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A ready-made, cool anniversary scenario (a woman’s 60th birthday) at home, in a cafe, at work. Outdoor games and competitions for the anniversary Competitions for grandfather’s 60th birthday

Come on, boys!

In this competition, men are invited to remember their past youth and show their talents in tying a tie. Actually, whoever is able to make a correct and high-quality knot faster after the “start” command wins. The prize could be the same tie.

Guess your friend

The guests line up. The birthday boy is blindfolded. The host brings the birthday boy to each of the guests in turn and names two options: either a “handshake” - if the person in front of him is a man, or “kiss the hand” - if a woman. After a kiss on the hand or a handshake, the birthday boy must guess who it is. If desired, depending on the character of the birthday person, at the end you can give him an exam, that is, he will have to fulfill the wishes of those guests whom he could not guess.

Poems in honor of the birthday boy

Each invited guest in turn stands up and says a line, reminiscent of a line of a poem. For example, the first guest - Today is the birthday of the glorious (name), the second - and we unanimously congratulate him now and here, and so on. Anyone who cannot come up with one misses the round and is eliminated from the game. The presenter, in turn, writes down the lines of the guests, and as a result, reads the resulting work to the birthday boy, and gives pleasant prizes to each participant who put his soul into the lines of the verse.

School years are wonderful

Remembering school time is always interesting and fun, especially when the age has crossed the line of half a century. Those who wish to participate in this competition, on average 3-4 people. An examination line is lined up in front of each of the participants, that is, the crowns are placed at a certain distance, and subjects are written on each of the chairs: Russian language, mathematics, physical education, works, for example. There are also leaves, a pen, and scissors on the chairs. First exam: the presenter asks the question “-zhi-, -shi - write with a letter. ", and participants must quickly write the letter on a piece of paper and pick it up. Those who fail leave the game, then move on to math. The presenter asks a question, for example, 3+7 will be, the participants quickly write the answer on a piece of paper and raise it, whoever fails is eliminated, the rest move on. Physical education - clap your hands, stomp your feet, do some squats. Participants must complete the task, followed by labor: making a snowflake. Participants cut out a snowflake as quickly as possible. Whoever does it the fastest is the winner and is awarded a gold medal.

Happy song

Guests are invited to sing the song, performing several lines in turn. For example, the song “From afar the Volga River flows for a long time.” The presenter takes turns handing a piece of paper with words to the guest and names the star in whose style he needs to sing the song, for example, Kadysheva, Pugacheva, Leontyev, Kobzon, and so on. This way the guests will cheer up both themselves and the hero of the day.

Repeat after me

The guests stand in a circle. The host gives commands, for example, the left eye blinks or the index finger of the right hand reaches for the nose, but at this time he himself tries to confuse the guests and repeats completely different movements. For example, when he says that his left eye blinks, he simply waves his right hand and so on. Whoever gets confused leaves the circle of participants, and the most persistent and self-confident will receive loud applause and prizes.

Cool games and competitions for a woman’s 60th birthday
There are a lot of competitions and games on the PozdravOK website. Interesting games for women will decorate your holiday, making it interesting for all guests!

Source: pozdravok.ru

Cool games and competitions for a man's 60th birthday

Baking Connoisseurs

At this age, all women have already tried a lot of different baking recipes and can list many names of baked goods. So, all the guests, including men, are participating in the competition, so it will be surprising if a man actually wins. Each guest takes turns naming one pastry, that is, the name of some baked goods, for example, pie, donuts, buns, bagels, and so on. A game of elimination, that is, whoever cannot name it is eliminated. Well, the greatest connoisseurs, there can be three or one of them, are awarded a prize, for which they can choose a delicious cake.

Household substitutes

The presenter invites the guests to remember their younger years and name modern objects that the housewives of the house previously managed without and, accordingly, objects that served instead of them, for example, a vacuum cleaner - a broom, a blender - a whisk, a bread maker - an oven in an oven, and so on. Guests name one option in turn, and whoever cannot name it is eliminated from the game. The most omniscient person gets a prize.


Women at any age love secrets and intrigue. In this competition, you are asked to use your wits and quickly decipher the task. The presenter writes any poem backwards, that is, each word begins from the end or writes a verse, leaving only consonants. The participants of the holiday see the task on the easel, and whoever quickly figures out what the catch is and how to decipher the task is a great guy. The fastest and most resourceful person gets a good prize.

Along the catwalk

Each guest who wishes to participate is invited to the podium in turn and must follow the instructions of the presenter. For this competition, the presenter must prepare several options for commenting on models in advance. For example, a woman comes out, the presenter begins to comment: in front of you, friends, is a gorgeous lady in a stunning dress from a famous couturier, and at the same time the woman strokes the dress and shows it off. Short sleeves allow the skin of your hands to breathe. and at this time the woman must show that her sleeves are short, for example, roll them up, if in fact she has long ones. Next - individual tailoring perfectly emphasizes the wasp waist, chic breasts and wonderful legs. At this time, the guest shows off her legs, waist, and so on. Whichever guest can best play their role on the podium will receive applause and a prize.

mother hen

Guests are divided into 2-3 teams. Each participant is given one egg. At a certain distance from each team there are chairs with a large bowl. Each participant puts an egg between his knees and heads to the goal, gets there and delivers the egg to the bowl, then hurries back and passes the baton to the next member of his team. Whose team of brood hens transports the eggs to the goal the fastest wins.

