what money is for, not about money!

The human mind is designed in such a way that it strives for set goals, but only for specific ones. You need to know exactly how much money you need, for what and when. If there is a clear goal, the money will come.

You can't get money for the sake of money.

It is useful here to develop your desires, from childhood people are taught that wanting is harmful, but this is not so, desires are energy to increase your income, and there are a lot of these ways around, people have just been taught not to see them.

It is also important to know the state of Zhiva, who is responsible for money in particular. This is your money channel! And if it is clogged, then, of course, there can be no talk of any cash flow, with any strength of thought! It’s worth it and then the power of thought will work surprisingly quickly!

If you want to know yours, order diagnostics from me using a photo. I will tell you about your current state with money and suggest a specific solution for you, I will tell you how to improve the situation.

And in conclusion I will summarize. I have listed a lot of ways to attract money, but here the most effective, the best it is to come to money through changes within yourself. It is necessary to change thoughts and internal attitudes. The world outside is just a reflection of our inner state.

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I, Manoilo Oksana, am a practicing healer, coach, spiritual trainer. You are now on my website.

Order your diagnostics from me using a photo. I will tell you about you, the causes of your problems and suggest the best ways out of the situation.

Material well-being is what every person strives for. In order for money to always be in your wallet and business to be completed successfully, it is important to have not only good professional skills, but also the appropriate mindset. With the power of thought you can make any desire come true, includingattract cash flow .

It has long been known that thought is material. By thinking about negativity and the negative outcome of events, we program ourselves for failure and poverty, while positive thoughts helpachieve the favor of Fortune and material wealth. In what difference between a rich person and a poor person , and why does someone experience financial success, while others avoid profit? It's all about the way of thinking. If money, despite all your efforts, does not come into your hands, it’s time to analyze your thinking, understand the psychology of wealth and learnattract material wealth and success with the power of thought .

How to attract money and success with the power of thought

First of all it is necessary Eliminate phrases that repel money from your speech:“I can’t afford this,” “I don’t have enough money,” “the poor are much happier than the rich,” and so on. By saying words like this, youyou are programming yourself for an eternal lack of finances and, even worse, look for advantage in this lack. This behavior interferes with the opening of your money channel, so it needs to be radically changed. Transform these phrases: “I can’t afford it, but only for now,” “I don’t have enough money, but this is a temporary phenomenon.” And the justifying stereotype that the poor are happier than the rich must be banished from our consciousness completely and irrevocably.

The next step is visualizing what you want. Draw yourself a vivid visual image of money andcareer achievements . When opening your wallet, mentally increase the amount that is there, and it will actually increase. The period before falling asleep and after waking up is considered especially productive for visualization: at this time the line between consciousness and subconscious weakens, so the images that you imagine will be deposited in the subconscious and will determine your behavior. That is, if you draw pictures of your own success in your head for some time and fall asleep with this thought, then you will begin to behave accordingly, and to achieve goals it will be much easier. In addition, at the border between sleep and reality, you may have a good idea about how toget out of financial difficulties and increase income .

More often imagine that you have already achieved material well-being- this will help you feel the necessary emotions and recharge your batteries.Negative thinking will immediately go away , giving way to the psychology of wealth. In addition, a constant feeling of closeness to the goal contributes to its achievement.

Pronounce affirmations for money and success . This is an effective way to set yourself up to attract money. Every morning, say in front of the mirror the phrases “I know that today luck will accompany me in all matters”, “I respect money and let it into my life”, “I wish prosperity and material well-being and will make every effort to achieve this " The main thing is to pronounce these phrases confidently, experiencing only positive emotions, and Fortune will smile on you, and the cash flow will not bypass you.

Don't forget about gratitude. When receiving income or achieving another victory, thank the universe for the opportunities sent to you so thatgood luck continues to be with you . You can back up your words with action: help a needy person with money, and this amount will come back to you threefold.

Every person dreams of achieving material well-being and finding good luck. Not only your efforts will help you achieve what you want: for your dreams to come true, you need the right attitude and a certain mindset.

