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Is it necessary to cut a girl's hair when she is one year old? Is it really necessary to cut a child’s hair every year? Let’s debunk modern myths. Is it necessary to cut a child's hair a year?

Surely, you have more than once heard the question from your loved ones and acquaintances: “Are you going to get a haircut when you’re a year old?” And we involuntarily thought: is it really necessary or not? And in general, why cut a child’s hair every year? The most common answers to this question are: “So that the hair is thick”, “It’s necessary” and “But of course!”

There are many myths surrounding the ritual of cutting or shaving babies for the first time, and most of them have their roots in ancient traditions of peoples.

Who is a candidate for otoplasty?

Both are complemented by additional measures aimed at positioning the ear easier later, namely cutting the cartilage or suggesting additional sutures between the membrane and the alveolar periosteum. It should, however, be emphasized that this method must always be adapted to the individual patient. Outpatient ear surgery is performed on both children and adults. The problem of distant ears affects 5% of the population and is one of the most common birth defects in children. This condition, especially in children, can cause a lot of insecurities and unnecessary stress.

Why do babies get their hair cut: traditions

In many cultures around the world, it is customary to cut or shave the heads of children at a certain age, following religious rituals, folk traditions and simply superstitions. For example, in India Babies' hair was cut as a sign of farewell to their past life and movement into the future. In Mongolia The baby's first haircut is a celebration to which the whole family is invited. Each guest cuts a strand, presents a gift to the baby and says wishes. In Israel It is customary not to cut boys’ hair until they are three years old (many non-religious families also adhere to this).

There are instrumental methods to correct the appearance of such ears, which can also be applied to younger ones. Surgical correction of the ear should be performed in children who are over six or seven years of age, when the cartilage has reached the correct consistency and maturity. At this age, the size of the ear canal is almost equal to that of an adult. Otoplasty is not performed in young children.

Do not force your child to undergo surgery, but first of all, pay attention to his feelings and make sure that the child wants to change the appearance of his ears. Children who suffer from protruding ears are determined to perform better than surgery by collaborating with the doctor and feeling more satisfied and happy to see the effect of the treatment, and these children are the best candidates for otoplasty surgery.

In Slavic culture The ritual of the first haircut is also associated with religious traditions and folk culture. The main rule is not to touch your hair for up to a year. There was a belief that if you cut a baby’s hair before he is 12 months old, he will be weak and often get sick, and will not be lucky, rich, etc. Shaving a child's head symbolized the transition to a new life and served as a way to ward off evil spirits from the precious child.

Outgoing ears are a complex psychophysical problem not only for children

Protruding ears are one of the most common congenital head and neck deformities. According to statistics, this problem affects about 5% of the population. This unevenness is not usually associated with other birth defects or syndromes and is considered an aesthetic defect. Only 8% of patients have a hearing problem that runs in the family. Approximately 61% of children with this fault can be diagnosed after birth. These children present characteristic anatomical features, including:

In ancient times in Rus' there was a ritual, when at one year old the godparents cut off the baby’s locks in four places, in the shape of a cross. Then they were placed behind images (icons) and kept as a powerful amulet against troubles and illnesses. The baby's first haircut was performed according to the lunar calendar, and in particular - on the waxing Moon. Such calendars are still compiled annually and released for free sale.

The onset of hearing loss is already observed in the life of the fetus, especially between 3 and 4 months of fetal life. During this period of incomplete formation and shrinkage, the dike reaches a shell angle to a thickness greater than 90°, resulting in the removal of the earlobe from the skull. In addition to genetic factors, possible causes of ear protrusion from the skull include any damage to the ears or excessive growth in comparison to other parts of the body.

While in the Far East, receding ears are identified with a sign of great happiness, so in Western society, the appearance of excessively distal ears receiving such positive emotions is no longer exciting. Disturbances in the aesthetics of elongated ears pose this problem on many levels. Such children are often subject to verbal and physical violence among their peers, which negatively affects the psychological and social aspects of their lives. They are often subject to additional psychological pressure in the form of bullying at school or in kindergarten, which is directly related to low self-esteem and lack of self-esteem.

Nowadays, there are also many different signs regarding the haircut of one-year-old children. For example, some parents believe that if a lock of hair cut off at the age of one is shown to the child when he goes to first grade, he will study well. Another sign says that a cut lock of hair placed under a baby’s pillow will bring him good dreams.

A long-term state can contribute to the gradual social exclusion of such children. A study was conducted to complete a questionnaire for patients who were registered for otoplasty and assessed their emotional state before and after surgery. The results of this retrospective study showed a significantly better attitude towards life, increased faith and self-confidence, with no significant difference between the women and men tested.

In addition, other studies highlight a higher likelihood of depression, lower school performance, lower self-esteem, and more social and communication problems in children with distal ear disease. All these problems make the procedure for correction outside the ears recommended at the age of 6-7 years, when the child has not yet attended school or is just starting school. It should be noted, however, that outdated ears do not always cause such problems, and the child does not feel any trouble associated with them.


