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Winter care cream: selection criteria. Winter care cream: selection criteria What to look for in the composition of the product

Ecology of health and beauty: With the onset of cold weather, you want to protect your skin with a good nourishing cream. What do you expect from a winter hand cream?..

With the onset of cold weather, you want to protect your skin with a good nourishing cream. What do you expect from a winter hand cream? As a rule, it has a denser, perhaps even greasy texture, a long-lasting effect of hydration, nutrition... and, of course, a pleasant aroma.

We placed 8 different hand creams on a shelf in our cozy office and actively used them. After all, during the working day, especially with the start of the heating season, you constantly want to moisturize your hands.

And after two weeks of such testing, we collected all our impressions.

Anariti hand cream

The texture is light and absorbs quite well. The result is like a good nourishing cream.

We would recommend using it at night. But! There is one significant drawback that we all noted - a bright perfume aroma. It will be quite difficult to sleep with this. You immediately get the feeling that this cream is intended for those who are in favor.

The scent is long lasting and can only be washed off with soap. Of course, there are no complaints about the composition - everything is good.

NoniCare hand and nail cream

This cream smells of citruses, gentle and pleasant. It moisturizes your hands very well, and this feeling of moisture does not leave throughout the day. A little sticky, but absorbs quickly. This is not to say that it is super nutritious, it is comfortable to use until severe cold sets in and when the skin of the hands is more normal than too dry. As a bonus, the cream also strengthens the nails, but to notice the effect, you need to use it longer.

Biokosma hand creams

Two wonderful creams - with calendula and citrus. The aroma is unusual, but light and is not noticeable after application. Both nourish well, calendula also soothes the skin if the hands have already become chapped. Pleasant natural composition, dense texture, long-lasting feeling of protecting the skin of your hands.

Speick hand creams

Here we also have a sweet couple - one of the creams, by the way, is marked with the Oko-test icon with a sehr gut rating! I want to use a moisturizer throughout the day, but the soft cream from the Active series feels like a medicinal cream. It even has a medicinal-herbal aroma.

Of course, this may seem unusual to those who are accustomed to more perfume-like scents, but the effect is beyond praise. For those who suffer from cracked, flaky and very dry skin, this cream will be a real salvation.

Hand and nail cream Dr. Nona

The cream has a very specific aroma, but you quickly get used to it. It moisturizes instantly, I especially want to use it after washing my hands - it removes that feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin. The cream softens the skin very well; it can even be used to lubricate rough areas, for example, where the elbow bend is. I definitely want to have one of these in my arsenal.

Dr Konopka’s hand cream

This cream immediately found its fans. Delicate creamy aroma, pleasant texture, absorbs quickly and nourishes very well. One of those creams that you don’t need to use too often, because one or two times is enough to nourish the skin.

You can definitely use it in winter without fear! By the way, we first became acquainted with this brand thanks to this cream, and we are very glad that the first acquaintance went so well!

Pretty Garden Hand Oil

But these two hard butters are for lovers of fatty and super-nutritious textures! Both smell candy-floral-pleasant, “I Love It” and “An Unforgettable Night.” They, of course, take longer to absorb than the usual hand cream, but such nutrition and hydration can only be achieved from oil!

Using them during the working day is not very convenient - you can leave spots somewhere on the paper while the oil is absorbed. But they are ideal for the night or as a hand mask. The skin is soft, inflammation has been relieved, everything is healing well. For winter they are needed more than ever, especially for very dry skin!

So, which cream to choose for the winter? It's up to you to decide, but we enjoyed using all these brands, and each cream had its own fan. Moisturize, nourish and protect your skin, and, of course, don’t forget about warm mittens in winter. published

The editors of “I Buy” conducted a grand test, in which 20 hand creams from different brands took part, and found out which cream is the best! Moreover, we found the most unusual creams - you can follow these links to their description:

But it’s better to look at all the hand creams in order - your favorite was probably included in our test too!

