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We are against cruelty and violence against children. consultation (junior group) on the topic. Presentation on the topic "world against cruelty and violence against children" World against cruelty class hour

"Guys let's be friends!" Very often you want to say such a phrase from the famous and beloved cartoon “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat,” when you watch how people in line begin to swear, or some very strict mother begins to raise her child in front of everyone with a slap on the head.

Seeing such similar scenes of cruelty and violence around you, you begin to think: is it really necessary to be evil and transfer your anger, revenge, and cruelty to other people. There is a popular wisdom: “Evil begets evil.”

I often think what the world would be like without war, without criminals, without tears and grief? Probably very beautiful, clean, and most importantly - kind, this is a world of smiles and joy, politeness and just a good mood. We must teach younger children to love this world as it is, with its advantages and disadvantages, problems and successes, joy and sorrow. We must be an example of politeness, kindness, and good manners. Everything depends on ourselves. We are building this world.

Mayboroda Anna 10 "B" class

Bektau Secondary School

A world without cruelty and violence.

Cruelty is a person’s deviation from his norm in his behavior and morality, which manifests itself in inhumane, rude treatment of other people, causing them pain and encroaching on their lives.

Abusive people are usually mentally ill. The tendency to cruelty, both towards animals and people, is associated with upbringing and family dysfunction, as well as the role of genes. Physical cruelty can be attributed to such forms of behavior as theft and frequent lies. Usually this deviation is caused by mental trauma or temporary insanity.

Violence is the intentional use of physical force or power directed against oneself, another person, or other people. Types of violence include an attempt on one’s own life or health, lack of care for someone.

Violence can occur anywhere: at home, on the street, at school. A person who has experienced violence receives psychological trauma, as a result of which he may commit suicide.

I believe that people who commit violence and show cruelty should begin to be treated when only the first signs appear, and not when they have already taken the lives of others.

But Irina 10 "B" class

Bektau Secondary School

A world without cruelty and violence.

We live in a modern world, which is different from the bygone, old one. Nowadays, a person becomes one step ahead of his development, he should strive to comprehend something new, but, unfortunately, in society there are people who are not interested in this, they love violence, bullying, and extortion. All these negative actions of people are formed from childhood. This happens because today’s youth watch various negative television programs and play violent computer games. Watching all this, she becomes interested in it, chooses negative characters as her idols and wants to be like them. People forget about studying, about goodness, good, moral deeds, they only have harm, pain, evil, ridicule in their heads. They begin to steal, kill, abuse the weakest link, and lead a bad lifestyle. Because of this, drug addicts, alcoholics, murderers, thieves appear, and this is where life ends. Is this really good? Is this the kind of ending that every person should strive for?

What if we imagine our world without this negativity? People learn, help each other, take care of the world around them, attend charity events, and improve their intellectual level. This makes life easier. There will be so much goodness on earth that we will all flutter like butterflies from this lightness, and the environment will bloom and smell so fragrant that it will be visible from space. So, we ourselves will be pleased to be in an atmosphere of kindness, smiles, and happiness.

So let us all begin to do only good things, take the path of correction, throw away evil forever and enjoy life and kindness!

Ursulyak Christina 10 "B" class

Bektau Secondary School

A world without cruelty and violence

Cruelty...Everyone is familiar with this word almost from the cradle. If you think about it, cruelty is always with us: we see it on TV screens, in video games, in fights, in some families, and most importantly, today it has become the norm of behavior and no longer surprises anyone. Cruelty also exists in nature: a cat caught a little gray mouse, but she has little mice. We can say that this is how the animal instinct manifests itself: in order to survive, you need to hunt.

The concept of cruelty is in our minds, it is, after all, not characteristic of animals. The cat doesn't feel sorry for the mouse - she wants to eat. And we, people, should feel sorry for the animals that they want to kill. I don’t want to say that cruelty should be encouraged. It is no coincidence that the oldest prohibition was the prohibition of murder.