Today, many parents cut their children's hair when they are one year old because they are convinced of the benefits of this action - supposedly the hair will become thicker, thicker and healthier (the same myth circulates in the army). And indeed, when the hair begins to grow back after shaving, it seems that it has become thicker. In fact, this is just an appearance, because there are no more hair follicles.

It is recognized that a six-year-old can now give us reliable information about the psychological aspect of the problem with other children with unshakable ears. It often happens that parents need surgery, but the child himself does not see any problems in this. Therefore, indications for surgery should always be discussed individually with both parents and the child in order to avoid possible misunderstandings at an early stage of treatment.

Otoplasty is performed not only by children, but also by adults who are unhappy with the appearance of their ears. In their case, although to a lesser extent, outstretched ears can resolve low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. This procedure may be a remedy for related complexes.

"Pros and cons"

Some two or three decades ago, we didn’t even ask ourselves whether it was necessary to cut a child’s hair bald every year, but simply cut it. Moreover, they shaved the same way for both boys and girls, and from this “original hairstyle” one could easily determine that the baby had recently had his first birthday.

What anesthesia is used during out-of-the-ear surgery?

In the case of small children, the offspring correction procedure is performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, the child will sleep and will not remember his course. In older children and adults, local anesthetics are preferred, with concomitant sedation administered before and after surgery to make treatment and early intervention stress-free.

What does a doctor do to correct elongated ears?

Surgical correction of elongated ears is performed in private institutions by qualified plastic surgeons. Otoplasty is a treatment that is reimbursed by the National Health Fund for children under 14 years of age. Coronary artery surgery in adult patients is subject to full payment.

Why you shouldn't cut your hair

Today, trichologists and hairdressers unanimously claim that Giving a one-year-old child a haircut makes no sense, and in some cases can be harmful. Hair begins to develop in children even in the prenatal period, so babies are born with fluff on their heads and entire bodies. During the first months of life, natal hairs fall out and thicker, more mature hairs begin to grow, which may vary in color and texture. Don't be alarmed if the fuzz has already fallen out and new hair does not appear - this is normal.

Qualification for correction ophthalmology

Every patient, whether young or old, is qualified for otoplasty in the same way. The concept of elongated ears is quite subjective because some of those same ears may be excessively distracted from the skull and not others. In this regard, of course, the well-being of the patient and what he thinks about it, but to clarify the concept of outstretched ears, there are some quantitative standards that clearly classify the problem.

Preoperative assessment of some important parameters is required before surgery viz.

  • Spatula winding angle.
  • Sink bowl depth.
  • Shape of the ear lobe and deformation, if present.
  • Quality and elasticity of ear cartilage.
In addition, it is very important to choose the right time for surgery to correct receding ears in children so that it reflects the natural growth process of the ear and social aspects such as the child's school attendance. It should be noted that the human ear grows throughout life, but about 80% of its growth occurs in the first 6-7 years of a person's life, and then it is safe to correct elongated ears.

Eat There are several reasons why you shouldn’t cut your one-year-old’s hair:

  • Doesn't make sense. Hair starts growing inside the skin in hair follicles, and what you do to it on the outside has no effect on its development inside the follicle.
  • Deceptive effect. Sometimes parents think that after cutting the hair becomes thicker - in fact, this effect creates uniform hair growth (that is, the length of all hairs is the same).
  • Can cause harm. No matter how carefully we work with tools, there is always a risk of damage to hair and follicles. Accidentally pulled with scissors or scratched with a clipper - several weak children's follicles are damaged.
  • Discomfort. After shaving the head, the stubble that soon appears can cause irritation on the delicate baby skin and, as a result, severe discomfort. In addition, without hair, the baby may simply be cold.
  • Risk of infection. The smallest scratches from a machine or pimples on irritated skin can cause inflammation due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms (for example, streptococcus).
  • No scientific evidence that after shaving, babies' hair grows faster, becomes healthier and thicker. The beauty of hair is ensured by good nutrition, proper hygiene and heredity.

Why cut your child's hair bald every year? The answer is simple - there is no need.

Adult patients have less elasticity of the ear cartilage, and there are isolated calcifications, which is associated with greater complexity of the procedure itself. During the qualification stage, the patient is carefully examined objectively and objectively by the physician who must perform the procedure. During the interview, the psycho-social aspects of the operation are assessed. The doctor assesses the patient's readiness to correct the ears. This primarily applies to children, who sometimes have the effect of appeasing the parents rather than the parents themselves. During the physical examination, the physician evaluates the above-mentioned aspects of the anatomical structure of the ear as described above to obtain the best surgical technique.

When might a haircut be needed?

Although cutting children's hair will not make them look beautiful in the future, there are situations when when you really need to get rid of excess hair(we're talking about trimming, not shaving):

  • infant crusts are difficult to remove; long bangs fall over the eyes;
  • Mom thinks her hair is ugly;
  • very hot;
  • The boy's hair is too long and he is mistaken for a girl.