The secret of success depends on many factors, including our thoughts. Very often we ask ourselves: why do we live this way and not otherwise? To find the answer, you need to understand your inner world. First of all, a lot depends on our mood. People who look at the world pessimistically and think negatively rarely achieve success. Thus, they themselves push away luck, creating negative energy around themselves. It is possible that material wealth directly depends on our thoughts. It is not for nothing that psychologists have developed the so-called psychology of poverty and wealth. Rich people think positively. They perceive every day as a set of new opportunities that cannot be missed. They move towards their goals and are not afraid to make mistakes, perceiving them as small obstacles on the path to true happiness. Poor people, despite their low income, are still afraid to take risks. For them, daily work is the only way to earn money, and they do not even consider other possibilities. The site's experts will tell you how, with the help of the power of thought, you can change your life for the better and find what you want.

How to attract money with the power of thought

First you need to figure out how much money you want to receive. If you just want to get rid of debt and have a stable income, you won't need much effort. If you want to become not just rich, but also an influential person, you will have to work hard - first of all, on yourself.

Learn to appreciate what you have. Do you have a small salary? There is no need to be upset about this. You can always earn more if you want, but first learn to appreciate what you get. Money, even if it is not much, deserves respect and love. You must understand that even a small amount in your wallet separates you from poverty, which means you need to come to terms with your earnings, but stopping there is prohibited.

Learn to part with money. Money must work and pass from one owner to another - this process is necessary to increase your wealth. There is no need to waste money on useless things; it is better to think about how you can increase your income with their help. As you know, successful businessmen started their business with small investments, but now they have very profitable companies. Don't be afraid to part with your money, but do it wisely.

Review your social circle. It is at this stage that many people have difficulties. Indeed, you will have to stop communicating with some people, especially those who radiate negativity and prevent you from moving on. First of all, these are problematic people. If, when you meet, a person, without asking about your affairs, begins to tell you about problems at work or family scandals, think about whether he is needed in your environment? Secondly, cut off contacts with envious people. If there is a person next to you who cannot react to someone else’s happiness without envy, it means that one day he will rejoice at your problems. Envy is a negative feeling; its energy can destroy everything that was built with difficulty. Start communicating with more positive people who radiate joy and are ready to support you in any endeavor. Even from the point of view of human relations, only such people can be called friends. Remember, only positive communication generates similar thoughts.

Visualize wealth. Sometimes you just need to use your imagination and imagine that you are rich and have everything you want. In this case, your thoughts concentrate on your desires, you imagine the life you would really like to live. Don't be afraid if your dreams are a little far from reality: the main thing is that you believe in their reality.

“I have no money” is one of the most dangerous phrases. By pronouncing it, you literally break your money channel, which is very difficult to restore. Replace this phrase with a less categorical statement. For example, if they ask you to borrow a small amount, say: “Right now I don’t have extra money.” This way you won’t harm yourself or offend your friend by refusing.

“I have a small salary” - even if this is true, you don’t need to think about it, much less say it out loud. The fact that you have a small salary is entirely your fault, so wouldn’t it be easier to stop complaining and start making efforts to improve your financial situation? Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that you do not know how to save. Many people occupy highly paid positions, but even they cannot boast of wealth. Just start trying, and most importantly, never say this phrase.

“I can’t afford it” - very often we cannot afford what we want because of money problems. If, looking at something you like, you realize that you can’t afford it, just pass by, but mentally set a goal for yourself that one day you will buy it.

"I will never become rich." Of course, you shouldn’t shout about how you’ll soon get rich. However, your goal is quite feasible, and there is no need to exclude the possibility of its implementation. With the power of thought, you must attract wealth to yourself and imagine a more prosperous life every day, and one day you will be able to fulfill your dream.

How to attract good luck with the power of thought

Every person dreams of being successful, but is it possible to achieve heights without luck? Usually fortune turns away from people who scare it away with negative thoughts. By working on yourself, you will be able to achieve success in the near future.