When you are Cinderella

Women who wish to participate sit on chairs. In front of them are three dishes: two empty, and one with peas and beans (you can choose something else, for example, buttons and coins, and so on). The participants’ task is to complete the task faster than others and sort through the peas and beans, placing the peas in one bowl and the beans in another. The fastest Cinderella is awarded a prize.

Cool games and competitions for a man's 60th birthday
An exclusive collection of beautiful competitions and games on the PozdravOK website. Interesting games for men will decorate your holiday, making it interesting for all guests!

Source: pozdravok.ru

Games and competitions for the 60th anniversary at the table - at the table at home and in a restaurant

Contemporary cinema

The host asks each of the guests in turn to guess the old film. But he pronounces it as it would be called in modern times. Whoever guesses correctly receives a small prize. Examples: “Dubarko” - “Morozko”, Tricks of Fate or You Go to the Bathhouse” - “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath”, “Shura-Mura at Work” - “Office Romance”, “Moscow Doesn’t Like Whiners” - “Moscow” doesn’t believe in tears” and so on.

What's in your name

The presenter announces that the bag contains prizes for the competition participants. The name of each prize begins with the letter contained in the name of the hero of the day. If the participant guesses which prize corresponds to the next letter, then he receives it. The one who collects the most prizes during the competition wins.

Believe it or not

The presenter should learn some of the most interesting and unusual facts from the life of the hero of the day. The presenter tells each of the guests one fact in turn, for example: Our hero of the day at the age of 30 could drink a liter of beer in one gulp, or Our hero of the day at the age of 18 became the winner of a beauty contest, and so on. And the guest must answer whether he believes it or not. If the answer matches reality, the guest is awarded a prize.

Anniversary hedgehog

Participants are divided into teams. Each of them receives an apple or other fruit, into which 60 toothpicks or skewers are stuck. Participants take out one toothpick (skewer), while pronouncing one compliment to the hero of the day. The winner is the team that completed the task faster and came up with the required number of compliments.

We reward the hero of the day

Each guest receives a medal (chocolate or purchased from a gift shop) and takes turns rewarding the birthday person for some achievement. For example, the first guest gets up and gives the birthday boy a medal, and says: “For a strong family and 3 well-mannered, smart, beautiful children!”, The second guest presents a medal and says: “For major repairs in a cozy house and a high harvest for garden" and so on. The birthday boy will be very pleased to receive so many medals at once and remember all his achievements.

Cooler than eggs

Of course, one could propose to take 6 dozen eggs as a basis and the competition would last the whole evening, but for this game 6 eggs are enough. Each participant, on the command “start”, must peel 6 boiled eggs (either chicken or quail) faster than the other participants. Whoever completes the task faster will win.

Try it

For this competition you will need such items as a hammer, a slotted spoon, a ladle, pliers, and so on, which can be found in the arsenal of the birthday boy’s things. Each guest in turn pulls out a forfeit with the name of the instrument, and then in the second circle - a forfeit, which indicates a certain action, for example, hammer a nail, catch a ball from the water, play a melody, and so on. Each guest then combines their instrument and action. It will be very interesting to watch how, for example, a guest hammers a nail with a ladle, or catches a ball from the water with a hammer, or plays his own melody with pliers.

Sixty moments of spring

In this competition, each guest can show their attitude towards the birthday boy by coming up with a beautiful, interesting, unusual name for the 60th chapter in the book of his life, for example, Sixty happy sunrises of dear Arkady or Sixty wishes of the beautiful soul of charming Svetlana, and so on. A guest, and maybe several guests, will receive prizes for the most interesting name.

Clever milkmen

Each participant receives an inflated medical glove filled with water and with a hole in the middle finger. At the command “start”, the participants turn their gloves over with the hole down and begin to “milk” the cow-glove into their vessel. Whoever completes the task faster and empties the glove first will receive a prize.

Each participant receives a bowl, a grater and an apple. Whoever grates the apple faster and better, leaving only one core, wins! And the birthday boy will then eat the grated apples and replenish his body with vitamins.

Games and competitions for the 60th anniversary at the table
A huge number of competitions and games on the PozdravOK resource. Exclusive games, 60 years will decorate any celebration, making it interesting for everyone!

Source: pozdravok.ru

60th anniversary script for a man

Anniversary 60. Games and competitions


Leading: Today our birthday boy is an idol and a role model. Everyone would like to be in his place, to receive so many congratulations and good words. Let's find out who looks like the birthday boy the most?

Among the guests, the presenter asks those to stand up.

Who is the namesake of the birthday boy?

Whose date of birth is closest to the date of birth of the birthday person,

Who has the same number of children?

Who has the same eye color,

Same hairstyle

A tie of the same color, etc.

Those who get up fill their glasses and drink to the birthday boy.

Leading: And now I will need several men, the bravest and bravest! Birthday boy, this concerns you first of all! I’m announcing a sleight of hand competition, and at the same time let’s check what the respected hero of the day has learned over the years of his working life!


Participants are blindfolded, given a bottle of mineral water, several plastic cups, and asked to complete a task: pour the same amount of liquid into the cups. When the task is completed, the presenter removes the bandages from the players and evaluates the accuracy of the dosage. The presenter comments with humor on the result obtained.

Leading: We have already held a funny competition among our men. Now it’s the fair half’s turn! To strengthen your masculine strength, you need to prepare absolutely amazing drinks. A competition is announced for the best cocktail from what is on the tables. Only men will judge the competition, or rather, guess what the cocktails are made of!