Preparing for correction of elongated ears

A patient eligible for surgical correction of elongated ears requires preliminary preparation for surgery. Preliminary observations and details of the procedure, anesthesia and progress of the operation will be provided to the patient by the doctor at the preliminary consultation visit.

If the patient is a child, the doctor speaks to both the child and the parent. In addition, if general anesthesia or coexisting medical conditions are used, basic laboratory tests such as blood counts, blood groups, vital coagulation parameters, serum glucose levels, and electrolyte levels are required.

How to get a haircut correctly

If, after weighing all the pros and cons, you still come to the conclusion that your child should be cut, you need to take into account several important rules.

  • Cut your hair, don't shave! A shaving machine, even a very good one, can damage the hair follicles, as it sometimes tends to catch hair. In addition, it can simply scare the baby. Give preference to scissors with rounded ends. But if your family or religious traditions require a clean shave, use a trimmer (it's not as noisy). But under no circumstances should you shave your baby with a machine!
  • After swimming. Wash your baby's hair and cut slightly damp hair.
  • Times of Day. Choose an appropriate time for this procedure when the child is usually calmest. For example, after lunch, sleep and food. You should not start this procedure if the baby is not in the mood or is sick.
  • Situation. Make sure that the child is comfortable, prepare in advance interesting (preferably new) toys or healthy treats to distract him. During the procedure, talk to him all the time. If possible, invite a hairdresser who specializes in infant haircuts to your home (and not your neighbor - just because you are afraid).
  • After the haircut. At the end of the procedure, you need to bathe the baby in a warm bath to remove the cut hair from the body. Carefully inspect all the folds of the skin so as not to leave bristles, which can then prick.
  • Disinfection. If you did not cut, but rather shaved the baby’s head, it must be treated with a disinfectant (for example, Miramistin) and lubricated with moisturizer. Do not use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to treat children's skin!

For many years, there has been a tradition according to which a child’s first haircut is performed at 1 year of age. Many parents today adhere to this rule, cutting the child’s first hair at this age “to zero.” There are many superstitions and rules associated with the process; it is treated as a solemn event. Mothers are in no hurry to cut off even their baby’s heavily grown bangs, preferring to tie their hair in a small ponytail or use hairpins. But is this correct from a medical point of view? Today, experts have formed a clear opinion on this issue, based on the physiological characteristics of the development of newborns.

Basic exams performed prior to outpatient correction surgery. Additionally, in the case of general anesthesia, the anesthesiologist usually consults with the patient, and anesthesia is administered by the anesthesiologist and based on an interview, physical examination, and an anesthesia questionnaire completed by the patient.

When preparing for surgery, the patient should be warned that acetylsalicylic acid should not be taken at least 14 days before surgery. In patients undergoing anesthetic irradiation, a fasting period of 6 hours usually needs to be maintained, and when surgery is performed under local anesthesia, no such period is required.

Optimal age for the procedure

If you forget about all superstitions and approach the process of caring for a newborn’s hair from a scientific point of view, you should consider the following factors.

  1. The quality of a child's hair is determined at the genetic level. No amount of haircuts (frequent or rare) will increase the number of hair follicles. This will not affect the density in any way; the density of the rods will not change for the better.
  2. After the first fluff comes off the head (the first month after birth), the hair begins to grow at a rate of about 1 cm per month, so by the age of one year the need for a haircut arises in any case.
  3. If a child is born with a full head of hair, then the first haircut can be done 1.5 months after birth. This will not affect the quality of the hair, but it will protect against heat rash, the appearance of ulcers and irritations, and discomfort.
  4. Experts warn that the first haircut should not be “under zero”! Such an aggressive approach will only cause irritation and increase the risk of damage to the hair follicles. For the first time, it is enough to trim the bangs and shorten the protruding curls.
  5. A child under 4-5 years old should have his hair cut regularly and fairly short. The use of hairpins and elastic bands will only cause brittleness of the hair shafts and may cause hair thinning. There are times when hair falls out and is replaced only by a light fluff.

Improving the quality of a newborn’s hair and stimulating its growth is quite simple. Firstly, the baby’s diet should contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for his age. Secondly, fragile curls need to be combed regularly and properly. To do this, it is best to use a wooden comb with rounded teeth, which are inserted into a soft rubber base. The procedure is carried out every evening, before bedtime. The hair is combed first to the left, then to the right, then against the growth of the hair, and at the very end it is styled as needed. This type of combing stimulates blood circulation, improves the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the bulbs.

Hearing correction surgery course

Adults who are candidates for out-of-the-ear repair who smoke should be instructed to stop smoking at least two weeks before and after surgery. This is due to the difficulty in healing the wound in smokers. Outpatient ear surgery is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgeries in the head and neck area. To understand ear plastic surgery descriptions, it is helpful to know the basic anatomy of the outer ear.