The word violence is closely related to the concept of cruelty - the infliction of brute force directed against another person. These could be fights, murders, robberies. Probably the most terrible action against a person is causing him moral harm. There is a commandment in Christianity: “Whoever hits you on the right cheek, turn the other to him,” “Love your enemies,” “Thou shalt not kill.” These commandments, I think, go against the present time. Christ believed that violence has no justification, and his main commandment is love for one's neighbor. But in our time, the number of crimes is only increasing, because there is a lot of evil around us. And only love can defeat violence.

Law enforcement officers are calling to protect citizens from cruelty. Cruelty to the elderly and children is the scourge of modern life. Parents are often the reason for the increase in child mortality and injuries. These are those parents who are alien to children's prayers and tears, joys and victories.

Let's all change our world for the better! Then there won't be such a problem.

Shumskaya Kristina 10 “B” class

Bektau Secondary School

Project "We are against cruelty"

“I believe the time will come,

the power of meanness and malice

the spirit of goodness will overcome"

V. Pasternak

Relevance of the project

I always want to think and believe that in our family, as in a safe refuge, we can hide from the stress and overload of our hectic world. Whatever threatens us outside the home, we hope to find protection and support in the love of those with whom we maintain the closest relationships. However, for many people the desire to find family peace turns out to be impossible, since their loved ones are more a source of threat than reliability and security. The child is often the target on whom all the blows fall in families where cruelty to children is common. He is considered special, different from others, either too active or too passive, etc., and he becomes the object of aggression from family members. A child may be a reminder of a hated relative, a former spouse, may have a flaw that irritates his tormentor, have physical and mental disabilities, and may also be associated with an unwanted pregnancy or other events that are fundamentally important for an adult.

Domestic violence can take various forms - from emotional and moral blackmail to the use of physical force, and it is the latter that is practiced most often. Child abuse means causing physical or mental suffering to a child.

Children who are maltreated can suffer in many ways. Young children are at particular risk. They cannot grow properly and often have difficulty learning. As a rule, such children have low self-esteem and have a bad opinion of themselves and others. They are often scared and aggressive.

Children fail to understand that abuse or neglect is not their fault. They often believe that they are doing something wrong and deserve to be treated this way.

The problem of providing all children with favorable living conditions, development and upbringing, guarantees of a protected childhood, free from cruelty and violence, is one of the main tasks of the state’s social policy.

The urgency of solving the problem of abuse of children and adolescents has increased due to the crisis in the economy, rising unemployment, and the worsening economic situation of many families. In Russia today, child abuse takes many forms, including physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect of children, and sexual exploitation of minors. All this has the most serious consequences for the health and development of both the children themselves and the well-being of the family and society as a whole. This problem is complex and painful.

It should be noted that in Russia, until recently, discussing the problem of violence against children, as well as violence against individuals in general, remained a kind of taboo. The topic of intra-family conflicts was closed; it was considered indecent to interfere in family relationships. Only now is society beginning to realize the catastrophic scale of the problem. It has become clear that Russian children, just like children in other countries (and perhaps to a greater extent), are subject to violence in the family, at school, by society and the state, and become victims of national and ethnic conflicts.

In the Russian Federation, as in most developed countries of the world, one of the significant indicators of the socio-economic development of society is the number of registered cases of abuse of children and adolescents. Russia ranks first in Europe in the number of murders of children and young people - such data were published in a report by the World Health Organization.

In Russia, from 100 to 130 thousand cases of child abuse are registered annually.

In 2012, over 2.5 thousand crimes against sexual integrity against minors were registered in Russia, including depraved acts of adults against young children.

Objective of the project:

Formation of public opinion intolerant of violence and cruelty towards children.