Women come up with cocktails, men choose the most original drink.

Leading: Thank you, beautiful ladies! Our women have always been distinguished by their ingenuity and ability to make something out of nothing, and our men will always find a reason to drink this “something”! Let's check who knows more compliments and good words? Today the hero of the day celebrates his sixtieth birthday. And he deserves to receive sixty compliments! Thirty each - from the male half of the guests and from the female half. And the main thing for me is not to lose count, let's go!

Guests must give thirty compliments to the hero of the day. The presenter counts.


Leading: Friends! Just a minute ago, a mysterious bag was delivered to me with a request to give it to the birthday boy. But there is so much here that it is not even clear why he needs some of these items.

The presenter brings out a bag in which a wide variety of objects are collected, for example, a toy, spoon, sock, sponge, hammer, potato. Each guest must take out one item, show it to everyone, and then “gift” it to the birthday boy, coming up with a witty explanation of why he needs this item.

Leading: Looks like it's time for everyone to get moving again! After all, to live long, it is very important to maintain good physical shape! I am announcing a competition that will remind you of a happy childhood.


This competition is for everyone: who can jump rope the longest. The presenter counts the number of jumps and rewards the winner with a “cup” - a bottle of alcohol.

A dance break is announced.

During the dance, the host invites the men to take part in a dance competition.


Each participant has their own song, and they need to dance around its content. Then the audience chooses the most artistic one with applause.

Examples of songs for the competition:

“Chocolate Bunny” (from the repertoire of Pierre Narcisse),

“Come, girls, to the seas. "(from the repertoire of the group "Brilliant"),

“Oh, once, and again” (from the repertoire of V. Vysotsky),

“The boy wants to go to Tambov” (from the repertoire of M. Nasyrov),

“My Girl” (from the repertoire of S. Krylov),

“Come to me, sailor” (from the repertoire of E. Osin),

“I am what you need” (from the repertoire of V. Syutkin),

“The Driver’s Song” (from the repertoire of L. Agutin).

Leading(after a dance break): What frisky guests we have here! Any youth will dance! And who said that one should be sad about lost youth - although it cannot be returned, there are many more advantages in adulthood! I have a toast that is just about this:

Sixty is not twenty-five,

But don't be sad:

At twenty-five you are young and poor,

No stake and no yard,

Neighbors in the dorm

The songs howl until the morning!

You'll meet a girl

And there is a problem with finances:

Money, like through a funnel,

They flow into nowhere.

And now - another thing:

You are serious and skillful,

There's no end to friends!

You are solid, well-fed and important,

Your life is organized too.

The advantages cannot be counted,

You just need to forget about the years

And appreciate everything that you have!

Let's raise our glasses, friends, and let's appreciate life for all the good things it has given us!

An excerpt from the song “I love you, life” (from the repertoire of I. Kobzon) is played.

Leading: Now we'll play a little again. I need some brave souls!


The game is played to the song “Dance Without Me” (from the repertoire of the group “Hands Up”).

There are several participants. Each participant has a toy tied to their waist - a ball with an elastic band. With this ball you need, without helping yourself with your hands or feet, to push a box of matches forward. The finish line is marked on the floor and a tape is placed. Whichever player pushes his box to the finish line first is the winner and receives a prize.

GAME "Knot"

The game involves pairs - men and women. The presenter ties the scarves for the players, the task of the pairs is to untie the scarves on each other without using their hands. The couple that does it the fastest wins and receives a prize.


Two men or two women are invited to participate. Players are given balls of thick threads, the goal of the game is to tie as many guests as possible with a thread while the music is playing, and the one with the longest “chain” wins, i.e., who manages to tie more people.


Everyone is invited to attend. Players receive tasks - to depict living pictures based on the plots of famous sculptures or paintings, for example: “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”, “Lenin on an Armored Car”, “Venus de Milo”, “Ivan the Terrible Kills His Son”, etc. The audience guesses what the participants depicted.


You need to make a drawing that shows several different smiles (it’s better to cut them out like holes in a sheet of paper).

Instructions for use

2. Compare the width of your smile with the picture and draw a conclusion:

A) you are a person with a sense of humor,

B) you are a cheerful person,

B) you are a happy person,

D) you are an incredibly happy person,

D) you are such a happy person that shame on you!

Leading: Our holiday program is coming to an end. But the evening continues, walk, dance, have fun as long as your seething energy is enough! And I once again congratulate the hero of the day, may everything be wonderful for him at the new stage of his life! This is exactly what will happen, because there are so many loving family and friends next to him.

What warmth and joy

The smiles of loved ones radiate!

After all, the man is so wonderful

Celebrating a big date!

We wish him good luck

And life is bright, like summer,

Everything that means a lot to the heart,

And may all this come true!

Good luck to all of you - both retirees and those who are working to become one!

The presenter performs the song “The Roof of Your House” (from the repertoire of Yu. Antonov).

60th anniversary script for a man
Scenario for 60th anniversary An interesting, detailed scenario for a man’s 60th anniversary. Farewell to retirement. Scenario Decorating the hall When decorating the hall, you can use posters.

And so, we bring to your attention our first author’s script for the anniversary. And this is not just a script for a man’s 60th birthday with cool and fun competitions. This is an interesting scenario for a holiday with humor and touching moments. Our script is a series of jokes, games and competitions with touching moments. Take a look and choose what you like. And give your hero of the day the best holiday in his life.