The outer ear consists of the outer ear and the external auditory canal, and the ear canal will focus on the ear canal. The structure of the auricle is formed by cartilage, surrounded by sacred, subcutaneous tissue and skin. The following anatomical components of the ear can be distinguished.

Myths and truths about a newborn's first haircut

In addition to the superstitions that accompany caring for a newborn’s hair, there are also several myths that supposedly have a scientific basis.

  • Many parents are afraid that if a one-year-old child has thin, unevenly growing and inexpressive hair, this problem will remain forever. In fact, the child's hair will be the same as his parents gave him. And the problem of uneven growth is explained by prolonged stay in a lying position and prolonged friction of certain parts of the head on the pillow.
  • Some mothers are sure that if they shave their hair before or after one year, it will stimulate their growth. This is the most aggressive and dangerous method. Not only is the risk of damaging the baby’s skin very high, but using a razor can also remove hair follicles that are not embedded in the thickness of the skin and could still sprout.
  • There are mothers who refuse to wear hats outside, explaining this with oxygen therapy for the roots. This is fraught with colds and heat strokes, and the risk is not justified - hair will not grow faster from this.
  • Almost all parents are sure that after cutting the first hairs, the child will begin to grow thicker and denser hair. This is a visual deception; the plane of the cut of the hair simply changes, making the rods appear darker and denser. If the haircut was carried out in the first months of the newborn’s life, then, most likely, the first fluff was simply cut off, after which real hairs began to grow.
  • Especially “advanced” mothers recommend using special ampoule products to stimulate hair growth (they are more effective, because the skin is thin and the drugs are better absorbed). The result of this approach is the opposite of what is desired. Aggressive components in products (most often hot pepper) cause severe irritation of the epidermis and even chemical burns. Often, after such “care”, hair follicles are burned out and bald spots form.

Parents should understand that the first haircuts are not carried out with the goal of improving the quality of the baby’s hair, but with the goal of creating comfortable conditions for him. Long curls interfere with the child's view, causing vision impairment, creating an unpleasant greenhouse effect, and interfering with the baby's movements.

The back of the ear - the bottom part of the ear - is the only one that does not have cartilage in the ear cartilage. Above the valve of the auricle is the part of the cartilage immediately in front of the entrance to the external auditory canal. Shoes - inner part of the ear - Inner edge of the turbine turbine shell - connective tissue recesses. The pulsation is the outer part of the auricle, rounded into the ear. . Otoplasty surgery involves correcting areas of the ear that cause the ears to protrude excessively from the skull. There are more than 200 surgical correction methods for this condition.

How to properly cut a child's hair for the first time?

It is not recommended to have the first haircut at a hairdresser unless the child has a high level of curiosity and a disposition towards strangers. In just a few minutes of whims, children can tire both their parents, the master, and themselves.

The manipulation itself is quite simple, you just need to take into account a few nuances.

  1. The child should not sit on the chair by himself; he should be held by close people who inspire trust.
  2. The process can be turned into a game, and the more actors, the better.
  3. Scissors should be safe, with rounded ends. It is recommended to act in such a way that the child does not even see the tool (after all, most likely, he already knows that this thing belongs to the group of dangerous and prohibited).
  4. The hair needs to be slightly moistened, you can spray it on everyone in the room, then it will not alert or repel the baby.
  5. Haircut starts from the most inaccessible places. If the little one begins to act up and the work is not yet done, everything can be completed during the daytime nap.
  6. You need to act quickly, carefully and relaxed. The master’s anxiety will be transmitted to the child, and then the procedure can be completed.

Immediately after the procedure, the child needs to be washed, because even his soft hairs can cause itching and irritate the skin.

What should you do with your child's hair after the first haircut?

There are entire rituals that superstitious grandmothers recommend performing with a child’s newly cut hair. This includes burying curls in anthills or in the ground at a crossroads, washing them into the river and long-term storage. In fact, the cut strands can simply be rolled up in a cloth bag or paper and thrown away. For very cautious parents, the method of burning curls is suitable. Moreover, you should not look closely at the intensity of the flame (according to mediums, you can see the future of the child in it). In fact, this indicator directly depends on the chemical composition of the rods, and it is not the fate of the child that influences it, but his diet.

When planning your first haircut, you need to think not about superstitions, but about the convenience of the baby. Sometimes parents cannot determine what is causing their child’s bad mood, but it turns out that excessive sweating due to a dense layer of hair or too tight ponytails are to blame.

For every mother, the first year of her baby is the most exciting and joyful period of life. And when the time approaches for the most important event - the first birthday, then we begin to study all the rituals and customs that are associated with this event. Today we will talk about the ritual trimmed. It has a number of rules that are worth paying attention to.

But first of all, I want to note that this custom has a pagan basis, since the equilateral cross is a symbol of the Sun God.