Learn to visualize your goal. You can visualize not only objects, but also your goals. If you dream of becoming a manager of a large company, don't be afraid to make it happen in your imagination. Every day, imagine that you are in the position you have always dreamed of and doing what you love. The law of the Universe states that any desire can be fulfilled if you sincerely believe in its fulfillment.

Follow the rule of self-hypnosis. The best way to attract good luck is to convince yourself that you can achieve more. Remember to tell yourself every morning that you deserve better and can get closer to your goals. By believing in yourself, you will see how your life changes.

You can say “words of good luck” at any time, regardless of the time of day. With their help, you can not only achieve good luck, but also gain self-confidence.

How do you feel about money? Most people say that they love money, but if they don't have enough money, their feelings towards money are quite negative. When a person has as much money as he needs, he, of course, has a positive attitude towards it. It turns out that the amount of money is an indicator of your attitude towards it. If you don't have everything you need, you won't have a positive attitude towards money.

If you look at the world situation, you will see that most people have a negative attitude towards money, because most of the world's money and other wealth is concentrated in the hands of less than 10% of the population. The only difference between rich people and everyone else is that rich people have more positive feelings about money than negative ones. Yes, it's that simple!

Why do so many people have a negative attitude towards money? The reason is not that they never had money. Many wealthy people started from scratch, with an empty wallet. The reason for a negative attitude towards money lies in a negative image of money. Such ideas penetrate into a person’s subconscious since childhood. Here they are: “We can’t afford it. Money is evil. All rich people are certainly swindlers. The desire to have money is a bad and unspiritual desire. To have a lot of money, you have to work a lot and hard.”

As children, we simply absorb what our parents, teachers and society tell us. Without realizing it, a person grows up with a negative attitude towards money. Consider the irony of being told that wanting money is bad, but at the same time being told that you need to earn a living, even if that means doing a job you don't like. Maybe you were even told that earning a living is only possible in a certain profession (“In our family everyone was...”).

None of this is true. The people who instilled such ideas in you are not to blame. They told you what they themselves believed in, and because they believed in it, life was created for them in accordance with their ideas. But now you know that life works in a completely different way! If you don't have enough money, it means that your negative thoughts about money prevail over positive ones.

When you realize that there is no shortage of anything in the world, the whole world belongs to you
Lao Tzu

The “sticky” property of the power of love

I lived in a family with a modest income, and although my parents always lived within their means and did not make plans for sudden enrichment, even this modest income was given to them at the cost of considerable effort. It's not surprising that I grew up with the same negative beliefs about money that the vast majority of people have. Over time, I realized that in order to change my life, I needed to change my feelings about money. Moreover, for money to start not only coming, but also “sticking” to me, I had to completely change myself.

I noticed that rich people not only attract money to themselves, but make it “stick” to them. If you take all the money in the world and divide it equally among everyone, then soon the money will again be concentrated in the hands of the same few percent. Why? Because the law of attraction follows love, and these few percent of people are positive about money and attract it to themselves. The power of love moves all the world's money and wealth, and the movement obeys the said law.

It is an eternal and fundamental principle, inherent in everything, manifested in every philosophical movement, in every religion and in every science. It is impossible to evade the law of love.
Charles Haenel

You can see the law of attraction at work when people win the lottery. They clearly understand and feel with all their hearts that they will win. They say: “When I win”, not “If I win”; they make colorful plans about what they will do when they win. And they win! But the statistics of the winners clearly shows whether money is attracted to these people or not. Within a few years after winning, most lucky people manage to spend everything and get into even greater debt than they had before winning.

This happens because such people use the law of attraction to win the lottery, but even their receiving the money does not change their attitude towards money, and ultimately they lose everything. Money doesn’t “stick” to them!

When you have a negative attitude towards money, you push it away. They will never be attracted to you. Even if you receive a certain amount that you did not expect to receive, this money will soon slip through your fingers. Larger bills will come your way, something will break or various unforeseen circumstances will appear, and life will take the entire amount from you.

Then what makes money attract certain people? Love! Love is the force that attracts money, and it also makes it “stick”! The power of love doesn't care whether you are a good person or a bad person. This aspect is not taken into account at all, because there are many more amazing qualities in you than you can realize.