And so, first you need to meet the hero of the day in a beautiful and original way. And we'll do it like this. Each guest receives a balloon. They inflate them and hold them in their hands. And at the same time, guests need to stand in the shape of a “horseshoe,” that is, in a semicircle with the edges curved like a horseshoe. When everything is ready, we let the hero of the day in. As soon as the hero of the day enters, all the guests unanimously raise the balloon up, shake it from side to side and shout: “congratulations” or “happy anniversary”! and so on for twenty seconds. After which the presenter asks the hero of the day:
- Tell me, what does it look like? That's right, it's like a demonstration - a demonstration of our feelings for you! Look how happy all the guests are that it’s your anniversary today! and look how they stand? That's right - they stand in the shape of a horseshoe. And a horseshoe, as you know, brings happiness. And your happiness is in your friends - always cheerful, cheerful and ready to always walk and rock with you! So let’s make way, friends, and let our hero of the day come to the table. And we ourselves will follow him to the tables!

So we met the hero of the day and sat down at the tables.

First toast.
There are many men in the world. Some people want to go on reconnaissance missions. With some people you can talk endlessly. Some you can live with for the rest of your life. And our hero of the day is a man with whom you want to be for all eternity! We invite you to raise your glasses and drink to our hero of the day!

Competition 1.
And so, while the guests are sitting at the table, a small competition. For the competition you need Kinder Surprise barrels where the gifts are located. You need empty barrels like this. You write two identical phrases: “HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!” and cut out each letter or write it in advance on a separate sheet. Then you put each letter in its own barrel. And you also need two hats or two bags. You put barrels with letters in each hat or bag. This way you have two hats for each side. Stir the barrels in a hat. Then choose one guest from each side of the table. You hand him the hat. On your command, they must run through all the guests on their side and each guest must take out one barrel. As soon as the guests have taken out the keg, they open it. Everyone has a letter in their hands. Each side needs to create a word combination of letters. And the guest who distributed the kegs helps his side make up a word. He changes the leaves with letters from the guests to get the correct inscription: “HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!”
As soon as one side was able to collect this proposal, the guests raise the pieces of paper so that all the other side and the hero of the day can read the inscription.

Second toast.
I often had to listen to people complain about their fate. Have you ever thought about the fact that maybe fate was just unlucky with you? Our hero of the day never complained about his fate. Therefore, I propose to raise a glass to his life, and to all of us who are in his life!

Competition 2.

Before the competition, all guests come out and line up according to height. And all guests must be divided into two teams of the same number of people. And first, we send those with blond hair to one team. Then, from those remaining, we send those with light-colored clothes to the second team. Of those remaining, we send men to the first team. And secondly, women. The main thing is that there is an equal number of participants in the teams.
For the hero of the day, we place a chair in the center. Next to the hero of the day, we place a chair on both sides, and put a baby’s cap and pacifier on them. Each team chooses one photographer. He stands with the camera aside. At the command of the leader, the first team members run to the hero of the day, take a cap from their chair and tie it on their head. They take the pacifier into their mouth and sit on a chair. They hug the hero of the day and the photographer must photograph them. Once the photo is taken, the participant takes off the cap and takes out the pacifier and places it all on a chair. Then the second team members do the same. In the end, whichever team is the first to be able to photograph everyone with the hero of the day in such an outfit, wins.
If possible, you can immediately show the resulting photos on a large screen, for example, on a projector or TV. All the guests will laugh out loud at the photos of themselves in caps and with nipples.

A small scene for the hero of the day.
In order not to put the camera far away, we will arrange a photo session for the hero of the day.
The presenter says:
- Our hero of the day is a real man. He is the one with whom nothing is scary. He is someone with whom you are not afraid to be in any place in any situation. Look, you are in the wild west, and our hero of the day is a real cowboy! (the celebrant wears a cowboy hat and is photographed)
But here you are in Hollywood, on the red carpet, and our hero of the day is a real movie star! (the hero of the day is dressed in a stylish hat and photographed)
And now we are behind enemy lines, in the hottest spot. But our hero of the day is not afraid of anything, he is a real colonel! (the hero of the day wears an officer’s hat and, if possible, a colonel’s jacket and is photographed)
But no matter what our hero of the day is, he will never be able to do without his male friends! (all men approach the hero of the day and have their photograph taken)
And our hero of the day cannot imagine his life without women! (all women approach the hero of the day and have their photograph taken)
This is how he is, our hero of the day today - a man of all kinds! I suggest you return to the table and drink to him!

Competition 3.
Now you can dance. And at the same time play an interesting game called “spring in our hearts!” The presenter distributes numbers with numbers to the participants. Men have their numbers, women have their numbers. It is important to make sure that one man and one woman have the same numbers, so that there is a couple on the dance floor: a man and a woman.
And also hand out details for the numbers. You will find out what details are below. So, let's begin.

First numbers (song sounds - J. Band. Unlike dreams...)
Look how the girl enjoys spring! She is dancing. She spins and waits for her boyfriend. And here comes our guy 9 a man comes out with a can of beer in his hand and with dried fish wrapped in newspaper. They dance an original dance to this song).