Before you cut your child's hair, you need to sit him on a sheep's skin. Then bring a tray with different objects to him, let the child choose one. Show your imagination and give each item a special meaning. For example, if your baby chooses a mobile phone, he will be a business person, a camera - a photographer, a comb - a hairdresser, and much more. Such rules are quite modern, although they have preserved the original tradition.

Since ancient times, children were required to have their hair cut when they were one year old. The girl was seated on the pillow, and the boy on the casing. In order for the child’s life to be prosperous, grain, money, and sweets were poured under the cover or pillow. Parents kept their cut hair as a symbol of health and longevity. Only a relative should cut the baby's hair. This could be mother, father, grandmother, grandfather and godparents, who will not “cut off” luck, but on the contrary will add well-being to the child.

The second version of this ritual is that the godfather and godmother take turns cutting four strands of the birthday boy’s hair in the form of a cross and folding them into a scarf. Then they give gifts to the baby and put money in his pants or blouse separately.

And then, on any given day, one of the relatives simply cuts the child’s hair, saying various jokes about a girl’s braid or curly forelock. Hair is added to previously cut hair and preserved.

This option is also possible when a casing is laid out on the floor, and grain, sweets, money, and an ax for the boy are placed under it. I seat the hero of the occasion on the casing and the godfather or father (necessarily a man) performs the ceremony, and the grandparents hold a loaf of bread over the child’s head. Then objects are laid out on the casing and the child is asked to choose something in order to predict his fate. Trimmed It is advisable to do it before noon and in good weather. The collected hair should be burned, floated or buried, while saying about the happy fate of the baby.

For the girl, they do the same thing, only she is planted on a pillow, and instead of an ax, a comb is placed under her. The birthday girl's mother and godmother cut her hair.

The rite of tonsure is of great importance; even our ancestors considered it an age-related initiation, when a child after a year is treated as if he were no longer a baby. By the end of the first year of life, his physical body is formed, and the ritual trimmed is a symbol of the completion of this process, when the baby is able to demonstrate the strength of his kind.

According to old beliefs, a child from birth to three years is the ward of Kolyada - Bozhich. And the ritual trimmed become the blessing of this god, which brings spiritual and physical harmony. Do not invite insincere people to your home this holiday; all guests should be positive and wish only good things for the child. If there are disagreements between relatives in your family, try to resolve them, as it is very important to have harmony in the family on this day. Remember those departed people whom your family is proud of, naming those character traits that you would like to see in your child. And then your baby will be blessed with their wisdom and righteousness.

There is an opinion among people that as soon as a child turns one year old, he needs to be cut immediately so that his hair grows thick and beautiful. And many mothers hide the cut strands in a secluded corner and keep them as a family heirloom for many years, often without understanding why they do this. There are a lot of beliefs and signs associated with hair that did not arise out of nowhere. Let's figure out whether it's possible to store baby's first hair and why it should be done.

The fact that hair is intended not only to protect the brain from the cold is already recognized even by official science. Our ancestors were confident in their sacred power, considering them to be a kind of antennas receiving the Divine mind from the Cosmos. In Rus', long hair was a sign of wisdom: even the word itself comes from the name of the ancient god of wisdom Veles.

It was in this part of the body, according to our ancestors, that all human power lay: both mental and magical. A similar idea is reflected in the biblical legend about the hero Samson, who became powerless after losing his hair. Knowing this, magicians, sorcerers and priests preferred not to cut their hair, so as not to lose contact with the cosmos, and at the same time their abilities.

The complete absence of hair on the head in many societies signified obedience and obedience. Shaved people are much easier to control, which is why in ancient times slaves were deprived of their hair, and today the custom of shaving men before being recruited into the army is widespread throughout the world. The same reason explains the strict church order for women to wear headdresses in church. Since it is quite difficult to impose humility and obedience on people with long hair, their strength had to be weakened - and this is how this custom appeared.

Interestingly, hair also performs a protective function. Women have long braided them into a braid for a reason: being located along the spine, it protected all the main chakras from external influences, because, according to the canons of magic, any braiding is a powerful amulet. Loose hair tends to absorb negativity, so women were often forbidden to appear in public in this form.

First haircut

In addition to a huge number of superstitions about hair, many peoples have almost identical beliefs regarding a child’s first haircut. In Rus', and in other countries, it was strictly forbidden to cut children's hair until they were one year old. It was believed that premature haircuts make the child weak and susceptible to disease, and “shorten” his mind. Many Poles firmly believe that if a baby is cut before one year old, he will spend his whole life in poverty, and Belarusians believe that this action disrupts speech development. Some nations do not cut children's hair until they are 3, 5, 7, or even 12 years old, believing that cutting (and even simply trimming the ends) does not allow the child to fully receive information from the Cosmos and interrupts his connection with God.

By the way, from an everyday point of view, an early haircut is also very dangerous, since there is a high probability of injuring the little fidget or accidentally touching the fontanel on his head.