To make them stick to you, you need to give them love and positive feelings. If you don't have any money right now and your credit card debt is mounting, money isn't attracting you at all. On the contrary, you push them away.

It doesn’t matter what financial situation you are in now. It doesn't matter the state of your business, your country or the world. There is simply no such thing as a “hopeless situation.” There were people who prospered during the Great Depression because they knew the law of love and the law of attraction. They lived in accordance with this law, imagining and feeling what they wanted, and overcoming circumstances.

Let our life be good, then time will be good. We ourselves create our times: as we are, so is the time.
St. Augustine of Hippo

The power of love can crush any obstacle, change any situation. The problems of the whole world are not an obstacle to the power of love. The law of attraction works the same in periods of prosperity and in periods of decline.

Love has an infinite number of ways to give you what you want.

Money is a tool that gives you the opportunity to have what you like and do what you like. When you think about the different things and activities that you can afford if you have money, you experience more love and joy than when you think only about money. Imagine spending time with the people you love, doing the things you love, using the things you love, and you will feel much more love than when your power of thought, your feelings are focused solely on monetary amounts.

The attractive force of love has an unlimited number of ways to give you what you want, and only one of them involves money. Don't be fooled into thinking that money is the only way you can get anything. This is limited thinking, it will create limitations in your life too!

My sister got a new car due to a rather adventurous set of circumstances. She was driving to work and got caught in a flash flood. The flow of water forced her car to stop. Although the rising water level was not dangerously high, the rescue worker forced my sister out of the car. The sister laughed loudly as she was carried to a “safe place.” This episode even made it onto the evening television news. Meanwhile, water seriously damaged her sister's abandoned car, and two weeks later the insurance company paid her a large sum. So she was able to buy herself the car she dreamed of.

But I haven't yet told you the most amazing part of this story. At the time, my sister was remodeling the interior of her house, and she didn’t have the money for a new car. She could not imagine that she would soon buy a new car. Do you know how she was able to attract him to her? Sincerely, to the point of tears, I was happy for our other sister, who bought a new car a little earlier. You see, the sister was happy for the other as if she herself had acquired a new car. Naturally, the law of attraction created a “confluence of circumstances” that allowed her to become the owner of a new car! Such is the power of love.

Until you get what you want, you don’t know how it will come to you, but the power of love knows. Therefore, you must sincerely believe and not interfere with her. Imagine what you want, feel the joy within yourself, and the force of attraction of love will find the best way to deliver it. Our human minds are limited, but the mind of love has no boundaries. Her ways are beyond our understanding. Don't limit your life by thinking that money is the only way to get what you want.

Don't make money your only goal; A goal is who you want to become, what you want to do, and what you want to have. If you want to buy a new home, imagine it and feel how joyful it would be to live in it. If you want to have beautiful clothes, household appliances or a car, if you want to go to college, move to another country, etc. - imagine it all! There are countless ways in which your dreams can come true.

The ruling power of love

There is one rule regarding money: you cannot put money before love. If you do this, you will break the law of attraction and suffer the consequences yourself. The ruling force in your life should be love. Nothing can ever be put above love. Money is only a tool that you can use.

By radiating love, you will receive money. But if you put money ahead of love in your life, you will get a whole bunch of unpleasant consequences. If you express your love for money, but treat the people around you rudely and disrespectfully, do not think that you can get rich this way. This behavior will negatively impact your relationships, health, happiness and, of course, finances.

If you demand love, try to understand that the only way to receive love is to give it to others. The more love you give, the more you will receive. And the only way to give love is to fill yourself with it to the brim until you become a magnet.
Charles Haenel

Each of you is destined from birth to have as much money as you need for a full life. You were not born to suffer from a lack of money, because suffering only adds negative energy to the world. The beauty of life is that once you put love first, all the money you need will come naturally.

How to change your feelings about money

When you change the way you feel about money, the amount of money in your life will also change. The more positive your feelings about money, the more money you can attract to yourself.