Second numbers (the song plays - oh my God, what a man)
And this girl fell in love with a guy her family doesn’t like. But she loses her head when she sees him! (a man comes out who looks like a bandit, for example, the main character of the series “Fizruk”. They dance their original dance)

Third numbers (song sounds - M. Zero. I'm walking, smoking)
But in this couple it’s the other way around – the man goes crazy with love for the girl. And she, well, you can see everything for yourself (the girl comes out with a big cigar in her hands. She smokes, and they dance their original dance together)

Competition 4.
Everyone will like this competition. In this competition we will find out who really knows the hero of the day the most. All guests participate. The host asks a question, and each guest answers it. After which everyone looks at the correct answer.

Question 1.
- what is the height of the hero of the day in Alenka chocolates?
When all the guests have given their answer, the presenter takes the Alenka chocolate bar and uses it to measure the height of the hero of the day. Whoever guessed correctly gets this chocolate bar.
Question 2.
- length from the elbow of the right hand to the end of the middle finger of the right hand?
When all the guests have answered, the host uses a tape measure to measure the distance. Whoever guesses correctly receives a roulette as a gift.
Question 3.
- weight of the hero of the day in bananas?
When all the guests have answered, the scales are brought out. First, we will find out the weight of the hero of the day, and then the weight of one banana. Using simple mathematical operations, we will find out how many bananas the hero of the day will weigh. Whoever guesses correctly receives a kilogram of bananas as a gift.

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To celebrate his 60th birthday, a man needs a cool script; you can make it yourself at home. There will definitely be a person in the family who will take on the role of leader. A memorable holiday can be organized without a toastmaster or renting a cafe; you just need to prepare responsibly.

Beginning of the anniversary

Before the start of the holiday, you need to decide who will help the presenter and what items should be purchased for the competitions.

Characters and accompaniment

Because the holiday will be held in a home environment, there will be few characters:

  1. The hero of the day.
  2. Wife and children of the birthday boy.
  3. The presenter and his assistant, who will turn on the music.
  4. The rest of the guests.


Because During the anniversary, competitions and dress-up skits will be held; the following will be required:

  1. Bunny hats for a dress-up competition.
  2. Tickets with questions.
  3. Printed banknotes.
  4. Baskets.
  5. Bag for forfeits.
  6. Diploma of the hero of the day.

Congratulatory part

We wait until all the guests arrive and, led by the hero of the day, sit down at the table.

Host: Hello, friends! Let's start our holiday. Let's not waste time, let's raise a glass to the health of the birthday boy. Personally, I would like to wish you happiness, health, vigor and fun. So that you live wonderfully, do not know troubles and everyone gathers in this family circle as often as possible. Happy birthday!

At this time, the music turns on and everyone starts singing the song “Happy Birthday”, while clapping their hands.

Let me say a few words,

Sixty years have passed since birth,

Everyone understands and knows that he is a golden man!

And a congratulatory word goes to his beloved wife.

After the poem, the wife of the hero of the day stands up and makes a toast. She talks about their life together, how they met, and other stories. The wife gives the hero of the day a gift.

Host: Every year, day after day

(name of the hero of the day) was a great guy.

And in the family he earned the right to be called a father!

And he always tried honestly,

So that there is prosperity in the family,

So let the children talk about it!

The father is congratulated in turn by his sons, daughters and their spouses. The leader calls each family member by name. Then gifts are given.

Despite the round date,

Our birthday boy is young and fresh.

If we hadn't seen our grandchildren,

They wouldn’t even know how old you are!

You would never have guessed

But you told us a secret.

And now your grandchildren want to congratulate you!

The grandchildren take turns congratulating their grandfather and presenting him with gifts. If there are small children in the family, then they can also give their children’s crafts to their grandfather.

After all the relatives of the birthday boy have congratulated him, the floor is given to other guests. The hero of the day listens to the toasts of his friends, and this concludes the congratulatory part.

Game and competition part


The presenter takes turns holding competitions.

Competition No. 1 “Poem for the birthday boy”.

Guests are divided into 2 teams, approximately 5-7 people each. They are given a little time to write a poem that will praise the hero of the day. The text should contain the words: anniversary, schoolboy, life.

While the guests are composing the text, the wife of the hero of the day can bring out new dishes or remove excess dishes.

After the poem is ready, the host reads it out, and the rest of the guests choose the winner.

As a prize, team members are given tokens, which they can exchange for a gift at the end of the evening.

Competition No. 2 “Melt the ice.”

Three men are participating in the competition. Everyone is given a piece of ice. The participants' task is to melt the ice as quickly as possible. Happy music plays during the competition. The person who can melt the ice first is given a token and a gift.

Competition No. 3 “60 compliments”.

The leader must form 2 teams, each with 5-6 people or more.

The birthday boy should hear 60 wishes and warm words. Each team must quickly come up with 30 compliments. The participant who gives a compliment receives a token.

Competition No. 4 “Guess the Guest”.

The presenter selects 10 people of any gender. They line up. The hero of the day is blindfolded. He must approach each person and shake their hand, and if there is a woman in front of him, then kiss her hand. After this, the hero of the day guesses which of the guests is standing in front of him.

Competition No. 5 “Say a tongue twister.”

The presenter distributes sheets of paper to the participants on which tongue twisters are written. Each person in turn must read it quickly and without hesitation. The one who managed to do it better than the rest wins.

Dressing up scenes

For this scene, the presenter gives several men hats with bunny ears and baskets. Printed dollars are scattered across the floor.

Host: Bunnies, do you want our hero of the day to be rich?

The hares answer: Yes.