Our verdict: The smell is neutral with cranberry sourness. The texture is light, absorbed very quickly, not sticky, and a thin nourishing layer is felt on the skin. It instantly eliminates the feeling of skin tightness. A similar product can be safely used outside the home in the autumn-winter period: it is quickly absorbed and does not stain clothes.

Our verdict: Ideal for winter. It has a light, unobtrusive aroma - what is needed for those who do not like strongly scented products. Its texture is thick. Absorbs in no time. Ideally nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the hands. You can update it a couple of times a day - this is quite enough, since it feels like its action lasts for 12 hours.

Our verdict: This cream will conquer every girl, you just have to open the bottle. The magical aroma of a delicious dessert, like gin from a jar, bursts out and seduces. It is difficult to determine what kind of smell it is - caramel, creme brulee or burnt sugar, but it simply “caresses” the nose. A good option for those who are planning to go on a diet. This cream will replace any sweetness. The aroma from your hands will be quite enough to keep yourself from the temptation to gobble up another bar of chocolate. The cream is light and very gentle, even the rough hands of a laborer will instantly become soft and velvety with it.

The only negative is the packaging. Applying cream from a jar to your hands is not very convenient, nor is taking it with you. We will be glad if the Alessandro brand releases the namesake of this cream in a tube.

Our verdict: Vichy's cream promises extra recovery - just what those who buy a ton of hand creams need, but only start using them when their hands wrinkle, turn red and begin to resemble sandpaper. One application is enough, and the cream begins to act, actively nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the hands. If your hands are completely neglected, then the cream will last on average for one hour, after which it is worth renewing. A big plus of the cream is that the skin remains soft even after washing your hands. The aroma of the cream deserves special attention. It smells like passion fruit. Surprisingly delicious. The packaging is very girly - pink!

Our verdict: The cream is incredibly cool! Everything about it is perfect. There are no flaws! The texture is dense, non-sticky, instantly absorbed and moisturizes, and also protects from frost and water! There is no strong smell or fragrance. An excellent bonus - the packaging says that it strengthens muscle walls and normalizes vascular tone.

Our verdict: Universal hand cream for all occasions. Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Instantly absorbed. Does not leave behind an unpleasant oily sheen. The small tube is convenient to carry with you in your purse and can be taken out and used on occasion. An additional advantage of the cream is that it has no odor. Men can safely use this product.

Our verdict: It has a very pleasant, unobtrusive smell. It is difficult to recognize vanilla (namely, it is indicated in the name of the cream); it rather resembles nuts. Light texture, I really liked that it does not create a greasy film and is instantly absorbed. Perfect for those whose hands are not overly dry. It is absorbed so well that it seems to disappear, but at the same time it perfectly softens the skin.

Our verdict: It’s a very greasy cream, but that’s how it should be; there’s a warning on the tube – it’s concentrated. Just right for a dry winter. It absorbs well, which is usually not what you expect from such rich creams. Unscented, although light “pharmacy” notes can be detected. The packaging is nice and laconic.

Our verdict: Absorbs in just a few seconds. This speed is very commendable. There is no sticky effect, strong odor or cream residue left in scratches and small cracks on the hands. What's left? A pleasant, subtle herbal scent, and moisturized, soft skin! We give the cream a solid 5 out of 5. Although it may not be greasy enough for a “winter cream,” it’s still amazing!

Our verdict: Thick and greasy cream, absorbed in 3 minutes. The first impression of the cream is very ambiguous. I was confused by its aroma (the cream has the smell of hypoallergenic cosmetics with no fragrance), but after application and absorption the sensations remained very pleasant. This cream is good in the cold season. Perfectly protects the skin from frost and cold.

Our verdict: Excellent nourishing cream. The texture is very oily, so be careful with the dosage. One small drop is enough for your hands. The smell of orange and lavender is natural and very “bright”, somewhat reminiscent of the aroma of an old Soviet cream that was prepared in a pharmacy. This cream can be used in the evening before bed, because... It takes a long time to absorb and leaves an oily sheen. This product is also indispensable for those who have very dry skin on their hands, and it is also suitable for rough skin on the feet and elbows. The ideal time to use this cream is winter.