Our ancestors cut their children's hair no earlier than they were one year old. The infant mortality rate was very high at that time, so if a child lived to be one year old, it was believed that he decided to stay in this world. The rite of cutting was a kind of ritual of taking the baby under one’s protection. At the same time, children were never shaved, cutting off their first locks only symbolically, as a sign that the youngest member of society was ready to obey and honor their older relatives.

In some societies, children have their hair cut short but leave one long lock. This practice existed back in Ancient Egypt: it was believed that the human soul could hide in the remaining curls. When the child became an adult, the long strand was cut off.

Nowadays, one-year-old children are cut, first of all, so that their hair grows strong and thick. In fact, hair thickness depends on genetic factors, and shaving does not affect it at all. However, such a belief exists, and most often the first haircut is given to a child under pressure from grandmothers for precisely this purpose.

How to properly cut children's hair? This should be done no earlier than the baby reaches one year of age (or better yet, later), and the hairdresser should be the child’s godfather. A cross is cut on the back of the baby’s head; It is not at all necessary to cut your child’s hair “to zero”: it is enough to cut off the strands that are in the way or falling into the eyes.

What to do with your hair?

After a child’s hair is cut for the first time, parents have a very reasonable question: “Where should I put my hair?” Many mothers prefer to keep them. In the old days, a child's first cut locks were tied with red thread and kept in a special bag behind the icons. When a person became an adult, this kind of amulet passed on to its owner and was used in difficult life situations.

Often a bag of curls is weighed They placed it on the neck of a sick family member, praying for his recovery. If a person had to solve some important problem, the amulet could also help: it was enough to hold it in your hands - and the right decision would come by itself. With the help of the first strands of children's hair, people chased away fears and troubles in life, overcame illnesses and failures, and saved themselves from the “evil eye.”

Nowadays, such a tradition is completely lost, and the first children's curls are kept only as a sentimental memory. Moreover, there is a sign according to which it is strictly forbidden to store hair, since it can be dragged into the nest by a bird or taken by a witch. In the first case, the person will suffer from severe headaches, and in the latter, he will completely fall under the power of the evil sorceress. To prevent this from happening, according to the superstition, the first cut locks must be burned and the ashes thrown into flowing water (river).

From an energetic point of view, the sign makes sense, since the strands that fall from the head continue to maintain their connection with the owner. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary influences, it is better not to scatter cut hair anywhere, but to burn it or throw it into the river, and in a city apartment, into the sewer. However, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, the first children's curls can serve as a very powerful amulet, so keeping them in the house is not forbidden, especially if you know exactly why you are keeping them.

Your brownie.

Child's first haircut of one year- This is a long-established ritual in Russian-speaking countries. As with any tradition, there are many myths that are passed down from generation to generation.

Many of them have a logical medical explanation, but most of them are unsubstantiated superstitions.

Why cut a child's hair every year?

Let's first look at the haircut ritual and the accompanying signs from the point of view of beliefs:

    In order for your child’s hair to grow evenly, it needs to be cut every year. This is a myth that does not contain truth. A child's hair grows unevenly only because the child spends a long time in a lying position. It is difficult for hair to grow properly with constant contact and friction. Over time, your hair will begin to grow evenly, regardless of whether you cut it a year or not.

    A child's hair should be cut every year to make his hair thicker. This assertion has no basis. The thickness of a child's hair does not depend on whether you cut it at the age of one or not.

    A one-year-old baby's haircut will be a fundamental factor in hair quality. The quality of hair depends only on the genetic characteristics of the child and proper hair care throughout life. The first haircut has nothing to do with this.

We also have signs that can be classified as ethnic beliefs:

    A strand of hair cut after the first haircut should be placed under the child's pillow. This ritual allegedly affects the child's sleep. It is impossible to confirm or refute such signs.

    Our ancestors believed that if you bury the first cut strand in an anthill, then in this way you can improve the condition of the baby’s hair for the rest of his life.

Rituals of the first haircut take place not only among the Russian-speaking population of our planet. A number of nationalities and ethnic groups treat this issue with particular trepidation.

Rituals of the first haircut in different nations

Why do some ethnic groups cut their children's hair at an early age?

In India Shaving a child's head is considered a tradition that is necessarily present in every family. This ritual allows the baby to say goodbye to his womb existence and greet our world.

In Mongolia There is a family ritual called “Taah”. This holiday is comparable to a birthday. The main reason for the celebration is the child's first haircut. As a rule, the “Taakh” ritual is appropriate when a child turns 2 to 3 years old. On this day, many guests gather at home.

Israel, similar in traditions associated with the first haircut to Mongolia. Many Israelis strictly observe a ritual called “Halakeh”. According to legend, in Judaism it is not customary to cut hair for boys under three years of age. After the ceremony, the table is set at home and guests are invited.

In ancient Rus', Among the Orthodox, it was customary to cut the hair on the head of a one-year-old child in a cross-shaped manner.