Host: Then you need to collect all the greens and put them in the birthday boy’s pockets. Ready?

They play the song “We Don’t Care.”

Guests must collect scattered dollars from the floor while playing music and put them in a basket. The one with the most banknotes wins.

Host: Dear (name), I wish you that your pockets will always be heavy. Let's drink to that!


The presenter takes out a bag containing pieces of paper with tasks. Each guest takes out a piece of paper and does what is written there.

Examples of tasks:

  1. Scratch the neighbor's ear on the left.
  2. Name 2 things that a person wears but is not visible to others.
  3. Say words of love to the big toe of the hero of the day.
  4. Say a tongue twister in a gentle voice: “They took off Nadezhda’s colored clothes, Without clothes, Nadezhda does not attract as before.”
  5. Drink what is in the glass of the neighbor on the left.
  6. Kiss all guests on the cheek.
  7. Dance lezginka.
  8. Grunt any song.
  9. Sing a song while holding your nose.
  10. Eat a banana while another person holds it.
  11. Tell the hero of the day 15 wishes.
  12. Tell what animal each of those present is like.
  13. Portray any actor or singer.
  14. Talk about what you do every day at work or school.

Humorous riddles

The host approaches the guests one by one and asks them tricky riddles. People with a good sense of humor like this comic program.

Examples of riddles:

  1. What does the watchman do when a sparrow sits on his hat? (Sleeping)
  2. Who can't get their hair wet in the rain? (Bald man.)
  3. Who has one eye and one horn, but is not a rhinoceros? (Cow when she peeks around the corner.)
  4. If you are sitting on a plane, and you have a horse in front and a carriage behind you. Where are you? (On the carousel.)
  5. Why doesn't a chicken have breasts? (Because the rooster has no arms.)
  6. Why does Koshchei have no children? (Because he has only one egg, and that is located far away.)
  7. Blue gold, what is it? (When the wife came drunk.)
  8. Who has a mustache longer than their legs? (Cockroach.)
  9. For whom does the president even take off his hat? (In front of the hairdresser.)
  10. If you cut bread into 3 pieces, how many cuts should you make? (2.)

Everyone who gives the correct answer is awarded a token.

Song competition

To make the holiday atmosphere more fun, a song competition is organized.

Competition No. 1.

Two teams of 2-3 people are formed.

Any popular song that everyone has heard is turned on. The guests begin to sing, while pronouncing the words in different ways.

The team whose participants sang the song louder, funnier and more fun wins. The presenter gives them all tokens.

Competition No. 2.

It is carried out while sitting at a table. The guests are divided into pairs. A popular song comes on and each couple sings a few lines. The pair that sang the best gets the tokens.


Competition No. 1.

Music from different countries is included, for example: Georgian, Arabic, Turkish, etc. Guests dance to every song. The one who dances best is awarded a token.

Competition No. 2.

To involve all the guests, the host arranges them in one line. To the music, the presenter shows the first movement, and the guests repeat. Then - the second movement. There should be 5-7 movements in total - and then you get a catchy dance.

Competition No. 3.

The host asks the guest to take out a piece of paper from the bag on which it is written which dance to dance. It can be tango, lambada, lezginka, waltz, etc. The music turns on and the participant dances, the presenter hands over a token.

Finale of the anniversary

At the end of the evening, guests count their tokens. Whoever has the most wins a prize - a bottle of champagne.

The host says the words: “Thank you to all the guests for the evening. Once again, congratulations to (name) on her anniversary.” The hero of the day is awarded a certificate.

If young people prefer to celebrate their birthdays in nightclubs and other entertainment places, then representatives of the older generation limit themselves to restaurants and home gatherings. However, both of them want their birthdays to be truly fun and unforgettable. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are really interested in all kinds of competitions and games that can be held for a birthday. So if you are going to celebrate 60 years, then you will probably be interested in games and competitions that are ideal for such a serious date.

160 candies

A wonderful competition for 60 years, which will amuse all the guests and delight the hero of the day. To carry it out, you will need to purchase several kilograms of chocolates, so that in the end there will be at least 160 pieces.

The host puts 60 candies in one bag and invites guests to guess how many pieces there are in it. If no one guesses what the idea of ​​the competition is, then the participant who named the closest number wins. After each of the guests has named his version, the host announces that the bag contains exactly 60 candies, each of which corresponds to one year of the hero of the day’s life. The winner is awarded a bag with these sweets.

After the first bag is played, the presenter brings out the second, which contains 100 candies. Now he asks the same question not to all the guests, but only to the hero of the day. Regardless of what answer he gives, the presenter hands him a bag and says that it contains exactly 100 candies. After this, the host and guests wish the hero of the day to live at least 100 years.

60 steps

Another fun competition that is ideal for celebrating a 60th anniversary. Since the competition is quite complicated, you need to prepare in advance a good present that will go to the winner. You don't need any other attributes to carry it out.

The “60 Steps” competition can only be held in large halls. Its essence is that participants need to walk 60 steps to the hero of the day and shake his hand (man) or kiss him on the cheek (woman). However, this task is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that during the competition the hero of the occasion can get up from his seat and change seats five times, so it will be quite difficult to get to him.

During the competition, participants are allowed to take steps of any length. Well, the winner is the participant who managed to calculate the length of his steps and reach the hero of the occasion within 60 steps.