Our verdict: Very pleasant texture and aroma, absorbs quickly and leaves no residue. Quite a good representative of the mass market category. True, the moisturizing effect disappears immediately after the cream is absorbed into the skin. I want to repeat application again and again. Most likely, this cream is suitable for those whose skin is not naturally dry.

Our verdict: The smell is sweet, honey. The texture is thick, rich, but not sticky. Be careful: you need to rub the cream well so that it is completely absorbed into the skin, otherwise you risk staining your clothes. Immediately after applying the cream, the skin of your hands becomes velvety. A great option to use at home before bed.

Our verdict: Moisturizing cream with aloe has a pleasant smell - very light and neutral. The texture of the cream is not too thick, a little greasy, but not sticky at all and moisturizes very well. After application, the skin on your hands becomes very soft, and after a while you completely forget that there is cream on your hands. Simply a must have for the winter season.

Our verdict: This cream has a subtle pharmacy scent. The consistency is not too thick, but it feels quite greasy and creates the feeling of a protective film on your hands. This product will be useful to everyone whose profession is in one way or another connected with the use of water, since constant contact with water causes the skin of the hands to become especially sensitive and dry. Although, in winter, this cream can take its place in the cosmetic bag of every fashionista who constantly forgets about gloves.

Our verdict: Has a pleasant aroma. The packaging claims the aroma of papaya and grapefruit; perhaps, only a sommelier whose “nose” is sharpened on this kind of subtlety will be able to clearly determine what notes are in this cream. The average consumer is more likely to notice the light “perfumed” smell of the cream. Its professional characteristics deserve special attention. The cream is easy and pleasant to apply and is completely absorbed within a minute. To the touch, the skin of your hands becomes velvety and well-groomed, just like after a good hand spa treatment in some elite beauty salon. And here you can simply afford such a miracle at home! An additional bonus - the cream is suitable not only for caring for the skin of the hands, but also for the cuticles, for the skin of the legs, and what’s more - for the whole body! Universal, in a word.

Our verdict: This cream has a pronounced aroma, which may not please everyone, especially capricious people who prefer unscented products. But fans of perfumed products will like it. How does he work"? It is absorbed, but not quickly; a couple of minutes after application you can still feel the cream on your hands. So the story of express care is not about him. But this cream is not at all greasy, after which your hands remain soft and moisturized for a long time. Oh yes, and also - it has a natural composition - this is a definite plus of the product!

Our verdict: First of all, its packaging deserves attention. The jar is convenient and bright - just what you need in the autumn-winter period, when depression and melancholy begin to overcome you. The characteristics of the cream are at the highest level. It is moderately greasy, absorbs well, moisturizes and nourishes well. On the packaging there is a note “protects the skin from the cold” - isn’t it wonderful? Lazy people who don’t want to study the ingredients and other properties of the cream for a long time can safely take it, the necessary information is given right away! By the way, the cream nourishes the skin so well that it is suitable for rough male hands.

Our verdict: The cream is completely natural - this is its undoubted advantage. And if it’s not tested on animals, it’s a fairy tale (but it’s not written anywhere on the packaging). It comes out in a small, neat stream, which is great - you don’t waste a good product. According to the name, it should smell like a rose, but the aroma is still more close to something pharmaceutical, unobtrusive, light. Its effectiveness can be rated 10 plus. It restores the skin of the hands well, nourishes and moisturizes.

Our verdict: An excellent product for those who want to get spa care at home. All you need is to apply the product to the skin of your hands and enjoy the effect. The texture of the product is literally silky, reminiscent of serum, but much more gentle. It fits perfectly on your hands; it’s not for nothing that the manufacturer called their product “Hand Glove.” Keeps hand skin moisturized and soft for 6-8 hours. What you need for use in harsh frosty climates. The only negative is that it is inconvenient to carry in your purse; after all, it is a “friend” for home use and storage on the bedside table.