Project objectives:

Intensify efforts to disseminate information among children and adolescents, parents, and specialists from institutions working with children about the inadmissibility of the use of violence and cruelty towards children; ways to protect children from violence and abuse;

Conducting an information and educational campaign among children of the Kalininsky district of Tyumen about legislation that protects them from violence;

Conducting an information and educational campaign among children of the Kalininsky district of Tyumen about the possibility of receiving help in case of violence or criminal attacks;

Carrying out mass socially significant events aimed at preventing abuse of children and adolescents;

Project implementation period: January - December 2013.

Main areas of work:

Drawing attention to the problem of child abuse and disseminating information about the unacceptability of child abuse and violent methods of education;

Promoting a responsible attitude towards fulfilling parental responsibilities in raising minor children;

Joint work of social and pedagogical services involved in the protection of children’s rights, including the protection of children from abuse;

Combining the efforts of educational institutions, social service institutions, administration, KDN and ZN, additional education institutions of the Department of Youth Policy and Sports in the prevention of cruelty and violence against children and adolescents;

Carrying out mass socially significant events with the involvement of a volunteer team (competitions, festivals, etc.);

Plan of main activities





Launch of the project “We are against cruelty”

January February

MAOU secondary school No. 22 head. OK

Ustyantseva M.A.

Conducting class hours “We are against cruelty”


MAOU secondary school No. 22

Head OK Ustyantseva M.A.,

Questioning students “We are against cruelty” with the aim of developing a volunteer team of brochures for students and parents aimed at eliminating cruelty to children


MAOU secondary school No. 22

Head OK Ustyantseva M.A.,

Action in the microdistrict “The world of cruelty is not for children”


MAOU secondary school No. 22

Head OK Ustyantseva M.A.,

Responsible for working with the Surfactant Cabinet of assigned educational institutions, volunteer squad

Competition of creative works “On the road to goodness”


MAOU secondary school No. 22

Head OK Ustyantseva M.A.,

Responsible for working with the Surfactant Cabinet of assigned educational institutions, volunteer squad

Family Pantry Celebration


MAOU secondary school No. 51,

head cab. Surfactant MAOU Secondary School No. 22, assigned to the educational institution

for parents at “risk group”, state unemployment, disadvantaged families

Action at a school camp, in the “Ship of Childhood” microdistrict


MAOU secondary school No. 22

Head OK Ustyantseva M.A.,

Volunteer squad

Asphalt drawing competition in the microdistrict “Let there always be sunshine!”


MAOU secondary school No. 22

Head OK Ustyantseva M.A.,

Volunteer squad

Parents' meeting "The responsible role of parents"


MAOU secondary school No. 22

Head OK Ustyantseva M.A.,

Responsible for working with the Surfactant Cabinet of assigned OS

with parents whose children are in high school, KDN, PDN, GOV, dysfunctional families

Festival of National Cultures. Day of Tolerance


MAOU secondary school No. 22

Head OK Ustyantseva M.A.,

Responsible for working with the Surfactant Cabinet of assigned educational institutions, volunteer squad

Conference of fathers “All kinds of dads are needed, all kinds of dads are important”


MAOU secondary school No. 22

Head OK Ustyantseva M.A.,

Responsible for working with the Surfactant Cabinet of assigned educational institutions, volunteer squad

Individual consultations on providing assistance to minor children and adolescents who find themselves in difficult life situations; on issues of cruelty on the part of adolescents and adults

during a year

MAOU secondary school No. 22

Head OK Ustyantseva M.A.,

Responsible for working with the Surfactant Cabinet of assigned OS

Organization of network interaction “Virtual Psychologist”

during a year

MAOU secondary school No. 22

psychologist Andreeva S.R.