60 nicknames

People quite often call each other affectionate nicknames that are associated with the animal world. Most often, such nicknames are invented by couples in love to emphasize their tender attitude towards their partner. However, such nicknames can be used to call everyone, including your hero of the day.

The host gives each guest a piece of paper, a pen and 5 minutes of time. After this, he divides the guests into two equal teams. The task of each team member is to come up with and write down as many affectionate nicknames as possible for the hero of the day, which are associated with the animal world. After the time has expired, the presenter collects the records and the nicknames begin to be counted. Only original nicknames from different members of the same team are counted. So, for example, if two team members wrote “Kitten,” then this nickname is counted once.

The winner of this competition is the team that, through their joint efforts, managed to come up with 60 or more original nicknames for the hero of the day.

60 coins

For this competition you need to stock up on change. You must have sixty moments of different denominations, but no more than five types. All coins are poured into one large basket, and five empty containers are placed next to it.

The participants' task is to sort the coins into different containers as quickly as possible. However, this should not be done haphazardly, but following a clear rule - one container should contain coins of the same denomination.

Guests participate in the competition one by one, and the winner is determined using the host’s stopwatch. Victory is given to the one who managed to parse the coins the fastest. The winner gets a bag of coins.

60 things go under the hammer

For this memorable 60th birthday contest, you need to buy sixty different souvenirs in advance, such as toy cars and phones, counterfeit money, postcards, pens and other things. Towards the middle of the anniversary celebration, the host announces the start of the auction. He says that over sixty, the hero of the occasion has acquired a lot of things that he wants to get rid of right now through an auction.

The presenter announces the start of the auction and begins to put up lots for sale. However, he does not introduce them, but only names what exactly is being sold. For example, he can say: “The car of the hero of the day is now up for sale.” But, in fact, the guest who purchased this item will be given a toy car. Therefore, starting prices for lots should be ridiculous.

Unlike similar competitions that are held at weddings, the goal of this game for 60 years is not to earn money from sold souvenirs, but to have fun with all your heart.

60 facts: true or false

Before holding this competition, the presenter must talk to the hero of the day in advance. This needs to be done so that the future birthday boy can name thirty reliable facts about himself. It is advisable that most of these facts are difficult to believe. For example, if in sixty years a person has not had time to try this or that popular dish, for example, pizza, then this fact must be written down. After all, it will be difficult to believe. In general, you need to seriously think about selecting truly incredible facts from a person’s life.

After the presenter and the future hero of the day select thirty incredible facts about the hero of the occasion, they will need to invent 30 “facts” that have nothing to do with the person. All these made-up “facts” must be similar to the truth. For example, if a person has never been to Moscow (St. Petersburg, Kyiv) in sixty years of life, then it must be written down that the hero of the day was in this city.

At the celebration itself in honor of the celebration of 60 years of the hero of the occasion, the host announces that a competition will now be held for knowledge of the life of the hero of the day. The guests' task is to guess when the host names a true fact from the life of the birthday person. That is, they need to distinguish truth from lies. To do this, the host asks each guest individually so that he has the opportunity to determine the winner. For each correct answer, when the guest managed to find out the truth, the host gives him an impromptu “trick”, for example, candy. The winner is the guest who knows the hero of the day so well that he managed to guess the largest number of true facts about him.

60 grams for guests

A fun competition that will lift the spirits of all guests at a sixty-year anniversary party. To carry it out, you need to take several identical glasses and a couple of bottles of mineral water. The presenter calls the participants one by one, each of whom needs to be blindfolded. The participant is blindfolded and asked to pour 60 drops of water into each glass. The winner is the participant who managed to “add” approximately the same amount of liquid to all glasses.

Good afternoon. We are glad to present to your attention a ready-made scenario for the 60th anniversary, which can be held both at home and in a cafe. Cool skits, fun competitions, unforgettable impressions - that's exactly what you get!


You are sixty today
I want to raise a toast to this
You've done a lot along the way
So much happiness in the middle
Your glorious anniversary!
I wish you everything:
Health, happiness and love
Let your cherished dreams come true
Grow above others
And always live at “five”
May fate give you joy
And all the trouble passes by
And let the laughter of friends and family today
It lasted all evening and didn’t stop by nightfall!

And we present our wonderful hero of the occasion with the “Happy 60th Anniversary” medal.

Next, toasts are made by family and friends. The host makes sure that everyone says congratulatory words to the birthday boy.
This cannot be delayed for long. You can take a break after 3–5 toasts and while everyone is still thinking sensibly and understanding, you can tell some interesting information.


Do you know the classification of age groups? Oh, this is very interesting. One of the latest looks like this:
Young people - up to 40 years old
Middle-aged people – 59
Aging citizens – 74
“Young” centenarians – 89
“Old” centenarians - more than 90 years
And only “old” centenarians have the right to sometimes feel sad with the poet:
The charm of youthful days,
Happiness timid light,
Trembling, girlish breath.
Where is everyone? It was - no.
So let’s drink to the fact that we too will live to the age when we can be sad!
Several guests are given the floor.


A little more interesting information so that your brain doesn’t relax, because many more surprises await you!
So, among those who have long since crossed the 80- and even 90-year mark and at this age remained a world leader in their profession, we can cite the names of such centenarian giants as:
And many others, this list is very large.
But when one day some reporter met the famous Rubenstein in the Bois de Boulogne near Paris, he did not ask what the great pianist owed for such a long creative path. “I love life passionately,” replied the 90-year-old virtuoso and hurried to prepare for the evening performance.
A person needs contact with beauty if he wants to live long and happily.
So let's drink to the wonderful!