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Grade: 3+
Price: OK. 90 rub.
Testing period: 4 months.

2. The Body Shop Hemp Hand Protector – Protective hand cream “Hemp”

I think this cream doesn’t need any special introduction. It’s loved for its properties and hated for its smell, I rather love it and rather like the smell, which can’t be said about my husband, he just turns away.
I like the packaging: both the iron tube and the cap. But I'm afraid that someday the tube will bend and a hole will appear
The composition is good: glycerin, oils, allantoin (according to the manufacturer, it softens and soothes), panthenol, silicone (some may not like it), vitamins A, E (most likely they are used as preservatives, but still better than parabens) .

The consistency of the cream is very thick, perhaps the thickest I have ever had. Quite oily (but “pleasantly oily”!) and it feels like it contains oils. When you start rubbing, the oils melt and the sensation is pleasant. Economical. During the day, the cream is too oily for me to work at the computer and with papers.

On the one hand, the cream is called “protective”, and I sometimes apply it before going outside. On the other hand, the manufacturer writes: “To enhance the effect of the cream, apply it at night and wear moisturizing gloves from The Body Shop” (replace with any gloves). This is how I apply it too (although I only read the manufacturer’s recommendation today), especially since the gloves will protect those around me from the smell. The cream nourishes well, and after using it my hands are soft and well-groomed.
In general, the cream is both protective and nourishing.
And now the minus that I noticed. Once I came from the street with chapped hands. I applied this cream. But the skin did not like it, it turned red and irritation appeared. I ran to wash it off. Maybe I should have been patient and it would have passed, I know this happens sometimes, but I didn’t wait. The cream definitely does not soothe the skin, although, as I noted above, the manufacturer writes that allantoin in the cream is designed to do just that.

Grade: 5-
Price: 430 rub. for 100 ml
Testing period: six months

3. Hand and nail cream Kamill Intensive

And this is my favorite cream. I’m already buying my third pack and will buy more. My mom and mother-in-law also like it.
An ordinary soft plastic tube with an opening lid (never broken, by the way). Volume 100 ml. The cream has an average consistency, white in color, and just a little oily. The smell is quite pleasant, herbal.
The peculiarity of the cream: I can apply it a lot, a lot, and it’s all absorbed! I like it. I apply it at night, in the morning my hands are moisturized, nourished, rested, ready for work and defense. I can also apply it during the day sometimes, but it’s a bit greasy.
Photo of the composition:

The composition may not be super-duper, but the cream suits me perfectly, so I don’t look too closely. The main thing is that it works. Moreover, the price is good. I am one of those who are not willing to pay more if there is no difference
However, I will also buy other creams, maybe I will find the perfect one!

Grade: 5
Price: 80-100 rub.
Testing period: 1.5 years

4. Children's cream Bella baby Happy natural care

I once bought this cream in a supermarket because of the small tube. The manufacturer is, so to speak, unexpected. But the cream turned out to be good! Here is a photo of the composition and manufacturer's description:

The cream is of normal consistency, neither thick nor runny, white in color. Not greasy, not oily. The smell is light, pleasant, unobtrusive. I use the cream during the day or before going outside, so I apply a small amount.

I really like this cream! He is somehow pleasant, gentle and “caring.” Softens, protects, cares. It just soothes the skin if it is irritated (unlike “hemp”). I tested this by accident: I once applied it to my armpits after epilation (although I know that it’s better not to smear it with anything). In just a few minutes the cream soothed the skin and was quickly absorbed. So for me this cream is “soothing”.
I will definitely buy more if I see it, the price is ridiculous.

Grade: 5
Price: 50 rub.
Testing period: 5 months.

5. Lush Lemony Flutter – “Lemon Sensation”

Also quite a famous product on Cosmetist. According to the manufacturer, this is a cuticle butter, but it can also be applied to other dry parts of the body. I use it for cuticles, sometimes I smear it on my hands when they are dry.
The smell is lemony, but “chemical”, strong. The consistency is thick, oily, slightly grainy. When applied to the skin, the oil begins to melt.