A haircut was necessarily carried out when the child turned one year old and during the waxing moon, and the strands of hair that were cut during the ritual were hidden behind icons depicting the faces of saints. This belief says that such strands will protect a person from bad weather throughout his life.

Child's first haircut from a medical point of view

The thickness of a child's hair depends only on the number of hair follicles on his head. Grooming or shaving a child cannot affect their number.

But periodic combing of hair promotes proper blood circulation and, as a result, can affect hair growth.

Regarding hair cutting, pediatricians and scientists recommend adhering to the following rules:

    You should not cut your child's hair. Shaving causes irritation, and cutting with a single clipper can scratch his delicate scalp.

    You can cut your children's bangs to keep their hair out of their eyes.

Important! Be sure to sterilize your scissors and comb before cutting your child's hair.

How to cut a one-year-old child's hair?

Grooming small children is accompanied by constant tugging and, most often, whims. This is due to two factors:

    The child is afraid of a haircut with a clipper, namely its loud sound.

    It is difficult for a child to sit still during a haircut.

Those parents who can find an approach to eliminating these factors during haircuts carry out this ritual without any problems or unnecessary tears.
Let's take a step-by-step look at the haircut process, which will be less irritating for the baby:

    Place your child firmly in the lap of a parent or someone he trusts (such as his grandparent). This will allow the child to feel more protected than just sitting on a chair. Also, this will make it possible to hold the child during the process itself.

    Prepare objects or favorite toys that will be able to distract the child for 5 - 10 minutes while cutting. Sometimes this technique makes the haircut completely invisible to the baby, and he understands that he has lost his hair only when you show him yourself in the mirror.
    Lightly dampen your child's hair with water.

    Comb his head correctly, according to hair growth.

    Cut off your bangs and hair that hangs over your ears and temples. They are the ones who disturb the baby during sleep and wakefulness.

Do not cut your children's hair bald or under one when they are one year old. The stubble that forms as hair grows can cause the scalp to become itchy and irritated.

It is best to cut your hair at home, in a familiar environment. If you want to prevent the child’s head from sweating, then cut the hair with scissors under a comb.
If you want to give your child a model haircut, you can call a specialist to your home.

Such services have become very popular recently.

Important! The timing of your child's haircut can also play a role in simplifying the process. It is better to cut your child's hair in the morning, long before nap time or in the evening. At this time the child is most calm.

Regarding this or that sign that accompanies the first haircut of young children, only one thing can be said - signs have no confirmation or refutation from a scientific point of view.

Belief in omens is an individual decision for each parent in particular. But, from a medical point of view, an early period of cutting a baby’s hair does not mean that the hair on children’s heads will be of better quality and thicker.

If you want to give your child beautiful and healthy hair, you can use special oils and vitamins.

Children's first haircut (video)

We cut the baby's hair at home (video)

12 rules for safe haircuts (video)

The most global problem that arises among one-year-old parents is: when can you cut your child’s hair for the first time? There are many superstitions, fashion trends, and myths about this. In order not to harm the baby, it is better to adhere to common sense and the recommendations of specialists.

There is an opinion that the best time for a haircut, especially for a boy, is the full moon or the waxing moon, after which the hair grows thicker. From a scientific point of view, this does not affect the quality. Short-cut hair creates a visual illusion, so it seems that it has become stronger. The genetic density and number of hair follicles after the birth of a child do not change, no matter how much you cut your hair to zero. The structure and color of the hair is established already by the 3rd month of intrauterine life.

Problems in the first year of life

Haircut problems with a child under one year old

A controversial issue arises in connection with the desire of parents and relatives to cut their child’s hair before one year old and concerns the quality of the scalp. There is an interesting fact related to baby’s hair - the central core (medula) is normally responsible for the hair’s ability to retain heat, but in children under 1 year of age, the medula property is not yet developed, and the hair is not able to warm the head. But unlike adults, in whom a quarter of the blood flow goes to the circulation of the brain and heating the head, children are characterized by even more active processes in this part. It is difficult for a child's head to freeze. Against this background, most other problems arise:

  • poor growth;
  • hair loss;
  • thinness and fragility.

Hair problems can be caused by external or internal factors.

External factors

A baby from birth to six months is constantly in a lying position, occasionally turns his head, so the hair on the back of the head wears out, which is why a bald spot is formed. The quality of children's hair suffers from one of the leading factors - chronic overheating of the scalp; At the same time, their thinning and fragility are observed. Overheating is especially dangerous for a sick child: high temperature and a covered head harm not only the hairline, but also the thermoregulation of the child’s body. To improve the condition of your hair, you need to stop injuring it and make sure your head doesn’t sweat.

Internal problems

The subject of close attention of parents of the child's first year - children's hair - signals the development of certain diseases, for example, pathological baldness indicates immunoallergic, deficiency or neuropsychiatric conditions. In such cases, “zeroing” or regular haircuts, as well as ointments and lotions for the scalp will not help the beauty and health of the child. The pediatrician knows exactly which course of treatment to choose.