After the next toasts, pre-prepared guests or relatives (at your discretion) congratulate the birthday person with a song.

“Happiness is suddenly in silence”

We knocked on your door in silence.
Were you waiting for us or not? We want to check.
The table is set and there are so many friends sitting here,
That means everything is fine, that means the anxiety is gone.

On your birthday, open the door,
Look how many friends there are here.
Everyone came to congratulate you
From the heart, as before, loving.
Don't look at your age.
We still have a long way to go.
We still have meetings ahead of us.
Happy Anniversary, (name)!

It took us a long time to decide what to wish for you.
So that there is no sadness in your life,
So that happiness comes into your home more often,
So that there are just as many friends at the table.

We wondered for a long time what to give you.
We got you a lottery ticket.
Is there no happiness in him, let fate judge,
Let the gift from us not be in vain.

The guests continue to raise toasts to the birthday boy.


Now let's do a little math workout. After all, you want to know how many years of life you can extend for yourself and, conversely, how many years are you stealing from yourself?
Factors influencing uv. years mind years
life expectancy
accommodation in the city - 5
rural areas 5 -
live alone, without a partner - 5
each child 2 -
every kilogram of excess body weight - 3 months.
Increased blood fat levels:
women - 3
men - 3
All four of your ancestors lived to be 80 years old 4 -
Mother lived to be 90 years old 3 -
Father lived to be 90 years old 4.5 -

We've done the math, and now let's drink to our hero of the day. May he live happily ever after!
Now let's hold a competition for our favorite hero of the day!

We place a certain number of potato tubers (5-7 pieces) on a chair and cover it with material or newspaper. All this is done so that the birthday boy does not see. After this, the hero of the occasion is invited, and we invite him to sit on a newspaper under which there are potatoes on a chair, fidget while sitting and determine how many potato tubers there are. For this we present him with the “Best Mathematician” medal.


Let's compose a little for our hero of the day! But first we will divide into 2 teams.

Having divided the guests into 2 teams, we ask them a rhyme, to which they must come up with a rhyme, but characterize or congratulate the birthday person.

For example rhyme:
he always runs boldly forward
and never trembles like a hare!
Examples of rhyme for the competition:
First tour:
For the first team: sun, window
For the 2nd team: fate, misfortune
Second round:
1k.: ceiling, son
2k.: wreath, boot
Third round:
1k.: with you, with a mustache
2k.: Monomakh, scope

The team that comes up with the most original and fun poems wins.


So as not to relax, let's train our brain gyrus a little more! We will hold a ditty competition. The teams remain the same.
Each team is invited to come up with three ditties for the hero of the day and sing them. The team with the most fun and playful ditties wins! If team “A” won the previous competition, then “B” will win this one, so that there are no hard feelings.
So that the birthday boy does not get bored at this time, you can offer him to write a poem or ditty for dear guests who try so hard for him.
After this competition we have a guest! A very mysterious lady, in an interesting hat, in a tailcoat.


Knowing that we are celebrating a wonderful anniversary today, a stranger came to see us, this wonderful lady. But she is not simple, but she can read minds. And now, our dear guest, will tell us what and who thinks!


You're right, honey! It's all true! Believe it or not, I can guess thoughts from a distance. I'll tell you the whole truth, who thinks and what...

He approaches one of the guests, a representative of the older generation. AND speaks:

Here is this young man, handsome and handsome, thinking about what a delicious salad the mistress of this house has prepared, but his wife will not be able to do such a thing...

Approaches another guest.

This young and ruddy man thinks about what a good man the owner is...

Coming to the third.

This lady is thinking about how lucky her wife is to have such a husband as the master of the house.

Coming to the fourth.

And this beauty is wondering where the mistress of the house bought such a wonderful dress.

And so with all the guests. The more fun the better.


She told me everything, revealed all the secrets. I’ll drink a shot and go on wandering.

The wanderer leaves, the guests see her off. The presenter continues the celebration.


And now it's time for the birthday boy's wife. First of all, let us thank her for such an excellent holiday, for delicious food that no other restaurant can compare with. She did all this for her beloved and only husband.
And now it’s time to find out how she really sees her husband. We will blindfold her, give her a felt-tip pen, and (says the name of the birthday boy’s wife) she will have to draw a portrait of her beloved husband on a piece of paper.

The birthday boy’s wife draws a “portrait” of her husband. Upon completion, she is awarded a medal “For loyalty and devotion to the ideal.”
The competition takes place with music and the support of guests. After the medal is presented, the guests applaud.


Yes, our dear hero of the day got a good wife, attentive and faithful. And what about the birthday boy himself? Is he that attentive to his wife? We'll check this now.

The presenter invites the hero of the day to go to the center of the room.

Let's blindfold today's birthday boy, and let him find with his eyes closed, among five beautiful women, the one with whom he once decided to link his fate.

Five representatives of the fair sex line up in the center of the room. The hero of the day must approach each one in turn and guess, without removing the blindfold, which woman is his wife. For the correct answer, the birthday boy is awarded a prize - the “Best Husband of the Millennium” medal.

The wife leaves and the presenter turns off the light. At this moment, the wife comes into the room with a cake with burning candles. The cake is placed near the birthday person, who makes a wish and blows out the candles. We turn on the lights and clap the firecrackers.

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