I only apply it at night. Overnight, the oil is completely absorbed, softens and nourishes the cuticle. Once I applied it during the day (using a cotton swab) and the oil was absorbed quickly, in less than half an hour! But the cuticle was very dry at that moment, the oil softened it perfectly. If I hadn’t forgotten to smear it every night, I think the effect would be excellent and my cuticle would look better.
On the one hand, oil is not so cheap, but on the other hand, it is consumed very economically.

Grade: 5
Price: 410 rub. (according to the price on the official website)
Testing period: more than a year

That's all, I hope I didn't bore you with the number of letters
Thanks for reading! Velvet hands to everyone!

Maria Karimova,

We can talk endlessly about winter skin problems. Everything dries and flakes, and in the worst case, it also itches treacherously. The delicate skin of your hands suffers the most. Gloves or mittens, of course, are a panacea. But either you need to get your phone out or rummage through your purse... How to protect your hands from winter weather? Choose the right protective agent.

Our review includes 14 creams that will protect your hands during the cold season.

"Basic Care", Dove

This hand cream has a light, non-greasy texture, absorbs quickly and does not leave a sticky feeling on the skin, providing it with protection and hydration throughout the day.

Price - about 100 rubles.

Biomains, Biotherm

This cream has become a truly iconic product of the Biotherm brand. Since 1972, it has been used by millions of women around the world. The cream restores the skin's protective barrier, softens the skin of the hands, strengthens nails and prevents the appearance of signs of aging.

Price - about 1500 rubles.

Universal balm for very dry skin, Glysolid

The balm nourishes, promotes wound healing, supports natural skin regeneration, while protecting it. With regular use, it quickly and permanently improves skin condition.

Price - about 150 rubles.

Ultimate Strength Hand Salve, Kiehl's

The rich formula of the cream protects and restores very dry and damaged hand skin. The product creates a “glove” effect - a protective barrier that prevents moisture loss. The thick texture of the cream is quickly absorbed and deeply moisturizes without leaving a sticky feeling.

Price - about 1300 rubles.

Sea buckthorn hand cream, Weleda

The cream contains sea buckthorn oil and sesame oil. Together they protect the skin of the hands from moisture loss and degreasing. After use, even the driest and roughest skin becomes soft and elastic.

Price - about 500 rubles.

Deep Comfort Hand and Cuticle Cream, Clinique

A thick, restorative hand and cuticle cream that instantly infuses skin with moisture and helps it stay hydrated for up to 12 hours.

Price - about 1000 rubles.

"Nutrition and protection", Nivea

This hand cream is based on beeswax, which nourishes, softens and has an anti-inflammatory effect. There will be no trace of dryness left!

Price - about 65 rubles.

Almond paste, Santa Maria Novella

Almonds are famous for their softening and nourishing properties. This paste contains a large amount of vegetable fats, which perfectly restore dry skin.

Price - about 4000 rubles.

Argan Oil Hand Cream, ORLY

This cream with argan oil has a wide spectrum of action: nourishes, protects, moisturizes, prevents the aging process, and also has a cumulative effect. Despite the abundant oil content, the cream is perfectly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film.

Price - about 1100 rubles.

Body Excellence, Chanel

The name “Cream for youth and comfort of hands” speaks for itself. After applying the cream, your hands are soft and tender. Thanks to its soft texture, the product is quickly absorbed into the skin.

Price - about 4000 rubles.

Douceur Des Mains, Payot

3-in-1 cream with shea butter and vitamin E nourishes and softens the skin of the hands, while simultaneously caring for nails and cuticles. Effectively restores softness to even the roughest skin without leaving a greasy feeling.

Price - about 1000 rubles.

New Dimension, Estee Lauder

This cream, like magic gloves, created from moisturizing, nourishing ingredients, will envelop your hands for many hours. The skin of your hands instantly becomes hydrated, and this feeling lasts all day, even after washing.