If you don't have enough money, your bills won't make you feel good at all. But when you get irritated at the sight of large bills, you are sending negative emotions into the world and next time you will almost certainly receive bills for an even larger amount. What you give is what you get – . This point is very important: when you pay bills, find any way to make your feelings positive. Never give money when you are upset, depressed or irritated, because by doing so you risk attracting bills for larger amounts.

To change your feelings, you need to use your imagination to turn the bills into something that can make you feel better. For example, imagine that these are not bills at all - you simply voluntarily wanted to donate money to several companies or people and did it out of the kindness of your heart, as a sign of gratitude for excellent work or service, etc. After paying the bill, you can write on the receipt receipt: “ Thank you - paid."

If you don't have the money to pay the bill right now, write "Thank you for the money" across the notice. The Law of Attraction does not distinguish between imaginary feelings or whether you are actually grateful for the money received (the feeling must be sincere). It responds to what you put out into the world. Always, without exception.

You are rewarded not for your work, not for your time spent, but according to your love.
Saint Catherine of Siena

When you receive a salary, give thanks for it, because your gratitude multiplies money! For the most part, people are not even happy when they receive money - they are very worried about the thought that after plugging the financial “holes” they will again have nothing left. Such people miss out on an amazing opportunity to express their love when receiving money. When money comes to you, be grateful, no matter how modest the amount! Remember: everything you give thanks for multiplies. Gratitude is a great multiplier!

Seize every opportunity to play

When you have money in your hands, use every moment to increase the amount of money with the help of good feelings. When you pay for something, feel the love! Feel the love when you give money. Feel it with all your heart and imagine that your money is making a significant difference to the company whose bill you are paying and the people who work there.

Typically, when paying bills, you feel a sense of regret because after paying, you have less money left. What I am suggesting here will change your feelings to positive ones. The difference between how you feel about giving away money is the difference between monetary abundance and a constant struggle to survive.

I offer you a game. She can help you remember to have positive feelings about money. Play every time you need to pay for something. Imagine a dollar bill. Let its front side be positive, personifying monetary abundance, and the reverse side be negative, the side of lack of money.

When you pay for something, present the bills with the front sides facing you. Place the bills in your wallet with the front side facing you. I repeat: when giving money, be sure to keep it face up. Then money becomes a reminder for you to maintain positive feelings about the abundance of money.

If you are using a credit card, face it with your name on it. The front of the card tells you about the abundance of money and verifies it with your name!

When paying with cash or handing over a credit card, imagine the abundance of money in the person you are paying and sincerely wish him or her that abundance. Everything you put out into the world will definitely come back to you!

Imagine that you are already rich. Imagine that you already have as much money as you need. How could your life be different? Think about all the things you would like to do if you had enough money. How will this make you feel? Naturally, our feelings and sensations will change.

You will probably move differently, speak differently. Your posture and gestures will also change. You will begin to react to everything differently. Your attitude towards incoming bills will also change. Your reaction to people, circumstances, events, and your whole life in general will be different. Why? Because you will feel different!

You will be more confident. You will have peace of mind. You will be happy. You will feel much easier about everything. You will enjoy every day and not worry about what will happen tomorrow. Is this how you want to feel? This is the feeling of love for money, and it will attract money, making it “stick” to you!

Imbue yourself with the feeling of a fulfilled desire, imagining the feelings that would cover you if the desire had already been fulfilled, and then what you wanted will come true.
Neville Goddard

Say yes to money

Don't forget to rejoice whenever you hear about someone's wealth or success; this means you are on the same frequency! You receive confirmation that you are tuned to a good frequency, and therefore rejoice at the news as if it happened to you, because everything depends on your reaction to it. If you feel joyful and excited about another person's wealth and success, you are saying yes to your own wealth and success. If the news upsets you, if you are jealous that this did not happen to you, your negative feelings say “no” to your money and success.

If you hear that someone won the lottery, or that a company made record profits, be sincerely happy for them. Since you have heard about this, it means that you are on the same frequency and your positive feelings about being a lucky winner or a successful company say “yes” to your success!

It doesn't matter how much we give; what matters is how much love we put into our giving.
Mother Teresa

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