If the hair quality is poor, the doctor will prescribe a mineral-vitamin complex, and if pathological processes are suspected, a diagnosis will be made and a treatment regimen will be determined.

When to cut a child's hair: superstitions

The tradition of cutting a child's hair no earlier than he turns one year old, rooted in Old Slavonic rituals, has a symbolic meaning. The rite of tonsure carries the meaning of spiritual and physical harmony. The event was held on a clear day until noon, with jokes and refreshments for all relatives and invitees. In pre-Orthodox traditions, the custom of cutting the hair of a child who has reached the age of one year symbolized age-related initiation. This meant that after a year a child ceases to be a baby, his physical body changes, and a haircut completes the stage of transition from infancy to childhood. The cut locks were preserved and served as a talisman. The tradition also has another historical significance, when infant mortality from typhoid, transmitted by lice, was high. By shaving my head, the threat of death was over.

Risks of the procedure

Knowledge has increased, parents have become less superstitious, rules and habits have changed. A haircut most often speeds up the replacement of vellus hair with more mature ones. A child’s hair changes three times during the year:

  • baby is born with fluff;
  • over the course of a year, the fluff rolls off, unevenly distributed over the head;
  • By the age of one year, coarser hair—baby hair—grows in place of the baby's fuzz.

The first time is cut by 12 months for practical reasons, since regrown hair causes some discomfort when exploring the environment and irritates the baby’s skin. But dramatic changes in appearance at this age, when children consciously look at themselves in the mirror, can cause psychological trauma. The event can be dangerous if relatives are inclined to shave their heads. Since shaving carries a high risk of injuring the child, which in turn increases the likelihood of infection, doctors categorically do not recommend the procedure. Secondly, a scar may appear at the site of damage, where hair will no longer grow.

Child's first hair cut

Recommendations for cutting and caring for children's hair

To quickly acquire normal hair and solve an aesthetic problem, it is better to have a haircut, and if the verdict on the procedure has taken place, skills or a visit to a specialist are required. Unfortunately, children's salons with modern equipment and unfamiliar people frighten a child visiting the establishment for the first time. And for parents bearing the burden of child-related expenses, services are not always available. If the baby doesn’t feel well at the hairdresser, it is possible to invite a hairdresser to your home.

How to properly cut a child's hair for the first time

Knowing the subtleties of the craft, it is possible to safely handle the first haircut yourself:

  • Before the procedure begins, have your child sit on the lap of someone he or she trusts.
  • For cutting, use a safe tool - scissors with blunt, preferably rounded ends (try so that the child does not see them).
  • Before the session, wet the child's hair using a spray bottle or with your hands, stroking the head.
  • Distract your child with a cartoon, fairy tale or interesting toy.
  • Comb with a wooden comb from top to bottom, pinch the curls between your middle and index fingers; cut the ends of the strands with a neat, quick movement.
  • Start cutting from the most overgrown, problem areas - this is the main part of the procedure.
  • Do not use an adult trimmer for children's haircuts. The device has a large gap between the blades, designed for coarse, dense hair. A child can be seriously injured if strands get caught in the gap and damage the hair follicles.
  • Use a children's car with a ceramic coating, low noise and low heat.
  • Do not perform the procedure when the child is not in the mood or is sick.
  • After the haircut, praise your child and give him a compliment.

It is better to carry out the first procedure in winter, when the head is in a hat for some time, and changes will not be visible in contact with other people and children. Instead of a short haircut or shaving, it is preferable to cut your bangs for the first time, and in the summer, trim the strands on your neck, preventing rashes and irritation.

The further frequency of haircuts depends on the characteristics of the cover. For slow hair growth, it is recommended to carry out the procedure once every 3 months. The opposite situation will lead to the fact that voluminous hair will make it difficult to care for and will become an ideal environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria, as it provokes overheating and increases sweating.

Only the parents decide whether or not to cut their child’s hair each year, taking into account his psychotype and physiological characteristics. It must be remembered that shaving is not worth the risks and does not in any way affect the quantity and quality of a child’s hair, and some hair quality problems depend on the parents. The health and emotional state of the child is much more important when the time comes for the first haircut.

Maintaining beautiful and healthy hair

When caring for children's hair, it is necessary to avoid traumatization and excessive processing. Proper care to maintain their quality includes:

  • UV protection.
  • Wash with warm (not hot) water without soap.
  • Moderate scratching - before bed.
  • High-quality detergents intended for children.
  • Not tight hairstyles for girls.

Newborn baby hair care

The science of trichology proves that hair, like all living things in nature, naturally adheres to cycles. At the same time, they are in different phases of development - old hair falls out under the influence of new hair. Their change occurs in a timely manner, naturally and does not depend on external manipulations. If you lift a strand of longer hair, you can see others growing at different lengths. This indicates a continuous change of cover. Hair that is in different phases of development, cut short, creates the illusion of thickness in the hairstyle.

12 rules for your first haircut

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