Price - about 3000 rubles.

Cream-oil for hands SOS-restoration night care, “Velvet hands”

The cream-oil was created specifically for special care of very dry and cracked hand skin. It can be used as an active mask to restore hand skin at night.

Price - about 150 rubles.

Hand & Nail Comfort Cream, EGIA Biocare System

The cream restores and protects the skin, prevents the appearance of cracks, dryness and roughness of the hands. Your hands will be soft and smooth after the first use.

Price - about 2250 rubles.

Our review includes 14 creams that will protect your hands during the cold season.

"Basic Care", Dove

This hand cream has a light, non-greasy texture, absorbs quickly and does not leave a sticky feeling on the skin, providing it with protection and hydration throughout the day.

Price - about 100 rubles.


Biomains, Biotherm

This cream has become a truly iconic product of the Biotherm brand. Since 1972, it has been used by millions of women around the world. The cream restores the skin's protective barrier, softens the skin of the hands, strengthens nails and prevents the appearance of signs of aging.

Price - about 1500 rubles.

Universal balm for very dry skin, Glysolid

The balm nourishes, promotes wound healing, supports natural skin regeneration, while protecting it. With regular use, it quickly and permanently improves skin condition.

Price - about 150 rubles.

Ultimate Strength Hand Salve, Kiehl's

The rich formula of the cream protects and restores very dry and damaged hand skin. The product creates a “glove” effect - a protective barrier that prevents moisture loss. The thick texture of the cream is quickly absorbed and deeply moisturizes without leaving a sticky feeling.

Price - about 1300 rubles.

Sea buckthorn hand cream, Weleda

The cream contains sea buckthorn oil and sesame oil. Together they protect the skin of the hands from moisture loss and degreasing. After use, even the driest and roughest skin becomes soft and elastic.

Price - about 500 rubles.

Deep Comfort Hand and Cuticle Cream, Clinique

A thick, restorative hand and cuticle cream that instantly infuses skin with moisture and helps it stay hydrated for up to 12 hours.

Price - about 1000 rubles.

"Nutrition and protection", Nivea

This hand cream is based on beeswax, which nourishes, softens and has an anti-inflammatory effect. There will be no trace of dryness left!

Price - about 65 rubles.

Almond paste, Santa Maria Novella

Almonds are famous for their softening and nourishing properties. This paste contains a large amount of vegetable fats, which perfectly restore dry skin.

Price - about 4000 rubles.

Argan Oil Hand Cream, ORLY

This cream with argan oil has a wide spectrum of action: nourishes, protects, moisturizes, prevents the aging process, and also has a cumulative effect. Despite the abundant oil content, the cream is perfectly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film.

Price - about 1100 rubles.

Body Excellence, Chanel

The name “Cream for youth and comfort of hands” speaks for itself. After applying the cream, your hands are soft and tender. Thanks to its soft texture, the product is quickly absorbed into the skin.

Price - about 4000 rubles.

Douceur Des Mains, Payot

3-in-1 cream with shea butter and vitamin E nourishes and softens the skin of the hands, while simultaneously caring for nails and cuticles. Effectively restores softness to even the roughest skin without leaving a greasy feeling.

Price - about 1000 rubles.

New Dimension, Estee Lauder

This cream, like magic gloves, created from moisturizing, nourishing ingredients, will envelop your hands for many hours. The skin of your hands instantly becomes hydrated, and this feeling lasts all day, even after washing.

Price - about 3000 rubles.

Cream-oil for hands SOS-restoration night care, “Velvet hands”

The cream-oil was created specifically for special care of very dry and cracked hand skin. It can be used as an active mask to restore hand skin at night.

Price - about 150 rubles.

Hand & Nail Comfort Cream, EGIA Biocare System

The cream restores and protects the skin, prevents the appearance of cracks, dryness and roughness of the hands. Your hands will be soft and smooth after the first use.

Price - about 2250 rubles.

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