Organization of a hotline for students and parents of the neighborhood


17-00 -19-00

MAOU secondary school No. 22

Head OK Ustyantseva M.A.

for fixed op-amps

Formation of an electronic methodological library on the prevention of antisocial behavior of adolescents and abuse

throughout the year on the OU website

MAOU secondary school No. 22

Head OK Ustyantseva M.A.,

Responsible for working with the Surfactant Cabinet of assigned educational institutions, volunteer squad

Creation of a virtual piggy bank of Internet resources dedicated to the prevention of drug and psychoactive substance use, the prevention of crimes among and against children and adolescents

during a year

MAOU secondary school No. 22

Head OK Ustyantseva M.A.,

Responsible for working with the Surfactant Cabinet of assigned OS

Expected Result:

Implementation of laws to protect the rights and dignity of children and adolescents;

Reducing the level of aggression in children and adolescents, in relationships between children and adults;

Timely response to cases of abuse of children and adolescents;

Reducing the incidence of abuse of children and adolescents.

Slide 2


I believe the time will come, The power of meanness and malice will be overcome by the spirit of good. B. Pasternak. I am happy with the happiness that is alien to me, And I am sad with the sorrow of someone else; I am ready to help with the misfortunes and needs of others with all my soul. I.Surikov

Slide 3

  • Slide 4


    It is better to endure torment than to inflict it. Stupidity is the mother of cruelty. The more cruel is the one to whom the greatest cruelty was shown. Cruelty is the sister of cowardice. The smarter the cruelty, the more dangerous. Cruelty is weakness. Evil people are cruel. Kindness can eradicate cruelty.

    Slide 5


    Pity humiliates and relaxes. Sympathy is supportive. Pity is a parody of love. A person should never feel sorry for anyone - but he is obliged to sympathize. Compassion differs from sympathy in that a person not only sympathizes, but, imbued to the depths of his soul with the grief of another, also experiences suffering. Compassion opens a person’s soul. A kind word consoles the soul. Compassion is a mechanism for preserving the human race

    Slide 6


    Mercy is the willingness to help or forgive out of compassion, love for mankind. Mercy is the main guardian of the world. The merciful is closest to God. Mercy is not stupidity that does not see the shortcomings of people, but it is wisdom that does not notice them. Mercy is the road to immortality. True mercy acts without looking back .Love is the mother of mercy. Kindness is the balm of the soul.

    Slide 7


    True kindness comes from love. Kindness is the sister of morality. True kindness cannot be done for profit or for show. Kindness is the basis of a person’s positive qualities. Kindness is one of the main qualities without which a person cannot succeed as an individual, take a proper position in society and be respected. Kindness makes stupidity more bearable. Before kindness appears, impudence is already driving it away. Children are born kind. Kindness is a permanent state of a person, anger is a temporary state. The giver receives more pleasure than the taker.

    1 slide

    2 slide

    I believe that the time will come, The power of meanness and malice will be overcome by the spirit of goodness. B. Pasternak. I am happy with happiness that is alien to me And sad with the sorrow of someone else; I am ready to help others' misfortunes and needs with all my heart. I.Surikov

    3 slide

    4 slide

    It is better to endure torment than to inflict it. Stupidity is the mother of cruelty. The more cruel is the one to whom the greatest cruelty was shown. Cruelty is the sister of cowardice. The smarter the cruelty, the more dangerous it is. Cruelty is weakness. Evil people are cruel. Cruelty can eradicate kindness.

    5 slide

    Pity humiliates and relaxes. Compassion is supportive. Pity is a parody of love. A person should never feel sorry for anyone - but must sympathize. Compassion differs from sympathy in that a person not only sympathizes, but, imbued to the depths of his soul with the grief of another, also experiences suffering. Compassion opens a person’s soul. A kind word comforts the soul. Compassion is a mechanism for preserving the human race

    6 slide

    Mercy is the willingness to help or forgive out of compassion and philanthropy. Mercy is the main guardian of peace. The merciful is closest to God. Mercy is not stupidity that does not see the shortcomings of people, but it is wisdom that does not notice them. Mercy is the road to immortality. True mercy acts without looking back. Love is the mother of mercy. Kindness is a spiritual balm.

    7 slide

    True kindness comes from love. Kindness is the sister of morality. Real kindness cannot be for profit or for show. Kindness is the basis of a person’s positive qualities. r Kindness is one of the main qualities, without which a person cannot succeed as an individual, take a proper position in society and be respected. Kindness makes stupidity bearable. Before kindness appears, arrogance is already driving it away. Children are born kind. Kindness is a permanent state of a person, anger is a temporary state. The giver receives more pleasure than the taker.

    We are against violence!

    No matter how sad it may sound, parental cruelty towards children is widespread

    a common phenomenon. About 14% of all children are periodically abused

    treatment in the family by their parents, who use physical force against them.

    In this regard, from September 7 to 25, the action “Life without

    cruelty to children." In our preschool institution, events were held as part of

    stock. We bring to your attention reporting materials.

    Event plan as part of the campaign “Life without cruelty to children”

    09/07/2015 - 09/25/2015



    The date of the,



    “A smile will make everyone brighter” (IIml. group)

    The stand is designed in the shape of a flower meadow. Each flower has a photo of a smiling child in the group.


    Razina G.V.

    The stand is decorated with children's works made using unconventional drawing techniques.


    Butkina O.N.

    "Let's protect the rights of the child"

    (middle group)

    On children's palms, parents answered the question: “What is the most important thing for you to prevent cruelty?”

    10. - 12.09.2015

    Ausheva S.N.

    Stratonova T.M.

    "With love for children"

    (middle group)

    Collage of family photos


    Stratonova T.M.

    Ausheva S.N.

    "We are against cruelty"

    (senior group)

    The stand was designed jointly with parents. It contains posters with statements and drawings against child abuse.”


    Rylkova Yu.V.,

    Dubrovskaya T.M.

    Moving folders:

    "Prevention of Child Abuse"

    Types of violence;

    Risk Factors Contributing to Violence
    - How to replace punishment

    07. - 22.09.2015


    What rights does a child have?

    Familiarity with documents relating to children's rights.



    Characteristics of abusive parents.

    Motives and reasons for cruelty



    “Types of liability for child abuse”

    Administrative responsibility

    Criminal liability (articles)



    "Carrot or Stick"

    Expert opinion on the need for punishment



    Reminders and booklets:


    “May there always be sunshine” (middle gr.)

    The children made a smile from colored adhesive film and attached it to a stick.

    Punishment prohibition sign. The image of the belt is crossed out with a red stripe

    On the heart there is an applique of a house and trees

    The children saved the sun, which was covered by a cloud. The kids drew rays with their palms. This drawing was used for the Recipe for a Good Day poster.


    Butkina O.N.


    Dubrovskaya T.M.



    Razina G.V.


    Stratonova T.M.


    There is a tree on the landing. Nearby there are boxes with ribbons. Parents should tie a ribbon that matches their idea of ​​punishment



    We invite parents to take a few steps to the baby's heart: 1. Hug and kiss the child.

    2. Write a wish for the child on the heart for the day and release the heart into the “Chest of Golden Words”

    In the evening, the children gave their parents a heart-shaped applique with a sticker “Childhood without cruelty and tears”


    Rylkova Yu.V.


    Distribute “Helpline” applications made at the parent meetingchildren of the older group.


    Dubrovskaya T.M.

    "Life without cruelty to children"

    Report. View the presentation, discuss. Introduction to questionnaire analysis. Summing up the results of the action.


    Rylkova Yu.V.

    Working with teachers


    “Getting to know the UN Convention.”

    “Protecting the rights and dignity of a small child.”


    Baranova N.N.


    Rylkova Yu.V.

    Round table:

    Reminders - booklets:

    1. "Violence against children." (types and characteristics)

    2. “Indicators of family dysfunction.”

    Round table work plan:

    Quiz "On the rights of the child"

    Distribution of memos

    Game "Magic Chest"


    Rylkova Yu.V.

    Compiling a list of dysfunctional families.

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